The 10 Best Product Management Consultants in Belgium - 2024 Reviews

Top Product Management Consultants in Belgium

Top Featured Product Management Consultants


    2V MODULEScertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Research -> UI/UX -> Full-featured digital product

    Professional, flexible, and dedicated team focused on digital product development. We're the right choice for Founders, CPOs, and IT Directors to outsource UI/UX and development of their web or mobile-based software products. What we do (aka service lines) We can deliver each service separately or as part of a single project. UI/UX - research, wireframing, prototyping Full-cycle development - specifications, architecture, CI/CD pipelines, QA. Our stack includes modern frameworks like NestJs, Laravel, and React. Webflow marketing website development. To complete our offering for founders, we also build great marketing websites for your digital products, so you don't need to go elsewhere for that. I guarantee quality and absolute client satisfaction with every project that we start. Founder & CEO Valerian Valkin
    8 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €20000 for Product Management

All Product Management Firms in Belgium

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  • Dashdot


    (4 reviews)

    Engineering your startup success

    Dashdot is a dynamic digital product studio that specializes in crafting custom software solutions. Our expertise lies in shaping, building, and growing digital products, especially for startups and corporate ventures. With a focus on rapid, high-quality delivery, we excel in turning client ideas into successful digital realities, ensuring each product is a perfect fit for your vision and requirements. We are based in Antwerp and are known for our creative and efficient approach to software development.
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €10000 for Product Management
  • iterates


    (4 reviews)

    Gagnez en efficacité et en croissance en externalisant le développement de vos besoins IT.

    Nous sommes convaincus que ce n'est qu'ensemble que nous pouvons obtenir de grands résultats. La collaboration est l'élément clé de notre entreprise. Ici, vous pouvez échanger des idées avec d'autres membres de l'équipe qui partagent les mêmes passions. Chez iterates , vous trouverez un groupe de personnes qui vous mettront au défi et vous soutiendront, car l'objectif principal est de s'inspirer les uns les autres chaque jour ! Nous nous occupons de tout : Nous savons que votre temps et votre productivité sont précieux. C'est pourquoi nous proposons un service informatique complet à 360°. Du développement de logiciels aux tests fonctionnels pour s'assurer du bon fonctionnement, en passant par la gestion de projet et la mise en ligne des applications, nous nous occupons de tout. Faites-nous confiance pour vous fournir les meilleures solutions techniques qui correspondent à vos besoins et à votre budget, afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus pour votre entreprise. Des solutions honnêtes et personnalisées: Découvrez une agence à taille humaine qui fait la différence. Chez iterates , nos fondateurs savent comment initier de nouveaux projets pour faire progresser une entreprise tout en respectant un budget établi. Nous mettons notre expertise et recherche d'excellence au service de votre réussite et de celle de votre projet. En faisant appel à nos services, vous vous assurez d'obtenir des services honnêtes, flexibles et sur mesure qui répondent à vos besoins. Nous sommes une entreprise Belge fondée en 2020 par Benoit et Rodolphe : Benoit , notre CTO. Il supervise chaque projet technique. Il applique son expérience et ses connaissances des nouvelles technologies dans tout ce qu'il fait ! Rodolphe , c'est la définition d'un serial-entrepreneur. Toujours en train de développer de nouveaux projets numériques, il vous aidera à choisir les bonnes solutions pour votre entreprise.
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Make it

    Make itcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Entrepreneurs dedicated to your software development

    🇫🇷 Make it Services est la filiale spécialisée dans le développement de software sur mesure de Make it Studio, un studio de startup à succès. Actif depuis 2014, Make it a travaillé pour plus de 300 clients et a lancé avec succès 13 de ses propres startups. Notre mission est de combiner nos capacités techniques et entrepreneuriales pour créer des solutions digitales sur mesure afin de répondre aux besoins spécifiques d'entreprises ambitieuses. Nous appliquons une méthodologie agile et lean pour répondre réellement aux besoins de nos clients. Si vous êtes intéressé ou si vous voulez savoir comment Make it peut vous aider, contactez-nous. Et si nous ne pouvons pas vous aider, nous avons probablement un partenaire qui peut le faire. ------- 🇬🇧 Make it Services is the specialized branch for custom software development of Make it Studio, a successful startup studio. Active since 2014, Make it has served over 300 clients and successfully launched 13 of its own startups. Our mission is to combine our technical and entrepreneurial capabilities to create tailor-made software to meet the specific needs of ambitious businesses. We apply an agile and lean methodology to genuinely serve our clients. If you are interested or if you want to check how Make it can help you, contact us. And if we can’t help you, we probably have a partner who can.
    6 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • DJM digital

