The 10 Best E-commerce Agencies in Zürich - 2024 Reviews

Top E-commerce Agencies in Zürich

Top Featured E-commerce Agencies

  • CDN Solutions Group

    CDN Solutions Groupcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Blockchain Solutions, NFT, Mobile App development company, Software Development Company

    At CDN Solutions Group, we are pioneers in delivering cutting-edge technological solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across the globe. With a relentless focus on innovation and a commitment to excellence, we empower organizations to thrive in the digital era through our comprehensive suite of services, including custom software development, mobile application development, blockchain solutions, IoT integration, and AI development . Custom Software Development: Our custom software development services are designed to address the unique requirements of businesses, ranging from startups to enterprise-level organizations. Leveraging the latest technologies and industry best practices, we develop bespoke software solutions that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. Mobile App Development: In today's mobile-first world, having a robust mobile presence is crucial for businesses to stay competitive. Our team of experienced developers specializes in creating feature-rich, intuitive mobile applications for iOS, Android, and cross-platform environments. From concept to deployment, we work closely with our clients to ensure their mobile apps are engaging, user-friendly, and aligned with their business objectives. Blockchain Solutions: As blockchain technology continues to revolutionize various industries, we help businesses harness its potential to drive efficiency, transparency, and security across their operations. Whether it's developing decentralized applications (DApps), implementing smart contracts, or integrating blockchain into existing systems, our experts possess the technical expertise to deliver tailored blockchain solutions that unlock new opportunities for our clients. IoT Integration: The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way businesses collect, analyze, and leverage data from interconnected devices. Our IoT integration services enable organizations to capitalize on this paradigm shift by seamlessly connecting disparate devices, sensors, and systems to facilitate real-time data exchange, automate processes, and drive informed decision-making. AI Development: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries by enabling machines to replicate human-like cognitive functions. At CDN Solutions Group, we leverage the power of AI to develop intelligent solutions that automate tasks, personalize user experiences, and uncover valuable insights from vast datasets. Whether it's machine learning, natural language processing, or computer vision, our AI development capabilities empower businesses to stay ahead of the curve in today's data-driven world. Why Choose CDN Solutions Group: Expertise: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in their respective domains, ensuring the highest quality of service delivery. Innovation: We stay at the forefront of technology trends and continuously explore new opportunities to drive innovation and create value for our clients. Collaboration: We believe in fostering strong, collaborative partnerships with our clients, working closely with them to understand their unique needs and deliver tailored solutions that exceed expectations. Reliability: With a proven track record of delivering successful projects on time and within budget, our clients can trust us to consistently meet their technology requirements. Conclusion: At CDN Solutions Group, we are more than just a technology partner – we are catalysts for innovation, driving positive change and helping businesses thrive in the digital age. Whether you're looking to develop custom software, mobile apps, blockchain solutions, IoT integrations, or AI-driven applications, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life. Partner with us today and embark on a journey of digital transformation that will propel your business to new heights.
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Ida


    (3 reviews)

    Think | Design | Code

    Ida from Zurich is a studio for design and web development. We specialize in creating custom, powerful and user-friendly websites, web apps and cloud-based front-end solutions with ❤️. Our work spans a wide range of industries, but our process remains constant. In every project, we strive for customer and user satisfaction through a practical approach. So that we can apply the process flexibly, in specific detail or throughout the project. Service Screen Design Interaction Design Frontend Development E-Commerce Development Enterprise Web Development Experimenting Development Products Landingpages Websites E-commerce websites Web Applications Enterprise Web Development Integrations & Hosting Technologies Angular Node.js Express Kubernetes Three.js (TypeScript, SASS, HTML, Tailwind CSS, Material Design, Angular Material)
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce


    (7 reviews)

    🏆 Exceeding Your Expectations

    SEVEN is an IT partner with time-tested expertise in solving complex software challenges requiring narrow specialization . One of our biggest strengths is finding unique approaches and solutions for startups and businesses from a wide variety of industries, including crucial ones like healthcare & education. We take pride in our ability to find the technical solution and ensure that it leaves our clients room for growth and protects them from undesirable financial and technological consequences. We apply our extensive expertise to anticipate the needs of our clients and suggest improvements from a new, fresh angle. With SEVEN, our clients team up not just with tech-savvy people but with a group of experts who know how technology influences the business and how to make it align with sustained growth in the future.
    7 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce


    (10 reviews)

    TRIARE unlocks IT potential of YOUR business

    TRIARE is a WEB and MOBILE software development company based in Europe. We are delighted to offer our services as your long-term partner, taking all technical matters off your shoulders and allowing you to focus on your business development. YOU WILL GET: ✔ In-house team . Work with a dedicated team that is 100% focused on your product and located in the same office. ✔ Efficiency & transparency , as our process is based on Scrum methodology and managed by certified Scrum Masters. ✔ Fast result. Working with us, you will get the first result in 1 week. ✔ High quality, as TRIARE has well-established processes of software development and experienced specialists. ✔ Full cycle development . Our company covers all stages of development, handling everything from Discovery and prototyping to Design, development, and maintenance. ✔ IP rights . From the very beginning, you are the only owner of the intellectual property of your project materials: source code, design, documentation, etc. ✔ Warranty period will be provided for your system for free. ASPECTS OF OUR MINDSET: - Focused on results. We are focused on the result of your business with an understanding of the real goals and KPIs that our team should achieve. - Solution Provider. It means that we always come to you with solutions, not with questions. We take all technical aspects of the project off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on the marketing and business strategies. - We go the extra mile. Being a proactive company, we always think and take a step ahead. TECHNOLOGIES WE USE: - Mobile app development: Kotlin, Java, Swift, Objective-C. - Cross-platform development: Flutter, React Native. - Web frameworks: Node.JS, React.JS, PHP, Ruby on Rails.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €10000 for E-commerce
  • WSIgabs


    (10 reviews)

    We Simplify Internet !

    WSIgabs est l'agence Suisse du plus grand réseau des agences de marketing digital soit plus de 800 agences dans +80 pays. Nous aidons les entrepreneurs et les dirigeants à booster leurs ventes et à augmenter leur notoriété, en utilisant l’effet levier d’Internet et de ses nombreuses opportunités. Nous sommes un guichet unique pour les services de vente et de marketing numériques en Suisse romande. Nos solutions s'étendent de la création de campagne à la génération de prospects vers les ventes. Nous offrons une gamme complète de services numériques comme le référencement, les médias sociaux, l'e-commerce et les services mobiles. Contactez-nous pour un audit gratuit de votre empreinte digitale. Contactez-nous pour découvrir notre méthodologie qui a pour objectif de développer votre présence digitale afin d'atteindre vos objectifs. Que ce soit avec le référencement, le social ou la génération de lead, chaque outil doit être au service de votre stratégie !
    18 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • keeen GmbH - Marketing Technology

    keeen GmbH - Marketing Technologycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Raising Potentials

    Wir können die Zukunft nicht vorhersagen - aber wir machen sie möglich. Future viability - Zukunftsfähigkeit - ist die wichtigste Eigenschaft, die ein Unternehmen heute haben kann. In einer sich immer schneller verändernden Welt, überleben die Anpassungsfähigen. Die, die wendig und flexibel auf neue Einflüsse reagieren. Die, die Trends erkennen und antizipieren. Survival of the fittest. Der Darwinismus der Unternehmen. Der "hot shit" von heute ist morgen schon wieder von gestern. Deshalb orchestriert keeen die Disziplinen Marketing, Technologie und Experience Design zu übergeordneten Mehrwerten. Klar, dass dabei nicht alle das gleiche spielen, aber das Ergebnis mehr ist als die Summe seiner Teile. So heben wir die Potenziale unserer Kunden für die Zukunft und bereichern mit unserer Arbeit das Leben von Millionen von Menschen. Wir glauben, dass wirklich gute digitale Produkte nur entstehen können, wenn der User ganzheitlich adressiert wird. Dabei spielen drei wesentliche Faktoren eine Rolle: Der Kopf entscheidet rational über die Performance. Technologie muss funktionieren, Fakten müssen passen. Wir bauen die technologischen Plattformen, die Marken tragen. Als TYPO3 Gold Member und Shopware Business Partner sind wir verlässlicher, kompetenter Ansprechpartner in Sachen digitale Ökosysteme, Websites und eCommerce-Development. Das Marketing inszeniert den integren Auftritt von Marke oder Produkt. Wir entwickeln die emotionale Ansprache, Botschaft und Tonalität und sichern die folgerichtige Positionierung im Markt. Eine Nutzererfahrung, die Lust auf mehr macht ist intuitiv in der Nutzung und visuell ansprechend. Wir gestalten die User Experience, die Menschen begeistert.  
    6 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce

