The 100 Best Product Branding Companies - 2025 Reviews

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  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Mit frischen Ideen und viel Know-how erfolgreich kommunizieren.

    Top awarded
    Die PETER PAUL AND MARY Werbeagentur Berlin ist eine inhabergeführte Full-Service Agentur mit einem breitgefächerten Kundenportfolio. Ebenso vielfältig wie die Kunden sind auch die Ideen und Herangehensweisen der Berliner Kreativagentur. Die von PPAM Berlin entwickelten Werbemaßnahmen bringen den Kunden weiter und unterstützen ihn beim Erreichen der Unternehmens- und Marketingziele. Effekthascherei ist hier nicht gefragt, Beeindrucken und Begeistern umso mehr. PPAM verbindet Kreativität und Design mit Kompetenz und Wissen, sodass keine Wünsche offen bleiben. Dabei arbeitet PPAM stets zuverlässig, schnell, transparent und zu fairen Konditionen. Mit eigens entwickelten Workshops für Markenentwicklung, Webentwicklung und Einzelkampagnen sorgt PPAM dafür, dass von Beginn an zielführend und effizient gearbeitet wird und Kunde und Agentur stets wissen, wie das Ergebnis aussehen soll. Für PPAM ist seit jeher ein respektvoller und fairer Umgang mit Lieferanten und Kunden die Basis für eine vertrauensvolle und oft langjährige Zusammenarbeit.
    2 works in Product Branding
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+16)
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.6
    (17 reviews)

    Wij zijn jouw marketing & mediateam en samen zetten we de volgende stap. Van strategie tot inkoop!

    Bengelmedia: een fullservice-marketingbureau uit Amsterdam Jij bent op zoek naar één aanspreekpunt voor al jouw marketing. Een bureau dat het denkwerk vooraf doet maar ook zorgt voor de uitvoer van alle activiteiten, of het nou online of offline is. Een bureau dat zorgt voor samenhang tussen alle campagnes. En een bureau dat jou, jouw organisatie en jouw klanten snapt en net zo graag succes wil behalen als jij. Onze klanten zijn zowel B2B als B2C georiënteerd. Dat doen we door de volgende diensten aan te bieden: Strategie Marketing Creatie Media inkoop Online marketing Websites Employer branding Bekijk deze video met ons werk: Via ons pr-bureau PRESSURE verzorgen wij fullservice-pr. Wij geloven dat als pr en marketing samenwerken, de beste resultaten behaald worden. _________________________________________________________________ We are Bengelmedia: a full service marketing agency in Amsterdam, the Netherlands You are looking for one point of contact for all marketing. An agency that does the thinking but also takes care for the execution of all activities, online and offline. An agency that takes care for cohesion between all campaigns. And an agency that understands you, your organization and your clients and wants to achieve succes just as much as you. Strategy Marketing Design Media Online marketing Websites Employer branding We also offer full service pr via our pr agency PRESSURE. We believe that a synergy between pr and marketing leads to the best results.
    1 work in Product Branding
    Located in Schiphol-Rijk, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+16)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (11 reviews)

