The 10 Best Branded Content Agencies in Italy - 2025 Reviews

Top Branded Content Agencies in Italy

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17 agencies
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Elevate your brand's storytelling with Italy's premier Branded Content agencies. Our curated selection showcases creative powerhouses specializing in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience. Explore portfolios featuring innovative campaigns across various media platforms, from social media to video content. Each agency profile includes client testimonials, giving you insight into their expertise in blending brand messages seamlessly with engaging content. Seeking the perfect partner for your next branded content project? Use Sortlist to post your specific requirements, allowing Italy's top Branded Content companies to reach out with tailored proposals that align with your brand's unique voice and objectives.

All Branded Content Companies in Italy

  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    We were born human. And still are.

    Based in Turin, Italy, we work our creativity for national and international companies. We use the 2.0 to make the 1.0 better . Our mission is to help you understand and engage (meaningful) conversations. Ask, maybe we can help! We love what we do. Because we were Born Human, and still are. Social Media We design and plan content for social media because our aim is to increase the awareness of our clients' brands, engage their communities and care for them. Digital presence We create custom-made digital environments for our clients: digital outfits, websites and digital activities are just some of the elements that make up our world. Videos and 360° VR We conceive and create short videos as well as maximum immersion 360° VR; we believe videos are always a strong and effective way to tell a story and reach the audience. See more here. Branding and more We design visual identities, tailor visual outfits and love getting involved in communication campaigns, guerrilla marketing projects and out-of-the-box ideas. Adv management We plan, create and manage digital advertising campaigns to support our clients’ initiatives and ensure their visibility. Our aim is to reach our clients’ targets with effectiveness and precision. Where we are Via Buttigliera 11 - 10132 Torino Mail: Tel: +39 011 1889 4837 Take a look to our website and find us on Facebook, IG, YouTube and LinkedIn.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Turin, Italy
    From €2,500 for Branded Content
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+14)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (11 reviews)

    Posizionamento SEO | Comunicazione Creativa | Pubblicità Multicanale

    Top awarded
    Creiamo progetti digitale per scalare il tuo Business. Siamo un team di consulenti Senior, altamente specializzati nel marketing digitale a performance, crediamo che design e creatività siano la chiave di un "sistema di acquisizione cliente ben rodato" e non solo meri esercizi di grafica. Da noi troverai una grande passione e un approccio alla comunicazione e al marketing estremamente concreto. Contattaci e parliamo un po' dei tuoi numeri. ➡️
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Sports (+2)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (11 reviews)

    Elevating Brands with Strategic Innovation and Global Expertise

    Mission : We specialize in delivering bespoke communication strategies tailored to each client's unique needs. With over two decades of experience in the luxury, beauty, fashion, healthcare, corporate, and entertainment sectors, we pride ourselves on our innovative approach and commitment to excellence. Vision : We aim to become a leader in bespoke communication, transforming how brands connect with their audiences. We aim to create authentic and memorable experiences that strengthen brand presence in the global marketplace. Credo : We believe in the power of creativity and collaboration. Each client represents a new opportunity to build something unique, not just meeting expectations but exceeding them, always with an eye on the future and innovation. Values : Innovation, Creativity, Collaboration, Excellence, Measurable Results, Lasting Partnerships. Motto : We create inspiring narratives, campaigns that stand out, and enduring relationships. Sustainability : Grazia Communications is committed to working with environmentally conscious, sustainable brands and organizing events with a strong focus on sustainability. Our agency pursues causes committed to social and environmental responsibility. We embrace responsibility by promoting climate-friendly initiatives and adopting strategies to reduce emissions and protect biodiversity, all while contributing to a better future for everyone.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €5,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Beauty (+6)
    Speaks English, Italian(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (12 reviews)


