The 10 Best Editorial Writing Companies in Belgium - 2025 Reviews

Top Editorial Writing Companies in Belgium

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All Editorial Writing Agencies in Belgium

  • 4.7
    (48 reviews)

    deBottomline = resultaten door strategisch en creatief werk op een efficiënte, kostenbewuste manier.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    deBottomLine = het bewijs dat uitmuntend strategisch en creatief werk op een efficiënte , kostenbewuste en resultaatgedreven manier kan neergezet worden. Onze focus ligt op resultaatgedreven communicatie vanuit een strategisch-analytische aanpak . We zijn 'full-service', maar voor PR of evenementen kan je niet bij ons terecht. Conceptueel en planmatig nemen we het mee, maar voor de uitvoering verwijzen we graag door naar collega's! Wat maakt onze aanpak anders ? Wel: 1. Aanspreekpunt Geen accounts die intern alles moeten navragen, maar korte lijnen met de mensen die werken met jouw merk en product en alle ins- en outs van het dossier kennen. Als je belt, helpen Steven, Veerle en de projectverantwoordelijke je meteen verder. Alle informatie is gedeeld, alle kennis is op niveau.   2. Creativiteit Creativiteit is belangrijk… maar niet zo belangrijk als het verhaal. Als het verhaal van jouw merk of product goed zit, kan een straffe creatie je véél meer opbrengen. Is het verhaal niet perfect, dan kan zelfs de beste creatie je geen fantastische resultaten brengen.  Daarom werken we altijd analytisch vanuit het verhaal: eerst de basis, de rest volgt wel. Is een idee geweldig maar past het niet ‘helemaal’ in het verhaal? Dan is het GEEN goed idee!   3. ROI ROI moet meetbaar en aantoonbaar zijn. Daar houden we rekening mee van bij de start van een project. De ROI moet voelbaar zijn voor de eindklant. Het gaat niet over hoeveel prijzen een bureau kan winnen met een idee!   4. Teams & Medewerkers Wij zorgen ervoor dat creatieven en specialisten gekozen worden op basis van hun profiel: passen ze bij een klant, product of opdracht? Zo zorgen we voor een snelle en efficiënte opvolging… die ook kosten scheelt.  We hebben een netwerk van meer dan 70 freelancers waaruit we steeds het best passende team samenstellen. Handig dat we ons niet moeten beperken tot een beperkt aantal personen dat op een loonlijst staat… .   5. Tarieven Uurtarieven hangen niet af van wie je bent, maar wel van wat je doet. En ofwel ben je aan het denken over iets, ofwel ben je iets aan het doen. Dat zijn dan ook onze 2 uurtarieven: denken of doen.  Want waarom zou je méér betalen omdat je ervaring hebt (of toevallig manager bent) als je bijvoorbeeld even naar een drukker belt?   6. Technologie Technologie moet bij een klant passen, niet omgekeerd. We krijgen er de kriebels van om alle klanten op 1 platform of in 1 technologie te duwen omdat we die toevallig beheersen of omdat we commissie zouden krijgen.  Het wordt pas efficiënt voor jou als je technologieën hebt die passen bij je organisatie, structuur, doelstellingen en budget… toch?   --------------------------------------------------------------   . Nous sommes une agence 'Full-Service' mais pour les RP our des événements nous vous renverrons vers un partenaire! ?   1. Point de contact Pas de commerciaux qui doivent tout demander en interne, mais une communication directe avec les personnes qui travaillent sur votre marque et produit, et connaissent tous les tenants et les aboutissants de votre dossier.  Si vous nous téléphonez, Steven, Veerle et Marlies vous aident immédiatement. Toute l’information est partagée, on est tous au courant de tout.   2. Créativité La créativité est importante… mais pas aussi importante que le récit. Si le récit de votre marque ou produit est excellent, une solide création peut vous rapporter beaucoup plus. Si le récit n’est pas parfait, même la meilleure création ne vous apportera pas de résultats fantastiques.  C’est pourquoi nous travaillons toujours de manière analytique à partir du récit : d’abord la base, le reste suivra. Une idée est excellente mais ne convient pas ‘entièrement’ au récit ? Dans ce cas, ce n’est PAS une bonne idée …   3. ROI Le retour sur investissement doit être mesurable et démontrable. Nous en tenons compte dès le début d’un projet. Le ROI est pour le client final … et ne concerne pas ‘les statistiques de la campagne’.   4. Equipe & Collaborateurs Nous veillons à ce que les créatifs et les spécialistes soient choisis en fonction de leur profil : Ils conviennent à un client, un produit ou une mission ? C’est ainsi que nous assurons un suivi rapide et efficace… ce qui fait aussi la différence au niveau des coûts.  Nous disposons d’un réseau de plus de 70 freelances et composons toujours l’équipe la plus appropriée. C’est bien pratique de ne pas devoir nous limiter à un nombre restreint de personnes figurant sur notre payroll.   5. Tarifs Les tarifs horaires ne dépendent pas de qui vous êtes, mais bien de ce que vous faites. Soit vous réfléchissez à quelque chose, soit vous faites quelque chose. Ce sont nos 2 tarifs horaires : réfléchir ou faire.  En effet, pourquoi faudrait-il payer plus parce que vous avez de l’expérience (ou êtes occasionnellement manager) alors que vous téléphonez à un imprimeur par exemple ?   6. Technologie La technologie doit s’adapter aux clients et non l’inverse. Cela nous donne des sueurs froides à l’idée d’obliger tous les clients à passer à 1 plateforme ou 1 technologie parce qu’il s’avère que nous la maîtrisons ou recevons une commission.  Il est question d’efficacité pour vous seulement lorsque vos technologies conviennent à votre organisation, votre structure, vos objectifs et votre budget… vous ne trouvez pas ?   --------------------------------------------------------------
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Kontich, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Others (+19)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (2 reviews)

