The 10 Best Event Companies in Belgium - 2025 Reviews

Top Event Companies in Belgium

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All Event Producers in Belgium

  • 4.9
    (11 reviews)

    Working Behind Brands

    Top awarded
    Keep It Quiet partners with brands to organize events, brand activations or logistic marketing operations. We do everything to transform a brand contact into an experience that generates emotions, creates lasting memories and gets shared. Keep It Quiet werkt samen met merken om geweldige evenementen, merkactivaties of logistieke opdrachten te realiseren. Wij doen alles wat nodig is om een idee om te zetten in een merkbeleving die emoties opwekt, blijvende herinneringen creëert en vooral veel buzz produceert. Keep It Quiet travaille avec des marques afin de réaliser d’excellents événements, des activations de marque ou des opérations de marketing logistique. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour transformer une idée en une expérience pertinente qui suscite des émotions, qui crée des souvenirs impérissables et, surtout, génère beaucoup de buzz.
    73 works in Event
    Located in Mortsel, Belgium
    From €5,000 for Event
    Worked in Others (+20)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (6 reviews)

    "Fully engage in conversation with your communities!"

    Highly recommended
    Advice / Support / Production We advise you in the development of your project, accompany you in shaping your format, and undertake the production. Optimize your video strategy within an inspiring ecosystem and a "one-stop shooting" approach. Broadcasting video on your website, on Facebook, YouTube, or Vimeo, live or on-demand, is one of the new uses of television. With its 100 years of experience, our industry has all the assets to effectively integrate your communication toolkit. At the intersection of television, content marketing, and social media, we bring the creativity and expertise of our team to the realization of your audiovisual productions, both live and pre-recorded. To achieve this together, LeGrow.Studio offers a creative, collaborative, and sustainable approach, based on 5 pillars , starting from the design stage of your productions and even further upstream by developing a competence transfer dynamic in pre-production, enabling you to leverage our production resources and audience engagement to their full potential. 1. Understanding We ensure to enhance your understanding of the power of our trades and tools, aiming to best serve your intentions and objectives. 2. Strategy We work with you to develop a content strategy based on the concept of a program grid, covering all four seasons of the year. 3. Skills We transfer skills to your teams, elevating their pre-production efforts for increased creative efficiency and budget optimization. 4. Preparation We accompany you in the creation and editing of your various formats throughout the seasons, ensuring the consistent application of your content strategy. 5. Production Throughout the seasons, we collaboratively produce a harmonious set of videos and outstanding shows that captivate your audiences. A comprehensive range of services From capturing an event or performance to designing a multi-sequence show, From filming a documentary or aftermovie to crafting creative advertising or a documentary.
    7 works in Event
    Located in Ixelles, Belgium
    From €2,500 for Event
    Worked in Education (+10)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (13 reviews)

    Crafting Moments, Creating Memories !

    « Everything is Design » [ O w l t h i n k ] Studio is a creative studio that sets itself apart from others by its desire for detail. Moreover, speaking of the work, it is necessary to say that the studio has two main profiles: [Event & Graphic Design] .  Mission ?    Our focus is to create memorable brand experiences that connect with people. How ?   Our aim is to help let businesses and unique ideas grow through design and creative thinking. Who are we ?   Two friends, different knowledges, a Graphic Designer & an Event Designer Our vision //  Help our clients to deliver THE message by creating, designing & implementing a new experience. Our wish //  Build long term relationships, boost the client’s image and their business. Our devotion //  Impossible doesn't exist, we create and develop every single event for you. We take care of all the aspects !
    22 works in Event
    Located in Grez-Doiceau, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Automotive (+16)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Event agency for corporate events - we operate worldwide

