The 100 Best Product Management Consultants - 2024 Reviews

Top Product Management Consultants

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All Product Management Firms

  • MONOBOcertified-flagverified-flag

    (21 reviews)

    Innovation. Strategy. Design.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    🇪🇸 MONOBO es una firma de diseño, innovación y estrategia comprometida con ofrecer un servicio que transforma y eleva la presencia e impacto de cada cliente en el mercado digital. Creamos marcas, servicios y productos que juegan un papel significativo en la vida de las personas. Colaboramos desde fases iniciales en la definición de modelos de negocio hasta la ejecución de proyectos de marca, productos digitales (app), portales web ( Ecommerce ó marketplaces ) para compañías de todos los tamaños. Somos partners de compañías de todos los tamaños prestando los siguientes servicios: Branding y posicionamiento de marca: Creamos identidades de marca y proporcionamos consistencia en todos sus canales y niveles de uso. Diseño UX / Interaction design: Proyectamos, definimos y creamos experiencias de uso en productos y servicios digitales de alto nivel. Diseño de servicios/ Service Design: Mejoramos o creamos servicios que aporten valor a sus clientes a través de las habilidades y herramientas del diseño. Diseño estratégico / Consultoría en innovación: Confeccionamos nuevos modelos de negocio con un potente enfoque centrado en solucionar problemas de la vida cotidiana de las personas Estrategia / Strategy: Definimos los caminos y procesos necesarios para transformar una idea de marca, producto o servicio en un caso de éxito. Tendencias / Research: Combinamos múltiples técnicas de exploración y búsqueda aplicadas a procesos de diseño. Para poder desarrollar nuestros servicios hemos desarrollado una metodología que se compone de los siguientes procesos: Investigar: Indagar y profundizar con clientes, empleados y stakeholders que permitan identificar oportunidades. Analizar y definir: Interpretar los datos recopilados, detectar hechos, extraer todo el aprendizaje posible y sacar conclusiones sobre los retos a diseñar. Crear: Transformar las ideas en diseños que sean referentes para el sector y sus clientes. Generar experiencias distintivas de marca en el producto. Implementar: Darle vida al producto cuidando todos los aspectos de su desarrollo e integración con usuarios para convertir la solución en realidad. Evaluar: Anticipar necesidades, detectar nuevas tendencias, innovar sobre el producto ya creado y reforzar puntos de mejora. Este mundo necesita empresas con ilusión que transformen y mejoren la vida de las personas a través de productos digitales innovadores de calidad y marcas honestas. Ofrecemos experiencias excepcionales, contagiamos el agile thinking a nuestros clientes y detectamos las mejores oportunidades de innovación. Nuestra pasión nos impulsa a querer ser uno de los mayores proveedores de innovación y diseño de calidad para compañías de todo el mundo, con la experiencia más creativa relacionada con la tecnología y las marcas. ¿Hablamos? For updates, follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram: __________________________________ 🇬🇧 MONOBO is a design, innovation, and strategic firm committed to providing service that transforms and elevates each client's presence and impact in the digital market. We create brands, services, and products that play a significant role in people's lives. We collaborate from early stages in defining business models to executing brand projects, digital products (apps), web portals (e-commerce or marketplaces) for companies of all sizes. We partner with companies of all sizes providing the following services: 1. Branding and brand positioning : We create brand identities and ensure consistency across all channels and levels of use. 2. UX/UI Design : We project, define, and create user experiences in high-level digital products and services. 3. Service Design : We improve or create services that add value to your customers through design skills and tools. 4. Strategic design/Innovation consultancy: We develop new business models with a strong focus on solving everyday problems. Strategy: We define the necessary paths and processes to transform a brand, product, or service idea into a success case. 5. Trends/Research: We combine multiple exploration and search techniques applied to design processes. To develop our services, we have developed a methodology composed of the following processes: 1. Research: Investigate and delve into with clients, employees, and stakeholders to identify opportunities. 2. Analyze and define: Interpret the collected data, detect facts, extract all possible learning, and draw conclusions about the design challenges. 3. Create: Transform ideas into designs that are benchmarks for the sector and its customers. 4. Implement: Bring the product to life, taking care of all aspects of its development and integration with users to turn the solution into reality. 5. Evaluate: Anticipate needs, detect new trends, innovate on the already created product, and reinforce improvement points. This world needs companies with enthusiasm that transform and improve people's lives through innovative digital products of quality and honest brands. We offer exceptional experiences, spread agile thinking to our clients, and identify the best innovation opportunities. Our passion drives us to want to be one of the leading providers of innovation and quality design for companies worldwide, with the most creative experience related to technology and brands. Shall we talk? For updates, follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram:
    Looking for work in Product Management
    Located in Madrid, Spain
    From €5,000 for Product Management
    Works in Beverage (+10)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    11-50 members
  • TheCodingMachinecertified-flagverified-flag

