The 100 Best 3D Modeling Companies - 2025 Reviews

Top 3D Modeling Companies

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  • 4.8
    (7 reviews)

    Content-driven Digital Agency based in the UAE.

    Top awarded
    Allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re more than just a leading creative animation and Interactive Solutions studio in the heart of the UAE. We’re passionate creators of immersive digital content. Whether you’re looking for interactive mobile development, or searching for a studio to build detailed virtual experiences, Blackbird has the technology and expertise to make your project happen. As one of the top studios in the area, we are at the forefront of the latest tech development and animation. This has allowed us to cultivate an innovative production pipeline unlike any other. From 3D animation to mobile development and Interactive experience, we do it all, achieving world-class results every time. Creative studio with art & technology. At Blackbird, we’re a creative group of artists, designers, animators, and filmmakers. You can easily fit us into three main teams 01. Designers These are the fashionable artistic creative folks who make things look amazing. 02. Developers They understand how everything works at a deep level. Throw a hackathon at them, and you’ll know they’ve got your back. 03. Producers Whether virtual or in real life, they’re the public face of Blackbird, making sure you and your projects run smoothly and look perfect. Some Firsts. STEREOSCOPY When we were still in our startup days, we had the privilege of creating the first stereoscopic movie to ever be produced in the Middle East. It was a huge success and pushed us to develop new technologies just to reach that goal. The Lebanese Ministry of Education even premiered the film at a special event. MOTION CAPTURE In 2016, we built our motion capture studio, the first of its kind in Lebanon and we’re privileged to have access to this impressive technology. We’re also happy to be able to offer mo-cap services to other agencies, production houses, and animation studios in our region, and in Europe. INTERACTIVE ARCHITECTURE We created ARKiworld in 2015, one of the world’s first architectural visualization VR platforms. It allows home buyers or builders to experience a property long before it’s ever built. This is an important factor in guiding architectural decisions.
    1 work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+18)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Videos, so einzigartig wie Dein Projekt.

    Wir sind Versteher und Macher – wir bringen Dein Thema auf den Punkt, einzigartig und echt überzeugend. Mit Markenverständnis, Leidenschaft und kreativer Vielfalt. Vom Erklärvideo bis zum Imagevideo. Bei uns findest Du Individualität und Leidenschaft in jedem einzelnen Frame unserer Videos. Wir tun alles, damit Du mit Deinem Videoprojekt herausragst und den Erfolg einfährst den Du verdienst. Das können wir für Duch tun: >>Beratung / Konzeption Video-Strategie, Content-Beratung, maßgeschneiderte Konzepte und Storylines: ob für interne oder externe Kommunikation. >>Design / Illustration Entwicklung individueller Designs für jeden Kunden und jedes Projekt – digital, analog oder beides. >>Animation / Dreh 2D- oder 3D-Motiondesign, eigenes Studio für Stoptrick, Livescribbles, Realdrehs und vieles mehr. >>Leistungen Workshops, Erklärvideos, Produktvideos, E-Learning-Videos, Corporate Videos, Recruitingvideos, Unternehmensvideos, Social Media Videos, interaktive Videos. Wir beraten Dich gern und unverbindlich zu Deinem Videoprojekt! Let´s crack it!
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Frankfurt, Germany (+1)
    From €5,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+10)
    Speaks German, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Your Vision, Our Mission!

    About Us Established in 2012, Bros Mastermind specializes in delivering innovative event solutions and is committed to developing and executing cutting-edge marketing campaigns. Specialize in the innovative fabrication of full event setups, exhibition stands, displays, Mall podium activations, stages and immersive technology solutions, fit-outs, branding, wooden interior decoration, and steel fabrication. We provide a unique solution of innovative design and production from scratch, aiming to find the best balance between cost-effectiveness and utilizing the different raw materials according to your requirements and budget needs to make it happen. The unwavering commitment and quality service are facilitated by our profound team’s effort having a vast knowledge with their own uniqueness and experience in the field of technical, production, operation, and management in the event and fit-out industry. Our Mission To provide unique solutions of innovative fabrication cost-effective holistic approach utilizing different raw materials according to client requirements and budget needs. Our Vision To be a Leading event solutions provider and a supplier of choice in every industry we serve across UAE and GCC.
    1 work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (+1)
    From €10,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Food (+5)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+2)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Creativity that works.