    Mehr als schwarzweiß

    Wir bringen deine Marke ins Kopfkino deiner Zielgruppe. Wir fallen aus dem Rahmen, tanzen unseren Namen und glänzen in der A- sowie B- Note. Wir kehren auf dem Absatz, blicken mit Mut zur Lücke, schürfen in Nischen nach Märkten. Denn Sachverstand ist nicht immer reine Verstands-Sache. Wir ballern Kreativität zum Hotspot, storytellen uns den Stift fusselig, leben für Emotionales Brand Marketing. Geliebt wie gesehen, gemacht wie gedacht, geleckt wie gecheckt. Alles neu erfunden und frisch serviert. Von A bis Zebra, von Farbe zum Kollektiv. Wir sind das schwarze Schaf mit weißer Weste. Wir suchen den roten Faden im Gelben vom Ei und geben ihn euch schwarz auf weiß. Wir lassen den Sinn-los – los auf das, was am besten passt. Wir sind keine Marketingagentur, wir machen nur Marketing. This is not an agency. This is farbenkollektiv. ---------------------------------------------------- We place your brand in the mind of your target audience. We are out of line, dance our name and shine in the high as well as in the low notes. We turn around on the spot, look with confidence for possibilities and dig in niches for new markets. Because expertise is not always purely a matter of rationality. We push creativity to the max, story-tell until the pen gives out and live for emotional brand marketing. Loved as seen, done as thought, sleek to a peek. Everything with a new twist and freshly served for you. Ranging from A all the way until Zebra, from color to collective. We are the black sheep wearing a white west. We are looking for the red thread in the yellow of the egg and give it to you black on white. We let the meaning go - go for what fits best. We are not a marketing agency, we only do marketing. This is not an agency. This is farbenkollektiv.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Cologne, Germany
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Food (+19)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    We build next level brands

    Top awarded
    We are Wirelab. A creative, digital agency with a team of strategists, designers, developers, marketers and content creators. Unique, striking and distinctive: we put your brand on the market with impact. We help brands today to become who they can be tomorrow. Grow, transform or create ambassadors; we help you to reach the next level. Welcome to the next level. Welcome at Wirelab. We build next level brands. -- Wij zijn Wirelab. Een creative, digital agency met een team van strategen, designers, developers, marketeers en content creators. Uniek, opvallend en onderscheidend: met impact zetten wij jouw merk in de markt. Wij helpen merken vandaag te worden wie ze morgen kunnen zijn. Groeien, transformeren of ambassadeurs creëren; wij helpen je naar het volgende niveau. Wij werken aan digitale oplossingen voor toonaangevende merken als Renault Benelux, Transavia, Grolsch, KPN, Gemeente Enschede and Vredestein. Ons hechte team bestaat uit jonge, creatieve en technische specialisten. Wat ons anders maakt dan de rest? Ons enthousiasme, de flexibiliteit van het team en een onophoudelijke drive om de beste resultaten te behalen.  Welkom bij het volgende niveau. Welkom bij Wirelab We build next level brands  
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Enschede, Netherlands (+1)
    From €3,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Automotive (+16)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (4 reviews)

    Besser wirds nicht.

    Tonka ( steht für herausragende Ergebnisse und generiert für seine Kunden durch kreative Kommunikationsmaßnahmen und datenbasierte PR signifikante Wettbewerbsvorteile. Durch das Verzahnen verschiedener Disziplinen, von PR und SEO, über Linkbuilding und Leadgenerierung, Social Media- und Influencer Marketing-Management, bis hin zu internationalem Medienmanagement entstehen Kommunikationskampagnen mit großer Reichweite, die die Ziele unserer Kunden in kurzer Zeit erreichen.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Consumer Electronics (+9)
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Marketing Consulting

    Highly recommended
    The Portal is a Global Marketing Consultant and Software Development Agency located in New York, Dubai, Munich and Cairo with a core focus on creative, content, technology & e-commerce. We help brands create amazing assets and provide the distribution platforms to tell their story and engage with their customers. We offer a suite of services and products, from large-scale e-commerce solutions to content creation for digital campaigns. Some of our core services include: mobile application development website development, web design, e-commerce, digital marketing & SEO, content creation, and branding. We partner with clients in various industries such as: fashion, tourism, luxury, finance, food and beverage, lifestyle, technology, government, entertainment, etc.… We’re a team of curious people that share a passion for creating digital experiences that generate greater results .. We are Your Fastest Portal to SUCCESS!
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (+2)
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+31)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    We tell your stories through design

    We are a cross-disciplinary design studio based in London offering a range of services including brand, strategy, graphic design, web design, web build, UX/UI, packaging and product/industrial design. We partner with visionary leaders to create brands, products, services and experiences that engage people and deliver results. We also work with founders and investors in innovative startups to help them realise their potential and turn their vision into reality. Creating a narrative that feeds our creative direction is at the core of our agile, design driven methodology. Curiosity, collaboration and a user-centred approach are at the heart of what we do. Our strength relies on our cross-disciplinary approach to client briefs.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €5,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Education (+16)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (50 reviews)

    Leading in B2B Branding.

