The 10 Best Web Analytics Agencies in Belgium (2024)

Best Web Analytics Agencies in Belgium

Featured providers

  • RCA


    (8 reviews)

    we make people do things.

    Making people do things: that’s the essence of our work. And the essence of our agency. To convince, stimulate and inspire people. We do that by combining strategy, creativity, technology and media. Marketing communication in all its facets, taken to the limit or just beyond.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €10000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Sigli


    (2 reviews)

    Data Science with Purpose, Innovation with Impact.

    Sigli is a dedicated team of developers headquartered in Vilnius (Lithuania); we create innovative software products and provide comprehensive development services and solutions passionately and passionately. Our experience allows us to find and apply an individual and flexible approach to every project we are engaged in, to concentrate on the specifics of our clients’ business and deliver modern solutions with the highest level of quality. Sigli keeps up with all modern technology trends and advances in software development to build long-lasting relationships with our customers and meet the most demanding customers’ needs by producing well-engineered, tailored solutions. Company clients have high expectations for the products delivered. Sigli exceeds these expectations by interacting as a team with its clients. Identifying customer needs and designing complete solutions helps the products to be well received. Our core values: Ownership as an opportunity to make decisions and take responsibility for your work and development. Transparency as an opportunity to share information about work within the team and receive answers to any question about the company, projects, and clients. We openly discuss everything, including the company's financial state at All Hands Meetings every 3 months. Service as a mindset. We treat our employees the way we want them to treat our customers.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €5000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • VALKUREN - Unlock The Power Of data

    VALKUREN - Unlock The Power Of datacertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Unlock The Power Of Data

    VALKUREN - Unlock the Power of Data is a Brussels-based company delivering innovative, tailor-made Big Data Solutions using Data Analytics, Data Governance and Artificial Intelligence services. Our mission is to leverage business performance, automate decision-making and optimize internal processes. Whether you would like to: identify the risk of client indebtedness to take the right actions beforehand identify which type of customer is prone to churning optimize your maintenance process and minimize its costs identify the risk of a quality problem during manufacturing, to act in advance VALKUREN provides the Big Data way to succeed in your challenge . In particular, we provide: dashboards and alert tools to follow the process with the right KPIs & notify you when there is a deviation in the process. simulation tools to measure the impact of a change in the process. predictive tools to take action at the right time based on historical data. prescriptive tools to draw the right recommendations when needed. As a result, we make sure that: your costs decrease. your processes are continuously optimized. your time is saved. your turnover improves. We base our work on three principal pillars: quality, ethics , and transparency . Through these values, we strongly commit to diversity and inclusivity . We take pride in providing high value-added products and services.
    3 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • The Brink Agency

    The Brink Agencycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (37 reviews)

    Experience design agency specialized in Identity, Development, 3D technology and Ai Content creation

    Step into our world, step into The Brink. We turn your business into a meaningful digital experience with identity, development, and immersive 3D technology in order to have a wider audience engage with your message. Turn your ideas into reality with bold & effective Dutch design. Our mission is to make your business look and feel authentic, so it can cut through the competition's noise. Therefore, one case at the time, we will make the crowded digital space more beautiful. The Brink Agency's AI-powered content service offers an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize content creation, unleashing boundless creative possibilities. Our solution empowers brands to swiftly generate top-quality, captivating materials across diverse formats, elevating marketing strategies and fostering deeper customer engagement. Experience how our innovative service transforms the way businesses communicate and stand out in today's digital landscape. We are committed to your digital evolution with astonishing experiences that will make your business more successful. Expand your digital imagination Our services include but are not limited to: Web Design & Development Ai Powered Content (new) Digital Strategy & Branding (Content production) UX / UI Design Visual production (Art direction) App Development (IOS & Android) 3D solutions (Technology and renders) Sortlist Success Stories: The Brink, a multi-award-winning Amsterdam based European studio, boasts a talented team with a history of jury efforts for prestigious institutes like Webby Awards, FWA, and Awwwards. Garnering four consecutive Sortlist Awards, including 2022's "Top Performer," they've earned their place among Europe's elite agencies. Their commitment to creativity and excellence is evident through their "Most Creative Works," "Top Performer NL," and "Prix D'excellence" awards. As an fast growing company we got the Fd gazelle award for 2022, and are on the shortlist for 2023.
    13 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €3000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • DigiTransform


    (12 reviews)

    IT Digitalization, SAAS Development, Digital Marketing, Open ERP Odoo, Cloud Computing...

    | Site : | M : 00 212 6 63 13 95 95 | F : 00 212 5 37 79 99 26 | En pleine dynamique de croissance, nous sommes soucieux d'accompagner nos clients tout au long de leurs projets informatiques. L’agence DigiTransform met à votre disposition une équipe de professionnels qualifiés et expérimentés qui sont en mesure de vous proposer une panoplie de prestations, en ce qui concerne : La création de sites sur-mesure, La création d’applications web sur-mesure (Saas), La création d’applications mobile IOS ou Android, Le design graphique, La gestion de ressources cloud (serveurs, services, data,…), L’hébergement et le stockage (web, documentaire,…), La gestion de la donnée (visualisation, modélisation, conceptualisation, cloud computing,...). Notre richesse se compose avant tout de nos collaborateurs, mais aussi de notre capital d'expérience. Essentiellement issus de grandes écoles d'ingénieurs ou d'universités, de formation Bac+5, chez DigiTransform nous avons le goût de l'effort, le sens du service et le perpétuel souci du travail bien fait. Nous excellons dans des domaines d'activités variés où la compréhension du métier est un élément clé de leur réussite. Nous ne sommes donc pas de « simples » informaticiens mais des interlocuteurs crédibles qui comprennent très vite le besoin du client. Pourquoi faire appel à notre agence DigiTransform ? Spécialisée dans la création d'applications web/mobile et de référencement SEO, l’agence DigiTransform met au service des entreprises de toutes tailles sa polyvalence, son savoir-faire, son expertise et s’engage à vous assurer : Un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivi sur-mesure, Un conseil avisé et une assistance complète, Des prestations clés en main, Un devis gratuit et détaillé, Une équipe dynamique, disponible et à l’écoute, Une maîtrise des dernières technologies web… Notre mission ? Vous apporter entière satisfaction à travers des services de qualité à la hauteur de vos attentes. ...DigiTransform est votre partenaire digital idéal.
    19 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Sweet Globe

    Sweet Globecertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (17 reviews)

    Votre département graphique et marketing numérique externalisé

    Votre département graphique et marketing numérique externalisé ! Fort de plus de 10 ans d’expérience, Sweet Globe met son expérience au service de votre entreprise ! Nous ne voulons pas être une simple agence, mais votre département de marketing digital. De la stratégie à la mise en place des actions numériques, Sweet Globe met tout en œuvre pour assurer une présence en ligne optimale de votre business. Que fait-on ? Stratégie digitale Notre équipe vous propose un plan de marketing digital complet basé sur vos objectifs, votre cible et votre budget. Cette étape est primordiale pour connaître les points d’actions efficaces sur le parcours utilisateurs de vos potentiels clients. Campagnes média Nous vous aidons à atteindre vos objectifs en paramétrant des campagnes publicitaires sur les canaux adéquats. Une analyse fréquente est établie en vue d’optimisations continues visant à améliorer vos performances. Référencement naturel Être visible dans les résultats de recherche est primordial pour votre business. Notre équipe vous propose un service allant de l’audit complet de votre présence organique jusqu’à la mise en place de recommandations SEO spécifiques couvrant aussi bien l’aspect technique qu’éditorial. Réseaux sociaux Une présence professionnelle sur les réseaux sociaux est indispensable. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube,… peuvent être non seulement de belles vitrines, mais aussi être des canaux de trafic et de conversion pour votre business. Notre équipe vous conseille, vous accompagne et vous encadre dans l’activation, l’animation et la gestion de vos réseaux sociaux. Analytics Analyser, comprendre et interpréter les données digitales est indispensable pour s’améliorer. Que vous ayez un simple site vitrine ou que vous disposiez d’un e-commerce, le traitement des données numériques est primordial dans l’amélioration de votre stratégie ! Nos experts s’ occupent de l’analyse et vous fournissent un reporting clair de vos performances, de votre trafic et des opportunités d’optimisation. Emailing De la newsletter au marketing automation, l’emailing reste un canal unique de vente. Fidéliser ou réactiver votre base de données clients, promouvoir un nouveau produit, relayer une offre spéciale,… voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles l’emailing peut être efficace !
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data

Best Web Analytics Agencies in Belgium

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  • Phanes


    (0 review)

    Welkom bij het collectief dat betere digitale ervaringen belooft!