All E-commerce Companies

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  • S2i Evolution - Agence web & e-commerce

    S2i Evolution - Agence web & e-commercecertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    Définissons ensemble votre projet et identifions les opportunités de votre business digital

    S2i Evolution est une agence web et e-commerce qui intervient sur les projets de sites internet Wordpress, Prestashop, Shopify et en développement spécifique selon les besoins exprimés. Notre agence intègre les compétences nécessaires à la réalisation d'un site internet complet, c'est-à-dire les compétences en développement, intégration, webdesign, référencement naturel et stratégie digitale, etc... Site vitrine, site e-commerce, refonte de site internet, optimisation de site internet  L'accompagnement de nos équipes sur les projets et l'expérience acquise vont nous permettre d'identifier les besoins et de vous assister dans le développement de votre projet. En tant que partenaire, nous vous conseillons et travaillons à vos côtés pour définir une stratégie digitale adaptée à votre entreprise, votre marché et vos clients. Nous travaillons en collaboration avec nos clients dans le développement des résultats du site internet en définissant les objectifs à atteindre et en mettant en place un plan d'action. Nos compétences en développement nous ont permis de travailler sur des passerelles de synchronisation entre Prestashop et différents ERP pour disposer d'un système d'information efficace et mise à jours en temps réel. Vous demandez à votre site de ne pas avoir de limite géographique, nous travaillons régulièrement à distance en France et à l'étranger depuis nos bureaux situés à Mulhouse (68). Découvrez l’accompagnement de notre agence web au travers du déroulé de projet définit par notre agence pour identifier et créer la meilleure version de votre projet de site internet. Prenez contact avec nos équipes pour étudier votre projet ou découvrez en plus sur notre agence web & e-commerce.  
    20 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Performance Marketing Agentur FIRST STARS

    Performance Marketing Agentur FIRST STARScertified-flagverified-flag

    (14 reviews)

    Inkrementeller Umsatz-Uplift since 1998

    25 Jahre Erfahrung im Performance Marketing bringen POWER in Ihre Umsätze. Wir orchestrieren für maximalen Umsatz: Google Ads / Bing Ads (SEA) META Ads mit Facebook & Instagram Pinterest Ads TikTok Ads Affiliate Marketing (AWIN) Durch unsere feingranularen Optimierungen der Kampagnen-Stellschrauben auf Tagesbasis, erzielen wir im Schnitt 30% mehr Performance als der Wettbewerb.
    12 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €5000 for E-commerce
  • ALL-ABOUT Designs

    ALL-ABOUT Designscertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    Mit uns werden aus Ideen echte Erfolgsgeschichten

    Als zentrale Ideenschmiede Mannheims entwickeln wir die Konzepte, an welche sich Ihre Kunden noch in den kommenden Jahrzehnten zurückerinnern. Wir begleiten Ihr Unternehmen bei der Transformation betrieblicher Angelegenheiten ins digitale Zeitalter. Für welchen Service Sie sich auch entscheiden… Im Prinzip sind die daraus erzielten wirtschaftlichen Erfolge genau die Stellschraube, an welcher wir gemeinsam drehen. ALL-ABOUT Designs ist darauf spezialisiert, Ihrem Unternehmen durch eine ganzheitliche Marketingberatung auf Augenhöhe die größtmögliche Sichtbarkeit zu verleihen. Dabei verstehen wir unser Handwerk viel lieber als gemeinsamen Weg und nicht als „Einweg-Service“, wie er oftmals in der Branche üblich ist. Wie Ihr Weg auch aussehen mag – mit unserer Zufriedenheitsgarantie gibt es garantiert keine unerwarteten Hindernisse. Wir freuen uns auf Ihr spannendes Projekt.
    7 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • The Digital Bunch

    The Digital Bunchcertified-flagverified-flag

    (14 reviews)

    We create digital experiences

    We’re a bunch of experienced creatives who bring CGI, interactive and software under one digital roof. We wake up every day to deliver meaningful experiences that define your brand and help your business grow.
    10 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce

    PRINZIP E GmbHcertified-flagverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Entschieden. Effizient. Ergebnisorientiert. So ist unsere Arbeit, und dafür stehen wir ein.

    Mit rund 20 Kommunikations-Expert*innen sind wir Ihr erster Ansprechpartner für Markenführung und Kampagnenkonzepte. Dabei sind wir sowohl im klassischen als auch im digitalen Kommunikationsmarkt zuhause und haben uns insbesondere auf die kluge Vernetzung der jeweils zur Aufgabe passenden Kanäle spezialisiert. Im Zentrum unseres Kundenportfolios stehen die Branchen Food & Beverage und Lifestyle & Beauty. Dabei liegt uns insbesondere die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Regionalmarken am Herzen. Doch auch als nationaler sowie internationaler Kunde können Sie sicher sein, mit uns als Kommunikationsagentur an Ihrer Seite einen Partner zu haben, der mit Leidenschaft und Fachwissen hinter Ihnen und Ihrem Projekt steht. In die Planung unserer Aufgaben fließen regelmäßig fundierte Analysen von Markt, Wettbewerb und Verbraucherinsights ein. Dabei ist entschiedene Professionalität stets die Basis unseres Denkens und Handelns – und somit auch all unserer Ergebnisse.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Databay Solutions

    Databay Solutionscertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    🇪🇸 Convertimos datos en Conocimiento enTurning data into knowledge 🇩🇪 Daten in Wissen verwandeln

