The 10 Best Mobile App Agencies in Antwerp - 2024 Reviews

Top Mobile App Agencies in Antwerp

Featured providers

  • iterates


    (4 reviews)

    Gagnez en efficacité et en croissance en externalisant le développement de vos besoins IT.

    Nous sommes convaincus que ce n'est qu'ensemble que nous pouvons obtenir de grands résultats. La collaboration est l'élément clé de notre entreprise. Ici, vous pouvez échanger des idées avec d'autres membres de l'équipe qui partagent les mêmes passions. Chez iterates , vous trouverez un groupe de personnes qui vous mettront au défi et vous soutiendront, car l'objectif principal est de s'inspirer les uns les autres chaque jour ! Nous nous occupons de tout : Nous savons que votre temps et votre productivité sont précieux. C'est pourquoi nous proposons un service informatique complet à 360°. Du développement de logiciels aux tests fonctionnels pour s'assurer du bon fonctionnement, en passant par la gestion de projet et la mise en ligne des applications, nous nous occupons de tout. Faites-nous confiance pour vous fournir les meilleures solutions techniques qui correspondent à vos besoins et à votre budget, afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus pour votre entreprise. Des solutions honnêtes et personnalisées: Découvrez une agence à taille humaine qui fait la différence. Chez iterates , nos fondateurs savent comment initier de nouveaux projets pour faire progresser une entreprise tout en respectant un budget établi. Nous mettons notre expertise et recherche d'excellence au service de votre réussite et de celle de votre projet. En faisant appel à nos services, vous vous assurez d'obtenir des services honnêtes, flexibles et sur mesure qui répondent à vos besoins. Nous sommes une entreprise Belge fondée en 2020 par Benoit et Rodolphe : Benoit , notre CTO. Il supervise chaque projet technique. Il applique son expérience et ses connaissances des nouvelles technologies dans tout ce qu'il fait ! Rodolphe , c'est la définition d'un serial-entrepreneur. Toujours en train de développer de nouveaux projets numériques, il vous aidera à choisir les bonnes solutions pour votre entreprise.
    7 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • bscript


    (3 reviews)

    Software op maat aan betaalbare prijzen.

    Het probleem dat vele ondernemingen ongetwijfeld kennen is dat complexe software op maat laten maken vaak heel duur is. Daarom hebben wij bscript opgericht om deze service betaalbaar te maken. Wij maken platformen, web applicaties, mobiele applicaties,... allemaal naar wens van de klant. Dit allemaal rekening houdend met het budget, deadline en de scope van het project. Niet alleen zorgen wij ervoor dat wij meer met uw budget kunnen realiseren dan een gemiddeld IT-bedrijf. Maar ook bij ons is de doorlooptijd veel kleiner waardoor uw applicatie sneller op de markt is. Ons advies is altijd vrijblijvend en gratis. Neem gerust contact op, ook al zouden wij u niet verder kunnen helpen. Wij sturen u altijd in de juiste richting.
    4 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Iconica


    (9 reviews)

    Jouw specialist in (maatwerk) software

    Wij bouwen en designen maatwerksoftware. Apps, webapps en cloudoplossingen die er niet alleen gelikt uitzien, maar die ook perfect passen bij wat jouw gebruiker zoekt. Als gespecialiseerde partner in softwareontwikkeling gaan we graag de uitdaging aan. Van gebruikersonderzoek tot de lancering en zelfs de support daarna. We zijn een team van specialisten, toegespitst op het bouwen van native mobiele applicaties. Een diversiteit aan frontend en backend developers, interaction designers, user expierence designers, projectmanagers en product owners. Wij zijn Iconica! Wij houden van technische shizzle. Van kwalitatief hoogstaande code ontwikkelen. En van vernieuwende en slimme apps ontwikkelen. Wij zijn Iconicanen. We zijn dol op het maandmenu van de afhaalchinees, maar ook op het onmogelijke mogelijk maken en jouw app tot in detail perfectioneren. Hoe wij werken Design Driven Development, dat is de duidelijkste omschrijving van onze werkwijze. Software bouw je voor de eindgebruiker, dus betrekken we de eindgebruiker in het ontwikkelproces. De eindgebruiker staat centraal, ook wel User Centered Development genoemd. Dat is eigenlijk heel logisch; iedereen wil software dat technisch werkt, maar vooral ook software dat door de eindgebruiker wordt gebruikt! Het team heeft veel ervaring met de bouw van mobiele applicaties. De (eind)gebruiker van de applicatie staat dus altijd centraal in ieder ontwikkeltraject. Daarom starten we met het in kaart brengen van alle alle wensen, we maken designvoorstellen, betrekken eindgebruikers in het proces en plannen we uiteindelijk korte behapbare sprints, waarin steeds een onderdeel van de app compleet gebouwd wordt. Zo houd jij als opdrachtgever een duidelijk en accuraat beeld over de voortgang van het project en kan er tijdens het project eenvoudig bijgestuurd worden.
    7 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3000 for Mobile App
  • Debugged


    (1 review)

    We create custom digital systems.

    Een app, portal of platform, samen creëren we jouw digitale product. Innovatieve software op maat, waarmee jij de concurrentie ver vooruit bent. Debugged anticipeert, als een schaker op topniveau. Voor ons is geen uitdaging te gek, dat stapje extra gaat vanzelf. Het maakt jouw digitale bedrijfsprocessen efficiënt, uniek en onweerstaanbaar.
    6 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3000 for Mobile App
  • TINK 360°

    TINK 360°certified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Unlock a Free Consultation Today!