    Phanes is een netwerk van digitale agencies met elk hun specialisatie in een digitaal domein. - PHPro bouwt Magento/Oro webshops en web applicaties op maat - Induxx helpt bij uitdagingen rond product informatie via een PIM systeem (Akeneo) en DAM (Bynder) - ontwerpt en ontwikkelt gebruiksvriendelijke websites en web applicaties via een headless CMS - Smooth is jouw partner rond digtale marketing en strategie - Gumbys implementeert CRM, warehouse, project management,... toepassingen op basis van Odoo - Sidekick is de partner bij uitstek rond branding, UX design & content creatie - Meteor bouwt flitsende webshops op basis van Shopware en Shopify - eWings bouwt Magento webshops en helpt bij digitale marketing en aansluiten van marketplaces Door onze brede expertise zijn wij dé partner van KMO's in Vlaanderen voor de verdere digitalisatie van jouw organisatie.
    2 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €5000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Globule Bleu

    Globule Bleucertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (0 review)
    Globule Bleu se compose de 25 collaborateurs talentueux. Née en 2001, Globule est l'une des agences web leader en Belgique francophone. Spécialistes en stratégie de communication digitale, nous accompagnons nos clients dans la définition de leurs objectifs stratégiques et dans la mise en place des outils les plus performants. Nous veillons à ce que les solutions mises en place permettent à nos clients d'augmenter leurs ventes, de stimuler leur portefeuille d'activités, de booster leur notoriété. Spécialiste en communication B2B, Globule propose une approche intégrée et 'full service', incluant du conseil stratégique, de la création graphique, de l'impression sur tous supports, de la réalisation de vidéos de présentation. N'hésitez pas à visiter notre site et contactez-nous pour une analyse plus précise de vos besoins.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Mirum Belgium

    Mirum Belgiumverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (0 review)
    Mirum Belgium is an integrated agency that mixes advertising creativity with content strategy, social storytelling and funnel conversion . A data and strategic analysis is the starting point for every project. This helps us define a creative approach and gives us a solid basis on which to work with our clients and partners. We believe there is real power in the synergy that exists between a team of generalists and specialists, and that together with an engaged client team, we can create both efficient and unexpected solutions . “Enjoy tomorrow” is our goal : this means helping marketers and brands have a better, more exciting tomorrow in the context of collaborative marketing . We help marketeers be more efficient, brands be more relevant and consumers get something meaningful from their favorite brands. The idea behind "Enjoy tomorrow" means developing exciting and enjoyable content for consumers, as well as campaigns that are memorable and shareable. Contact us to know how your company and brands can "Enjoy Tomorrow"​ .
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Arts Square

    Arts Squareverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (1 review)
    We help ideas come to life. Our agency offers a one stop shop for all your creative needs. You have a concept in mind? You need a team with experience? You are looking to change, develop or revamp your business? You are at the right place. Arts Square combines management consulting, entrepreneurship, data analysis, visionary creative & art direction to create practical solutions for helping businesses answer today and tomorrow's needs. Every client has its own hopes & dreams. Arts Square treats each mission with passion & care with an elegant cutting-edge creative touch. We work with an array of longstanding professional partners which include : publishers, media organizations, online & offline retailers, app & web developers, designers, printers, packaging experts and more. Our genuine international presence gives us the scope and understanding to offer clients 360° solutions across the world to answer today and tomorrow's needs. Yet our agency’s structure and culture means we maintain a personal, authentic, hands-on style. We’re business professionals, so we appreciate the need to produce tangible results that will make the difference for your business. The array of services we offer are :  - Business Strategy - Business Development - Creative and Artistic Direction - Communication Tools - Logo Creation - Corporate & Brand Identity - Stationary Design & Product Design - Presentations, Magazines, Brochures and E-mags - Websites, E-commerce & Web Apps - Apps for iOS, Android, Windows 10 & Mac OSX - Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality apps
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • blue2purple


    (0 review)
    "Our goal is to make the web the most lucrative sales channel of our advertisers" blue2purple is a marketing agency whose performance has redefined digital limits. From Search Engine Marketing (SEA - SEO) to Programmatic Buying and Social Media Advertising, we allocate our media budgets and resources to the opportunities that have the most potential for reaching your goals.  We are convinced that we offer a significant added value as partners and consider transparency, dialogue and reactivity to be the pillars of a fruitful collaboration with our clients.  Skill and experience complete the picture. All the members of our team have Official Google Partner accreditation as well as certification in Analytics. blue2purple is also the first agency in Belgium holding the Facebook blueprint certification. DoubleClick certification is the new standard for professional training in the latest deployments in digital marketing.  Our clients work in an ultra-competitive environment, and we make this our daily challenge. Due to our mastery of all the elements relatedto the rapid growth of the online business sector and to the tools developedspecifically by our firm, blue2purple is now a major player in the field ofdigital deployment.   blue2purple is the agency you have been looking for if: Your company’s growth evolves around digital deployment The digital media mix is geared to optimumperformance Your goal is to reach the highest ROI An understanding of what drives growth is a key factor in accelerating your deployment You are seeking aperformance-based business model      
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Award-winner
    A full service agency with a modern toolkit   Our mission is clear: we make ROI and marketing efforts measurable and optimize constantly. ARK will guide you through the entire communication process by combining strategy, strong ideas and the greatest possible digital framework, aimed at measuring and optimising your ROI. The brand journey model serves as a guide in this process, determining in which phase of the communication process your brand can be found and what we need to achieve the objectives.  ARK’s marketing tips and tools to optimise your marketing ROI. Marketing practices undressed to the core without displaying the faintest blush. To every topic, we have devoted a whitepaper with do’s and don’ts to get you going. Our Brand Journey model: Content Marketing: Marketing Automation: Inbound Marketing: Workshops:          
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • iO


    (0 review)
    We develop user-friendly digital solutions that help our customers grow. Strategic, creative, technical. And ultimately driven by results. Intracto is a Belgian digital agency that offers powerful digital solutions: measurable, well thought-out and technical superior. The multidisciplinary project teams possess all the design, development, strategic and e-marketing skills that increase the revenue of its clients. Sharing knowledge with clients and communities, Intracto strongly believes in using and contributing to open-source software. (B2B, Web & E-commerce, Digital Marketing, Technology, Digital strategy) All for one and one for all. We often say that Intracto is made up of about ten speedboats, each on their own course. While this is true, we know exactly where we want to go: combining our expertise to be the best and smartest agency. Our teams are tight knit. On the work floor and on the dance floor. Online and offline. Bring it on. Focus on expertise and learning. Helping our customers grow means needing to stay ahead of the game. That’s why we constantly invest in training, learning and workshops. We also export our own knowledge: we organise trainings, speak at events and take part in user groups.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • De Marketinggroep is een digitaal  marketing  bureau uit Gent. Onze focus ligt op het verhogen van leads en contacten via inbound marketing, marketing automation , content marketing, social media marketing, Adwords, lead nurturing , emailmarketing en SEO . Voor ons is het bouwen van een web site of web shop slechts een middel om tot meer klanten te komen. Via slimme marketing acties,content marketing, onze tools en onze expertise proberen we samen met uw bedrijf een één op één relatie tot stand te brengen met uw potentiële en bestaande klant. We werken zowel voor B2B als B2C klanten, van KMO tot multinational. Ook voor offline grafische campagnes kan u uiteraard bij ons terecht  (maar dat staat niet zo hip als we dat promoten ;-) Neem gerust contact met ons op om te bekijken hoe we dit samen kunnen realiseren. We zitten dicht bij de autostrade in Gent (filevrij) de koffie (of iets anders) staat klaar. Tags : wordpress marketing automation inbound marketing SEO e-mail marketing content marketing e-commerce marketing web shop social media data analysis performance marketing marketing strategie
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • iSide Online Marketing bvba