    (19 reviews)

    Développement web et mobile sur-mesure, confiez-nous la technique ! Paris, Lyon, Hong-Kong, Lisbonne

    Top awarded
    TheCodingMachine c’est plus de 15 ans d’expertise et de conseil aux entreprises dans le digital, le web, l’applicatif mobile et la transformation digitale. Nous vous accompagnons et conseillons sur les solutions optimisant vos process et votre business. Nous travaillons à faire évoluer vos outils pour le bienfait de votre société et nous assurons la partie technique de votre écosystème digital. NOS EXPERTISES : 1. DÉVELOPPEMENT SUR MESURE Nous utilisons les frameworks PHP les plus populaires comme (Symfony, Laravel), afin d’optimiser notre code. TheCodingMachine intervient également sur des technologies JavaScript (VueJS, ReactJS, AngularJS) afin d’apporter un maximum de dynamisme à vos différentes interfaces. Plateforme web Intranet, extranet, espace connecté… Chez TheCodingMachine nous pensons que chaque entreprise possède une problématique métier propre à son activité Application mobile Natives, hybrides ou Progressive Web App, nous assurons votre présence sur smartphone, tablette ou n’importe quel device ! Site Internet Site institutionnel ou e-commerce, refonte ou réalisation complète, nous vous accompagnons dans l’élaboration et le déploiement de votre stratégie web. 2. CONSEIL & AUDIT Nos experts peuvent vous accompagner sur différentes phases de conseil uniquement ou également d'audit comme par exemple dans le cadre d'investissement, de rachat ou de refonte de projet. Sauvetage de projet, organisation, digitalisation du Système d’Information… certains projets nécessitent d’être accompagnés sur vos choix techniques et stratégiques. Grâce à l’expertise de ses équipes techniques, TheCodingMachine vous aide à réussir votre transformation digitale.
    40 works in Product Management
    Located in Lyon, France (+3)
    From €5,000 for Product Management
    Works in Energy & Oil (+24)
    Speaks French, Chinese
    51-200 members
  • Mayasquadverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    Mayasquad allie la technologie à l'ingéniosité humaine pour votre évolution digitale.

    Création sur mesure de solutions web et mobile pour propulser votre entreprise, et transformer vos défis en opportunités 🚀 Chez Mayasquad , nous croyons fermement que l'innovation numérique est la clé de la croissance des entreprises. Fondée par deux anciens CTO et experts en produits, notre agence se consacre à propulser les entreprises vers l'avenir en digitalisant leurs interactions avec partenaires, clients et employés. Nos objectifs sont clairs : Digitaliser les relations pour optimiser les interactions et améliorer l'efficacité. Concevoir des produits innovants qui deviendront les licornes de demain. Nous marions technologie, intelligence humaine et méthodologie éprouvée pour moderniser, simplifier et optimiser les entreprises, tout en favorisant un monde plus social et responsable. 🛠️ Notre méthode Notre équipe multidisciplinaire plonge au cœur des organisations pour une compréhension approfondie de leurs enjeux et défis. Nous identifions, définissons et mettons en œuvre des solutions numériques efficaces et personnalisées. Application mobile Plateforme web E-commerce et marketplace Intranet Extranet Bienvenue dans un monde aux possibilités numériques infinie ! 🤞🏻 Notre double promesse Pour nos clients : Nous nous engageons à développer l'innovation tout en renforçant la compétitivité et la productivité grâce au digital. Pour nos collaborateurs : Nous offrons un environnement de travail sain, inclusif et chaleureux, centré sur l'excellence et l’humain. Envie d'en savoir plus sur notre approche ou de discuter de la transformation digitale de votre entreprise ? Contactez-nous ! Ensemble, relevons les défis numériques de demain. 💪
    Looking for work in Product Management
    Located in Paris, France
    Budget on request
    Works in Hospitals & Healthcare (+9)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • Loop Crewcertified-flagverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Développement web, data, IA 🇫🇷