    Contenu. Marketing. Performance.

    Agence historique de content marketing multilingue en B2B et B2C, Wearethewords est spécialisée en ingénierie éditoriale. Notre crédo ? Maximiser l’utilité, l’attrait et la pérennité de votre patrimoine éditorial, en impliquant vos communautés dans votre prise de parole. Depuis deux décennies et des brouettes, nous aidons les marques à raconter ce qu'elles sont sincèrement et à être ce qu'elles racontent. Découvrez quelques-unes de nos références. Nos expertises Content Marketing Identité éditoriale Expérience de recherche Ingénierie éditoriale Refonte éditoriale Nos prestations éditoriales packagées Inbound marketing E-mail marketing Création de contenu SEO Marketing e-commerce Formation content marketing
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in E-commerce (+15)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.4
    (14 reviews)

    Your Communication Partner!

    Wens je meer of andere klanten? Een sterk(er) imago? Luna is jouw one-stop-shop voor een waaier aan (niet-betalende) communicatieactiviteiten. Als veelzijdige partner zetten we je bedrijf in the picture. Souhaitez-vous changer, augmenter votre clientèle ou développer une image forte ? Luna est votre guichet unique pour une pléiade d’activités de communication. En tant que partenaire polyvalent, nous mettons votre entreprise en lumière. Do you want to win new clients or build a stronger image? Luna is your one-stop-shop for a wide range of editorial and other communication activities. We put your company in the spotlight! Onze troeven | Nos atouts | Our strengths: • Meedenken |Nous vous accompagnons dans votre réflexion | We think along with you • Proactief | Proactivité | Proactive • Creatief | Créativité | Creative • Drietalig | Trilinguisme | Trilingual Wat we doen | Ce que nous faisons | What we do: • PR • Content marketing and copywriting • Business development • Internal communication We would love to work with you! Nous aimerions travailler pour vous ! Details of our services, as well as some of our clients, are provided below. To request an offer, write to We can help you with all your communication activities: • Press relations (PwC, BVBO/APEG, eWON, Look&Fin, Monizze) • Crisis communication (Van In, BKCP, BCC Corporate, MediaMarkt) • Newsletters (LCL, Globis, Expense Reduction Analysts) • Websites (TDM3, Paradigmo, • Campaigns (CNG, KMDA, Switch) • Customer case studies (Eezee-IT, Megabyte, Orone) • Social media (LCL,, ADD, Amazings) • E-mail marketing (Callens, Altares Dun & Bradstreet) • Employer Branding (Conxion, PwC) • Internal Communication (Cohezio, Prodware, Trevi) • Brochures (ADD, SimCorp, CD&V) We have experience in a wide range of sectors: • IT (Inetum-Realdolmen, Lab9, Amplexor) • Telecom (LCL, Sewan, Evonet, Verixi, Hexacom) • Energy and utilities (Mega, Frank Energie, Synergrid,, Mega, Energik) • Retail (Lab9, Checkpoint Systems, easy-m/Switch, e5 mode) • Financial industry (Goudwisselkantoor/Comptoir de l'Or, Marsh, Leleux Associated Brokers, Fédérale Assurance) • Services (IPG, Harvest Group) • HR (Group S, Monster, Mercer, INC, Dehora) • Transport and logistics (Transporeon, Globis, Routing International) • Construction (Mapei, Vaillant) • Public sector (Fedict/BOSA, DG Sport, La Sambrienne, WBC-Incubator) • Medical and pharma (FeBelGen, Domus Medica, Archemin) • Agriculture (Belchim, Bi-PA) • Real estate (Colliers, PwC, EasyDay) • Leisure and lifestyle (B-Loved, BodyMindWellness, Fun, Faculty Club, YourNature) • Associations (ETSA, ECG, Educam, GS1) • Non-profit (Restos du Coeur, Brailleliga/Ligue Braille, VVOB)
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Hoeilaart, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+32)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Ne dites pas que vous êtes le meilleur, montrez-le !

