The 10 Best Public Relations (PR) Agencies in Switzerland - 2024 Reviews

Top Public Relations (PR) Agencies in Switzerland

List of the top Public Relations (PR) Companies in Switzerland

  • Prospekt d.o.o.

    Prospekt d.o.o.verified-flag

    (3 reviews)
    Prospekt  is an awarded creative studio that offers integrated marketing communication and development of contemporary web solutions services to its clients. Prospekt as a company, since its foundation in 2005, works with clients who care about their brand, want to be recognizable on the market, and want the best approach to their target group of customers and partners. Design is our passion and hundreds of logos and websites have passed through our hands, as well as visual identity design and website programming, from simple to complex solutions. We create strong and recognized brands while at the same time find the best possible ways to communicate their values, all in order to facilitate placement on the market, increase sales and competitiveness as well as to achieve business goals. Our IT department develops software applications and web solutions aimed to improve business management and client promotions, by combining vast design and programming experience in today’s modern technologies. The vision of our company is to be the creator of brands and solutions that not only meet, but also delight the customers and to be recognized on the market by the high degree of innovation and professional relationship with clients. Since its establishment, Prospekt positioned itself as a stable and reliable partner in the development of comprehensive marketing solutions. Expertise, creativity, innovation and orientation towards clients are the main focus of both our company and our every employee. The company brings together individuals who possess strong skills and practical knowledge in the fields of graphic & web design, programming, economics and psychology.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Bravo Byte

    Bravo Byteverified-flag

    (3 reviews)
    We are a digital marketing agency specialized in SEO and Website design services (UX/UI). Our proven methodology, innovative spirit and data-driven approach enables our clients to explore every opportunity for success. Whatever our clients' marketing objectives, our team really helps them reach your target audience by presenting their products and services in a more specialized manner in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media management, pay per click in a more technological way. Since the world is going digital and the competition is furious in Google and Social Media, most business, especially B2C, are looking for a Digital Marketing Agency that gives: Actual Results (not robotic or fake ) Reasonable Flexible Prices  (not stupidly low nor extremely High) Fast Achievements  High Level of Transparency. Of course any Agency could claim that and unfortunately  most of them focus on actions, not outcomes.  However BRAVO BYTE has the Advantage of: Over 10 years experience in SEO. A very strong portfolio that covers a wide range of projects. More than 50 satisfied clients. So whether a client has a website or not,   irrespective of the type of website the client wants  (e-Commerce, Traveling, Hospital, etc)  and their objectives  (1st ranking on Search Engine, Special Goals on their website/social media such as Leads, Bounce Rate, Return Visitors, etc)  BRAVO BYTE helps companies achieve and surpass their business objectives. We achieve this using our world-class digital marketing services!  100% of our energy is focused on generating our clients a huge return on investment, making it a very straight forward sell. We have everything our clients need to start and grow their business. We primarily provide: Search Engine Optimization (SEO): We offer SEO services that generate sales, not just traffic. Whether you are building a new website or optimizing your existing site, we will also create compelling content for maximum conversions. Web Design Services: Designing your new website involves color scheme, layout, font size, organization and many other little considerations. It must be beautiful, but it must also be practical and easy to use. Partner with a professional web design company that will produce great designs with SEO optimization. In addition to this, services we also provide include: PPC Management Services: Anyone can create a PPC campaign, but to create one that will produce results, it requires a lot of research and analysis. We structure your campaign to attract the right customers to you. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is the best way to communicate with your target audience All published content and creations should motivate subscribers to get to know your business and learn more about your brand message. Once followers understand your brand's history, they are more likely to become your customer. Linking Services: Links are one of the main factors of Google. How authoritative is your profile? Establish partnerships with a proven link building company in acquiring high quality links through content development, digital public relations and awareness raising. SEO Audit Services: Are your website traffic and performance in trouble? Let us audit your website and provide strategic recommendations on how to improve your performance.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • DA Studio

    DA Studioverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Where the Impact lasts.