    Wij zijn een bureau gespecialiseerd in B2B brand building, design en digitale transformatie. Met twintig specialisten bouwen we aan nationale en internationale merken, waaronder Calex, CRH, Aliaxis, Visma Roxit en VETUS. B2B merken die groeien door onze aandacht en technische expertise. Merken die online en offline aantoonbare resultaten behalen. Omdat wij weten hoe je marketing en sales synchroniseert. Online en offline. Met BrainSells positioneren wij op wetenschappelijke wijze complexe producten of organisaties. Scientific creativity noemde een van onze klanten het ooit. Samen zoeken we onderbouwde antwoorden op jouw vraagstuk. Of verscherpen we je business case. Daar zijn we goed in, hebben we al meer dan 100 keer gedaan. Met succes. Heb je een complex vraagstuk? Spar dan eens vrijblijvend met ons, dan presenteren wij jou onze werkwijze. Zeer inspirerend en ook geheel vrijblijvend. Bel Jeroen Vermeulen: +31 6 42470525 Wil je liever eerst weten hoe tevreden onze klanten zijn, bekijk dan onze recensies. ------ We are a creative agency that specializes in B2B brand building, design and digital transformation. Our twenty specialists help build national and international brands like Calex, CRH, Aliaxis, Visma Roxit and VETUS. B2B brands that grow because of our efforts and technical expertise. These brands achieve concrete results and raise their market value, because we know how to synchronize their marketing and sales. Both online and offline. We create a strong brand positioning for complex products or organizations with BrainSells, our neuro marketing methodology. One of our customers simply calls it ‘scientific creativity’. We use it to jointly search for substantiated answers to your communications problem. Or to make your business case smarter. We are quite good at that, having done so over a 100 times. Quite successfully. Do you have any complex communication issues? And would you like to freely discuss them with us? Please contact us and we will demonstrate our unique working method as inspiration. Call Jeroen Vermeulen: +31 6 42470525 Or do you prefer to see how satisfied our customers are? Then please check out our reviews.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Barendrecht, Netherlands
    From €2,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Education (+21)
    Speaks Dutch, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (18 reviews)

    You are leaving the ordinary sector.

    Wir sind CRU — schön, dass Ihr hier seid. Wir bauen außergewöhnliche Marken, indem wir vier Dinge zusammendenken: Strategie, Story, Design und Experience. Denn gewöhnliche Marken sind schlecht fürs Geschäft. Und wer will schon ein Branding, das schlecht fürs Geschäft ist? Die Designer und Storytellerinnen, Strategen und Account Managerinnen bei CRU zählen zu den Besten ihrer Art. Euer Projektteam arbeitet lean und schnell zusammen — und bleibt Euch während der ganzen Projektlaufzeit erhalten. Denn nur so können wir die persönliche Beziehung herstellen, die es für außergewöhnliche Arbeit braucht.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €10,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+18)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Brands acting human