    iSide Online Marketing bvbaverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Navigating the online side of your business

    iSide ondersteunt zijn klanten bij hun online activiteiten: van Wordpress website-ontwikkeling tot het uitdenken en uitvoeren van een complete online marketingstrategie. Wij stellen het resultaat van de klant centraal voor een wederzijds succes. Onze klanten zijn zowel kleine als grote bedrijven die vooral actief zijn in de Benelux.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Handlangers


    (0 review)
    The whole point of our business is to add value to yours. Handlangers helps organisations realise their marketing-communication objectives. With strategy at our core, we develop concepts, campaigns and conversion processes. Our team has the expertise to strategize and implement every marketing effort your company needs to grow. We are not here to win awards, we are here to get results. Branding Brand audit / discovery workshop Brand strategy Brand architecture Brand naming Brand identity Content Content Content strategy & planning Inbound marketing content creation Social media content creation Reference & video marketing Demand Generation Value proposition workshop Go-to-market strategy Lead generation & lead nurturing strategy Inbound Marketing Automation Account Based Marketing Demand generation campaigns Marketing automation
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • A2Z support

    A2Z supportcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    A2Z staat voor een aanbod van A tot Z of anders gezegd; van begin tot einde. Niet ieder bedrijf heeft de middelen om een fulltime marketeer aan te nemen en dan staan wij voor u klaar. Tegen een betaalbaar tarief kan ik u helpen met een bepaald project, een tijdelijke opdracht of een langdurige samenwerking. Tot mijn doelgroep behoren hoofdzakelijk kleinere bedrijven, van eenmanszaak tot middelgrote onderneming.  Commercieel aanbod: Marketing, Communicatie, Strategy, Events, Mystery Shopping, Optimalisatie, Coaching Studiebegeleiding: Omdat de studenten van vandaag, de ondernemingen van morgen zijn, vind ik het ook belangrijk deze te helpen met hun studies. Ik deel graag al mijn expertise om deze door te geven aan de volgende generatie. Workshops: Omdat het nooit te laat is zelfs iets aan te leren, geven wij ook diverse workshops. Iedereen kan zich inschrijven aan een aantrekkelijk tarief. We delen onze ervaring, methodiek, tips & tricks rond verschillende thema's en helpen u efficiënter te werken.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • BLAK Agency

    BLAK Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Our confirmed knowledge of advertising will help your service or product to gain a new level. Design is the foundation of (y)our business. In our agency, we have experts in the following fields: Branding ?  Hell Yes! Strategy - Identity - Design Digital ? Of Course. Websites - eCommerce - Social Media Packaging ? Bring It On. Product Design - Packaging Design - Design to Print Print ? This Doesn't Need An Answer. Billboards & Posters - Direct Mail - Magazines UX/UI ? For Sure. Strategy & Content - Wireframing & Design - Responsiveness & Interactivity Video production ? Quentin. Quentin Tarantino. Script & Concept - Production & Post-Production - Distribution   Give us a call or send us an email for more info.   This is our DNA.  Let's define yours. ---   Notre expertise en matière de publicité aidera votre service ou votre produit à atteindre ses objectifs. Nous vous offrons les services suivants : Image de marque ?  Oh Oui! Stratégie - Identité - Design Digital ?  Evidemment. Sites Web - eCommerce - Réseaux sociaux Packaging ?  Emballé c'est pesé! Product Design - Packaging Design - Design to Print Impression ?  Cela va de soi. Panneaux Publicitaires & Affiches - Direct Mail - Magazines UX/UI ?  Bien sûr. Stratégie & Contenu - Wireframe & Design - Responsive & Interactivité Production Video ?  Quentin. Quentin Tarantino. Script & Concept - Production & Post-Production - Distribution   Appelez-nous  ou  envoyez-nous  un email pour plus d'informations.   Ceci est notre ADN.  Laissez-nous vous aider à définir la vôtre.   ---
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Oltre.Digital


    (0 review)
    WE HELP YOU GROW YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE, BEYOND EXPECTATIONS.   BUILD YOUR PRESENCE We enrich your business with endless digital opportunities Plan a  digital marketing strategy Get a stunning  website Launch an  e-commerce Start an  online advertising  campaign Be noticed on  social networks Let  influencers  talk about your brand Determine and measure your digital  KPI     GET BETTER RESULTS If you have already a website, we can help you obtain more from it Improve your website  ranking  on Google and other search engines Measure and increase your campaign  ROI Reach a better  conversion rate Engage with more users via  social media Run a  remarketing  campaign to remind/persuade visitors Increase your  brand awareness  and reach new prospects Analyse your  competitors  and react accordingly   We have more than 15 years of international experience. Yes, when we started Altavista was still a thing. Get in touch for a free consultation, let's discuss your needs and find an optimal solution.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Award-winner
    We focus on measuring, analysing and continuously optimising throughout campaigns with only one goal in mind: more and better conversions. Media buying: Online media strategy Media buying on social media, display, programmatic, video, search, affiliates, ... SEO optimizing Reporting & optimising Insights Web analytics Tag management Social & keyword insights As a part of FamousGrey, the creative advertising agency we have multiple expertise centres in house, and we can use them depending on the brief: Creative teams, designers, copywriters, an influencer marketing team, audio & Video production, a social media team and digital development  
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Digital Experts

    Digital Expertsverified-flag

    (1 review)
    Chez Digital Experts, nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour sublimer votre activité, vos produits ou votre établissement via le visuel et le référencement naturel. Nous sommes en effet spécialisé dans les photos d'entreprises, les photos produits ou les photos portraits, afin de mettre en avant de belles images sur vos différents supports web (Site, Réseaux Sociaux, etc.). Nous sommes également photographes agréé Google, et réalisons les visites virtuelles des établissements en Belgique, au Luxembourg et aux Pays-Bas. Nous comptons déjà 1000 visites publiées depuis le lancement en 2014. Nous pouvons également vous aider dans vos campagnes sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et Google My Business). Nous pouvons également de vous aider dans votre identité visuelle. En effet, notre expérience du marketing et nos compétences en graphismes nous permettent de vous proposer la création d'un nouveau logo et/ou la création d'une charte graphique de vos entreprise, en fonction de vos valeurs et positionnement d'entreprises. Notre équipe est composée de : Jonathan, le fondateur de Digital. Il est spécialisé en marketing digital, notamment l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux afin d'augmenter la visibilité et le chiffre d'affaire des entreprises, Thomas, notre chef de projet. Il est spécialisé dans les visites virtuelles et le référencement payant (via Google Adwords), Kevin, notre photographe et graphiste. Il s'est spécialisé dans les shootings photo professionnel, notamment la prise de vue 360° et les photos corporate/évènements.   Notre expertise du web nous permettra également de vous conseiller au mieux pour développer votre visibilité digitale, en fonction de vos besoins.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • DMI