    Welcome to TINK360, the premier marketing agency in Casablanca, dedicated to elevating your online presence to unprecedented levels of success. Our team of specialists is committed to realizing your digital vision, whether through the creation of a sleek website, an immersive online store, or a bespoke platform. Our dynamic multimedia division crafts visually stunning solutions, compelling videos, and engaging content to elevate your brand identity. Meanwhile, our SEO experts work diligently to enhance your search engine ranking, boost visibility, and drive qualified organic traffic to your site. Through strategic targeting and expert management, our social media services transform your profiles into potent tools for growth and audience engagement. At TINK360, we offer tailored solutions focused on tangible outcomes. Don't leave your online success to chance; partner with TINK360 today and witness your marketing goals come to fruition.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €250 for Mobile App

List of the top Mobile App Developers in Antwerp

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  • iO


    (0 review)
    We develop user-friendly digital solutions that help our customers grow. Strategic, creative, technical. And ultimately driven by results. Intracto is a Belgian digital agency that offers powerful digital solutions: measurable, well thought-out and technical superior. The multidisciplinary project teams possess all the design, development, strategic and e-marketing skills that increase the revenue of its clients. Sharing knowledge with clients and communities, Intracto strongly believes in using and contributing to open-source software. (B2B, Web & E-commerce, Digital Marketing, Technology, Digital strategy) All for one and one for all. We often say that Intracto is made up of about ten speedboats, each on their own course. While this is true, we know exactly where we want to go: combining our expertise to be the best and smartest agency. Our teams are tight knit. On the work floor and on the dance floor. Online and offline. Bring it on. Focus on expertise and learning. Helping our customers grow means needing to stay ahead of the game. That’s why we constantly invest in training, learning and workshops. We also export our own knowledge: we organise trainings, speak at events and take part in user groups.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Stakeholder oriented, objective driven. That’s our philosophy. Our approach is driven by our clients’ objectives: we are communication professionals who do not believe in communicating for the sake of communicating. Communication is a strategic tool which should help our clients reach their business objectives. The approach of Whyte Corporate Affairs always focuses on stakeholders. Our insight into the Belgian media, political, corporate, social and academic landscape allows us to define the right target groups, to recommend the most appropriate communication channels, to formulate the right messages and to anticipate actions and reactions. Stakeholder oriented, objective driven. That is why we strongly believe in the integration between what is traditionally considered to be ‘corporate communications’ and ‘public affairs’. We tear down the walls and combine the best of both worlds. Specialties corporate communications, crisis communication, public affairs, issue management, internal communication, change management, stakeholders engagement, reputation survey
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Silverback


    (0 review)
    Schaal uw ontwikkelteam met onze betaalbare offshore backend developers die lokaal worden opgevolgd.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €5000 for Mobile App
  • Award-winner
    “We help clients pivot from thinking digital to being digital” Accenture Digital is one of the world’s largest end-to-end providers of digital transformation with world class capabilities in digital marketing, mobility and analytics . We are dedicated to helping clients apply digital technologies to create new business value through interactive experiences that captivate customers, analytics that transform big data into even bigger actions and new mobile technologies that harness the power of IOT and Living Services. With more than 36, 000 deeply skilled people around the globe, Accenture Digital drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Accenture Digital provides services within three specific domains : Accenture Interactive ( Accenture Interactive offers complete, end-to-end solutions within marketing, customer experience, campaign and content management, service design and omni-channel commerce which support our clients in the development of these topics. Accenture Analytics ( With the Accenture Insights Platform and a suite of custom industry apps, Accenture Analytics delivers insight-driven outcomes at scale to help organizations improve performance using big data, advanced mathematical modelling, forecasting and sophisticated statistical analytics. Accenture Mobility ( Accenture Mobility specializes in connected products, mobile apps and custom Internet of Things innovations that provide transformative capabilities through horizontal and industry-specific mobile and IoT solutions.   Client references Unilever – BMW – Tesco – National Geographic – Ducati – Coop Italia – American Express – Visa – Lacoste – Vodafone – Warner Bros – Marriott – Velux …
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Art&Smile


    (0 review)

    Nous créons votre événement sur mesure aussi que loin que vos rêves vous guident !

