The 10 Best Market Research companies in Italy - 2024 Reviews

Top Market Research companies in Italy

List of the top Italy Market Research firms

  • KOM  | The  Agency ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

    KOM | The Agency ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐certified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    ⚡ Chiedi Prima a noi! Tutto quello di cui hai bisogno è qui! ...Mettiti comodo 😉

    Ci anima la passione nel creare strategie di Marketing su misura per Aziende ambiziose! Dai un'occhiata al nostro sito: 🫵 troverai testimonianze reali dell'impatto che abbiamo generato per Aziende come la tua! Siamo curiosi di ascoltare la tua storia e raccontarti Il nostro metodo ADAM, il cuore pulsante delle nostre strategie, concepito sulle più moderne conoscenze di Marketing Scientifico. Troveremo insieme l'approccio più adatto alle tue esigenze attraverso le nostre 3 Business unit: - AGENZIA CREATIVA: Se cerchi lo sviluppo di strategie di marketing su misura, approfondendo l'analisi del tuo brand con innovazione innovazione e creatività. - CONSULENZA STRATEGICA: Se sei alla ricerca di una consulenza strategica in ambito marketing, e sviluppo del tuo business, sei nel posto giusto. - WEB DESIGN: Se il tuo focus è creare o migliorare la tua piattaforma web o e-commerce con un design accattivante e una user experience ottimale. KOM è un ecosistema di soluzioni digitali, diviso in tre rami principali: KOMLab, KOMsulting e Kompetitive. Ogni ramo ha un focus specifico e insieme offrono un pacchetto completo per la presenza digitale e il marketing. Che tipo di servizi sviluppa KOMLab? KOMLab è la fucina dove la creatività si fonde con la strategia per creare soluzioni digitali di punta. Sviluppiamo strategie avanzate all'avanguardia, sempre con un occhio attento alle esigenze specifiche del mercato e dei nostri clienti. In che modo KOMsulting si differenzia dalle altre agenzie di consulenza? KOMsulting va oltre la semplice consulenza. Funzioniamo come un vero e proprio partner strategico, proponendo e attuando servizi innovativi che molti considerano troppo audaci o complicati. Come assicura Kompetitive una presenza online efficace e reattiva? Kompetitive garantisce una presenza online solida attraverso un approccio bilanciato tra tecnica e design. Siamo specializzati in e-commerce e web design, creando piattaforme che non solo attirano l'attenzione, ma sono anche funzionali e ottimizzate per massimizzare le conversioni. Come si integrano questi i servizi per fornire una soluzione completa ai clienti? I nostri servizi sono pensati per lavorare in sinergia attraverso il Metodo ADAM. KOMLab sviluppa il marketing innovativo KOMsulting fornisce la strategia e la visione per applicare queste innovazioni, e Kompetitive si occupa di rifinire l'esperienza utente con un design intuitivo e performante, garantendo una presenza online impeccabile. Tutto è coordinato da ADAM il nostro metodo di approccio scientifico, frutto dei nostri 20 anni di esperienza. Perchè un Metodo? … p erché troppo spesso abbiamo visto sprecare opportunità aziendali , a volte per la mancanza di una visione chiara e di un relativa coerenza nei processi di implementazione di marketing e/o di design. Abbiamo quindi, cercato di “mettere ordine” e descrivere bene come gestire le complesse dinamiche, dando loro un percorso per renderle coerenti e misurabili. Com'è nato ADAM? Risponde Dario Scarabello fondatore di KOM : Ricordo ancora un corso di marketing che frequentavo verso metà anni '90. Di questo mi è rimasto in mente l'acronimo “AIDA” - Attenzione, Interesse, Desiderio, Azione, che il relatore ci aveva menzionato per darci un'idea schematica dei processi di vendita. Sono sempre rimasto sorpreso di come questo nomignolo sia rimasto dentro la mia testa, e di come mi ci sia "arrampicato" per farmi chiarezza in occasioni in cui facevo fatica a dare un ordine alle strategie che avevo in mente. Ancora oggi è attuale anche - ad esempio - nei complicatissimi funnel dell' Ads digitale dei Social. Ho voluto, quindi creare ADA M, come guida strategica duratura nel tempo per le implementazioni di marketing, design e di tutti gli strumenti oggi disponibili. Ho provato quindi messo ordine ai miei concetti di Marketing & Design. Due parole che mi hanno sempre accompagnato nel percorso lavorativo, e che con il tempo stanno assumendo significati sempre più ampi e diversi Crediamo fermamente che ogni azienda abbia una storia speciale e obiettivi unici. Ecco perché siamo curiosi di ascoltare la tua storia e siamo convinti che una chiacchierata potrebbe essere lo spunto per grandi idee e collaborazioni: Consulta il nostro sito e chiedi a noi! grazie Dario Scarabello General Manager
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Market Research
  • Stratagemma Studio

    Stratagemma Studioverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Facciamo la differenza in un mercato volubile e pieno di squali

    Siamo uno Studio di Strategie Digitali Aiutiamo le Aziende a costruire la propria identità digitale, fidelizzare gli attuali clienti e ad acquisirne di nuovi attraverso le più avanzate soluzioni digitali, realizzate su misura per il cliente. Viviamo di problem solving quotidiano a tutti i livelli. Abbiamo skill che non si acquisiscono nelle Università o nei Master di vario livello ma sul campo, dove giochiamo da 12 anni senza mai una sconfitta.  Per noi Cliente significa Visione, un Credo a cui prender parte nel diffondere il messaggio.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Market Research


    (7 reviews)

    Un team di professionisti pronti ad accompagnare la tua azienda nel percorso d identità sul web.

