Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024


As the world of digital marketing continues to accelerate, we can expect 2024 to be a year full of promise and uncertainty. What digital marketing trends will happen in 2024? How will they influence how companies around the world approach digital marketing activities? How can companies use these changing dynamics to gain a competitive advantage and stay on top of the game? These are critical questions to ask now more than ever. They are essential in a world where the only constant is change.

Let’s examine the emerging and new trends in digital marketing as they could drastically change how businesses interact with their target audiences and markets. Did you know the global AI industry will grow to a whopping $150.2 billion by 2023? Or that in 2022, 82% of all internet traffic was video content? These numbers underscore the revolutionary potential of digital content and technology.

The digital marketing environment of 2024 is a tapestry of invention and adaptability. It will influence everything from the growth of artificial intelligence to the comeback of email marketing. It will also affect everything from sustainability’s rising importance to video content dominance. Join us on this journey to discover the tactics that will drive success and shape the future of key digital marketing trends in 2024.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024 Key Takeaways

AI-Powered Marketing:

  • AI enhances personalization and predictive analytics.
  • Predictive analytics allows proactive marketing adjustments.
  • AI-driven personalization boosts engagement and sales.

Video Dominance:

  • Video content remains dominant (82% of internet traffic).
  • Short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content reshape brand connections.
  • Video advertising shows high ROI, impacting sales and website traffic.

Content Quality:

  • Content remains crucial for effective digital campaigns.
  • SEO and content go hand in hand.
  • Data-driven strategies, evolving formats, and adapting to content demands are vital.

Data Privacy:

  • Heightened concerns demand compliance.
  • Building trust is essential for customer loyalty.
  • Businesses need a compliance roadmap for data protection.

Voice Search Optimization:

  • “Voice Revolution” impacts how people use smartphones.
  • SEO strategies need modifications for voice search.
  • Practical tactics include conversational content, FAQ pages, schema markup, and mobile optimization.

Social Commerce:

  • Blurring boundaries between online shopping and social media.
  • Success requires seamless purchasing, user-generated content, and influencer marketing.

Sustainability and ESG Marketing:

  • ESG principles impact customer decisions.
  • Eco-friendly strategies and transparency give a competitive edge.

Automation in Email Marketing:

  • Email marketing resurgence with automation.
  • Automated campaigns enhance efficiency and personalization.
  • Email personalization involves tailoring based on user preferences.

Trend 1: AI-Powered Marketing Strategy

a. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

While artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a marketing buzzword, it will begin to take on real meaning in 2024. Artificial intelligence has a broad impact on marketing. It will improve everything from customization at scale to predictive analytics. According to MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd., the global AI market will be worth $407 billion by 2027. So, how is AI changing marketing?

b. Predictive Analytics

AI-powered predictive analytics is revolutionizing the way businesses approach marketing. Predictive analytics is predicting future trends and other consumer behaviors and activities. It requires companies to analyze large amounts of data and past customer behavior. This allows companies to modify their marketing plans proactively. It also ensures that their target audience or market is responding to them. For example, Netflix uses predictive analytics to increase user engagement by recommending shows and movies based on user behavior.

AI-powered predictive analytics is revolutionizing the way businesses approach marketing.

c. Personalization at Scale

While personalization is not a new idea, artificial intelligence is taking it to the next level. Businesses can use AI to deliver distinctive offers to their customers. Even customized and engaging experiences are delivered at scale through AI-driven personalization. Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables targeted communication with the right, individualized content at the right time, whether through customized email campaigns or product suggestions.

Case Studies: 

As a result of Amazon’s recommendation engine, we have seen a significant increase in both sales and customer engagement. This strategy uses AI to make suggestions to users. Similarly, Spotify uses AI to create personalized playlists that keep consumers on the service.

Spotify uses AI to create personalized playlists that keep consumers on the service.
Source: Spotify

Trend 2: Video Dominance

a. The Influence of Video Marketing Strategy

The current leader in the field of digital and marketing channels is video content. It made up almost 82% of all web traffic in 2022, and this trend is likely to continue. Video engages viewers, communicates ideas effectively, and increases interaction.

b. Short-Form Videos

Short-form video has been made famous by apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels. They are revolutionizing the way brands connect with their customers. These short films, often just over a minute long, are perfect for short, yet impactful content. They’re great for product placement and sharing advice. Sometimes they even go behind the scenes.