    DA Studio is one of the most highly reputed web and mobile app development companies in Dubai. The studio was founded by a French team and now benefits from the knowledge, skills and expertise of a multi-national team. As such, we hold a specialty in web development, mobile application development and UI/UX design for both startups and enterprise clients. 
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Cubisten


    (3 reviews)

    Easy, faster E-Commerce Alles aus einer Hand

    Wir sind Cubisten! Ein dynamisches und international agierendes Team, das sich darauf spezialisiert hat, dir im Bereich des Online-Handels zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Mit unserer Expertise im E-Commerce bieten wir eine vielfältige Palette von Dienstleistungen, um deine digitale Reise zu unterstützen. Unser Team setzt sich aus erfahrenen Profis zusammen, die auf unterschiedliche Bereiche des E-Commerce spezialisiert sind. Vom Webdesign und -entwicklung über digitales Marketing bis hin zur Logistik sind wir in jedem Schritt für dich da. Unsere Leidenschaft liegt darin, herausragende Ergebnisse zu erzielen und deine Erwartungen zu übertreffen. Als dein E-Commerce-Partner bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die genau auf deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Von der Einrichtung deines Online-Shops über die Verwaltung des Lagerbestands, die Bearbeitung von Bestellungen bis hin zur Optimierung der Kundenerfahrung kümmern wir uns um alles. Unser Team bleibt stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Branchentrends und -technologien, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Online-Präsenz wettbewerbsfähig und ansprechend bleibt. Egal, ob du ein kleines Startup oder eine etablierte Marke bist, wir verfügen über das Fachwissen und die Ressourcen, um dir dabei zu helfen, deine Reichweite zu erweitern und deinen Umsatz zu steigern. Schließ dich uns an und erlebe die Kraft des E-Commerce-Erfolgs!
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €65 for Public Relations (PR)
  • port-neo Group GmbH

    port-neo Group GmbHverified-flag

    (0 review)


    The CX-Agency Sind Sie bereit für die neue Dimension Ihrer Kundenbeziehung? Wir sind Ihr strategischer Partner und realisieren die gesamte Customer Experience : damit aus Erlebnissen Begeisterung wird, die CX nachhaltig beeindruckt und alle Chancen der Kundenzentrierung genutzt werden. In einer sich schnell verändernden Welt wird das bessere Kundenerlebnis, die „Customer Experience“, immer mehr zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor.   Bei port-neo entwickeln wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen innovative CX-Konzepte und digitale Plattformen, die individuell auf Ihre Produkte und Kunden zugeschnitten sind. So gestalten wir inspirierende und wertschätzende Kundenerlebnisse, die entlang der Customer Journey für messbar mehr Erfolg und nachhaltige Kundenzufriedenheit sorgen.  Das Ergebnis: Ihre Marke wird stärker, Ihr Wettbewerbsvorteil größer. Data Meets Empathy Wir eröffnen neue Wege der Kundenbindung, indem wir höchstes Technologie-Know-How immer auf den Menschen und seine Bedürfnisse in seinem Leben ausrichten. So stehen wir an der Seite des Kunden und gestalten Kundenerlebnisse, die sein Leben bereichern – für echte Kundenzufriedenheit und nachhaltigen Markterfolg.
    2 works in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Sputnik Digital

    Sputnik Digitalverified-flag

    (1 review)
    We architect & deliver online projects for clients with big ambitions, having delivered digital projects for Skype, GSK, Visit Scotland, Hewlett Packard and Swinton Insurance. With a strong creative and technical team, we design and build innovative, enterprise-level digital products that are fast, secure and scalable. Throughout our ideation process, we continue to look for ways to disrupt industries with digital transformative systems and processes. Focused on user experience, we design frictionless user interfaces that work on all devices. Delivery of a project is just the beginning of our client relationship. We continue to support clients in ongoing marketing and website hosting where response and uptime are critical. We're at our best in delivering direct client projects when we're involved at the beginning. That's when we can share our wealth of knowledge and experience in devising digital and marketing strategies. A number of mid to large agencies depend on us to carry high profile projects over the line when there are technical issues or additional resources are required.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)