    (0 review)
    Where agencies provide a wide range of services, DMI pride itself on offering dedicated marketing automation, and only marketing automation. Our single focus allows us to commit our specialized expertise in achieving your success. Not bound by a specific software tool provider, DMI is the party with the know-how to independently advise you on the technology best suited for your needs. Using your tool, we make automation work for you. Believing marketing automation is more than lead generation, newsletters and birthday mails, we assist you in optimizing your investment. Connect to many but engage individuals. PROJECTS Your first step is to define your strategy based on data analytics. Based on this strategy we can give you independent advice to find the right tool for your company. Once your license is open we can start the implementation of the software with focus on quick wins. TRAINING & EDUCATION New people in your team? Want to bring your team to a higher level? Want them to master an advanced feature of your marketing automation tool, need to organise a basic training or just a brush up of their skills? DMI provides personalised training programs fitting your specific needs on your own software instance, ensuring the best results. TECHNOLOGY PARTNER More than 5000 software vendors claim to be in the ‘Marketing Automation’ business. Marketing automation tools are as diverse as means of transportation, from bikes to cars, from airplanes to star destroyers. Likewise, distinct types of marketing automation tools can be differentiated: e-mail automation, lead automation and engagement automation. DMI is your guide! Some of the tools we support include Seligent MC, Adobe ES, Marketo, Watson MC, Salesforce MC, Salesforce Pardot, Hubspot, Eloqua, ... and Mailchimp, Flexmail. Largest marketing automation developers team in the Benelux.  INTEGRATIONS DMI connects your Marketing Automation tool with your CRM, back-office, data warehouse, DMP, website, ERP, webshop, Customer service software, PIM, DAM, social media, custom systems & apps. Make all your relevant data available at a glance for marketing use and share marketing results and insights with your sales and every other department. OUTSORCING It is not easy to right-source your marketing department. Our flexible, fully-trained developers and consultants can easily fill the gaps due to vacancies, holidays, absences or seasonal peaks.  Prefer to outsource instead? We take care of all your campaigns, from building to execution and reporting. Learn more at
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Vous souhaitez créer un site web ou une application , modifier un site existant, y ajouter des fonctionnalités , revoir son graphism e, gérer son contenu ou améliorer son référencement sur les moteurs de recherche? MDS vous aide à créer, gérer et développer vos plateformes digitales tant sur le plan technique que celui de la communication. Notre force réside dans notre équipe locale de spécialistes investis, créatifs et efficaces qui ont à cœur de respecter les délais et les attentes des clients. Notre souci de la perfection et de la transparence nous amène à délivrer un travail de qualité à prix concurrentiel.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • We drive business impact by transforming the way organizations use their data. Data science & AI expertise is what makes us great, business understanding is what sets us apart. We offer following services: Data strategy Data Science & AI Training We are proud to serve some of Belgium's leading players in Retail (ZEB, BENT, Fun, Beerwulf), Technology (Teamleader, Showpad, In The Pocket) and Entertainment (Telenet, Carré). Are you ready to become an AI-driven company? Let's talk!
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Willow NV

    Willow NVcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Nooit zonder social media content met Willow.

    Met Willow weet je altijd wat, hoe en wanneer je moet posten om een gezonde presence op social media op te bouwen. Van eenvoudig posten, content inspiratie tot het beste nieuws van overal op internet. Verspil geen tijd met af te vragen wat je vandaag, morgen of deze maand moet posten. Willow is de tool & coaching die je nodig hebt om inspiratie op te doen, vooruit te plannen en een thought leader te worden. Willow werd opgericht in 2018 en heeft sindsdien een sterke reputatie kunnen uitbouwen als social media oplossing voor professionele dienstverleners en zelfstandige ondernemers. Onze meer dan 350 klanten zijn een mooi bewijs dat ons aanbod werkt voor bedrijven en ondernemers die beperkte kennis en resources hebben.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • PRiZM


    (1 review)
    PRiZM is a digital marketing agency under the SiRCLE group. Using our digital approach, we help small, medium-sized and large companies to develop and implement a digital strategy. How can we help you? Website Everything starts with the creation of your own customized company website. You can compare this with a physical brochure, but online. Via your website you inform both existing and potential customers about your products and / or services. Together we determine the structure that works best for your business. Afterwards, we continue to optimize the website through Google Analytics, A/B testing, ... SEA / online advertising Thanks to online advertising you can actually reach the people who are effectively looking for your product or service. Based on interest, keywords or location, everything is possible. There are different mediums on which you can advertise such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, … Do the visitors leave your website without taking any action? Remarketing allows us to reach out to visitors who have left your website without converting. SEO / Content marketing Creating a website or social media page is one thing, but you have to keep feeding these mediums with new content. Drawing up a content calendar forms a source of inspiration. In addition, we examine together which keywords are important for your website and how successful your website is. Thanks to the analyses and reports we print out, we are always aware of the situation. It does not end when everything is created and implemented. The advantage of online marketing is that you can measure everything. A continuous follow-up gives you a clear picture of which content works and which does not. Consulting If you already have a digital marketing strategy, you can also contact PRiZM when you are looking for a digital marketing consultant for the launch of a (new) project.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   PRiZM is een digital marketing agency onder de groep SiRCLE. Aan de hand van onze digitale aanpak helpen wij zowel kleine, middelgrote en grote bedrijven bij het uitwerken en implementeren van een digitale strategie. Hoe  kunnen wij jou helpen? Website Alles begint met het creëren van een eigen bedrijfswebsite op maat. Je kan dit vergelijken met een fysieke folder, maar dan online. Via jouw website informeer je zowel bestaande als potentiële klanten over jouw producten en/of diensten. Samen bepalen we de structuur/ invulling die het beste werkt. Vervolgens blijven we de website optimaliseren d.m.v. Google Analytics, A/B testing, en andere marketingtools. SEA / online adverteren Dankzij online advertising kan je daadwerkelijk de mensen bereiken die effectief op zoek zijn naar jouw product of dienst. Op basis van interesse, zoekwoorden of locatie, het kan allemaal. Je hebt verschillende kanalen waarop je kan adverteren zoals Google, Facebook, YouTube, ... Vertrekken de bezoekers op jouw website zonder een actie te ondernemen? Via online remarketing kunnen we er samen voor zorgen dat ze terugkeren naar jouw website. SEO / Content marketing Een website of sociale media pagina maken is één ding, maar je moet deze kanalen ook steeds voeden met nieuwe content. Het opstellen van een contentkalender zorgt voor een bron aan inspiratie. Daarnaast onderzoeken we samen welke zoekwoorden voor jouw website belangrijk zijn en hoe goed jouw website hierop scoort. Dankzij de analyses en rapporten die we uitdraaien zijn we altijd op de hoogte van de situatie. Het eindigt niet wanneer alles is gecreëerd en geïmplementeerd. Het voordeel van online marketing is dat je alles kan meten. Een voortdurende opvolging hiervan geeft je een duidelijk beeld van welke content werkt en welke niet. Consulting Als je al een digital marketing strategie hebt, kan je bij PRiZM ook terecht wanneer je op zoek bent naar een digital marketing consultant voor de lancering van een (nieuw) project.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Pàu


    (0 review)
    Pàu is focused on the design and implementation of successful digital products. In our methodology, we give the end user experience a central role, while maintaining a pragmatic approach in relation to technical and business context. Since 2011, Pàu specializes in digital strategy, user experience, creative design, engineering and the implementation thereof in various channels and touchpoints.  
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • WorkerPro


    (0 review)
    De kunst om optimaal aan digitale marketing te doen. Omdat optimale digitale marketing vandaag erg belangrijk is om te voldoen aan de eisen van de klant, werken bedrijven samen met WorkerPro om digitaal te transformeren en om sterke businessresultaten te realiseren.  WorkerPro helpt ondernemingen bij de ontwikkeling van een website en bij het opzetten van een digitale marketingstrategie om diensten en producten efficiënt te communiceren naar de klanten. De kern van onze diensten is de online aanwezigheid van onze klanten en het verder optimaliseren van kanalen naar een digitaal marketingplatform met WorkerPro.    
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • LECCII Creative Agency