    Agenzia Grafica Milano, non una delle solita Agenzie di Grafica e design. Agenzia Grafica Milano è la più veloce Web agency per PMI.
    1 work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • samurai agency

    samurai agencyverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Design with purpose

    Samurai Agency offre soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per le imprese che cercano l'eccellenza digitale.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €300 for Market Research
  • 45gradi


    (2 reviews)

    Acute Brand Care

    Un angolo più imprevisto di quello retto, più curioso di quello piatto. Diverso da tutti e tutt’altro che ottuso. 45gradi non è solo un nome, ma un modo di essere e guardare alle cose. Un angolo libero, all’interno del quale convivono acuta passione, competenza e consistenza. Siamo a Milano, e ci occupiamo di design, strategia e comunicazione di brand da oltre quindici anni. Collaboriamo con aziende che hanno a cuore il proprio prodotto e vogliono continuare ad evolversi e rinnovarsi. Siamo guide e compagni di viaggio, designer strategici e consulenti operativi, esteti funzionali ed eterni curiosi. Crediamo che ogni identità di marca nasca da un pensiero, che bellezza significhi forma, sostanza e coerenza. Aiutiamo i brand che ci scelgono a farsi avanti e andare oltre. 45gradi. Acute Brand Care
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Genoma


    (2 reviews)

    We combine artificial intelligence and human experience to develop your business

    Genoma places the customer and a deep understanding of their needs at the center of its approach, offering support that goes beyond technology. Through human and personalized support, we are committed to understanding each specific challenge, collaborating closely to find tailor-made solutions that respond not only to business objectives, but also enhance human experience and relationships, ensuring that each strategy is calibrated to the unique reality of those who choose us as partners.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Recommended
    Die Serviceplan Group ist die größte inhabergeführte, partnergeführte und am breitesten aufgestellte Agenturgruppe Europas. Im Jahr 1970 als klassische Werbeagentur gegründet, vereint die Serviceplan Group seit jeher alle Kommunikationdisziplinen unter einem Dach: ​Ob Markenstrateg:innen, Kreative, Experience-Designer:innen, Marketingtechnologie-Expert:innen, CRM-Expert:innen, Data Scientists, Marktforscher:innen, PR-Berater:innen oder Sales-Profis bei der Serviceplan Group ziehen alle an einem Strang, im House of Communication, dem einzigen komplett integriert aufgestellten Agenturmodell in Deutschland. Das präzise Zusammenspiel der Vielzahl von Spezialagenturen in Sachen Strategy & Consulting, Creative & Content, Platform & Technology sowie Media & Data macht die Serviceplan Group zur führenden Agenturgruppe für innovative Kommunikation.​ Was uns alle verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft, faszinierende Marken aufzubauen und zu coachen. Marken, die wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sind und Emotionen im Kopf der Verbraucher:innen auslösen — BEST BRANDS eben.​ Der Weg dorthin führt über innovative Kommunikation. ​ Das bedeutet, neue Wege ins Herz der Verbraucher:innen zu finden: kreativ, medial & technologisch. ​Diesen Anspruch, Marken zu BEST BRANDS zu machen, leben wir täglich im House of Communication.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • bcbrandesign


    (0 review)
    We work with ambitious entrepreneurs around the globe.  Bcbrandesign is a branding agency that helps modern startups and big corporations create identities and voice. From unique strategies, we deliver phenomenal logo design, corporate identity design, brand identity, rebranding, brand messaging, business analysis, branding strategy, website design, app UI&UX, graphic design, packaging design, posters and much more. We believe in strategic thinking and creative designs.  
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Pixell


    (0 review)

    Creative Solutions

     Pixell è un’agenzia di comunicazione nata nel 2000, in pieno millennium bug, il primo e irrilevante ostacolo in 20 anni di attività, ma fortunatamente allora non potevamo immaginarlo. La nostra corsa ad ostacoli è passata per la grande recessione del 2006 e la crisi del 2013 e noi, come siamo sopravvissuti a questi anni catastrofici? Con le uniche armi che avevamo all’epoca e che custodiamo gelosamente ancora oggi: la creatività e la passione, con l’unico obiettivo di creare valore. Armi che si sono dimostrate nel tempo estremamente potenti e che ci hanno sempre accompagnato in questo lungo viaggio. Oggi, dopo 20 anni di lavoro, seguiamo la comunicazione offline e online di importanti brand nazionali ed internazionali. Il nostro nome è Pixell. A quell’unità minima, il pixel, abbiamo aggiunto solo una lettera. Una lettera che oggi ci permette di raccontarvi una storia lunga 20 anni. La nostra.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Market Research
  • 6 Visibile

    6 Visibileverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Più visibilità, più successo

    Siamo specializzati nel marketing B2B. L'80% dei nostri clienti fa parte dei settori sanitario, nutraceutico e cosmetico. Attraverso le attività digital, supportiamo le Aziende nell'accrescere online l'autorevolezza già acquisita nei canali tradizionali
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Market Research
  • Filippini Business Consulting

    Filippini Business Consultingverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Strategic Marketing, Market Research, International Business Development

    Filippini Business Consulting helps companies and organizations in various industries to analyze, plan, build, grow and monitor their business by providing high-value professional services an management tools on a global scale. ​ Ensuring the highest standards of strategic management, marketing planning and international business development to companies and organizations of any size, Filippini Business Consulting delivers actionable results through close cooperation at the most reasonable price. ​ Integrity, Pragmatism, Perseverance and Reciprocity are the pillars at the basis of every relationship between Filippini Business Consulting and our clients, making it possible to punctually meet their requirements and to strive to exceed their expectations for mutual success.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €5000 for Market Research
  • Archibuzz


    (0 review)

    Archibuzz: Digital Agency specializzata nello sviluppo web, Mobile e Web App, Digital Marketing