    Art&Smile? Comment travaillons nous ? UNE VISUALISATION CLAIRE DE VOTRE ÉVÉNEMENT En manque d’idée ou dépassé par vos projections ? Avec + de 10 ans d’expertise, nous vous proposons des projets en cohérence avec vos idées. NOUS COORDONNONS TOUT À VOTRE PLACE Un interlocuteur unique qui coordonne et centralise la gestion de l’événement. Une équipe est entièrement dédiée à votre event. UNE RÉACTIVITÉ ET FLEXIBILITÉ INÉGALÉE Depuis 2013, nous internalisons tout, du traiteur aux plus grands artistes et professionnels du spectacle : Ainsi nous ne dépendons de personne. UN DEVIS MODULABLE & FLEXIBLE EN CAS DE CHANGEMENT DE PLAN Nos devis à tiroir sont détaillés pour que vous puissiez connaître en toute transparence le tarif de chaque option, en rajouter ou en retirer à votre guise. Créateur d'événements inoubliables! Grâce à notre méthode "ASE", nous créons votre événement sur mesure, à 100% selon vos convictions et dans un temps record. ​ Organisation de Family Days, soirée d'entreprise, séminaire, arbre de Noël, son et lumière, team building/incentive, salon, programmation de spectacles et animations,... ​ Nous aimons relever des défis et nous pouvons le faire dans un laps de temps imbattable tout en mettant notre créativité au service de votre société et de votre image. Créateur d'événements inoubliables! Grâce à notre méthode "ASE", nous créons votre événement sur mesure, à 100% selon vos convictions et dans un temps record. ​ Organisation de Family Days, soirée d'entreprise, séminaire, arbre de Noël, son et lumière, team building/incentive, salon, programmation de spectacles et animations,... ​ Nous aimons relever des défis et nous pouvons le faire dans un laps de temps imbattable tout en mettant notre créativité au service de votre société et de votre image. Qui sommes-nous? ​Nous sommes l'agence événementielle et artistique dont vous avez besoin pour que votre événement soit une réussite à 110%!  Notre agence événementielle, basée dans la région Charleroi , propose un vaste choix de compétences, d'animations et de structures pour vos événements. Découvrez en image notre travail lors de quelques événements : ​L'équipe d'Art&Smile est composée de professionnels de l'événementiel et du spectacle. Notre travail, en plus de la création, l'organisation, la réalisation,... est de construire une équipe avec les meilleurs prestataires pour votre projet. Chaque projet mérite une étude approfondie afin de travailler avec des fournisseurs qui apportent les meilleures solutions et réalisations pour votre événement. Art&Smile vous garantit un projet mené et réalisé à 100%, comme VOUS le souhaitez! Nous pouvons donc vous aider dans l'organisation de Family days, repas d'entreprise, soirée d'entreprise, création d'événements sur mesure privés ou professionnels, journées Team Building, journées portes ouvertes, arbres de Noël,... Notre expérience dans le domaine de l'événementiel sera un PLUS pour vous. Nous pouvons également être votre allié dans la création d'un événement sportif (création du dossier de presse, du dossier de sponsoring, du site internet, de la coordination générale, de la communication autour de l'événement,...). (  - ), Art&smile a notamment aidé à la réalisation de l'Hype Pop Run, cette course à pied hors du commun_ Art&Smile est également une des plus importantes agences artistiques de Belgique (, énorme avantage pour vous au niveau financier, lorsque sur votre projet, vous désirez avoir des artistes, puisqu'il n'y a pas d'intermédiaire supplémentaire. Art&Smile, c'est aussi plus de 75 attractions pour enfants et adultes afin de ne pas alourdir la facture lors de vos projets orientés enfants et familles. Nous avons, en outre, organisé les Family Smile : des journées dédiées aux familles.  Art&Smile peut s'occuper de l'ensemble des postes nécessaires à la création de votre événement ou devenir votre allié et vous aider dans la mise en place de VOTRE festivité! Grâce à notre agence événementielle et artistique Art&Smile , vous avez la sécurité d'organiser un événement de qualité . ​ ​
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App


    (0 review)
    Yellow est une agence créative basée à Bruxelles. Nous sommes Graphiste, Designer, Illustrateur, Développeur, Rédacteur, Typographe, Webdesigner, Photographe, Caméraman, etc.    
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • At code-less, we want to ensure that we provide you with the best possible solution for the problems you might have. We got annoyed by the way 'classical' development agencies were selling their clients expensive, custom-built solutions for everything. Their approach: Got a problem? Well, here's an app. Does that always make sense? Choosing = Losing. So why make a choice from day one? Wouldn't it make more sense to get a neat and clear overview of what your options are? At Code-less, we present you with all the options! We look for both existing solutions (including those provided by start-ups), creating a no-coding apps or building an app from scratch.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Nextline Agency

    Nextline Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)
    “We Strive For Digitalization With The Aim To Generate Customer Value.” Marketing Agency that provides solutions to small, medium and large companies with the aim of increasing the visibility of their services/goods in order to generate, optimize and expand sales. Our main goal is to generate customer value by focusing on 3 critical domains. Design: is not just what it looks and feels like it is how it works. Growth : To be successful, your heart needs to be in your business and your business needs to be in your heart. Contribute : Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success. How do we achieve your goals Everything starts with laying a clear foundation on which we can build. The goal is always to generate maximum customer values. Each company offers a particular service or product that provides a solution that a customer is willing to pay for. We start with creating your brand identity. This determines which role you want to take in your market. Everything starts with laying a clear foundation for maximum customer values. Starting the foundations of your business with a clear definition of what role you want to take in your market. By means of data analytics we can create a clear pattern that needs to be tested in different ways. Elke visuele element waar mee u klant in contact komt bepaald u merk identitie. De strategie die wordt gepland moet door getrokken worden door heen de strategie The methodology we apply is based on Marketing strategies & design thinking.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • RabbIT


    (0 review)
    RabbIT is a Belgian management and technology consultancy created by a group of experts in various fields with a high expertise in IT and Telecom. RabbIT is at the forefront of the digital and connected world. We provide the best IT professionals in project management, software and application development, business/functional analysis and the best experts in a various Telecom domain such as : Radio Access Network, FTTX, IP networks.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €5000 for Mobile App
  • Mindrops


    (0 review)
    Mindrops is a global software and IT services firm partnering with businesses worldwide. Offering a comprehensive range of internet technology services with a strong process-driven approach. Enabling digital transformation and empowering businesses with agile technology for outstanding performance. Expertise spans data engineering, RPA, IoT, data science, UX/UI, mobility solutions, web development, and more.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App

    EOLIS GROUPverified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Lemon Companies

    Lemon Companiesverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Full-service digital accelerator

    Lemon Companies is a full-service digital accelerator. Lemon delivers business impact for its clients, by designing, developing and maintaining digital solutions. As an all-round IT partner, Lemon's services range from branding, & webdesign, to customized web & mobile development and low code. Lemon Companies is a Supergood agency. Learn more about the Supergood Family at
    6 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • WebCommitment


    (6 reviews)

    Committed to your online results!

