The 10 Best Community Management agencies in Italy - 2024 Reviews

Top Community Management agencies in Italy

List of the top Italy Community Management companies

  • My Web Lab

    My Web Labverified-flag

    (1 review)

    My Web Lab, Web Agency Milano, fornisce servizi di Realizzazione Siti Web & Branding di prim'ordine.

    My Web Lab, Web Agency Milano, fornisce servizi di Realizzazione Siti Web, UI/UX Design & Branding di prim'ordine. La nostra piccola realtà da anni aiuta attività Italiane ed Europee a crearsi un'immagine online aumentando il loro network e migliorando la loro awareness. Scopri oggi stesso come possiamo aiutarti.
    3 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €150 for Community Management
  • Pota Studio

    Pota Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Agenzia di marketing e comunicazione made in Bergamo, ma worldwide ready

    Agenzia di marketing e comunicazione multidisciplinare, non abbiamo altro da aggiungere.
    2 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • NOku / nobody knows us

    NOku / nobody knows usverified-flag

    (0 review)

    creative quiet riot

    NOku is a full-service creative agency specializing in unconventional marketing, live and digital communication.  We create new points of view for brave brands.
    1 work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Recommended
    Die Serviceplan Group ist die größte inhabergeführte, partnergeführte und am breitesten aufgestellte Agenturgruppe Europas. Im Jahr 1970 als klassische Werbeagentur gegründet, vereint die Serviceplan Group seit jeher alle Kommunikationdisziplinen unter einem Dach: ​Ob Markenstrateg:innen, Kreative, Experience-Designer:innen, Marketingtechnologie-Expert:innen, CRM-Expert:innen, Data Scientists, Marktforscher:innen, PR-Berater:innen oder Sales-Profis bei der Serviceplan Group ziehen alle an einem Strang, im House of Communication, dem einzigen komplett integriert aufgestellten Agenturmodell in Deutschland. Das präzise Zusammenspiel der Vielzahl von Spezialagenturen in Sachen Strategy & Consulting, Creative & Content, Platform & Technology sowie Media & Data macht die Serviceplan Group zur führenden Agenturgruppe für innovative Kommunikation.​ Was uns alle verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft, faszinierende Marken aufzubauen und zu coachen. Marken, die wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sind und Emotionen im Kopf der Verbraucher:innen auslösen — BEST BRANDS eben.​ Der Weg dorthin führt über innovative Kommunikation. ​ Das bedeutet, neue Wege ins Herz der Verbraucher:innen zu finden: kreativ, medial & technologisch. ​Diesen Anspruch, Marken zu BEST BRANDS zu machen, leben wir täglich im House of Communication.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • The Rope

    The Ropeverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Sartoria Digitale Italiana

    We build bespoke digital products and integrated services through the most advanced strategy in  web design  and  web development ,  e-commerce  and  iOS & Android development . We are strongly convinced that  design and technology  are two of the best tools to solve  businesses  critical points. We stand united while listening to our clients’ ideas and, together with them, we transform them in greatly executed projects, making sure that every single step is analysed, designed and implemented with the best practices and technologies available on the market.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • AQuest


    (0 review)
    AQuest è una Creative Production & Technology Company, tra i principali attori del panorama italiano, e Gold Partner Microsoft. Da luglio 2019 fa parte del gruppo WPP.  AQuest segue l'intero processo creativo di progetti digitali, a livello nazionale e internazionale, attraverso una struttura verticalizzata su cinque business unit: Experience, Engagement, Lab, Production, Technology. Il team - composto da oltre 70 persone - comprende art director, fotografi, videomaker, graphic designer, sound designer, sviluppatori frontend e backend, social media specialist, data scientist, digital marketing specialist e project manager. AQuest ha vinto oltre 220 premi internazionali votati da giurie indipendenti; in particolare negli ultimi 3 anni ha ottenuto 4 Lovie Awards , 1 Webby Award e il premio Best Agency of the Year 2018 da CSS Design Awards.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • 39Marketing


    (0 review)
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • RSW Studio

    RSW Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)
    ITA Realizzazione siti web ed ecommerce efficaci che convertono visite in clienti. Affidati alla professionalità ed esperienza della nostra web agency. Realizza oggi il tuo sito web di successo.   ENG Creation of effective websites and e-commerce that convert visits to customers. Trust the professionalism and experience of our web agency. Make your successful website today.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • TEAM LEWIS è un’agenzia di comunicazione globale, con headquarter a Londra, nata con l'ambizione di supportare e ispirare le aziende nel costruire il proprio futuro. TEAM LEWIS fornisce servizi completi di PR, marketing e digital, per portare risultati tangibili in linea con gli obiettivi di business delle diverse realtà aziendali. In rapida crescita, TEAM LEWIS vanta uno staff di oltre 600 dipendenti nei suoi 29 uffici in Asia, Europa e Nord America. In Italia, la sede è a Milano e conta 30 professionisti impegnati nella gestione di campagne PR e digital PR per clienti quali, ad esempio, Siemens, Zumba Fitness, DKV, Xiaomi, Mitsubishi Electric, Equinix, Check Point Software, Omron e altri ancora. Di seguito i servizi che offriamo: Strategia: Analytics & Insight, Audience definition, Brand, Business transformation, Creative, Messaging & Positioning, Global Comms Strategy, International hub Marketing: Advertising, Affiliate marketing, Content marketing, Events, Direct mail campaigns, Design & copywriting, Marketing automation, Sales enablement Digital: AI/ AR / VR, Design / UX, E-commerce, mobile, SEO & SEM, Social, paid & Influencer, Video & photography, Web & app development PR: Analyst relations, Content, Corporate comms, Executive profiling, Influencer relations, Issues & crisis management, Media relations, Speaking engagements
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Zeppelin Group GmbH

    Zeppelin Group GmbHverified-flag

    (0 review)