    Archibuzz è una digital agency il cui team comprende ingegneri informatici e sviluppatori software, designer ed esperti di marketing. Siamo specializzati nella progettazione e sviluppo di siti e applicazioni web, app mobile, nel marketing digitale e nelle strategie di comunicazione online. Aiutiamo i nostri clienti a creare esperienze digitali coinvolgenti, facendo leva su un uso strategico di tecnologia, creatività e un approccio orientato ai risultati, per raggiungere obiettivi sfidanti e garantire un elevato ritorno sull’investimento. La nostra missione è essere il punto di riferimento per progetti digitali ambiziosi, che creino valore per i nostri clienti e abbiano un impatto positivo sulla nostra società.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Diseo Agency

    Diseo Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Diseo Agency è un’agenzia di marketing e comunicazione con sede a Firenze. È il partner strategico che accompagna i brand dalla definizione di una strategia di marketing su misura all’implementazione di un piano di comunicazione efficace. Si contraddistingue un approccio creativo, innovativo e dinamico, una visione di insieme che guarda al presente per costruire il futuro. IN DUE PAROLE? SIAMO IL TUO PARTNER STRATEGICO. Partner perché lavoriamo al tuo fianco, non siamo un semplice fornitore di servizi ma ti affianchiamo nel tuo percorso di crescita passo dopo passo. Strategico perché ci occupiamo in primis di strutturare una strategia su misura e un piano di comunicazione integrato, impostando obiettivi misurabili e concreti. Pensa a un punto da raggiungere su una mappa geografica. Inizialmente, potresti pensare che sia più veloce arrivarci per tentativi, ma ben presto ti renderesti conto che perderesti un sacco di tempo ed energie. E chissà, magari non raggiungeresti nemmeno la tua destinazione! Analizzare la mappa e definire un percorso sensato sicuramente richiede tempo e impegno in una prima fase, ma ti permetterà di raggiungere la tua destinazione essendo consapevole del percorso, degli eventuali pericoli e delle tattiche per affrontarli. Questo è quello che noi chiamiamo strategia! E POI? Ovviamente non ti lasceremo con in mano solo una bella presentazione e tanti progetti! Saremo al tuo fianco operativamente. E lo saremo davvero. Non siamo un’agenzia di marketing e comunicazione che si nasconde dietro un telefono che squilla a vuoto o email che rimangono per settimane senza risposta. La nostra agenzia di marketing ha una doppia anima, strategica e operativa. Da un lato ci occupiamo di marketing strategico per dare la giusta direzione al tuo brand. Dall’altro lato, mettiamo in atto in modo sinergico tutte le attività identificate nella prima fase di consulenza, strategia e analisi.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Ad Web Agency

    Ad Web Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Code The New World

    Agenzia di web marketing strategico e di posizionamento digitale sui motori Ad Web Agency è il partner ideale per dare forza alla tua identità aziendale e raggiungere un posizionamento sui mercati globali. Specializzata in strategie di marketing e nello sviluppo di piattaforme digitali, supporta le imprese nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali: posizionamento digitale, lead generation, automation marketing, vendita tramite e-commerce, comunicazione social e community management. Con oltre 15 anni di esperienza nel mondo digitale, Ad Web Agency realizza eCommerce, siti e piattaforme digitali ad alta conversione. Si impegna, altresì, a offrire servizi di qualità con grande flessibilità per aiutare le aziende ambiziose a posizionarsi sul mercato globale. I dati interni o esterni a disposizione delle aziende vengono sfruttati per ottenere insights approfonditi e rendere il business più redditizio. Ad Web Agency è una realtà digitale operativa e innovativa, da sempre attenta agli obiettivi business dei Clienti.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Market Research
  • Uman Studio

    Uman Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Strategic & Branding Studio

    Uman© è uno studio di strategia e branding che umanizza l’identità del tuo brand per migliorare la relazione con il tuo target. Lo studio Uman© va oltre la strategia e il branding per elevare il tuo brand verso la cultura e i giusti valori per creare una vera connessione umana con il tuo target all'interno del tuo mercato. Creiamo un impatto positivo attraverso lo sviluppo e l’evoluzione di brand che hanno a cuore il futuro dell’essere umano. Chi aiutiamo? Collaboriamo con brand e start-up, imprenditori individuali, agenzie, oltre che con marchi più grandi e affermati. Lavoriamo con clienti in un'ampia gamma di settori e industrie, dal food al beverage, dall'istruzione alle arti, dalle cryptovalute alla finanza, fino alla beneficenza e al non profit. Cosa offriamo? 1. Ricerchiamo insight per elaborare la miglior strategia di posizionamento del tuo brand e del tuo prodotto all'interno del tuo mercato di riferimento. 2. Sviluppiamo Brand e identità visive impattanti per permetterti di creare una relazione empatica, memorabile e longeva con il tuo target 3. Analizziamo il vostro target, le loro necessità, i loro bisogni e le loro paure per poter donare loro una experience memorabile ed efficace. Perché Uman© studio? Perché il mondo cambia alla velocità della luce e cambia costantemente: i gusti e i bisogni delle persone, i modelli, i linguaggi, i mercati. Tutto cambia rapidamente e non possiamo permetterci di investire in un’idea se non abbiamo il controllo delle informazioni e della strategia di posizionamento.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Srl Srlverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Agenzia di comunicazione a Bologna

    Specializzati in comunicazione digitale, posizionamento e campagne di web marketing per progetti B2B e B2C, in quasi venti anni di attività abbiamo visto evolversi gli strumenti digitali e rivoluzionare la comunicazione. Abbiamo precorso e percorso questi cambiamenti con l’obiettivo di fornire sempre una risposta efficace alle esigenze delle aziende.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • dpsonline*


    (0 review)