    DE LUSSACverified-flag

    (0 review)
    En 20 ans d'existence l'Agence de Design «De Lussac» à accumulé une solide expérience dans l'univers du Design Français concrétisés par   le gain des prix majeurs du Design:  Etoile de l'Observeur du Design, Label Janus de l ' Industrie, Grand Prix Stratégie du Design, Talents Inpi… Centrée sur l'Innovation,  l'agence a travaillé dans de nombreux secteurs: Le High Tech pour Bell & Wyson ou La Poste, l'Univers de la Maison et du Mobilier à travers une collaboration de 10 ans avec Roche Bobois, le Mobilier Urbain avec AFF Mobilier Urbain et La Pierre de France, le Secteur Automobile avec le simulateur de conduite pour Ellip6, le Luxe avec des parfums pour Davidoff et des bijoux pour Chow Taï Fook, le leader mondial de la Joaillerie, le Sport avec la création du Surf Air, le surf shortboard gonflable, etc. 200 projets mis en production. L'agence est spécialisée aujourd'hui dans le High-Tech:  Bio Tech, Med Tech, Objets Connectés ... ampoule connectée avertisseur de fumée Wifi, ampoule connectée caméra Wifi… pour Bell & Wyson. Projets dans le BioTech avec Bloomizon, boite à colis pour La Poste, ainsi que de nombreux projets en cours… L'agence accompagne les entreprises de l'idée du produit à l'industrialisation par une méthodologie adaptée et pragmatique: analyse des usages et du marché, recherche créative, mise en forme 3D et plans, prototypage, communication ... peut apporter une aide dans des activités annexes mais vitales comme le bureau d'étude, l'analyse des aides, la partie juridique, les relations presse via sa propre agence ... de par son réseau et sa solide expérience. La philosophie de l'agence est d'utiliser le design comme levier de développement et outil stratégique. Son réseau de collaborateurs est dense et permet de répondre à des questionnements très techniques. L'agence DE LUSSAC a exposé son travail dans de nombreux salons: au CES de Las Vegas, à Milan, Tokyo, Paris, Londres, Courtrai ...   Son travail a été salué par les Media avec plus de 1000 parutions Presse et de nombreux passages à la Radio et à la Télévision.
    1 work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Soy Social

    Soy Socialverified-flag

    (1 review)

    ¡Lo que necesitas!

    Nacimos para ayudar a las empresas a mantener el paso con las nuevas tecnologías sin tener enormes gastos y sin sacrificar la calidad. Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes alcancen o sobrepasen los objetivos aunque se trata de aumentar las ventas, la cartera de clientes o los productos y/o servicios que presten. Nuestros diseñadores trabajaran para que su producto, servicio o página web sean atractivas para el cliente. Analizamos su estado actual, implementamos procesos para aumentar la visibilidad y seguiremos los cambios. Implementamos normas para aumentar la seguridad en las redes sociales, páginas web y otros medios de publicidad.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €50 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Street Inc.

    Street Inc.certified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    To Win. Disrupt. We are your partners for alternative marketing & creative media. Combining creative content , growth marketing , and disruptive technology to redefine industries, brands, products, and campaigns to create novel digital experiences people adore. With our international team and strengthened global verified freelancers, we scale to any operational undertaking while forever preserving a humble ear to the needs on the Streets. We are known as disruptive visionaries who get their hands' dirty - we create bold statements, develop habit-building products, and growth hacking for exponential growth. Get in touch:  Earn US$1500: 
    1 work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Recommended
    DAC ist eine preisgekrönte Digital-Performance-Agentur mit Niederlassungen in München, Paris und London sowie weiteren 11 Standorten weltweit. Seit 1972 helfen wir Marken, mit Konsumenten in Kontakt zu treten - von der Unternehmensebene bis hin zu hyperlokalen Kontaktpunkten. ​ Von Forrester als eine der weltweit bedeutendsten Performance-Marketing-Agenturen ausgezeichnet, unterstützt DAC mit Leidenschaft Unternehmen beim Aufbau, der Pflege und der Optimierung ihrer Online-Präsenz. Unsere Expertise reicht von Content-Strategie, UX und kreativem Storytelling bis hin zu Paid Media, SEO und analytischen Erkenntnissen, um die Performance zu steigern und die Kunden-Loyalität zu nähren.​​
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • FOUNDRY Zurich Berlin New York

    FOUNDRY Zurich Berlin New Yorkverified-flag

    (0 review)

    We are hands-on makers and doers who love building and shaping brands that stand the test of time.

