The 10 Best Event Agencies in Portugal (2024)

Best Event Agencies in Portugal

Featured providers

  • Do It On

    Do It Oncertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (0 review)

    Always by your side

    Use Communication to Improve Your Business and Achieve the Success. We are Digital Public Relations Specialists, combining knowledge, experience, and creativity to promote Your Success.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event

Best Event Agencies in Portugal

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  • ToxInn


    (0 review)
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • IR Eventos

    IR Eventoscertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Crowd


    (0 review)
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Status Events

    Status Eventscertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Smile


    (0 review)
    We are a team of professionals that has been active in the events market for more than 15 years. We are equipped with a multidisciplinary team with superior training in human resources management, marketing, photography and even arts management. This sum could only result in a service of excellence very focused on exceeding the expectations of our customers. We are all different but the passion in what we do is common to the whole team.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • 3AW


    (18 reviews)

    We take brands beyond borders. "Global communication strategies for your business."

    3AW es una agencia de  comunicación 360º  que ofrece servicios plenos de comunicación, publicidad y marketing para  satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes . 3AW ofrece más de 15 servicios en comunicación, marketing y publicidad, planificados de forma global pero ejecutados localmente según las necesidades de cada mercado y cada público objetivo. PUBLICIDAD Y MEDIA PLANING Cada uno de nuestros clientes tiene un objetivo diferente porque su marca es única. En 3AW elaboramos planes de comunicación 360º, incluyendo creatividad y producción, con estrategias adaptadas a las necesidades de cada cliente. Desde el departamento de Media Planning, desarrollamos planes que cubren todos aquellos medios de comunicación seleccionados como los más idóneos en la consecución de ese objetivo. Se analiza el mercado y se propone la opción más acertada. CAMPAÑAS MULTIMEDIA (360 GRADOS) PUBLICIDAD ONLINE PUBLICIDAD EXTERIOR PRENSA, SUPLEMENTOS Y REVISTAS RADIO TV HÁBITOS DE CONSUMO ANÁLISIS E INVESTIGACIÓN DE LOS MEDIOS MARKETING Y EVENTOS Nos adaptamos al entorno cambiante y competitivo actual que exige a las empresas la necesidad de innovar en sus estrategias a corto, medio y largo plazo. La especialización junto con la colaboración directa con nuestros clientes, hace que logremos consolidar los resultados mediante acciones que identifican al consumidor con la empresa. Conseguir el éxito en un mercado no depende solo de construir relaciones duraderas con los clientes. Las empresas tenemos que convertir al público objetivo no sólo en fieles compradores sino en entusiastas de la marca, prescriptores y vendedores de la misma. EVENTOS ENCUESTAS ESPONSORIZACIÓN BRANDING MARKETING DE GUERRILLA FERIAS Y EXHIBICIONES PRODUCT PLACEMENT CELEBRITY PLACEMENT STREET MARKETING B2B Y B2C RELACIONES PÚBLICAS Todas las empresas tienen algo que contar. Para comunicarlo es necesario un gabinete de prensa capaz de crear noticias. En 3AW elaboramos información real con el objetivo final de posicionar tu marca e imagen en los principales medios de comunicación. Somos un departamento con una filosofía de trabajo constante que, a través de comunicados, convocatorias, notas y ruedas de prensa, consigue una presencia destacable de tu empresa en los medios. Trabajamos para obtener la máxima cobertura y dar un valor añadido a tu marca o servicio en todo el territorio nacional e internacional. FORMACIÓN EN MEDIOS Y LIDERAZGO GESTIÓN DE LAS REPUTACIÓN ASUNTOS PÚBLICOS Y GUBERNAMENTALES EVENTOS RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL CORPORATIVA GESTIÓN DE CRISIS VIAJES DE PRENSA GESTIÓN DE ENTREVISTAS RUEDAS DE PRENSA B2B Y B2C DIGITAL En 3AW controlamos, analizamos, ejecutamos y difundimos todas y cada una de las acciones llevadas a cabo por la empresa, transmitiendo una imagen positiva de la organización que contribuya a mejorar su notoriedad online. El compromiso es nuestra seña de identidad. Queremos dar lo mejor a nuestros clientes, siempre enfocados a la consecución de los objetivos. Somos un equipo creativo, apasionado, con gran experiencia, y nuestro principal objetivo es conseguir generar un alto volumen de visitas a los sites de nuestros clientes para lograr un alto número de conversiones. Para ello, escuchamos y entendemos a nuestros clientes, creamos, desarrollamos e implementamos una estrategia digital y medimos los resultados. No olvidamos que internet es mucho más que una tecnología, es un medio de comunicación, de interacción y de organización social que nos acerca, nos informa y nos abre nuevos caminos y nuevas posibilidades hasta ahora imposibles de imaginar. NEWSLETTER UX DESARROLLO WEB Y APLICACIONES REPUTACIÓN ONLINE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT SEO Y SEM MARKETING DE CONTENIDOS REAL TIME BIDDING (RTB) DEFINICIÓN Y PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA ESTRATEGIA DE SOCIAL MEDIA DISEÑO Desde el departamento creativo de 3AW gestionamos la comunicación gráfica y audiovisual desarrollando un estudio cuidadoso y detallado de cada cliente para conseguir el mejor resultado final. La imagen es un aspecto fundamental de una marca. Implementada de forma correcta, facilita la actuación de la empresa consiguiendo una mayor aceptación de sus productos y servicios. MERCHANDISING PACKAGING PRODUCCIÓN AUDIOVISUAL IDENTIDAD DE MARCA DISEÑO WEB IMAGEN CORPORATIVA DESARROLLO DE CAMPAÑAS PUBLICITARIAS CONCEPTO CREATIVO.
    12 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1500 for Event
  • No More Parachutes

