The 10 Best Innovation Consulting Agencies in Oslo - 2024 Reviews

Top Innovation Consulting Agencies in Oslo

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All Innovation Consulting Companies in Oslo

  • (0 review)

    An innovation consultancy working to reconcile the interests of business with those of the planet and people.

    ÆRA is a strategic innovation consultancy that works interdisciplinary to consolidate the interests of business with those of people and our planet. If you find this point of equilibrium, we believe you've also found the ultimate business opportunities of the century. And doing so is our job. We're founded and work as an independent company. This enables a dedication to creating fruitful change in the world we live in, for both current, and future generations. We create this change by ushering and realizing strategic and sustainable innovation on three levels: ❶ In executives and their employees ❷ In companies and organizations ❸ Across sectors and industries We give business professionals practical skills in developing innovative and sustainable solutions. We provide companies and organizations of all sizes with tools, structure and strategy enabling sustainable business. We bring together sectors, industries and value chains – even competitors – to shift their mindsets towards collaborating as an ecosystem. This creates the systemic arena needed in order to solve serious, critical and complex societal challenges. We summarize our offerings into two words that we believe the world needs more than ever: optimistic leadership.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Located in Oslo Municipality, Norway
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Creating impactful digital products, together!

    We are a team of 400 innovative engineers, with over 15 years of experience in software outsourcing. We know product engineering - and we want to listen to your awesome idea and help you bring it to life.​
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Located in Oslo Municipality, Norway
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    As a Kubernetes Partner and certified service provider, Altoros helps Global 2000 and Fortune 500 companies to deliver easily scalable and upgradable apps. We offer consulting, training, and end-to-end solution development to support Kubernetes adoption across industries. What we do Our services range from assistance with selecting the most optimal technology stack, to developing complex solutions, and integration and migration of legacy systems. Main areas of expertise Cloud-native development (microservices, containers, PaaS) Custom Software and Product Development Technology Consulting Maintenance and Support Kubernetes Services
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Located in Pleasanton, United States
    From €1,000 for Innovation Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German
    201-500 members
  • (0 review)

    Samle, analyser og visualiser data for å redusere kostnader og få verdifull innsikt.

    Ingraphic helps you visualize your company data to reduce cost and get powerful insights
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Your challenge. Our passion.

    Nordisk Business Central partner der løser alle opgaver, lige fra behovsanalyse og undervisning til implementering og support.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Danish
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We help organizations close the technology gap so that people can be happier and more human.

    Avo simply consists of problem solvers who like to help others perform better through smart use of technology.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Vi hjelper deg å finne den beste kompetansen til å løse dine IT-behov, og deg som konsulent i jakten på drømmeprosjektet

    Norway Consulting spesialiserer seg på IT-konsulentformidling på det norske markedet. Vi finner riktig IT-kompetanse til ditt prosjekt
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Infocentric Solutions Inc.inspires and enables organizations to run impactful business operations

    About Infocentric Solutions Inc.inspires and enables organizations to run impactful business operations while commissioning robust security solutions to stimulate confidence and ease of growth and expansion to enterprises around the globe. As a leader in information security solutions, Infocentric is known for its personalized service, unique and creative approach, responsiveness to it's clients needs and requests, excellence in finding the right set of technology solutions for businesses in different industries, with outcome-driven innovation.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Norwegian
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Leverer analyser og styringsløsninger som gir virksomheter økt verdiskapning gjennom bedre styring og kontroll

    Kunderekruttering Vi identifiserer virksomhetens ønskede kunder med størst potensiale. Vi tar utgangspunkt i virksomhetens strategi, og beriker interne data med eksterne data. Dette kan også inkludere sjekk av prospekter for unngå risiko for fremtidig tap på fordringer.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Guidance through digital transformation and towards a Right future

    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We provide exceptional expertise in innovation and business development.

    At Vinco Innovation Consulting, we are committed to delivering tailored solutions that help our clients achieve their growth ambitions while creating a more sustainable future. Our team leverages specialized knowledge in consulting and business advisory to craft success stories for our clients. We work collaboratively with our clients, fostering a partnership that's akin to how we engage with our colleagues. Our services include: Innovation: Our core philosophy revolves around nurturing internal strengths, cultivating leadership potential, and fostering a culture of innovation within our client organizations. Additionally, we specialize in crafting efficient innovation strategies and pathways to commercialization. Sustainability: Within our suite of specialized services, we offer tailored support for sustainability strategy development, business model refinement, and ESG reporting. These services yield enhanced transparency, reputation fortification, and regulatory compliance as you embark on your sustainability journey. Research: Our team of experts will provide you with the insights and knowledge needed to stay ahead of the competition. Talks & workshops: We have experienced presenter and eloquent speakers, complemented by our capacity to deliver custom-designed workshops within our domain of expertise. Let us help you innovate and thrive in today's dynamic business landscape. Connect with us to explore new possibilities.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Smart Innovation works for a green change and creating new jobs through research, innovation and commercialization.