    Matter of details

    Innovazione, creatività e tecnologia alimentano le nostre idee. Siamo esperti nel coinvolgere il pubblico e nel convertire i clic in clienti, offrendo un valore reale e risultati misurabili. Sappiamo come raccontare le storie, quelle belle. La nostra raffinata combinazione di messaggio conciso, chiarezza e semplicità contraddistingue il nostro Cliente. Parliamo italiano, inglese e altre lingue, a volte armonicamente tutte insieme. Creiamo esperienze positive che spiegano il senso, la motivazione e il contesto di ogni progetto, di ogni prodotto, di ogni azienda. Creiamo valore! Lavoriamo per la relazione tra le persone, lavoriamo per la condivisione, lavoriamo per arricchire di significato. Siamo partner delle aziende nel loro percorso di crescita con un’affiancamento strategico e operativo. Siamo un’azienda sostenibile, socialmente consapevole, che fornisce soluzioni di marketing, web e software all’avanguardia nel competitivo mercato globale.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Market Research


    (0 review)
    Italian startup that implements direct marketing for small medium enterprises in order to rocket their cash flow with an implemented system based on data so that everything is predictable and precise. How? Super Specialised Experts & Data = Perfect Combo
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €2000 for Market Research
  • VentureLab


    (0 review)

    Web Application, Mobile Application, Software Custom, Cloud Computing , AI, Digital Transformation

    Italiano: VentureLab è una dinamica azienda specializzata in soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate. Siamo il partner ideale per chi cerca innovazione, affidabilità e personalizzazione. La nostra forza risiede nella nostra squadra di esperti, che combina esperienza, creatività e una profonda conoscenza tecnologica per trasformare le tue idee in realtà tangibili. Scegliere VentureLab significa affidarsi a un team che valorizza le tue esigenze e le traduce in soluzioni su misura, sia nel campo dello sviluppo web, software, applicazioni mobile, che nelle ultime tendenze come realtà aumentata e virtuale. Impegnati nella sicurezza, nell'innovazione continua e nel supporto al cliente, siamo qui per guidarti verso il futuro del successo digitale. English: VentureLab is a dynamic company specializing in cutting-edge technological solutions. We are the ideal partner for those seeking innovation, reliability, and customization. Our strength lies in our team of experts who blend experience, creativity, and deep technological knowledge to turn your ideas into tangible realities. Choosing VentureLab means entrusting your needs to a team that values them and translates them into bespoke solutions, whether in web development, software, mobile applications, or the latest trends like augmented and virtual reality. Committed to security, continuous innovation, and customer support, we are here to guide you toward a future of digital success. Español: VentureLab es una empresa dinámica especializada en soluciones tecnológicas de vanguardia. Somos el socio ideal para aquellos que buscan innovación, fiabilidad y personalización. Nuestra fortaleza reside en nuestro equipo de expertos, que combina experiencia, creatividad y un profundo conocimiento tecnológico para convertir tus ideas en realidades tangibles. Elegir VentureLab significa confiar tus necesidades a un equipo que las valora y las traduce en soluciones a medida, ya sea en desarrollo web, software, aplicaciones móviles o en las últimas tendencias como realidad aumentada y virtual. Comprometidos con la seguridad, la innovación continua y el apoyo al cliente, estamos aquí para guiarte hacia un futuro de éxito digital.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Market Research
  • ESCAL Consulting

    ESCAL Consultingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    "Build your influence"

    [FR] ESCAL Consulting est un cabinet conseil en stratégies d’influence et communication 360 : Audit, Image, Contenus, Relations Publics, Relations Media, Lobbying. Créé en 1999 à Paris, il offre un rayonnement international à ses clients avec des bureaux à Paris, New York et Shanghai. Nos 60 clients partagent tous l’innovation comme dénominateur commun. [EN] ESCAL Consulting is a consulting firm specialized in influence strategy and 360° communication : Message platform, Image, Content, Public Relations, Media Relations, Lobbying. Created in Paris in 1999, ESCAL offers international influence to its clients with offices in Paris, New York and Shanghai. Our 60 clients all share innovation as a common denominator. L’écosystème d’ESCAL Consulting  : MEDEF, Business France, bpifrance, Silver Valley, La French Tech, Paris Region Enterprises, Assemblée Nationale, Coface, Commission Européenne, Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances, Ministère de la Santé REFERENCES ➼ Big Data / AI / Tech Rh / Transformation Digitale : Payfit, Eurogroup Consulting, Golden Bees, Prevision, Stedy, Troops, CodinGame, Quantmetry, Datategy, Apidata, Alten ➼ High-Tech & Objets Connectés : Matooma, bluenove, ELA Innovation, Pixmind, AVNET, Vivoka, EURO INFORMATION TELECOM, TELEHOUSE, SENSING LABS, Pradeo, Alliance Telecom, FILENET, IoTerop, ➼ Santé  : Medadom, Fontalvie, FuturÂge, R-Pur, Oniris, La Sèche, Nutrisens, Chèque Santé, NextPharma, Concilio, Santech, Diabnext ➼ Silver Economie  : Doro, Independance Royale, Silver Valley, Papyhappy, Assystel, Villa Médicis, Bluelinea, Saveur et Vie ➼ E-Commerce / Grande Consommation et Retail : Bazaarvoice, Kelkoo, JVWEB, Mirakl ,, Marques Avenue,,,,, Florajet, SoCloz, Oxatis, WeWard ➼ Tourisme et Transport  : Avis Budget Group, NAVYA, Agence you Airport, Eurecab,, Marco Vasco, Tourism Malaysia, Maison au Portugal, France Thalasso, Vacances Bleues, SERAIR ➼ Lifestyle, Art et Culture  : Kazoart, Catawiki, Cartier, Plussh, Expertissim,, Château du Clos-Lucé, Museva, Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, L’artisan du Regard ➼ Immobilier et Proptech  : Welmo, Capifrance, Monitivia, Libertas, Netinvestissement, GEFIC, MIPIM, Valoptim ➼ Fintech, Finance et Assurances : ITN (Gfi), Lemonway, HelloAsso, Hyperassur, Easyblue, ECA Assurances, Veracash, Alven, Butler investment Managers ➼ Alimentation, Food Tech & Restauration : LaFourchette, Wineadvisor, Resto Flash, La Boite à Pizza, InnovOrder, WeCook, Truvia, Cargill ➼ Energie / Smart grid & Dev. Durable :Uniper, Groupe Muller, DAIKIN, Spie, Équilibre des Énergies, Green Cove, Comwatt, Cameo Energy, Bulane, Oze-Energies, Ecologia, Enerfip
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Interactive Market Research is a full service market research institute. Born as the first company in Italy specialized in online market researches it extended its service to any kind of data collection.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Market Research
  • No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Market Research
  • Flair Research