    Brands Acting Human Merken zijn als mensen. Daarom staat de mens centraal in alles wat we bedenken en creëren. Zo gaan we na wat mensen drijft en hoe we voor onze klanten een zinvolle en duurzame relatie met hen kunnen opbouwen. Want branding en communicatie gaat altijd over mensen. Mensen maken merken Virtuele assistenten, dialogerende chatbots, responsive design, smart packaging, … De digitalisering grijpt om ons heen. Indrukwekkende technologie, dat wel. Maar leiden digitale kanalen je niet af van je doel, waardoor je merk de voeling met de essentie verliest? Wij geloven dat branding en communicatie over mensen gaat. Mensen kiezen merken, mensen maken merken. Wat drijft mensen naar jouw merk? Een sterk merk herken je aan zijn identiteit. Het is een persoonlijkheid die mensen aanspreekt. Stemt jouw merkimago overeen met hun gedroomde zelfbeeld, dan ontstaat er spontane interactie. Je merk voedt de relatie. En zo verbinden we mensen met merken. Elk merk heeft een sterk verhaal Branding is alles. Een sterk merk is het hele werk. Wij draaien de woordvolgorde om: alles is branding. Alles heeft een verhaal. Daarom luisteren we naar jou en naar de mensen. Wat jouw merk voor hen uniek maakt, daarover hoort het te gaan. Dat verhaal willen mensen horen. Sterke verhalen, daar houden ze van. Wij maken jouw merk sterker We ontwikkelen een brede merkenstrategie. En begeleiden je merk met merkconcepten, design van websites en verpakkingen, creatie van cross-mediale campagnes en acties voor employer branding. Met oog voor de mens. En met het oog op een meetbare return op je investering. Zo maken we je merk sterker. Benieuwd hoe wij jouw merk sterker maken? Contacteer ons via of bel +32 9 233 65 95
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Sports (+17)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    Hub Media Group trasformiamo le idee in strategie di successo con qualità ed esperienza

    Highly recommended
    Hub Media Group (HMG) è una realtà innovativa e dinamica, specializzata nella creazione di soluzioni creative e tecnologiche per la comunicazione e il marketing. Con un approccio integrato e un team altamente qualificato, offriamo servizi che spaziano dalla produzione video al digital marketing, fino alla gestione di campagne pubblicitarie su scala nazionale e internazionale. ### Chi siamo HMG si distingue per la capacità di unire creatività, strategia e tecnologia per aiutare le aziende a raccontare la propria storia, costruire il proprio brand e raggiungere i propri obiettivi di business. Il nostro team multidisciplinare lavora in sinergia per offrire un servizio completo, curando ogni aspetto del processo: dall’ideazione alla realizzazione, fino alla distribuzione e all’analisi dei risultati. ### I nostri servizi principali Produzione video: Dalla creazione di contenuti per i social media a produzioni complesse per spot televisivi, offriamo soluzioni su misura per ogni esigenza. Strategie di marketing e digital marketing: Sviluppiamo piani integrati che combinano canali tradizionali e digitali, con un focus sull'innovazione e l'efficacia. Gestione dei social media: Aiutiamo le aziende a creare una presenza online significativa, aumentando l'engagement e rafforzando la relazione con il pubblico. Advertising e campagne promozionali: Pianifichiamo e gestiamo campagne pubblicitarie mirate per massimizzare il ROI e ampliare la visibilità dei brand. ### La nostra mission La mission di Hub Media Group è di essere un partner strategico per i nostri clienti, aiutandoli a trasformare le loro idee in realtà e a ottenere risultati misurabili. Crediamo nell'importanza di instaurare relazioni durature basate sulla fiducia, la trasparenza e la collaborazione. ### Perché sceglierci Esperienza: Anni di attività e una vasta gamma di progetti realizzati con successo. Personalizzazione: Ogni progetto è unico e viene adattato alle specifiche esigenze del cliente. Innovazione: Utilizziamo le tecnologie più avanzate per garantire soluzioni moderne ed efficaci. Team dedicato: Professionisti appassionati e competenti, pronti a supportarti in ogni fase del progetto. Con Hub Media Group, il tuo successo è il nostro obiettivo.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Padua, Italy
    From €3,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+15)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (5 reviews)