    START TO DARE NOW! Sviluppiamo insieme un piano comunicazione e marketing efficace con una strategia precisa e ben stabilita. Crediamo che si possa avere il massimo investendo in idee e contenuti visivi per i propri canali digital comunicando al target di riferimento i propri valori e la propria storia. Siamo un team con la voglia di fare e di unire l’esperienza di professionisti senior alla freschezza e all’energia di giovani che condividono la nostra passione. Siamo una squadra di esperti capaci di far crescere in modo innovativo ed efficace la tua comunicazione aziendale: videomaker, fotografi, stylist, producer, digital PR, web marketing specialist, media planner. Siamo delle facce, dei nomi e dei cognomi ed ognuno di noi è specializzato in un settore specifico e lo porta avanti con serietà, passione e determinazione creando una rete con gli altri professionisti dello studio il tutto sotto la direzione creativa di Luca Rufini, fautore del progetto Dare Studio. ¡EMPIEZA A ATREVERTE AHORA! Desarrollamos juntos un plan de comunicación y marketing eficaz con una estrategia precisa y bien establecida. Creemos que se puede lograr el máximo invirtiendo en ideas y contenidos visuales para los propios canales digitales, comunicando al público objetivo los propios valores y la propia historia. Somos un equipo con ganas de hacer y de unir la experiencia de profesionales senior con la frescura y energía de jóvenes que comparten nuestra pasión. Somos un grupo de expertos capaces de hacer crecer de manera innovadora y eficaz tu comunicación empresarial: videomakers, fotógrafos, estilistas, productores, especialistas en relaciones públicas digitales, especialistas en marketing web, planificadores de medios. Somos caras, nombres y apellidos, y cada uno de nosotros está especializado en un sector específico, llevándolo adelante con seriedad, pasión y determinación, creando una red con los demás profesionales del estudio, todo bajo la dirección creativa de Luca Rufini, impulsor del proyecto Dare Studio.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+16)
    Speaks English, Italian(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (22 reviews)

    between digital & human

    Top awarded
    Siamo un'agenzia specializzata in digital marketing. Sviluppiamo strategie digitali che aiutano le aziende a crescere nel tempo attraendo nuovi clienti e migliorando il rapporto con quelli già esistenti. In altre parole, siamo il partner ideale per far crescere il tuo business.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Government & Administration (+4)
    Speaks English, Italian(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (74 reviews)

    International Full-Service Multi-Award-Winning Film and Video Production Company. Creative Agency.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    ORBIS Production – Multi-Award-Winning International Film & Video Production Company ORBIS Production is a premier full-service film and video production company with an in-house creative communication agency, specializing in high-end commercials, corporate films, branded content, and photography. With over 16 years of experience in the global market, we deliver top-tier marketing communication solutions that strengthen brand identity, elevate storytelling, and create a powerful competitive edge. Why ORBIS Production? ✅ Multi-Award-Winning Excellence – Recognized for outstanding achievements in film and media production. ✅ Sustainable & Future-Forward – We integrate eco-conscious practices into every stage of production. ✅ Global Reach, Local Expertise – Headquartered in Milan, with offices in Rome, Vienna, Zurich, Paris, Ljubljana, London, Munich, Dubai, and Los Angeles, ensuring seamless execution worldwide. ✅ End-to-End Production – From concept development to final delivery, we guarantee impeccable quality and creative impact. Our Core Expertise 🎬 High-End Video Production – TV & online commercials, corporate films, documentaries, branded content. 🔥 Creative Strategy & Brand Development – Crafting compelling narratives and visual identities. 📸 Commercial & Fashion Photography – Editorial, advertising, and corporate photoshoots across Europe. 🚁 Aerial Cinematography – Licensed drone operations for stunning aerial perspectives. At ORBIS Production, we bring bold creative ideas to life, ensuring every project resonates with its audience and drives brand success. 📍 Discover more about our work: 🌍 Website | Italy | France | Austria | Slovenia | UAE | Switzerland 📖 Read our Case Studies & News at ORBIS Magazine – 🚀 Let’s create something extraordinary together!
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy (+7)
    From €10,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Media (+11)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+11)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    Siamo fortunati… Il nostro lavoro è la nostra passione! Per questo ci piace farlo bene

    Highly recommended
    La società nasce dall’esperienza professionale dei due fondatori, Sabrina Rossi e Andrea Fattori, che operano a vari livelli nel mondo della comunicazione dal 1990. L’attività ha inizio nel 2007, fornendo servizi e consulenze per l’editoria, e cresce rapidamente negli anni successivi, con centinaia di riviste e libri all’attivo. Gradualmente, il focus di Gruppo Orange si sposta sempre di più verso il digitale e verso la comunicazione aziendale, arrivando nel 2014 al distacco finale dal mondo dell’editoria, per dedicarsi completamente al digital marketing e ai servizi. Grazie a una vasta rete di partner e collaboratori di alto profilo, Gruppo Orange è oggi in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza di comunicazione e marketing di tutte le aziende, di qualsiasi dimensione e categoria.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Insurance (+3)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (13 reviews)