    We are Designatives. We’re not just dreamers—we’re creators. We plan, ideate, design, code, write, film, and don’t stop until the finished product is extraordinary. We love what we do, and we’re good at it. But don’t just take our word for it—check out what we’ve done for our clients. Full service? Creative agency? Yeah, we’re all that, but here’s what it really means: we pour our hearts into everything we create. Big words? We take that as a compliment. Our clients know they can trust us with their best ideas and expect nothing less than spectacular results. We’re based in Budapest and we love it here. But our work knows no borders. From Asia to America, the Middle East to Europe, we work with clients worldwide, bringing the same energy and professionalism to every project. We’re all about communication, and we’ll keep asking questions until we understand exactly what you need—then we’ll get to work. Our team? We put our hearts into everything we do. The dedication to high-quality work is unmatched, and the energy in the office is always buzzing. We chat, we laugh, and we keep the vibe relaxed—but when it’s time to deliver, we put the pedal to the metal. We push ourselves with every project, constantly evolving, learning, and striving to outdo what we did last time. Beyond the office, we make time to connect as a team. Every year, we take trips together—places like Iceland, Spain, Italy, and Portugal—where we celebrate our hard work and enjoy life. These team-building adventures bring us closer and create bonds that go beyond the workplace. As for skills? We’ve got it all. We’ve built a team of top-tier talent—illustrators, 3D artists, designers, motion designers, front-end developers, senior back-end developers. Our crew is multi-skilled and ready to take on any challenge. When we say we do it all, we mean it—and we make sure our work stands out. We love to talk because communication is everything. Sharing ideas, experiences, and dreams not only enriches the process but also makes everything run smoothly. So, let’s talk. And then, let’s create something amazing together.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Budapest, Hungary
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+4)
    Speaks English, Hungarian
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (16 reviews)

    L'Agence de vos grands petits projets stratégiques et opérationnelles

    Tapioka est l'agence de communication de vos grands petits projets stratégiques et opérationnels. De la conception à la production nous vous accompagnons pour vous livrer clé en main des solutions sur-mesure.  Agence créative à taille humaine, nous sommes au plus près de nos clients pour vous offrir de la réactivité et des solutions toujours inédites avec un interlocuteur décideur. Notre singularité : Allier les nouveaux usages et l'écoresponsabilité avec des solutions stratégiques et opérationnelles à faible impact. Tapioka conceptualise votre stratégie et met en oeuvre son application opérationnelle pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs : Conseil et stratégie : Stratégie de communication, concept narratif, stratégie social média, stratégie de marketing opérationnel et évènementielle, communication RSE, marque employeur, onboarding, employee advocacy, stratégie phygitale, gamification. Les leviers opérationnels >> Outils de communication et de marketing opérationnel B2B ET B2C Roadshow, Pop-up, street marketing, guérilla marketing, animation point de vente, mécanique drive to store ou web, gestion logistique, welcome pack, soft skill, développement de jeux de casual game, emailing, location de data ciblé, collecte de data, poadcast, film... Tapioka construit avec vous des opérations impactantes, ROIste en cohérence avec votre stratégie. Des évènements éco-concus avec un bilan carbone Evènement grand public, festival, soirée, lancement, convention, séminaire, pitchday, demoday, live, escape game, chasse au trésor, jeu de piste, évènement interne, Tapioka vous accompagne sur tous les métiers : concept évènementiel, scénographie, direction artistique, mise en scène, production, technique, logistique, décor pour des moments inédits. Création graphique et édition print et web Logo, charte graphique, tous types de supports print et web, rapport annuel, kit de communication print et web, livre blanc... Tapioka vous accompagne de la création du contenu à sa fabrication. Pour en savoir plus, jetez un coup d’œil à nos réalisations ou envoyez-nous un message en direct !
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+18)
    Speaks French, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (14 reviews)

    No-nonsense, gewoon vette designs, branding, video & animatie.