    DJM digitalcertified-flagverified-flag

    (21 reviews)

    Digital Business Accelerator

    DJM digital est le partenaire stratégique qui vous accompagne dans vos projets les plus ambitieux pour les traduire en succès commerciaux. Nous proposons un accompagnement sur mesure afin de vous aider à saisir les réelles opportunités de croissance qui s’offrent à vous. Depuis plus de 25 ans, notre agence repousse les limites pour exploiter la puissance du digital au profit de ses clients. Du développement web et mobile à la stratégie de marque en passant par l’automatisation et la mise en place de campagnes créatives, notre équipe pluridisciplinaire de 50 experts répondra à vos besoins les plus spécifiques. STRATÉGIE Audit Workshop Data Analytics UX/UI DÉVELOPPEMENT Site web E-commerce Application web Application mobile MARKETING Réseaux sociaux Référencement Automation & IA Création de contenu DJM, c’est avant tout une agence digitale animée par la passion de l’innovation technologique. Notre accompagnement stratégique est axé sur la mise en place de solutions sur mesure, reflétant notre engagement pour votre réussite. Vous avez un projet en tête ? Nous serions ravis d'en discuter avec vous !
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Lunar


    (8 reviews)

    We help you build products that empower people

    Lunar is a digital product studio with a particular expertise in HR-tech. Specializing in creating cutting-edge software applications, we revolutionize people management, blending advanced technology with a deep understanding of human-centric processes. Our team is dedicated to delivering digital solutions for an evolving workfoce that significantly enhance business outcomes, ensuring our clients stay at the forefront of HR technological innovation. At Lunar, we pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with our clients, acting as strategic partners in navigating the complexities of HR-tech. Our approach is focused on delivering tailor-made solutions through agile methodologies, ensuring flexibility, rapid adaptation, and alignment with our clients' objectives. With a keen eye on quality, budget fidelity, and timely delivery, our product teams work closely with clients to understand their unique needs, crafting digital experiences that are not only efficient but also engaging and user-friendly. Our core mission is to simplify the complex, crafting lovable digital products that enhance performance and well-being . Whether it's streamlining HR processes, promoting employee engagement, or boosting customer loyalty, Lunar is committed to empowering your workforce with innovative, data-driven solutions. Join us in this journey of digital transformation, where we turn your aspirations into digital success stories.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Devsarch


    (3 reviews)

    Engineering next-gen software solutions for 10x growth

    At Devsarch, we redefine success through smart problem-solving and cutting-edge AI integration. From code to processes, we leverage artificial intelligence, catapulting our clients to 10x productivity. Devsarch is your Full-Stack IT Growth Partner ⟁ Product Engineering and Development ⟁ Performance Engineering and Testing ⟁ Digital Experience Design ⟁ Amazon Web Services ⟁ Cloud Native Development ⟁ DevOps Engineering ⟁ BI and Data Engineering ⟁ Software Testing Services ⟁ Talent Solutions Got questions, ideas, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line
    1 work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €5000 for Product Management
  • Les Écrits du Web

    Les Écrits du Webcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Ne dites pas que vous êtes le meilleur, montrez-le !

    Nous sommes une agence créative qui vous aide à gagner le cœur et l'esprit de vos clients. Nous écrivons, nous filmons, nous racontons des histoires, nous faisons de l’animation 3D et nous caressons Google dans sens du poil. Mais ça, ce n’est que la surface. Avoir de l’excellent contenu n’est qu’une partie du process. Pour qu’il soit bon et efficace, il doit être inspiré par une fonction marketing et un objectif commercial. Il doit faire partie d’un plan. Et son effet doit être mesurable.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • 26lights


    (9 reviews)

    We help you grow

    We are growth architects. We help companies to get through the next stage of its growth. What do we do? We help Start-Ups, Scale-Ups and SMEs in Business and IT consulting and delivery. We support our clients in IT Development, Digital Marketing, Process and Roles, Growth Strategy... At 26lights, we believe that launching or running a company is an incredible but challenging journey. Finding good partners is one of the toughest challenges. Our services cover different aspects, avoiding the need to find new partners with long-term engagement. At 26lights, we value agility as a mindset and as a competitive advantage. Most importantly, we pay attention to help you align your strategy with who you are. Together with the 10 years experience we gained from the 100 clients that we work with and the use of the best techniques to perform productively, we will work to provide the best value / cost ratio as much as possible.
    1 work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Arts Square