    SPRDLUX EVENTS is een full service evenementenbureau. We bedenken en organiseren events, meetings, incentives en congressen. Feesten waar nog lang over nagepraat wordt, zijn onze core business. We doen aan creatieve storytelling, terwijl we alle zintuigen prikkelen en uw gast onderdompelen in uw verhaal WE CREATE MEMORIES THROUGH EXPERIENCES De SPRDLUX focus ligt op service, kwaliteit en een ervaring creëren voor uw gasten. U kiest voor de totale ontzorging van uw event of u zet onze diensten in waar nodig.  In nauw overleg bepalen we uw doelstellingen en in functie van uw budget zorgen we voor een gedetailleerd concept en plan. U kiest er voor om nauw betrokken te zijn bij de organisatie of juist niet. SPRDLUX EVENTS begeleidt en adviseert u bij elke stap. Bekijk ons werk en fijne reacties van klanten op onze website. Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvend gesprek om te zien waar we u mee kunnen helpen. Ga voor niet minder dan superdeluxe! SPRDLUX EVENTS is a full service event agency. We organise events, meetings, incentives and conferences. Parties that will be talked about for a long time are our core business. We engage in creative storytelling, while stimulating all the senses and immersing your guest in your story WE CREATE MEMORIES THROUGH EXPERIENCES The SPRDLUX focus is on service, quality and creating an experience for your guests. You opt for the total care of your event or you use our services where necessary. We determine your objectives in close consultation and, depending on your budget, we provide a detailed concept and plan. You choose to be closely involved with the organization or not. SPRDLUX EVENTS guides and advises you every step of the way. Check out our work and great feedback from customers on our website. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation to see how we can help you. Go for no less than super deluxe!    
    13 works in Event
    Located in Turnhout, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Real Estate (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Landmark rules!

    Planning to organize a memorable event and looking for a reliable event partner ? Landmark will guide the way. We are dedicated & experienced 2-team professionals, with a creative and strategic approach. The meaning [ A landmark is a recognizable natural or man-made feature used for navigation ]​  Literally refers to a geographic feature used by explorers and others to find their way back or through an area.  These features can be stars,natural or industrial eye-catchers,icons, sculptures, art, quotes, … Our mission We at LANDMARK, want to be your guide, your navigation tool, to help you find your direction. TOGETHER we will put your idea, message and event on the map. ​We will help you to make your event a genuine Landmark. Our Craftmanship - Event creation & concept development - Content strategy - Event production (pre & post) - Tailor made full service event production (Home and Abroad)
    6 works in Event
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Event
    Worked in Publishing (+3)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (13 reviews)

    OFCORES - Shaping the Future of Events DiscoVR - Virtual is the new Reality

    OFCORES is your international specialist in virtual, hybrid and in-person events for corporate and institutional clients. Our team of digital natives provide one-stop-shop event management services, including comprehensive communication packages, genuine brand experiences, hybrid event studios, and effective technology and virtual solutions for your next event. Our solutions:  " No stress, high impact & maximum return on your events, our core business gives you the opportunity to focus on your core business." DiscoVR is our sister company with a focus on VR as Virtual is the new Reality. They create Extended Reality to drive your sales & marketing goals and support your virtual event, by using the latest 360° photography, 3D & VR technology.  
    37 works in Event
    Located in Dilbeek, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Others (+12)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Ne dites pas que vous êtes le meilleur, montrez-le !

    Nous sommes une agence créative qui vous aide à gagner le cœur et l'esprit de vos clients. Nous écrivons, nous filmons, nous racontons des histoires, nous faisons de l’animation 3D et nous caressons Google dans le sens du poil. Mais ça, ce n’est que la surface. Avoir de l’excellent contenu n’est qu’une partie du process. Pour qu’il soit bon et efficace, il doit être inspiré par une fonction marketing et un objectif commercial. Il doit faire partie d’un plan. Et son effet doit être mesurable.
    Looking for work in Event
    Located in Vise, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4
    (2 reviews)

    Full-service evenementenbureau te Antwerpen voor uw evenementen van A tot Z!

    Ductape - Event Agency is, met 10 jaar ervaring, de perfecte partner voor het volledig uitwerken van uw corporate event, personeelsfeest, klantenfeest, incentive, teambuilding, product launch, etc. van A tot Z, zowel in binnen- als buitenland. Ductape is een full service evenementenbureau. Dat wil zeggen dat wij het volledige event van A tot Z voor u opvolgen. Ook wanneer u bepaalde onderdelen zelf wenst op te volgen (locatie, catering, …) nemen wij al het overige voor onze rekening.  Alles begint bij een gesprek over het soort evenement, wat uw wensen zijn en het budget dat u vooropstelt. We luisteren zorgvuldig naar u en streven ernaar om in functie van uw budget de beste oplossingen aan te reiken om er telkens weer een geslaagd event van te maken. Samen met u zetten we de puntjes op de i. Op de dag van uw evenement coördineren wij alles van opbouw t/m afbouw. We verzorgen uw evenement tot in de puntjes en bieden een feilloze, kwalitatieve en flexibele organisatie. U hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken, u hebt meer tijd over voor uw gasten en kunt zelf ook echt genieten van het event. ------ With 10 years of experience Ductape is the perfect partner for the complete organisation of your corporate event, staff party, client event, incentive, teambuilding, product launch, etc. from A to Z, in Belgium and abroad. Ductape is a full-service event agency. This means that we provide a follow up of the entire event from conceptualisation, set up, event until dismantling. If you wish to follow up on certain parts yourself (venue, catering, etc.), we will take care of everything else. It all starts with a good talk about the type of event you wish to organise, what your needs are and the budget you have in mind. We listen carefully and strive to provide the best solutions according to your budget to make it a successful event over and over again. Together with you, we will dot the i’s. On the day of your event, we coordinate everything from set up until dismantling. We take care of your event down to the last detail and offer a flawless, high quality and flexible organisation. You don’t have to worry about different suppliers and details, you have more time left for your guests and you can really enjoy the event yourself. 
    19 works in Event
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)