Instagram Reels are great for product placement and sharing advice
Source: TechCrunch

b. Live Streaming

Once associated with gamers, live streaming has become a marketing standard. It gives the viewer a real, in-the-moment connection. It is useful for brand launches, Q&A sessions, and behind-the-scenes tours. Companies can now more easily interact with customers in virtual and augmented reality through social media platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Live.

c. Interactive Video Content

An emerging trend that draws viewers into the story is interactive experiences and video content. The content of these interactive experiences and movies allows users to choose options that affect the storyline. In addition to being interesting, interactive content provides useful information about customer tastes. It provides insights into consumer preferences and user actions.

d. Video Advertising’s ROI

Video is a major digital marketing trend and has a fantastic return on investment (ROI). In Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing 2022 research, eighty-seven percent of companies claim that video has a direct impact on increasing sales. Moreover, 86% of respondents believe that video has increased website traffic. As a result, video marketing is an effective way to achieve digital marketing trends and goals.

Trend 3: Content Quality and Consistency

a. Content as King

The cornerstone of digital marketing is still content. How you say things is as important as what you say. Good, educational, and exciting content is still the foundation of effective digital marketing campaigns.

b. The SEO Connection

SEO and content go hand-in-hand. Google prioritizes content that meets user needs and creates content that provides value. This means that your chances of ranking higher in search results will increase if you regularly provide quality content.

c. Data-Driven Content Strategy

Data-driven brand and content strategies are the most effective. Companies can better target and engage their audiences with their content. To get there, they need to use advanced analytics to study user behavior and preferences. Distribution and content development have a roadmap because of big data insights.

d. The Evolution of Content Formats

Information is dynamic. In 2024, companies will experiment with different forms of digital marketing trends, such as infographics and podcasts. Interactive content will include surveys and quizzes. Staying relevant will require adapting to these changing content demands.

Trend 4: Data Privacy and Compliance

a. Heightened Concerns

In today’s digital world, compliance and privacy are critical. Concerns about the handling, protection, and collection of consumer data are growing. The increasing frequency of data breaches and misuse of personal information has led to the implementation of strict regulations. The most common names of regulations you have heard of are the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

b. GDPR, CCPA, and Beyond

The CCPA and GDPR are just the beginning. Several states and nations are passing data privacy laws. Companies with international operations must navigate a complex web of regulations to ensure compliance.

c. The Trust Factor

Building trust is the primary goal of compliance, not just avoiding penalties. Janrain research shows that  68% of customers will not do business with a company they don’t trust. Long-term customer loyalty can come from building that trust through compliance.

e. Compliance Roadmap

To ensure compliance and privacy in 2024, organizations must

  • Identify the regulatory obligations relevant to their business.
  • Regularly review and update terms of service and privacy policies.
  • Implement strong data protection mechanisms, such as access controls and encryption.
  • Conduct regular assessments of data security procedures.

Companies that prioritize data privacy and compliance are defending their company’s financial assets and customer loyalty. They are protecting their reputation and their customers’ data.

Trend 5: Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization has the potential to revolutionize digital marketing by 2024. The “voice revolution” is a trend that is changing the way people use smartphones and search engines. Let’s examine the key facets of optimizing marketing strategies for voice search:

a. The Voice Revolution

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular as more people use smart speakers and virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. According to Jupiter Research, there will be 8.4 billion virtual digital assistants in use by 2024. The emergence of new voice-activated technologies has led to the “Voice Revolution”.

b. SEO in the Age of Voice Search

Traditional text-based search queries are not the same as voice search queries. When using voice search, users typically ask more detailed questions or engage voice search results in more conversational searches. For example, a user might ask a voice assistant, “What are the best Italian restaurants near me?” instead of typing “best Italian restaurants”.