    Arts Squareverified-flag

    (1 review)
    We help ideas come to life. Our agency offers a one stop shop for all your creative needs. You have a concept in mind? You need a team with experience? You are looking to change, develop or revamp your business? You are at the right place. Arts Square combines management consulting, entrepreneurship, data analysis, visionary creative & art direction to create practical solutions for helping businesses answer today and tomorrow's needs. Every client has its own hopes & dreams. Arts Square treats each mission with passion & care with an elegant cutting-edge creative touch. We work with an array of longstanding professional partners which include : business consultants, publishers, media organizations, online & offline retailers, app & web developers, designers, printers, packaging experts and more. Our genuine international presence gives us the scope and understanding to offer clients 360° solutions across the world to answer today and tomorrow's needs. Yet our agency’s structure and culture means we maintain a personal, authentic, hands-on style. We’re business professionals, so we appreciate the need to produce tangible results that will make the difference for your business.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €10000 for Product Management
  • 8Trust


    (13 reviews)
    Vous avez un projet qui requiert une expertise ou des compétences informatiques ? 8Trust peut vous aider à trouver une solution efficace qui répond à vos attentes. A travers son offre de Consultance et de Développement Web, 8Trust est composé d’une équipe dynamique et créative. Le développement et l’accompagnement à long terme des clients par nos collaborateurs font de 8Trust un partenaire IT idéal. 8Trust soutient les projets innovants par une polyvalence technique et une réflexion structurelle systématique. Cette équipe, disposant aussi d’une expertise entrepreneuriale, sera en mesure de répondre à vos besoins et à vos attentes en vous proposant des solutions personnalisées, efficaces et durables. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Do you want to create a website, launch an e-commerce platform or a project requiring IT expertise ? 8trust is the IT partner for companies !  Specialized in web development and consultancy, this belgian company offers its expertise in in the realization of innovatie projects by offering personalized, efficient and sustainable solutions.  Don't hesitate to take a quick look of our site ( to get additional information or to contact us ! 
    1 work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • Eachstapp


    (0 review)

    Empowering Your Digital Vision with Innovation and Expertise

    Eachstapp was born as and remains a result of true passion for web and mobile applications and their utilities. We aspire to program innovative applications of all types and for all domains.   We are a motivated startup team located in Brussels, Belgium. As agile builders of the new world, we are eager to drive the digital revolution forward.  As we grow, we continue to educate ourselves to stay in touch with the newest technologies. Our expertise paired with our commitment to the success of our partner companies, agile working methods and collaborative processes lead to unique and high-quality products.
    7 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management


    (7 reviews)

    We craft digital products from idea to production. We help you to digitalize your business.