    Votre équipe technique externalisée Nous réalisons vos projets web, data et IA de manière agile pour apporter le plus de plus-value à vos utilisateurs. Compréhension des besoins, tenue de budget, gestion de projet, développement et mise en production sur les serveurs, nous vous accompagnons sur tous les fronts. Concrètement, à quoi devez-vous vous attendre ? Nous faisons du sur-mesure et nous nous adaptons à vos besoins, quels qu’ils soient. A titre d'exemple, voici un plan : 1. Mettre en place une stratégie Nous réfléchissons ensemble à la viabilité économique de votre projet. A quelle problématique vous apportez une solution ? Quelle est votre cible ? Où la trouver et comment la séduire ? 2. Créer le prototype L’objectif est de déterminer la fonctionnalité qui apporte la plus-value principale, puis nous la développons pour vous. A ce stade, les coûts sont contraints pour se concentrer sur l’essentiel, au plus vite. 3. Confronter la cible au prototype Cette étape est cruciale afin de s’assurer que nous apportons le plus de plus-value à l’utilisateur final. 4. Designer et construire une version scalable de la solution Une fois le prototype validé, nous développons la solution numérique selon les meilleures pratiques de l’industrie à l’aide de technologies performantes et pouvant passer à l’échelle. 5. Assurer l’évolution et la maintenance du projet Le projet est destiné à être internalisé ? Nous pouvons vous aider à recruter les bonnes personnes et à transmettre le savoir de façon fluide. Vous préférez qu’on s’en occupe ? Nous optimisons le projet pour pouvoir le gérer au mieux et nous vous donnons de la visibilité sur les coûts associés à la maintenance. Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes passionnés de code depuis 10 ans. Nous avons travaillé dans différentes startups afin de comprendre comment construire un produit trouvant sa cible. En tant qu’ingénieurs en informatique, nous mettons la méthodologie, la rigueur et la technique au service de projets complexes. Contactez-nous pour vous accompagner dans votre projet.
    1 work in Product Management
    Located in Paris, France
    Budget on request
    Works in Energy & Oil (+7)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • Creative Navycertified-flagverified-flag

    (22 reviews)

    Only senior designers. Evidence-based approach.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    At home in the UK and Germany, we are probably the oldest company in Europe specialised in UX and UI. Our team is formed only of senior designers with 8+ years of experience. Going beyond webapps and mobile apps, we're the foremost experts in embedded systems.
    22 works in Product Management
    Located in London, United Kingdom (+8)
    From €1,000 for Product Management
    Works in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+24)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • uideationcertified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Wir übersetzen Ideen in validierte und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche digitale Lösungen.

    Taking Ideas from Zero to Impact. Gute Ideen können die Welt verändern. Wir übersetzen sie in validierte und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche digitale Lösungen: in kürzester Zeit und mit nachhaltig positivem Impact. Dabei setzen wir auf iterative Prozesse und ein testgetriebenes, lernendes Design. So minimieren wir die Risiken, den finanziellen Einsatz und bringen Innovationen schnell auf den Markt. Als multidisziplinäres und diverses Team bringen wir langjährige Erfahrung in Beratung, Design und Technologie mit. Unsere Arbeitsweise ist geprägt von starken Werten: Wir achten die Diversität und Pluralität der Menschen. Ökologische, soziale und kulturelle Zusammenhänge. Die Menschen, mit denen wir arbeiten und die unsere Produkte nutzen. Und nicht zuletzt die Gesellschaft, in der wir leben – und die wir mit unseren Lösungen mitgestalten.
    4 works in Product Management
    Located in Munich, Germany (+1)
    From €20,000 for Product Management
    Works in Transportation (+11)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 40/60 UX, CX et développement - Agrée CIIcertified-flagverified-flag

    (31 reviews)

    Design et développement de sites web et apps digitales boostant acquisition, conversion et rétention

