The 10 Best Community Management Agencies in Montreal - 2024 Reviews

Top Community Management Agencies in Montreal

All Community Management Companies in Montreal

  • Hula Hoop

    Hula Hoopcertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Agence des nouvelles cultures !

    AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE STRATÉGIE DE MARQUE Hula Hoop est une agence internationale de stratégie de marque multi-primée. Un véritable laboratoire stratégique et créatif référent où se croisent tous les métiers de conseil, marketing, design, publicité, digital, influence et social media. 70+ talents organisés ensemble pour répondre aux enjeux de transformation de l’époque, ouverts à toutes les entreprises et collectivités en recherche d’idées et d’innovation. AGENCE DES NOUVELLES CULTURES Hula Hoop est une agence connectée à son environnement, actrice de la culture, des cultures. Nos équipes partout dans nos agences créent et déploient avec plaisir des marques qui résonnent avec leur époque. Des marques qui portent de l’attention à leurs interlocuteurs, qui ne se moquent pas des gens, qui s’engagent avec une vision haute de la création et de la responsabilité qu’implique la prise de parole publique. Ce sont par ailleurs les conditions naturelles de la performance dans nos métiers. NOS SECTEURS PRIVILÉGIÉS : > Retail > Food & Drinks > Lifestyle > Tourisme RÉSEAU D'AGENCES : > Lyon > Paris > Nantes > Montréal > Genève > Bruxelles NOS CLIENTS : Bricomarché, Loxam, Promocash, Vorwerk, Euromaster, Tommee Tippee, TomTom, Felco, Bacardi, Cointreau, Palladium, Athena, Made in Design, Mobalpa, Socoo'c, Sanijura, Animalis, Canson, Orchestra, Tamboor, Tefal, Elior, Costa, Champion Petfoods, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, GL events, Occitanie, Paris tourisme, Finistère 360, Val d'Isère, Tignes, 3 Vallées, Figaro Emploi, Ministère de l'intérieur, Métropole de Lyon, Ratpdev, TPG de Genève, Transdev, Cooltra, Zity, Worldskills, Première Vision ... NOS EXPERTISES > Stratégie de marque > Design > Publicité > Digital > Social Média > Influence > Performance CHIFFRES CLÉS : 70+ talents 8,5 M€ de CA 300+ marques accompagnées 5x Champions de la croissance (Les Echos) 15+ Prix ces deux dernières années.
    10 works in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €5000 for Community Management
  • Wink Stratégies

    Wink Stratégiescertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    Notre métier: mettre en valeur le vôtre

    Wink Stratégies est une jeune agence née à Montréal en 2013 et implantée en France depuis 2016. Passant de trois à près de trente employés en cinq ans, l’agence connaît une croissance soutenue qui a poussé des clients de domaines d’activité très différents à lui faire confiance, en Amérique du Nord comme en Europe. Agence de communication 360°, Wink Stratégies est composée d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire , avec notamment des chargés de projets, spécialistes de la communication et du webmarketing, graphistes, webdesigners, développeurs web, spécialistes du référencement, des réseaux sociaux, ou encore des relations publiques. La diversité des talents en interne permet d’envisager chaque projet avec une vision globale et concertée. Ce qui différencie l’agence, c’est son équipe de passionnés , conjuguant créativité et rigueur afin de développer des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour ses clients. Personnellement attaché à la réussite des projets, chaque membre de l’équipe veille à ce que le client soit pleinement satisfait des résultats autant que du contact avec l’agence tout au long du projet. Depuis 2015, l’agence a reçu plusieurs distinctions en design Web et créativité média et nominée à la catégorie Agency of the Year aux prestigieux AWWWARDS.
    1 work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1500 for Community Management
  • ITDM Group

    ITDM Groupverified-flag

    (17 reviews)

