The 10 Best Web Analytics Agencies in Zürich - 2024 Reviews

Top Web Analytics Agencies in Zürich

Top Featured Web Analytics Agencies

  • PER Agency

    PER Agencycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (0 review)

    Excellence Enhanced.

    Triple Play: Havana Orange + Faktenkontor + deep digital = PER Mit 50 Mitarbeitenden in Hamburg, München, Berlin und Zürich ist PER die jüngste etablierte Top-10-Kommunikationsagentur in Deutschland. Bei PER treffen daten- und evidenzbasierte Analysen und strategisches Fachwissen auf leidenschaftliche Kreativität und tiefgreifende digitale Kompetenz mit dem Ziel, kanalübergreifende, integrierte 360°-Kommunikationslösungen zu entwickeln. Auf diese Weise werden wir zu einem wichtigen Teil der Wertschöpfung unserer Kunden. Unser USP ist es, Marken in den relevanten Zielmärkten nachhaltig zu etablieren und auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. PER ist Teil der Faktenkontor-Gruppe mit 150 Mitarbeitenden. - P erformance. PER liefert: Schnell, kompetent, präzise. - E vidence. PER: Die einzige echte Data-Driven Kreativ- und Kommunikationsagentur Deutschlands. - R elevance. Die überzeugende Kraft von Fakten nutzen – Markenkern von PER. Unsere Mission Excellence Enhanced. Exzellenz ist nicht hip. Exzellenz ist Klarheit. Anstrengung. Enthusiasmus für das, was wirklich richtig ist. Das ist es, wofür wir stehen! Echter Erfolg erfordert Brillanz, die nur durch Exzellenz entsteht - in der Analyse, im Strategieprozess und in der kreativen Umsetzung. Sie wollen Erfolg? Wir wollen das auch! Als Partner unserer Kunden. -------------------------------------- Triple Play: Havana Orange + Faktenkontor + deep digital = PER With 50 employees in Hamburg, Munich, and Zurich, PER is the youngest established top 10 communications agency in Germany. At PER, data and evidence-based analysis and strategic expertise meet passionate creativity and deep digital expertise with the goal of developing cross-channel, integrated 360° communications solutions. This is how we become a significant part of our clients' value creation. Our USP is to sustainably establish brands in the relevant target markets and take them to the next level. PER is part of the Faktenkontor Group with 150 employees. - P erformance. PER delivers: quickly, competently, precisely. - E vidence. PER: Germany's only true data-driven creative and communications agency. - R elevance. Harnessing the persuasive power of facts - PER's brand essence. Our Mission Excellence Enhanced. Excellence is not hip. Excellence is clarity. Toil. Enthusiasm for what´s really right. That´s what we stand for! Real success requires brilliance, which only comes from excellence - in analysis, in the strategy process and in creative implementation. You want success? So do we! As partner of our customers.
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Sigli


    (5 reviews)

    Software development, Web development, Data Solutions, AI, ML.

    Sigli is een vooruitstrevend softwareontwikkelingsbedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in digitale productontwikkeling en digitale transformatie. Onze missie, ‘Data Science with Purpose, Innovation with Impact’, drijft ons om innovatieve ideeën om te zetten in praktische oplossingen. Onze diensten omvatten de gehele ontwikkelingscyclus, van het eerste concept tot aan de implementatie, zodat elk product dat wij ontwikkelen van hoge kwaliteit, schaalbaar en toekomstbestendig is. Sigli helpt bedrijven te navigeren door de complexiteit van digitale transformatie, hun activiteiten te moderniseren, klantervaringen te verbeteren en het concurrentievoordeel te behouden in het steeds veranderende digitale landschap. De diepgaande expertise van ons team, gecombineerd met de toewijding om gebruik te maken van de nieuwste technologieën en best practices, zorgt ervoor dat wij impactvolle resultaten voor onze klanten leveren. Sigli's toewijding aan uitmuntendheid wordt verder gedemonstreerd door onze ISO/IEC 27001-certificering, de toonaangevende standaard voor informatiebeveiligingsbeheersystemen (ISMS). Deze certificering benadrukt onze toewijding aan het handhaven van de hoogste normen op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging, waardoor wij een betrouwbare partner zijn voor bedrijven die willen floreren in het digitale tijdperk.
    5 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €5000 for Web Analytics/Big data