    WebCommitment: committed to your online results! Wij zijn een jong Online Marketing & Web Development bureau gelegen in Valkenswaard. We hebben een team van 8 specialisten 5 programmeurs, 2 marketeers en 1 designer. Ons team is gespecialiseerd in het ontwerpen én ontwikkelen van websites, webshops, mobiele applicaties en social media content. Daarnaast verzorgen wij het gehele palet aan Google en Social Media advertising. Wij hebben inmiddels verschillende Nederlandse en internationale opdrachtgevers mogen voorzien van maatwerkoplossingen. Bijgaand enkele maatwerkprojecten en klanten waar wij trots op zijn: • BWB (Verkoop beautyproducten) • Qanjer (offerte platform + dashboard) • Epique (Exclusief Reisbureau) • The Picture Game (Internationaal fotografie platform) • MBS Rescue (Brandwachten en First Response Teams) • Pronkert (Payroll & Uitzendbureau) • BeWyrd (Animatiebedrijf) • Eindhoven Engine (Initiatief van TU Eindhoven omtrent start-ups en innovatie) • Payments Advisory Group (Implementatie van betalingen bij internationale banken)
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App


    (4 reviews)

    Omdat het slimmer kan!

    Wij zijn SIMDO en zijn gespecialiseerd in apps en web. Onze missie is het maken van Innovatieve oplossingen voor moderne uitdagingen. Met ons gedreven team doen we dit vanuit het Strijp-S terrein te Eindhoven. Wij staan als experts altijd klaar om jouw uitdagingen nog slimmer aan te pakken. Want problemen bestaan niet!
    7 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App

    V5 DIGITALcertified-flagverified-flag

    (12 reviews)

    V5 Digital - Boostez votre présence en ligne avec expertise et créativité

    V5 Digital est une agence marketing spécialisée dans le développement d'applications mobiles, la création de sites web et la fourniture de solutions technologiques innovantes. Nous nous efforçons de fournir des services de haute qualité et des résultats tangibles à nos clients. Grâce à notre expertise approfondie en développement d'applications, nous concevons des applications mobiles sur mesure pour les plateformes iOS et Android, en offrant des fonctionnalités avancées et une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle. De plus, notre équipe talentueuse de concepteurs et développeurs web crée des sites web attrayants, fonctionnels et adaptés à chaque besoin spécifique. Nous accordons une attention particulière à l'optimisation SEO pour garantir une visibilité et un trafic accrus. Notre approche centrée sur le client, combinée à notre expertise technique, nous permet de fournir des solutions personnalisées répondant aux objectifs commerciaux de nos clients. Nous croyons en la collaboration étroite avec nos clients tout au long du processus, afin de créer des produits qui reflètent fidèlement leur vision et leur identité de marque. Faites confiance à V5 Digital pour des solutions technologiques créatives, performantes et adaptées à vos besoins. Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour discuter de vos projets et découvrir comment nous pouvons vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs de croissance en ligne
    7 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Studio Ubique

    Studio Ubiquecertified-flagverified-flag

    (15 reviews)

    Crafting Digital Excellence, Beyond Aesthetics.

    Hey there, you savvy text reader, you! Look at you go, tackling this message like a champ. Well, guess what? You've stumbled upon Studio Ubique, a bunch of quirky talents packed into a bureau that's bursting with passion for design and development! At Studio Ubique, we blend design with technology for stellar digital experiences. Our team excels in UX/UI Design, ensuring your platform is both functional and visually striking. We develop responsive sites with seamless mobile functionality, offer comprehensive CMS and eCommerce solutions, and create Custom Software to address specific challenges. We operate on a simple philosophy: We go beyond the surface-level attractiveness of design. We are firm believers that true success is not solely determined by aesthetics, but by the concrete results it brings to our clients. We understand that your investment deserves more than just a visually striking final outcome; it warrants a solution that drives your business towards progress. So, what's in our bag of tricks? - Design: UX/UI Design, Mobile App Design. - Development: Websites, Mobile Apps, Front-end (HTML/CSS), Back-end (CMS), eCommerce, Custom Software Development, API Integrations, and more. - Growth: Digital Marketing, SEO, Website Maintenance, Web Hosting, Security & Speed Optimization, Migration. Partner with us to boost your online presence! Schedule a video call, and let's dive into your plans. See you soon :)
    3 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Next Apps

    Next Appscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    We love digital products. We create them with pride and precision. Guided by simplicity We’re a young product studio with big ambitions. But first and foremost we love our jobs. We create high-end mobile applications and guide our clients on their mobile journey. We love to get the most out of an idea, whether it being small in-house projects or massive client-projects. We’re here to make great apps that meet our customers expectations. From analysis to wireframe, from design to implementation. Next Apps would love to guide you in your next steps in mobile.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Award-winner
    Plan.Net is the Serviceplan Group’s digital communications specialist brand. It is one of the largest digital agencies in Europe and is focused on data, creativity, technology, media and platform management. More than 1,000 employees at over 25 locations worldwide develop and deliver relevant customer experiences enabling seamless digital customer journeys across all channels. Founded as a subsidiary of the Serviceplan Group in 1997, Plan.Net now handles - always following its own philosophy of "creating relevance"​ - all aspects of digital , interactive and integrated communication, from campaigns, websites, web portals, eDialog, media buying and planning, as well as social and search engine marketing, through to mobile advertising and the development of apps for all mobile devices . The expertise and communications solutions provided by Plan.Net are characterised by creativity, innovation and media and technical excellence - innovative and effective tools and systems are used.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • AZZA Studios