    Highly recommended
    Agence 40-60 Studio, votre partenaire pour dynamiser l'espace digital. Spécialisés en CX, UX/UI, nous transformons vos challenges en conversions accrues, rétention et upselling améliorés, grâce à des interfaces intuitives. Sites web, marketplaces B2B/B2C, plateformes SaaS ou apps mobiles , nous assurons une présence digitale remarquable et conforme à votre vision stratégique. Notre équipe, mêlant l'agilité d'une startup digitale à la profondeur d'accompagnement des ETI et grands comptes, est dédiée à l'excellence. Depuis 2016, notre expertise s'étend sur plus de 190 projets dans divers secteurs, prouvant notre aptitude à innover et à personnaliser nos solutions selon vos besoins spécifiques. Engagez-vous vers une transformation digitale efficace, où chaque interaction est une opportunité de croissance. Votre vision, notre mission : matérialiser efficacement vos ambitions digitales. 40/60, c’est l’agence stratégie, UX/UI, développement & Innovation dont vous avez besoin. Plus d'informations sur notre site internet Retrouvez-nous sur Paris et sur Nantes 📍 Nos clients : Stellantis | Eiffage | SNCF | Arte | ADN Data | Heineken | LVMH | Simplon
    7 works in Product Management
    Located in Paris, France (+1)
    From €10,000 for Product Management
    Works in Media (+25)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 2V MODULEScertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Research -> UI/UX -> Full-featured digital product

    Professional, flexible, and dedicated team focused on digital product development. We're the right choice for Founders, CPOs, and IT Directors to outsource UI/UX and development of their web or mobile-based software products. What we do (aka service lines) We can deliver each service separately or as part of a single project. UI/UX - research, wireframing, prototyping Full-cycle development - specifications, architecture, CI/CD pipelines, QA. Our stack includes modern frameworks like NestJs, Laravel, and React. Webflow marketing website development. To complete our offering for founders, we also build great marketing websites for your digital products, so you don't need to go elsewhere for that. I guarantee quality and absolute client satisfaction with every project that we start. Founder & CEO Valerian Valkin
    8 works in Product Management
    Located in Sydney, Australia (+1)
    From €50,000 for Product Management
    Works in Sports (+12)
    Speaks English, Armenian
    11-50 members
  • OpenStudiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (14 reviews)

    L'innovation numérique responsable

    Highly recommended
    Acteur engagé de la nouvelle économie , nous imaginons des outils numériques intelligents et responsables. Nous réalisons des projets de développement sur-mesure, s’appuyant sur un fort esprit d’innovation, une expertise technique pointue et une créativité sans limite. OpenStudio décline son activité autour de trois cœurs de métier : le E-commerce, le Développement de plateformes web sur-mesure et l’Intelligence Artificielle. Ce sont trois métiers sur lesquels nous mettons toute notre force d’innovation, de recherche et d’expertise technique afin de répondre aux besoins de nos clients. Trois métiers qui sont aussi susceptibles de se compléter avec des solutions d’IA dédiés au e-commerce ou visant à optimiser des plateformes web. Notre objectif est de vous offrir le meilleur de l’Innovation Numérique Responsable. En 2020, OpenStudio a obtenu la certification ISO 9001, une garantie supplémentaire de notre engagement pour la satisfaction de nos clients. Labellisée Numérique Responsable, OpenStudio est engagée dans une démarche Green IT et IT for green avec le développement de nombreux projets au service de l'environnement. Depuis sa création, OpenStudio affirme sa volonté d’appliquer une philosophie open source dans chacun de ses projets web. La diffusion d’informations et la collaboration sont des valeurs qui nous sont chères. Elles font partie de l’ADN de notre entreprise. À travers des projets ouverts à toutes les contributions comme Mellia, Thelia, ou encore l’Atlas des Synergies Productives, OpenStudio s’inscrit pleinement dans cette culture du logiciel libre et de l’open source. Retrouvez nos agences à Clermont-Ferrand, Toulouse, Lyon, Paris et Le Puy-en-Velay Depuis sa naissance en 2005, OpenStudio s’est enrichie d’une solide expérience dans l’univers du numérique pour devenir une référence du développement web. Après l’ouverture de la première agence au Puy-en-Velay, OpenStudio s’est implantée à Clermont-Ferrand, Toulouse, Paris et Lyon. Intelligence Artificielle, E-commerce et Développement web sur-mesure, ce sont plus de 400 projets qui ont vu le jour depuis les débuts d’OpenStudio.
    4 works in Product Management
    Located in Lyon, France (+4)
    From €5,000 for Product Management
    Works in Government & Administration (+4)
    Speaks English, French
    51-200 members
  • Dashdotcertified-flagverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Engineering your startup success

    Dashdot is a dynamic digital product studio that specializes in crafting custom software solutions. Our expertise lies in shaping, building, and growing digital products, especially for startups and corporate ventures. With a focus on rapid, high-quality delivery, we excel in turning client ideas into successful digital realities, ensuring each product is a perfect fit for your vision and requirements. We are based in Antwerp and are known for our creative and efficient approach to software development.
    4 works in Product Management
    Located in Wijnegem, Belgium (+1)
    From €10,000 for Product Management
    Works in Consumer Electronics (+5)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • Servers Fitcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Servers Fit provides Information Technology solutions to meet the diverse needs of its customers.