    LECCII Creative Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Discover how visions become a reality with a click of a button

    The world of commerce has evolved. Have you? We design and develop stellar websites for businesses of all shapes and sizes so that you too can reap the benefits of going digital.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Millennials


    (0 review)
    Services International marketing strategy Business development Web development App development International marketing strategy Basically for marketing projects we first determine your company goals. We work with a variety of marketing channels like Google Ads, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc... One which we include almost in every campaign because of it’s amazing ROI is the influencers from around the world. Have you ever wondered, how do I get my products to the top-influencers in my niche? You tried to DM/mail? No response right? ...Well, it’s not their fault but Instagram because your messages won’t even make it to their inbox... This can be very frustrating in a lot of cases. We’re here for you. We have our own network with over 1200+ influencers from more than 50 countries and so on. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.   Business development You have this amazing business idea of launching a product or service ? Great! But... how do you get that party started? Where do you start? Have you thought of the supply-chain? Time-management? Marketing? Website? Business cards? Do the numbers add up? Is there profit to be made? Millennials offers you an all-in package where we research every little detail of your product/service, then we work on to the market research, look for suppliers, how to market your product/service the whole nine yards to launch your business. This can also include website or webshop, marketing strategy & content creation for all your social media channels.   Web development Modern Design, clean code and kick ass copywriting that’s the magic formula you need in 2020 for a good start with your website or webshop. Together, we will develop your idea into a digitalized version of it we can share with the rest of the world. Ofcourse all websites delivered by Millennials Agency have standard Google optimization. This means we will provide the right content for your audience so that way you are ranked higher within your niche! VVKVMVZW.BE (Belgian non-profit for medical food specialists) We are specialized in following programming languages: HTML / CSS Java / Javascript PHP / MySql Python   App development Here is a conversation starter; with over 3.5 billion smartphones & 1.9 billion tablets worldwide is it worth it to make an app for your business? For this question we go back in time like 20-25 years back in time. When computers started to appear in the mainstream households. If you were an entrepreneur in that time you were asking the same question. Do I really need a website? Ofcourse he did... The point is the numbers of smartphones and tablets will only rise the coming years so why don’t jump on the train while it just left the station instead of regretting you missed it when it hits top speed. We handle all aspects of app development like UI / UX, front-end & back-end. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.   YES YOU NEED AN APP FOR YOUR BUSINESS!  
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • MayflyApp


    (1 review)
    MayflyApp est une agence digitale mobile-first spécialisée dans les sites web progressifs. Nous créons des applications web sécurisées qui se comportent comme des sites web tout en offrant une expérience d'application native complète sur mobile. Votre site Web devient votre application mobile, aussi simple que cela. Nous vous aidons à construire votre stratégie web et à créer une solution digitale sur mesure qui vous positionne en tant que leader de votre marché. Démarquez-vous de la concurrence et transformer votre site internet en application mobile. EN⬇️ MayflyApp is a mobile first digital agency. We specialises in progressive websites and SEO services to help customers become leader in their market. We help you build a unified digital strategy for desktop and mobile that will boost your business. Your website will be a secure web application that behave like a website while offering a full native app experience on mobile. Your website becomes your mobile app, as simple as that.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Recommended
    Die Serviceplan Group ist die größte inhabergeführte, partnergeführte und am breitesten aufgestellte Agenturgruppe Europas. Im Jahr 1970 als klassische Werbeagentur gegründet, vereint die Serviceplan Group seit jeher alle Kommunikationdisziplinen unter einem Dach: ​Ob Markenstrateg:innen, Kreative, Experience-Designer:innen, Marketingtechnologie-Expert:innen, CRM-Expert:innen, Data Scientists, Marktforscher:innen, PR-Berater:innen oder Sales-Profis bei der Serviceplan Group ziehen alle an einem Strang, im House of Communication, dem einzigen komplett integriert aufgestellten Agenturmodell in Deutschland. Das präzise Zusammenspiel der Vielzahl von Spezialagenturen in Sachen Strategy & Consulting, Creative & Content, Platform & Technology sowie Media & Data macht die Serviceplan Group zur führenden Agenturgruppe für innovative Kommunikation.​ Was uns alle verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft, faszinierende Marken aufzubauen und zu coachen. Marken, die wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sind und Emotionen im Kopf der Verbraucher:innen auslösen — BEST BRANDS eben.​ Der Weg dorthin führt über innovative Kommunikation. ​ Das bedeutet, neue Wege ins Herz der Verbraucher:innen zu finden: kreativ, medial & technologisch. ​Diesen Anspruch, Marken zu BEST BRANDS zu machen, leben wir täglich im House of Communication.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Award-winner
    Plan.Net is the Serviceplan Group’s digital communications specialist brand. It is one of the largest digital agencies in Europe and is focused on data, creativity, technology, media and platform management. More than 1,000 employees at over 25 locations worldwide develop and deliver relevant customer experiences enabling seamless digital customer journeys across all channels. Founded as a subsidiary of the Serviceplan Group in 1997, Plan.Net now handles - always following its own philosophy of "creating relevance"​ - all aspects of digital , interactive and integrated communication, from campaigns, websites, web portals, eDialog, media buying and planning, as well as social and search engine marketing, through to mobile advertising and the development of apps for all mobile devices . The expertise and communications solutions provided by Plan.Net are characterised by creativity, innovation and media and technical excellence - innovative and effective tools and systems are used.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • WDCOM360


    (0 review)

    Webrelated Digital Compliance & Online Management

    Wat kan wdcom360 je bieden? - Algemeen advies rondom GDPR, - GDPR audit - Begeleiding in GDPR - DPO-as-a-service inhuurdienst, - Opmaken van verplicht persoonsgegevensverwerkingregister - Negociatie DPA (data protection agreement) met uw leveranciers en partners om de GDPR regels in een overeenkomst te gieten, en eventueel te begeleiden van een ITA (international transfer agreement) - GDPR advies en Compliancy op alle afdelingen van uw bedrijf - GDPR en AVG training voor alle betrokken en personeel - Analyse en doorlichting van de activiteit, sturing, begeleiding aangaande persoonsgegevensverwerking, - Website conformiteit, - Verificatie van webshop of E-commerce mogelijkheden, of ze voldoen aan de wettelijke bepalingen inzake betalingsverkeer en privacy. - GDPR Raadgeving omtrent digitale communicatie, marketing en content & consentstrategie, - Opmaken van de juiste juridische documenten voor privacystatements, cookiesbeleid, commerciële en betalingsvoorwaarden, internationale verwerkingen... - Samenwerking met uw huidige webdesigner om toch de wettelijke vereisten te bespreken en een analyse op te maken van het gegevensbeheer zoals cookies, IP-adressen, logs, en dergelijke.   Waarom is wdcom360 de beste keuze voor jou? Creative digital consultancy for you ! De enige GDPR spcialist in de Antwerpse Noorderkempen ! Een DPO-as-a-service, huur je DPO in !
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €50 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Adimian


    (1 review)

    Builders, Not Sellers

    Adimian is a software consulting company specialized in both Python and scientific computing, operating in Brussels. Our customers are mainly large companies active in the data-science & finance sector, looking for our expertise. Founded over a decade ago, Adimian is operated by technical people, not sales people. We consider ourselves craftsmen, and find pride and joy in building the best possible solutions for our clients. We build robust, high quality systems, and we build them fast, because we know that time to market is critical for you. Our remote character allows us to be your partner, regardless of location. We think that early shipping, short iterations and good communication are the keys to tackles the hardest problems. But as we know that rushing to code is not always the best option: we want to understand our customer's organisations, discover the issues faced by the users and be part of the reflection to find the best ways to reach their goals.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Fast Retail - Agence de Communication