    GROWING WITH GOOD VIBRATIONS. Wir sind eine digitale Growth Marketing Agentur aus Südtirol und betreuen Kunden in Italien und im gesamten DACH-Raum. Unser Team besteht aus 65 kreativen Köpfen und 3 Inhabern. Gemeinsam mit uns kannst du deine Potentiale in der digitalen Welt ausschöpfen. Wir kennen deine größten Herausforderungen, setzen uns für deine Ziele ein, erkunden neue Wege und bauen Schritt für Schritt deine digitale Basis auf. „Good Vibrations” ist unser Motto, High Performance unser Versprechen und dein nachhaltiges Wachstum unser Leitziel. Lerne uns näher kennen:
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • BBrothers Adv

    BBrothers Advverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Agenzia Pubblicitaria e Marketing specializzata in food marketing, social media, content strategy

    Siamo un' agenzia Pubblicitaria e Marketing specializzata in food marketing, social media, produzione video e digital marketing. Siamo Coraggiosi Lavoriamo da Palermo, lontani dalle città ritenute culla naturale del marketing e della pubblicità. Questo ci spinge a osare di più, a osservare di più, a viaggiare, a prepararci al meglio.  Coltiviamo l’attitudine a dar valore alle idee e a prendere decisioni chiare, per sperimentare linguaggi sempre comprensibili anche quando non convenzionali. Il fallimento è un semplice passaggio, che non preclude la riuscita di un progetto. Per questo non ci spaventa.  Siamo Eclettici Nello stesso ambiente di lavoro convivono programmatori, graphic designers, videomakers e fotografi, coordinati da account e project manager. È un melting pot di competenze, una squadra di talenti plug-in che si configura come partner strategico per il cliente. Amiamo raccontarci ogni giorno in modo genuino e ironico perchè è ciò che oggi più che mai, il consumatore si aspetta dai brand a cui accorda la sua preferenza. Siamo Giovani Siamo nativi digitali e non abbiamo bisogno di capire come il mondo stia cambiando. Lo cambiamo ogni giorno con le nostre scelte e abitudini. Lo viviamo come punto di forza, determinante per assorbire velocemente i nuovi trend. Ci permette di osservare senza pregiudizi, poi di rielaborare in modo creativo. Così produciamo contenuti che parlino direttamente alle generazioni più giovani nei luoghi più opportuni. Produciamo Contenuti È solo questo che facciamo ed è abbastanza semplice. La parte complessa è comprendere come renderli calzanti per il brand e per il luogo digitale identificato. Lavoriamo per offrire scenari dove narrazione e informazioni convivano, in un contenuto che abbia la capacità di essere fresco e divertente nel momento in cui viene distribuito e per le persone a cui è destinato. Disegniamo Strategie Un contenuto creativo è solo un tassello di un grande puzzle. Indispensabile per completare il quadro, del tutto inutile se separato dagli altri. Per questo ogni produzione deve essere concepita in un più vasto ecosistema di contenuti, pianificati strategicamente. Per raggiungere un ottimo risultato serve un piano.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • soolid


    (0 review)

    Brand experiences for smart humas

    Soolid is a full-service creative agency focused on building strong and long lasting relationship between people, brand and products. We design simple and effective solutions for complex scenarios combining strategy, data analisys, creativity and technology. Since 2001 we design successful brands, tell great stories, engage core niches, explore urban subcultures and produce successful advertising campaign for both small startups and international brands.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Figmenta


    (0 review)

    “Imaginary Things”

    Figmenta è un’agenzia di comunicazione con una forte vocazione sulla strategia e sulla content creation digitale, con un particolare focus sui Social. Al nostro interno raccogliamo diversi profili di professionisti in grado di soddisfare le sue richieste. Il nostro è un team moderno e distribuito e lavoriamo in modo smart da Milano, Lecce, Londra e Buenos Aires.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Adstra Studio

    Adstra Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)

    In orbita ✽

    Siamo un’agenzia di comunicazione full-service. Pensiamo, progettiamo e realizziamo esperienze in grado di connettere i brand alle persone con idee creative. Costruiamo strategie che si convertono in relazioni su carta e schermo attraverso brand identity, campagne pubblicitarie, siti web, social media, digital advertising. Lo facciamo guardando al futuro ma utilizzando lo strumento più antico del mondo: le storie. In orbita rappresenta il punto di partenza e l’arrivo del nostro viaggio. Un’avventura sempre nuova. Dagli occhi alle stelle. Da orbita a orbita. Un customer journey su misura per ogni progetto in cui tutto ciò che scriviamo, disegniamo e sviluppiamo ha lo scopo di attrarre ed emozionare non consumatori ma esseri umani.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Community Management
  • Diseo Agency

    Diseo Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Diseo Agency è un’agenzia di marketing e comunicazione con sede a Firenze. È il partner strategico che accompagna i brand dalla definizione di una strategia di marketing su misura all’implementazione di un piano di comunicazione efficace. Si contraddistingue un approccio creativo, innovativo e dinamico, una visione di insieme che guarda al presente per costruire il futuro. IN DUE PAROLE? SIAMO IL TUO PARTNER STRATEGICO. Partner perché lavoriamo al tuo fianco, non siamo un semplice fornitore di servizi ma ti affianchiamo nel tuo percorso di crescita passo dopo passo. Strategico perché ci occupiamo in primis di strutturare una strategia su misura e un piano di comunicazione integrato, impostando obiettivi misurabili e concreti. Pensa a un punto da raggiungere su una mappa geografica. Inizialmente, potresti pensare che sia più veloce arrivarci per tentativi, ma ben presto ti renderesti conto che perderesti un sacco di tempo ed energie. E chissà, magari non raggiungeresti nemmeno la tua destinazione! Analizzare la mappa e definire un percorso sensato sicuramente richiede tempo e impegno in una prima fase, ma ti permetterà di raggiungere la tua destinazione essendo consapevole del percorso, degli eventuali pericoli e delle tattiche per affrontarli. Questo è quello che noi chiamiamo strategia! E POI? Ovviamente non ti lasceremo con in mano solo una bella presentazione e tanti progetti! Saremo al tuo fianco operativamente. E lo saremo davvero. Non siamo un’agenzia di marketing e comunicazione che si nasconde dietro un telefono che squilla a vuoto o email che rimangono per settimane senza risposta. La nostra agenzia di marketing ha una doppia anima, strategica e operativa. Da un lato ci occupiamo di marketing strategico per dare la giusta direzione al tuo brand. Dall’altro lato, mettiamo in atto in modo sinergico tutte le attività identificate nella prima fase di consulenza, strategia e analisi.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Ad Web Agency