    Servers Fit is a dedicated server part and networking hardware service provider in the USA that supplies a plethora of computer electronics. Consumers trust us to deliver mission-critical hardware and maintenance of supporting components from manufacturers and distributors around the world.
    Looking for work in Product Management
    Unknown location
    From €499 for Product Management
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    201-500 members
  • Teqdeftcertified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Empowering businesses to grow and thrive through reliable technology solutions.

    At Teqdeft, our journey began with a simple yet profound belief: That technology has the power to transform businesses and drive meaningful change. Founded by a team of passionate innovators, we set out on a mission to empower enterprises with cutting-edge tech solutions.
    4 works in Product Management
    Located in Gary, United States (+1)
    From €5,000 for Product Management
    Works in Wine & Spirits (+6)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • Cratercertified-flagverified-flag

    (16 reviews)

    Construyendo Marcas Fuertes

    Top awarded
    Ayudamos a pymes y startups a diferenciarse de la competencia, conectar mejor con sus audiencias y generar nuevas oportunidades de negocio a través de la marca. Trabajamos con metodologías ágiles para crear marcas con mayor capacidad de adaptación. Marcas que evolucionan en entornos cada vez más cambiantes. Activamos experiencias que consiguen atraer y consolidar audiencias, que crean un sentimiento de pertenencia y alinean el negocio con los anhelos de la sociedad. Acompañamos a las marcas durante su proceso de evolución teniendo en cuenta su realidad. Trabajamos con la metodología adecuada según la fase de desarrollo del proyecto. Contacta con nosotros para que conozcamos tu proyecto y poder encontrar la mejor manera de hacerlo crecer. -> ¡Estamos deseando impulsar grandes ideas!
    Looking for work in Product Management
    Located in Madrid, Spain (+1)
    Budget on request
    Works in Telecommunications (+20)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • TSMGO | The show must go oncertified-flagverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Construimos y diseñamos marcas | Rationality drives emotion | Brand Consultants

    Top awarded
    Since 2009 with a simple vision: Strategic thinking + creativity always bring results. Rationality drives emotion. We are expert consultants on naming, name creation and brand transformation and management. We have a team of professionals specialized in brand consultancy, naming, multidisciplinary design, internal branding and brand management. We have ample experience in integrated corporate branding projects, brand architecture, naming, corporate identity and strategic brand management. The show must go on combinamos la racionalidad de la rentabilidad con la emoción que lleva a la acción. Estamos especializados en dotar de significado a nuestros proyectos, bien materializados en packaging renovado, en una identidad o en una marca. MARKETING & BRANDING Somos expertos en identidad corporativa. Sabemos cómo llegar a tu audiencia, despertar en ella sensaciones mediante un mensaje que transmita la esencia de tu marca. Ponemos rumbo e imagen a tus acciones comerciales, dotándolas de un diseño atractivo y un discurso rico en significado que destaque tus ventajas competitivas para crear experiencias de marca únicas. CONSULTORÍA ESTRATÉGICA Transformamos conceptos etéreos en una realidad tangible desde el germen de una idea de negocio. Te guiamos durante la totalidad del proceso de materialización de tu proyecto: desde la descripción de tu mercado, la concreción de tu plan de negocio y estrategia comercial, pricing , naming … hasta el lanzamiento del producto final. PACKAGING El 75% de la compra tiene lugar en el punto de venta. El packaging que presenta tu producto se convierte en tu vendedor silencioso, gracias al que maximizar las oportunidades de venta. Hablamos el lenguaje visual de tu audiencia, conocemos los códigos del sector y sabemos cómo generar productos de gran atractivo con marcas reconocibles. Situamos tu imagen en el mercado, desde la configuración de tu portfolio hasta el diseño de un imaginario gráfico capaz de crear una experiencia de consumo memorable. The show must go on we combine the rationality of the profitability with the emotion who drives action. We are specialized in giving meaning to our projects, either by materializing them through a renovated packaging, a new identity or through a brand. MARKETING & BRANDING We are experts in corporate identity. We know how to reach your audience, how to stir their emotions by creating a message that transmits the essence of your brand. We set the course and image of your commercial actions, providing them with an attractive design and a meaningful content which enhance your competitive advantages to create unique brand experiences. STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY We transform abstract concepts into tangible reality from the seed of a business idea. We guide you through the whole process of making your project happen. From your market description, the concreteness of your business plan and your commercial strategy, pricing , naming … until the final product launch. PACKAGING 75% of the purchase takes place at the point of sale. The packaging presenting your product becomes your silent salesperson, which maximizes your selling opportunities. We speak the visual language of your audience, we know the industry codes and how to yield compelling products with recognizable brands. We place your corporate image in the market, from the configuration of your portfolio to setting up graphic imagery capable of create memorable consuming experiences.
    1 work in Product Management
    Located in Logroño, Spain
    From €1,000 for Product Management
    Works in Beverage (+11)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • Ciedenverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    Digital product design agency that makes a difference | Complex SaaS Products | Product Management