    25 Years of Innovating Brands Across Physical & Digital Spaces

    Top awarded
    Praxis Advertising is a leading full-service agency based in Dubai. We specialize in Branding, Integrated Communication, Space and Environment Design, and Digital Marketing. Established as a traditional advertising agency, Praxis has evolved with the changing media and design landscape over the past 25 years, consistently transforming businesses into powerful brands. Our success is driven by a client-first approach that prioritizes collaboration. We ensure long-term partnerships with clients across diverse industries. Our portfolio includes well-known brands such as Pirelli, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Kawasaki, GEMS Education, Huawei, Medcare, and many more from education, retail, healthcare, and finance. At the core of Praxis is a dedication to creativity and innovation. We leverage the latest technologies, including AI-driven tools, to stay ahead of market trends and deliver performance marketing and lead generation solutions that drive measurable results. We take pride in crafting brand stories deeply rooted in human insights, ensuring each campaign resonates with its target audience. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on expanding within the GCC by 2025 while helping our clients achieve lasting impact through strategic thinking, cutting-edge technology, and a collaborative approach that sets us apart in the market. At Praxis, we don’t just create campaigns—we shape experiences that transform businesses into brands that leave a lasting impression.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (+1)
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+10)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    Digital-first brand, design and technology agency since 2011.

    Top awarded
    DUNCKELFELD ist eine Digital Brand Agency mit Sitz in Köln. Seit 2011 entwickeln wir digitale Erlebnisse, visuelle Identitäten und emotionale Verbindungen zwischen Marken und Menschen. Unsere Expertise liegt in der Verbindung aus zeitgemäßem Design mit dem interaktiven Potenzial digitaler Technologien. Mit der Arbeit für renommierte nationale und internationale Kunden konnte Dunckelfeld mehr als 30 Awards gewinnen und landete im BVDW-Kreativranking 2016 & 2017 in den Top 30 der besten deutschen Agenturen für digitale Kreation.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Cologne, Germany
    From €3,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+22)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Wir machen Marken. Nachhaltig erfolgreich. Energy for your brand®

    Strategieberatung + Markenkommunikation für KMU, Global Player, NPOs & Start-ups. united communications® ist eine 1995 in Berlin gegründete internationale Agentur für Markenkommunikation mit den Schwerpunkten PR, Social Media und digitales Marketing. Unser 20-köpfiges Spezialistenteam bietet Kunden alles, was sie für nachhaltige Kommunikations- und Imagekampagnen, erfolgreiche Produkteinführungen, überzeugende Stakeholder-Dialoge sowie Veränderungsprozesse benötigen – auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Zudem unterstützen wir sie bei der Erschließung neuer Märkte und Vertriebskanäle. Unsere Agentur ist unabhängig und bestens vernetzt. Unser Erfolgsrezept: der Pioneering-Spirit des Teams. Strategieberatung + Markenkommunikation für NPOs Mit innovativen Strategien unterstützen wir unsere gemeinwohlorientierten Kunden (NPOs, NGOs und Stiftungen), neue Handlungsfelder, Fördermöglichkeiten und Kommunikationsformate zu erschließen. Wir konzipieren Lösungen zur Stärkung werteorientierter Organisationen, identifizieren Optimierungspotenziale und bieten fachkundige Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung. Zudem helfen wir auch bei der Vermittlung von Partnerschaften sowie der Zusammenarbeit mit Sponsoren. Strategieberatung + Markenkommunikation für Start-ups Wir lieben neue Herausforderungen. Es ist diese Leidenschaft, die uns antreibt. Unser Ziel ist es, Start-ups langfristig erfolgreich zu machen. Ganz gleich, ob eine neue Marke kreiert oder eine bestehende Marke weiterentwickelt werden soll, wir helfen, potenzielle Wachstumsmärkte nachhaltig zu erschließen. Neben Unternehmensberatung, Marketing- und PR-Dienstleistungen umfasst unser Leistungsangebot auch die Entwicklung von CSR-Strategien sowie die Optimierung von Geschäftsmodellen. Seit Agenturgründung unterstützen wir Start-ups beim Markenaufbau, dem Markteintritt und der Markterschließung sowie Unternehmen bei Change-Prozessen und Stakeholder-Dialogen. Für zukunftsweisende pflanzenbasierte/vegane Geschäftsmodelle haben wir mit ' vegency by united communications ' eine Spezial-Unit etabliert. Inspiriert von der UN Global Compact Initiative verpflichten wir uns zur Umsetzung von zehn Prinzipien in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Arbeitsnormen, Umweltschutz und Korruptionsbekämpfung. Unsere Agentur ist unabhängig, inhabergetrieben und bestens vernetzt. Unser Erfolgsrezept: der Pioneering-Spirit. Ob Digitalfotografie und LCD-Monitore Mitte der 1990er, professionelle WLAN-Lösungen und Wahlrecht für Kinder und Jugendliche zehn Jahre später oder in den 2010ern Tinnitusprävention, Allergieaufklärung, Migration und Integration, Netzwerk für weibliche MINT-Talente, VoIP, Industrial Internet of Things, Telerehabilitation, Soundpersonalisierung sowie vegetarisch/veganer Lifestyle oder in den 2020ern virtuelle Telefonanlagen, Exoskelette und Wasserstoff-Ökosysteme – unsere Mitarbeitenden verfügen über ein breites Fach- und Branchenwissen. Übrigens, viele sind bereits länger als zehn Jahre im Team. Das ist sicherlich einer der Gründe, weshalb Kunden überdurchschnittlich lange – 10, 15 oder mehr Jahre – mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Weitere Informationen:
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €10,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+15)
    Speaks German, Chinese(+5)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (11 reviews)