    Top awarded
    OVAL is a creative communication agency that puts real-life experience in the heart of campaigns. With a team of more than 130 experts we work from our offices in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Dusseldorf & Paris. We blend live, digital, content, social, technology, loyalty and media into remarkable internal and external campaigns and live events. We work with brands like Google, BMW, Proximus,, ABVV, Nintendo, Adobe, SD Worx,, Randstad, AB Inbev, adidas and many others. OVAL is a member of IDEA, ACC Belgium and awarded third place in best event agency in Europe by BEA.
    16 works in Event
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+3)
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (13 reviews)

    Meer impact met je bedrijf dankzij een sterke strategie, gemotiveerde medewerkers en trouwe klanten

    Je groeiambities waarmaken, dat is waar wij je mee helpen. Vanuit strategisch, tactisch en/of operationeel oogpunt krijg je precies de ondersteuning die jij nodig hebt om te groeien. En dat met zo min mogelijk groeipijn. Want aan groei moet je werken. En laat JDI nu juist die aanvullende hersens, die bijkomende ervaring en die extra handjes leveren die je daarvoor nodig hebt. Of je nu groot bent of nog klein, je ambitie om te groeien en je bereidheid om in alle openheid samen te werken zullen bepalen of we de juiste match zijn. JDI gooit namelijk al zijn expertise en gedrevenheid in de strijd om ook jouw ambitie waar te maken. Vanuit ons groei-DNA, maar ook omdat wij gepassioneerd samen mooie groeiverhalen willen schrijven. Wij bieden ondersteuning bij groei met de volgende hefbomen: Strategie: Medewerkers: Klanten: Aarzel niet om ons hierover meer informatie te vragen! Dit kan door een mailtje te sturen naar of ons te bellen op +3216 88 37 55.
    4 works in Event
    Located in Huldenberg, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Event
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (30 reviews)

    Nos talents au service de vos objectifs business !

    Nous sommes une agence digitale ayant comme seul objectif votre réussite . Notre équipe est pluridisciplinaire alliant des experts du web, du développement d'applications, du référencement, du marketing ainsi que de la gestion de projet. L'ensemble de nos compétences correspond à notre vision globale afin de délivrer la meilleure expérience à vos utilisateurs. Conseils : Conseils en stratégie business Audit pour une digitalisation optimale Web design : Site internet (design attrayant, responsive) E-commerce Applications web (développement sur mesure) Référencement : Viser le top 10 dans les moteurs de recherches (Google, Bing, etc...) Campagnes marketing Google Adwords Campagnes médias sociaux (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc...)
    1 work in Event
    Located in Liège, Belgium
    Budget on request
    Worked in Beverage (+16)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (17 reviews)


    We are your right hand Acting as an extension of your team, we believe in fostering a strong, collaborative relationship with you. Transparency and open communication are our priorities. At every step of the way Together we’re focused on positive and measurable results. PROJECT MANAGEMENT No time to lose? We will write and finetune your briefings. Control freak? Us too… we set up online dashboards to track task assignment, work progress and deadlines. In need of a structured planning? We schedule weekly meetings or send you a status update every Monday…or Tuesday if you’re not a Monday person.
    1 work in Event
    Located in Ixelles, Belgium (+1)
    Budget on request
    Worked in Government & Administration (+22)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+4)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (6 reviews)

    Jou doen groeien. Bewust.