    AZZA Studiosverified-flag

    (0 review)
    AZZA Studios is een jong software bureau opgericht in 2021.  Onze missie is om perfecte digitale werken te leveren, dit doen we in de vorm van websites (of webapplicaties) en mobiele applicaties. Een website of app dient een product/zaak/... op de juiste manier weer te geven, dit mist soms nog. Hiervoor zorgen wij, zodat de digitale versie van uw product/zaak/... niet apart ervan staat, maar een verlengde ervan wordt, voor een totale gebruikerservaring. Indien u interesse hebt in 1 van onze services horen wij graag van u zodat we samen tot een oplossing kunnen komen. Ethan Van den Bleeken
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €500 for Mobile App
  • direct-effect e-business

    direct-effect e-businessverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Samen met onze klanten creëren wij succesvolle online business

    Wij zijn direct-effect. Een digitaal bureau dat er naar streeft jouw business slimmer te maken. Met hard werken kom je ver - met slim werken kom je verder. Al meer dan 25 jaar creëren wij maatwerk software om delen van jouw organisatie slimmer te laten draaien. Jij hebt een vraagstuk, samen gaan we hiermee aan de slag en wij creëren een digitaal antwoord. Samen bouwen aan jouw organisatie - dat is waar we enthousiast van worden. Jij ook?
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €5000 for Mobile App
  • Epigra


    (6 reviews)

    An agency that combines the limitless creativity of art with the functionality of engineering.

    Epigra (ɛpɪɡrɑ) is derived from the Latin word "epigram", which means "a brief, interesting, memorable , and sometimes surprising statement ". Since 2009, we work as a team to create the best possible digital experiences for our clients and their customers by passionately believing, designing , developing and inspiring the values reflected by our brand identity. NOT JUST AN AGENCY... We're a multi-disciplinary team that wants to understand your business needs and deliver good results beyond your expectations. We believe in making progress , being creative and achieving significant outcomes through technology. We invest our nows and futures as today's innovations are tomorrow's standards and step by step we're getting closer to our goals. We identify and follow trends and technologies which can have an impact on our clients. We inspire through our obsession with quality and craftsmanship. We believe in aiming high when solving meaningful problems which will have a positive impact and we live in constant development to create value. For us, the future is built at the intersection of passion and great technology.
    4 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3000 for Mobile App
  • Story of AMS

    Story of AMSverified-flag

    (2 reviews)
    Since our start in 2016 as a development studio, we have grown into a full-service award-winning e-commerce agency driven by a team of world-class talent. On a daily basis, we redefine the way we buy online. And help leading brands and start-ups with creating e-commerce experiences that customers love. Strategy - Market Research - Positioning - Brand Strategy - SEO Strategy Design - User Experience - User Interface - Brand Identity - Graphic Design Development - Web Development - App Development - Headless Shopify - API Integrations
    2 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Uniko Studio

    Uniko Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    We design digital products & brands.

    Uniko is a small but experienced design studio headquartered in London and Dubai. We partner with ambitious startups and well-established businesses around the globe that aim high and appreciate the significance of top-tier design. Our utmost priority is to create digital products and brands that stand out from the crowd and drive results. Whether it's increasing engagement, conversions, or securing investment, our partner's success is our success, too! For the past 15 years, we've been designing award-winning digital products and brands for startups, individual entrepreneurs, and Fortune 500 enterprise companies. Some key clients we worked with include Adobe, Colgate, Dermalogica, PeerSpot, GoDaddy, Daniel Wellington, Taggstar, Johnson & Johnson, and many others. If what you've seen sparks interest or if you would like to know more, drop us a line at:
    3 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €5000 for Mobile App
  • Savana Solutions

    Savana Solutionscertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    An innovative IT solution company and pioneering in platforms like 'MyCleanCity'

    In de snel veranderende wereld van technologie staat Savana Solutions bekend als een innovatieve kracht van excellentie. Hun bekroonde team, met ervaring in zowel de overheid als het bedrijfsleven, brengt frisse perspectieven en innovatieve kracht. Gedreven door een passie voor open-source technologie verleggen ze voortdurend grenzen en creëren ze baanbrekende software. Hun aanpak is gebaseerd op flexibiliteit, toegankelijkheid en transparantie, met de overtuiging dat technologie voor iedereen toegankelijk moet zijn. Savana Solutions werkt samen met de overheid aan duurzame ICT-verbeteringen en overbrugt de digitale kloof. Hun toewijding aan excellentie en gegevensbeveiliging zorgt voor prestaties boven verwachting. Diversiteit en samenwerking zijn kernwaarden die hun succes definiëren. Savana leidt met transformerende oplossingen en biedt innovatie, vertrouwen en impact. Ontgrendel vandaag nog de mogelijkheden van technologie. _________________________________________________________________________________________ In the rapidly changing world of technology, Savana Solutions is known as an innovative force of excellence. Their award-winning team, with experience in both government and business, brings fresh perspectives and innovative power. Driven by a passion for open-source technology, they continually push boundaries and create groundbreaking software. Their approach is based on flexibility, accessibility, and transparency, with the belief that technology should be accessible to everyone. Savana Solutions collaborates with the government on sustainable ICT improvements and bridges the digital divide. Their commitment to excellence and data security ensures performance beyond expectations. Diversity and collaboration are core values that define their success. Savana leads with transformative solutions, offering innovation, trust, and impact. Unlock the possibilities of technology today.
    5 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • dotcode


    (0 review)