    No More Parachutescertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    No strings attached

    No More Parachutes is a ‘cut loose from the known’ impact-minded strategic and creative agency that specialises in sport, culture, style and positive-living. Led by ex-Nike Creative Director Wai Lau, we’re a fully remote team, with small-agency nimbleness but a big-agency network and senior expertise. Our leadership team have worked both brand-side and agency-side and draw from a collective of decades of industry experience. Our clients include household names alongside an array of exciting young start-up enterprises. So we understand the pragmatics of balancing commercial realities with high-level creative ambition. Our approach is a partnership-minded one and we like to build long-term supportive collaborations. Our intention is always to leave a legacy of success and culturally-positive impact in our wake. We lead all the stages of creativity from strategy and concepting through to final delivery. This includes strategic and creative direction, design, production and project management. We range from large scale projects (brand strategies and identities; major brand campaigns and events; product ideation and launches) to one hit wonders (including design, campaign and retail executions including documentaries, films and animations).
    8 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €10000 for Event
  • Soy Social

    Soy Socialcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    ¡Lo que necesitas!

    Nacimos para ayudar a las empresas a mantener el paso con las nuevas tecnologías sin tener enormes gastos y sin sacrificar la calidad. Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes alcancen o sobrepasen los objetivos aunque se trata de aumentar las ventas, la cartera de clientes o los productos y/o servicios que presten. Nuestros diseñadores trabajaran para que su producto, servicio o página web sean atractivas para el cliente. Analizamos su estado actual, implementamos procesos para aumentar la visibilidad y seguiremos los cambios. Implementamos normas para aumentar la seguridad en las redes sociales, páginas web y otros medios de publicidad.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €50 for Event
  • Recommended
    Cromátika es una agencia de publicidad y eventos fundada en 2005   Contamos con sede en Madrid y Portugal por lo que somos una agencia ideal para empresas iberia. Abarcamos todo tipo de proyectos relacionados con la estrategia, la creatividad , el diseño, la producción y los eventos. Debido a nuestra amplia experiencia en los últimos años en eventos, hemos abierto nuestro propio venue ESPACIO CROMATIKA  en el que, además, hacemos posible muchos de ellos de forma presencial, virtual o híbrida combinando el streaming y otras tecnologías con ayuda de todo el expertise de CROMATIKA, o por cuenta del cliente, pues no tenemos ningún tipo de exclusividad. Os invitamos a echar un ojo a nuestro reel de eventos: (pass REEL2020) Y a visitar El espacio donde tu evento o reunión siempre termina con el mejor final: dejando un gran recuerdo a tus invitados. Un rincón especial en el corazón de Madrid donde vivir grandes momentos, en un ambiente acogedor que invita a disfrutar de la sencillez y el gusto por las cosas bien hechas. Y cómo no, a compartir las mejores experiencias. Además, el 5% de la recaudación del alquiler irá destinado a la Fundación Aladina. Entra a conocerlo. Estás en tu casa. ¡Hasta pronto!
    3 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event

    CAETSU TWOcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    CAETSU TWO es la agencia de comunicación de Domingo Alonso Group. Integra de forma simple y ágil todo lo que un anunciante necesita hoy para estar a la vanguardia de la creatividad, las audiencias, los eventos. Siendo relevantes y dando buenos resultados. Con toda la tecnología necesaria para generar inteligencia y siendo muy conscientes del futuro exponencial que tenemos todos por delante. Un excelente grupo de profesionales con sedes en Canarias, Madrid, Oporto, Lisboa, Maputo y Luanda que prestan servicio a marcas líderes como AB InBev, Audi, Avis, Clipper, Dorada, Ducati, Fidelidade, Gran Canaria Fashion & Friends, Honda, Hyundai, Lovesharing, Skoda, Volkswagen, Volkswagen Comerciales. / / +34 928 001 700 / Madrid / Canarias / Oporto / Lisboa / Maputo / Luanda    
    7 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Panoptic Events

    Panoptic Eventsverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    We deliver World-Class experiences.