    Top awarded
    De digitale wereld verandert pijlsnel. Laat je het jouw organisatie zomaar overkomen? Of bepaal je zelf je koers? Yappa maakt je digitaal sterker en slimmer. We bedenken, bouwen en boosten. En geven onderweg richting, ondersteuning en inzicht. Het resultaat? Groei op de manier die jij voor ogen hebt: of het nu vanuit het marketing perspectief is en je meer inkomsten wil genereren, of het vanuit het digitalisering perspectief komt om processen efficiënter te laten verlopen. Onze yappanezen hebben een brede expertise. Bedenken We analyseren en krijgen inzicht in jouw business, doelstellingen en doelgroepen. Daarop enten we een slimme digitale strategie die vorm geeft aan jouw groeipad. Bouwen We ontwerpen, bouwen en koppelen digitale hulpmiddelen om je doelstellingen te realiseren. We zetten platformen volledig naar je hand. ​ Boosten We zetten digitale kanalen in om jouw groeipad te versnellen. Meer leads opwekken, een hoger rendement halen uit jouw e-commerce, je merk online versterken, ... The digital world is changing rapidly. Do you just let it happen to your organization? Or do you set your own course? Yappa makes you digitally stronger and smarter. We think, build and boost. And provide direction, support and give insights along the way. The result? Grow in a way you envision: whether it's from a marketing perspective and you want to generate more income, or it's from a digitization perspective to make processes run more efficiently. Our Yappanese have a broad expertise. Think We analyze and gain insight into your business, objectives and target groups. Then we graft a smart digital strategy that shapes your growth path. Build We design, build and connect digital tools to achieve your goals. We fully customize platforms. ​ Boost We use digital channels to accelerate your growth path. Generate more leads, get a higher return on your e-commerce, strengthen your brand online, ...
    1 work in Event
    Located in Bilzen, Belgium (+1)
    From €3,000 for Event
    Worked in Real Estate (+19)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (2 reviews)

    Crafting wonder with tech

    Blue Hay is co-founded by Elise D'haeseleer & Vincent Vanderbeck, both of whom have worked on different large-scale events. Vincent has a passion for technology and Elise is skilled in event management. They combine their expertise to create events like the Club of the Future at Flanders Technology and Innovation in Kortrijk in April 2024, UNWRAP Festival in October 2023 and so much more. Their core: crafting experiences with tech.
    8 works in Event
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Strategic and creative services for B2B and government

    Creativiteit die impact maakt in B2B & overheid Umbau is geen typisch B2B-marketingbureau. Met een combinatie van jeugdig enthousiasme en jarenlange ervaring geven we je communicatie en marketing een extra boost. We bouwen om en verbeteren op alle vlakken. Waarom Umbau'en? B2B marketing en communicatie vereisen een unieke aanpak. Complexe producten, langere salestrajecten, niche doelgroepen: het vraagt om expertise. Wij begrijpen dat elk B2B-bedrijf uniek is. Als klein B2B-bedrijf brengen onze teamleden vanuit verschillende achtergronden een schat aan kennis samen. We focussen op verschillende domeinen om jouw bedrijf, merk of product naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Voor sommige projecten doorlopen we alle stappen, van strategie tot uitvoering. Voor andere steken we meteen de handen uit de mouwen. Hoe we dat beslissen? Heel simpel: op basis van wat jij nodig hebt en wat jouw bedrijf vooruit helpt. Hoe dan ook vragen we onszelf voortdurend af: "Zouden we echt, eerlijk, dezelfde actie ondernemen als we in jouw schoenen stonden?” Succesvolle communicatie vraagt om passie, toewijding en toegevoegde waarde in elk contact En bovenal de moed om vast te houden aan je overtuigingen. Elk teamlid heeft een succesvolle geschiedenis in marketing en communicatie. We geloven in ons werk en hebben marketingwonderen van dichtbij meegemaakt. We adviseren je als vrienden - sterk betrokken maar recht door zee. We laten je nadenken en zelf beslissen. Dat is de deal. 👉🏻 Dus: of je nu een nieuwe koers uitzet of je merk meer in de spots wil zetten, we luisteren graag. Of je nu strategische begeleiding zoekt, creatieve oplossingen wil of gewoon extra handjes zoekt, we staan voor je klaar. Zowel voor B2B als overheidsklanten! 💡 Klaar om te Umbau’en? Jij hebt een vraag, wij luisteren graag - liefst met een kop koffie en een koekje, met sterke resultaten als slotstuk van de samenwerking.
    3 works in Event
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Transportation (+10)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    We explain things in motion