    Flair Researchcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Full service market research agency based in Milan. Qualitative and quantitative research. Strong expertise. Deep knowledge of Italian market
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Market Research
  • Gotoclient


    (25 reviews)

    B2B demand generation expert team

    English version: Gotoclient is a world-class B2B online marketing agency on B2B lead generation strategies for B2B & B2B2C businesses.  All our services are sales-oriented, focused on helping our clients’ needs with the only goal of contributing to our customer success. Hire Gotoclient as a LinkedIn Ads, a B2B lead generation, an Inbound Marketing for B2B, a channel loyalty, or a B2B and B2C promotions agency. Or hire us as consultants. Versión en castellano: Gotoclient es una agencia internacional de marketing online B2B, especializada en estrategias de generación de leads para empresas B2B y B2B2C. Todos nuestros servicios están orientados a las ventas y se centran en ayudar a nuestros clientes, con el único objetivo de contribuir a su éxito. Contrata a Gotoclient para servicios de LinkedIn Ads, generación de leads B2B, Inbound Marketing para B2B, fidelización de canales o promociones B2B y B2C. También puedes contratarnos como consultores. Versione italiana : Gotoclient è un'agenzia di marketing online B2B, specializzata in strategie di generazione di lead B2B per aziende B2B e B2B2C. Tutti i nostri servizi sono orientati alle vendite e mirano ad aiutare le esigenze dei nostri clienti con l'obiettivo unico di contribuire al successo dei nostri clienti. Assumi Gotoclient come agenzia per LinkedIn Ads, generazione di lead B2B, Inbound Marketing per B2B, fidelizzazione dei canali o promozioni B2B e B2C. Oppure come consulenti. Version française: Gotoclient est une agence de marketing en ligne B2B spécialisée dans les stratégies de génération de leads B2B pour les entreprises B2B et B2B2C. Tous nos services sont axés sur les ventes et visent à répondre aux besoins de nos clients avec le seul but de contribuer à leur réussite. Engagez Gotoclient en tant qu'agence LinkedIn Ads, génération de leads B2B, marketing entrant pour les entreprises B2B, fidélité des canaux ou agence de promotions B2B et B2C. Ou engagez-nous en tant que consultants. Versió en català: Gotoclient és una agència internacional de màrqueting online B2B, especialitzada en estratègies de generació de leads per a empreses B2B i B2B2C. Tots els nostres serveis estan orientats a les vendes i es centren en ajudar als nostres clients, amb l'únic objectiu de contribuir al seu èxit. Pots contractar Gotoclient per a serveis de LinkedIn Ads, generació de leads B2B, Inbound Marketing per a B2B, fidelització de canals o promocions B2B i B2C. També pots contractar-nos com a consultors.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • BAE Groupe

    BAE Groupeverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Digital future of business

    🇫🇷 Business Accelerator Enterprise est le premier groupe indépendant de solutions digitales innovantes et clé en main pour les entreprises.  Le groupe BAE, cinq pôles stratégiques complémentaires : 🔵   ADQUALITY  : le pôle pilotage marketing digital couvre l’ensemble des leviers d’acquisition de trafic.  SEO (Référencement Naturel)🔝 : Améliorez votre positionnement naturel sur les moteurs de recherche pour booster votre visibilité.   SEA (Référencement Payant) 🥇 : Définissez la meilleure stratégie d'acquisition pour accroître vos ventes en ligne. SMA (Social Media Ads)  📱 : Utilisez la puissance des réseaux sociaux pour développer votre notoriété et l'engagement autour de votre marque. PROGRAMMATIQUE 🚀: Maîtrisez votre exposition grâce au programmatique en diffusant le bon message, à la bonne audience et au bon moment.  🔵 KOOBIAK : 100% Marketplace. MARKETPLACES    🛍  : Intégrez les plus grandes marketplaces pour tirer profit de ce canal de vente en pleine croissance. Nous vous aidons à déployer votre marque sur des Marketplaces telles que Amazon, C-discount, El Corte Inglés, Rakuten, Fnac, Bol, Ebay etc. 🔵   MAITRICKS  : la plateforme technologique du groupe propose une suite d'outils SaaS permettant aux entreprises d'affiner leur stratégie globale et d'apporter de l'intelligence à leur data. Outils 🚀 : regrouper dans un seul et même dashboard les résultats de vos campagnes, accès à la concurrence , etc. 🔵 MARKSTRAT  : l'agence de conseil basée à Vancouver spécialisée en stratégie et positionnement de marque. Création 🖌 : création de bannière , de visuels pour vos sites et vos réseaux sociaux, création de landing page , et création de site web. 🔵  ACADEMISTE : notre organisme de formation, certifié Qualiopi. FORMATION 🎓: Nous vous offrons différentes formations exclusivement dédiées aux thématiques du marketing digital. Contactez-nous pour nous présenter votre projet : ou +33 (01) 89 19 95 00
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • KIND - The positive impact growth marketing agency