    ENGINEERING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Award-winning full-service brand consultancy.

    Top awarded
    We're a Full Service Brand Consultancy with offices in London and Preston working with SMEs , corporates , and public sector organisations looking to create awareness , generate engagement , convert opportunities , foster advocacy , attract and retain the best talent , and ultimately build a strong brand . We help Marketing Directors , Sales Directors and business owners in organisations with a real focus on growth or going through a period of fundamental change . We do this by: Helping you understand who you are, your brand DNA , galvanising your workforce around a shared purpose and ensuring how you are perceived is aligned with your ambitions . Getting marketing, sales and delivery teams working more cohesively through effective processes and clarity of their data . Communicating with cut-through by applying behavioural psychology , a flair for storytelling , and strong design across web , print , digital , film , and marketing campaigns . It’s a process we’ve developed called Brand Engineering and we do it because it’s tested, scalable, and consistently gets results .
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom (+1)
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+13)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Exceptional Design Experiences

    🌐 Europe-based, serving clients globally 🔒Verified | 🔰Certified | 🇬🇧 We are experts at blending art and science, creativity and technical precision, crafting brands and digital solutions that have a lasting impact . Our skilled team designs distinctive branding and apps your clients will LOVE. At All-In Factory, we craft digital masterpieces that resonate with your brand’s essence . From immersive design and intuitive UX/UI to sophisticated editorial and graphic design, we deliver premium experiences that captivate and inspire. Our expertise also spans app development, mobile solutions, and showcase websites. We are proud to have collaborated with prestigious brands like Fiat, Point S, Desigual, and AirFranc e, reflecting our commitment to excellence and high-quality results. 💡 Why All-In Factory? We cater to those who seek excellence and innovation . With a meticulous eye for detail, we create designs and digital solutions that are more than functional—they're unforgettable. Our immersive designs engage the senses, our UX/UI delivers beautiful experiences, and our development team ensures every project is executed to the highest standards. 💎 What We Offer: Immersive Design : Engaging, sensory-driven experiences that redefine how users interact with your brand. Branding and Naming : Crafting strong identities and impactful names that resonate with your values. UX/UI Excellence : Beautiful, intuitive designs that elevate your digital presence. Graphic & Editorial Design : Visuals that tell your story and leave a lasting impression. App Development: Mobile and web applications built for performance, scalability, and beauty. Web Creation: Showcase and corporate websites tailored to reflect your unique identity and fully optimized for SEO. 🔧 Our Technical Arsenal: General : PHP, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript Front-end : React, Angular Mobile : Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin Hosting Services : AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku AI Integrations : OpenAI, ChatGPT, Llama, Gemini and beyond. CMS Expertise : WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Wix, Magento Elevate Your Digital Identity Let’s create something extraordinary together. 