    Fast Retail - Agence de Communicationcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Spécialiste en communication retail depuis plus de 20 ans

    Depuis plus de 20 ans , Fast Retail s'est développé comme une agence spécialisée en communication dans les réseaux de distribution. Notre esprit d'entreprise se distingue par une idée très forte du service et de la disponibilité vis à vis de nos clients. Nous privilégions des idées qui font vendre , loin des théories et des longs discours qui aveuglent. Une créativité efficace dans le respect des délais et des budgets mais toujours en parfaite concertation avec nos clients. Des projets réalisés avec des clients comme : Orange, Krëfel, Total Energies, Veolia, L'Oreal, BNP Paribas, Deli Traiteur, Century 21, Lampiris, Thalys, Delhaize, Renault et bien d'autres...
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • AQT Now bv

    AQT Now bvverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Wij boosten je verkoop met SEO/SEA - bouwen je Woocommerce webshop - geven webshop advies op maat

    Wat we doen en kunnen betekenen voor u. E-commerce marketingbureau gespecialiseerd in Woocommerce webwinkel, seo (zoekmachine optimalisatie) en SEA (zoekmachine adverteren). Als je op zoek bent naar een seo consultant of Woocommerce webwinkel consultant met verstand van praktische aanpak en actie, dan zijn wij de partner die je zoekt. What we do and can manage for your company. E-commerce marketing agency, specialized in Woocommerce Online store, seo (search engine optimization) and SEA (search engine advertisements). If you are looking for a seo consultant or Woocommerce webshop consultant who knows about practical approaches and action, then we are the partner you'r looking for.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Adoriginals


    (1 review)

    Offline experts, Online helpen

    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data


    (0 review)
    TBSCG is growing fast. Our cloud business is growing, our artificial intelligence business is looking very promising, our delivery and consulting businesses needs talents and our video business can't wait to grow even faster. It’s our mission to be recognized as the market leader in the creation, build, and management of our clients’ data and content management solutions. Helping our customers to be successful now and in the future. Our vision guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. Delivering comprehensive business solutions, on time and within budget. Helping companies globally to improve brand loyalty, productivity and reduce operating costs by ensuring that they fully leverage the capabilities of their online presence, internal content repositories, applications and associated solutions. We are natively digital, we have not evolved to digital. With a team of 95 passionate people, aiming 150 people at the end of 2018. We CREATE definition, architecture and analysis: Business analysis; Architecture and business consulting; Content structure, user experience journeys, process of user-centric design, discovery-concept-prototyping, functional analysis, user testing plans. We BUILD integration and migration of eco-systems: Architecture (system integration, definition and integration of eco-systems, connectors); Web development (CMS, E-COMMERCE, DAM / PIM, CRM / ERP, SSO); Performance/security tests and fine tuning UAT and testing services Project and delivery management service. We MANAGE hosting (multi-clouds solution, devops included): Full hosting and managed services; Corrective and evolutive maintenances; Release management; Full monitoring of the solution Incident management Support av. 24/7/365 by phone, mail, IM and ticketing system; Reporting. Our latest clients include ADOBE, ALAMEDA COUNTY, ARLA FOODS, BNP, BRITISH AIRWAYS, DOOSAN, ENGIE BE (ELECTRABEL), ENGIE FR, FELCO, HERBALIFE, GOOGLE, ISABEL, NATIONWIDE, NIKON, PARTENA, PROXIMUS, PUIG.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • DigitasLBI


    (0 review)
    DigitasLBi is a global marketing and technology agency, blending insight, data, creation and technology to build business value. We take our clients on a journey of digital transformation – from getting the basics just right to leading the market through head-turning innovation. We don’t mind where our clients start their journey. All we ask for is a shared belief that creativity, technology and media can make brands special, sharable and more valuable. We also ask for a commitment to partnering with us as we discover What’s Next together. With over 6,000 experts in 25 countries we’re drawn from a huge variety of disciplines and backgrounds, including creative, technology, strategy and media. And we’re united by our belief that blending our diverse skills produces better, more innovative outcomes for our clients. DigitasLBi Belgium is the digital brand of Publicis.One Benelux, the House of Brands of Publicis Groupe.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Emakina


    (0 review)

    Happy Users makes Successful Brands.

    Welcome at the User Agency Users are the key to your success. Fail them and you will fail, satisfy them and you will succeed! Happy users are happy customers. So, to be successful in your business, you must focus on user experience. The needs and expectations of users must be the lifeblood of a company. At Emakina, we place them at the center of our thinking and deliver what they want - and more! We craft tailored, effective and memorable user experiences We identify users - consumers, stakeholders, the general public, business partners - and help you to meet and exceed their expectations. We create digital experiences and support wider digital transformation that makes Life, Work and Play better, smarter, more enjoyable and efficient for our clients’ users.  The agile agency To satisfy your users, we have to work quickly. Keep learning. Be flexible. Improve and adapt.  That’s why we succeed together , with an AGILE mindset, teaming up with you in 3 service areas...  Business consulting Together we leverage the power of Insights & Consulting and Service Design, in new and constantly changing contexts. Digital marketing Connect with your users and engage them in relevant and inspiring ways... from Performance & Data-driven Marketing, and Marketing Automation, to Creative Communication, Content & Social. Technology Technology is (y)our enabler, to meet user needs seamlessly, intuitively and effectively. You can count on our experts in Web building, Applications, Connected commerce, and Innovation. More than ever, you need tailored, effective and memorable user experiences. Let's connect, and make Life, Work and Play better, smarter, more enjoyable and efficient for your users. The END user FIRST. 
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • idweaver


    (0 review)
    Impactful projects are driven by innovation and passion Your privileged web agency for e-marketing, web sites, email marketing and search engine optimization. For each project, we develop the optimum combination of interactive channels for the achievement of the client's goals in terms of communication and online marketing strategy. Depending on the audience, the target public and even the web communication tools at the client's disposal, we cherry-pick the most appropriate interactive channel/s, from among Website , Blog, Social Media , Newsletter/RSS, E-mail marketing , Display Advertising, Search Engine Marketing , Podcasting/Vodcasting and Advergaming , for inclusion in the online marketing campaign. Boasting a command of the new technologies of information and communication and of Internet strategies and business models, the IDWEAVER team includes IT experts, communication advisers and specialists in online marketing, viral marketing, buzz marketing and social networks The Idweaver strenghts that will serve your business are :  Strategy We analyze your business in order to build together the best digital strategy that meets your needs and the needs of your users. Then, we set up a digital roadmap with a prioritization of action points. Creativity Based on a complete creative framework, we bring your ideas to life. We use the Sprint design methodology in order to define, in the end, a prototype whatever the type of digital project that meets your business needs while respecting the expectations of your customers. Technology We are able to approach multi-platform development from core web technologies to mobile technologies, including hybrid frameworks in order to develop solid, sustainable and scalable projects. Innovation The technological watch and the logic of "Proof of Concept" is in our DNA. We are 100% innovation oriented which allows us to be a force of proposals to our customers. Idweaver opts for a "user centric" approach oriented towards problem solving. An agile approach that starts with the end users and ends with innovative solutions adapted to their needs.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • FamousGrey


    (0 review)
    Famous is a full service agency. One that adapts. That’s why our services evolve all the time. 15 years ago, when the agency was founded, people thought UX was a disease. Now we have a guy fulltime working on the User eXperience of our campaigns. Within our group of 75 enthousiasts, we have specialists for every discipline the advertiser of today needs and for every discipline we believe an ad agency should offer.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • AGConsult