    🇪🇸 Español 🇪🇸 Somos Databay Solutions , nos especializamos en ayudar a las organizaciones a aprovechar al máximo sus datos, brindando soluciones personalizadas y servicios de análisis, inteligencia artificial y visualización de datos. Nuestro objetivo es impulsar la toma de decisiones informadas y el crecimiento empresarial a través de la utilización estratégica de la información. Transformamos consistentemente datos brutos en conocimiento perspicaz, construyendo desde aplicaciones o herramientas de datos hasta sistemas de Big Data, BI e IA. Nuestra sede se encuentra en España, sirviendo a empresas europeas con una perspectiva global . Hacemos realidad las visiones de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario ofrece una amplia gama de capacidades internas : desde la gestión de datos, servicios AWS y GCP, servicios de ciberseguridad, ingeniería de red hasta desarrollo de software y aplicaciones. Todo con un firme enfoque en la experiencia del usuario y el diseño corporativo. Construimos prototipos de alta calidad como la base de nuestros proyectos, demostrándose como una excelente herramienta para demostrar el valor del producto antes del escalado comercial y el inicio del desarrollo. Empleamos las últimas tecnologías, aprovechando al máximo nuestra experiencia en Big Data e IA. Nuestro equipo es competente en la creación de soluciones que funcionan sin problemas en varias plataformas y para todos los stack de datos disponibles, centrándose principalmente en AWS, GCP, aunque hemos desarrollado soluciones relacionadas con Azure también. Nuestras herramientas ayudan a día de hoy a múltiples empresas a crear ventajas competitivas aprovechando el potencial de la toma de decisiones basadas en datos. Confía en Databay Solutions, tu socio para navegar el complejo panorama de datos y llevar tu negocio a nuevas alturas. 🇬🇧 English 🇬🇧 At Databay Solutions , we focus on helping organisations make the most of their data by providing customised solutions and services in analytics, artificial intelligence and data visualisation. Our goal is to drive informed decision-making and business growth through the strategic use of information . We consistently transform raw data into insightful knowledge, building from data applications or tools to Big Data, BI and AI systems. We are based in Spain, serving companies across Europe with a global perspective . We make our clients' visions a reality. Our multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of in-house capabilities : from data management, AWS and GCP services, cybersecurity services, and network engineering to software and application development. All with a firm focus on user experience and corporate design. We build high-quality prototypes as the foundation of our projects, proving an excellent tool for demonstrating product value prior to commercial scale-up and early development. We employ the latest technologies, making the most of our expertise in Big Data and AI. Our team is proficient in creating solutions that work seamlessly across multiple platforms and for all available data stacks, focusing primarily on AWS, and GCP, although we have developed solutions related to Azure as well. Today, our tools help many companies to create competitive advantages by harnessing the potential of data-driven decision-making. Trust Databay Solutions, your partner to navigate the complex data landscape and take your business to new heights. 🇩🇪 Deutch 🇩🇪 Bei Databay Solutions konzentrieren wir uns darauf, Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, das Beste aus ihren Daten zu machen, indem wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Analytik, künstliche Intelligenz und Datenvisualisierung anbieten. Unser Ziel ist es, durch die strategische Nutzung von Informationen fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und das Unternehmenswachstum zu fördern . Wir wandeln Rohdaten konsequent in aufschlussreiches Wissen um, indem wir Datenanwendungen oder -tools zu Big-Data-, BI- und KI-Systemen weiterentwickeln. Wir sind in Spanien ansässig und betreuen Unternehmen in ganz Europa mit einer globalen Perspektive . Wir setzen die Visionen unserer Kunden in die Realität um. Unser multidisziplinäres Team bietet ein breites Spektrum an Inhouse-Fähigkeiten: von Datenmanagement, AWS- und GCP-Diensten, Cybersicherheitsdiensten und Netzwerktechnik bis hin zur Software- und Anwendungsentwicklung. Und das alles mit einem klaren Fokus auf User Experience und Corporate Design. Wir erstellen hochwertige Prototypen als Grundlage für unsere Projekte, die sich als hervorragendes Instrument zur Demonstration des Produktwerts vor der kommerziellen Skalierung und frühen Entwicklung erweisen. Wir setzen die neuesten Technologien ein und nutzen dabei unser Fachwissen in den Bereichen Big Data und KI. Unser Team ist in der Lage, Lösungen zu entwickeln, die nahtlos über mehrere Plattformen und für alle verfügbaren Datenstapel funktionieren. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns in erster Linie auf AWS und GCP, obwohl wir auch Lösungen für Azure entwickelt haben. Heute helfen unsere Tools vielen Unternehmen, Wettbewerbsvorteile zu schaffen, indem sie das Potenzial datengestützter Entscheidungsfindung nutzen. Vertrauen Sie Databay Solutions, Ihrem Partner, um die komplexe Datenlandschaft zu navigieren und Ihr Unternehmen zu neuen Höhen zu führen .
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Significa


    (5 reviews)

    Think. Design. Develop. Launch. Repeat.

    We are a Design-led agency focused on Product Development. We think, design, develop and launch Digital Products.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €15000 for E-commerce
  • Recommended
    Techcronus is a full-service digital agency helping businesses with innovative web and mobility solutions since 2010. Brands like Starbucks, Unilever, IKEA, Fererro trust us for their development needs.  We have successfully delivered more than 500 projects across Retail/eCommerce, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Travel, Sports & Gaming, Finance and Education industries. Our business offerings include: Web Development (Opensource and Microsoft platforms) Mobile Development (Native, Hybrid, Blockchain, IOT, Beacon) Product Development & Support Microsoft Dynamics ERP/CRM solutions Staff Augmentation UI Design & UX White-label solutions (Food delivery, Cab Booking, Social Dating, Sports Betting Apps) Our technology expertise includes: Web Apps: PHP, MySQL, ASP.NET, MS SQL, AngularJS, NodeJS, ReactJS Mobile Apps: iOS, Android Native, React Native, Ionic, PhoneGap, Cordova ERP/CRM: MS Dynamics NAV, CRM, 365 Business Central Cloud: AWS, Azure Graphics Design: UI/UX Please visit our portfolio to see our work samples: For free consultation regarding your software development needs, please write to us on or connect on Skype (techcronus). Our Global Locations: 1. Techcronus Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 4/C Center Point, Panchvati, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad – 380006, India 2. Techcronus Inc. 3705 W Pico Blvd, Unit #606, Los Angeles, CA 90019, United States 3. Techcronus Business Solutions UK Kemp House, 152 – 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • MONSOON Digital Marketing

    MONSOON Digital Marketingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    🌬️ Let's breathe new life into your digital business!

    At MONSOON, we bring a comprehensive perspective to digital marketing , creating campaigns that harmoniously combine various marketing channels for optimal results. Trusted by well-known brands such as Wikipedia, MONDO, Clearlight Saunas, Pomelo+Co, Wikimedia Foundation, or HeyDude Shoes, we leverage the inherent synergy of marketing channels to deliver maximum performance. Our approach prioritizes close collaboration to ensure our partners receive the highest ROI for their advertising budgets. We specialize in four key areas: E-commerce Marketing: We have the tools and tactics to increase your online sales, using various online marketing channels and platforms such as Google Ads and social media channels (Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, etc.) to reach potential customers effectively. Lead Generation : Leveraging the power of digital platforms such as LinkedIn, Meta and Google Ads, we ensure a steady flow of high-quality leads tailored to your industry. We ensure that your message reaches the right audience, converting interest into leads. Organic Social Media Management : Beyond paid advertising, we excel at creating authentic brand narratives and managing profiles to foster authentic engagement on leading social media platforms. Entry & Growth Strategies in EU Markets With a keen understanding of European markets, particularly Germany, we help brands successfully market and grow by navigating the region's unique nuances and opportunities. In addition, our in-depth audits highlight opportunities and areas of improvement in current marketing campaigns, guiding companies toward more effective and efficient strategies . With years of experience in the diverse projects in our portfolio, we don't just provide the tools; we offer customized strategies and an unwavering commitment to achieving your business goals . Let's talk!
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €5000 for E-commerce
  • Janssen Communications

    Janssen Communicationscertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Kreativagentur für alles Online. Mit Leidenschaft, Expertenwissen und Herz für Sie da.

    Wir unterstützen Sie in unserer Wertschätzungskette vollumfänglich in den folgenden Themen: ✨ Veranstaltungsmanagement ✨ Social Media & PR (Kommunikation intern & extern) ✨ Website-Design Mit Profis aus jeder Abteilung können wir Ihnen gezielt zu einer Thematik unter die Arme greifen, oder aber alles miteinander verbinden. Und das zwei - oder sogar drei dieser Stränge zusammen kommen, ist mehr als üblich. Hier sind wir Ihnen gerne behilflich. ➡️ Veranstaltungsmanagement: Wir unterstützen Sie im Bereich Veranstaltungsmanagement gerne mit unserer Expertise. Wir haben bereits Events für unsere VIPs Kunden (Top-Politiker aus Deutschland und den USA, Koryphäen der Wissenschaft, DAX Firmen und A-Liga-Prominenz) erstellt, aber auch Firmenevents für (mittelständische) Unternehmen. Ihre Feier ist uns ein Fest! ➡️ Social Media & PR: Der Bereich Social Media hat uns erfolgreich gemacht, als wir 2020 gestartet sind. Schnell haben wir verstanden, dass dieser Bereich in allen Formen des Marketings relevant ist und übernehmen nun die PR für unsere Kunden - das sowohl intern (für z.B. Firmenevents) als auch extern (Pressekontakte, Pressemitteilungen, Interviews, Social Media, Newsletter etc pp). ➡️ Website Design: Eine gute und moderne Website gehört zu einem guten Unternehmen dazu. Genau darum kümmern wir uns und stehen unseren Kunden zur Seite. Wir sind schnell, modern und voller Ideen für einen tollen Internetauftritt ihres Unternehmens.
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • TINK 360°

    TINK 360°certified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Unlock a Free Consultation Today!

    Welcome to TINK360, the premier marketing agency in Casablanca, dedicated to elevating your online presence to unprecedented levels of success. Our team of specialists is committed to realizing your digital vision, whether through the creation of a sleek website, an immersive online store, or a bespoke platform. Our dynamic multimedia division crafts visually stunning solutions, compelling videos, and engaging content to elevate your brand identity. Meanwhile, our SEO experts work diligently to enhance your search engine ranking, boost visibility, and drive qualified organic traffic to your site. Through strategic targeting and expert management, our social media services transform your profiles into potent tools for growth and audience engagement. At TINK360, we offer tailored solutions focused on tangible outcomes. Don't leave your online success to chance; partner with TINK360 today and witness your marketing goals come to fruition.
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €250 for E-commerce
  • 4por4- creative agency

    4por4- creative agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    for 4por4 better than to achieve is overcome and surprise!