    Ad Web Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Code The New World

    Agenzia di web marketing strategico e di posizionamento digitale sui motori Ad Web Agency è il partner ideale per dare forza alla tua identità aziendale e raggiungere un posizionamento sui mercati globali. Specializzata in strategie di marketing e nello sviluppo di piattaforme digitali, supporta le imprese nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali: posizionamento digitale, lead generation, automation marketing, vendita tramite e-commerce, comunicazione social e community management. Con oltre 15 anni di esperienza nel mondo digitale, Ad Web Agency realizza eCommerce, siti e piattaforme digitali ad alta conversione. Si impegna, altresì, a offrire servizi di qualità con grande flessibilità per aiutare le aziende ambiziose a posizionarsi sul mercato globale. I dati interni o esterni a disposizione delle aziende vengono sfruttati per ottenere insights approfonditi e rendere il business più redditizio. Ad Web Agency è una realtà digitale operativa e innovativa, da sempre attenta agli obiettivi business dei Clienti.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Community Management
  • Diversamente Digitali

    Diversamente Digitaliverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Sii diverso, diventa unico!

    Siamo un’agenzia di marketing composta da un ecosistema di persone con valori, talento e passione per il digitale. Negli anni la nostra metodologia è stata definita “diversa”, per noi è un vanto. La diversità è unicità.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €100 for Community Management
  • derbau media & design agency

    derbau media & design agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel mondo comunicazione, siti web, video, SEO, Social Media ed offline

    Combiniamo l’esperienza di marketing, design interattivo e nuovi media sviluppando nuove e brillanti idee di comunicazione digitale. Realizziamo siti internet e ci prendiamo cura delle loro performance ottimizzandone i contenuti in ottica SEO, portali e-commerce, video e time lapse, loghi e brochure, immagine coordinata aziendale, personalizzazione spazi aziendali con grafiche originali.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • khaled


    (0 review)
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Community Management
  • JEBO - Junior Enterprise Bologna

    JEBO - Junior Enterprise Bolognaverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Make. Lead. Inspire.

    JEBO è un'Associazione no profit che offre servizi di consulenza manageriale, fondata nel 2016 e gestita da studenti dell’Università di Bologna. Forniamo servizi professionali in ambito Digital Marketing e Finance, reinvestendo tutto il profitto in formazioni e opportunità per i nostri soci.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €100 for Community Management
  • Midable Digital Agency

    Midable Digital Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Il tocco di Mida ai Media 👑

    Siamo un'agenzia di comunicazione e marketing digitale. Dire che siamo diversi dagli altri significherebbe dire quello che dicono tutti gli altri. Allora ti diciamo chi siamo. Siamo una Digital Agency 4.0: affianchiamo le aziende ponendoci come il loro team di marketing, orientando le azioni al potenziamento della presenza di digitale dei brand, dei canali social e degli ecommerce che gestiamo. Non facciamo sitarelli. Non facciamo grafichette. Gestiamo progetti di marketing e comunicazione solidi e concreti. Il nostro metodo si basa su quattro pilastri portanti: 1) Strategia 2) Tecnologia 3) Creatività 4) Performance Definiamo e strutturiamo una STRATEGIA digitale solida, settando i giusti KPI. Scegliamo una TECNOLOGIA di sviluppo adatta al singolo progetto. Creiamo esperienze visuali in grado di favorire una corretta user experience e lasciando spazio a tanta CREATIVITÀ. Gestiamo campagne pubblicitarie in ottica data driven, lavorando sul conversion rate optimization e migliorando le PERFOMANCE dei progetti che gestiamo. Il tocco di Mida ai media per noi non è un semplice payoff. È la nostra mission. Siamo un gruppo di ragazzi e ragazze d'oro che amano il proprio lavoro. Con competenze verticali su singole attività del mondo digital. In grado di realizzare progetti d'oro, con grinta, passione e talento. Ci impegniamo a ripagare la fiducia dei nostri clienti, dimostrando costantemente che siamo un partner serio e affidabile. Lo facciamo perché questo è l'unico modo per rendere felici i clienti e rendere felici tutte e tutti noi. 👑
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Gianni Puglisi

    Gianni Puglisicertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Sviluppiamo un marketing online che funziona, chiavi in mano.

    Sviluppiamo un marketing online che funziona, chiavi in mano.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Ziken Labs

    Ziken Labscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Your vision. Our expertise. Let's build together.

    As a forward-thinking digital services agency, Ziken Labs' mission is to elevate your brand's presence and satisfaction by delivering services that embody unparalleled quality , speed , and efficiency . Despite our youth, Ziken Labs has swiftly emerged as a powerhouse in the industry, marked by numerous successes and a commendable client retention rate. Our Services: Project Management : Immerse yourself in seamless project execution as our dedicated team ensures meticulous planning, execution, and delivery. Experience a journey where every detail is meticulously crafted for success. Team Building : Witness the synergy of collaborative minds as we forge dynamic teams tailored to your needs. Our team-building strategies transcend conventional approaches, fostering innovation and achieving collective excellence. SEO Strategies : Propel your brand to the forefront of digital landscapes with our cutting-edge SEO strategies. We intricately design campaigns that not only boost visibility but also establish your brand as a dominant force in search engine results. SEO Copywriting : Unleash the power of compelling narratives optimized for search engines. Our SEO copywriting services blend creativity with strategic precision, ensuring your content captivates audiences and ranks high on search pages. Graphic Design : Immerse your brand in a visual narrative crafted to perfection. Our graphic design team translates your brand identity into captivating visuals, leaving an indelible mark on your audience. Digital Marketing : Navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape with our tailored digital marketing strategies. From brand awareness to lead generation, our comprehensive approach ensures your brand stands out in the crowded digital arena. Website Building : Elevate your online presence with websites that transcend mere functionality. Our design and development team creates immersive, user-centric websites that reflect the essence of your brand and deliver an unparalleled user experience. Workflow Improvement through AI : Embrace efficiency like never before with our AI-powered solutions. Witness streamlined workflows and optimized processes that empower your business to thrive in the digital age. Bot and Software Development : Experience the future of customer interaction with our bespoke chatbots and software solutions. We develop intelligent systems that enhance customer engagement and automate repetitive tasks.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Community Management
  • EY Netherlands