    KIND - The positive impact growth marketing agencyverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    We scale positive impact brands with storytelling, growth marketing and community amplification 💚

    Are you looking to attract more conscious consumers, grow revenues and positively impact our planet? KIND supports positive impact brands with storytelling, growth marketing and community amplification 💚 We're made up of serial founders, digital marketers, social media experts and content creators with a vision of making the sustainable attainable and accessible. Our founder, Caner, successfully built and scaled a global startup and worked alongside some of the most recognisable brands such as Adidas, Burberry and IKEA. He now supports impact brands to increase their impact in order to build a better and fairer future. We operate differently from other agencies. Alongside our core team, we leverage our community of the sharpest minds in sustainable marketing to amplify and accelerate your growth and brand awareness. Sustainable growth only happens when you take the health of your entire business into account, not just the ROI of a single channel. If you're looking to scale your impact, then it makes sense to work with people who have done it before at the highest level. We help our clients with: Branding & Positioning Performance Advertising Digital Strategy Content Social Media Email Marketing Online eCommerce & Website Design Communications and PR Sustainable & Ethical Marketing Investment & Fundraising Book a 30 minute discovery call with us to see what's possible, and join other brands making the sustainable attainable and accessible.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Bikain Studio

    Bikain Studioverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Diseñamos Estrategias Digitales para empresas que necesitan Marketing.

    Somos una agencia de Marketing y Publicidad . Diseñamos estrategias de Marketing Online y Offline para empresas. Branding, Posicionamiento SEO, Diseño y Desarrollo Web. Tiendas online. Redes sociales. Analítica digital. Realizamos presupuestos sin compromiso. ¿Cómo trabajamos con nuestros clientes?: Preparamos un análisis de estrategia online. Realizamos una analítica digital. Diseñamos y desarrollamos los soportes digitales necesarios. Trabajamos el posicionamiento web y de marca. Utilizamos nuestros medios para el desarrollo del marketing online. Creamos campañas de publicidad acorde a los objetivos. Trabajamos con clientes de todo el mundo.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • OPIC Agency

    OPIC Agencyverified-flag

    (2 reviews)
    We believe that currently, everyone needs a specialist in order to stand out on social media. That's why started a one-stop social media company where you can find everything you need to win nowadays in this super competitive market. We offer: - Marketing Strategy - Content Creation - Advertising - Brand Recognition - Engagement Enhancement and thanks to our fantastic team we can create a tailored offer to meet your expectations.  
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Kellenföl Advertising

    Kellenföl Advertisingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    We empower brands to lead the change

    🇪🇺 Kellenföl Advertising® Es una de las agencias estratégicas más importantes. Kellenföl Advertising® es la agencia de los CEO's y directivos. Creamos estrategias de marketing, comunicación, data y publicidad. Desarrollamos conceptos, marcas, productos, historias y experiencias. Nuestro exclusivo sistema integra investigación de tendencias, marcas, personas y mercados, publicidad, marketing, diseño de comunicación, estrategia de marca, entornos digitales, dirección de arte, diseño web, tecnología, vídeo, VFX, CGI y eventos especiales. Además somos de las pocas agencias de medios avanzados, que trabajan con Google DV360, Yahoo DSP, Stack Adapt y los mejores sistemas profesionales de publicidad programática del mercado internacional. Somos agencia de Public Relations Internacional y tenemos acceso a los mejores periodistas del mundo. Todo esto es posible gracias al modelo de Kellenföl. Somos innovación. Con nuestra agencia tendrás acceso al mercado mundial de publicidad programática BIG DATA y al mercado mundial de medios de prensa y periodistas. Reconocidos por los clientes en: > Brand Consulting > Strategic Planning > Creative > Ideas estratégicas creativas > Public Relations Digital > Programatic Advertising Elegidos en el top 10 in the global Branding según Yahoo Finance. Premiados por varios organismos Europeos como agencia innovadora. --- 🇬🇧 Kellenföl Advertising® is one of the most important strategic agencies. Kellenföl Advertising® is the agency for CEOs and executives. We create marketing, communication, data and advertising strategies. We develop concepts, brands, products, stories and experiences. Our unique system integrates trend, brand, people and market research, advertising, marketing, communication design, brand strategy, digital environments, art direction, web design, technology, video, VFX, CGI and special events. We are also one of the few advanced media agencies working with Google DV360, Yahoo DSP, Stack Adapt and the best professional programmatic advertising systems in the international market. We are a Public Relations International agency and have access to the best journalists in the world. All this is possible thanks to the Kellenföl model. We are innovative. With our agency you will have access to the global BIG DATA programmatic advertising market and the global media and journalist market. Recognised by clients in: > Brand Consulting > Strategic Planning > Creative > Creative Strategic Ideas > Digital Public Relations > Programatic Advertising Chosen in the top 10 in the global Branding according to Yahoo Finance. Awarded by several European organisations as an innovative agency. The Brands Actifemme, Urocran, Evian, Prestige Brands, Calvin Klein, Siemens, Mercedes Benz, Font Vella, Chopard, Dom Perignon, Sanofi-Aventis, Laboratorios Ordesa International, Eurofred, Panreac Pharma, Home English, CEAC, Deusto, Fujitsu, Schaffer, Empik Sjo, Ministerio Turismo Cuba, Xunta Galícia, Planeta, Actimel, Vitalinea, Esteve, Laboratorios Ordesa España, Mexico DF, HC Technologies, Panreac Chemical, Bodegas Valderiz, Bodegas Torremoron, Circuit Catalunya, Eurofred, Mutua Universal, Isa, Giorik, Indiba, Criocabin, Ferrer, Turismo Finlandia, Pirelli, Neositrin, Cortafriol  
    1 work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Hey Paul