    We believe that passion and responsability are essential for the development of any project. We love to be challegend and like what we do, but what really sets up apart are the years of experience and a deep knowledge of the different markets and segments in wich we already operat.
    5 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Studio MAWA

    Studio MAWAcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Erwecken Sie Ihre Ideen durch Design und Technologie zum Leben

    MAWA kombiniert Kreativität und Fachwissen, um innovatives UX/UI-Design, Softwareentwicklung, Branding, E-Commerce-Lösungen und mehr zu liefern. We’re a team of professionals passionate about digital transformation. Our team brings together UX designers, researchers, UI designers, branding professionals, and developers, all committed to providing the best service across every facet of the design stage. By bringing together professionals from each of these areas, we can ensure that every aspect of the design stage is considered and optimized for the best possible user experience. Our UX designers ensure that the product or service meets the needs of users, UI designers create a visually appealing and intuitive interface, branding professionals ensure a consistent brand image, and developers implement everything in a functional and efficient way. SERVICES ✰ MVP Creation ✰ Turn your ideas into products with our team of experts. We will put together a customized toolkit for you so you’re equipped to lay a strong foundation and build from there. We will be with you throughout the entire process, helping you shape your vision to attract your ideal investors and customers at the beginning of your business and validate your idea during the early stages in the development cycle. ✰ UX/UI Design ✰ Our innovation and design studio is at least 100% dedicated to crafting digital experiences that leave a lasting impression on your customers. Essentially, we help you get into the zone, and stay there, so you can consistently deliver high quality to your users. Because for us, it’s about you. And for you, it’s about them. We help you help them through a unique and modular blend of innovative technologies, captivating storytelling, and exquisite design, to bring your brand to life on any device. ✰ Front-end Development ✰ Our team of developers has years of experience creating responsive and user-friendly interfaces that elevate the visual appeal of your digital platform. Baked with the latest technologies and best practices, we ensure that your apps and websites perform flawlessly across all devices. ✰ Back-end Development ✰ Behind every great website is a powerful back-end. Our team of experienced back-end developers specializes in creating robust and scalable solutions that power your website. From user authentication to database management, we handle all the technical details so you can focus on growing your business. ✰ E-commerce Solutions ✰ Ready to take your online business to the next level? Our e-commerce solution services are designed to help you streamline your online store, increase sales, and improve customer engagement. We offer a range of services, from custom web development to platform integration, to help you optimize your e-commerce operations. ✰ Brand Identity Design ✰ Creating unique and unforgettable brands that stand out in today’s competitive market is what we do at MAWA. Need a new logo? A comprehensive brand style guide? A complete brand overhaul? Enough questions. We’ve got answers.
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce
  • Graphek Gmbh

    Graphek Gmbhcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Deine Digitalagentur aus Bremen. Für eine unvergleichliche Visual Experience.

    Wir verbinden fantastisches Design mit modernen Technologien, um digitale Projekte zu realisieren, die begeistern. Am Standort unserer Agentur in Bremen stellen wir interdisziplinäre & flexible Teams zusammen, die Konzept, UX/UI, Corporate Design und Individualentwicklung auf höchstem Level liefern. Mit 10 Jahren Erfahrung sind wir stolz darauf, einer Vielzahl von zukunftsorientierten Innovatoren erfolgreich dabei geholfen zu haben, neue digitale Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Geschäftsmodelle und Marken zu entwickeln oder bestehende neu zu erfinden.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • OCTAGEN GMBH | Ein team neusta Unternehmen

    OCTAGEN GMBH | Ein team neusta Unternehmencertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Member of the digital Family

    OCTAGEN - Ihr Weg zum E-Commerce-Erfolg Willkommen bei OCTAGEN, Ihrer spezialisierten E-Commerce-, und PIM-Agentur in der renommierten Unternehmensgruppe team neusta. Wir sind stolz darauf, Teil einer der Top-5-Agenturen Deutschlands zu sein. Mit unserer langjährigen Expertise begleiten wir unsere Kunden von der Anforderungsaufnahme über die Konzeption bis zur technischen Integration und dem Betrieb. Unsere Mission ist es, Ihre Webportal-Wünsche und E-Commerce-Visionen zu realisieren und Ihr Unternehmen auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Dank unserer fundierten Kenntnisse modernster E-Commerce-Technologien, CMS-, PIM- und DAM-Systemen können wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entwickeln, die nahtlos in Ihre bestehende Systemlandschaft integriert werden. Bei OCTAGEN stehen Ihnen erfahrene IT-Experten zur Seite, die Ihre individuellen Anforderungen verstehen und umsetzen. Von der Gestaltung und Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter E-Commerce-Plattformen bis hin zur Optimierung Ihrer Prozesse und der Implementierung leistungsstarker digitaler Marketingstrategien - wir bieten Ihnen umfassende Lösungen, die Ihr Geschäft vorantreiben. Warum OCTAGEN? Weil wir die Erfahrung, das Know-how und die Technologien haben, um Ihre Ziele im Bereich digitaler Transformation zu erreichen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam daran arbeiten, Ihren Online-Erfolg zu maximieren. Und sollte es eine Themengebiet geben, dass wir nicht in Gänze beherrschen, so werden wir innerhalb der team-neusta-Gruppe ein Schwesterunternehmen finden, das sich Ihren Wünschen annimmt. So bekommen Sie trotzdem alles aus einer Hand mit einem festen persönlichen Ansprechpartner. Bereit, den nächsten Schritt zu gehen? Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um herauszufinden, wie OCTAGEN und team neusta Ihre IT-Strategie revolutionieren kann.
    5 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €10000 for E-commerce
  • Eview Software

    Eview Softwarecertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Master your strengths, Outsource your weakness

    At Eview-Software, we are your strategic partners in growth and success. 
 We work with mid & large international corporations throughout Europe and US in projects that demand leading-edge software development skills. 

 With over 14 years of experience, we specialize in: 💼 Management & Consulting: Streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, and achieve better results with our expert management and consulting services. 💻 Software Development: Unlock the full potential of your business with our creative and business-oriented software solutions that drive earnings and scale-up companies. 📱 Mobile App Development: Power your business with high-functional apps that support operations and generate significant revenue. 🎯 Marketing Consulting: Target the right clients and boost sales with our effective marketing strategies.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce
  • ECShops


    (2 reviews)

    🇬🇧 Efficiency And Solutions 🇪🇸 Eficiencia y Soluciones #eCommerce #Web #App #Oracle #APEX

    🇬🇧 At ECShops, we are the ideal partner to take your business to the next level. With years of experience in developing and designing digital solutions, we are ready to turn your ideas into reality. Our team of passionate experts is dedicated to understanding your business's unique needs and providing you with customized solutions that will fuel your growth. Whether you need an interactive online store, a corporate website or an innovative mobile application, we are here to help. We are set apart by our attention to detail and our focus on delivering exceptional results. Using cutting-edge technologies (such as Magento 2, Oracle DB, Oracle APEX, Oracle Cloud, among others...) and the best practices in the sector, we create products that captivate your customers and generate tangible results for your business. Furthermore, our service does not end with the delivery of the final product. We are committed to continuous excellence and offer comprehensive technical support to ensure your solution runs smoothly every time. At ECShops, we believe in building lasting relationships with our customers. Our goal is to be your trusted partner in the digital world, working side by side with you to achieve your business goals. Are you ready to take the next step? Contact us today and together we will make your company's digital success a reality. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 En ECShops, somos el socio ideal para llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel. Con años de experiencia en el desarrollo y diseño de soluciones digitales, estamos dispuestos a convertir tus ideas en realidad. Nuestro equipo de expertos apasionados se dedica a comprender las necesidades únicas de tu empresa y te ofrece soluciones personalizadas que impulsarán tu crecimiento. Ya sea que necesites una tienda online interactiva, un sitio web corporativo o una aplicación móvil innovadora, estamos aquí para ayudarte. Nos distingue nuestra atención al detalle y nuestro enfoque en brindar resultados excepcionales. Utilizando tecnologías punteras (como Magento 2, Oracle DB, Oracle APEX, Oracle Cloud, entre otros...) y las mejores prácticas del sector, creamos productos que cautivan a tus clientes y generan resultados tangibles para tu negocio. Además, nuestro servicio no termina con la entrega del producto final. Estamos comprometidos con la excelencia continua y ofrecemos soporte técnico integral para garantizar que tu solución funcione sin problemas en todo momento. En ECShops, creemos en construir relaciones duraderas con nuestros clientes. Nuestro objetivo es ser tu socio confiable en el mundo digital, trabajando codo a codo contigo para alcanzar tus objetivos comerciales. ¿Estás listo para dar el siguiente paso? Ponte en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo y juntos haremos realidad el éxito digital de tu empresa.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Pöhland Gruppe

    Pöhland Gruppecertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Die Pöhland Gruppe bietet ganzheitliche Marketingkonzepte an.