    (0 review)
    We make your website or app better through fact-based research. Turning your visitors into happy customers That's what we do.  Based on research, analysis and testing. If you’re looking for someone who does what you want or what you think is cool, then please keep on looking. Because we’re not here to boost your ego or to please you. We're here for your customers and to boost your revenue. Based on facts and proof. Not opinions, trends or hypes.   Internationally recognized experts For  15 years  now we’ve been making websites, intranets and apps better. PPC Hero calls our co-founder Karl Gilis the 3rd most influential Conversion Optimizer worldwide . In 2016 and 2017 more than 50 conferences worlwide invited Karl to speak about his methodology and cases. Co-founder Els Aerts is recognized as a world authority in user testing . She speaks about this topic at conferences all over the world. Companies such as Microsoft invite her to train their teams.     We work for A-brands Corporate clients include: Suzuki, Toyota, BMW, Carglass, Telenet, TUI, Daikin Europe, Yoast, Bridgestone, Microsoft, Sony, Atlas Copco Non profit and government clients include: Red Cross, Flemish Government, European University Institute, Infrax, Belgium Federal Government, King Baudouin Foundation,  
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • StratéTIC


    (0 review)
      StratéTIC est un bureau d’ experts spécialisés en stratégie web et e-commerce . Notre mission est d’accompagner nos clients vers le succès . Notre méthode unique et analytique (Voir loin, Parler franc, Agir) se veut avant tout orientée résultats Cette approche agile basée sur une remise en question permanente nous permet d’être flexibles, de réagir au plus vite et d’être toujours proactifs dans un univers numérique en mutation permanente. Depuis 2010, nous avons travaillé avec de nombreux clients, provenant d’horizons différents, actifs dans des secteurs B2B ou B2C. Notre offre de service est structurée en 4 grands pôles : Stratégie E-commerce Marketing Digital Web Analytics A noter que nous ne sommes pas une agence web . Notre métier n’est pas de construire ou développer votre site web mais de réfléchir avec vous à vos besoins et à la meilleure façon de développer votre présence sur la toile. Nous vous accompagnons dès le début ou en cours de réflexion pour vous donner des pistes et construire avec vous un plan qui vous permettra d’avoir une vision claire sur votre stratégie digitale . Notre spécialité est avant tout d’accompagner nos clients dans leur croissance via un suivi régulier un processus d’ amélioration continue .  Comme l’architecte, nous coordonnons votre projet et en assurons le suivi mais notre spécialité n’est pas le développement . Nous travaillons pour cela avec un réseau de partenaires qui, chacun dans son domaine, vous apportera son expertise et son savoir-faire.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Expansion


    (0 review)
    Xpand your brand Expansion est une agence belge de communication et marketing qui a pour but de booster la visibilité et l’impact des marques qui lui font confiance. Ainsi, en choisissant Expansion, vous trouvez, en une seule structure, tous les outils du marketing et de communication les plus performants et les plus utiles à votre développement et à votre croissance. Pour répondre à vos besoins, notre agence est structurée en 4 pôles de compétences : Stratégie  Event & media  Branding Digital Nos valeurs fondamentales   UnXpected : anticiper et proposer, c’est notre métier. Nous mettons un point d’honneur à adopter une attitude dynamique et proactive au quotidien. Xplosion : pour que votre marque se démarque, nos neurones fonctionnent à plein régime. Notre objectif ? Vous proposer des idées toujours plus créatives . Xcellence : la qualité est dans nos gènes. Pour vous satisfaire, nous répondons à vos exigences en faisant de l’ excellence notre but ultime. Xperience : en choisissant Expansion, vous optez pour une organisation efficace et une équipe expérimentée résolument efficiente.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Internet Architects is a digital consultancy that assists organizations in optimizing their digital channels, products and services. We are located in Antwerp and Brussels with a solid team of more than 30 experts and 12 years of experience in all domains of Service and User Experience (UX) Design.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Uw gids in de digitale wereld Kingsberry is een full-service online marketingbureau dat bedrijven helpt om hun online potentieel volledig te benutten. De strijd om de klant wordt digitaal uitgevochten. Consumenten en bedrijven zoeken, boeken en kopen op het internet. Een goede digitale zichtbaarheid is daarom essentieel. Onbekend is onbemind, ook op het internet. Onze digitale marketeers zorgen ervoor dat jouw bedrijf niet alleen aanwezig is op het web, maar ook boven het maaiveld uitsteekt en een voorsprong neemt op de concurrentie door alle mogelijke advertentiekanalen optimaal te benutten.    Een marketing strategie van A tot Z De vereisten om klanten aan te trekken in dit digitale landschap zijn niet min. Een gebruiksvriendelijke website, advertenties op o.a. Google, Facebook en regelmatig nieuwe content die toont dat je bedrijf leeft én groeit. Dit is waar het werk van Kingsberry begint! Totale ontzorging Plaats jij de sleutels van je digitale marketing in onze handen, dan beloven wij om al jouw zorgen omtrent je online aanwezigheid weg te nemen. En hiervoor gaan we niet over één nacht ijs. Beginnen doen we met een allesomvattend marketingplan. Hierbij gaan we op zoek naar de juiste marketing-fit voor jouw bedrijf. Er bestaat immers geen one-size-fits-all marketing strategie. We maken een uitvoerige analyse van je website, doelgroep en bedrijfsdoelen. We willen weten waar jouw bedrijf naartoe wilt....en wie het daar wilt tegenkomen. Misschien ben je op zoek naar een grotere merkbekendheid, meer traffic op je website of nieuw talent voor openstaande vacatures. Of misschien een combinatie van enkele doelen? Op basis van die objectieven bepalen wij een strategie en gaan voor jou op jacht.  Ons arsenaal? Mailing campagnes, social media posts of blogs,... wij beschikken over een grote waaier aan digitale vuurpijlen om de aandacht van jouw publiek te trekken. Maar we schieten niet zomaar in het wilde weg. Onze pijlen zijn gericht op de locaties waar jouw klanten of sollicitanten zich bevinden.    Online marketing 24/7 Het blijft voor ons niet bij één salvo. Om een trouw publiek en kwaliteitsvolle leads te krijgen, heb je nood aan continuïteit in je online marketing. Maandelijkse blogs die bestaande volgers informeren, regelmatige retargeting mails gericht op het terugwinnen van een afdwalende doelgroep en een periodieke social media campagne die nieuwe leads genereert. Door die regelmaat in communicatie zorgen we voor een stabiele en actieve klantenbasis. Is ons werk daarmee klaar? Nooit. Wij houden constant het rendement van jouw advertenties en website in de gaten en blijven schaven aan de optimalisatie van jouw digitale campagnes. Ook jij blijft niet in het ongewisse maar wordt regelmatig op de hoogte gebracht. Ziet u een wijziging in website traffic? Wij hebben de verklaring en rapporteren consequent.   One-stop-shop Zoals je wel vermoed, is het onderhouden van deze digitale huishouding geen one-man-job. Ons team bestaat uit copywriters, webdesigners en specialisten in advertentiebeheer. Vele diensten, één locatie. Op die manier spelen wij steeds kort op de bal en heb jij steeds één aanspreekpunt.   Onze klanten Van kledingmode tot infraroodpanelen. Variatie troef wanneer je ons klantenbestand bekijkt. Stuk voor stuk kleine tot middelgrote kmo’s op zoek om hun offline succes ook online verder te zetten. Lees zeker hun verhalen zodat je weet wat Kingsberry voor jou kan betekenen.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Humix


    (0 review)
    At Humix, we always put the user in the center. Whether you're working on an e-commerce solution, a website or any kind of (mobile) application.We believe that you'll benefit from a user-centered approach, as happy users are loyal users. This implies that we will help you reach business goals by focussing on the needs and expectations of your users.  Humix is a User Experience and Digital Marketing competence center of the Cronos group. Humix analyses and improves the usability and user experience of websites and applications.  From our experience with the needs and wishes of the target audience we also help you with the optimising of your Digital Marketing activities. The development of a successful website or application doesn't stop with the launch. We support our clients in reaching their business goals by translating their goals into an actionable approach for social and digital media.  We help them get a clear view on the social media landscape and to find the perfect mix of tools and channels. 
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • The Bakery Agency

    The Bakery Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Changing minds through digital means.