    EY Netherlands

    (0 review)

    #BetterWorkingWorld by providing trust through assurance and helping organizations grow & transform

    EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Kicore


    (0 review)
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • The Doers Srl

    The Doers Srlcertified-flag

    (0 review)

    Aiutiamo le grandi aziende a scoprire nuovi mercati

    Aiutiamo le grandi aziende a scoprire nuovi mercati La creazione di un prodotto o di un servizio di successo è una scienza: se crei le condizioni, ottieni il risultato. Fissa una call
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Dream & Charme

    Dream & Charmecertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Since 2008 he has been designing and creating unique experiences with creativity, method, professionalism and passion. Discover our experiences.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Community Management
  • BRAVE Models

    BRAVE Modelscertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Community Management
  • 3AW


    (18 reviews)

    We take brands beyond borders. "Global communication strategies for your business."

    3AW es una agencia de  comunicación 360º  que ofrece servicios plenos de comunicación, publicidad y marketing para  satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes . 3AW ofrece más de 15 servicios en comunicación, marketing y publicidad, planificados de forma global pero ejecutados localmente según las necesidades de cada mercado y cada público objetivo. PUBLICIDAD Y MEDIA PLANING Cada uno de nuestros clientes tiene un objetivo diferente porque su marca es única. En 3AW elaboramos planes de comunicación 360º, incluyendo creatividad y producción, con estrategias adaptadas a las necesidades de cada cliente. Desde el departamento de Media Planning, desarrollamos planes que cubren todos aquellos medios de comunicación seleccionados como los más idóneos en la consecución de ese objetivo. Se analiza el mercado y se propone la opción más acertada. CAMPAÑAS MULTIMEDIA (360 GRADOS) PUBLICIDAD ONLINE PUBLICIDAD EXTERIOR PRENSA, SUPLEMENTOS Y REVISTAS RADIO TV HÁBITOS DE CONSUMO ANÁLISIS E INVESTIGACIÓN DE LOS MEDIOS MARKETING Y EVENTOS Nos adaptamos al entorno cambiante y competitivo actual que exige a las empresas la necesidad de innovar en sus estrategias a corto, medio y largo plazo. La especialización junto con la colaboración directa con nuestros clientes, hace que logremos consolidar los resultados mediante acciones que identifican al consumidor con la empresa. Conseguir el éxito en un mercado no depende solo de construir relaciones duraderas con los clientes. Las empresas tenemos que convertir al público objetivo no sólo en fieles compradores sino en entusiastas de la marca, prescriptores y vendedores de la misma. EVENTOS ENCUESTAS ESPONSORIZACIÓN BRANDING MARKETING DE GUERRILLA FERIAS Y EXHIBICIONES PRODUCT PLACEMENT CELEBRITY PLACEMENT STREET MARKETING B2B Y B2C RELACIONES PÚBLICAS Todas las empresas tienen algo que contar. Para comunicarlo es necesario un gabinete de prensa capaz de crear noticias. En 3AW elaboramos información real con el objetivo final de posicionar tu marca e imagen en los principales medios de comunicación. Somos un departamento con una filosofía de trabajo constante que, a través de comunicados, convocatorias, notas y ruedas de prensa, consigue una presencia destacable de tu empresa en los medios. Trabajamos para obtener la máxima cobertura y dar un valor añadido a tu marca o servicio en todo el territorio nacional e internacional. FORMACIÓN EN MEDIOS Y LIDERAZGO GESTIÓN DE LAS REPUTACIÓN ASUNTOS PÚBLICOS Y GUBERNAMENTALES EVENTOS RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL CORPORATIVA GESTIÓN DE CRISIS VIAJES DE PRENSA GESTIÓN DE ENTREVISTAS RUEDAS DE PRENSA B2B Y B2C DIGITAL En 3AW controlamos, analizamos, ejecutamos y difundimos todas y cada una de las acciones llevadas a cabo por la empresa, transmitiendo una imagen positiva de la organización que contribuya a mejorar su notoriedad online. El compromiso es nuestra seña de identidad. Queremos dar lo mejor a nuestros clientes, siempre enfocados a la consecución de los objetivos. Somos un equipo creativo, apasionado, con gran experiencia, y nuestro principal objetivo es conseguir generar un alto volumen de visitas a los sites de nuestros clientes para lograr un alto número de conversiones. Para ello, escuchamos y entendemos a nuestros clientes, creamos, desarrollamos e implementamos una estrategia digital y medimos los resultados. No olvidamos que internet es mucho más que una tecnología, es un medio de comunicación, de interacción y de organización social que nos acerca, nos informa y nos abre nuevos caminos y nuevas posibilidades hasta ahora imposibles de imaginar. NEWSLETTER UX DESARROLLO WEB Y APLICACIONES REPUTACIÓN ONLINE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT SEO Y SEM MARKETING DE CONTENIDOS REAL TIME BIDDING (RTB) DEFINICIÓN Y PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA ESTRATEGIA DE SOCIAL MEDIA DISEÑO Desde el departamento creativo de 3AW gestionamos la comunicación gráfica y audiovisual desarrollando un estudio cuidadoso y detallado de cada cliente para conseguir el mejor resultado final. La imagen es un aspecto fundamental de una marca. Implementada de forma correcta, facilita la actuación de la empresa consiguiendo una mayor aceptación de sus productos y servicios. MERCHANDISING PACKAGING PRODUCCIÓN AUDIOVISUAL IDENTIDAD DE MARCA DISEÑO WEB IMAGEN CORPORATIVA DESARROLLO DE CAMPAÑAS PUBLICITARIAS CONCEPTO CREATIVO.
    2 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1500 for Community Management
  • Activate Conscious Thinking (ACT)

    Activate Conscious Thinking (ACT)certified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Fueling marketing success for eco-businesses

    We are a dedicated marketing agency committed to driving sustainability-focused businesses to the forefront.
    2 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Agence bcom

    Agence bcomcertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    Bcom est une agence de communication à taille humaine, basée à Caen, dans le Calvados.