    Nous sommes une agence créative qui vous aide à gagner le cœur et l'esprit de vos clients. Nous écrivons, nous filmons, nous racontons des histoires, nous faisons de l’animation 3D et nous caressons Google dans le sens du poil. Mais ça, ce n’est que la surface. Avoir de l’excellent contenu n’est qu’une partie du process. Pour qu’il soit bon et efficace, il doit être inspiré par une fonction marketing et un objectif commercial. Il doit faire partie d’un plan. Et son effet doit être mesurable.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Vise, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.5
    (8 reviews)


    We are not a big creative agency that has adapted to social media. We are not a PR agency that turned into an influencer agency. We are born on social, it’s in our DNA. Native Nation started out as an influencer marketing agency and platform since 2017, but quickly evolved to a broader social media first agency. We work with the next generation, have an eye for real time cultural insides and make social content that actually has an impact on it’s target audience. We continuously revamp influencer marketing & focus on creating branded entertainment rather than boring social media ads. We built a company that is small enough to move as fast as the social algorithms, yet big enough to create impact for strong brands. We are trustworthy professionals with 12 years of combined social media expertise, who help you craft social media stories from concept to realization. You can hire us for video content, copywriting, growth hacking, paid strategies, influencer collaborations, ambassador programs, UGC, social media management, … We help your brand grow by crafting stories that create impact on Social Media and beyond.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Vilvoorde, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Toys (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Come on, bring it on!

    Als creatief digitaal marketing- en communicatiebureau is ons doel om samen groeien met onze klanten en impact voor hen te creëren.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Non-profit (+1)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (13 reviews)

    Don't be everybody.

    Top awarded
    Zware Jongens operates across the full spectrum of concept, strategy, and design. Founded in 2014 by two ‘concept veterans’, the boutique firm has since expanded its bases in the lowlands into a group of fearless makers and doers around the world. We aim at connecting our breadth of creative services with our diverse client family; big and small, local and international – whether in the sectors of lifestyle, culture, hospitality, or beyond. Services include: Research, Positioning, Concepting, Ideation, Naming, Branding, Creative Direction, Graphic & Interactive, Packaging, Products, Campaigns, Architecture, Interiors, Spaces, Communication, ... ---- Zware Jongens is actief in het spectrum van conceptontwikkeling, strategie & design. Opgericht door 2 conceptveteranen in 2014 en inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een boutique agency met een team van onbevreesde experts over de hele wereld. Ze streven ernaar hun brede waaier van creatieve diensten te verbinden met hun enorm divers cliënteel; groot en klein, lokaal en internationaal. Van lifestyle tot cultuur, horeca, fashion, enzovoorts. Diensten omvatten oa: Onderzoek, Positionering, Conceptontwikkeling, Ideation, Naamstrategie, Branding, Creative Begeleiding, Grafische Vormgeving, Verpakkingsconcepten, Productontwikkeling, Campagnes, Architectuur, Interieur design, Communicatie, ...
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+1)
    From €3,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Education (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+3)
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (9 reviews)

    Building brands & spaces

    Top awarded
    At La Movida, two generations joined forces, creating total concepts for immersive experiences. We are more than a marketing agency alone; we design, restyle and construct projects that go from redesigning spaces to refreshing and redefining brand identities. Together with our team, we push brands forward on a creative and strategic level to bring the best possible and most creative designs and ideas to our clients.  Our agency was founded in 1987 by the founder Michele De Maertelaere and we build brands & spaces. In 2021 two agencies, La Movida and Elle&M's merged, to become the new La Movida. Where brands and spaces are designed under one roof. We take a 360° view of your company and your market. Going from logos and websites to fair stands and events. Everything that has an impact on your brand image is important to us.  We don't do everything in-house, but we want to be your one-stop go-to-partner to guide all your needs in the right brand-image direction. go-to partner Our 30+ years of experience in this field gives us the helicopter view you may need to bring your brand or space to the next level or to keep it at the top.   
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium (+2)
    From €250 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Consumer Electronics (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)