    We believe in the power of great storytelling, brand aesthetics, and strategic use of touch-points that inspire dialogue and generate business growth. Current Awards > German Brand Award 2018, 2019, 2020 🥇 RedDot 🥇Previous awards: ADC 🥇Cannes Lions 🥇 Deutscher Digital Award 🥇EFFI 🥇NY Festival 🥇 EPICA 🥇 EuroBest... et al.
    1 work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Twin Rams Media Group

    Twin Rams Media Groupverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Transforming B2B/B2C SME's to global conglomerates

    Twin Rams Media is a full-service award-winning digital marketing agency serving the Asian, European, and North American markets. We have served B2b firms from Japan, Korea, and the Philippines. In addition to helping international businesses in the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, and the UK expand and become global brands. We are a performance-focused team whose services are designed to increase qualified leads, phone calls, and transactions for clients. Our digital marketing solutions are developed to help our clients consistently hit their goals, whether that’s increasing brand awareness or achieving sustainable growth. We are a highly skilled team of digital marketing, design, and development experts who partner up with and serve customers through search engine optimization, PPC, web design, and more. Our method includes combining SEO and Viral Marketing, targeted social media campaigns, and CRO strategies into flexible solutions that are tailor-fit to clients’ needs. Additionally, our team has extensive experience in growing b2b and b2c businesses in terms of lead optimization. Through our methods, we have helped them generate millions in revenue from new customers.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Your Personalized Digital Media Growth Companion ⚙️ GROW , Nurture & Leverage The Power Of YOUR Digital Media Presence 😎✌️ SEE GOOGLE REVIEWS 🔥 Our NEXT CHAPTER is about saving Brands & Businesses, Globally 🎁 #COVID19 Relief for Companies , Brands , Musicians, Artists, Chefs, Authors, Startups , & Businesses of all Industries 🏆 GET Personalized Digital Media Growth companionship, 1:1, Human to Human at 50% OFF on ALL SERVICES - VALID UNTIL 30 June 2020 🚨 SUPPORT 💌 GET SOCIAL on IG, Twitter & FB @BIZBoost
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Arzo Creative

    Arzo Creativecertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Arzo Creative is a full service Digital Marketing Agency in Shanghai. We specialize in increasing, managing and building the online presence & IWOM (Internet word-of-mouth) of brands through digital marketing platforms in China. We deliver an integrated solution online to assist brand to create a larger and comprehensive communicating and marketing cycle between website, social media channels, online ads, mobile approaches, online to offline events. Serving industries: Luxury Travel, Healthcare Tourism, Property, Hospitality, Lifestyle & Spa
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Founded in 2011, Communications is a specialized marketing & PR agency based in Shanghai and Beijing. Our mission is to deliver comprehensive PR, marketing and digital media solutions for F&B, hospitality, wine & spirits and lifestyle clients. Through highly appraised brand communication strategies, we help our clients to establish their public images and achieve unique status among targeted customers. With solid understanding of the market, we are able to provide tailor made campaigns that are indispensable for hotels, restaurants, wine and spirits industry.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • eviom


    (0 review)
    DIGITAL SUCCESS – DRIVEN BY PASSION eviom – the digital marketing consultancy: Strategy development and full service solutions from a single source. eviom was founded as a combination of a consultancy and a digital marketing agency. Our goal is to not only develop, but also implement the optimal strategic solutions, as companies find themselves in increasingly complex and disruptive digital business fields. eviom is, therefore, one of the few full-service providers in the area of digital marketing that can serve as a smart “sparring partner” and accompany its customers across the entire value chain on their way to digital success.  eviom Strategy Consulting The strategic unit provides consulting services to companies that aspire to be the leaders on the digital business arena and require strategies combined with turnkey solutions. eviom Digital Marketing Agency The operative unit makes our clients’ strategic concepts a reality – in a holistic, solutions-oriented manner that extends across all touchpoints. The owner-managed eviom Group was founded in 2010 by Nils Horstmann and Dr. Filip Grizelj as the first consultancy on the German market that specializes in digital marketing. Due to the strong network of partners, full-service solutions could be developed early on. These have been increasingly implemented across industries and countries. The establishment of an eviom branch in Zug in 2014 allows us to offer tailor- made solutions to Swiss customers as well. Thus, we continue to focus on lasting growth and development. The eviom team encompasses creative strategists, data-loving analysts and highly specialized digital experts. What unites us is our passion for digital marketing and the drive to develop innovative solutions to help our clients’ digital businesses succeed in the highly dynamic world of today. INTERNATIONAL SERVICES The eviom international competence team supports you in opening markets around the world and addressing new target groups. Our team primarily consists of native speakers who possess the necessary language skills as well as the knowledge of the cultural and economic realities of the respective countries. In addition, eviom has an established network of national cooperation partners throughout numerous countries. This network is centrally controlled by eviom and supports the operational implementation of local measures. eviom develops country-specifi c online marketing strategies that are tailored to your respective needs. In doing so, we consider the competitive environment as well as national search engines and other factors. This ensures the best possible reach in international online markets.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Web Bay