    Top awarded
    Enterprise-level clients choose Cieden to create highly competitive B2B/B2C products because of our proven capacity to put sophisticated requirements of business software into the intuitive, learnable, and predictable UX/UI. Our team is experts at making rules- and data-heavy integrated systems such as ERP, CRM, or CMS elegant and usable, with a sustainable level of complexity, perfect customization, and immunity to feature creep. 🏆 Best Agency 2020 for Design & Creative on Upwork 🏆 Top-rated agency on 🏆 Top-rated UX/UI agency by the Manifest 🏆 9 years on the market 🏆 200+ projects delivered 🏆 40+ team members 🌎 Our designers work from the United States, Canada, Austria, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and Ukraine. This outreach is converted into the exuberance of ideas, cultural sensitivity, and multiple perspectives on any problem. We provide an integrated set of services going far beyond a standard must-have design package. This includes high-end UX research, business analysis, SEO optimization, design-driven development, and other activities aimed to put our client’s idea into effect safely and lastingly. Our clients are always confident they receive not just aesthetically beautiful layouts, but a genuinely sustainable digital product meeting the real needs of the end-user and standing firmly on the market. Moreover, our business partners get their projects implemented in the most reliable and cost-effective way, as Cieden applies a design thinking framework with design/brand sprints and all-around usability testing. We developed an exceptionally supportive and cost-effective format of partnership with our clients. By hiring even one UI/UX designer at Cieden, you have all the technological and intellectual resources of a digital product design agency at your disposal. Importantly, their employment conditions are similar to standard terms for an expert-level in-house specialist. Despite the universally scientific methodology, our team celebrates a tailored approach to every project. We know that each business operates differently and has a unique set of needs. Our expertise in UX research and business analysis allows for its accurate and sensitive adjustment to the market demand and the industry requirements. Iterative usability testing with real users provides an avenue for a product to become a commercial success because your end-user receives a customized experience that both delights and delivers. Business objectives and product requirements defined by our client is the primary issue that we take into account before proceeding with the design process. We look forward to working with you! Contact us:
    43 works in Product Management
    Located in Lviv, Ukraine
    From €3,300 for Product Management
    Works in Transportation (+18)
    Speaks English, Polish
    51-200 members
  • Artificial Turf & Lawncertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Artificial Turf And Lawn, A Perfect Lawn All Year Long.

    Your premier destination for top-quality artificial turf solutions in Georgia. With a passion for transforming spaces and a commitment to delivering excellence, we are your trusted experts in creating lush, green landscapes that require minimal maintenance and offer maximum enjoyment.
    Looking for work in Product Management
    Unknown location
    From €499 for Product Management
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    201-500 members
  • ORINOKOcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)
    Nous accompagnons les entreprises dans le développement de leur business digital : * ecommerce B2C / B2B * marketplaces * PIM / gestion de données * omnicanalité Nous travaillons aussi bien avec les purs players du digital qu'avec les enseignes de la distribution disposant déjà d'un réseau d'agences / boutiques.
    3 works in Product Management
    Located in Rennes, France
    From €3,000 for Product Management
    Works in Aviation & Aerospace (+6)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • UNICO-ITverified-flag

    (12 reviews)

    Improve your online image, with us it's easy.

    Highly recommended
    As Unico-IT, we combine the best practices of project management and software development to deliver the best possible solution to our clients.
    3 works in Product Management
    Located in Puck County, Poland
    From €30 for Product Management
    Works in Education (+3)
    Speaks English, Polish
    1-10 members
  • Snapp Xcertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Apps für jeden Screen.