    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Benvenuti nella Web Agency LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 Se siete alla ricerca di una agenzia professionale per lo sviluppo e crescita del marketing per la vostra Azienda, siete nel posto giusto! LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 è una web agency all'avanguardia, specializzata nell'applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale al web marketing e all'e-commerce. I nostri servizi: Offriamo una vasta gamma di servizi che coprono ogni aspetto del web e dello sviluppo di ecommerce, dalla creazione di siti web responsivi e intuitivi alla progettazione di piani di social media. Inoltre, siamo pionieri nell'utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale per ottimizzare le strategie di marketing online e migliorare le performance delle vendite online. Il nostro team esperto di creativi, sviluppatori e esperti di intelligenza artificiale lavora in sinergia per realizzare soluzioni innovative che soddisfino le esigenze specifiche dei nostri clienti. Approccio orientato al SEO: Sappiamo quanto sia importante per voi essere trovati online. Per questo motivo, adottiamo un approccio orientato al SEO (Search Engine Optimization) potenziato dall'intelligenza artificiale per garantire che il vostro sito web raggiunga una posizione prominente sui motori di ricerca. Utilizziamo algoritmi avanzati e tecniche di machine learning per ottimizzare i contenuti, le parole chiave e la struttura del sito, migliorando così la visibilità e l'accessibilità del vostro sito web. Collaborazione strategica: La nostra filosofia si basa sulla collaborazione strategica con i nostri clienti. Prima di iniziare qualsiasi progetto, ci prendiamo il tempo necessario per comprendere appieno le vostre esigenze, gli obiettivi aziendali e il vostro pubblico di riferimento. Questo ci consente di creare soluzioni personalizzate che riflettano la vostra identità aziendale e raggiungano risultati tangibili grazie all'integrazione intelligente dell'intelligenza artificiale. Scegli LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 come partner per la vostra presenza online e scoprite come l'intelligenza artificiale può fare la differenza nel vostro successo nel web marketing e nell'e-commerce.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Naples, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Food (+8)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    11-50 members
  • Top awarded
    Die Serviceplan Group ist die größte inhabergeführte, partnergeführte und am breitesten aufgestellte Agenturgruppe Europas. Im Jahr 1970 als klassische Werbeagentur gegründet, vereint die Serviceplan Group seit jeher alle Kommunikationdisziplinen unter einem Dach: ​Ob Markenstrateg:innen, Kreative, Experience-Designer:innen, Marketingtechnologie-Expert:innen, CRM-Expert:innen, Data Scientists, Marktforscher:innen, PR-Berater:innen oder Sales-Profis bei der Serviceplan Group ziehen alle an einem Strang, im House of Communication, dem einzigen komplett integriert aufgestellten Agenturmodell in Deutschland. Das präzise Zusammenspiel der Vielzahl von Spezialagenturen in Sachen Strategy & Consulting, Creative & Content, Platform & Technology sowie Media & Data macht die Serviceplan Group zur führenden Agenturgruppe für innovative Kommunikation.​ Was uns alle verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft, faszinierende Marken aufzubauen und zu coachen. Marken, die wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sind und Emotionen im Kopf der Verbraucher:innen auslösen — BEST BRANDS eben.​ Der Weg dorthin führt über innovative Kommunikation. ​ Das bedeutet, neue Wege ins Herz der Verbraucher:innen zu finden: kreativ, medial & technologisch. ​Diesen Anspruch, Marken zu BEST BRANDS zu machen, leben wir täglich im House of Communication.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy (+17)
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Telecommunications (+15)
    Speaks German, Arabic(+9)
    5001-10000 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Transforming the way you work, think, and grow.