    Forging strong ventures that innovate change and empower people.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    RSI NGD Group of Companies is a dynamic and internationally recognized organization headquartered in the Philippines. Known for its innovative approach and global reach, the group owns, operates, and develops a wide range of ventures and assets across various industries. Established with a vision to challenge the status quo, RSI NGD Group has quickly made a name for itself by introducing groundbreaking business solutions that transform industries both locally and internationally. The company's diverse portfolio includes B2B services, digital strategies, e-commerce solutions, marketing support, and product manufacturing. RSI NGD Group excels in delivering comprehensive, tailor-made services that drive sustainable growth and create lasting value for its clients. Their expertise spans from strategic consulting and digital marketing to cutting-edge innovation in technology and business processes. RSI NGD Group is not just focused on current trends but is committed to pioneering new paths that shape the future of industries. This commitment to innovation is reflected in their various projects, such as their role in revolutionizing e-commerce and digital marketing strategies within the Philippines, positioning themselves as leaders in the digital transformation of businesses. With a team of highly skilled professionals and a robust strategic approach, RSI NGD Group continues to expand its influence globally, delivering solutions that are not only effective but also transformative for their clients across multiple regions and industries​
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+22)
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Toys (+2)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+15)
    201-500 members
  • 4.9
    (4 reviews)
    Websites creation Anything well-designed always seems like the simplest thing to do, seems being the operative word! Every client is different & each website is unique and needs to be an extension of the customers brand identity . Design thinking is the beating heart of every project that we bring to life. It enables us to do the buildup for a supreme relationship between client, agency and customer. Design thinking is a human-centric method to problem solving and innovation. It is a strategy that is focused on the customer. We show empathy and therefore understand the needs the end user which helps us co-create amazing websites .   Video creation High quality, concise, informative explainer videos are incredibly valuable—maybe even worth millions (of words). Customers, internal and external stakeholders want helpful content that can answer their questions in seconds, and video is the only way to do that. Push aside the crazy marketing stats and wild theories, and adopt video as the fastest, most effective way to reach new leads . We embrace your ideas and co-pilot the best video solution possible to match your desired outcome.   It’s all about experiences! Living experiences together and guiding our partners in their digital transformation journey means a series of unique stories shared. Our mindset is positive , open and solutions-oriented. We grow, follow the market evolution and we are proud to support our partners in their digital-related activities with the aim to make our common journey a success. Our tribe of UX experts and Agile transformers helps our customers to implement successfully a digital strategy into their organization. Putting users at the center of companies’ transformation is our priority through the concrete solutions we offer.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+6)
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Management Consulting (+14)
    Speaks English, Bulgarian(+4)
    11-50 members
  • 4.5
    (7 reviews)

    Un partenaire unique pour dynamiser les performances de votre entreprise

    Top awarded
    Stratégie, Communication Data Intelligence - Un partenaire unique pour dynamiser les performances de votre entreprise Positionnement Commercial & Stratégie Digitale : Comprendre les tendances du marché Mettre en lumière vos avantages concurrentiels Rechercher des opportunités de croissance Privilégier vos activités les plus rentables Identité visuelle & Contenu online : Sites web & CMS Sites e-commerce Réseaux sociaux Newsletters Vidéos online Publicité Digitale SEO, SEA & SMO : Gestion complète de campagnes AdWords (SEA) par des experts certifiés et reconnus (Google Elevetor Partner) Amélioration de votre référencement naturel (SEO) au sommet de GOOGLE Développement de votre notoriété grâce aux réseaux sociaux (SMO) tel que FACEBOOK Analyse & Optimisation : Des outils d'analyse performants et précis Des optimisations permanentes de vos campagnes digitales Des rapports mensuels et des conseils sur mesure A vos côtés depuis plus de 20 ans, BLUETIME vous accompagne dans l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre d'une stratégie de communication digitale performante pour atteindre vos objectifs
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Construction (+1)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    It has to be different

    Atypic, a full services agency at your service!   Composed of 22 passionate people, the agency positions itself as a one stop shop whose primary mission is to detect what makes you different and turn it into a strength!   Whether a notoriety campaign, brand activation, a SoMe plan or digital strategy (Social media, e-commerce, website…), our teams will be at your side to offer you all the expertise that comes with our 15 years in business.   Our experience in FMCG, B2B and Healthcare allows us to best respond to the challenges set out by our advertisers every day…. and to yours tomorrow.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Beverage (+11)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (22 reviews)
    In English below 👇 Un projet en tête ? Transformez vos idées en succès avec Vanksen ! Notre agence digitale native et internationale vous accompagne dans la réalisation de vos ambitions de communication digitale. De votre stratégie digitale à la création de votre site , nos expertises passent aussi par la gestion de vos réseaux sociaux et plus globalement de toute votre communication en ligne et campagnes 360° . Sans oublier notre ancrage local, notre présence dans 4 pays et l’intégration en 2018 au groupe international Datawords nous apporte une dimension mondiale, faisant de Vanksen un partenaire stratégique pour l’ensemble de vos problématiques. Afin de vous apporter les solutions les plus adaptées, nos spécialistes du marketing et de la communication digitale voient chaque jour comme une nouvelle opportunité de comprendre et exploiter le potentiel des nouveaux médias. Alors comme plus de 200 clients, confiez-nous vos projets et collaborez avec plus de 100 talents dans la concrétisation de vos objectifs ! - A project in mind? Turn your ideas into success with Vanksen! Our international and digital native agency supports you in achieving your digital communication ambitions. From your digital strategy to the creation of your website , our range of expertise also includes the management of your social networks and more globally all your online communication and 360° campaigns . Without forgetting our local roots, our presence in 4 countries and the integration in 2018 to the international Datawords group gives us a global dimension, making Vanksen a strategic partner for all your communication needs. In order to provide you with the most adapted solutions, our marketing and digital communication specialists see each day as a new opportunity to understand and exploit the potential of new media. So like more than 200 clients, entrust us with your projects and collaborate with more than 100 talents in the realization of your objectives!
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+5)
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Transportation (+11)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+5)
    51-200 members
  • 4.6
    (9 reviews)