    Die Pöhland Gruppe ist ein Zusammenschluss der beiden Marketingagenturen Red Freckles und Pöhland Media, die ihre komplementären Skills zusammengeschlossen haben, um ihren Kunden ganzheitliche Marketingkonzepte anbieten zu können! Gemeinsam mit dir bringen wir deine digitale Strategie voran. Wir gehen an die Substanz, entwickeln strategisch durchdachte Contentkonzepte und setzen sie in topdesignte und ästhetisch ansprechende Markenerlebnissen um, die perfekt zu dir, deiner Zielgruppe und deiner Brand passen. Wir sind der digitale Sparringspartner für Unternehmen, die ein innovatives und leidenschaftliches Produkt entwickelt haben und sorgen dafür, dass die Online-Performance genau das widerspiegelt! Bei uns findest du keine 0815 Marketingkampagnen. Wir entwickeln deine individuelle digitale Strategie und liefern dir alles, was du dazu brauchst: geilen und qualitativ hochwertigen Content, eine User-optimierte Webseite, SEO-Texte, Social Media Betreuung und alles, was du auf dem Weg zu einer optimalen Online-Performance noch so brauchst!
    5 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €300 for E-commerce
  • MenWith


    (1 review)

    Reaching and inspiring millions of men, everyday.

    A lifestyle brand and media platform reaching several million unique users every month. We do exclusive projects with brands who want to expand through social commerce via our full service in-house agency Worked with brands such as Ralph Lauren, H&M, Bentley, Spotify, Samsung, Aston Martin, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Montblanc, Vacheron Constantin and Louis XIII to name a few. Questions? Get in touch and we'll gladly assist.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce
  • Ascent Boutique

    Ascent Boutiquecertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Mit Influencer-Marketing, Public Relations und Social Media Services zu mehr Umsatz.

    Die Ascent Boutique steht für maßgeschneiderte Strategien und innovative Lösungen in den Bereichen Social Media, Influencer-Marketing und PR. Unser Expertenteam garantiert nicht nur ein tiefgehendes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen unserer Kunden, sondern liefert auch nachhaltige und effektive Ergebnisse wie z.B. die Steigerung des Umsatzes, die Erhöhung der Sichtbarkeit sowie die Positionierung einer Marke.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • superspring Marketing-Beratung

    superspring Marketing-Beratungcertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    superspring, die Marketing-Beratung, die Unternehmen beim nächsten Sprung hilft.

    Die Welt von Marketing-Verantwortlichen war nie komplexer als jetzt. Marke, Technologie, Daten, Experience, Digitalisierung und Kommunikation: Alles Themen, die in Kombination mit steigendem Wettbewerbs- und Effizienzdruck Herausforderungen für fast jede Organisation schaffen. superspring unterstützt dabei, über Marketing-Silos hinweg zu denken und zu handeln. Wir konzipieren Marken, planen Ökosysteme, unterstützen Wachstum und steuern Umsetzung – voll integriert und unabhängig. Kurz: superspring hilft Unternehmen im Wandel zu gewinnen.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €10000 for E-commerce


    (7 reviews)

    We create memorable digital experiences for ambitious businesses.

    Award-winner is a full-service agency that powers game-changing companies and global influencers. Our core strategic engagements in Web, E-commerce, Mobile apps, branding, platform design, and campaigns consistently drive greater consumer action and awareness.
    18 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €500 for E-commerce

    WITH SHIFTcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Partenaire de transformation digitale

    SHIFT est un partenaire de transformation pionnier, essentiel pour guider les grandes marques à travers des changements cruciaux. En tant que filiale du groupe WITH, nous sommes fiers de disposer d'une équipe diverse et dynamique de plus de 110 talents situés à Paris, Madrid, Barcelone et Genève. Notre vision: Permettre aux marques d'embrasser le changement et d'exceller dans le paysage numérique , garantissant une performance optimale dans leur écosystème marketing et digital. Ce que nous faisons: Nous fournissons un service complet à 360°, du conseil à la production , permettant à nos clients de naviguer dans le paysage commercial évolutif. Nos talents sont des experts passionnés , continuellement formés aux nouvelles aspérités du digital et aux nouvelles technologies. Nos talents prennent soin de nos clients , avec des accompagnements personnalisés, et adaptés selon leurs profils et leurs projets. Notre pôle d’expertise est centré sur le conseil en marketing digital : > Nous bâtissons le storytelling des produits ou services de nos clients, et inspirons leurs communications corporate . > Nous orchestrons leurs activations média , construisons leurs stratégies data ou encore déterminons leurs stratégies social marketing et live shopping. > Nous libérons le plein potentiel de votre digital commerce , vous permettant d'atteindre et de dépasser vos objectifs commerciaux. > Nous offrons de nouvelles expériences digitales enrichissantes en tirant parti des dernières innovations technologiques .
    No work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce
  • Sharobella


    (6 reviews)

    Werbe und eCommerce-Agentur in Wien.

    We plan, design, develop & grow E-Commerce projects. 
    5 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Solution360 GmbH

    Solution360 GmbHverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    E-Commerce of Excellence

    Solution360 ist eine Berliner Shop Agentur, die auf die Konzeption und Umsetzung hochwertiger Onlineshop-Projekte spezialisiert ist. Seit 2014 realisieren wir mit Leidenschaft die verschiedensten Onlineshop-Projekte ganzheitlich und professionell von der ersten Idee bis zum Go-Live. Loyalität, Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität bilden für uns die Grundwerte unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit. Egal ob es sich um die Zusammenarbeit im Team, mit Ihnen als Kunde oder mit externen Partnern handelt, gemeinsam haben wir ein Ziel immer fest im Blick: Ihren Erfolg im E-Commerce!
    6 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €10000 for E-commerce
  • Codingart


    (10 reviews)

    Appréhendez le digital avec ART.