    Highly recommended
    Mit einer Codebasis. Ohne Abstriche. Wir entwickeln benutzerfreundliche, ansprechende und hochperformante Apps, die genau auf deine individuellen Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind. Mit unserer "One Code for All"-Lösung erreichst du alle Plattformen: iOS, Android und Web. Du kannst entscheiden, ob du deine App sofort auf allen Plattformen launchen oder sie nach und nach veröffentlichen möchtest – der Code gehört dir. Über uns Die Ursprünge von Snapp X reichen weiter zurück als die offizielle Gründung. Bereits seit 2012 entwickeln wir Apps zusammen mit unserem Partnerunternehmen Snapp Mobile GmbH. Unsere Begeisterung für die Technologie Flutter – mit der wir die meisten Apps programmiert haben – trieb uns schließlich zur Eigenständigkeit an, und wir gründeten Snapp X. Unser Fokus liegt seitdem ganz auf der Entwicklung von plattformübergreifenden Apps – mit Flutter. Über uns Ökosystem Wir sind Teil der Snapp Group und arbeiten mit über 150 Entwickler:innen und Designer:innen zusammen. Mit einer bewährten Erfolgsbilanz in der Branche hat sie bereits hochwertige mobile Anwendungen für einige Branchen und Kund:innen weltweit entwickelt.
    Looking for work in Product Management
    Located in Munich, Germany
    From €3,000 for Product Management
    Works in Restaurants (+4)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
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    Diseño y Desarrollo de Soluciones digitales Software / Ecommerce / Diseño

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    ▶️ Bienvenido a Lyra , estudio digital de referencia en Madrid. Con más de 15 años de experiencia creando soluciones digitales de alto estándar, trabajaremos junto a tu equipo para impactar en tu negocio en pocos meses. ✅ DESARROLLO DE SOFTWARE a medida. ✅ ECOMMERCE o MARKETPLACE. ✅ DISEÑO WEB / APP ✅ TRANSFORMACIÓN DIGITAL ✅ AUTOMATIZACIÓN de procesos o INTEGRACIONES CRM, ERP. ✅ SOLUCIONES basadas en INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL o No-Code/Low-Code 🚩¿No tienes la capacidad, experiencia o equipo? Somos un equipo de especialistas con más de 15 años de experiencia creando soluciones digitales memorables, escalables, rápidas y seguras, perfectamente adaptadas a tus necesidades y objetivos de negocio. Con o sin código. Apoyándonos en soluciones estándar o creándolas desde cero, totalmente a medida. 🚩¿No estás satisfecho con tu proveedor actual? Tranquilo, a partir de ahora estás en buenas manos. No solo vamos a cumplir tus expectativas, sino que vamos a superarlas Además, tenemos otra buena noticia. Se acabaron los problemas trabajando con empresas externas. Vas a disfrutar de nuestro PROCESO para co-crear contigo esa solución digital que impacte de forma positiva en tu negocio. ------- Para ayudarte, ofrecemos soluciones en 2 áreas: 1. TECNOLOGÍA (Desarrollo de Software): La tecnología más bella normalmente es la que no se ve. Pensar de esta manera es clave para nuestro éxito. Nos ajustamos a tus planes estratégicos, tamaño de negocio y objetivos. Plataformas Web Tiendas online / eCommerce y Marketplaces Aplicaciones web a medida (Front y Back) Aplicaciones web desarrolladas con tecnologías No-code y Low-code (Webflow, Bubble, Airtable, Glide, etc) Apps híbridas y web-apps (PWA). Integraciones: APIs, CRM, ERP, Pagos y Automatizaciones Web corporativas, Landing Pages y Blogs. Landbots y chatbots 2. DISEÑO UX/UI + Branding y Gráfico: Diseñamos la interfaz del producto digital (UI), trabajamos en una experiencia memorable (UX), y por último creamos prototipos para su testeo con clientes potenciales. Además, desarrollamos estrategias completas de diseño de marca (branding), partiendo de cero o adaptando la marca existente a las nuevas necesidades y tendencias en medios y formatos. Diseño de Productos y Servicios digitales (UX / UI / IxD) Branding / Diseño y Creación de marca Auditoría UX y rediseño de tu producto/servicio para mejora y optimización Sistemas de diseño Prototipos funcionales y testing Outsourcing: - ¿Un cliente te pide algún servicio en el que no estás especializado y no quieres perder la oportunidad? - ¿Necesitas perfiles extra para cubrir un proyecto? Agencias de marketing, multinacionales y consultoras IT ya externalizan proyectos con nosotros. Subcontratación en cualquiera de nuestros servicios, adaptándonos a tus necesidades, forma de trabajo y objetivos. ------- AGENTES DIGITALIZADOR PROGRAMA KIT DIGITAL ASESOR DIGITAL PROGRAMA KIT CONSULTING 😊 ¿Qué opinan nuestros clientes? Visita la pestaña de reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🎯 ¿Preparado para impactar en tu negocio y convertir en realidad tu visión de futuro? Escríbenos! Desde nuestro primer contacto vamos a centrarnos en entender tus necesidades para poder ayudarte. +34 635 76 00 05 Agencia Digital en Madrid Agencia de Diseño y Desarrollo Web-App en Madrid
    31 works in Product Management
    Located in Madrid, Spain (+1)
    From €5,000 for Product Management
    Works in E-commerce (+21)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    11-50 members