    Experts in WordPress. En we verzorgen je branding, je website en je online vindbaarheid.

    Je bent ondernemer, dus je wilt verkopen. Wij helpen je daarmee. Motionmill versterkt jouw merk met de krachtigste website , marketing , branding en storytelling . Ons doel is om een meerwaarde te zijn voor jouw bedrijf: Wat je over ons moet weten: wij bieden alleen een dienst aan wanneer we weten dat we er goed in zijn . Bluffen hoort thuis in het casino, niet in een online bureau. Wij zijn sinds 1996 langzaam gegroeid. Van een tweekoppige zaak die alleen webdesign aanbood transformeerden we in een 360°-team dat thuis is in vrijwel alle online disciplines . Tot onze klanten horen zowel kleine als bekende namen, waaronder fietsdeelsysteem Velo Antwerpen , reiswebsite en verschillende overheidsinstanties .
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Transportation (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Impactful projects are driven by innovation and passion Your privileged web agency for e-marketing, web sites, email marketing and search engine optimization. For each project, we develop the optimum combination of interactive channels for the achievement of the client's goals in terms of communication and online marketing strategy. Depending on the audience, the target public and even the web communication tools at the client's disposal, we cherry-pick the most appropriate interactive channel/s, from among Website , Blog, Social Media , Newsletter/RSS, E-mail marketing , Display Advertising, Search Engine Marketing , Podcasting/Vodcasting and Advergaming , for inclusion in the online marketing campaign. Boasting a command of the new technologies of information and communication and of Internet strategies and business models, the IDWEAVER team includes IT experts, communication advisers and specialists in online marketing, viral marketing, buzz marketing and social networks The Idweaver strenghts that will serve your business are :  Strategy We analyze your business in order to build together the best digital strategy that meets your needs and the needs of your users. Then, we set up a digital roadmap with a prioritization of action points. Creativity Based on a complete creative framework, we bring your ideas to life. We use the Sprint design methodology in order to define, in the end, a prototype whatever the type of digital project that meets your business needs while respecting the expectations of your customers. Technology We are able to approach multi-platform development from core web technologies to mobile technologies, including hybrid frameworks in order to develop solid, sustainable and scalable projects. Innovation The technological watch and the logic of "Proof of Concept" is in our DNA. We are 100% innovation oriented which allows us to be a force of proposals to our customers. Idweaver opts for a "user centric" approach oriented towards problem solving. An agile approach that starts with the end users and ends with innovative solutions adapted to their needs.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+11)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+2)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    U verkoopt meer als u eenvoudige woorden gebruikt.

    Top awarded
    Een slogan bedenken? Een nieuwe naam voor uw product? Een nieuwsbrief schrijven? Een e-mail met meer respons? Uw website herschrijven? Uw Franse of Engelse tekst vertalen naar het Nederlands? Als freelance copywriter schrijft en herschijft Jurgen uw teksten. To the point en met een knipoog. Jurgen schreef al voor TBWA, Publicis, Leo Burnett, JWT, RCA, Flexus, Magenta, Het Laatste Nieuws, bpost en Syntra Brussel.  Tags: DM, email, radio commercials, tv commercials, print design, website, response copywriting, direct mailing, direct response copywriter, online, offline, long copy, short copy
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+5)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)
    Matuvu is een boutique design studio uit Gent. Bent u op zoek naar een website die niet enkel mooi én betaalbaar is maar ook effect heeft? Wilt u een onderbouwde communicatiestrategie die uw bedrijf naar het volgende niveau tilt? Zoekt u méér dan gewoon een uitvoerende partij maar iemand die met u meedenkt gedurende uw hele project én nadien? We gaan van denken naar doen, van inspiratie en workshops, over het effectief uitwerken van uw concept, tot een blijvende opvolging . Wij geloven in resultaten , niet in gewoon mooi design. Daarom analyseren we eerst uw noden via bewezen design thinking technieken en onderzoeken vanuit een user-centric approach die van uw klanten, en werken daarnaartoe. Daarnaast biedt Matuvu ook B2B fotografie . Portretten, groepsportretten, bedrijfsreportages, interieurfotografie: ze kennen geen geheimen. Onder onze klanten vindt u ondermeer Showpad, Xplorethenorth, Flanders institute for Biotechnology, ABSbouwteam, Muller Van Severen, Boxy, Hologic, Miyazaki, Valo Blinds, Chilipublish,  Exchange vzw, Dokters zonder vakantie en vele anderen Ideale klanten zijn kleine tot middelgrote KMO's, NGO's en startups. We werken voor dokters, architecten, advocaten, reisbureaus, design en interieurbedrijven, ... Aarzel niet om meer info te vragen of een vrijblijvend gesprek aan te gaan.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Construction (+11)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    L'Arquitetando Design est une agence de conception graphique et de sites Web dédiée