📅 Consultation: 📧 Contact: 🌐 Website: 🔗 LinkedIn: 📸 Instagram: ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 🇫🇷 All-In Factory transforme l’art numérique en expériences uniques. Experts dans l’alliance entre créativité et précision technique, nous imaginons des marques et des solutions digitales qui marquent durablement . Notre équipe crée des identités visuelles distinctives et des applications qui séduisent et fidélisent vos clients. Chez All-In Factory, nous façonnons des projets numériques sur mesure, en harmonie avec l’essence de votre marque. Du design immersif et UX/UI intuitif à la conception graphique et éditoriale haut de gamme , nous livrons des expériences premium qui captivent et inspirent. Notre expertise couvre également le développement d’applications, de solutions mobiles et de sites vitrines. Nous sommes fiers d’accompagner des marques prestigieuses telles que Fiat, Stobag, Point S, Desigual ou AirFrance, témoignant de notre savoir-faire et de notre quête d’excellence. 💡 Pourquoi choisir All-In Factory ? Parce que l’ excellence est notre priorité . Nous concevons des designs et des solutions digitales qui ne se contentent pas d’être fonctionnels : ils sont mémorables. Nos designs immersifs éveillent les sens, nos interfaces UX/UI offrent des expériences fluides et élégantes, et notre équipe garantit une réalisation impeccable , jusque dans les moindres détails. 💎 Nos services : Design immersif : Des expériences interactives et sensorielles qui redéfinissent la relation entre votre marque et vos utilisateurs. Branding et Naming : Création d’identités fortes et de noms uniques qui résonnent avec vos valeurs. UX/UI fluide et intuitif : Des interfaces pensées pour offrir une navigation élégante et sans effort. Design graphique et éditoriale : Des visuels puissants qui racontent votre histoire avec impact. Développement d’applications : Applications mobiles et web performantes, évolutives et esthétiques. Création de sites internet : Sites vitrine et corporate, optimisés pour refléter votre identité et garantir une visibilité maximale grâce au SEO. 🔧 Notre Arsenal Technique : Général : PHP, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript Front-end : React, Angular Mobile : Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin Hébergement : AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku Intégrations IA : OpenAI, ChatGPT, Llama, Gemini et au-delà. Expertise CMS : WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Wix, Magento Transformez votre identité digitale Faites le choix d’un partenaire qui place votre ambition au cœur de ses créations. 📅 Consultation : 📧 Contact : 🌐 Site web : 🔗 LinkedIn : 📸 Instagram :
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Barcelona, Spain (+2)
    From €200 for Product Branding
    Worked in Construction (+16)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    Dein Erfolg ist unser Anspruch!

    Top awarded
    Wir sind Eure unabhängige Kommunikations- und Designagentur aus dem Herzen Hamburgs. Unseren Kunden bieten wir ein ganzheitliches Spektrum das deine Marken nachhaltig stärkt. Unser Leistungsangebot reicht von Strategie-Ausarbeitung, über zielgerichtete Awareness-Impulse bis zur ästhetischen Verpackung Deiner Botschaft. Dabei haben wir stets die Bedürfnisse Deiner Zielgruppe im Blick und bringen sie sowohl digital als auch analog zusammen. Unsere Inhouse-Spezialisten-Teams stellen wir passgenau für Deine Projekte zusammen und liefern überzeugende Ergebnisse, auch bei sehr straffen Zeitplänen. Wir lieben, was wir tun. Deshalb stehen wir für umfassenden Service, mit dem Ziel, Deine Bedürfnisse und die Deiner Kunden allumfassend zu erfüllen. Überzeuge Dich selbst!
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+8)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (24 reviews)