    Codingart : Votre agence web et développement informatique spécialisée dans le développement web et mobile sur mesure. Nous proposons des services de qualité en SEO et SEA pour optimiser la visibilité en ligne. En tant qu'agence web et marketing digital , nous sommes experts en taux de conversion , design web créatif, affiches et flyers percutants. Nous excellons également dans le développement IoT , SaaS et ERP , ainsi que dans les domaines du machine learning , de la gestion de projets informatiques et de l'intelligence artificielle. Faites confiance à notre équipe expérimentée pour transformer vos idées en réalité numérique. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour développer votre présence en ligne de manière efficace et innovante. "Codingart : Votre partenaire expert en agence web et développement informatique depuis plus de 7 ans. Chez Codingart, notre passion pour l'art du codage se manifeste dans chaque projet que nous réalisons. Nous sommes une équipe talentueuse et expérimentée, dédiée à offrir des solutions web de haute qualité et à répondre aux besoins uniques de nos clients. En tant qu'agence web, nous nous spécialisons dans le développement web sur mesure, créant des sites internet dynamiques, fonctionnels et esthétiquement attrayants. Que vous ayez besoin d'un site vitrine élégant, d'une boutique en ligne sécurisée ou d'une plateforme web complexe, nous avons les compétences nécessaires pour transformer vos idées en réalité numérique. Notre expertise ne se limite pas au développement web. Nous sommes également spécialisés dans le développement mobile, offrant des applications mobiles performantes et intuitives pour les plateformes iOS et Android. Nous nous engageons à fournir des expériences utilisateur exceptionnelles et à garantir que votre présence sur mobile soit optimisée pour attirer et fidéliser votre audience. Chez Codingart, nous comprenons l'importance du référencement (SEO) et de la publicité en ligne (SEA) pour maximiser votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche. Nous mettons en œuvre des stratégies de référencement efficaces, des mots clés bien recherchés et des campagnes publicitaires ciblées pour attirer un trafic qualifié vers votre site web et augmenter votre taux de conversion. En tant qu'agence de marketing digital, nous offrons des services complets pour promouvoir votre entreprise en ligne. Du design web créatif à la conception graphique d'affiches et de flyers percutants, nous créons des supports visuels qui reflètent l'identité de votre marque et captivent votre public cible. Codingart se démarque également par son expertise dans des domaines avancés tels que le développement IoT (Internet des objets), le développement SaaS (Software as a Service) et le développement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Notre équipe possède une solide expérience dans l'intégration de technologies émergentes et dans la création de solutions logicielles personnalisées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de votre entreprise. En tant que précurseurs dans le domaine du machine learning et de l'intelligence artificielle, nous utilisons ces technologies pour vous aider à exploiter pleinement les données et à prendre des décisions éclairées. Que ce soit pour l'analyse prédictive, la personnalisation de l'expérience utilisateur ou l'automatisation des processus, nous avons l'expertise pour vous guider à travers ces domaines en constante évolution. Chez Codingart, nous croyons en une approche centrée sur le client. Nous sommes à l'écoute de vos besoins, de vos objectifs et de vos contraintes, et nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec vous à chaque étape du projet. Notre équipe de gestion de projet expérimentée assure une communication transparente et un suivi rigoureux pour garantir la réussite de votre projet. Faites confiance à Codingart pour vous accompagner dans votre transformation numérique. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour discuter de vos idées, obtenir une consultation personnalisée et découvrir comment nous pouvons donner vie à votre vision en ligne. Nous sommes impatients de créer une expérience web exceptionnelle qui propulsera votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets."
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce


    (3 reviews)

    WordPress & WooCommerce Experts

    IMADO, a premier WordPress Development agency from Poland, specializes in elevating WordPress and WooCommerce sites. Established in 2006, IMADO focuses on high-performance, scalable solutions. With a deep love for WordPress & WooCommerce, the agency offers bespoke services ensuring top-notch website functionality, catering to diverse business needs. Renowned for its expertise and innovative approaches, IMADO stands out in the WordPress development landscape.
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Talosmart


    (7 reviews)

    A global IT Brand of Excellence

    Talosmart is a Nigeria Information Technology Brand of excellence that offers High quality and easy-to-use bespoke web and mobile applications at affordable prices for business growth worldwide and profit traction. At Talosmart, we specialize in providing custom software development services to businesses of all sizes and industries. Our team of expert software developers uses cutting-edge technologies and agile development methodologies to create bespoke software solutions tailored to meet your unique business requirements. Our software development services include: 1. Custom Software Development: We develop custom software that is tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Our team has expertise in developing software for a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance, ensuring that we can create a solution that meets the needs of your business. 2. Web Application Development: We design and develop advanced web applications that are intuitive, responsive, and secure. Our team can develop web applications for a variety of purposes, including customer-facing booking systems, inventory management systems, and e-commerce platforms. 3. Mobile Application Development: We develop custom mobile applications that are designed to meet the needs of your business and its users. Our team has expertise in developing applications for both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring that your business can reach its target audience no matter what their preferred device is. 4. Software Integration: We can integrate your existing software applications with new and emerging technologies, including cloud services, APIs, and other third-party solutions. Our integration solutions are designed to improve your systems' efficiency and productivity while streamlining your workflows and reducing manual processes. At Talosmart, we believe in providing custom software development solutions that are designed to help businesses meet their challenges head-on. Contact us today to learn more about our software development services and discover how we can help take your business to the next level. We will build IT solutions to solve your business or company problems and increase your revenue. We will also automate your business operations. Get in touch with us for cooperate websites, web applications, Software As-A Service (SAAS), Software As-A Product (SAAP), Web 3.0 Apps, BlockChain Solutions, Cryptocurrency apps, E-commerce platforms, Customer Relation Management (CRM) platforms, Financial Technology (FinTech) apps, accounting systems, Human Resources Management (HRM) apps, payroll systems, attendance systems, invoicing systems, Hotel management systems, school portals, job portals, customer information systems, etc. "Think, we will build for you!"
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • NMG Technologies

    NMG Technologiesverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Excellence Through Technology and Partnership Since 2008

    LOOKING FOR A DEVELOPMENT PARTNER WHO VALUES LONG-TERM COLLABORATION OVER SHORT-TERM VENDOR RELATIONSHIPS? Our Clients have successfully validated their MVP's and received funding from prestigious industry leaders such as Google, A16Z, Dreamit Ventures, Bunat Ventures and many more. At NMG, we offer extensive technical expertise in developing Mobile Apps (both Native, React/ Flutter), Custom Web, Software Development (using PHP, Python, .NET, JAVA), AI/ML applications, E-commerce solutions, and Advanced Search Marketing solutions that are robust, scalable, and of world-class quality. With over 15 years of experience, we have served a diverse range of clients, from NASDAQ-listed companies to tech startups. Certified Partners: Microsoft GOLD Partner, Google Partner, Amazon Web Services and Pubnub. Completely transparent development process which even a non technical person can easily understand. We collaborate with clients in the following manners: 1. Fixed Price - This option is suitable for relatively small and short projects with well-defined requirements. 2. T&M - This option is ideal for medium to large, lengthy projects that require a high degree of requirement flexibility. 3. Staff Augmentation - With this option, you can hire developers to work remotely with you as an extension of your team. Free consultation and "Best Practices Guide" Web and Software Development: Mobile App:
    7 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • advertia digital

    advertia digitalverified-flag

    (4 reviews)


    We are a global strategic agency focusing on branding, marketing and web design. Our portfolio boasts collaborations with industry giants and cultural icons such as Red Bull, Microsoft, Ed Sheeran, Binance, Diesel, Off-White, Swatch, Skoda X, alongside many small and middle sized companies seeking to amplify their communication and design. Are we the agency you've been searching for? Here are two easy ways to start working with us: EXCLUSIVE OFFER #1: Rapid Website Creation Accelerate your online presence with pro designers! This package offers a rapid creation of a custom, 5-page website, reflecting your business needs. Great for SMEs aiming to establish a strong digital footprint quickly. Ready within four weeks – now discounted and locked in at a fixed price of 3.450 EUR. EXCLUSIVE OFFER #2: Discounted Digital Sprint Elevate your digital game with real experts! DS is tailored for SMEs ready to leap forward, this offer includes a comprehensive digital audit of your website and multi-platform digital presence set to relaunch in just few weeks. Seize this opportunity and witness transformative results – now discounted to 2.900 EUR. SIGNATURE SERVICE PACKAGES: Digital Sprint (€4.000): For a comprehensive digital overhaul. Branding Sprint (€6.000): Elevate your brand with strategic design. Business Sprint (€7.500): Accelerate your business growth. For those in real rush! Check our website for more! – Since 2013, we've delivered over 400 projects, focusing on: #1 Branding & Web Design Crafting memorable brands and websites that drive engagement. Expertise in the latest technologies ensures your digital presence stands out. #2 Communication Consultancy Combining creativity with strategy, we tailor unique brand stories and digital experiences based on robust market analysis and creativity. #3 Marketing & Digital Advertising Guiding through the digital maze with strategies that deliver. Our focus is on measurable success and sustainable growth. #4 Content & Multimedia Production From corporate storytelling to unique artistic projects, we excel in creating content that resonates, including top-tier video production and photography. – Why Advertia Digital? Globally acknowledged for our strategic and creative excellence, Advertia Digital is your go-to partner for digital transformation. High client satisfaction and a portfolio filled with success stories underline our commitment to excellence. Ready to elevate your digital presence? Let's connect through Sortlist or visit our website for a free consultation with our strategy team.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Key Development

    Key Developmentverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Master your business momentum