    L'Arquitetando Design est une agence de conception graphique et de sites Web dédiée à la création et au développement de votre entreprise et de votre marque. Nous dédions toujours heures après heures d'exclusivité à chaque client pour attendre vos nécessités donnent une attention avec qualité et personnalisé. Nous connaissons la nécessité pour votre marque de fournir à votre public cible, en 10 secondes, une expérience visuelle unique et plus positive, qui lui fera confiance et décidera d'acheter votre produit ou service, car il sentira que votre produit est de haute qualité, confiance et sécurité. C'est pourquoi nous planifions, recherchons et développons votre projet avec un concept graphique sur mesure. De cette façon, vous remarquerez que la qualité de votre marque a une communication visuelle à la même valeur que le travail que vous avez pour créer vos produits. Bien cordialement, Sheila Pereira PDG de L'Arquitetando Design Contactez-moi :
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+4)
    Speaks French, English(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)
    We’re a family oriented,  lifestyle boutique agency. Constantly adapting since 1992 in a fast-evolving media landscape and communication world. A family of different people from different backgrounds. Bringing youthful passion and ambition together with experience and network . And bound by a passion for creative thinking and communication. We value a personal approach , realistic ambitions , invest in our personal network , and have an indepth understanding of all things media, to ensure that our clients receive maximum quality exposure. From our years of experience and our network we strongly believe in the effectiveness of personal approach in PR, influencer marketing and branding.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Food (+5)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+3)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We take care of your visuals

    Spot-On is a company from Antwerpen. We provide photo and video productions for professionals. Owners Jeroen Gijselinckx and Anneleen Van Giel teamed up with other specialists to give you the best results.
    Looking for work in Editorial Writing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Editorial Writing
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+6)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members

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Customer reviews about Editorial Writing Companies in Belgium

Communications DirectorHealthcare | Brussels, BE

Our go-to editorial writing company in Belgium has consistently delivered high-quality written content that resonates with our audience. Their nuanced understanding of our niche market has been invaluable, enabling tailored and impactful communications.

CEO & FounderTech Startups | Ghent, BE

I collaborated with an editorial writing agency based in Belgium for our start-up's content strategy, and the team's creativity and earnest attention to detail has significantly enhanced our brand presence online. Always a pleasure to work with professionals who understand the dynamics of effective storytelling.

Marketing ManagerFinancial Services | Antwerp, BE

The professionalism and expertise demonstrated by our chosen editorial writing company from Belgium were instrumental in revamping our corporate blog. Their strategic approach to content yielded an increase in both reach and engagement, solidifying their role as leaders in the editorial space.

Insights from a Local Expert: Navigating Editorial Writing Services in Belgium

Awards and Recognition among Belgian Agencies

In Belgium, the landscape of editorial writing is enriched by agencies consistently recognized for excellence. Local agencies have a rich history of accolades, showcasing their prowess in translating complex ideas into compelling content. Recognition ranges from national awards for best content strategy to international honors in creative communication, confirming that Belgian editorial services stand at the forefront of quality and innovation.

Clients Who Trust Belgian Expertise

The trust and satisfaction of diverse clients underscore the quality of services provided by Belgian editorial agencies. From startups to multinational corporations, these agencies have partnered with companies like major retailers, leading technology firms, and prominent non-profits. This wide-ranging client base reflects the adaptability and broad skill set of Belgian writers and content strategists.

Budgeting for Editorial Services

Understanding budgeting for editorial services in Belgium can help businesses of all sizes to allocate resources efficiently. Companies should consider both the scope of their project and the stature of the agency to gauge likely costs. For small to medium enterprises, a basic content strategy might range from 2,000 to 7,000 euros, while comprehensive services for larger corporations could significantly exceed this range, reflecting the depth and breadth of the editorial services involved.

