SEO Audit Pricing How Much Does An SEO Audit Cost
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SEO Audit Pricing: How Much Does An SEO Audit Cost?

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Your notions behind SEO auditing might be many—perhaps you want to determine how your website is working, detect any issues with the site, or simply gain additional insights.

Regardless of the reason, you must wonder, “How much will I end up spending on SEO auditing?”

In this blog, we will unveil everything from the basics – “What is an SEO audit?” to the more complex information – “Why you must hire a reliable agency for an SEO audit?” and everything in between, even the SEO audit cost.

What Is an SEO Audit?

Just as your vehicle might require regular maintenance to run smoothly on the road, your website needs regular maintenance to function smoothly on the Internet. 

An SEO audit is a procedure that involves a complete assessment of a website from the perspective of search engine optimization. It helps uncover a website’s strengths and weaknesses

Based on the audit performed, you will receive a list of suggestions from your hired agency. These suggestions are typically based on the information gathered during the audit. And are implemented as soon as you indicate that you will proceed. 

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost?

Several variables must be considered when identifying the true price of an SEO audit. 

A simple audit, for instance, depends upon the total number of pages, the scale of the audit, the number of domains, etc. Then, you must choose which type of audit you wish to perform (we will talk about it in the next section) because every kind of SEO audit needs different scopes of work. 

Naturally, as a larger organization, you will pay more for an SEO audit than a small-to-midsize business (SMB) – regardless of whether you hire a digital marketing agency or use an in-house SEO audit platform. 

On average, the SEO audit pricing can be between $650 and $14,000 for an SEO audit for both larger organizations and SMBs. 

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Types of SEO Audits

There are five types of SEO audits that a digital marketing agency might include their SEO audit services such as –

Technical audit

The technical audit evaluates the website from the technical SEO perspective.

A technical audit involves looking for broken links that direct users to 404 error pages or duplicate content that harms the SEO ranking. Technical SEO is a standard procedure that most audit services include. 

Competitive audit

As the name might suggest, a competitive audit involves assessing your and some of your competitors’ websites.

The final audit report is similar to a comparison chart highlighting your weaknesses and strengths. This SEO audit report also displays ways to enhance your website and make it better than your competitors. 

Some SEO agencies utilize additional competitor analysis tools for accurate reporting. These tools compare the websites based on organic traffic, keywords, and more. Advanced tools also offer data-driven recommendations to help you move ahead of your opponent. 

Social audit

Through the social audit process, the agencies investigate your brand’s presence on social media. 

The social audit determines how many people like, share, and comment on your posts on popular social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This professional SEO audit also ensures adding social sharing buttons for your website, encouraging users to share your website. 

Through a link audit, the agency reviews your website’s link profile.

The link audit process involves checking the quality and quantity of links pointing back to your website. For instance, if you own a clothing company and have shared blog posts offering details about styling tips, fashion trends, etc., fashionistas or influencers may have shared your blogs by linking them. 

Content audit

The content audit evaluates the content on the website, which can be anything from blog posts to service pages and even website content. 

Content auditing examines features such as optimizing title tags, site images, and targeted keywords on the page.

However, it is important to note that the tools used by SEO agencies vary, and so does what they audit using those tools. In general, SEO audits include technical analysis of the site. They deal with assessing your website and developing the upcoming steps. 

How Long Does It Take to Conduct an SEO Audit?

The duration of an SEO audit may vary depending on the complexity of your SEO audit requirement and the agency’s experience.

On average, the experts can take between 30 and 45 days to complete the audit. However, some agencies also tend to complete the same audit in a week or two. 

The size of your website plays a key role in determining the duration, too. For instance, a site with 10 to 15 pages takes a week at most. However, if your site features 100 or more pages, the SEO audit might take 45+ days. 

Consider speaking with your provider to determine the exact estimation. 

What Factors Influence SEO Audit Costs?

A variety of factors influence the final SEO audit cost. Listed below are some common factors –

Size of the website 

One of the most influential factors impacting the cost of auditing is the size of the website. As we discussed before, the more pages you have, the longer the audit duration will be. A website with 100+ pages will require more time than one with only 50 pages. 

Perhaps you might be thinking of auditing just a few pages of the website to save a few dollars, but doing so will only give you a partial view of your SEO’s strengths and weaknesses. You may also miss 404 error pages, duplicate content, etc.

Consider requesting a custom quote from the SEO agency if you have a considerable website. 

Experience the agency has

The cost of obtaining SEO audits is also influenced by the experience your chosen digital marketing agency has. For instance, an experienced agency might offer you several perks. 

First, such agencies develop SEO strategies every day. Second, they know the industry standards and know proven tricks to meet them. Third, expert agencies develop actionable reports using tools like Google Search Console that comply with the best SEO practices.  

Agencies with extensive expertise often charge higher rates than those in business for a few years. 

Elements that need auditing 

If you look closely, you will notice that the agencies promote different features of their audits on their websites. Some focus on technical audits, while others emphasize including link audits in their SEO audit services. 

The types of audits the agencies include in their service package will determine the final cost of the audit.