    Our mission as a software company is creating products, employing proven industry-leading technologies, and maintaining high quality from a project’s get-go. In our humble opinion, there is nothing impossible, some ideas are just harder to pull off. We strive to do that in the most eye-appealing way. We also like our relationships constructive, long-term, mutually beneficial – with our customers as well as with our employees. We believe in being flexible and always offering the most suitable working methodology for a given project or, of course, according to the customers preference. We have experience with all the popular ones: Agile Scrum Waterfall Our services include: Software development Software design Consulting Project management Product management DevOps Quality assurance Our backends are powered by: PHP, Laravel, Symfony Node,, Next.js .NET, C#, ASP.NET Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot Python REST, OpenAPI, SOAP and GRPC Microsoft SQL Server, PostgresSQL and IBM DB2 MongoDB, CouchDB, Couchbase We like building our frontends with: TypeScript VueJS React, Gatsby, Next.js Angular .NET Blazor Vaadin Your next Android or iOS app can run on: Native Xamarin Flutter React Native PWA Firebase We can deploy your solution on your preferred infrastructure , whether on premise or in the cloud. We already have experience with: Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web Services Microsoft Windows Server Linux (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu) IBM Cloud Digital Ocean Vultr Ionos Hetzner CloudFlare Workers Shared hosting providers We can also build your new web site or online store with: WordPress & WooCommerce Strapi CraftCMS Shopify jQuery MariaDB
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for E-commerce


    (4 reviews)

    Donnez vie à votre présence en ligne avec notre agence web à Paris

    Bienvenue chez Novatis, votre agence web 360° au cœur de Paris ! Notre équipe de passionnés est déterminée à vous aider à exploiter pleinement votre potentiel en ligne. Grâce à notre expertise en design, développement et stratégie numérique, nous vous proposons une solution complète pour répondre à tous vos besoins en matière de présence en ligne. Nous croyons fermement que chaque entreprise est unique et mérite une approche personnalisée pour réussir sur le web. Chez Novatis, nous mettons tout en œuvre avec engagement pour vous offrir un site web élégant, performant et en parfaite harmonie avec votre vision d'entreprise. Faites-nous confiance pour propulser votre entreprise vers le succès en ligne. Nous nous engageons à travailler en étroite collaboration avec vous, en comprenant vos objectifs et en mettant en place des stratégies adaptées à votre entreprise. Que vous ayez besoin d'un site web vitrine, d'une boutique en ligne ou d'une stratégie de marketing numérique, notre équipe est là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour découvrir comment Novatis peut vous aider à atteindre de nouveaux sommets en ligne. Nous serions ravis de discuter avec vous de vos projets et de vous présenter nos solutions sur mesure. Ensemble, réalisons vos ambitions numériques ! L'équipe Novatis
    5 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Digia Technology

    Digia Technologyverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Digital development studio

    We are Digia Technology - a full-cycle software development company that provides efficient and unique solutions to make your business grow and succeed. The company offices are based in Canada and Eastern Europe. Established in 2016, Digia has rich experience developing software and works effectively, with precision, which helps to cut down the cost of software development. We use the latest technologies and methodology to bring your ideas to life at a high level of excellence. Our company does more than just software design and development – we build long-term relationships with clients and help brands and businesses grow. We also think ahead, provide unique and progressive solutions, and take responsibility for the quality of our work. When you choose to work with Digia, we make sure you truly feel that we are a partner to rely on.
    5 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • IDS Group

    IDS Groupverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Your 5 star Web Development Agency

    We provide UX/UI Design, Custom Web Development, Product Development, Tech Support, QA and SEO services. Get in touch today. | | London, UK
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Liss Solutions

    Liss Solutionsverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Empowering Your Digital Journey with Innovative Solutions.

    Liss Solutions is a dynamic company that offers a wide range of digital services to clients all over the world. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing top-quality services in web design and development, software design and development, social media management, graphic design, virtual assistance, and data entry. We pride ourselves on our ability to work collaboratively with our clients to create custom solutions that meet their specific needs and exceed their expectations. With years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and expertise to help our clients achieve their goals and grow their businesses. At Liss Solutions, we are committed to delivering outstanding results and building long-lasting relationships with our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your digital goals.
    No work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Anecdote Agency

    Anecdote Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The cure for the common

    A fully fledge Digital Marketing and Branding Agency that prides itself on identifying where brands belong in a culture and expresses their “unsaid” through social media, content, tech and data to provide results and experiences. Anecdote specializing in providing all services within the digital realm including, Social media management and content creation, Media Buying & Planning, Brand Strategy Planning, Branding Services, Photography, Videography & Influencer management.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Twaer GmbH

    Twaer GmbHverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Werbeagentur Wien – Nextgen agency – Branding, Development, E-Commerce, Marketing, UX/UI design

    Partner für Kleinunternehmen, Großunternehmen, NGO´s & Start-Up´s – Die Twaer GmbH ist eine Wiener Werbeagentur für Branding, Development, E-Commerce, Marketing, UX/UI design
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Made Tight

    Made Tightverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Creative design studio that drives clients to stand out from the crowd.

    Made Tight is the go-to company for businesses seeking cutting-edge design and development services. Our team of experts combines creativity with technical expertise to deliver innovative solutions that drive results and help our clients stand out in their industries. From website design and Next.JS development to branding and marketing strategy, we offer a full range of services to meet our clients' needs and exceed their expectations. Effective design can play a critical role in a company's success, as it can help to attract and retain customers, build brand awareness and loyalty, and drive sales and revenue. In today's digital age, where consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, companies need to stand out and make a strong impression in order to get noticed and be successful. Made Tight help companies do this by creating visually appealing and intuitive designs that capture the attention of their target audience and communicate their brand message effectively.
    No work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce

    WEBPUNKS GmbHverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Websites, Apps, SEO & Online-Marketing ✅

    Hinter dem Namen WEBPUNKS stehen keine in zerrissenen Karohosen programmierende Entwickler mit ausgeflippten Frisuren und Nietengürtel - sorry. Wir sind nach außen hin ganz normale Leute. Aber die Art mit der wir Dinge anpacken und wie wir Projekte angehen, hat durchaus etwas Punkiges. Wir denken „out of the box“, bringen stets eigene Ideen mit ein, nehmen uns kein Blatt vor den Mund, verfolgen gemeinsame Ziele mit unseren Kunden und sehen uns als Team-Mitglieder. Kurz: Zusammenarbeit mit uns ist intensiv, agil und innovativ. Wir sind auf unserem Gebiet Spezialisten, beherrschen unser Handwerk und bringen jede Menge Erfahrung mit. Ein gutes Miteinander ist uns dabei genauso wichtig, wie das Einbringen unserer Erfahrung und die individuelle kreative Umsetzung. Dabei fokussieren wir uns zu 100% auf unsere Kunden um Probleme zu lösen und Ziele gemeinsam zu erreichen. Unsere Stärken liegen insbesondere im Webdesign , der Entwicklung von Webseiten , Plattformen , Webanwendungen und Mobile Apps , sowie ganzheitlichen nutzerzentrierten SEO-Maßnahmen und der Konzeption und Durchführung von Online-Marketing-Kampagnen .
    3 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • deepblue networks AG

    deepblue networks AGverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Ideas. Love. Technology.

    Wir sind weder Werbeagentur noch Digitalagentur, wir sind beides, und viel mehr. Wir sind Berater & Partner auf Augenhöhe – professionell, klar und bereit neue Wege zu gehen. Wir wollen das Beste für unsere Kund*innen und ihre Projekte. An dem Erfolg lassen wir uns messen. Wir sehen den digitalen Wandel als Chance. Für Marken und Menschen. Wir denken und handeln zu 100% aus der Perspektive, die wirklich zählt: Die Perspektive der Kund*innen. Wir arbeiten maximal Nutzer*innen orientiert. Wir haben immer schon an Technologie geglaubt, die beeindruckt. Und an Ideen, die begeistern. Jetzt gehen wir noch weiter und sind noch konsequenter. Wer uns als Digitalpartner wählt, bekommt echte Markenkompetenz für das Projekt. Und wer eine Markenagentur sucht, spürt vom ersten Moment an unsere digitale Perspektive. Wir beziehen unsere Qualität seit mehr als 20 Jahren aus dem Perspektivwechsel zwischen BX und DX. Das sorgt für die Differenzierung – den deepblue Unterschied. So entsteht aus unserer Sicht das beste Erlebnis und auch Ergebnis. Und nur dann ist es auch von deepblue. ENG We are neither an advertising agency nor a digital agency, we are both, and much more. We are consultants & partners at eye level - professional, clear and ready to break new ground. We want the best for our customers and their projects. We measure ourselves by our success. We see the digital transformation as an opportunity. For brands and people. We think and act 100% from the perspective that really counts: The customer's perspective. We work with a maximum of user orientation. We have always believed in technology that impresses. And in ideas that inspire. Now we're going even further and being even more consistent. If you choose us as your digital partner, you get real brand expertise for the project. And anyone looking for a brand agency will sense our digital perspective from the very first moment. We have been deriving our quality from the change in perspective between BX and DX for more than 20 years. This provides the differentiation - the deepblue difference. From our point of view, this creates the best experience and also the best result. And only then is it from deepblue.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Mustache88


    (3 reviews)

    Grow your business, profitably, with Mustache88!