    Bcom est une agence de communication à taille humaine, basée à Caen, dans le Calvados. Depuis 2019, nous proposons des solutions de communication percutantes qui font connaître votre marque, vos produits et vos services. Marketing - Communication - Branding 🧠🚀 📍Caen | Normandie 🇫🇷 💡 Conseil 📱 Digital 🎨 Design graphique 🖨️ Print 🏢 Enseigne 🖋️👕 Objets & textiles
    3 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €100 for Community Management
  • EBS Integrator

    EBS Integratorverified-flag

    (20 reviews)

    #TeamEBS - a Bespoke Software Development Group that brings eCommerce to the next level

    EBS Integrator is a Chisinau based software and mobile development firm that has been creating customized iPhone, Android and Web business solutions since 2010 As soon as we have determined your requirements clearly, we’ll take your worries off your hands. From the first analysis till maintenance and support, we'll deliver a Turnkey Project that should at least check your expectations list. We're focused on delivering Outstanding Digital Experiences to individuals, SMEs as well as Enterprises that seek custom software development and are in need of a dedicated IT provisioning team.  Our business model is powered exclusively by high-quality peer-to-peer prospect relations and this is what segregates us from our main competitors.  We transparently say what we do and do what we say, to enable trust and quality-driven development cycle for our stakeholders and we’ll never abandon what we’ve started. On top of the above, we enable incredible time-to-market metrics, enhanced service scalability and outstanding performance management strategies. With EBS, you’re not getting an outsourcing partner, you’re getting your own IT department. We carry out a full software life cycle development process, for delivering: Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) – delivery of expandable either throw-away proof of concepts (up to the stakeholder’s choice) that enables our prospects to test-drive their ideas against target audiences. Here, we can either build a quick-fix that should not be scaled-up or build the beta version of something bigger (depending on the prospect’s scope); Full-Featured Products – delivery of mature software products that align to a particular business scope, designed to scale, adapt and dynamically expand to market demand and unforeseen circumstances. These are usually SaaS platforms, white-label solutions, customer-centric platforms or highly-available marketplaces that serve 500+ thousand active users on a daily basis; Application Refactoring  – optimization of existing web-enabled software that requires a tune-up, service expansion either application performance strategies (given the current state of the software is malleable enough to be adjusted). The main scope of this service is to “resurrect” prospect’s application, discover bottlenecks, lags or issues that hold its service behind; Software Architecture and Code Redesign – when refactoring is not an option, a complete system redesign is what the doctor prescribes. EBS’s approach to re-designing system architectures builds premises for releasing better, faster, stronger software, that will not require a rewrite for at least 5 years. A system redesign’s mission is 0-code dependencies and highly available services for the most demanding audiences. As part of our provisioning, we also provide: Infrastructure Blueprinting – this service focuses on building system/software infrastructures that last, within a highly manageable approach. The main purpose of EBS’s blueprinting is delivering a system that is scarce on server resources, easy to manage and malleable enough to slash time-to-market metrics in half. EBS’s day-zero CI/CD approach will solve obsolete bottlenecks and its FaaS model will finally set stakeholders free of that legacy code. High-Load Management & Data Streaming Solutions – a paradigm designed to address the needs of prospects that process more data than they could handle. On Average, data-centric experiences provided by EBS generate prospect savings beginning with 14 000 EUR per quarter, enable snappy queries, near-to-instant data access and complex analytics across the entire data flow. Performance Management – a service designed for prospects enable high-fidelity software that requires surgeon-like operations when performing maintenance and optimization tasks. EBS’s approach to performance management allows prospects to avoid imminent outages without any service disruption, spot and fix bottlenecks on the fly and get a better grip on the overall system monitoring. Comprehensive Code Reviews – this service is focused on spotting short-comings of a prospect’s software and getting a proper service iteration roadmap. EBS’s code review process delivers an overview for a particular source-code quality, a list of scope-oriented imminent changes and a full-sized report on targeted software improvements. Our current development stack is focused on, but not limited to the following: Infrastructure design and deployment: Docker, GIT, GitLab, Sentry, Kubernetes, Kafka, Graylog, Redis, RabbitMQ, Sonatype Nexus, Jenkins, CentOS/Redhat Middleware; Backend and API Micro-Services: Java, Spring, Python3, Django, Websockets, JWT, Node.js, PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter, Slim; Front-End Provisioning: JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, Vue.js, Vuex, Angular.js, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Material Design, Rafael.js, BackBone.js, ExpressJS, KoaJS; Native and Cross-Platform Mobile Production: Swit5, Storyboard, Autolayout, VIPER, Firebase Crashlytics, Fabric, Kotlin, JAVA, ADT, NDK, React Native, Flutter. Why should you choose EBS Integrator? We have established a robust Business Analysis, Infrastructure Blueprinting, Software Delivery, Quality Control/Quality Assurance, as well as Software Piloting Cycle and have gathered considerable expertise regarding Dedicated IT Provisioning Services across Betting, E-commerce, FinTech, Healthcare and Datacentric-Solutions - this though is not the main thing you should consider. Each and everyone, here, at EBS, believes in user-centric experiences and we strive to bring any piece of software we design, to the next level. We also believe legacy systems are not a throw-out, but an opportunity and that new ideas deserve a fast-to-market approach.   In our perspective, re-engineering "the old" into modern platforms and implementing processes as software is the shortest path to productivity and this is what we are best at. If this is not enough, just take a look at our past-record: 100% Delivery – 0 ditched projects in the last 10 years; A full software life cycle development process; Customer-centric delivery; 100% exclusivity for custom-developed business logic; Dedicated Business Analysis and IT consultancy for new and recurring products; A dedicated IT division for product development and maintenance, similar to in-house provisioning, without any recruitment, operational or management costs. A to Z digitization (from process to software); Just in time maintenance and delivery.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • La Méthode Intégrale