All Web Analytics Companies in Zürich

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  • Viable Labs

    Viable Labscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    We are the Lean Startup agency Forging ideas into products. We are an agency building both web applications and mobile apps the way startups do; Lean. Do you have an idea and want to turn it into reality? We help you from concept, to design, and development. When your product is live, and you receive feedback from your first users, we help you learn from them.  We bring you towards Product/Market fit.   We are adaptable & fast. Over the years we have distilled the process of moving from idea to product/market fit down into three distinct phases. Validate, build, iterate. We guide you through this process to create successful digital products with you. Already have a product? We help to improve existing products. Our expert designers & developers will augment your team to polish your product further. Our product architects will help you understand better your users and improve the user experience.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data


    (0 review)

    We create compelling digital solutions.

    We love to design, build and operate digital solutions. We are the agency for digital innovation based in Switzerland with roots at ETH Zürich. Our mission is to support businesses in innovating faster and successfully with digital technologies. We rapidly transform your ideas into testable solutions. Together we sharpen your digital vision and turn it into the value-adding products, services and workflows of tomorrow.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Hhomepage


    (0 review)


    Professionelle Webseiten für jeden erschwinglich machen ist unser ausgesprochenes Unternehmensziel. Als Testsieger in Preis/Leistung in der Schweiz entwickeln wir Webseiten von A-Z und designen passende Logos und Visitenkarten. Auch nehmen wir Suchmaschinenoptimierungen vor - von der einmaligen Rundum-Optimierung bis zur monatlichen SEO-Betreuung von Schweizer Unternehmen. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute - unsere Beratungen sind kostenlos und unbegrenzt.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • ICON Worldwide AG

    ICON Worldwide AGverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Software Development: Zürich & Sofia: Drupal, Wordpress, Magnolia, React, Angular, SAP

    Award Software Development Firm with Offices in Zurich and Sofia. We create dedicated teams, lead projects or work on demand. We are an independent, with over 15 years of experience in designing, building and running digital businesses for some of the worlds most demanding companies.  Our clients are global leaders, active around the world. We have specific expertise in Pharma, Finance, Banking and Education.  As well, we work with innovative start ups positioning them for long term sustainability. One of the first agencies to build on the Ethereum blockchain, our experience in DeFi development is advanced. Design and Development is done 100% in-house with zero outsourcing. Our development team works across all technologies including Drupal, Wordpress, Magnolia and we are expert  in iOS and Android developers.    
    1 work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Persistent Systems

    Persistent Systemscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    See Beyond, Rise Above

    Persistent Systems is a global technology services company specializing in software product development and technology solutions. Established in 1990 and headquartered in Pune, India, the company operates across multiple sectors including healthcare, banking, financial services, telecommunications, and life sciences. Persistent offers a comprehensive range of services such as digital strategy and transformation, application development, product engineering, and data-driven insights, as well as cloud, security, and enterprise IT services.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Recommended
    Die Serviceplan Group ist die größte inhabergeführte, partnergeführte und am breitesten aufgestellte Agenturgruppe Europas. Im Jahr 1970 als klassische Werbeagentur gegründet, vereint die Serviceplan Group seit jeher alle Kommunikationdisziplinen unter einem Dach: ​Ob Markenstrateg:innen, Kreative, Experience-Designer:innen, Marketingtechnologie-Expert:innen, CRM-Expert:innen, Data Scientists, Marktforscher:innen, PR-Berater:innen oder Sales-Profis bei der Serviceplan Group ziehen alle an einem Strang, im House of Communication, dem einzigen komplett integriert aufgestellten Agenturmodell in Deutschland. Das präzise Zusammenspiel der Vielzahl von Spezialagenturen in Sachen Strategy & Consulting, Creative & Content, Platform & Technology sowie Media & Data macht die Serviceplan Group zur führenden Agenturgruppe für innovative Kommunikation.​ Was uns alle verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft, faszinierende Marken aufzubauen und zu coachen. Marken, die wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sind und Emotionen im Kopf der Verbraucher:innen auslösen — BEST BRANDS eben.​ Der Weg dorthin führt über innovative Kommunikation. ​ Das bedeutet, neue Wege ins Herz der Verbraucher:innen zu finden: kreativ, medial & technologisch. ​Diesen Anspruch, Marken zu BEST BRANDS zu machen, leben wir täglich im House of Communication.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data