    WE CAN GIVE YOU THE TOOLS AND ADVANTAGES YOU NEED, THE REST IS UP TO YOU! There are three main focal points to ALL OF OUR PROJECTS: Increasing sales, outperforming the competition, and boosting productivity. We can help you achieve your goals and drive growth by providing our expertise in strategy, innovation, design, technology, operations, and data analysis. We’re not here just to push around some pixels or promise you a miracle solution, you must know that the world doesn’t work like that, but we can guarantee you the tools and strategy to give you the boost you need. We offer various services and resources, for more information please visit our website.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Palermo, Italy (+1)
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    We work with ambitious entrepreneurs around the globe.  Bcbrandesign is a branding agency that helps modern startups and big corporations create identities and voice. From unique strategies, we deliver phenomenal logo design, corporate identity design, brand identity, rebranding, brand messaging, business analysis, branding strategy, website design, app UI&UX, graphic design, packaging design, posters and much more. We believe in strategic thinking and creative designs.  
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+2)
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Top awarded
    Zooppa is a unique creative agency that utilizes technology to empower a network of creatives to provide brands with the curated creative content they're searching for. Since 2008 we have executed more than 800 projects across multiple industries. Our clients include Unilever, Nestle, Green Giant, Nickelodeon, Jeep, Match Group, NBPA and many more. We work on a project-by-project basis and our favorite metric is 85% ratio of repeat business . Depending on your creative brief, we will match you with the hand-selected top talent in film, photography and design to execute production within your budget and timeline. We manage and curate the entire process in order to support with any strategic choice as well as making sure that your KPIs are reached .  Our average deal size is $40k but we're happy to evaluate any budget if the project is in line with our capabilities (and on average we're 30% more cost-effective than traditional agencies). We believe in trust and transparency (or trustparency as we like to call it), we like to do great stuff while having fun in the process .
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy (+3)
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Sports (+4)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    My Web Lab, Web Agency Milano, fornisce servizi di Realizzazione Siti Web & Branding di prim'ordine.

    My Web Lab, Web Agency Milano, fornisce servizi di Realizzazione Siti Web, UI/UX Design & Branding di prim'ordine. La nostra piccola realtà da anni aiuta attività Italiane ed Europee a crearsi un'immagine online aumentando il loro network e migliorando la loro awareness. Scopri oggi stesso come possiamo aiutarti.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €150 for Branded Content
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+2)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (18 reviews)

    wiiv. L'agence de marque

    Choisissez l'agence qui vous veut du bien et démarrez votre projet Notre politique, c'est ce qui change tout pour votre futur site : comprendre votre métier, votre situation, vos problématiques et déterminer la meilleure stratégie à suivre et bien entendu créer le site ou les outils qui vous permettront d'atteindre tous vos objectifs . en quelques mots c'est : Une relation humaine first De vrais conseils (non orientés / non commissionnés) Une vision et un accompagnement global  Une aide concrète et stratégique La visée d’objectifs Une disponibilité  +++ Des projets menés & passion Un chef de projet dédié  Créer ou refondre votre site Wordpress :  Nous avons décidé d’être Wordpress first, parce que depuis plus de 10 ans nous exploitons et maitrisons Wordpress, son évolution et ses meilleures pratiques dont voici celles qui pourraient vous intéresser :  Vous livrer un environnement où vous êtes 100% autonome Créer des designs uniques et sur-mesure Personnaliser votre back office pour le rendre simple, facile, agréable Vous créer des fonctionnalités 100% sur-mesure, pertinentes et efficaces Optimiser l’environnement technique, la sécurité et rendre le site évolutif Mettre en place les meilleures solutions SEO (référencement naturel) Une méthodologie approuvée pour créer votre site : L’étape de conception et de stratégie La réflexion et créations design Le parcours utilisateur idéal (UX design) La stratégie SEO L’intégration et le développement  La création de médias (Photos/Vidéos) Formation et Suivi Garantie et TMA Et si vous souhaitez lancer un Ecommerce ? Génial, on adore ça !  Trouver les leviers de vente Mettre en avant vos produits / services Les canaux d’acquisition les plus affutés Vos atouts et différences concurrentielles Des fonctionnalités orientées vente Le référencement de vos produits Votre discours de vente Votre design sur-mesure effet Waouh et la liste est encore longue ... Et bien entendu, vous profiterez de la méthodologie et politique pour la mise en place d’un WooCommerce , Shopify ou Prestashop. Et pour tout l'aspect marketing ? Et bien nous serons là, pour vous et avec vous, que ce soit pour : Vos réseaux sociaux La création de contenu Des shootings photos ou vidéos professionnels Le suivi de vos objectifs et de votre stratégie commerciale / marketing Un coaching marketing et commercial régulier Des formations 100% sur-mesure Bref … votre projet mené & Passion, c'est ici. Ils ont testé et adoré avancer & passion : CIC, Crédit Mutuel, BMW Mini Altitude, Air Liquide, TDF et bien d’autres. Alors, prêt à démarrer ? 
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Lyon, France
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Telecommunications (+18)
    Speaks French, English(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    +350 spot // + 30 testimonial // + 40 agenzie // + 100 brands