    Custom Software Development Company

    dotcode is a Ukrainian outsourcing Design and Development Company. Our main goal is to develop a project which will reflect your idea and contain the best solutions from our side. Services we provide: Mobile & Web UX/UI Design Web Development App Development (Android & iOS) AI-related Development QA & QC Project Management Why Choose Us: Exceptional Quality: dotcode takes pride in achieving a flawless 100% Job Success Score on both Upwork and Clutch platforms. Efficient in Time and Cost: Our commitment to intelligent design and development not only cuts down on costs but also optimizes time, preserving your valuable resources. Risk-Free Partnership: Our post-payment work format minimizes risks on your end, ensuring a secure collaboration. Transparent Operations: dotcode employs a reliable time and task tracking system, ensuring complete visibility into project progress. Responsive Communication: We maintain open lines of communication, ensuring constant availability and responsiveness to our clients. Full Ownership Guarantee: Say goodbye to copy-pasting – our original code belongs to you, securely stored on your GitHub and protected by a signed NDA. Swift & Successful: Embracing an Agile approach, we ensure rapid and successful project completion.
    5 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Dashdot


    (0 review)

    Engineering your startup success

    Dashdot is a dynamic digital product studio that specializes in crafting custom software solutions. Our expertise lies in shaping, building, and growing digital products, especially for startups and corporate ventures. With a focus on rapid, high-quality delivery, we excel in turning client ideas into successful digital realities, ensuring each product is a perfect fit for your vision and requirements. We are based in Antwerp and are known for our creative and efficient approach to software development.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €10000 for Mobile App
  • Mirko


    (3 reviews)
    Hello! I'm Mirko. Freelance Full Stack Digital Designer in Brussels. UX/UI, Web, App, Print, ... I'm available remote & on site. Website : Behance : Dribbble : LinkedIn :
    17 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Miyagami


    (14 reviews)

    We build scalable custom software for innovators.

    Through pioneering brand strategy, design and development, we uncover the cultural tensions and human experiences that help companies stand out, and stand for something.
    4 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App


    (0 review)
    UPDIVISION is a web and mobile development company that takes your idea and turns it into an industry-disrupting app.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    No budget for Mobile App
  • Namahn


    (0 review)

    A human-centred design agency.

    Namahn is an independently owned human-centred design agency based in the heart of Brussels. An international team of designers from varied backgrounds and interests, we want to contribute to a better future through design.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • TenForce


    (0 review)

    Combining human reason and software intelligence to help you focus on what's important. #HSEQ #ORM #DataIntelligence

    TenForce is a dynamic company with a very specific mission: to deliver cutting-edge software products in a pragmatic way. We are experts in semantic technology, machine learning, and big data with broad experience in digitizing business processes. Combining the two sides, we add a layer of cognitive capabilities to our products to augment our customers'​ intelligence and efficiency by a factor (or force) 10.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Modern Day Strategy

    Modern Day Strategyverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Technology is accessible to everyone, but good service is hard to find.

    Building the most reliable and cost-effective digital service provider in the world. Headquartered out of Cape Town, South Africa 🇿🇦, we service clients globally 🌍.  Why work with us for your digital needs? Well as we say, technology is accessible to everyone but good service is hard to find. Many service providers are either extremely expensive or simply don’t deliver the quality of work that you are looking for. So choose Modern Day Strategy in order to work with a professional team that delivers quality digital solutions at highly competitive prices.  Here’s how we stand out: Quality delivery on both the technical aspects and the design aspects of our projects A reliable in-house team trained in effective project management and delivery  Cost-effective pricing due to a lean organisational model Our services: Mobile app development  Web development  Custom software development  E-commerce development  Digital marketing  Web Design UI/UX Are you ready to join modern day business? Contact us at:
    2 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Twisted Stranger

    Twisted Strangerverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Wij begrijpen jou[w merk] als geen ander!

    Twisted Stranger is een full-service (digital-) media agency. Met meerdere disciplines als webdevelopment, interface design, printmedia, illustraties, animaties en 3D productdesign maken wij jouw merk of dienst onderscheidend. Vecht jezelf vrij van standaard. Durf te innoveren. Wees de protagonist in jouw vakgebied. Wij zijn jouw fanbase. #banditsofexcellence 
    1 work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Vandekerckhove&Devos


    (5 reviews)
    Vandekerckhove&Devos is een fulltime communicatiebureau, parttime stressverhelper. Al sinds 1978 leveren we ongezouten strategisch advies, relevante content en creativiteit die naast het hoofd ook het hart masseert. Als hybride entrepreneurs durven we ook voorbij de briefing en het communiceren an sich te denken. Waar liggen de echte zorgen van onze klant? Waar wil ie niet alleen volgende maand of volgend jaar, maar binnen vijf jaar staan? We nemen de plek van onze klant in de wereld strategisch op de korrel en stippelen een duurzame strategie uit. Kortom, we denken na voor we onze mond opentrekken. Ooit opgestart door Piet Vandekerckhove wordt ons bureau vandaag geleid door twee partners: Michel Devos en Nicolas De Winter. Twee directe lijnen voor onze klanten om te ventileren over hun honger, ideeën, dromen en zelfs nachtmerries. Je wil dat je boodschap binnenkomt. En blijft plakken. De lijm die wij daarvoor gebruiken: creativiteit die de content nooit uit het oog verliest. En daar zit ons eigenzinnig team voor iets tussen. Wat je je daarbij mag voorstellen: 15 getalenteerde communicatiespecialisten die zich elke dag gretig in- en uitleven. Op hun bureaus: messcherpe ideeën en bakken ervaring in business transformatie, strategische marketing & communicatie, branding, concept- en productontwikkeling, tactische campagnes, design, typografie, storytelling, social messaging en digital marketing. Om maar te zeggen: als klant ben je in actieve maar zeer goede handen.
    3 works in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Studio Mecaro