    Wij zijn Studio vibe. The new breed of creatives. Wij zijn verliefd op het creëren van vernieuwende merken. Dit doen we met passie, talent en ambitie. Positiviteit , vriendschap en vrijheid. Noem hoe je het wilt, wij noemen het onze ‘ vibe ’. Bij vibe doen we meer dan verwacht. We weten hoe we de perfecte mix van strategie, technologie, productie en creativiteit kunnen samenstellen om waarde te creëren voor jouw merk. Klanten zijn partners. We zouden er niet zijn zonder hen. Vertrouwen is voor ons daarom erg belangrijk. Een jonge groep digitale genieën geeft om uw project. We hebben geen sales team. We doen gewoon geweldig werk. Onze blik is fris en nuchter . No-nonsense, gewoon vette designs, branding, video & animatie. Het woord ‘vibe’ komt oorspronkelijk voort uit het engelse woord ‘vibration’ wat staat voor 'trilling'. Wat voor soort trillingen? Alles en iedereen trilt. Miljarden trillingen zijn verspreid over het hele universum. Deze trillingen zijn te verstaan, te voelen en over te brengen, maar ze zijn niet direct zichtbaar voor het menselijke oog. Het is bij ons van belang om onze ‘vibe’ aan iedereen door te geven en deze ook zo goed mogelijk uit te dragen. Daarom hebben we een aantal specifieke trillingen visueel zichtbaar gemaakt om te gebruiken als huisstijl-elementen. We hebben onder andere gewerkt voor: JBL, Univé, DJI, Insta 360, Harman/Kardon, Snelle, Grohe, Legamaster, Saxion Hogescholen, AT bookings, Don’t waste culture, Topicus, Traffic Today, Anne-Marie Wonen Holten, RIHO, By Sidde, Gemeente Rijssen-Holten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English below We are Studio vibe. The new breed of creatives. We are in love with creating innovative brands. We do this with passion, talent and ambition. Positivity , friendship and freedom. Call it what you will, we call it our 'vibe'. At vibe, we do more than expected. We know how to put together the perfect mix of strategy, technology, production and creativity to create value for your brand. Customers are partners. We wouldn't be here without them. Trust is therefore very important to us. A young group of digital geniuses care about your project. We don't have a sales team. We just do great work. Our view is fresh and down-to-earth . No-nonsense, just kickass designs, branding, video & animation. The word "vibe" originally comes from the word "vibration". What kind of vibration? Everything and everyone vibrates. Billions of vibrations are spread throughout the universe. These vibrations can be understood, felt and transmitted, but they are not immediately visible to the human eye. It is important for us to pass on our 'vibe' to everyone and to transmit it in the best possible way. Therefore, we have made a number of specific vibrations visually to use as corporate identity elements. We have worked for: JBL, Univé, DJI, Insta 360, Harman/Kardon, Snelle, Grohe, Legamaster, Saxion Hogescholen, AT bookings, Don't waste culture, Topicus, Traffic Today, Anne-Marie Wonen Holten, RIHO, By Sidde, Gemeente Rijssen-Holten.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Deventer, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+17)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (16 reviews)

    Design and animation bring your idea to life.

    Highly recommended
    Somos Samsa, un estudio de diseño y movimiento. Sentimos pasión por el arte y la comunicación. En Samsa encontrarás mentes creativas dispuestas a ayudarte a articular tus mensajes y lograr resultados. Independientemente de la técnica y el estilo de diseño, utilizamos formas y movimiento para transformar cualquier idea en contenido didáctico, eficiente y atractivo. - We are Samsa, a brand and motion design studio. We feel passion for art and communication. In Samsa you will find creative minds willing to help you to articulate your messages and achieve results. Regardless of the technique and design style, we use shapes and movement to transform any idea into didactic, efficient, and attractive content.
    1 work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Madrid, Spain
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in E-commerce (+22)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (46 reviews)

    "Your brand is the space that your business occupies in the heart and mind of people".