    La Méthode Intégraleverified-flag

    (16 reviews)


    Bienvenue dans notre Agence. Cette Agence se propose de venir en aide aux jeunes africains en particulier, mais aussi toute la jeunesse du monde, pour les aider à développer leur entreprise. Nous souhaitons également vous aider à développer votre entreprise grâce au meilleur design de site Web en premier lieu, mais aussi à travers un bon marketing numérique. C'est parce que le site Web est comme un enfant dont vous devez prendre soin. il doit grandir, être connu, atteindre ses objectifs. Vous pouvez donc vous en occuper, et nous sommes là pour vous atteindre à atteindre vos objectifs. Notre équipe se tient prête pour donner à votre activité un décollage efficient. Nos domaines de Compétences 1. Full Wordpress Developer 2. Frontend Developer 3. Backend Developer 4. Software Business Developer 5. Software Business and Solutions Consulting 6. Digital Marketing 7. Web Development  8. Business Manager 9. Business Consultant 10. Formateur https://laméthodeinté   Welcome to our Agency the platform www.laméthodeinté This platform wants to help the African youths particularly, but also all the world youthness, to help them to develop their business. We also want to help you build your business through the best design website first, but also through a good Digital Marketing. This is because the Website is like a child you have to take care to, it may grow, be known, fulfill its goals. So you may take care of it, and we are here for this purpose. My team and I trust to contribute to the emergence of your enterprise. Here are our work domains 1. Full Wordpress Developer 2. Frontend Developer 3. Backend Developer 4. Software Business Developer 5. Software Business and Solutions Consulting 6. Digital Marketing 7. Web Development  8. Business Manager 9. Business Consultant 10. Formateur https://laméthodeinté
    1 work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Fomp - Design & Web

    Fomp - Design & Webverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Creating business success

    Un seul point de contact pour l’ensemble de vos besoins en conception web, design graphique, marketing et communication. Nous collaborons avec des spécialistes dans chaque domaine pour vous offrir une expertise combinée et des compétences variées. NOTRE EXPERTISE À VOTRE SERVICE Notre équipe est composée d’experts internationaux. Implantée au Luxembourg et en Belgique, elle collabore avec des professionnels de premier plan dans leur domaine pour vous offrir une expérience unique et un excellent rapport qualité-prix. NOTRE MISSION : Nous créons de la valeur pour votre entreprise avec des solutions soigneusement sélectionnées qui répondent au mieux à vos besoins. Nous produisons des solutions et des campagnes axées sur les résultats, à la fois on-line et off-line, afin de créer le succès de votre business.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Liss Solutions

    Liss Solutionsverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Empowering Your Digital Journey with Innovative Solutions.

    Liss Solutions is a dynamic company that offers a wide range of digital services to clients all over the world. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing top-quality services in web design and development, software design and development, social media management, graphic design, virtual assistance, and data entry. We pride ourselves on our ability to work collaboratively with our clients to create custom solutions that meet their specific needs and exceed their expectations. With years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and expertise to help our clients achieve their goals and grow their businesses. At Liss Solutions, we are committed to delivering outstanding results and building long-lasting relationships with our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your digital goals.
    3 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • BAE Groupe

    BAE Groupeverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Digital future of business

    🇫🇷 Business Accelerator Enterprise est le premier groupe indépendant de solutions digitales innovantes et clé en main pour les entreprises.  Le groupe BAE, cinq pôles stratégiques complémentaires : 🔵   ADQUALITY  : le pôle pilotage marketing digital couvre l’ensemble des leviers d’acquisition de trafic.  SEO (Référencement Naturel)🔝 : Améliorez votre positionnement naturel sur les moteurs de recherche pour booster votre visibilité.   SEA (Référencement Payant) 🥇 : Définissez la meilleure stratégie d'acquisition pour accroître vos ventes en ligne. SMA (Social Media Ads)  📱 : Utilisez la puissance des réseaux sociaux pour développer votre notoriété et l'engagement autour de votre marque. PROGRAMMATIQUE 🚀: Maîtrisez votre exposition grâce au programmatique en diffusant le bon message, à la bonne audience et au bon moment.  🔵 KOOBIAK : 100% Marketplace. MARKETPLACES    🛍  : Intégrez les plus grandes marketplaces pour tirer profit de ce canal de vente en pleine croissance. Nous vous aidons à déployer votre marque sur des Marketplaces telles que Amazon, C-discount, El Corte Inglés, Rakuten, Fnac, Bol, Ebay etc. 🔵   MAITRICKS  : la plateforme technologique du groupe propose une suite d'outils SaaS permettant aux entreprises d'affiner leur stratégie globale et d'apporter de l'intelligence à leur data. Outils 🚀 : regrouper dans un seul et même dashboard les résultats de vos campagnes, accès à la concurrence , etc. 🔵 MARKSTRAT  : l'agence de conseil basée à Vancouver spécialisée en stratégie et positionnement de marque. Création 🖌 : création de bannière , de visuels pour vos sites et vos réseaux sociaux, création de landing page , et création de site web. 🔵  ACADEMISTE : notre organisme de formation, certifié Qualiopi. FORMATION 🎓: Nous vous offrons différentes formations exclusivement dédiées aux thématiques du marketing digital. Contactez-nous pour nous présenter votre projet : ou +33 (01) 89 19 95 00
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Genau Media

    Genau Mediaverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    Genau Media is “Exactly!” what you need for the peace of mind of working with a full service Agency.