    100% Technologie, 200% Intelligence Artificielle, 300% Créativité

    🇫🇷 🏆 NOTRE MISSION : nous voulons que la technologie aide l'humanité à ne faire que des choses qu'elle aime ! 🏆 ITDM Group est une marque experte en innovation technologique ! 🚀 💻 Créée en 2013 en Belgique, elle a su se développer à l'international et acquérir une forte expérience. Notre choix a été de segmentariser nos forces en 4 entités plus que complémentaires : Adopt un Soft : Le développement de logiciels et d'applications mobiles sur mesure 👉🏼 Mme&Mr : Agence digitale de growth hacking qui vous accompagne dans votre stratégie digitale 👉🏼 Vision IA : Développement de solutions en Intelligence Artificielle 👉🏼 Future Industry : Accompagnement de la digitalisation 4.0 dans les entreprises Nous avons fait le choix de segmenter ces différents secteurs d'activités afin de proposer un accompagnement totalement personnalisé et ainsi offrir à nos clients une digitalisation complète de leur activité. De la création d'un logiciel jusqu'à la mise en place d'une IA sur leur chaîne de production, nous offrons bien plus qu'un simple produit. Nos équipes accompagnent votre entreprise jusqu'au succès de vos projets. De la start-up à la PME en passant par les grands comptes, nous œuvrons tous les jours pour aider nos clients et les faire gagner en productivité et efficacité 💪🏻 Vous pouvez télécharger notre plaquette d'entreprise juste ici : ➡️ Nos valeurs: Respect et intégrité de nos engagements et envers collaborateurs Excellence de la première rencontre jusqu'à l'achèvement de votre projet Bienveillance envers nos collaborateurs, leur bien-être étant essentiel Innovation nassant de la rencontre entre passion et audace. ➡️ Nos valeurs ajoutées: ROI rapide et garanti assurant la rentabilité des projets Multi-expertise dans différents secteurs d'activités, nous avons la capacité de vous accompagner dans vos projets de A à Z Notre présence à l'international, nous permet d'accompagner et de guider les entreprises dans leur développement. Équipe de collaborateur jeune, dynamique et créatif. Stratégie sur-mesure s'adaptant à vos besoins d'acquisition de leads qualifiés ➡️ Nos expertises: Growth hacking Inbound Marketing E-commerce Stratégie social média, Community management Stratégie digitale Référencement web SEO,SEA et SEM Création de site haut de gamme Design web App mobile Logiciel sur-mesure Assistance par IA Innovation technologique Transformation digitale Industrie 4.0 / 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🇬🇧 🏆 OUR MISSION: We want technology to help humanity do only the things they love! 🏆 ITDM Group is an expert brand in technological innovation! 🚀 💻 Created in 2013 in Belgium, it has been able to develop internationally and acquire a strong experience. Our choice was to segment our strengths into 4 more than complementary entities: Adopt a Soft: Development of custom software and mobile applications 👉🏼 Mme & Mr: Growth hacking agency that supports you in your digital strategy Vision IA: Development of Artificial Intelligence solutions Futur Industry: Support for digitization 4.0 in companies We have chosen to segment these different business sectors in order to offer fully personalized support and thus offer our customers a complete digitalization of their activity. From the creation of software to the implementation of an AI on their production chain. We offer much more than a simple product, our teams support your business until the success of your projects. From start-ups to SMEs via large accounts, we work every day to help our customers and make them gain in productivity and efficiency 💪 You can download our company brochure right here : ➡️ Our values: Respect and integrity on our commitments and our employees Excellence from the first meeting until the completion of your project Focus on our employees because their well-being is essential Innovation is born from the meeting between passion and daring ➡️ Our added values: Quick and guaranteed ROI in order to save the profitability of projects Multi-expertise in different business sectors, we have the capacity to support us in your projects from A to Z Our international presence allows us to support and lead companies in their development Young, dynamic and creative team of collaborators Tailor-made strategy adapted to your needs for acquiring qualified leads ➡️ Our expertise: Growth hacking Inbound Marketing E-commerce Social media strategy, Community management Digital strategy SEO, SEA and SEM web referencing High-end site creation Design web Mobile app Custom software AI assistance Technological innovation Digital transformation Industry 4.0
    3 works in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • The OVRGRND Agency
    Montreal's Leading Social Media Agency. We Build Fun And Strategic Campaigns That Will Help You Kill It Online.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Communi


    (0 review)

    Powering businesses COMMUNIcate in the new normal

    Communi is a  full-service Toronto and Montréal digital marketing agency supporting community businesses with results-driven and innovative marketing solutions. Our list of expertise includes digital and branding strategy, social media management, content marketing, and website design and development. At Communi, we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all marketing approach. We dive deep into your business to understand your unique marketing needs from every angle. Accordingly, our team of marketing domain experts tailor-makes an effective 360- degree marketing approach to meet your business goals.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Casa Media

    Casa Mediaverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Évolution de marques sans limites