    Highly recommended
    Nés de la rencontre impromptue entre luxe et mode connectée, pop et urbanité, animés d’une volonté de réinventer la publicité, LES TÊTES DE PUB, ce sont différents horizons qui, ensemble, apportent de nouvelles dimensions à la Marque.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Food (+20)
    Speaks French, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    We explain things in motion

    Je verkoop boosten, helder uitleggen wat je product doet of misschien wel in een notendop je bedrijf voorstellen? Bij Flan Caramel hebben we het ideale recept voor jouw business. Originele video animaties die scoren bij je doelgroep en aanzetten tot actie. Van concept tot verspreiding: wij zorgen voor een kickass resultaat! --- Augmentez vos ventes, expliquez clairement ce que fait votre produit ou présentez votre entreprise en quelques mots? Chez Flan Caramel, nous avons la recette idéale pour votre entreprise. Des animations vidéo originales qui marquent avec votre groupe cible et encouragent l'action. Du concept à la distribution: nous garantissons un résultat d'exception! --- Flan Caramel offers animation video and online video marketing for your corporate film. This can be standard as well as customized with an eye for your company message. Video animation is the kind of video that can convey every message in a suitable way. The use of animation within your communication ensures that you can easily and clearly convey your message to the customer. With animation it is also possible to appear fresh and dynamic, so you can communicate with more impact. We ensure that you get the most out of your animation video to achieve the desired result. --- Hoe gaan we te werk? Vanuit de Flan Caramel starten we steeds met een persoonlijk gesprek bij de klant. Daarin bespreken we hoe onze diensten op maat worden aangeboden en vanuit welke stijl en scenario we starten. Daarbij is een duidelijke bepaling van de boodschap en doelgroep heel belangrijk. Hierna gaat het animatieteam aan de slag om het storyboard te ontwerpen. Wanneer dat volledig is uitgewerkt, wordt het filmpje samen met de klant overlopen. Vervolgens starten we met grafisch design, waarbij vormen en figuren worden uitgewerkt. Éénmaal dit de goeie richting uit gaat, brengen we de animatie tot leven via de motion design. Afwerken doen we met de nodige geluidseffecten (Audio Design) en waar nodig correcties toe te voegen. Hierna is het van essentieel belang dat je video zo veel mogelijk wordt bekeken. Daarom biedt Flan Caramel ook advies aan op vlak van video marketing, hoe je filmpje zo veel mogelijk mensen kan bereiken. --- Comment procédons-nous? Depuis le Flan Caramel, nous commençons toujours par une conversation personnelle avec le client. Nous discutons de la façon dont nos services sont offerts pour mesurer et de quel style et scénario nous commençons. De plus, une détermination claire du message et du groupe cible est très importante. Après cela, l'équipe d'animation se met au travail pour concevoir le storyboard. Quand cela aura été complètement terminé, le film se terminera avec le client. Ensuite, nous commençons avec le design graphique, où les formes et les figures sont élaborées. Une fois que cela va dans la bonne direction, nous donnons vie à l'animation via la motion design. Nous finissons avec les effets sonores nécessaires (Conception Audio) et ajoutons des corrections si nécessaire. Après cela, il est essentiel que votre vidéo soit regardée autant que possible. C'est pourquoi Flan Caramel offre également des conseils dans le domaine du marketing vidéo, comment vous pouvez atteindre le plus de gens possible.  --- How we work? From the Flan Caramel we always start with a personal conversation with the customer. We discuss how our services are offered to measure and from which style and scenario we start. In addition, a clear determination of the message and target group is very important. After this, the animation team goes to work to design the storyboard. When that has been fully worked out, the film will run over with the customer. Then we start with graphic design, where shapes and figures are worked out. Once this goes in the right direction, we bring the animation to life via the motion design. We finish with the necessary sound effects (Audio Design) and add corrections where necessary. After this, it is essential that your video is watched as much as possible. That is why Flan Caramel also offers advice in the field of video marketing, how you can reach as many people as possible. 
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Telecommunications (+15)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)


    Schrodinger is a boutique content creative studio . WE CREATE THE IMAGES TO TELL EXCEPTIONAL STORIES : VIDEO - 3D - MOTION DESIGN - PHOTO We are the perfect blend between a creative collective and an agency: The limitless creativity of the first and the flawless organisation of the second. We believe in our unique mix of artistic personalities and creative profiles. Creation is our core . We create bespoke images and films. All the hype content you need, from a one-shot photo campaign to a continuous flow of visual content. Our previous and current clients come from different universes but with a common goal: the research of quality and exigence in telling their unique story.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Unknown location
    From €3,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+7)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    We don’t have a name we work on yours!