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How to choose a product management consultant for your business ?

If you're looking for a product management consultant to help you with your product strategy, development, and launch, you've come to the right place. We've compiled a list of the top product management consultants to help you find the right fit for your business. Product management is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the market, the competition, the product, and the customers. A good product management consultant will have a wealth of experience and knowledge to help you navigate these waters and make the best decisions for your product. When choosing a product management consultant, be sure to consider their experience, fees, and reviews. You should also ask for references from past clients to get a better sense of their work. With the help of a quality product management consultant, you can take your product to the next level.

What does product management mean ?

Product management is the process of bringing a product to market. It includes all aspects of the product life cycle, from ideation and development to launch and post-launch support.

The product manager is responsible for ensuring that the product meets the needs of the target market and is positioned correctly in the market. They work closely with the engineering team to ensure that the product is developed to specification and with the sales team to ensure that the product is launched successfully.

After launch, the product manager is responsible for ongoing support and enhancements to the product. They work with customer feedback to ensure that the product continues to meet the needs of the market and makes any necessary changes.

The role of product manager has evolved over time, and there is no one standard definition. The responsibilities of the product manager vary depending on the company, the product, and the stage of the product life cycle.

Product management is an integral part of any business. It begins with an idea and continues to its completion, whether it's a new product or a re-engineered version of an existing one. It starts with the research and development process and ends with the evaluation of its success. In the world of marketing, a well-designed product can make the difference between success and failure. This article will discuss how to manage a product.

Product management vs project management: which one to choose

Product management and project management are both important functions within a company. They both play a vital role in ensuring that a company's products and projects are successful. However, there are some key differences between the two functions.

Product management is responsible for the overall strategy and direction of a company's products. They are responsible for defining the features of a product, setting product goals, and ensuring that the product meets customer needs. They also work closely with other departments within a company to ensure that the product is successful.

Project management, on the other hand, is responsible for the day-to-day management of a company's projects. They are responsible for setting project timelines, assigning resources, and ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. They also work closely with team members to ensure that projects are executed successfully.

While both product management and project management are important functions within a company, there are some key differences between the two. Product managers are responsible for the overall strategy and direction of a company's products, while project managers are responsible for the day-to-day management of a company's projects.

What is a product management consultant ?

A product management consultant is a professional who helps organizations develop and market new products. They work with clients to understand their needs and wants, and then help them create and execute a plan to bring their product to market.

Product management consultants typically have a background in business, marketing, or engineering. They use their skills and knowledge to help organizations assess their product development needs, create a product roadmap, and launch new products successfully.

Product management consultants help organizations to:

  • Define their product vision and strategy
  • Develop new product concepts
  • Identify target markets and users
  • Conduct market research
  • Create business plans
  • Develop go-to-market strategies
  • Launch new products
  • Manage product life cycles

Product management consultants work with organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. They can be hired on a project basis, or they can be brought in to help build and manage an organization's product management function.

7 things that product management companies do:

  • Conduct market research
  • Create a product roadmap
  • Help you prioritize product features
  • Coordinate product development
  • Launch your product
  • Conduct market research
  • Conduct market research

5 Questions to ask to product management consultants:

  • What are your qualifications?
  • What is your experience in product management?
  • What do you think are the key skills necessary for product management?
  • Do you have any references?
  • What do you think is the most important thing to remember when managing a product?

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