    Casa Media n'est pas seulement une agence de marketing numérique basée à Montréal. On forme une équipe de gens passionnés et créatifs qui valorisent le travail d'équipe, l'innovation et les résultats. En nous spécialisant dans le référencement, le branding, le design web, les médias sociaux et la publicité, on s'engage à transformer les idées en éléments visuels et pragmatiques qui racontent l'histoire unique de votre marque. Notre objectif ultime est bien simple : on est là pour aider nos clients à prospérer dans le monde du numérique, en repoussant les limites du possible et en faisant évoluer leur marque sans limites. Qu'est-ce qui nous distingue ? Casa Media a été fondée sur le principe de la transformation digitale sans limites, en insufflant innovation et créativité dans nos créations. Nous comprenons mieux que quiconque l'importance de créer des solutions et des stratégies personnalisées pour accompagner nos clients vers le succès, surtout dans un contexte numérique en constante évolution. En tant que jeune agence en plein essor, on collabore main dans la main avec des clients issus de multiples secteurs pour définir l'essence, l'identité et la voix de leur marque afin de les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs d’affaires. Comme une extension de votre entreprise, nous avons tout ce qu'il faut à l'interne pour vous offrir le meilleur niveau de service possible. Chez Casa, nous avons une forte affinité avec ces secteurs : ➕ Alimentation & restauration 🟠 Immobilier ➕ E-Commerce 🟠 Sports ➕ Mode et beauté 🟠 Compagnies de génération de leads & entreprises B2B Si vous recherchez une équipe de créatifs talentueux qui se consacre à votre réussite, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Qu'il s'agisse d'optimiser vos campagnes publicitaires ou de créer des univers immersifs et interactifs qui vous ressemblent, on veille à rentabiliser votre investissement, et notre réputation nous précède.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Signifly Inc.

    Signifly Inc.certified-flagverified-flag

    (4 reviews)
    We are on a mission. A mission to help businesses unleash their digital potential. With over 500+ projects and 14 awards; our team of 40 multidisciplinary digital pioneers offers services in strategic digital innovation, website and apps development, e-commerce set-up, sales optimization, branding, digital content, and video production. Since 2010, we have been building and launching award-winning digital products and experiences. We operate under the belief that digital initiatives should be quick and practical. That is why we can transform ideas into products in just 100 days.  Find out more about our work below or contact us directly to learn more about how we can help you unleash your digital potential.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Ludwig


    (0 review)
    Ludwig is a brand agency defined around a community of elite creative entities hosted on a private matchmaking and communication platform. We believe in harnessing expertise and collaborative spirit. Our goal is to offer crafted services & resources to deliver brand values converting targeted audiences. Today, our three main offices located in Europe - Luxembourg, North America - Montreal, and Asia - Shanghai, ensure Ludwig core teams are able to develop, manage and adapt global campaigns to local perspectives. We activate independent local strategic and creative experts based on your defined brief, and provide clients with a seamless project management experience from start to finish. Honor local, create global. Ludwig CCC // Creative & Collaborative Club. Digital platform matchmaking elite creative entities and leading brands around creative project opportunities. MISSION To be the global collaborative & creative brand agency by organizing and matching teams with our client’s objectives. To deliver crafted creative strategies and content converting audiences while maximizing cost efficiency. VISION We will be the global leader in delivering custom creative services to brands, and our collaborative processes and methods will stand as reference when global and local orchestrations are mandatory. VALUES The foundation of our culture is based on collaboration, authenticity, excellence, trust and support to our fellow teams, collaborators, partners and clients. OUR SERVICES: 3D Animation - 3D Modeling - Art Direction - Brand Design - CRM & Analytics - Copywriting - Creative Direction - Digital - Event - Film / 3D content - Graphic Design - Illustration - Interior Design -Marketing - Motion Design - Naming - Planning - Photography - Product Design - Production - Public Relation - Retail - Social Media - Sound Design - Trademark & IP - VR / AI / New Tech OUR ADDED VALUES: WE DEFINE AROUND YOUR OBJECTIVES Ludwig’s on demand services cover your global and local brand strategy. WE BUILD TAILORED TEAMS OF EXPERTS Ludwig identifies, activates and organizes local talents with the right creative and strategic expertise to fit with your brand’s objectives and values. WE GENERATE FLEXIBILITY AND CREATIVITY Whether it is a local project or a global brand campaign, Ludwig teams orchestrate at a very high level of management and operations the group of activated experts through collaborative and creative approaches. LUDWIG CCC: Why would you subscribe to Ludwig CCC? A private access You get unique direct access to a worldwide community of creative entities. A pitch accelerator You get multiple creative recommandations and action plans to your briefs. A recruitment platform You hire your dream teams instantly and simply via Ludwig management. A project enabler You buy on-demand management support to complete your projects. A budget saver You invest in one membership, you collaborate globally.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €4500 for Community Management
  • Venia Agency