    🚀 Agence Créative | 📸 Studio Photo | 🎥 Studio Vidéo | 🎵 Studio Musique ✨ Donner vie à vos idées Chez NONAME Agency, nous transformons vos idées en solutions créatives percutantes. De la stratégie de marque à la production complète de contenu digital, nous nous concentrons sur la réussite de votre marque. Nous n'avons pas de nom: nous travaillons sur le vôtre 🦄 🚀Creative Agency | 📸 Photo Studio | 🎥 Video Studio | 🎵 Music Studio ✨ Bringing Your Vision to Life. At NONAME Agency, we specialize in transforming ideas into impactful creative solutions. From branding to full-scale digital content production, we focus on your brand's success. We don’t have a name: we work on yours 🦄
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Geneva, Switzerland
    From €100 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+5)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (6 reviews)

    Crafting captivating stories in motion

    Fivekit is a creative agency based in Berlin , Germany, that specializes in crafting visually stunning and emotionally engaging video content and event experiences that tell your unique story. We believe in the power of storytelling , and our team of experts has extensive experience in creating videos, from 3D to 2D animations, and event experiences that are tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. We also offer comprehensive social media strategies that align with your business objectives, so you can reach your target audience effectively. Our full-service approach to video production means that we take care of all aspects of your project, from pre-production to post-production. We storyboard, script, cast, film, animate, edit, and design sound, SFX, VFX, and color grading, ensuring your message reaches your audience in a way that leaves a lasting impact. At Fivekit, we are passionate about storytelling that connects with people emotionally. We have had the privilege of working with top brands, including PayPal , Nike, , Liebeskind , Cisco , Hertha BS C, DB , Axel Springer , and upday . Our team's expertise and experience ensure that we can bring your story to life in the most effective and creative way possible. Whether you're looking to promote a new product, share your brand's message, or create a memorable event, Fivekit has the expertise and experience to help you. We strive to create a friendly and approachable environment where we listen carefully to your ideas and work with you to create something truly special.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €5,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Sports (+6)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Bright people building bright software | Custom Software Development Agency

    Top awarded
    Brights is a software development company with 100+ bright minds building products for businesses of all sizes, from emerging startups and small companies to large enterprises, including those from Fortune 500. Since 2011, we’ve launched 300+ projects in 15 countries, received 24 awards and recognitions, achieved 100% job success on Upwork, and got ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. For a glimpse of our achievements, check out the portfolio section. Our core outsourcing services include: Custom web development Native, hybrid, and cross-platform mobile development MVP development UI/UX design Data analytics Cloud and DevOps services AI and Machine Learning As strategic thinkers who prioritize our clients' overall business success, we prefer the role of co-creators over technical vendors. Our team knows how to achieve compelling business results through tech solutions. We also focus primarily on long-term partnerships to build products that thrive in the long run, which is why our average client relationship lasts 3+ years. If our expertise matches your business needs — reach out to start your development journey 🚀
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Warsaw, Poland (+1)
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Insurance (+18)
    Speaks English, Polish(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (50 reviews)

    YOTTA, l’agence créative responsable

    Top awarded
    La communication engagée et alignée avec vos valeurs. YOTTA vous accompagne dans votre stratégie de communication (de la stratégie à la diffusion) tout en veillant à votre impact sociétal. De la redéfinition de votre positionnement et image de marque jusqu’à la création de contenus. 💬 C’est quoi une stratégie de communication responsable ? Communiquer de manière responsable, c’est promouvoir des messages compatibles avec les problématiques actuelles de la société. Une entreprise qui communique de manière responsable montre qu’elle est consciente de son impact et de son influence, et travaille à diffuser des messages plus éthiques/responsables. 🎥 C’est quoi une vidéo éco-conçue ? Éco-concevoir une vidéo c’est réinventer les processus de production : stocker, archiver autrement, valoriser l’énergie qu’elle génère. Ainsi, les dépenses énergétiques liées à la production de la vidéo sont optimisées pour minimiser son impact environnemental. Vous souhaitez échanger en visio sur votre projet ? Appelez-nous au : 01 43 15 09 08 Ou contactez-nous ici : À très vite ! 🙌
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Non-profit (+27)
    Speaks French, Arabic(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Wir sind ein unabhängiges, kreatives Kraftwerk des digitalen Zeitalters.