    Founded by Craig McGee in 2014, Panoptic Events are a Glasgow based event management company. Internationally delivering event excellence with design expertise, and marketing and campaign management. The company vision is to deliver world-class experiences cross-sector that amaze and inspire! Panoptic’s mission is to be known for our international expertise in event delivery, leading the creative curve in event design with access to the world’s stage. Being innovative and using creative concepts, Panoptic provides a professional service underpinned by years of event management experience, giving an honest, high quality and personalised service to all clients. With an enviable black book of suppliers, Panoptic value: People, Respect, Delight and Determination. We want to know your story, then we create a legacy through your event. After all, it is your event. We are a full-service Event Management company. What started as a dream of doing experiential events at Festivals with drinks brands, has turned into working with some of the worlds largest names. Through our passion for events, travel and amazing experiences, we are now connected worldwide. In our first 5 years, we were involved in over 2500 events – that is an average of over an event per day. That number is still increasing, why not let our experience and passion create your perfect event?
    3 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Recommended
    DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY is an award-winning, internationally orientated media production company based in Amsterdam.  Our creative team provides a full-service offer, including all online technology, concept development and video production. Through an optimal balance between message and entertainment, we know how to captivate our audience. We make animations, documentary series, branded content, TV-commercials. Our broad experience in communication gives us the optimum ability to transcribe each creative idea, in a versatile manner, to a visual concept. With a large international network of professionals and strong feeling for quality and style we help to bring your message across to an international audience for all platforms. While we create inspiring content we keep the impact on the environment to a minimum. Next, to our own projects, we do commercial work for international clients as Compass light in the USA and Global Trade Media in the UK on a regular basis. We know the field and have highly skilled and experienced set of cinematographers and sound technicians in our network. All have international experience. Have a look on our channels, and don't hesitate to get in touch with us, to see what we can do for you. Best regards, Brechtje Smidt ------ DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY is een prijswinnend content productiebedrijf met een internationale klantenkring. Wij streven er naar om mensen te inspireren en te motiveren met content die beklijft. Ons creatieve team levert een full service aanbod, inclusief alle online technologie, conceptontwikkeling en videoproductie. Door een optimale balans tussen boodschap en entertainment weten we ons publiek te boeien. Wij maken van animatie, documentaire, branded content, tot commercial. Onze producten worden ingezet voor marketing & promotie, online sales, communicatie, customer services en e-learning.  Opdrachtgevers als, Gemeente Amsterdam, Natuurmonumenten, National Geographic Channel, Fox travel, MTV, Google, Greenpeace, Discovery Channel en de AVRO hebben naar tevredenheid met ons gewerkt. We zijn een bedrijf met een grote ambitie en houden van een persoonlijke aanpak. Duurzaamheid zit in de genen van ons bedrijf, meer daar over is te vinden in onze green policy en is zichtbaar in de vele duurzame producties op onze naam. Onze focus op duurzaamheid en maatschappelijke betrokkenheid hebben geresulteerd het winnen van de Duurzame Ondernemersprijs Amsterdam 2009. We wonnen tevens de tweede prijs in de Green Film Making Competition 2012. Onze korte film ‘Balance’ werd officieel geselecteerd als de Nederlandse inzending voor de Oscars® 2013, een bewijs dat kwaliteit en groen produceren hand in hand kunnen gaan. Op onze channels kun je onze producties zien. Kunnen wij ook iets betekenen in de communicatie voor jouw? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact met ons op. Vriendelijke groet, Brechtje Smidt
    1 work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Voices of Leaders S.L.

    Voices of Leaders S.L.verified-flag

    (1 review)

    Positive communication agency, making a real impact in your target with your sustainable strategies

    VoL is a positive impact communications agency. What’s that you ask? Well, we're an agency that strives to connect Sustainable brands with conscious consumers, focusing on the generation of an authentic, measurable impact in the campaigns of companies that generate a positive contribution to society. If you think we’re sappy, dreamers or idealists, that’s fine with us. It’s what we do and what we want to do. Whether you are a government, an NGO, an institution or a company, so long as you have a spark of insanity that makes you challenge the status quo because you believe in sustainability and a better future, congrats, you’re one of us. You’re part of a group of nutjobs that have an epic time together making fantastic stuff happen. We live to make the impossible possible.
    3 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • AkuaroHub


    (3 reviews)