    Je verkoop boosten, helder uitleggen wat je product doet of misschien wel in een notendop je bedrijf voorstellen? Bij Flan Caramel hebben we het ideale recept voor jouw business. Originele video animaties die scoren bij je doelgroep en aanzetten tot actie. Van concept tot verspreiding: wij zorgen voor een kickass resultaat! --- Augmentez vos ventes, expliquez clairement ce que fait votre produit ou présentez votre entreprise en quelques mots? Chez Flan Caramel, nous avons la recette idéale pour votre entreprise. Des animations vidéo originales qui marquent avec votre groupe cible et encouragent l'action. Du concept à la distribution: nous garantissons un résultat d'exception! --- Flan Caramel offers animation video and online video marketing for your corporate film. This can be standard as well as customized with an eye for your company message. Video animation is the kind of video that can convey every message in a suitable way. The use of animation within your communication ensures that you can easily and clearly convey your message to the customer. With animation it is also possible to appear fresh and dynamic, so you can communicate with more impact. We ensure that you get the most out of your animation video to achieve the desired result. --- Hoe gaan we te werk? Vanuit de Flan Caramel starten we steeds met een persoonlijk gesprek bij de klant. Daarin bespreken we hoe onze diensten op maat worden aangeboden en vanuit welke stijl en scenario we starten. Daarbij is een duidelijke bepaling van de boodschap en doelgroep heel belangrijk. Hierna gaat het animatieteam aan de slag om het storyboard te ontwerpen. Wanneer dat volledig is uitgewerkt, wordt het filmpje samen met de klant overlopen. Vervolgens starten we met grafisch design, waarbij vormen en figuren worden uitgewerkt. Éénmaal dit de goeie richting uit gaat, brengen we de animatie tot leven via de motion design. Afwerken doen we met de nodige geluidseffecten (Audio Design) en waar nodig correcties toe te voegen. Hierna is het van essentieel belang dat je video zo veel mogelijk wordt bekeken. Daarom biedt Flan Caramel ook advies aan op vlak van video marketing, hoe je filmpje zo veel mogelijk mensen kan bereiken. --- Comment procédons-nous? Depuis le Flan Caramel, nous commençons toujours par une conversation personnelle avec le client. Nous discutons de la façon dont nos services sont offerts pour mesurer et de quel style et scénario nous commençons. De plus, une détermination claire du message et du groupe cible est très importante. Après cela, l'équipe d'animation se met au travail pour concevoir le storyboard. Quand cela aura été complètement terminé, le film se terminera avec le client. Ensuite, nous commençons avec le design graphique, où les formes et les figures sont élaborées. Une fois que cela va dans la bonne direction, nous donnons vie à l'animation via la motion design. Nous finissons avec les effets sonores nécessaires (Conception Audio) et ajoutons des corrections si nécessaire. Après cela, il est essentiel que votre vidéo soit regardée autant que possible. C'est pourquoi Flan Caramel offre également des conseils dans le domaine du marketing vidéo, comment vous pouvez atteindre le plus de gens possible.  --- How we work? From the Flan Caramel we always start with a personal conversation with the customer. We discuss how our services are offered to measure and from which style and scenario we start. In addition, a clear determination of the message and target group is very important. After this, the animation team goes to work to design the storyboard. When that has been fully worked out, the film will run over with the customer. Then we start with graphic design, where shapes and figures are worked out. Once this goes in the right direction, we bring the animation to life via the motion design. We finish with the necessary sound effects (Audio Design) and add corrections where necessary. After this, it is essential that your video is watched as much as possible. That is why Flan Caramel also offers advice in the field of video marketing, how you can reach as many people as possible. 
    1 work in Event
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Government & Administration (+15)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Loose tie events

    We are an event management & production studio. We produce events, but above all we create events with meaning.   We design, plan and manage events differently. We inspire and connect people through the power of unique events, creating experiences that combine creativity and strategy.
    8 works in Event
    Located in Kortrijk, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Event
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Tell your story, think events.

    Elevate your events and make them unforgettable with confidence! We provide end-to-end solutions for all your event needs. From the initial concept to the final moment, we ensure your communication and event objectives are achieved. Trust us to make your event a resounding success! Our experienced team of consultants offers a wealth of knowledge in events and communication to help organisations achieve their goals. From strategy to execution, we've got you covered. Whether you're looking to create a new plan or improve your events, we're committed to your success. Our company is a fully remote team of professionals from around the world, working together to provide innovative solutions for our clients. With no physical office, we embrace the flexibility and freedom that comes with remote work. ‍ Through remote work, we are able to offer our clients top-notch services at a competitive price, while simultaneously promoting a positive company culture that prioritises collaboration, communication, and respect.
    7 works in Event
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €20,000 for Event
    Worked in Government & Administration (+1)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Crafting influential content. Amplifying ambitious brands.