    Top awarded
    Die Kreativität der Menschen hat die Macht, Wachstum und Innovation zu fördern! Wir integrieren Kreativität, Technologie und Daten nahtlos, sodass du das Potenzial deines Unternehmens voll ausschöpfen kannst. Wir spezialisieren uns auf anspruchsvolle digitale Kampagnen, zukunftsorientiertes Design und modernste Entwicklung für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen, umweltbewusste Marken und technikaffine Betriebe. Mit der Double Power aus Kreativität und Daten verwandeln wir dein Unternehmen und deine Marke und lassen sie hervorstechen. Wir sind ein internationales Kollektiv von Strategen, Designern und Creative Technologists und schaffen mit multidisziplinärer Kreativität bahnbrechende Marken und digitale Interaktionen der Spitzenklasse. Die oktopods Familie ist ein kreatives Cluster von Agenturen, das fünf Expertenbereiche umfasst – Kreation, Design, Entwicklung, CGI und Content-Produktion. Unsere Kunden können entweder eine einzelne Agentur für spezialisierte Aufgaben beauftragen oder mehrere Agenturen für komplexe Projekte integrieren. Wir bieten einen modularen Ansatz, der deine spezifischen Bedürfnisse in den Mittelpunkt unseres Geschäfts stellt.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €2,500 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+5)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+5)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Soyez vu, compris, brillez + Agence créative pour design et web

    Kairos Agency, l'agence spécialisée en design et web, aide les entreprises et les institutions à se démarquer par la création de marques percutantes et de site web captivants. Nos métiers : Design & web - Studio : Logo, charte graphique, créations 3D, vidéos; - Web : Site vitrine, Site ecommerce, landing page; - Logiciels : Extranets, Elearning, automatisation métiers sur le web. Notre différence : Beauté & performance sans compromis > Objectif 1 : l'esthétique des interfaces qui doivent raconter votre identité, de façon simple et fluide. > Objectif 2 : une performance web maximale avec l'application des principes d'eco-conception permettant de réduire l'empreinte carbone de votre site jusqu'à -90% en triplant sa vitesse de chargement.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Bordeaux, France
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Government & Administration (+6)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    Bringing your vision to life

    Highly recommended
    Creative Engine is a Production focus company. Solving all the creative problems faced by the organisations from 3d Animations to Video Production, From Brand Development to Corporate Communication. Our creative teams are divided into specialized categories with their own team leads and client servicing. These departments are divided as follows: Video Production 3D Animation 2D Animation and Motion Design Brand & Graphic Design Event & Corporate Communication For more information Please visit: or contact us at: +92 349 470 4194 or email us at:
    8 works in 3D Modeling
    Located in Lahore, Pakistan (+6)
    From €300 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Retail (+29)
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (14 reviews)

    We create digital experiences

    Highly recommended
    We’re a bunch of experienced creatives who bring CGI, interactive and software under one digital roof. We wake up every day to deliver meaningful experiences that define your brand and help your business grow.
    1 work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Warsaw, Poland
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Automotive (+12)
    Speaks English, Polish(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.6
    (6 reviews)

    We activate your target audience with unique, tailor-made 2D and 3D animation video's.

    Sinds 2010 zijn we actief met animatie en film producties. Deze ervaring is verdeeld onder onze twee labels: Bigfish Animatie en Bigfish Film. Als marktleider in premium animaties helpen we bedrijven en merken in Nederland, België en Duitsland met het helder communiceren van complexe processen en werkwijzen via bewegend beeld, geluid en tekst. Onze op maat gemaakte 2D- en 3D-animaties leveren een digitale impact en maken jouw boodschap efficiënter overdraagbaar aan jouw doelgroep of potentiële klanten. Met Bigfish Film zorgen we voor professionele filmproducties die de essentie van jouw bedrijf vastleggen. Of het nu gaat om een bedrijfsfilm, commercials of andere videoproducties, wij streven ernaar visuele verhalen te creëren die de kijkers raken en betrekken. Met onze expertise en passie voor cinematografie zorgen we ervoor dat jouw boodschap op een meeslepende en effectieve manier wordt overgebracht. Ontdek vandaag nog hoe wij jouw bedrijf kunnen versterken met hoogwaardige animaties en filmproducties. Op onze website kun je kiezen welk label je wilt verkennen: Bigfish Animatie of Bigfish Film.
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Eindhoven, Netherlands (+1)
    From €5,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Utilities (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, English(+3)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    We bring your Story to Life!