Maximizing Value from Your Budget

To maximize the return on editorial investments, companies should define their content goals clearly—whether aiming for SEO enhancement, brand storytelling, or technical writing. Engaging with an agency that aligns closely with these goals can lead to more cost-effective and impactful outcomes.

Choosing the Right Agency

Analyzing Past Work and Client Reviews

When selecting an editorial partner in Belgium, reviewing past work is crucial. With 84 projects showcased, potential clients can gauge each agency’s style and expertise. Moreover, customer feedback is invaluable for assessing satisfaction and service quality. Current reviews tallying 12 provide insights into the reliability and professionalism of local agencies.

Collaborative partnerships and transparent communication are essential. Discussing previous projects and specific challenges agencies have addressed can provide further reassurance and alignment with your business objectives.

Mahmoud Arfaoui
Written by Mahmoud Arfaoui Sortlist Expert in BelgiumLast updated on the 17-02-2025

Latest Projects Submitted to Editorial Writing Agencies in Belgium

Creation of Editorial Content for an Online MagazineOnline news platform focusing on environmental issues>20.000€ | 10-2024The company is seeking an experienced editorial writing agency to produce high-quality, engaging content focused on sustainability and environmental advancements. The content should be well-researched and tailored to the educated young adult demographic.
Technical Writing Services for a Software CompanySoftware development company specializing in business solutions>30.000€ | 10-2024Looking for an agency with deep technical writing expertise to create comprehensive manuals, user guides, and help documentation for their new software product. The goal is to enhance user experience and provide clear understanding of product functionalities.
Content Strategy and Development for a Healthcare WebsiteHealthcare provider aiming to increase patient engagement>15.000€ | 10-2024The client needs an editorial agency to devise a content strategy that communicates health services more effectively, incorporating blogs, articles, and patient stories that highlight their commitment to superior care.
Copywriting for a Digital Marketing CampaignStart-up agency focusing on digital marketing technologies<10.000€ | 10-2024Startup seeks editorial writing agency to craft compelling copy for a variety of digital marketing communications, including social media posts, email newsletters, and advertising snippets, aimed at enhancing brand visibility and engagement.
Editorial and Proofreading Services for an Academic JournalUniversity press requiring high standards of academic rigor>25.000€ | 10-2024Well-established university press is on the lookout for a specialized agency to handle the editorial and proofreading tasks for their upcoming academic journal issues, ensuring precision and consistency across scholarly articles.

Frequently Asked Questions.

The editorial writing process in Belgium can vary significantly when working with an agency compared to in-house writers. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses and organizations looking to produce high-quality content. Here's a breakdown of the key distinctions:

Aspect Agency Writers In-House Writers
Expertise Diverse industry knowledge, exposure to various writing styles Deep understanding of the company's voice and industry
Resources Access to a pool of writers, editors, and specialists Limited to in-house talent and knowledge
Flexibility Can scale up or down based on project needs Fixed capacity, may struggle with fluctuating workloads
Cost Project-based or retainer fees, potentially higher initial cost Fixed salaries, benefits, and overhead costs
Turnaround Time Often faster due to dedicated resources May be slower due to other responsibilities
Brand Knowledge Requires time to understand brand voice and values Inherent understanding of brand identity

In the Belgian context, working with an agency often provides access to writers who are well-versed in the country's bilingual or trilingual environment (Dutch, French, and sometimes German). This is particularly valuable for companies targeting diverse linguistic communities within Belgium.

Agencies in Belgium, such as those found through Sortlist, typically offer:

  • Multilingual expertise: Ability to create content in multiple languages, ensuring consistent messaging across different Belgian regions.
  • Cultural insights: Understanding of local nuances, which is crucial for resonating with Belgian audiences.
  • Regulatory compliance: Familiarity with Belgian and EU content regulations, especially important for industries like finance or healthcare.
  • Trend awareness: Up-to-date knowledge of Belgian market trends and consumer behaviors.

On the other hand, in-house writers in Belgian companies often have:

  • Deep company knowledge: Intimate understanding of the company's goals, products, and internal processes.
  • Consistent availability: Ability to quickly respond to internal requests and changes.
  • Long-term vision: Alignment with the company's long-term content strategy and goals.

According to a 2023 survey by the Belgian Association of Marketing (BAM), 62% of Belgian businesses use a combination of in-house and agency writers for their editorial needs, leveraging the strengths of both approaches.

Ultimately, the choice between agency and in-house writers in Belgium depends on factors such as budget, content volume, language requirements, and the need for specialized expertise. Many Belgian companies find that a hybrid approach, utilizing both in-house talent and agency support, provides the best balance of consistency, quality, and flexibility in their editorial writing process.