    Studio Mecarocertified-flagverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Creative services for all your (crude) ideas 💡

     #branding #webdesign #identities #socialmedia
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €500 for Mobile App
  • Calibrate


    (3 reviews)

    The best Drupal agency in Belgium

    We are a Digital Agency that stands for fact driven, straight-to-the-point solutions. We combine strong technical expertise with in-depth Digital Strategic advice. We deliver our services across three key phases: Think, Build and Grow. THINK delivers on Digital Strategy and concept User Experience Design. We support our clients by doing target audience research and deliver a strong combo of advice, vision and insight.  We BUILD and support solutions around a few industry standard frameworks: Drupal, React and React Native, Laravel and Node.js We help your business GROW through Digital marketing services: SEO and SEO services, automated marketing, email marketing, copywriting and much more.  What can you expect from Calibrate? The Drupal expertise in the Belgian market Open Communication Hands-on approach Flexible project approach via Agile and Scrum methods You need a strong and realiable web partner? Come say hello at
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Prospekt d.o.o.

    Prospekt d.o.o.verified-flag

    (3 reviews)
    Prospekt  is an awarded creative studio that offers integrated marketing communication and development of contemporary web solutions services to its clients. Prospekt as a company, since its foundation in 2005, works with clients who care about their brand, want to be recognizable on the market, and want the best approach to their target group of customers and partners. Design is our passion and hundreds of logos and websites have passed through our hands, as well as visual identity design and website programming, from simple to complex solutions. We create strong and recognized brands while at the same time find the best possible ways to communicate their values, all in order to facilitate placement on the market, increase sales and competitiveness as well as to achieve business goals. Our IT department develops software applications and web solutions aimed to improve business management and client promotions, by combining vast design and programming experience in today’s modern technologies. The vision of our company is to be the creator of brands and solutions that not only meet, but also delight the customers and to be recognized on the market by the high degree of innovation and professional relationship with clients. Since its establishment, Prospekt positioned itself as a stable and reliable partner in the development of comprehensive marketing solutions. Expertise, creativity, innovation and orientation towards clients are the main focus of both our company and our every employee. The company brings together individuals who possess strong skills and practical knowledge in the fields of graphic & web design, programming, economics and psychology.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Two Impress

    Two Impresscertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)
    Op zoek naar een creative reclamebureau gelegen in Sint-Niklaas? Two Impress biedt een totaalpakket volledig op maat: logo, huisstijl, website, fotografie & video. We hebben alles in huis om jouw bedrijf op de kaart te zetten!
    1 work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Android


    (0 review)
    Android is a creative studio, based in Antwerp, and specialized in providing interactive design solutions in a broad range of on- and offline media.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Spring Interactive  is a digital studio based in Paris, busy designing and building meaningful digital products and services for clients worldwide. We are specialised in User Research, User Experience, Data Science and User Interface design. We have had the opportunity to work with large enterprises and young startups, designing experiences for a wide range of industries, such as Automotive, Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Housing, IoT, Press & Media and Retail.  Clients example : Biogen (healthcare) Bridgestone (automotive) Engie (energy) Natixis (banking) Pizza Hut (restaurant) Sanofi (healthcare) Société Générale (banking) Toyota (automotive) Reaching out to us:
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Tabs & Spaces

    Tabs & Spacescertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Your digital development partner

    Een Rotterdams webbureau gespecialiseerd in technische realisatie, onderhoud en doorontwikkeling van websites en webapps. Wij werken hierbij samen met design- en marketing­communicatie­bureaus. Ieder zijn specialisme, zij het ontwerp, wij de techniek. Daar staan wij voor!
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Thoughtline


    (0 review)
    Bij Thoughtline Europe helpen wij ondernemers en organisaties met digitaliserings vraagstukken door het realiseren van maatwerk of open source software ontwikkelings projecten. Bij ons kunt u terecht met vraagstukken over het ontwikkelen van mobiele apps (native, cross platform), websites, web applicaties, systeem integraties. Onze ontwikkelaars beheersen diverse programmeer talen zoals React NAtive,  .Net, PHP, Angular, Outsystems en daarnaast zijn wij in staat om implementaties van open source systemen zoals Magento (1.x, 2.x), Pimcore en Wordpress in goede banen te leiden. Wij verzorgen de volledige realisatie van trajecten of beperken ons tot de technische realisatie waarbij een nauwe samenwerking met de marketing afdeling of IT afdeling van de klantorganisatie wordt opgezet. Deel uw wensen en laten we aan de slag gaan!
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • TeamingUp


    (0 review)
    TEAMINGUP  will provide you with a team ( member ) to help you transform your ideas into products your users will love. Why  teamingup We know the world of consultancy and development. Our experience, aligned with our personal values of empathy, integrity and transparency, drive us to create and shape your winning teams. How  Teamingup A strong network, driven by people with passion for your projects. We execute with quality, and go the extra mile to ensure your success. Who  Teamingup TeamingUp is a cheerful, ambitious and experienced team, unafraid to think – and act – out-of-the-box , committed to deliver.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €5000 for Mobile App
  • Nexacom