    Top awarded
    We bring your story to life! ERNST is the content production house in Hamburg-Ottensen. We not only produce videos for your social media accounts, advertising campaigns, and trade fair booths, but we also translate your story into visual content, allowing you to present yourself and your company exactly as you are. For more visibility, more sales, more applications, more of you!
    Looking for work in 3D Modeling
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1,000 for 3D Modeling
    Worked in Automotive (+15)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members

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Tips for choosing the best 3D modeling company

3D modeling is the process of creating a three-dimensional representation of any object or surface. It can be used for both practical and artistic purposes. 3D models are created using specialized software programs. These programs allow artists and designers to create realistic or abstract representations of objects, people, and scenes. 3D models can be used for a variety of purposes, including product design, architectural visualization, and video game development. When it comes to product design, 3D models can be used to create prototypes and mockups. This allows companies to test out new designs before committing to manufacturing them. Architectural visualization is another common use for 3D modeling. This involves creating images or videos of proposed buildings or other structures. These can be used to help sell a project to potential investors or to give people an idea of what the finished product will look like. Video game developers also use 3D models to create the characters and environments that players will interact with. If you're looking for a company to create a 3D model for you, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you'll need to decide what software program you want the model to be created in. There are many different programs available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Second, you'll need to find a company that has experience creating the type of model you need. Make sure to ask for examples of their work to get an idea of their skill level. Finally, get a price quote from the company before you commit to anything. 3D modeling can be a complex and time-consuming process, so you'll want to make sure you're getting a fair price for the work.

What does 3D modeling mean ?

3D modeling is a process of creating a three-dimensional representation of an object or surface. This can be done through a variety of methods, including sculpting, casting, or using CAD software. The model can then be printed out using a 3D printer, or used for other purposes such as gaming or animation.

3D modeling is often used in conjunction with 3D printing, as the model can be used to create a physical object. This can be useful for prototyping or for creating one-of-a-kind objects. 3D printing can also be used to create models for use in other applications, such as video games or movies.

3D modeling can be a complex process, and there are a variety of software programs available to help with the creation of models. CAD software is often used for more complex models, while simpler programs may be sufficient for basic shapes. There are also many online tutorials and resources available to help with the learning process.

In its most basic sense, 3D modeling is a type of computer graphics used in entertainment. It allows you to create realistic images with high levels of detail. The term 3D comes from the word model, which means three. There are many different types of 3D models, and each one is important for different purposes. Some of them are more complex than others, but they all serve the same purpose: to create realistic images.

3d modeling vs 3d animation: what's the difference

There are a few key differences between 3D modeling and 3D animation that are worth noting. For starters, 3D modeling is the process of creating three-dimensional objects and structures from scratch, whereas 3D animation is the art of bringing those objects and structures to life.

Another key difference is that 3D modeling generally requires more technical skills and knowledge, as it involves working with software to create the models. On the other hand, 3D animation is more about creativity and storytelling, as it is about creating sequences of movements that tell a story.

Finally, 3D modeling is typically used for creating static objects, such as buildings or products. 3D animation, on the other hand, is often used for creating dynamic sequences, such as those seen in movies or video games.

7 things that 3D modeling studios do:

  • Make changes to your product or idea
  • Animate your product in 3d
  • 3d modeling companies can create a 3d model of your building or space.
  • Create a 3d model of your desired product
  • Provide consultation and advice on 3d modeling projects
  • 3d modeling companies can create a 3d model of your creature or animal.
  • 3d modeling companies can create marketing materials for your product or building, so you can promote it to potential customers.

5 Questions to ask to 3D modeling companies:

  • What is their average turnaround time?
  • What are the company's current goals and how do they plan to achieve them?
  • What is the company's history and how did it come to be?
  • What are the company's marketing strategies?
  • What are the company's core values?

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