    Amarena Pictures è una casa di produzione con regia integrata. Nasce nel 2011 distinguendosi per adattività e tempi rapidissimi a fronte di un'efficacia e una qualità di alto livello. Corrispondendo alle esigenze video di top clients e delle migliori agenzie pubblicitarie, realizza spot pubblicitari -con declinazioni diverse, come branded content, VR o videogames- che vanno on air in tv, sul web, sui social, su canali di comunicazione interna o corporate. "Amarena rappresenta quel gusto unico fatto di un lato human e uno estetico, che si sente in tutti i contenuti che produciamo. Questo deriva proprio dal nostro amore per ciò che è umano: anche quando filmiamo gli anelli di Bulgari o un'Alfa Romeo, si percepisce nelle immagini la presenza di una componente comune a tutti noi; si sente la relazione con la storia di chi ha creato il prodotto e di chi lo sceglie: oggi il prodotto stesso non è di per sé più importante del desiderio, della storia e della scelta del consumatore." Abbiamo collaborato, tra gli altri, con FCA, Coca-Cola, Netflix, Lavazza, Bulgari, Tim, Mercedes, Mazda, Procter & Gamble, Beiersdorf, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Ministero della Salute e Presidenza del Consiglio.Il nostro obiettivo: unire precisione, qualità e prontezza, mantenendo un clima piacevole, artistico e disteso dal rapporto B2B al set. Alessandro Merletti De Palo e Giovanni Caloro sono due registi che hanno scelto di trasformare la preparazione, il set e la post produzione in un unico percorso piacevole, creativo, non meccanico o focalizzato solo sul profitto. Grazie all'apporto di tutte le nostre professionalità coinvolte e dei nostri producers, gli "amarena guys", siamo sempre presenti, disponibili, friendly... col desiderio di diventare impeccabili. Con Amarena tutto è realizzabile con cura e precisione, in un mood piacevole e intelligente. THAT'S AMARENA!
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Automotive
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Top awarded
    77Agency is an award-winning independent full-service digital agency with offices in London, Milan, Riga, Rome and Los Angeles. 77 delivers its clients connected digital solutions; combining its services of Digital Strategy, Paid Media Acquisition, Digital PR and Social Media, SEO, Creative Production, Digital Consultancy, Website Design and Development, as well as its own proprietary Advertising Technologies. 77 works with prestigious international brands such as Armani, Lavazza, Silversea Cruises, Rocco Forte Hotels, Fineco, Huawei, Disney, Forte Village Resort, BNP Paribas, Davidoff, Diptyque and many others. 77 has been awarded multiple amount of times for its creative work internationally. It is also recognized as a Facebook Marketing Partner, Google Premier Partner and Bing Select Partner in terms of it is Paid Media activities, putting it into a unique position within the market. 
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Milan, Italy (+3)
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Architecture & Planning
    Speaks English, Chinese(+13)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Integrated. International. Independent. Innovative - das ist die Serviceplan Group

    Top awarded
    Mediaplus ist die Innovationsagentur für messbaren Markenerfolg. Das bedeutet: Mediaplus ist mehr als nur Media: Media plus Digital plus Data plus Content. Das Plus-Prinzip zeigt das zukunftsfähige Potential unserer Agenturgruppe und generiert ein Plus an Wirkung für mehr Markenerfolg unserer Kunden. Zu diesem Zweck verbinden wir klassische und digitale Mediaplanung mit markenindividuellen Zielgruppenmodellen und Mediastrategien, Geomedia, Performance Marketing, Social und Search Marketing sowie Programmatic Advertising. Mit über 30 Datenexperten realisieren wir daten- und profilbasierte Mediakampagnen.
    Looking for work in Branded Content
    Located in Munich, Germany
    From €1,000 for Branded Content
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare
    Speaks German, English
    201-500 members

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CSR Highlight Video - Event Videography

CSR Highlight Video - Event Videography

Corporate Social Responsibility Video Production

Corporate Social Responsibility Video Production