    Web Bayverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Web & Branding agency providing services to associations, non-profit organisations and EU projects

    As a digital communication and branding partner, we are offering a unique combination of consulting and implementation expertise to International Organizations, NGOs and EU projects Consortiums.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Base Element

    Base Elementverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The partner for a digitally connected fast changing world

    Base Element is a dynamic, fast-growing digital agency established in 2011. We are a company in a digital world that consults, strategises, designs and implements across the spectrum of marketing, communication and technology helping brands and companies navigate through the complex digital universe and achieve their business and communication objectives. We are the foundational ingredient - the Base Element - in our clients’ pursuit of excellence. OUR CAPABILITIES Strategy & Consulting We work closely with our clients to transfer our expertise through strategic planning and consultancy services & develop a digital strategy that ties in directly with the company’s business objectives. Experience Design We focus on understanding our client’s business and their consumers’ behaviors and then use our expertise and technological readiness to design engaging cross channel & cross devices experiences that fit our clients’ strategic objectives. We deliver exceptional user journeys and tailor-made customer experiences that nurture engagement, build loyalty, attract new customers and increase profitability. Marketing & Communication We use our digital expertise, customer insights and data to understand and communicate our clients' USPs in an integrated cross-channel and cross platform approach that delivers emotive user experiences in the right place at the right time. Our focus is to provide tailor-made marketing and communication solutions that win the consumers' attention, inform and engage them towards our clients' business objectives Technology & Development Our team of strategists, creatives, digital marketers, data specialists and technologists work seamlessly to help our clients to take advantage of the latest digital technologies to transform their business. We specialize in analyzing your business objectives and converting our findings into tailor-made technical solutions that fit your strategic needs Data & Analytics We collect and analyze data in order to translate them into actionable information.This ongoing data mining process allows us to create people-centric technological and communication solutions that meet business, marketing and communication needs of our clients
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  •  Trevisan specialises in LinkedIn marketing - a client's online presence will target a relevant audience and posts are industry-focused. We specialise in Social Media Management, LinkedIn Network Growth and Business Generation services and LinkedIn training.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Agence HATCHI

    Agence HATCHIcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Votre site web est-il vu par vos clients ? Le SEO ou référencement naturel est un aspect fondamental de la communication sur le WEB. Il correspond à l’optimisation de votre site afin qu’il soit visible et apprécié par votre clientèle cible. Être positionné aux premiers rangs de Google sur des requêtes aléatoires, c’est bien… Être visible par vos clients , c’est encore mieux ! Investissez dans un résultat concret, Soyez visible de vos clients sur la première page de Google.   Connaissez-vous votre Buyer Persona ou Profil Client pour réaliser une communication ciblée sur le WEB  ? Nous définirons ensemble le message communicant adapté et le diffuserons grâce aux outils fournis par Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Bing . Cibler ensemble votre clientèle avec des campagnes SEA performantes.   Nous serions heureux de vous rencontrer à l’Agence, située sur le Bassin d’Arcachon . Nous nous déplaçons sur le Bassin d’Arcachon, Bordeaux et en région parisienne .
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Davos Agency

    Davos Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    In a world of constantly changing rules, DAVOS offers certainties: our agency’s professionals are at home on the Internet, constantly following the newest tendencies and using the best tools to attain your business goals. Our specialty? We help your business grow through a 360° approach of your online presence – from hosting and web design to the constant dialogue on social media accounts. Without any complicated acronyms.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Axon Active

    Axon Activecertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Axon Active builds solid partnerships with its clients by assembling tailored development teams that deliver high-quality, innovative solutions at a competitive price. In 2008, Swiss-owned and managed Axon Active created a high-performance, scalable software delivery infrastructure in Vietnam. The 500+ developers’ offshore organization offers the perfect mix of talent management, Agile and Scrum practices, technology skills, and industry knowledge. At Axon Active, we believe people are our most important assets. We recognize and reward their contributions and commitment. We encourage leveraging their strengths. Working with us means that you have an excellent opportunity to maximize your abilities and achieve more success. This is the place for you if you have the drive to succeed and the urge to learn. More than just a new career, a job at Axon Active Vietnam is the start of your new life!
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Vector