As the editorial landscape in Belgium continues to evolve, businesses must stay attuned to emerging trends to maintain relevance and effectiveness in their content strategies. Here are some key trends in editorial writing that Belgian companies should be aware of:

  1. Hyper-localization: With Belgium's unique multilingual and multicultural landscape, there's a growing demand for content that speaks directly to specific regional audiences, whether in Dutch, French, or German.
  2. Data-driven storytelling: Belgian businesses are increasingly using data analytics to inform their editorial content, making stories more relevant and impactful. For instance, a study by the Belgian Association of Marketing (BAM) found that 68% of marketers believe data-driven content performs better.
  3. Sustainability focus: With Belgium's commitment to the EU Green Deal, there's a rising trend in editorial content centered around sustainability, circular economy, and eco-friendly practices.
  4. AI-assisted writing: While human creativity remains crucial, AI tools are being used more frequently to enhance editorial processes, from content ideation to SEO optimization.
  5. Interactive and immersive content: Belgian audiences are showing increased engagement with interactive elements like infographics, quizzes, and augmented reality (AR) features integrated into editorial pieces.
  6. Video and podcast integration: Short-form video content and podcasts are becoming integral parts of editorial strategies, catering to diverse consumption preferences among Belgian readers.
  7. Thought leadership emphasis: There's a growing trend for businesses to position themselves as industry experts through in-depth, authoritative editorial content.

To illustrate the impact of these trends, consider the following data:

Trend Impact on Belgian Businesses
Hyper-localization 25% increase in engagement for region-specific content (Source: Mediahuis study, 2023)
Sustainability focus 72% of Belgian consumers prefer brands with clear sustainability messaging (Source: GfK Belgium, 2024)
Video content 35% year-over-year growth in video content consumption in Belgium (Source: CIM Internet study, 2024)

By embracing these trends, Belgian businesses can create more engaging, relevant, and effective editorial content that resonates with their target audience and drives better results in their content marketing efforts.

The digital revolution has dramatically reshaped the editorial writing landscape in Belgium, much like in other countries. However, the Belgian market has its unique characteristics that have influenced this transformation. Here's an overview of the changes and the new skills required:

1. Shift to Multi-Platform Content:

Editorial writers in Belgium now need to create content that works across various digital platforms, including websites, social media, and mobile apps. This shift requires:

  • Adaptability to different formats and writing styles
  • Understanding of platform-specific best practices
  • Ability to write compelling headlines and snippets for social media sharing
2. Data-Driven Decision Making:

Belgian editorial teams increasingly rely on data analytics to inform their content strategies. New skills include:

  • Interpretation of web analytics and audience engagement metrics
  • Use of A/B testing for headlines and content optimization
  • Understanding of SEO principles and keyword research
3. Multimedia Storytelling:

Editorial writers must now think beyond text. In Belgium, where multilingualism is common, this presents unique opportunities and challenges:

  • Basic video and audio editing skills
  • Visual storytelling techniques
  • Ability to create or direct infographics and data visualizations
  • Multilingual content creation or adaptation skills
4. Real-Time Publishing and Updating:

The 24/7 news cycle demands new approaches to editorial writing:

  • Ability to write and edit quickly without sacrificing accuracy
  • Skills in live blogging and real-time reporting
  • Flexibility to update and revise content as stories develop
5. Engagement and Community Building:

Belgian editorial writers now play a role in audience engagement:

  • Community management skills for handling comments and social media interactions
  • Ability to foster meaningful discussions around content
  • Understanding of audience segmentation and personalization strategies
6. Collaboration and Project Management:

Modern editorial teams in Belgium often work on complex, multi-faceted projects:

  • Proficiency in project management tools and methodologies
  • Strong collaboration skills, often in virtual or hybrid work environments
  • Ability to work with designers, developers, and other specialists
7. Ethical Considerations in the Digital Age:

The digital landscape raises new ethical challenges for Belgian editorial writers:

  • Understanding of digital privacy laws and GDPR compliance
  • Ability to navigate issues of misinformation and fact-checking
  • Skills in ethical data use and transparency in sponsored content

According to a 2023 survey by the Belgian Association of Professional Journalists, 78% of editorial writers in Belgium reported that their job had changed significantly due to digital transformation in the past five years. Furthermore, 65% stated that continuous learning of new digital skills was crucial for their career development.

In conclusion, the digital revolution has transformed editorial writing in Belgium into a dynamic, multi-skilled profession. Success in this new landscape requires a blend of traditional writing excellence, digital savvy, and adaptability. As the industry continues to evolve, Belgian editorial writers who embrace these changes and continuously update their skills will be best positioned to thrive in this exciting and challenging field.