    Hey Paulverified-flag

    (1 review)
    We combine digital craftsmanship with innovative thinking and deliver digital solutions on a worldwide scale.We’ve been crafting beautiful websites, launching stunning brands in social media landscape and making clients happy for years. We Adapt your message to local markets and different TOV's with the help of local digital warriors. We want to work with opend minded clients and we want to surprise them every day with work that treads new ground. We aren’t limited by what has gone before but embrace the challenge of the ‘what if?’ We are powered by a free thinking approach which inspires us to tell your stories in the most compelling ways, in the most effective places. We aren’t an agency centred around departments but crafted around driven, creative people blended together to provide an alchemy of intelligent insight, imaginative ideas, exceptional implementation, and potent impact. We believe in remotely work, that is why our team members are always happy (and awesome).
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Activate Conscious Thinking (ACT)

    Activate Conscious Thinking (ACT)certified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Fueling marketing success for eco-businesses

    We are a dedicated marketing agency committed to driving sustainability-focused businesses to the forefront.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Bagstudios Business Design

    Bagstudios Business Designverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    We build brands and visual experiences that captivate audiences, inspire culture, and buzz media

    Bagstudios is a company that uses design and knowledge to create new and exciting things for businesses. We focus on helping corporate clients in areas like biotech, pharmaceuticals, IT innovation, science, technology, fashion luxury, and business design. DESIGN We believe that design just like the law of attraction works only when it comes to good intentions, nuanced thinking, and positive human experience. With 10+ years of experience in branding, advertising, and visual communications for a wide variety of international brands. Our work succeeds in the achievement of award-winning products. BUSINESS In the rise of the digital era, communication design can be improved through deep experience in arts and science to be a razor-sharp, whole-brain approach to a new era of human factor design.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Kemarq LLC

    Kemarq LLCverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Driving Results Beyond Expectations: Precision Marketing, Powerful Performance.

    With Kemarq, we redefine digital success for businesses worldwide. Known for delivering exceptional digital results. 🔍 Market Research: At Kemarq, we delve deep into the digital landscape to uncover hidden opportunities, spot emerging trends, and gain invaluable insights into your target audience. Our comprehensive market research sets the stage for your digital triumph. 🚀 Business Development: We don't just strategize; we partner with you to elevate your business to new heights. Kemarq approaches your enterprise with a visionary mindset, aligning our strategies seamlessly with your long-term vision and goals. Your success is our mission. 💰 Increasing ROI: Your success story begins with a sharp focus on your goals and a commitment to maximizing your ROI. Kemarq defines crystal-clear objectives and KPIs, ensuring that every digital move we make is geared toward measurable, tangible results. 🧪 Testing and Optimization: In the ever-evolving digital world, stagnation is the enemy of success. At Kemarq, we thrive on innovation and adaptability. We continuously test and optimize our strategies, ensuring they perform at their peak, driving your business towards excellence. 📣 Consumer Feedback: Understanding your consumers is the key to your business's growth. Kemarq provides you with invaluable feedback and insights, helping you connect deeply with your audience and improve your business continually. Ready to redefine digital success? Contact Kemarq today and embark on a journey to exceptional digital results. Let's turn your business into a digital powerhouse. 🚀📈🎯 The story behind the agency: In 2018, Cairo witnessed the birth of Kemarq, a tight-knit team of performance digital marketing enthusiasts with a global vision. Their mission? To revolutionize businesses through digital marketing excellence. They quickly gained a reputation for innovative strategies and data-driven prowess, serving diverse clients across the GCC and EMEA regions. Kemarq's aspiration was clear: lead the global digital marketing arena with tech-driven solutions. Their diverse team, experts in performance marketing (Media Buyers), data analysis, SEO, design, content creation, and social media, tackled every challenge head-on. But what truly set Kemarq apart was their unwavering commitment to clients. They weren't just marketers but architects of success stories, crafting unique journeys for each client and consistently delivering remarkable results. Choose Kemarq, where Growth is the norm.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Market Research
  • Admoon Google Ads agency

    Admoon Google Ads agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    At Admoon, the focus is only on Google Ads services. Optimize, Convert, Succeed.

    Choosing the right International Google Ads partner, we manage & optimize your PPC campaigns, get started today and watch your online success. At Admoon, we're a dedicated team of digital marketing experts with over 8 years of experience, specializing in Google Ads. We pride ourselves on delivering data-driven strategies and exceptional service, helping businesses thrive in the digital landscape. Your success is our mission
    3 works in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Mediaplus Gruppe für innovative Media

    Mediaplus Gruppe für innovative Media

    (1 review)

    Integrated. International. Independent. Innovative - das ist die Serviceplan Group

    Mediaplus ist die Innovationsagentur für messbaren Markenerfolg. Das bedeutet: Mediaplus ist mehr als nur Media: Media plus Digital plus Data plus Content. Das Plus-Prinzip zeigt das zukunftsfähige Potential unserer Agenturgruppe und generiert ein Plus an Wirkung für mehr Markenerfolg unserer Kunden. Zu diesem Zweck verbinden wir klassische und digitale Mediaplanung mit markenindividuellen Zielgruppenmodellen und Mediastrategien, Geomedia, Performance Marketing, Social und Search Marketing sowie Programmatic Advertising. Mit über 30 Datenexperten realisieren wir daten- und profilbasierte Mediakampagnen.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Your Personalized Digital Media Growth Companion ⚙️ GROW , Nurture & Leverage The Power Of YOUR Digital Media Presence 😎✌️ SEE GOOGLE REVIEWS 🔥 Our NEXT CHAPTER is about saving Brands & Businesses, Globally 🎁 #COVID19 Relief for Companies , Brands , Musicians, Artists, Chefs, Authors, Startups , & Businesses of all Industries 🏆 GET Personalized Digital Media Growth companionship, 1:1, Human to Human at 50% OFF on ALL SERVICES - VALID UNTIL 30 June 2020 🚨 SUPPORT 💌 GET SOCIAL on IG, Twitter & FB @BIZBoost
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • DM-Production


