How to Turn Off Google AI and Get Your Search Results Back
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How to Turn Off Google AI and Get Your Search Results Back

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Navigating Google’s world of artificial intelligence (AI) can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to AI Overviews. While there is no direct way to turn off Google AI, there are workarounds to get rid of it. These range from reconfiguring your browser’s default search engine settings to using extensions to block AI scripts. This article provides insights into how to manage AI Overviews on both computers and Android devices to ensure a more personalized and less intrusive search generative experience.

Understanding Google’s AI Overviews

Google’s AI Overviews are AI-generated summaries of search results that appear at the top of the page after a query. This feature is part of Google’s initiative to provide more efficient and personalized search results to improve the user experience. The AI uses Generative Pre-Training Transformer models to understand the context of search queries, generate relevant summaries, and present the most useful information to users.

The Impact of Generative AI on Search Results

Traditional search results are a list of links ranked by relevance to the query. With Generative AI, Google now presents an AI Overview – a summarized version of what it considers to be the most relevant information related to the keyword. This can include direct answers to questions, key points from multiple sources, and similar aggregations of information.

The Impact of Generative AI on Search Results

This may provide a more efficient search experience for some, but it also changes the dynamics of search results by pushing down the traditional blue links that some users prefer. While some may find this feature helpful, others may find it intrusive or irrelevant.

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Google AI?

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Google AI?

The decision to turn off Google AI could be based on a number of reasons. Privacy concerns are often at the top of the list, as AI collects data to tailor search results. Additionally, some users may find AI summaries overwhelming or redundant.

If you’re used to the traditional list of links, AI summaries could disrupt your browsing habits. In addition, AI might not always provide the most accurate or relevant information. For example, it might mix outdated and current data, which can be confusing, especially if you are looking for specific information or advice.

The Role of Privacy and Security in Search

Today, users want to know that their personal information is protected and that their searches remain private. With the rise of AI in search, these concerns have become more pronounced. 

As we explained earlier, AI systems are designed to collect and analyze user data in order to generate more personalized search results. Despite the efficiency and personalization that AI offers, some users may be uncomfortable with these privacy implications

In addition, security threats such as data breaches or misuse of personal information pose additional risks. Balancing the benefits of AI-powered search with these privacy and security concerns is a key challenge.

Improving the Relevance of Search Results

To increase the relevance of your search results, consider refining your search queries. Be specific and use relevant keywords and phrases. Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT can help narrow results by combining or excluding keywords.

Location-based search can also improve relevance, especially for location-specific queries. By specifying your geographic location in Google’s search tools, you can get more localized results.

Another method is query expansion, which involves using synonyms, plurals, or related terms to broaden the scope of your search.

Keep in mind that these strategies work best when combined with the methods mentioned above to control AI’s influence on your search results.

How do I disable generative AI on Google?

There are several ways to control the information you see in search results and adjust the influence of AI overviews, so you can customize your search experience to suit your preferences. 

In this section, we will explore how to remove AI from search results in Chrome, Android, and Safari. It’s not an easy process, but it can help you have a better experience when searching for valuable information.

How Do I Turn Off AI Search in Chrome?

Let’s take a closer look at different ways you can disableGoogle AI on your search results in Google Chrome.

Using Browser Settings to Limit AI Influence

To reconfigure the default search engine options, you first need to understand that these options vary depending on the browser you are using. For example, in Google Chrome, go to Settings > Search Engine > Manage Search Engines or type chrome://settings/search in the address bar. Here you can change the default search engine to one that does not use AI overviews.

How Do I Turn Off AI Search in Chrome?

This method allows you to bypass Google’s AI overviews and go directly to the traditional list of search results. You can also set this as your default search engine for future searches.

In addition to Chrome, similar steps can be followed on other browsers such as Firefox and Safari.

‘Hide Overviews Extension’: A Chrome Solution

The ‘Hide Overviews Extension’ is a useful tool for Chrome users who prefer a more traditional search experience. Designed to remove AI-generated summaries from Google search results, this extension offers a clean, streamlined interface that focuses solely on traditional results.

Another option is Bye Bye, Google AI. Both can be found in the Chrome Web Store or similar platforms for other browsers. Once installed, these extensions will help prevent AI-generated summaries from appearing in your search results.

Bye Bye, Google AI can be found in the Chrome Web Store or similar platforms for other browsers.

To install and configure an extension

  1. Go to your browser’s extension store (such as the Chrome Web Store for Chrome users).
  2. Find the extension you want, such as Hide Google AI Summaries or Bye Bye, Google AI.
  3. Click the “Add to Chrome” or equivalent button to install the extension.
  4. Once installed, manage the extension’s settings according to your preferences.
  5. Run a search query to confirm the removal of AI Overviews from the results.

Once enabled, you should notice a significant reduction in the number of AI-generated overviews in your search results. This allows for a more traditional search experience, with results presented as a list of links, free of AI summaries and insights.