    Genau is a digital media agency striving to tailor the best digital media strategies that align with the unique needs of each and every client. Genau melts creativity, innovation, technology and art in the same pot while keeping up with the trends of interconnected and fast-changing world. With its hallmark polished minimalism, Genau creates glamorous yet sophisticated works that stand out from the crowds. Genau concentrates on reflecting the clients’ true self rather than hiding them behind unnecessary decorations and sentences that do not belong to them as well as appealing to the minds and eyes of the audience. Being a one-stop-shop, Genau adopts a holistic approach and offers all possible digital media solutions that its clients need: Social Media Management Digital Marketing Google Ads META Ads Youtube Ads LikedIn Ads Branding Logo Design Presentation Design Stationary and Packaging Design Graphic Design Corporate Identity Design Web Design Software Development UI/UX Design Mobile App Development Content Creation Photography Video Production 2D and 3D Animation In short, the name Genau says it all itself. We create works that will make you say “That’s it!”  
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • NettMob Infotech

    NettMob Infotechcertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    Vous le Pensez, Nous le Concevons

     Le secteur du numérique en général et du web en particulier évolue très vite. Pour éviter de tomber rapidement en faillite, il faut miser très tôt sur les technologies de pointe. Nettmob infotech, depuis sa création, est spécialisé dans la prestation des services informatiques. Partis sur la base de la prospérité commerciale, nous proposons des solutions révolutionnaires qui répondent aux divers challenges numériques.Nous agissons en matière de stratégie, d’intelligence et d’analyse, afin d’impacter directement les publics cibles. Aujourd’hui, notre rêve de dynamiser les entreprises mondiales et nationales est plus que jamais une réalité. Nous concoctons des combinaisons stratégiques, nous solutionnons les défis liés au développement web, nous concevons des contenus pratiques et actifs. Chez Nettmob infotech, nous croyons dépasser les attentes de nos clients. Pour chaque projet, nous façonnons un module distinct et efficace. Par notre culture du travail, notre professionnalisme et nos valeurs, nous fournissons un mode de numérisation innovant.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €800 for Community Management
  • Studio CÔTE

    Studio CÔTEverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    An independent studio for small, sustainably-minded businesses - where design and storytelling meet.

    We are brand designers and storytellers. We build mindful, intentional brands that honour our connection to land, people, and culture, maintaining respect to the delicate balance of earth systems. Our services include concept design, branding and website design / development, as well as PR & communications. While we primarily work with hospitality businesses, our portfolio extends to design-led and sustainable businesses—including architects, interior designers, creatives, as well as NGO's and social and environmental organisations.
    1 work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €600 for Community Management
  • CE - Video Production and Design Agency

    CE - Video Production and Design Agencyverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Visual Stories that Bridge: Strategy Conceived & Strategy Executed. Contact Now! +92 349 470 4194

    Your Video Advertising partner. Whose approach is rooted in Video Production, Product photography, TV commercials, and Brand Videos. We create Visual Stories that Bridge the gap between the Strategy Conceived and Strategy Executed. Unlock the Power of Visual Storytelling with our video and design Services. We elevate your brand's online presence through captivating visuals, including post designs, engaging videos, and social media branding. From Corporate to Ecommerce, we solving all the creative problems that businesses are facing in today's digital era. Our solutions resonate with your audience and transform your brand's narrative. Visit our Website Now! Or Contact us at:
    4 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €450 for Community Management
  • Anecdote Agency

    Anecdote Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The cure for the common

    A fully fledge Digital Marketing and Branding Agency that prides itself on identifying where brands belong in a culture and expresses their “unsaid” through social media, content, tech and data to provide results and experiences. Anecdote specializing in providing all services within the digital realm including, Social media management and content creation, Media Buying & Planning, Brand Strategy Planning, Branding Services, Photography, Videography & Influencer management.
    6 works in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Bagstudios Business Design

    Bagstudios Business Designverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    We build brands and visual experiences that captivate audiences, inspire culture, and buzz media

    Bagstudios is a company that uses design and knowledge to create new and exciting things for businesses. We focus on helping corporate clients in areas like biotech, pharmaceuticals, IT innovation, science, technology, fashion luxury, and business design. DESIGN We believe that design just like the law of attraction works only when it comes to good intentions, nuanced thinking, and positive human experience. With 10+ years of experience in branding, advertising, and visual communications for a wide variety of international brands. Our work succeeds in the achievement of award-winning products. BUSINESS In the rise of the digital era, communication design can be improved through deep experience in arts and science to be a razor-sharp, whole-brain approach to a new era of human factor design.
    1 work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • KIND - The positive impact growth marketing agency

    KIND - The positive impact growth marketing agencyverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    We scale positive impact brands with storytelling, growth marketing and community amplification 💚

    Are you looking to attract more conscious consumers, grow revenues and positively impact our planet? KIND supports positive impact brands with storytelling, growth marketing and community amplification 💚 We're made up of serial founders, digital marketers, social media experts and content creators with a vision of making the sustainable attainable and accessible. Our founder, Caner, successfully built and scaled a global startup and worked alongside some of the most recognisable brands such as Adidas, Burberry and IKEA. He now supports impact brands to increase their impact in order to build a better and fairer future. We operate differently from other agencies. Alongside our core team, we leverage our community of the sharpest minds in sustainable marketing to amplify and accelerate your growth and brand awareness. Sustainable growth only happens when you take the health of your entire business into account, not just the ROI of a single channel. If you're looking to scale your impact, then it makes sense to work with people who have done it before at the highest level. We help our clients with: Branding & Positioning Performance Advertising Digital Strategy Content Social Media Email Marketing Online eCommerce & Website Design Communications and PR Sustainable & Ethical Marketing Investment & Fundraising Book a 30 minute discovery call with us to see what's possible, and join other brands making the sustainable attainable and accessible.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Kemarq LLC

    Kemarq LLCverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Driving Results Beyond Expectations: Precision Marketing, Powerful Performance.