    (0 review)
    ABOUT We are an integrated marketing agency, born and raised in Milan in a youthful and dynamic context. Our resources and know-how implement a range of different marketing strategies in one cohesive effort.   Production We have the expertise to perform analysis and market research,  this allows brands to collect and provide valuable data useful to formulate strategies for  dynamic and innovative projects.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Bruce Clay MENA

    Bruce Clay MENAverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Bruce Clay are an international network of 9 offices, specialising in SEO, PPC and Social Media. You can see more about us at  We work at the intersection of Strategy, Creative, Execution and Data. Everything we do is in house and delivered by our team of in house experts. We are abole to support over 13 languages through our network and service some of the best known names such as Johnson and Johnson, LG, Smart Dubai Government, Toshiba, Damac, Emirates Auction, McDonald's and Al Rawabi.  SEO Bruce Clay is one of the top SEO companies in Dubai and has been optimising websites since 1996, which is even before Google was a website. That’s why we would like to believe that we know a thing or two about SEO. Our dedicated SEO experts have been able to implement successful strategies and tactics to assist tens of websites for better ranking in Google SERPs. Bruce Clay, himself, has been credited by leading industry figures worldwide with making the term Search Engine Optimization (SEO) popular in 1997…that’s a pretty big deal in itself! We are the first ones to answer the question: What is SEO? Over the years, Bruce Clay has grown globally, due to the cutting-edge SEO services that we have been able to offer to a wide array of clients. We support a multitude of clients in various languages with customized SEO packages suitable for your business.   Social Media Social media is important. There’s no question about that! Just take a look at the huge usage rates across the world – there are a lot of people you can reach with your message either through sites or mobile applications, but how do you go about doing it? Social Media needs to be taken seriously, it is not about throwing up a picture and hoping for the best. Hope is never a good strategy! That is where Bruce Clay come in! Let’s get properly social! Our primary focus is to raise awareness, drive traffic, convert leads and build a community for your customers through really cool social experiences! Our areas of expertise in Social Media: Social Media strategy and planning Paid Social Media Marketing Community Management Social Media reporting & analysis Social Media content creation PPC We know that if you are looking to invest in PPC (Pay Per Click), SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or paid media marketing you want results and measurable ROI. Pay per click is a powerful way to get your brand noticed and drive sales or awareness, depending on your business objectives. The basis of any successful PPC campaign is exceptional knowledge, account management and cutting edge optimisation techniques, either manual or through automation and technology. At Bruce Clay, we have been optimising websites since before Google was a website, so we know a thing or two about the optimisation process – albeit, in this instance, it is for paid ads, rather than organic results. We are used to dealing with over 300 variables in algorithms, which are mainly unknown to us and found through testing, imagine what we are capable of when we apply our knowledge to technology and a set of information that is open to all.  
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • HATAGO Consulting is Tokyo-based digital marketing agency. We provide digital marketing plans including social media, SEO/SEM, website localization to extend your business opportunities in Japan. We also support global promotions outside of Japan using our global network.  We work on B2B and B2C projects in multiple sectors one focus in mind: deliver the best inbound marketing results. Enhance your marketing efforts, grow your customer base and increase revenues through our customized strategic plans. There are several ways to approach a marketing campaign – we test ideas to see what works best for your company and make the appropriate adjustments to continually improve results. Contact us to learn more about how we can take your marketing or sales strategy to the next level.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Mvision


    (0 review)
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Iberactiv


    (0 review)

    360º digital agency: online marketing, web development, digital transformation. www.YOU !

    Everything you need for your business in Internet We can advise you on all aspects of your Internet presence, from business conception and market research, to customer acquisition and business management, including all the technical services essential for your website. We offer a wide range of services in addition to personalized Internet consulting. Everything so you can focus on what you do best! You’ll have the peace of mind of being well-advised on the digital aspects of your business.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Perfect Serve

    Perfect Serveverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Bridging the gap for direct-to-consumer brands

    Perfect Serve specialises in providing high-end marketing services to the spirits industry since 2019. Support your brand at every stage of its development with brand strategy, market research, advertising, and digital marketing skills and resources. Just as a perfect serve must be tailored to the individual drink and customer.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €200 for Market Research
  • Selebrands


    (0 review)

    The No.1 Digital Agency in the UAE!

    Selebrands is not just a business development agency, but a crafter of triumphant journeys in the world of business. As the UAE’s top-ranked Business Creation and Marketing Agency, we are dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and organizations to expand, excel, and adapt in the fiercely competitive contemporary marketplace. We offer a wide array of services that cover every aspect of your business progression, from its birth to achieving unparalleled market supremacy and even beyond. At Selebrands, we don’t simply shape businesses, we mold success narratives.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • Anecdote Agency

    Anecdote Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The cure for the common

    A fully fledge Digital Marketing and Branding Agency that prides itself on identifying where brands belong in a culture and expresses their “unsaid” through social media, content, tech and data to provide results and experiences. Anecdote specializing in providing all services within the digital realm including, Social media management and content creation, Media Buying & Planning, Brand Strategy Planning, Branding Services, Photography, Videography & Influencer management.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Market Research
  • We are a trusted indipendent market research institute based in Italy with focus on cost effective qualitative and quantitative methodologies projects.
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Market Research
  • Springer


    (0 review)
    No work in Market Research
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Market Research

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