Note that the effectiveness of these enhancements may vary, and they may not completely remove all AI items. It’s also worth noting that these extensions only affect the browser on which they are installed and will not affect AI summaries on other devices.

How to Get Rid of AI Overviews on Android Devices

If you want to turn off Google AI on Android devices, please consider one of the following options.

Using Search Labs to Manage AI Features

In addition to browser settings, the Search Labs platform provides a robust feature management system for AI tools on Android devices. This experimentation space offers a range of AI features that users can opt in or out of, including the “AI overviews and more” experiment.

To access Search Labs, tap the Labs icon on your Android device. If the feature isn’t currently available to you, you’ll see details about the availability of Search Labs. Once inside, you can explore different experiments that may be of interest to you.

To manage AI Overviews, look for the “AI Overviews and more” card and use the toggle to turn the feature on or off. This gives you a direct way to control the use of AI Overviews on your device.

Keep in mind that the availability and quality of these experiments may vary as they are in development. Therefore, it’s important to keep up with platform changes to optimize your search experience.

Android Browser Settings for Non-Google Search

Open your preferred browser and navigate to its settings menu. Look for the “Search Engine” option and select an alternative to Google, such as Bing or DuckDuckGo. These platforms may not offer the same AI overviews and will provide a more traditional list of search results.

Similarly, some browsers allow you to disable search suggestions, which can further reduce AI influence. As always, specifics may vary from browser to browser, so familiarize yourself with your browser’s settings to get the best results.

How do I remove AI from search results in Safari?

For those of you looking for ways to turn off Google AI on Safari, here’s some actionable advice you can use.

Saying ‘Bye Bye’ to Google AI on Safari Browser

While there is no easy way to disable Google AI search in Safari, there are workarounds to limit its influence. One option is to change the default search engine in Safari settings. By choosing a search engine that doesn’t use AI Overviews, you can bypass the feature entirely.

Another approach is to use private browsing mode, which limits data tracking and may reduce the personalized AI content you receive. Note that these methods do not directly disable AI Overviews, but can help you get a more traditional search experience.

Reconfiguring Default Safari Options

To reconfigure the default Safari options, select Safari > Preferences > Search and choose from the available search engines. This may limit AI Overviews by using a search engine that doesn’t offer this feature. Note that these changes affect all of your searches, not just those using AI Overviews. Explore these settings in your browser to understand how they can help you manage AI’s influence on your search results.

Blocking AI Scripts for Enhanced Control

To gain more control over search results, consider blocking AI scripts. This method requires a more technical approach and is not recommended for those unfamiliar with web development. By blocking the scripts, you’re essentially preventing the AI summaries from loading, resulting in a more traditional search experience.

You can do this by using a script-blocking extension or by manually blocking the scripts in your browser’s developer tools. However, that blocking scripts may affect other features of the site. So it’s always a good idea to proceed with caution. The effectiveness of this method depends on the specific scripts that Google uses for AI ads, which may change over time. Therefore, it’s important to keep track of these changes to ensure the continued effectiveness of this method.

Keep in mind that blocking AI scripts is just one of many strategies you can use to manage the impact of AI on your search results.


We said at the beginning of this article that there is no easy way to turn off Google AI. However, depending on the system you use to search Google, you may be able to. Especially if you use Chrome, Android, or Safari. 

If you’re one of the users who feels overwhelmed by the amount of information, or you just want to protect your privacy, following these steps will help improve your search experience. But if you haven’t made up your mind about these AI overviews, we encourage you to really consider turning them on. 

For one thing, the information they share isn’t always reliable or up-to-date. On the other hand, it gets in the way of valuable information that could help answer your questions or concerns.

We hope this guide is helpful and opens the doors to a better Google search experience. And if you’re looking to improve your search engine rankings, don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the SEO agencies that have partnered with us.

Key Takeaways on Disabling Google AI Overviews

  • Understanding AI Overviews: Google’s AI Overviews are summaries of search results meant to enhance user experience by providing relevant information at the top of the search page.
  • Impact on Search Results: AI Overviews change traditional search dynamics by pushing down traditional links, which some users may find intrusive or less relevant.
  • Privacy and Security Concerns: Users may want to disable AI due to privacy issues, as AI collects and analyzes personal data, posing potential security risks.
  • Refining Search Queries: Improve relevance by using specific keywords, Boolean operators, and location-based searches.
  • Disabling AI on Different Platforms:
    • Chrome: Change the default search engine in browser settings or use extensions like ‘Hide Overviews Extension’ or ‘Bye Bye, Google AI’.
    • Android: Use Search Labs to manage AI features or switch to non-Google search engines in browser settings.
    • Safari: Change the default search engine in Safari preferences or use private browsing mode.
  • Blocking AI Scripts: A technical approach to block AI scripts using script-blocking extensions or browser developer tools, though it may affect other site features.

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