Businesses will need to adjust their SEO tactics in response to this change. Here are some key things to keep in mind when using SEO strategies:

  • Natural language keywords: Conversational, natural language is often used in voice searches. Therefore, optimizing for natural language queries and long-tail keywords is essential.
  • Highlighted snippets: Voice assistants often provide answers based on highlighted search results snippets. Your chances of being featured can increase by ensuring your information is organized. It should also provide concise answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Local SEO: Many voice searches have a geographic focus. Businesses with physical locations should prioritize local SEO optimization, as customers may ask for directions or information about companies in the area.

c. Practical Voice Search Strategies

To gain more control and prepare for voice search in 2024, consider these actionable tactics:

  • Conversational content: Create written content that sounds natural to listen to. Use a more conversational tone and language to align your content with voice search questions.
  • FAQ pages: Create comprehensive FAQ pages that address frequently asked questions about your industry, goods, or services. These types of pages are often where voice assistants get their answers.
  • Schema Markup: Use schema markup to provide structured information about your business. This makes it easier for search engines to properly understand and display your content.
  • Mobile Optimization: Make sure your site is responsive to mobile devices and loads quickly, as many voice searches occur on these devices.

Trend 6: Social Commerce

a. The Intersection of Social Media and E-Commerce

Social commerce is the result of blurring the lines between online shopping and social media. Users can research, select, and purchase goods and services without leaving their preferred social media channels. This intersection represents a radical change in how businesses interact with their customers.

b. Shopping on Social Platforms

Leading social media sites have embraced social commerce, which is currently booming. For example, Instagram’s shopping feature, which allows businesses to tag items in posts and stories, has completely changed how people shop online. Within the app, users can browse product details and make purchases.

c. Success Stories

Many businesses and marketers have benefited dramatically by adopting social commerce platforms. Consider the success of companies like “The Ordinary. ” This skincare brand grew its customer base primarily on Instagram. They effectively used targeted ads and showcased their products on Instagram Shopping, which resulted in a spike in sales.

d. Integrating Social Commerce

To be successful in social commerce in 2024, businesses should

  • Provide a seamless online shopping experience on social media.
  • Use user-generated content to build credibility and trust.
  • Use influencer marketing to reach a broader audience and influential people.

Companies can reach customers where they spend their time, such as on social media. They provide an easy and engaging purchase option for a better customer experience. To do this, they are incorporating social commerce into their digital strategies. This social commerce benefits both the consumer and the business.

Trend 7: Sustainability and ESG Marketing

a. The ESG Imperative

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are becoming increasingly important when purchasing decisions. Consumers increasingly rely on a company’s commitment and proactive approach to sustainability and ethical business practices.

b. Eco-Friendly Marketing Strategy

Companies are using green marketing strategies to attract environmentally conscious customers. This includes using eco-friendly packaging and reducing carbon footprints. Customers also notice whether the company supports sustainability initiatives.

c. The Consumer Demand for Sustainability

Today’s consumers are more educated and discerning than ever before. They insist on openness about a company’s sustainable business practices. Companies and brands demonstrating a genuine commitment to ESG principles have a competitive advantage.

Trend 8: Automation in Email Marketing

a. The Resurgence of Email Marketing

Email marketing is back in vogue. Email, especially when automated, is making a comeback as a personalized and direct contact method that helps businesses.

b. Automated Email Campaigns

Email marketing automation makes campaigns more efficient and allows companies to send customized messages based on user behavior. Automation increases the efficiency of email marketing efforts. It makes it easier to recover abandoned carts and welcome new subscribers.

c. Email Personalization

Personalizing email is more than addressing recipients by their first name. It means developing offers and information that are specific to them based on their preferences and habits.

Case Studies

Amazon’s automated email marketing efforts have significantly increased sales. They provide customers with product recommendations in their personalized emails. Customers are even notified of updates and customized offers.


Success in the digital marketing world of 2024 will require staying ahead of these developments. By embracing change, businesses and digital marketers can thrive and stay ahead in the rapidly changing digital world. They must also embrace the latest technologies and adapt to the changing needs of their customers. In 2024, businesses have fantastic potential to achieve their digital marketing goals if they have the expertise and strategies to stay ahead.

Remember, Sortlist is your trusted ally in your digital adventure. We connect businesses with knowledgeable organizations and individuals who can guide them through these latest marketing trends. We will help you achieve your goals for your digital marketing strategies in the coming year. Get with the times and make 2024 a successful year for digital marketing.


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