    Digital Innovation Factory

    Akuaro:Hub has been founded as a digital factory with the mission to find the best tailored IT solutions through innovation, talent and excellence so our customers can reach their business goals easily, effortless, connecting their brands with their digital consumers. From idea conceptualization to end product, at Akuaro:Hub we will help you create the best tailored solution to your business. We can perform the entire product cycle: product roadmap, strategy and market research, product market fit, UX, business model and growth hacking. We can achieve it by developing mobile apps with the latest technology stack, creating proximity marketing solutions or developing specific solutions based on our customer’s needs. Our range of clients goes from big corporations to small and mid-sized companies. Excellence in the delivery is our primary objective. Our core values have been, are and will remain the same: integrity, mutual respect, teamwork and communication. Tell us about your idea or project at, we will be more than pleased to work together. The Akuaro:Hub team
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Springevents - Hostesses and Events

    Springevents - Hostesses and Eventsverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Details matter

    Professional Events and Hostesses services all around Europe. Explore our portfolio on our Website.
    3 works in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event

    SKYEND DIGITALverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Growing Your Brand with the power of Digital Marketing & Development.

    Digital Marketing Specialists providing you with a host of various internet marketing services. Proven track record of multiple clients across South Asia, North America & the Arabian Gulf region.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • IMAGEIN has the history, the know-how and the innovative spirit to put together genuinely unique events. No ask is too great, no act is out of reach and no venue unobtainable WE MAKE IT HAPPEN!
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • D'Jabin Media

    D'Jabin Mediaverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Agencia de comunicación y relaciones públicas especializada en banca e inversión, Fintech, aseguradoras, M&A y arte. Somos expertos en relación con la prensa, marketing de contenido y organización de eventos.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event
  • Award-winner
    According to our mission, WE MAKE CHANGE ATTRACTIVE, we go beyond the notion that change is an obstacle that needs to be managed. Instead, we promote concepts that emphasize the creative potential of change and offer strategies to utilize this potential. STRATEGY - CONSULT - DESIGN - EXECUTE - IMPLEMENT And here is where OAGM separates from others - we're not just creators, we're implementing as well. Our force of experienced interim managers takes over the control panel where needed and is making sure the project gets done! ON ANY GIVEN MONDAY is a multidisciplinary agency with three local studios (Maui, Milwaukee, and Porto) supported by collaborative team members around the world. We are specialized in premium brands. Local or global. Retailers or manufacturers. Sports, lifestyle, outdoor, fashion or hospitality market – we create accessible brand strategies, design cohesive visual identities and guide and walk with clients through all stages of change.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €1000 for Event


    (0 review)

    We sell for you.

    Nous aidons votre entreprise et vous même, à atteindre l'excellence par le marketing digital à l'aide de puissants outils modernes de neuromarketing . Notre équipe offre un accompagnement à l'échelle mondiale. Nous revalorisons considérablement les marques, les services, produits, et même l'esprit des équipes dirigeantes grâce à nos contenus marketing optimisés. Notre portefeuille clients est sans cesse croissant grâce aux nombreuses recommandations. Nous montrons aux entreprises à quoi ressemble le sommet. Ensuite, nous les hissons là-bas.
    No work in Event
    Active in Portugal
    From €150 for Event

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

Firms technical in event management located in Portugal!

What to anticipate from an event management company?

A sizable catalogue of services is put forward by event management companies, for example event promotion and event advertising. So don't hold back anymore and reach out to those agencies through our website, and your company will be able to start your project directly.

Is your firm working on an assignment in logistics management, or is your firm searching for an agency competent in event management for an activity in event promotion? Then your firm will surely meet your future partner near Portugal on Sortlist. And because we pick our firms based on well-defined criterions, your company can count on the fact that the agencies your firm will spot through our site will be qualified and able to answer your conditions.

You therefore can be sure that the solutions proposed by Sortlist are unique and of exquisite. So do not hold back any longer and set up today by sending your activity. We are positive that the ideal associate for your operation is in our inventory.

For what reasons would your firm team up with an event management company.

However what is free from doubt is that a professional company will extend you the proficient understanding that your firm requires, together with exceptional tips for optimizing the return on investment of your enterprise. This will subsequently contribute to an enhanced spending of your hours. Contributing, afterwards, to a growth in your work rate.

Portugal, event management companies to start your operation.

Now your firm already comprehends that smoking out the ideal agency in Portugal can be burdensome and your firm also knows Sortlist is able to aid you. But maintaining a good affiliation with this firm is also of superior importance to Sortlist! Sortlist will thusly also utilize all means required to initiate a magnificent love story out of your collaborations with our agencies.

Sortlist helps you find the best agency in Portugal

There is a profuseness of firms in event management, but nothing but one is the most skilled for you. our team’s abilities make it achievable to smoke out the peerless partner out of all those bureaus. Finding the matching agency is starting from now smooth.