    (0 review)
    Nexacom, Jouw Digital Business Partner. Bij Nexacom willen we het werk voor onze klanten zo makkelijk en overzichtelijk mogelijk maken. Het creëren van professionele en daadwerkelijk goed werkende webshops en websites & het vertalen van complexe bedrijfsprocessen naar gebruiksvriendelijke software oplossingen zit in ons DNA. Web Designs & Webshops  SEO-beheer Ontwerp & Creatie Software ontwikkeling IT-Beheer Consulting Het ontwikkelen van op maat ontwikkelde oplossingen die op basis van jouw wensen zijn aan te passen is wat ons onderscheidt van anderen. Wij zullen heel het proces met u doorlopen en wij zijn altijd bereikbaar voor eventuele vragen of opmerkingen. Wij vinden dat software zich moet aanpassen aan het bedrijf en de processen in jouw organisatie en niet andersom. Naast onze eigen getalenteerd personeel kunnen we rekenen op deskundige partners met wie we in de loop der jaren een sterke relatie hebben opgebouwd. Op deze manier kunt u er zeker van zijn dat we creëren wat perfect is voor uw merk. Wij gaan graag de uitdaging aan en kijken naar de knelpunten in de processen. Vervolgens ontwikkelen wij, samen met jou, de juiste oplossing die aansluit bij het bedrijf. Web Designs & Webshops Het ontwerp van een website moet aandacht aantrekkend zijn. Precies daarom voorzien wij  de creatie van websites van de allerlaatste technieken en mogelijkheden om tot de verbeelding van de bezoekers te spreken. Het ontwerp van uw website moet namelijk meteen in de smaak vallen bij potentiële klanten. Wij verzorgen de creatie van websites van concept tot online plaatsen. Wilt u dat jouw bedrijf goed gepresenteerd te vinden is op het internet of wilt u een Webshop waarvan je zeker weet dat het gaat draaien? Ons perfecte recept heeft ervoor gezorgd dat vele bedrijven zijn gaan lopen als een trein! Twijfel niet, neem contact op en start succesvol zaken doen nu!   SEO-beheer Zoekmachine optimalisatie, ook wel bekend als SEO, zorgt ervoor dat je organisch hoog in de zoekmachine komt te staan. Met andere woorden, voor elke klik die je ontvangt betaal jij niets. Gratis bezoekers op je website! Om goed te scoren in de zoekmachine zal je als bedrijf SEO moeten inzetten. Je dient aan honderden knoppen te draaien om succes te krijgen en elke dag dien je optimalisatie door te voeren. Dit nemen wij voor u uit handen om het maximale uit uw website te halen. Twijfel niet, neem contact op en start succesvol zaken doen nu!  
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App


    (0 review)
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Oddball


    (0 review)
    We are strategic, creative & digital misfits ready to change the employer & consumer branding world. As a full service marketing agency, we build everything you need, from offline materials to state-of-the-art websites. Try the odd duck in the pond. Try the different ones. Try us, we’ll blow you away.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Olive Trees Agency is uw partner voor op maat gemaakte website- en webshopontwikkeling, professioneel social media beheer en creatieve content creatie. Bereik digitale groei met ons jonge en dynamische digitaal bureau in Antwerpen.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3000 for Mobile App
  • Wunderkraut


    (0 review)
    Appnovation is a full service digital consultancy specializing in the design, development and support of engaging user experiences.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Pauwels consulting

    Pauwels consulting

    (0 review)

    We empower consultants and companies to become stronger and better together

    Pauwels Consulting is a Belgian consultancy firm with more than 1500 experts in engineering, life sciences and IT. We staff, manage and execute projects for leading organizations in Belgium, France, The Netherlands and beyond. Experts in Engineering, Life Sciences and IT Our Engineering team helps organizations in the (petro)chemical, civil engineering, industrial production, energy and transport businesses with the design, supervision, support and execution of long-term projects. We are particularly active in the fields of automation, mechanical and civil engineering, instrumentation, piping, electrics and electromechanics. Our Life Sciences team supports a wide range of organizations and suppliers in the cosmetics, biotechnology, biopharma and pharmaceutical production industries. Our consultants validate systems, processes, lab equipment and end-to-end temperature-controlled supply chains of pharmaceutical products. Our IT team assists organizations in the banking, insurance, logistics, public and retail sectors with the development and support of software applications, systems engineering and datawarehouse and business development applications.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App
  • Web App Development EOOD

    Web App Development EOODcertified-flag

    (0 review)

    We develop quality mobile and web applications

    Each day at Web App Development, we strive to develop quality mobile and web applications, as well as digitized business procedures, to suit each customer’s needs. Integrated services and software are also available to improve a company’s overall procedures. Our services are offered to companies in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Today’s market is rapidly evolving and becoming more dynamic than ever before, which is why we offer innovative solutions that will not only help you maximize your available online space such as social networks, for instance, but also reduce costs all at the same time. We have years of experience helping businesses reach their full potential. Our video will provide you with more information about our company and what we do. Customer Base Our diverse clientele includes medium and small-size businesses from a variety of media groups and sectors. Clients come in all different sizes, including people who are just starting out, small-business entrepreneurs, and multinational businesses that have a turnover of around a couple hundred million euros. Our structured solutions will continuously expand with your growing business. It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is, as our applications will work whether you have a couple of staff and customers or thousands of customers and staff. Our standard integrations work with mobile companies including companies that work with smartphones, tablets, or computers. Our apps perform well on a smartphone device. If you’re looking for easy leads that will optimize your lead generation processes, we can create a mobile app or website to suit your company’s needs. Our fast-loading pages can achieve a conversion rate of over 16%, which is 4 times greater than a standard conversion. All of our applications also include a standardized CRM system with Google’s Cloud Suite and professional business applications.
    No work in Mobile App
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Mobile App

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