    Smart Innovation Norway is a non-profit research and innovation company that specializes in research-based business and societal development within sustainable energy, applied artificial intelligence, smart cities and communities, digital entrepreneurship and social and behavioral innovation.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Our main objective is to create knowledge about fundamental scientific challenges that are of genuine value for society.

    Simula Research Laboratory's main objective is to create knowledge about fundamental scientific challenges that are of genuine value for society. Important research with long-term impact in the fields of networks and distributed systems, scientific computing and software engineering constitutes the basis of Simula. The strong focus on basic research is combined with both teaching of postgraduate students and development of commercial applications.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Vi er et venture- og innovasjonsstudio som sammen med ledende selskaper skaper vekst gjennom nye produkter og tjenester.

    Together with leading companies we create growth through existing or new products and services. We put together entrepreneurial teams of designers, technologists and business developers to accelerate your innovation efforts. We are all about mixing our entrepreneurial vision and know-how, to drive and accelerate innovation using the existing resources of your company. We navigate all stages of the growth journey, as trusted consultants or as co-investors through our venture arm. By teaming up with market leaders, we have crafted products, services, and companies that impact global challenges and improve everyday lives.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    VI er en av Nordens største leverandører av IT-løsninger, konsulenttjenester og datadrevne teknologier. Digital transformasjon er kjernen i vår virksomhet.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Norwegian
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Vi tilbyr unge muligheten til å delta på et opplæringsprogram og bli Salesforce konsulent. Etter sertifisering kan de starte sin karriere hos våre kunder.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Norwegian
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    emagine er et ledende forretnings- og IT-konsulentselskap. Med et stort nettverk av konsulenter og partnere leverer vi førsteklasses konsulenttjenester.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Omnia Consulting hjelper deg å bli en datadreven bedrift. Vi tilbyr tjenester innenfor Business Intelligence og analyse. Ved å bruke Microsoft Power BI gjør vi din data om til innsikt som gir deg verdi. Vi leverer dataplattform og datavisualisering i Bergen og Oslo.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Innovation Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Nagarro (Frankfurt: NA9) is a leader in digital product engineering and drives technology-led business breakthroughs.

    In a changing and evolving world, challenges are ever more unique and complex. Nagarro (Frankfurt: NA9) helps to transform, adapt, and build new ways into the future through a forward-thinking, agile and caring mindset. We excel at digital product engineering and deliver on our promise of thinking breakthroughs. Today, we are 19,000 experts across 36 countries, forming a Nation of Nagarrians, ready to help our customers succeed.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Innovation Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Proffcom er et av Norges ledende og mest erfarne selskaper innen drift av kundesenter

    ProffCom er en av Norges ledende callcenter. Vi leverer kundeservicetjenester, overflow, chatbot og AI. Sjekk ut hva vi kan gjøre for deg!
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Innovation Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Leading low-code, SAP centric app development platform that empowers IT departments to drive tangible business results

    Neptune Software and its leading SAP-centric, low-code enterprise app development platform empowers IT departments to drive business results.
    Looking for work in Innovation Consulting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Innovation Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

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Digital strategy for a building material giant

Digital strategy for a building material giant

Business development for leading energy company

Business development for leading energy company

KTU Report

KTU Report

Frequently Asked Questions.

Kundesentrisk design spiller en avgjørende rolle i innovasjonsprosessen, særlig i Oslo's dynamiske forretningsmiljø. Denne tilnærmingen setter kunden i sentrum av all innovasjon, noe som er essensielt for å skape løsninger som virkelig treffer markedet.

Nøkkelaspekter ved kundesentrisk design i innovasjonsprosessen:

  • Dypere kundeforståelse: Innovasjonskonsulenter i Oslo bruker avanserte forskningsmetoder for å avdekke kundenes underliggende behov og ønsker.
  • Rask prototyping og testing: Oslo-baserte selskaper som Kahoot! har vist verdien av å involvere brukere tidlig i designprosessen.
  • Kontinuerlig feedback: Innovative selskaper i Oslo implementerer robuste systemer for å samle og analysere kundetilbakemeldinger kontinuerlig.
  • Personalisering: Ved å utnytte data og innsikt, kan bedrifter i Oslo skreddersy produkter og tjenester til spesifikke kundesegmenter.

Ifølge en undersøkelse utført av Oslo Innovation Week i 2023, rapporterte 78% av de deltakende selskapene at kundesentrisk design var en kritisk faktor for deres innovasjonssuksess.

Fordel Beskrivelse
Økt kundelojalitet Produkter som møter reelle kundebehov fører til høyere kundetilfredshet og lojalitet
Redusert risiko Ved å teste ideer tidlig med kunder, reduseres risikoen for kostbare feilsatsinger
Konkurransefortrinn Bedrifter som forstår kundene sine best, kan differensiere seg i det konkurransepregede Oslo-markedet

For å lykkes med kundesentrisk design i innovasjonsprosessen, anbefaler ledende innovasjonskonsulenter i Oslo følgende:

  1. Etabler tverrfaglige team som inkluderer designere, utviklere, og forretningsstrateger.
  2. Implementer designtenkningsmetodologi i hele organisasjonen.
  3. Invester i avanserte analyseverktøy for å få dypere innsikt i kundedata.
  4. Skap en kultur som verdsetter kontinuerlig læring og tilpasning basert på kundeinnsikt.