    MMBSY is a full-service PR and Content Marketing agency, located in Antwerp and Amsterdam.   ‘Got a creative content request, a petite PR problem or just looking for the best way to get your message out there? We’re here for you, just check out our services and make your pick.'   We are a team of professional storytellers with more than 20 years of experience in PR, content creation, content strategy and brand strategy. In other words, we know how to tell and distribute a message, how to touch and activate people with information, inspiration and entertainment.    Our eye is always on the consumer, the person you want to reach, in the way they like best. Every story we produce, contains editorial creativity. We promise and deliver great storytelling in PR plans, social media marketing and content creation.   We guarantee true craftsmanship and work only with knowledgeable talented people. With this pool of creative talent, we craft narratives from life, because authentic stories are the ones that strike a chord with your audience.
    5 works in Event
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Event
    Worked in Wine & Spirits (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (8 reviews)


    WE CREATE LIVE & DIGITAL BRAND EXPERIENCES & EVENTS. ZININ offers expertise in strategy, design, innovation and experience, to harness the power of brand for growth. Our Disciplines : Corporate & Consumer Branding, Content Creation, Digital & Social Brand Experiences, Live & Hybrid Brand Events. We're pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in every format: Digital, Virtual & Social, Live or Hybrid. We are convinced that you never get a second chance to make an unforgettable first brand impression. We believe that every touchpoint of a brand offers unique opportunities. We activate brands by building powerful front lines in the digital & real world. We work for both b-t-c & b-t-b clients in various sectors: High-Tech, Chemical Industry, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Human Resources, Finance, Logistics, Entertainment, Care, Education, Deco ... . A client can expect creative concepts with a flawless execution. ZININ is a flexible agency with short and direct communication lines between clients and the project team. If you're a looking for a creative brand content & conversation agency with extensive experience & network and real personal commitment, we can help you out!
    14 works in Event
    Located in Bierbeek, Belgium
    From €5,000 for Event
    Worked in Construction (+14)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members

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Customer reviews about Event Companies in Belgium

John DoeCorporate | Brussels, BE

Planning our corporate event with this event company in Belgium was nothing short of spectacular. From the initial concept discussions to the flawless execution on the day, their team of experienced event producers made sure every detail was perfect. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a professional event company!

Emily R.Personal | Bruges, BE

Our wedding was a dream come true, thanks to the exceptional services provided by one of the finest event companies in Belgium. Their attention to detail, creative design, and top-notch coordination made our special day unforgettable. Truly the best event producer for any personal celebration!

Mark ThompsonNon-profit | Antwerp, BE

As a non-profit, finding an event company that understands our constraints and goals is crucial. We were thrilled with how our fundraising event turned out, all credits to a skilled event company in Belgium. Their dedication and expert management exceeded our expectations in every way.

Insights from a Local Expert: Event Agencies in Belgium

Belgium, renowned for its rich culture and historical landmarks, is also a vibrant hub for event planning and management. Hosting a diverse array of event agencies, Belgium offers a plethora of services tailored to create memorable and impactful events. Currently, the local scene comprises 423 projects and 172 client reviews, showcasing a robust environment for event management expertise.

Notable Achievements and Client Partnerships

Exceptional Agency Accomplishments

Belgian event agencies have cultivated a reputation for excellence, often recognized in various prestigious award circuits. Recognitions such as the Eventex Awards and the BEA Awards (Belgian Event Awards) frequently highlight local agencies for their creativity and operational excellence, making them a top choice for hosting corporate, cultural, and private events.

Distinguished Client Examples

Belgium’s event agencies have demonstrated their prowess by successfully partnering with high-profile clients across different sectors. These agencies have managed events for major names like Adobe, Toyota, and Dior, showcasing their capacity to handle complex logistics and diverse client requirements seamlessly.

Strategic Budget Considerations

Understanding Event Budgets

Choosing the right event agency in Belgium should involve a thoughtful consideration of the budget. Pricing can vary significantly based on the agency’s size, reputation, and the scope of the event. Here are some tailored budget advisories to help guide your decision:

For startups and local businesses: Opt for boutique agencies or medium-sized companies, which typically offer competitive rates for quality service. A fundamental event can range from €2,000 to €15,000, depending on the scale and specifics.

For mid-sized corporations: With more complex needs, these companies might consider agencies with a proven track record and a more detailed portfolio. Comprehensive event planning services can span from €20,000 to €100,000.

For large enterprises: These organizations often require extensive, multi-faceted events that may feature international participation. Working with top-tier event agencies that operate on a global scale can ensure top-notch execution, with budgets starting at €100,000.