    (0 review)
    VECTOR is a development team made of highly motivated, dedicated and enthusiasts persons. We live by the idea of not just creating products that benefit and that solve certain business problems, but we strive to anticipate the wishes of customers for years to come, taking into account all the subtleties of our client’s business strategy. We always do our best to develop products that feat our customers need. We always do our best to deliver fast, right and efficiently projects we are engaged with. Each new project for us is an opportunity to surpass ourselves, and also to bring something valuable into the development approach. These are unique solutions that have been reliably documented and tested. We value the time of our customers, therefore, among our priorities is to maintain the flexibility of the team, expand reserves and be prepared for any eventuality. Back-end: framework Spring, Liferay, alfresco, NodeJS Front-end: Angular, React, Ionic, VueJS, Html5 / css3
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Die Social Media Marketing group ist eine reine Social Media Agentur! Beratung zu Social Media  Marketing. Erstellung und Umsetzung von Konzepten und die Contentproduktion sind die 3 Säulen unseres Unternehmens. Die schnellste Form der Kommunikation, ist das Schreiben von Beiträgen in den sozialen Netzwerken. In Sekunden hast Du nicht nur auf aktuelle Geschehnisse reagiert, sondern auch Angebote, Stellenanzeigen, oder News veröffentlicht. Hat sich ein Fehler eingeschlichen, kann dieser in Echtzeit korrigiert werden. Bei Print heißt es ja bekanntlich; GEDRUCKT IST GEDRUCKT Es haben während der Corona Krise sich nicht nur 1 Mio. neue Nutzer bei Instagram in Deutschland registriert, es sind auch weitere Firmen beigetreten. Seit dem Start der Social Media Marketing group vor einigen Jahren, haben wir vielen Firmen die Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, Social Media Marketing für sich zu nutzen und betreuen mittlerweile Kunden-Accounts in der ganzen Welt. Dabei zählt nicht einfach nur DABEI SEIN, denn es gibt inzwischen unzählige Plattformen, die sich von der Altersstruktur und Nutzung unterscheiden. Eine Beratung durch uns, kann Dich persönlich weiterbringen. Am Ende entscheidest Du, ob es bei der Beratung bleibt, oder ob Du Deine Accounts in die Hände der Social Media Marketing group legst. Auch wir haben uns in den letzten Wochen und Monaten immer weiter entwickelt. Man kann sagen, dass wir Erwachsen geworden sind. + Contentplanung + Communitymanagment + Gestalten von Beiträgen + Erstellung von Foto & Videomaterial + Luftaufnahmen mit Drohnen + Betreuen von immer mehr Plattformen + Verantwortungsvolles Engagement durch Veranstaltungen in Schulen und auf Messen Unser Team ist Social Media! 7 Tage die Woche, von morgens 7 Uhr bis Abends 21 Uhr, ist unser Team für unsere Kunden da. Denn auch an Wochenenden und Feiertagen, machen wir Dich Online sichtbar!    
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)

    AVANTGARDE Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Creating Fans.

    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • B-ad Agency

    B-ad Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)
    B-ad Agency est une agence de communication (vraiment) 360° et de marketing international , créée en 2010, basée à Annecy et composée de 10 B-ad talents . Reconnus pour notre approche associant stratégie et création , nous accompagnons nos clients avec soin mais surtout dans la durée . Nous aidons les marques à se démarquer et avons la fâcheuse habitude de rendre nos clients addicts...    AUDACIEUX, CULOTTÉS ET SAGACES*  MAIS C’EST TOUT DANS VOTRE INTÉRÊT !   B-ad Création : les bonnes idées au service de stratégies judicieuses ET une exécution irréprochable, digne des plus grandes agences oui oui... B-ad Emotion : une implication sans limite pour la réussite de nos clients avec la confiance, l’honnêteté et la sincérité au coeur de nos relations. B-ad Addiction : une collaboration win-win, comme une équipe intégrée, pour des relations pérennes et fidèles. B-ad Modestie  #mytho  *Sagace : adj. Un individu sagace est particulièrement capable de finesse d ' analyse et de perspicacité . La personne sagace sait faire preuve d ' esprit en prenant rapidement en compte toutes les subtilités d 'une situation .   SOUVENT IMPERTINENTS, MAIS TOUJOURS PERTINENTS...  - Stratégies :   Ne perdez pas le Nord Marketing et communication, lancement et développement de produits, veille et insights conso, positionnement, BtoB, BtoC   - Branding :   Je brande, tu brandes, il brande, nous brandons Identité visuelle, charte graphique, refonte, packaging, messaging, merchandising, PLV   - Campagne médias et hors-médias :   Ca va faire jaser... Campagne TV, digital, print   - Digital :   Engagez autant qu’une photo de chaton UI/UX, RS/Social Media management, webmarketing, e-commerce
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • House of Chanelle