Ved å integrere kundesentrisk design i innovasjonsprosessen, kan bedrifter i Oslo ikke bare møte, men overgå kundenes forventninger, og dermed drive bærekraftig vekst i et stadig mer konkurranseutsatt marked.

Innovation consultants in Oslo, like their counterparts globally, face the challenge of balancing creative thinking with practical business constraints. This balance is crucial for delivering innovative solutions that are not only groundbreaking but also feasible and valuable for businesses. Here's how they typically approach this balance:

1. Design Thinking with a Business Lens

Oslo's innovation consultants often employ design thinking methodologies, but with a strong business focus. They encourage creative ideation while continuously aligning ideas with business objectives and market realities.

2. Agile Innovation Processes

Many consultancies in Oslo adopt agile methodologies, allowing for iterative development and frequent feedback. This approach helps in maintaining creativity while ensuring that solutions remain practical and aligned with business needs.

3. Cross-functional Teams

Innovation consultants in Oslo often work in or create cross-functional teams, bringing together creative thinkers, technical experts, and business strategists. This diversity helps in generating ideas that are both innovative and commercially viable.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making

To ensure practicality, consultants leverage data analytics. For instance, a recent study by Innovation Norway showed that 68% of successful innovation projects in Oslo used data-driven insights to guide their creative processes.

5. Prototyping and Minimal Viable Products (MVPs)

Oslo's innovation ecosystem is known for its rapid prototyping culture. Consultants often advocate for creating MVPs to test creative ideas quickly and cost-effectively before full-scale implementation.

6. Stakeholder Engagement

Involving key stakeholders throughout the innovation process helps consultants ensure that creative solutions align with business constraints and stakeholder expectations.

7. Financial Modeling

Innovation consultants in Oslo often collaborate with financial experts to develop robust financial models. This helps in assessing the economic viability of creative ideas early in the process.

8. Industry-Specific Innovation Frameworks

Many consultants in Oslo specialize in specific industries, such as maritime or clean energy, allowing them to apply creative thinking within the context of industry-specific constraints and opportunities.

9. Sustainability Focus

Given Oslo's strong emphasis on sustainability, innovation consultants often incorporate eco-friendly and socially responsible practices into their creative solutions, aligning with both ethical considerations and practical business needs.

By employing these strategies, innovation consultants in Oslo effectively navigate the delicate balance between fostering creativity and adhering to practical business constraints. This approach ensures that innovative solutions are not only imaginative but also implementable and valuable in the competitive Norwegian and global markets.

Innovation consulting firms in Oslo stay ahead of emerging trends and incorporate them into their advisory services through a combination of strategic approaches and continuous learning. Here are some key ways they accomplish this:

  1. Robust Research and Development: Oslo-based innovation consultancies invest heavily in R&D, often dedicating teams to monitor global trends, emerging technologies, and shifting market dynamics. This proactive approach ensures they're always at the forefront of innovation.
  2. Collaboration with Academic Institutions: Many firms partner with prestigious institutions like the University of Oslo or BI Norwegian Business School. These collaborations provide access to cutting-edge research and fresh perspectives from academia.
  3. Participation in Innovation Hubs: Oslo's thriving startup ecosystem, including hubs like Oslo Science Park and StartupLab, offers consultancies opportunities to engage with innovative startups and gain insights into emerging technologies and business models.
  4. International Network Cultivation: Given Norway's global outlook, Oslo-based firms often maintain strong international networks. This global perspective helps them identify trends that may soon impact the local market.
  5. Continuous Professional Development: Leading firms prioritize ongoing training and skill development for their consultants. This might include attending international conferences, workshops, or pursuing advanced certifications in emerging fields.
  6. Cross-Industry Pollination: Oslo's diverse economy allows consultants to work across various sectors, from maritime and energy to tech and finance. This cross-industry experience helps in identifying transferable innovations and trends.
  7. Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging big data and advanced analytics tools, Oslo's innovation consultancies can predict trends and provide data-backed recommendations to clients.
  8. Client Co-Creation: Many firms in Oslo adopt a collaborative approach with clients, using methodologies like design thinking workshops. This not only helps in staying relevant to client needs but also exposes consultants to diverse industry challenges.
  9. Embracing Digital Transformation: Oslo's push towards becoming a smart city has encouraged consulting firms to stay ahead in digital trends, IoT, and sustainable technologies, which they then incorporate into their advisory services.
  10. Government and Industry Partnerships: Collaboration with organizations like Innovation Norway or participation in initiatives like Oslo Business Region helps firms stay aligned with national innovation priorities and emerging opportunities.

By employing these strategies, innovation consulting firms in Oslo not only stay ahead of trends but also ensure they can offer cutting-edge, locally relevant, and globally informed advisory services to their clients. This approach has positioned Oslo as a hub for innovation consulting, attracting both local and international clients seeking forward-thinking solutions.