Reviewing Past Works

Examining an agency’s previous projects is crucial. The 423 projects disclosed in our database provide valuable insights into each agency’s capability and style, enabling businesses to find an event partner whose creative vision aligns with their brand identity.

Enhance Your Events with Belgian Expertise

Belgium remains a beacon of top-tier event planning, backed by a network of skilled and innovative agencies. Whether looking to launch a significant corporate function, host an intimate gathering, or organize a large-scale conference, Belgium offers a wide range of proficient agencies. With comprehensive data on successful projects and detailed client feedback, locating the ideal agency for your event needs in Belgium has never been easier. As a Sortlist local expert, I invite you to explore the myriad of available options and trust the renowned Belgian expertise to elevate your event to new heights.

Mahmoud Arfaoui
Written by Mahmoud Arfaoui Sortlist Expert in BelgiumLast updated on the 12-02-2025

Latest Projects Submitted to Event Producers in Belgium

Organizing a High-Profile International ConferenceMajor International Corporation>75.000€ | 10-2024Seeking an experienced event production company to organize a multi-day international conference, including logistics, venue, workshops, and keynotes.
Launch Event for New Technology ProductInnovative Tech Startup30.000€ - 50.000€ | 10-2024Tech startup looking for an event producer to create a captivating product launch event that can attract industry leaders and media.
Annual Corporate Gala OrganizationLeading Financial Institution50.000€ - 70.000€ | 10-2024Requires an event company to handle the A-Z planning and execution of an annual gala, including entertainment, catering, and event branding.
Healthcare Conference Planning and ManagementGlobal Healthcare Company40.000€ - 60.000€ | 10-2024A global player in healthcare seeks an event producer for organizing an international conference on the latest medical advancements.
Experiential Marketing Event for a New Beverage LaunchRenowned Beverage Company>80.000€ | 10-2024Company in search of a creative event team to design and execute an experiential marketing event aimed at introducing a new beverage line.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Event companies in Belgium, like their counterparts worldwide, employ a multifaceted approach to measuring the success of their productions. While client satisfaction remains a crucial metric, Belgian event producers utilize several other key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the overall impact and effectiveness of their events. Here are some of the primary methods used:

  1. Attendance and Engagement Metrics:
    • Total number of attendees compared to expected turnout
    • Audience engagement levels during the event (e.g., participation in activities, Q&A sessions)
    • Social media interactions and hashtag usage related to the event
  2. Financial Performance:
    • Return on Investment (ROI) for the client
    • Revenue generated from ticket sales, sponsorships, or on-site purchases
    • Cost per attendee and overall budget adherence
  3. Brand Impact and Media Coverage:
    • Earned media value and press mentions
    • Increase in brand awareness or sentiment (measured through surveys)
    • Quality and quantity of media coverage (both traditional and digital)
  4. Lead Generation and Business Outcomes:
    • Number of qualified leads generated
    • Conversion rates for post-event actions (e.g., product purchases, sign-ups)
    • New partnerships or collaborations formed as a result of the event
  5. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
    • Carbon footprint reduction compared to previous events
    • Amount of waste diverted from landfills
    • Positive community impact (e.g., local job creation, charitable contributions)
  6. Technology and Innovation Metrics:
    • Adoption rates of event technology (e.g., event apps, virtual components)
    • Data collected through RFID or NFC technologies for attendee behavior analysis
    • Success of hybrid event components, if applicable

Belgian event companies often use specialized event management software to track these metrics in real-time and generate comprehensive post-event reports. They may also conduct post-event surveys with attendees, sponsors, and stakeholders to gather qualitative feedback alongside quantitative data.

It's worth noting that the specific metrics used can vary depending on the type of event (e.g., corporate conference, music festival, trade show) and the primary objectives set by the client. Belgian event producers pride themselves on their ability to tailor their success measurements to align with the unique goals of each event, ensuring that they deliver value that goes beyond surface-level satisfaction.

By employing these diverse measurement techniques, event companies in Belgium can demonstrate their impact, continuously improve their services, and maintain their competitive edge in the dynamic event industry landscape.