An agency that offers basic technical auditing services may charge less than one that offers comprehensive technical auditing services. This is one reason why you must check what the services include.

Working with agencies that customize the package per your needs is best. This, however, might increase the final SEO auditing price. 

If possible, avoid partial auditing, especially if the SEO audit was last done over a year ago. Or if you wish to revamp your website. 

Size of the agency

The size of your chosen SEO agency will also determine the cost of the audit. 

For instance, an agency with around 25 members will cost more than one with 450+ team members. The cost difference is due to the lower work threshold at smaller agencies, which can accept only so much work. 

Larger companies, on the other hand, can handle a much bigger workload. Their huge teams are capable of taking on more projects, which leads to lower rates of services. 

Implementation process

Besides audits, many digital marketing agencies offer implementation services, too. This means the auditing agency will conduct the audit, generate an SEO audit report, suggest the changes, and make the changes after your approval. Such agencies save you immense time, especially when you have little knowledge about technical SEO. 

The cost of implementation usually varies from project to project. For instance, a 100-page website with dozens of problems will cost you more than a 100-page website with only a few minor issues.

Similarly, the severity of the error and the time the agency invests in tackling it can result in higher SEO audit costs.  

Agency’s turnaround time

Like other SEO services, you can also request an urgent SEO audit. However, rush services will cost you more. If you are okay with waiting a few days, you may not have to worry about this concern. 

The cost of the expedited SEO audit will depend on the agency, your website, and the deadline. For instance, a 50-page SEO audit may cost similar to a 100-page cost, meaning double what you would pay. 

For faster turnarounds, it is best to partner with an agency with a large team of professionals. A vast team can audit the website and implement the changes in time. 

Benefits of Working With an SEO Agency

Save time and money

As a business owner or marketing manager, you might know the importance of time. Without enough time, you may be unable to run the SEO audit properly. You will need external assistance to complete the SEO audit successfully. 

By working with highly skilled individuals at the agency, you can free up your time and avoid costly mistakes you might make without enough SEO knowledge. 

Gain access to expertise and tools.

Hiring a digital marketing agency is like hiring an entire department of in-house experts minus the overhead expenses. And since most agencies have different departments, you gain access to experts in different digital marketing areas

Reliable agencies can handle a wide range of digital marketing services, not just the SEO audit itself. Thus, all your SEO concerns are met under one roof. 

Another thing about partnering with agencies is that they have access to myriad tools and licensed software like Google Search Console, typically included in the package. 

Improve the site’s performance. 

By choosing to work with a full-service SEO agency, you gain the opportunity to resolve the issues highlighted in the audits on time. We all know that even a little delay in updating the changes in this competitive digital realm can cost first-page ranking, click-through rates, leads, and eventually profits.

Experts at your disposal can help you maintain a healthy, well-optimized website that boosts your profits immensely.

Know what your competitors are up to

A professional SEO audit conducted by experts provides an in-depth, closer look at your competitor’s working ethics.

The agency will conduct a full analysis to determine what your competitor is doing differently to rank higher, the keywords they are targeting, the blog headlines they are using to succeed, the hierarchy of their website, and their overall digital marketing strategies. 

You will know what your competitor is doing with such a detailed SEO audit report. The information from such reports can be used to improve your company’s marketing strategy. 

Better ROI 

Even though SEO audit pricing may seem high, especially if you own an SMB, the investment in it will be well worth it. Research conducted by BrightEdge suggested that more than 40% of online revenue results from organic searches

Your choice to invest in a comprehensive website analysis can help you enhance the overall appearance of your website in the organic search results and eventually generate more revenue. 

Final thoughts

It is evident from the blog that the details gathered through SEO audits help make data-driven decisions for the website and business alike. Without a proper SEO audit, you may struggle to comprehend your place in today’s cutthroat digital business marketplace. 

Also, now that you have a fair idea of the cost of SEO audits and the factors that impact SEO audit pricing, we are sure you will feel a little more confident in making the right decision. 

Key Takeaways:

Purpose of SEO Audits:

  • Diagnose website performance issues, uncover strengths and weaknesses, and gain insights.

SEO Audit Overview:

  • An SEO audit is a thorough assessment of a website’s SEO performance, akin to regular vehicle maintenance.

SEO Audit Costs:

  • Costs range from $650 to $14,000, varying by website size, audit scope, and whether performed by a digital agency or in-house.

Types of SEO Audits:

  • Technical Audit: Evaluates website’s technical aspects like broken links and duplicate content.
  • Competitive Audit: Compares your website with competitors to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Social Audit: Assesses social media presence and engagement.
  • Link Audit: Reviews the quality and quantity of backlinks.
  • Content Audit: Examines website content, including titles, images, and keywords.

Factors Influencing SEO Audit Costs:

  • Website size, agency experience, elements needing auditing, size of the agency, implementation needs, and turnaround time.

Benefits of Working with an SEO Agency:

  • Saves time and money, provides access to expertise and tools, improves site performance, offers insights into competitors, and ensures better ROI.

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