    House of Chanelleverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Unique, Innovative & Disruptive” “Top Pick US & UK PR Firm”

    A premier, global luxury brand management +  luxury/fashion/beauty PR Agency. We operate Ecommerce stores, provide innovative selling for brands, manage influencer & celebrity relations, brand parntership, media production & content creation. As a foreward-thinking future of luxury, fashion & entertainment house called by many as “Unique & Disruptive”, we used to be years ahead of the industry; already explored future of fashion/retail concepts and insightfully predicted the virtual disruption to happen in 2020 since 2015.  House of Chanelle set bars high in building a futuristic agency with top clienteles – leading luxury & fashion companies, established and emerging luxury brands, major media/entertainment and online companies. Unlike most agencies or consultancies in the industry, House of Chanelle is backed by luxury brands/stores, fashion, charity, leading media/entertainment companies and tech startup experience with a strong brand and digital strategy background. We have proven track records in raising bars, going beyond clients’ expectations and have been recommended by industry leaders for our reputation, quality of service, professionalism, qualifications and experience. With our aforementioned distinctive capabilities and strategy, we can help luxury brands gain competitive edge and innovative growth through futuristic and disruptive ways; create unique partnerships and content between talents and brands. We also have excellent resources and connections across various industries all over the world.  We have provided innovative brand solutions to LVMH (Fendi, Marc Jacobs), Kering (Bottega Veneta), Versace, Valentino, Richemont (Chloé), Salvatore Ferragamo, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin and many others.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1500 for Public Relations (PR)
  • we dot

    we dotcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • BoC - Bureau of Communication GmbH

    BoC - Bureau of Communication GmbHverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Delivering Excellence by Mastering the New

    The BoC is a consultancy for strategic communication and brand management. We provide the support that companies and organisations a need to achieve lasting success with their brands and communications. According to the motto "Delivering Excellence by Mastering the New" this means for our clienets that passion and professionalism meet innovative solutions and broad consulting experience. As a partnership-led team we are united by our passion for communications and brands.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • NW Advisors

    NW Advisorsverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Our top intelligence and superior value make us the right choice.

    Founded in Moscow in 2005, former FTI regional office, NW Advisors has become a leading Russian consulting company specializing in international strategic communications, with extensive experience in managing integrated cross-border reputation protection projects for major Russian and global companies, in Russia, in the West and in the rapidly growing markets of Latin America, Africa and Asia.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €3000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • Luxager Studio

    Luxager Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    “Unique, Innovative & Disruptive” Future of Entertainment, Luxury & Fashion