    WITH SHIFTcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Partenaire de transformation digitale

    SHIFT est un partenaire de transformation pionnier, essentiel pour guider les grandes marques à travers des changements cruciaux. En tant que filiale du groupe WITH, nous sommes fiers de disposer d'une équipe diverse et dynamique de plus de 110 talents situés à Paris, Madrid, Barcelone et Genève. Notre vision: Permettre aux marques d'embrasser le changement et d'exceller dans le paysage numérique , garantissant une performance optimale dans leur écosystème marketing et digital. Ce que nous faisons: Nous fournissons un service complet à 360°, du conseil à la production , permettant à nos clients de naviguer dans le paysage commercial évolutif. Nos talents sont des experts passionnés , continuellement formés aux nouvelles aspérités du digital et aux nouvelles technologies. Nos talents prennent soin de nos clients , avec des accompagnements personnalisés, et adaptés selon leurs profils et leurs projets. Notre pôle d’expertise est centré sur le conseil en marketing digital : > Nous bâtissons le storytelling des produits ou services de nos clients, et inspirons leurs communications corporate . > Nous orchestrons leurs activations média , construisons leurs stratégies data ou encore déterminons leurs stratégies social marketing et live shopping. > Nous libérons le plein potentiel de votre digital commerce , vous permettant d'atteindre et de dépasser vos objectifs commerciaux. > Nous offrons de nouvelles expériences digitales enrichissantes en tirant parti des dernières innovations technologiques .
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €3000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Eraneos


    (0 review)

    Together we’re shaping a new era of digital.

    Eraneos is a global Management & Technology Consultancy Group providing services from strategy to implementation. We have offices in 8 countries across Europe, Asia and the US.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Bright


    (2 reviews)
    Nos services traitent de l’intégralité de la chaîne de valeur. De l’analyse de votre business et des parcours clients en passant par la science des données, pour arriver à la création de campagnes marketing digitales à la performance. L’association du Business design, à la science des données et aux tactiques de growth hacking font de Bright la première agence de Business Hacking en Suisse. Les 4 piliers de nos prestations: Des analyses de données business pour mesurer et garantir que toutes nos actions marketing sont rentables. Une méthodologie de data collection permettant l’attribution les leviers marketing aux ventes et comprendre quelle stratégie à le plus d’impact sur les revenus.Une stratégie de gestion de campagnes agile exploitant les mathématiques comme outils d’aide à la décision et de performance.La création de programmation relationnel pour maximiser la loyauté des clients, optimiser les taux de conversion des prospects et augmenter la LTV moyenne. Performance média Stimuler la croissance et l’acquisition clients par le pilotage de campagnes marketing digitales à la performance, basées sur la data. Data Science Création de valeur par la récolte et l’analyse de données business afin d'identifier tous les leviers de croissance. Business Design Conception de nouveaux modèles d’affaires en phase avec les attentes et expériences attendues par leurs consommateurs
    2 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €5000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • FirstPoint Agence digitale

    FirstPoint Agence digitalecertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Top 3% des agences Suisses (Google Premier Partner)

    Experts en création de sites internet et en stratégie digitale, nous vous accompagnons de A à Z dans votre projet de communication digitale. Nous apportons des solutions concrètes à vos objectifs de visibilité, en nous concentrant sur ce que nous maîtrisons à la perfection (pas de 360° chez nous donc): site e-commerce, site web vitrine / institutionnel, développement sur mesure et marketing digital (SEA, SEO, tracking).
    2 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1500 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Kryptonite Interactive

    Kryptonite Interactiveverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Steroids for businesses.