    Waar we in geloven? Awel, in de eerste plaats: in jou. En ook wel in een complottheorie of drie. Maar daarnaast vooral in de kracht van digital marketing. En dat is ongetwijfeld dé reden waarom jij hier bent. The Bakery is het kompas tijdens jouw digitale reis. De bestemming? Binnen handbereik. Samen met jou bepalen we de juiste merkstrategie - en dat doen we telkens op maat van jouw noden en wensen. Naast maatwerk en expertise, houden we ook van een flinke scheut transparantie. No black box, no secrets. Zo bouwen we aan jouw (digitale) toekomst. Samen uit, samen thuis en samen af en toe eens op de lappen. Sounds great? Dat vinden wij ook. Kom gerust eens een koffietje drinken. Wat we doen? Ook niet onbelangrijk! We gaan all-in op vlak van digitale marketing. En we focussen ons daarbij volledig op de beproefde innovatie binnen de marketingwereld. We willen het warm water namelijk niet opnieuw uitvinden, maar combineren wél het beste van de reeds bestaande marketingstrategieën: inbound marketing en digital advertising. Één plus één is drie. Deze focus stelt ons in staat om de beste resultaten te behalen. En die successen? Die boeken we samen met jou. The Bakery staat immers garant voor een transparante en constructieve samenwerking. Sharing is caring. Wie we zijn? The Bakery. Kleir. En eigenlijk spreekt onze track record voor zich, maar dat klinkt een beetje hautain. Wij zijn nieuwsgierig bezeten om te weten en leergierig gebeten om te meten. Amai, lees die zin nog maar eens na. Bij ons vertrekt alles vanuit een gezonde dosis goesting. Goesting om mee te zijn. Goesting om te knallen. Goesting om iets nieuws te proberen. Goesting om samen te werken. Goesting om te verbeteren. En goesting om van jouw verhaal een succesverhaal te maken.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €3000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • De Blauwe Peer

    De Blauwe Peercertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    De Blauwe Peer is een marktgedreven en strategisch communicatie- en design adviesbureau uit Gent. Marktgedreven betekent dat we niet in de eerste plaats bezig zijn met wat we onze klanten kunnen verkopen, maar wel met wat onze klanten nòdig hebben. De Blauwe Peer = websites + logo + huisstijl + campagnes + video + advertenties + copywriting + social media + strategisch advies + grafische vormgeving + drukwerk
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Beejee


    (0 review)
    Beejee Group is an INDEPENDENT communication agency focusing on creating leads and return on investments on any communication investments through a very pragmatic but creative approach in helping small to medium size company to orchestrate omnichannels campaigns focusing on CRM/Data, Branding and Digital skills. At Beejee, we do believe quality is more important than quantity in delivering great insights, ideas and bespoken technology in order to create relationship & entertain them. We also prefer to invest in senior profiles and guarantee a senior advices while execution on project base can also be delivered through long term partnership with specialized third parties. This way to deliver service is what we call the“boutique” style, delivering bespoke advices and building a strong relationship with our clients by establishing frequent touch points (weekly meetings) in order to get to know each other, listen and generate pro active co created campaigns with ROI in mind. We can do so for advertisers who do accept to pay for “room service” because they see and respect the added value through the service we can bring them by our outsiders view and more than 100 years of combined experts experience. We believe we can create goodwill for your company by doing so.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Award-winner
    graphic design, art direction, print, web, signage, branding
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Code d'Or

    Code d'Orverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Als webbureau ondersteunen we bedrijven in hun online transformatie op vlak van strategie, webontwikkeling, design en digitale marketing. Net zoals het digitale landschap evolueert onze expertise voortdurend. Uit het grote aanbod van digitale opportuniteiten kiezen wij de oplossingen die passen bij je organisatie, vandaag en morgen. Ons allround team bestaat uit gepassioneerde mensen die hun strategische, creatieve, technische en marketing expertise bundelen voor jouw project. Samen zorgen wij ervoor dat jouw doelstellingen worden bereikt.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Good Morning

    Good Morningverified-flag

    (0 review)

    We believe that saying Good Morning is a very good way to start the day

    What we believe in For ourselves We only work for projects we believe in. If we feel there is something wrong, we challenge the brief and help the clients to put themselves in the shoes of their target groups For the brand We are committed to make our client's brand shine, respecting its story and values. We work hard and do our best to help them grow their business and connect with new consumers or reconnect with old ones. This is how we grow our business. The client and their brand should be the ones that shines in the sun. Not us. For the client We are entrepreneurs, just like our clients. That's why we never recommend anything to them that we wouldn't do with our own money. Excellence Nothing beats a good conversation around the briefing to achieve excellence, making sure we are all aiming for the same goal. This dedication has nothing to do with the size of the client's wallet/portfolio. It's about our commitment to producing good/great work, no matter what. Pride We find great pride in delivering the best possible work for our clients. A good strategic recommandation, a beautiful logo or a big campaign,... whatever it is as long as we are happy with our work; our day is made!
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • DENK!


    (0 review)
    DENK! is een marketing- en communicatiebureau. Wij zijn de megafoon voor elk bedrijf en versterken elke boodschap. Samen creëren we een doeltreffende marketing– en verkoopstrategie, én verzorgen we de praktische uitwerking ervan. Zo geven wij verkoop een extra boost. Reken op DENK! voor de strafste communicatietools, zowel online als offline: van drukwerk en copywriting tot een nieuwe website en de optimalisatie van social media, van (animatie)video tot illustratie & fotografie. De ideale match tussen heldere teksten en sterke beelden. DENK! schrijft samen met u een doordacht (online) marketingplan en werkt creatieve concepten & acties en een sterke verkoopstrategie uit. Daarnaast schrijven we straffe teksten en creëren we logo’s, foto’s, video’s, mascottes, animaties, infographics en campagnebeelden die in het oog springen. Tegenwoordig specialiseren we ons ook in 1-minuutfilmpjes om complexere informatie via leuke en simpele animaties tot bij uw klanten te brengen.  U weet wat u wilt vertellen? Dan zorgt DENK! voor het perfecte platform. Van website tot sociale media, van spandoek of 1-minuutfilmpje tot drukwerk, mailing en offline- of onlineadvertentie.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

How to find the perfect Web analytics/Big data in Belgium?

What is Web analytics/Big data?

Before starting to specify your requirements to your next Web analytics/Big data undertaking, it's important to know what it's all about. The digital age hasn't been so diversified in matter of the specific set of skills for which our Web analytics/Big data providers will be able to help you with. Hiring the perfect agency for your project starts with the right definition of your requirements.

Web analytics is the measurement, collection and analysis of Internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. The term can refer to both the singular ongoing process or to the overall framework used for making decisions based on raw information collected over time; that whit a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Big Data Analytics vs Data Science

Data analytics involves extracting insights from data while data science goes much beyond that which includes use of analytical methods and statistics together techniques from computer programming, operations research, artificial intelligence amongst others.

Web analytics refers to the collection, analysis, and coverage of web information for the purposes of optimizing website use or website usage by web visitors or search engine spiders. Web analytics isn't only a powerful tool for tracking site traffic but is also employed as a powerful tool for market analysis and research. Web analytics services use this information to construct and maintain competitive advantage through strategic placement of websites. This permits the organizations to serve their clients better by providing them with the info they will need to buy what they need and make smart purchasing choices.


Looking for best web analytics companies in Belgium? Here is a list of top web analytics agencies in Belgium. Web analytics is the process of measuring and analyzing the usage of a website or mobile app. It is a vital tool for businesses to understand their online impact and how it can be improved. Moreover, the web analytics industry has grown exponentially as it is not only used by large enterprises but also by the smaller ones.