    KERN-IT est une société de développement informatique basée à Bruxelles qui assure la conception de votre identité graphique jusqu'à la réalisation de votre produit numérique sur mesure. Nous sommes une équipe soudée d’ experts passionnés par leur domaine et nous couvrons tous les aspects nécessaires à la réalisation et au succès de votre projet de développement informatique. Nous privilégions une approche pragmatique et holistique pour relever vos défis. Nos solutions sont optimisées en fonction de vos besoins. Au cours de ces 10 dernières années, nous avons pu répondre aux besoins de plus de 50 clients et nous avons réalisé ensemble plus d’une centaine de projets de toutes tailles. Nos références clients principaux sont Liberation Route Europe, VennTelecom, Cushman & Wakefield, IKOAB, Ciaco, Inseetu, Newdeal, Sambrinvest, EticWood, Pahrtners, A.fiducia, PR Print, et bien d’autres… Nous avons de l'expérience dans divers secteurs tels que: Télécommunications, Gestion locative, Agences immobilières, Histoire et Culture, Impression, Finances, Ecologie, ONG, Ressources humaines, Paramédical, Sport, Construction, Education, HoReCa… Nos spécialités / Pourquoi faire appel à nous ? Logiciel Web sur mesure CRM & ERP sur mesure Outils cartographiques Design web Développement web UX / UI design Objets connectés Data science Administration système / DevOPS / Réseaux Recherche & Développement Nos valeurs Esprit d’équipe Intégrité Passion Innovation Going The Extra Mile Tags : Python, Flask, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Rich internet applications, Figma, Django, Flask, React native, SCSS, RaspberryPi, Linux, WebApp, MobileApp, UI/UX, Android Dev, IOS Dev, Software Dev, Startup Dev, Management, IoT, AWS, Wagtail, Gulp, React admin, DevOps, Ansible, Product Engineering, Product Design, Headless ------- KERN-IT SRL is a software development company based in Brussels. Our team will assist you in the design and development process. We will create and deliver your tailor-made digital product. We are a team of experts with a passion for their field and we cover all aspects necessary for the success of your software development project. We favor a pragmatic and holistic approach to your challenges, our solutions are optimized to your needs. Over the past 10 years we helped more than 50 customers and together we executed more than 100 projects of all sizes. Our customers include Liberation Route Europe, VennTelecom, Cushman & Wakefield, IKOAB, Ciaco, Inseetu, Newdeal, Sambrinvest, EticWood, Pahrtners, A.fiducia, PR Print, and more… We have experience in Telecommunications, Rental Management, Real Estate, History and Culture, Printing, Finance, Ecology, NGOs, Human Resources, Paramedical, Sport, Construction, Education, HoReCa. Our expertise Tailor-made web based software Custom CRM & ERP Geomapping tools Web design and development UX / UI Design Internet Of Things Data Science System Administration / DevOPS / Networks Research & Development Our values : Team spirit Integrity Passion Innovation Going The Extra Mile Tags : Python, Flask, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Rich internet applications, Figma, Django, Flask, React native, SCSS, RaspberryPi, Linux, WebApp, MobileApp, UI/UX, Android Dev, IOS Dev, Software Dev, Startup Dev, Management, IoT, AWS, Wagtail, Gulp, React admin, DevOps, Ansible, Product Engineering, Product Design, Headless
    6 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • Yappa


    (6 reviews)

    Jou doen groeien. Bewust.

    De digitale wereld verandert pijlsnel. Laat je het jouw organisatie zomaar overkomen? Of bepaal je zelf je koers? Yappa maakt je digitaal sterker en slimmer. We bedenken, bouwen en boosten. En geven onderweg richting, ondersteuning en inzicht. Het resultaat? Groei op de manier die jij voor ogen hebt: of het nu vanuit het marketing perspectief is en je meer inkomsten wil genereren, of het vanuit het digitalisering perspectief komt om processen efficiënter te laten verlopen. Onze yappanezen hebben een brede expertise. Bedenken We analyseren en krijgen inzicht in jouw business, doelstellingen en doelgroepen. Daarop enten we een slimme digitale strategie die vorm geeft aan jouw groeipad. Bouwen We ontwerpen, bouwen en koppelen digitale hulpmiddelen om je doelstellingen te realiseren. We zetten platformen volledig naar je hand. ​ Boosten We zetten digitale kanalen in om jouw groeipad te versnellen. Meer leads opwekken, een hoger rendement halen uit jouw e-commerce, je merk online versterken, ... The digital world is changing rapidly. Do you just let it happen to your organization? Or do you set your own course? Yappa makes you digitally stronger and smarter. We think, build and boost. And provide direction, support and give insights along the way. The result? Grow in a way you envision: whether it's from a marketing perspective and you want to generate more income, or it's from a digitization perspective to make processes run more efficiently. Our Yappanese have a broad expertise. Think We analyze and gain insight into your business, objectives and target groups. Then we graft a smart digital strategy that shapes your growth path. Build We design, build and connect digital tools to achieve your goals. We fully customize platforms. ​ Boost We use digital channels to accelerate your growth path. Generate more leads, get a higher return on your e-commerce, strengthen your brand online, ...
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • dualoop


    (0 review)

    We shape products & teams

    Dualoop is a consulting firm specialising in Product Management and Product Design. We help product organisations transform the way they work through different services: 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞 We help you shape your organisation to meet today's and tomorrow's challenges. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 We bring your team(s) to the next level through a made-to-measure coaching path. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐟𝐟 Our highly skilled consultants are ready to supplement your team and tackle together any challenge you may have. 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 From finding opportunities and validating solutions with discovery sprints to creating a design system, we’ll show you the way. We live our values and select our assignments & customers accordingly.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €5000 for Product Management
  • Vintage Productions

    Vintage Productionsverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Making The Complex Simple

    Welcome to Vintage Productions, an independent, full-service marketing and communication agency providing integrated communication concepts and tools to international companies. We specialise in getting the message across in a way that cuts through the noise and creates true, lasting impact and value for our clients.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1 for Product Management
  • Whitecube


    (2 reviews)

    Des sites performants, agréables et ergonomiques.