    Kryptonite Interactive is a 360° digital agency with an unmatched prowess in growth hacking and data-driven performance marketing . From branding to web analytics, SEO to influencer partnerships, our holistic approach ensures every digital touchpoint is optimized. But what truly sets us apart is our exceptional focus on performance marketing and lead generation . With a team enriched by ex-Google insights and a mantra of "Steroids for Businesses," we're not just about visibility—we're about exponential growth. Dive into a partnership with us and experience transformative digital success. Our clients: - Panasonic - Salesforce - Monopoly - Jaguar - Land Rover - Many more superstars Interested in a free brainstorm? Book your slot here:
    3 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data


    (1 review)

    Your trusted partner for guaranteed software delivery

    ELEKS is a trusted global company that provides full-cycle software engineering outsourcing services, from ideation to finished products.
    2 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €20000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Talosmart


    (7 reviews)

    A global IT Brand of Excellence

    Talosmart is a Nigeria Information Technology Brand of excellence that offers High quality and easy-to-use bespoke web and mobile applications at affordable prices for business growth worldwide and profit traction. At Talosmart, we specialize in providing custom software development services to businesses of all sizes and industries. Our team of expert software developers uses cutting-edge technologies and agile development methodologies to create bespoke software solutions tailored to meet your unique business requirements. Our software development services include: 1. Custom Software Development: We develop custom software that is tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Our team has expertise in developing software for a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance, ensuring that we can create a solution that meets the needs of your business. 2. Web Application Development: We design and develop advanced web applications that are intuitive, responsive, and secure. Our team can develop web applications for a variety of purposes, including customer-facing booking systems, inventory management systems, and e-commerce platforms. 3. Mobile Application Development: We develop custom mobile applications that are designed to meet the needs of your business and its users. Our team has expertise in developing applications for both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring that your business can reach its target audience no matter what their preferred device is. 4. Software Integration: We can integrate your existing software applications with new and emerging technologies, including cloud services, APIs, and other third-party solutions. Our integration solutions are designed to improve your systems' efficiency and productivity while streamlining your workflows and reducing manual processes. At Talosmart, we believe in providing custom software development solutions that are designed to help businesses meet their challenges head-on. Contact us today to learn more about our software development services and discover how we can help take your business to the next level. We will build IT solutions to solve your business or company problems and increase your revenue. We will also automate your business operations. Get in touch with us for cooperate websites, web applications, Software As-A Service (SAAS), Software As-A Product (SAAP), Web 3.0 Apps, BlockChain Solutions, Cryptocurrency apps, E-commerce platforms, Customer Relation Management (CRM) platforms, Financial Technology (FinTech) apps, accounting systems, Human Resources Management (HRM) apps, payroll systems, attendance systems, invoicing systems, Hotel management systems, school portals, job portals, customer information systems, etc. "Think, we will build for you!"
    2 works in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • we dot

    we dotcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Verbinde Dich mit Deinen Zielgruppen

    we dot entwickelt und implementiert holistische Marketing-Strategien, mit denen Du Deine Reichweite vergrösserst, Deine Unternehmens-DNA sichtbar machst und Deinen Absatz auf Erfolgskurs bringst.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Teralytics


    (0 review)
    Teralytics transforms transportation planning and operations by providing mobility insights of unprecedented accuracy and inclusiveness.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Squirro


    (0 review)
    The Insight Engine applying AI-driven Cognitive Search to unstructured data for new opportunities, next-best-actions, & 360° client cockpits
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data
  • Quantum Analytics

    Quantum Analyticscertified-flag

    (0 review)

    The Story Behind the Numbers

    Data-driven solutions combining data analytics, data science and IT competences (DWH) with business strategy and decision support methods. Onsite training and consulting.
    No work in Web Analytics/Big data
    Active in Zürich, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Web Analytics/Big data

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