    With Kemarq, we redefine digital success for businesses worldwide. Known for delivering exceptional digital results. 🔍 Market Research: At Kemarq, we delve deep into the digital landscape to uncover hidden opportunities, spot emerging trends, and gain invaluable insights into your target audience. Our comprehensive market research sets the stage for your digital triumph. 🚀 Business Development: We don't just strategize; we partner with you to elevate your business to new heights. Kemarq approaches your enterprise with a visionary mindset, aligning our strategies seamlessly with your long-term vision and goals. Your success is our mission. 💰 Increasing ROI: Your success story begins with a sharp focus on your goals and a commitment to maximizing your ROI. Kemarq defines crystal-clear objectives and KPIs, ensuring that every digital move we make is geared toward measurable, tangible results. 🧪 Testing and Optimization: In the ever-evolving digital world, stagnation is the enemy of success. At Kemarq, we thrive on innovation and adaptability. We continuously test and optimize our strategies, ensuring they perform at their peak, driving your business towards excellence. 📣 Consumer Feedback: Understanding your consumers is the key to your business's growth. Kemarq provides you with invaluable feedback and insights, helping you connect deeply with your audience and improve your business continually. Ready to redefine digital success? Contact Kemarq today and embark on a journey to exceptional digital results. Let's turn your business into a digital powerhouse. 🚀📈🎯 The story behind the agency: In 2018, Cairo witnessed the birth of Kemarq, a tight-knit team of performance digital marketing enthusiasts with a global vision. Their mission? To revolutionize businesses through digital marketing excellence. They quickly gained a reputation for innovative strategies and data-driven prowess, serving diverse clients across the GCC and EMEA regions. Kemarq's aspiration was clear: lead the global digital marketing arena with tech-driven solutions. Their diverse team, experts in performance marketing (Media Buyers), data analysis, SEO, design, content creation, and social media, tackled every challenge head-on. But what truly set Kemarq apart was their unwavering commitment to clients. They weren't just marketers but architects of success stories, crafting unique journeys for each client and consistently delivering remarkable results. Choose Kemarq, where Growth is the norm.
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Community Management
  • think in colours

    think in coloursverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    digital marketing for great brands.

    🇩🇪 Menschen & Marken brauchen Dialog.  Marken und Produkte erzählen nicht nur Geschichten sondern brauchen heutzutage auch den digitalen Dialog mit deiner Zielgruppe. Wir entwickeln gemeinsam mit dir maßgeschneiderte digitale Marketing Strategien und Kampagnen. Dabei beraten und begleiten wir dich persönlich, Schritt für Schritt – von der ersten Idee bis hin zur Ausspielung. Social Media Marketing: Als deine Social Media Experten beantworten wir alle deine Fragen. Wir unterstützen dich bei der Strategieentwicklung, der Kampagnenplanung und Umsetzung deiner Social Media Maßnahmen. Content Marketing: Kein erfolgreiches Marketing ohne starken Content. Wir beraten dich bei der Wahl und Produktion der richtigen Content Inhalte, die auf die Interessen und Bedürfnisse deiner Zielgruppe zugeschnitten sind. eCommerce Marketing: Mit einem auf dich abgestimmten Marketing-Mix aus Social Media, E-Mail-Marketing, Google Ads und mehr bringen wir dein Onlinegeschäft auf das nächste Level.  Beratung & Workshops: Du hast ein digitales Team, aber dir fehlt noch die richtige Strategie? In ein oder mehreren Workshop Sessions erarbeiten wir gemeinsam eine Digital Marketing Strategie für dein Unternehmen. 🇬🇧 User & Brands need dialogue Brands and products do not only tell stories nowadays, but they also need a digital exchange with their target group. We develop together with you customized digital marketing strategies and campaigns. In the process we advise and accompany you personally, step by step- from the first idea up to the payout. 

 Social Media Marketing: As your social media experts, we will answer all your questions. We support you in the strategy development, the campaign planning, and the implementation of your social media measures. Our focus is on the following channels: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest. Content Marketing: There is no successful marketing without powerful content. We advise you on the choice and production of the right content, which are personalized to the interests and needs of your target group. eCommerce Marketing: We will upgrade your online business to the next level with a personalized marketing-mix of social media, email marketing, Google ads, Amazon ads and more. Consulting & Workshops: You have a digital team, but you are still missing the right strategy? In one or more workshop sessions, we work together to develop a digital marketing strategy for your company
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management


    (3 reviews)

    Blinging your web idea to life

    Bling Agence Web Tunisie : Votre Partenaire de Confiance pour une Présence en Ligne Exceptionnelle
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €300 for Community Management
  • Hey Paul

    Hey Paulverified-flag

    (1 review)
    We combine digital craftsmanship with innovative thinking and deliver digital solutions on a worldwide scale.We’ve been crafting beautiful websites, launching stunning brands in social media landscape and making clients happy for years. We Adapt your message to local markets and different TOV's with the help of local digital warriors. We want to work with opend minded clients and we want to surprise them every day with work that treads new ground. We aren’t limited by what has gone before but embrace the challenge of the ‘what if?’ We are powered by a free thinking approach which inspires us to tell your stories in the most compelling ways, in the most effective places. We aren’t an agency centred around departments but crafted around driven, creative people blended together to provide an alchemy of intelligent insight, imaginative ideas, exceptional implementation, and potent impact. We believe in remotely work, that is why our team members are always happy (and awesome).
    1 work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Community Management
  • Social we are

    Social we areverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Let's go Social

    Aplicamos el Neuromarketing a la gestión de tus Redes Sociales. ¿Lo sabías tu que más del 95% de la decisiones de compra sono totalmente irracionales? Cuida a tu comunidad con el Servicio de Neuro Community Manage r de la Agencia Social We Are. Nos distinguen 3 elementos: ⭕ Enfoque del servicio con las Neurociencias (Neuromarketing); ⭕ Planificación del contenido por Campañas; ⭕ Mezcla de iniciativas Offline/Online para enganchar a la comunidad -------------------------------------------------------------- Applichiamo il Neuromarketing alla gestione dei tuoi Social Network. Sapevi che oltre il 95% delle decisioni di acquisto sono totalmente irrazionali? Prenditi cura della tua comunità con il servizio Neuro Community Manage r di We Are Social Agency. 3 elementi ci distinguono: ⭕ Approccio al servizio con le Neuroscienze (Neuromarketing); ⭕ Pianificazione dei contenuti per Campagne; ⭕ Mix di iniziative Offline/Online per coinvolgere la community
    No work in Community Management
    Active in Italy
    From €400 for Community Management

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