    Venia Agencycertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Venia is a full service Event Management and Modeling Agency that represents a wide diversity of elite models & provides fully trained Hostesses & Promoters
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Akelius Montreal Ltd.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    No budget for Community Management
  • Marta Silva | Digital Writer
    Digital Writer & freelance copywriter in Montreal. Do you need to increase your online visibility ? Let's talk and make your words count.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Gainstrat Inc

    Gainstrat Inc

    (0 review)
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • kumulus marketing
    Kumulus Marketing est une firme dédiée à 100% aux médias sociaux et à l’intégration profitable de ce canal de communication aux entreprises. Comment? Par la mise en place de stratégies percutantes multi-plateformes (Facebook,Twitter,Flickr, Youtube, LinkedIn…), la gestion de communautés, le monitoring de votre marque en ligne, l’élaboration de concepts viraux, la formation médias sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) concours Facebook.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • 3W Lounge

    3W Loungecertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Award-winner
    We are a relationship marketing agency and collaboratory that helps your business grow by bringing your brand and the people you serve closer. We build lasting and profitable relationships that deliver significant ROI. Nous sommes une agence de marketing relationnel qui vous aide à créer des relations profondes et durables entre vous et vos clients. Personnalisation et CRM
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €3000 for Community Management
  • Griffintown Media
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Empire Pixel

    Empire Pixelcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Empire Pixel is a digital agency based in Canada that aims to make its clients happy by taking care of their business needs at the right time and for the right purpose. They approach every project as if it were their own, with a strong commitment to seeing their clients succeed. The agency has a talented and diverse team of professionals from various backgrounds and cultures worldwide, who work together to deliver engaging stories, memorable experiences, measurable standards, and cutting-edge technology to promote brand success and business strategy. They offer cost-efficient and highly engaging solutions for a variety of brands and businesses. Empire Pixel has partnered with several businesses to build and optimize their websites and mobile applications, helping them establish their presence on the web in a short period of time.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • NU Media Edge

    NU Media Edgeverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Next Level, Specialized Digital Marketing Agency For Your Marketing Strategies, Creative & Digital.

    Welcome to the NEW business era! We are a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in Marketing Strategy, Creative Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Ads, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization and Website Design. Our team of experts consists of skilled designers, developers, marketers, and analysts who work together to deliver customized solutions that meet the unique needs and goals of each of our clients. Our mission is to revolutionize the advertising landscape by embracing agility, integration, and talent diversity. We are committed to pioneering a flexible, results-driven approach that aligns with the evolving needs of multinational brands. By consolidating media, creative, data, and technology, we aim to deliver streamlined, impactful marketing solutions. Our focus is on generating meaningful outcomes through innovative strategies, harnessing the power of AI and automation for efficiency, and nurturing a network of specialized partners. We strive to exceed expectations in speed, agility, and effectiveness, setting a new standard in the advertising industry for client satisfaction and sustainable growth
    3 works in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Influence Marketing
    WHEN YOU INFLUENCE BEHAVIOUR… YOU INFLUENCE RESULTS   We create immersive consumer experiences in-field (Experiential), We amplify them on-line (Digital), and We pave the path to purchase in-store! (Retail/Shopper) We help our clients sell more through innovative campaigns strategically designed to influence purchase decisions.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Studio Azura

    Studio Azura

    (0 review)

    A digital agency, specialized in branding, web development and inbound marketing

    Based in Montreal and specialized in branding web & mobile development and inbound marketing, Studio Azura brings together a team of highly dedicated and talented strategists, graphic designers, software developers, Internet marketers and copywriters who collaborate closely with you from start to finish to engage your customers and gain their trust. We provide flawless solutions ranging from brand creation and maintenance to website and mobile app development complete with branded content creation and Internet marketing. All these services are backed by consistent and ongoing support: updates, maintenance, hosting and more. Azura’s unique approach is based on our core belief that every brand has a story to tell. Far beyond a simple description of your products and services, there lies a great story to be told: the story about your brand’s birth, your passion for what you do, the obstacles you had to overcome and the milestones you’ve achieved. We not only take the time to understand and analyze your business objectives, but also invest a great deal of our energy in learning your story before narrating it to your audience. We narrate it through your brand’s visual identity and bring it to life via your website, mobile app, social networks and all of your printed communications. We develop your Internet marketing strategy and maintain it so that your entire marketing collateral remains true to your unique tale and goals. Through extensive collaboration with our clients, continuous communication and regular insights analysis, we create engaging user experiences and deliver our clients’ brand messages to their customers, prospects, employees and fans. We are a group of creative craftsmen, digitally savvy professionals and analytical thinkers who strive to earn your customers’ attention and trust.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Community Management

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