    Looking for a creative digital agency ? Our versatile team builds awesome identities , impactful websites , complex applications & management systems and is always looking for the best communication strategies. Usability and accessibility are words we live by, which makes our work even more valuable for your audience. We establish lasting partnerships with our clients, based on transparency, respect (for everyone & the environment), quality and above all results that speak for themselves. - Vous êtes à la recherche d'une agence numérique originale & créative ? Nous créons des identités fortes, des sites web percutants, des applications & systèmes de gestion complexes et nous recherchons en permanence les meilleures stratégies de com'. Facilité d'usage et accessibilité sont des mots qui nous habitent et qui rendent notre travail encore plus précieux pour votre public. Nous mettons en place des partenariats durables avec nos clients, basés sur la transparence, le respect (de chacun & de l'environnement), la qualité et surtout des résultats qui parlent d'eux-mêmes. - Op zoek naar een creatief digitaal agency? Ons veelzijdige team bouwt sterke grafische identiteiten , impactvolle websites , complexe applicaties & managementsystemen en is voortdurend op zoek naar de beste communicatiestrategieën. Gebruiksvriendelijkheid en toegankelijkheid zijn woorden waar we naar op zoek zijn, waardoor ons werk nog waardevoller is voor uw publiek. Met onze opdrachtgevers gaan wij duurzame partnerships aan, gebaseerd op transparantie, respect (voor iedereen & het milieu), kwaliteit en vooral resultaten die voor zich spreken. - See you soon! A bientôt! Tot binnenkort!
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €150 for Product Management
  • Sweetspot


    (0 review)

    Sweetspot helpt software bedrijven met het ontdekken, kneden en groeien van software oplossingen

    Sweetspot helpt software bedrijven met het ontdekken, kneden en groeien van software oplossingen en hun business model. Onze experts zijn senior management profielen met all-round kennis van management, product management, product design & ontwikkeling, marketing, go-to-market, sales en operaties. We kunnen helpen in 1 specifiek domein, maar blinken uit in het helpen over domeinen heen.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €5000 for Product Management
  • Embie


    (2 reviews)

    Craftsmen of the digital world.

    We're a product agency focused on delivering high quality software. We care for the user at the center of the product through product development, product design and product management. Our teams can act as a whole product line, as well as adapt to your internal capabilities.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • 314group


    (0 review)
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Interstella


    (0 review)
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Belgium
    From €1000 for Product Management

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

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Choosing a Product Management in Belgium: what you need to know

What is Product Management?

Before beginning to define your needs to your next Product Management project, it is important to understand what it is all about. The digital era hasn't been so diversified in matter of the specific set of skills that our Product Management agencies can help you with. Employing the perfect service for your job begins with the right definition of your needs.

Product management requires balancing creativity with discipline in executing core product functions while working within complex business strategic and development processes.

Product Management vs Program Management

Product management is part of product development process that involves managing and executing the tasks in a systematic manner. Program management is an organized multi-function approach to bringing together the project or products with schedules for accomplishing targets within specified resources and budget.

Product Management refers to the total process of planning, producing, marketing, generating and controlling the overall quality, acceptance and supply of a commodity. In a Product Management Procedure, there's a need to evaluate, diagnose, choose and improve the quality, volume and potency of a product or service. Product Management Definition also refers to the process by which an organization transforms a firm idea into an actual product. A Product Management Advisor can also be Called a Product Manager.


Product management agencies in Belgium can help you with all aspects of product development, from ideation to product launch. Sortlist has compiled a list of the best product management agencies in Belgium to help you find the right partner for your needs.

What can Product Management agencies do for you?

When it comes to Product Management, customers may expect many types of services or deliverables from our agencies. In Sortlist, We've observed a trending demand in Belgium for services that included:

  • come up with a marketing strategy that ensures your product stands out from the competition
  • perform demand analysis
  • Develop strategic and tactical roadmaps with every hurdle in sight, which will help us attack each specific business issue systematically
  • Solve problems 1st! Get ahead of the wave
  • Pair you with an expert level UX for conversion