    Any business, regardless of its size or status, should make a concerted effort to create a strong and recognizable digital presence to attract customers and facilitate growth. This includes leveraging social media, website optimization, increasing engagement on digital platforms, and utilizing digital tools to reach a larger audience. Additionally, businesses should take advantage of digital marketing opportunities, such as email campaigns and search engine optimization, to further their reach and visibility. Doing so will allow businesses to reach potential customers and expand their customer base, thus leading to increased growth.
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Bamboo Agile

    Bamboo Agileverified-flag

    (0 review)

    We Think, Act, And Breathe Agile

    Bamboo Agile is a software development company with an office in Tallinn (Estonia). For more than a decade, we’ve been delivering quality IT solutions for clients from different business sectors all over the world. We’re experts in Telecommunications, Geographic information systems (GIS), Shopify solutions development, High-load systems, Security solutions, and more. Our Services include but not limited to the following: • Custom Software Development Services • Back-end Development and Custom Integrations • Web Solutions Development • Mobile Applications Development • Performance Analysis • Shopify Solutions Development and Customization Developing software, we go full cycle. We’ll take you from a concept to a smoothly running service, suite, or site—every step of the way including software requirements, prototype design, architecture design, front-end and back-end development, quality assurance, deployment, and maintenance. Bamboo Agile is a trusted partner of renowned brands, including A1 Telekom Austria Group, Mobile Telesystems, and many others.
    4 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €15000 for E-commerce
  • Sputnik Digital

    Sputnik Digitalverified-flag

    (1 review)
    We architect & deliver online projects for clients with big ambitions, having delivered digital projects for Skype, GSK, Visit Scotland, Hewlett Packard and Swinton Insurance. With a strong creative and technical team, we design and build innovative, enterprise-level digital products that are fast, secure and scalable. Throughout our ideation process, we continue to look for ways to disrupt industries with digital transformative systems and processes. Focused on user experience, we design frictionless user interfaces that work on all devices. Delivery of a project is just the beginning of our client relationship. We continue to support clients in ongoing marketing and website hosting where response and uptime are critical. We're at our best in delivering direct client projects when we're involved at the beginning. That's when we can share our wealth of knowledge and experience in devising digital and marketing strategies. A number of mid to large agencies depend on us to carry high profile projects over the line when there are technical issues or additional resources are required.
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Prospekt d.o.o.

    Prospekt d.o.o.verified-flag

    (3 reviews)
    Prospekt  is an awarded creative studio that offers integrated marketing communication and development of contemporary web solutions services to its clients. Prospekt as a company, since its foundation in 2005, works with clients who care about their brand, want to be recognizable on the market, and want the best approach to their target group of customers and partners. Design is our passion and hundreds of logos and websites have passed through our hands, as well as visual identity design and website programming, from simple to complex solutions. We create strong and recognized brands while at the same time find the best possible ways to communicate their values, all in order to facilitate placement on the market, increase sales and competitiveness as well as to achieve business goals. Our IT department develops software applications and web solutions aimed to improve business management and client promotions, by combining vast design and programming experience in today’s modern technologies. The vision of our company is to be the creator of brands and solutions that not only meet, but also delight the customers and to be recognized on the market by the high degree of innovation and professional relationship with clients. Since its establishment, Prospekt positioned itself as a stable and reliable partner in the development of comprehensive marketing solutions. Expertise, creativity, innovation and orientation towards clients are the main focus of both our company and our every employee. The company brings together individuals who possess strong skills and practical knowledge in the fields of graphic & web design, programming, economics and psychology.
    No work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Cleveroad


    (3 reviews)
    Cleveroad builds Web and Mobile solutions that  fit any industry and budget . Dealing with business segments, startups and private clients, we apply advanced technologies that let businesses grow.  Cleveroad has skilled IT people in 5 countries worldwide and R&D operations based in two Ukrainian IT cluster cities - Dnipro and Kharkiv. We’ve earned our expertise by building 500+ custom B2B and B2C apps for a variety of industries and business domains, including FinTech, Healthcare. Agriculture, Logistics, E-Commerce, Real Estate, etc.  We provide our customers with full-cycle servicing that covers all the aspects of software production: End-to-end mobile and web development; UI/UX design Cloud-based solutions; AR, VR, AI, Big Data and IoT solutions; Advanced Quality Assurance; Dedicated Agile teams. Our initial goal is to make our clients confident of quality. That’s why we immerse into client’s business challenges and involve them in the process as soon as we can. What do our prospects get after the first contact? Business case and objectives understanding; Defined project scope - delivery process,timeline and deliverables; Expert vision of the future product’s functionality; Rough cost estimation. Working with our clients, we pay special attention to selecting the appropriate technology stack that will support client’s solution and provide foundation to its scaling. Cleveroad offers a frequent and open communication using skype, email, phone calls and meetings.  Adding value to your idea, we build the climate of trust and respect, which is the bail of long-lasting partnership.
    No work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Bloom Studios

    Bloom Studiosverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Start with a plan and finish with results.

    Bloom Studios offers multi-dimensional services. Each of our costumer is treated individually, offering custom made services that are more suited to achieve efficiency and success.
    No work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €300 for E-commerce
  • VisionSeed


    (2 reviews)

    Helping brands to define and build business valued products

    We are the partner to businesses big and small, providing the unmatched professional knowledge and know-how your business needs to be successful. We take your idea and make it great by designing it around our main pillars of focus: quality of product design and delivery along with feedback adoption and implementation. Our main focus is addressing your key business needs and optimizing your business processes so that in the end, your business is transformed on a global scale.  We have a well-defined vision: to offer you the best options on the market, with knowledgeable advisors and flexible, tailored approaches — all centered on the right outcomes for your business. We want to unlock your business’s potential and make change happen by delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge management, technology, and design.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €500 for E-commerce
  • Do you need more direct bookings and ecommerce orders? Indonesia Digital Marketing is your real source that specializes fully in digital marketing, e-commerce, and direct bookings in Indonesia and Bali. In addition, since 2020 we have been working increasingly in clients and agencies in Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Australia and New Zealand. Indonesia Digital Marketing (IDM) is an international digital media agency headquartered in Bali and partner offices in Jakarta, Singapore, Bali and Berlin. IDM comes from BiruDaun Web Studio and Celax & Partners and has been developing interactive, web-based communication and websites for Bali & Indonesian Business since 1994. Since 2017 we have been developing above-average web and digital marketing solutions that help our customers to outperform their competitors.
    2 works in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce
  • Award-winner
    We help businesses create and develop digital and e-commerce products. What we do: - Research and Analytics - User Experience Design - User Interface Design - Mobile Design - Frontend Development - Backend Development - Digital Installations - Brand & Communications - Virtual Reality We collaborate with our clients to shape digital products of the next generation. Сreating an innovative software product that is equally intuitive, attractive, and technically sound is a complex challenge. Our team helps navigate through this process. We work specifically on digital, e-commerce and mobile applications, across all platforms, with both large and small companies. How we work In the course of the works we apply agile development and user‑centered design. We arrange all processes in collaborative, transparent, and iterative manner. We work in cycles with continuous deliveries, product reviews, priorities changes, and new requirements introduction. You always know the what working stage we are at and what is up next.
    1 work in E-commerce
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for E-commerce

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