    As a forward-thinking agency years ahead of the industry, Luxager Studio is the symbol of superbness for our unique artisan and highly insightful strategy. We set bars high in creating a premier creative content production house and event entertainment agency driven by digital innovation with various forms of content creation/storytelling, artistic direction, live/virtual shows and shopping event production, entertainment management/PR/marketing, celebrity relations with top clienteles in media/entertainment, luxury, fashion and lifestyle, while innovate, disrupt and entertain. We make creative content and establish partnerships among our entertainment partners, brands and global talents/celebrities from actors, filmmakers, singers/musicians, dancers, TV personalities, models, digital creators and other types of performing artists. With our distinctive creativity and innovative strategies, we create unique opportunities and partnerships for production companies, brands and talents. Luxager has proven track records in raising bars, going beyond clients’ expectations and have been recommended by industry leaders for our reputation, quality of service, qualifications and experience. We also have excellent resources and connections across various industries all over the world. We have worked with Warner Brothers, Fox, Sony, Disney, All3Media (UK), Vivendi (France), MGM, AEG Worldwide, Vanity Fair, C3 Presents, Caesars Entertainment, Life is Beautiful Festival, Bigo Live, LVMH (Fendi, Marc Jacobs), Kering (Bottega Veneta), Versace, Valentino, Richemont (Chloé), Salvatore Ferragamo, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin and many others. Our international locations: Paris, London, Stockholm, Milan, Los Angeles.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1500 for Public Relations (PR)
  • MINDSET Für uns bedeutet „digital“ im Kern vor allem eins: Customer first or die. Deswegen nehmen wir konsequent die Sicht Ihrer Zielgruppe ein und machen Ihre Marke und Angebot für sie präsent. Gepaart mit digitalen deen und Tools, die Komfort schaffen, Prozesse vereinfachen, Brands profilieren, Ressourcen sparen, besser ankommen und verkaufen – kurz: das Leben einfacher und angenehmer machen. Für Ihre Kunden und für Sie. KUNDEN Uns vertrauen Weltmarken, Hidden Champions – und Deutschland. Vorwerk, Phoenix Contact, Leibinger, Fruitcore Robotics, Aescuvest, Spitta, Gettoworkout,  Stadtwerke Konstanz, Luxshield, Innosystec, Senft, und und und... Zudem sind wir sind autorisierter Beratungspartner des Förderprogramms go-digital des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi). KOMPETENZEN  STRATEGIE & KONZEPTION Wir sehen erst den Wald, bevor wir die richtigen Bäume auswählen. Analyse & Research, Marken- und Digitalstrategie, Digital Branding, User Experience (UX), Employer Branding & Recruiting, Cross- & Omnichannel DESIGN & PROGRAMMIERUNG Was wir bauen, funktioniert so gut wie es aussieht. User Interface (UI) & Screen Design, Pesponsive Websites & Landingpages, Apps & PWAs, E-Commerce & Onlineshops, Individualsoftware, Onlinebanner & Animationen MARKETING & SALES Wir müssen nicht laut schreien. Wir treffen die richtigen Töne. Content Marketing & Digital Inbound, Lead- & Conversion-Optimierung, Search Engine Advertising (SEA), Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO), (Social-) Media-Kampagnen uvm. ARBEITSWEISE Auch wenn wir noch so hungrig, frisch und neugierig sind wie ein Start-up – wir sind auch organisiert, zuverlässig und erfahren. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Arbeit, die wir mit unseren Kunden bisher geschaffen haben. Mindestens so stolz wie auf das partnerschaftliche Verhältnis zu ihnen. Wir kommunizieren ehrlich und direkt miteinander. Weil man so am besten ans gemeinsame Ziel kommt. Und weil wir gar nicht anders können. Mehr Infos zu W3 auf
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • EY Netherlands

    EY Netherlands

    (0 review)

    #BetterWorkingWorld by providing trust through assurance and helping organizations grow & transform

    EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • WOEHRLE PIROLA AG / Events & Public Relations

    WOEHRLE PIROLA AG / Events & Public Relationscertified-flag

    (0 review)


    WOEHRLE PIROLA ist eine inhabergeführte Event- und PR-Agentur mit Sitz in Zürich und St. Moritz. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren entwickeln und realisieren wir innovative und massgeschneiderte Event- und Kommunikationslösungen für Unternehmen, Marken und Organisationen unterschiedlichster Ausrichtung. Events, Promotionen, Public Relations, Marketing Support und Sponsoring bilden die Schwerpunkte unseres vielseitigen Dienstleistungsangebotes – wir wissen, wie man Unternehmen, Marken und Produkte zum Ereignis macht und effektiv kommuniziert. Rund 850 erfolgreich realisierte Projekte zählen zu unserem Erfolg. Kundenorientierung, Professionalität und persönliches Engagement bilden den Kern unserer Unternehmensphilosophie. Wir richten unsere Beratung konsequent auf die individuellen Kundenbedürfnisse und -anforderungen aus und bieten – von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung –umfassende, massgeschneiderte Lösungen an.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • The Luxury PR

    The Luxury PRcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    From €1000 for Public Relations (PR)
  • We are a communications agency based in Lausanne, providing advice to local and national clients. Our strength: in the social and mobile era, we produce consistent, compelling content that harnesses the power of the written word and the potential of images and video.
    No work in Public Relations (PR)
    Active in Switzerland
    No budget for Public Relations (PR)

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