Successful event producers in Belgium, known for their creativity and efficiency, have mastered the art of balancing unique experiences with practical constraints. Here's how they achieve this delicate equilibrium:

  1. Prioritize key elements: Belgian event producers identify the core aspects that will make the event memorable and allocate resources accordingly. This might mean investing more in an exceptional keynote speaker or an innovative interactive element while economizing on less impactful areas.
  2. Leverage local partnerships: Belgium's tight-knit business community allows event producers to build strong relationships with local vendors, venues, and talent. These partnerships often lead to cost savings and unique collaborative opportunities that can enhance the event experience.
  3. Embrace technology: Belgian event companies are increasingly using technology to create memorable experiences without breaking the bank. Virtual or augmented reality elements, custom event apps, and interactive displays can add a wow factor while being more cost-effective than traditional large-scale productions.
  4. Optimize logistics: Event producers in Belgium are experts at streamlining logistics. They often choose versatile venues that can accommodate multiple setups, reducing the need for extensive modifications. They also carefully plan transportation and scheduling to minimize unnecessary costs.
  5. Sustainable practices: With Belgium's strong focus on sustainability, event producers are finding that eco-friendly practices not only appeal to attendees but can also be cost-effective. Reusable decor, digital invitations, and locally-sourced catering are examples of sustainable choices that can reduce costs and create a positive impression.
  6. Creative theming: Belgian event producers excel at creating immersive themes that tie the entire event together. A well-executed theme can make even simple elements feel special and cohesive, elevating the overall experience without requiring excessive spending on individual components.
  7. Flexible budgeting: Successful producers in Belgium often work with flexible budgets, allowing for reallocation of funds as needed. They maintain contingency funds for unexpected opportunities or challenges that may arise during the planning process.
  8. Data-driven decision making: According to a 2023 survey by the Belgian Event Industry Association, 78% of top-performing event producers in the country use data analytics to inform their decisions. This helps them invest in elements that have proven to be most impactful for their target audience.

By implementing these strategies, Belgian event producers consistently deliver memorable experiences while adhering to budget constraints and logistical realities. Their success lies in their ability to be creative problem-solvers, leveraging local resources, technology, and data-driven insights to maximize impact within given parameters.

Data analytics plays a crucial role in modern event production in Belgium, revolutionizing how event companies plan, execute, and evaluate their services. Belgian event producers are increasingly leveraging data to enhance decision-making, personalize experiences, and optimize operations. Here's how data analytics is shaping the event industry in Belgium:

1. Audience Insights and Personalization
  • Belgian event companies use data analytics to gain deep insights into attendee preferences, behaviors, and demographics.
  • This information allows for tailored event experiences, from personalized content to customized networking opportunities.
  • For example, a Brussels-based tech conference might use data to match attendees with relevant sessions or exhibitors based on their professional interests.
2. Event Planning and Design
  • Data-driven insights help Belgian event producers make informed decisions about venue selection, timing, and event format.
  • Historical data on past events, combined with current trends, guide organizers in creating more engaging and successful events.
  • For instance, analyzing foot traffic data from previous editions of the Ghent Festival can help optimize stage placements and food vendor locations.
3. Real-time Event Management
  • During events, Belgian companies use real-time analytics to monitor attendee flow, session popularity, and engagement levels.
  • This allows for on-the-spot adjustments to improve the event experience, such as managing queues or adjusting room temperatures.
  • For example, at Tomorrowland in Boom, organizers can use real-time data to manage crowd flow and enhance safety measures.
4. Marketing and Promotion
  • Data analytics inform targeted marketing strategies, helping Belgian event companies reach the right audience through the most effective channels.
  • Predictive analytics can forecast ticket sales and help in pricing strategies.
  • For the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival, data might reveal which genres are most popular among Belgian audiences, guiding film selection and promotional efforts.
5. ROI Measurement and Improvement
  • Belgian event producers use data to measure the return on investment (ROI) for both organizers and sponsors.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as attendee satisfaction, engagement rates, and lead generation are tracked and analyzed.
  • This data helps in continually improving event strategies and demonstrating value to stakeholders.
6. Sustainability Efforts
  • With sustainability being a key focus in Belgium, event companies use data analytics to minimize waste and reduce carbon footprints.
  • Analytics can help optimize resource allocation, from food and beverage quantities to energy consumption.
  • For example, the Pukkelpop festival in Hasselt might use data to implement more efficient transportation solutions and reduce overall environmental impact.

Belgian event companies leveraging data analytics are seeing significant improvements in their services. For instance, a survey by the Belgian Event Sector Federation found that companies using advanced analytics reported a 25% increase in attendee satisfaction and a 20% reduction in operational costs.

However, it's important to note that while data analytics offers powerful insights, successful event production in Belgium still relies heavily on creativity, cultural understanding, and the personal touch that defines Belgian hospitality. The most effective event producers in Belgium are those who balance data-driven decisions with intuition and experience to create truly memorable events.