    Digital Culture Agency | Agence de la Culture Numérique

    Top awarded
    Nous sommes une agence de communication digitale basée à Paris & Montréal. Chez biggerband, nous pensons que les marques n'ont pas vocation à devenir plus grandes mais à devenir meilleures. D'ailleurs, vos consommateurs ne souhaitent pas vraiment que votre marque devienne plus grande ou plus grosse. Ils souhaitent qu'elle devienne plus proche, plus rapide, plus efficace, plus responsable… Meilleure quoi. Notre mission ? Mettre la communication digitale au service de la performance des marques. La vraie. Celle qui fait avancer. biggerband = better brand
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Paris, France (+1)
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Food (+14)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (5 reviews)

    Agentur für anspruchsvolle Kommunikation

    SALZ ist die Agentur für komplexe Themen und neue Wege – wir sind Spezialist für Kommunikation mit Anspruch . Für Marken, Produkte und Themen, die erklärt werden möchten: z.B. im Pharma-, Healthcare-, Finanz-, IT-, Consulting- oder Non-Profit-Bereich. Wir helfen. Full-Service, B2B, B2C und immer mit Herzblut. Wir finden neue Wege in der Kommunikation!
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+4)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (13 reviews)

    Your story told the right way!

    KAMPAGNE // MARKE // VIDEO Wir erzählen deine Story bewegt und bewegend. Von einem Kennenlernworkshop bis zum Abschluss unseres Projektes arbeitet unser Team aus festen und freien Mitarbeitern mit visuellem Herzblut und kreativem Kopf an der richtigen Erzählung deiner Story. Die Welt zu einem besseren Ort machen, wollen wohl die meisten. Wir stehen ebenfalls morgens auf, um zukunftsweisende Ideen zu unterstützen und voranzubringen. Mit Mut und kreativem Anspruch brennen wir für die Ideen der Partner:innen, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten. Wir kooperieren, um zu brillieren; handeln ehrlich und transparent.
    Looking for work in Product Branding
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €10,000 for Product Branding
    Worked in Non-profit (+13)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members

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How to choose the right digital product branding company?

A good product branding company will work with you to create a brand that accurately reflects your company and resonates with your target audience. They will help you to establish what makes your company unique and how you want to be perceived, and then develop brand recognition, visual identity and messaging that brings your brand to life.

What does product branding mean?

The best product branding companies will have a team of experienced designers, copywriters and strategists who can take your brand from concept to launch and beyond. They will also offer ongoing support to help you keep a consistent brand voice and relevant as your business grows. If you're looking for a product branding agency based on your needs that can help you create a strong, differentiated brand to help you achieve your business goals, get in touch with us today and find the best branding companies with Sortlist.

Product branding is the use of a name, term, brand design, symbol, or other feature to identify a product and distinguish it from those of other producers. The purpose of product branding is to create initial and continued consumer interest and to differentiate the product from its competitors in the marketplace.

Product branding can be applied to both tangible goods and services. Tangible goods are typically branded using some combination of a company name, product name, and/or logo. Services are usually branded using a company name and/or logo.

Product branding can be an important part of a company's overall marketing strategies. It can be used to build customer loyalty and goodwill and to increase product visibility and market share. A branding strategy can also help to protect a company's intellectual property and to ensure that its products are not confused with those of other companies.

In some cases, product branding may be the only form of marketing that a company undertakes. For example, many small businesses rely primarily on word-of-mouth advertising to promote their products or services. In other cases, product branding may be just one element of a larger marketing campaign.

There are several different approaches that can be taken when branding a product. The most common is to use a combination of a company name, product name, and/or logo. This approach can be effective in creating customer recognition and loyalty.

Another approach is to use a single brand name for all of a company's products. This can be helpful in establishing a corporate identity, and in creating customer awareness of the company's complete product line.

A third approach is to use different brand names for different products. This can be useful in targeting specific markets, or in positioning a company's products as being part of a particular product category.

Whatever approach is taken, it is important that the brand name be distinctive, easy to remember, and capable of evoking positive associations in the minds of consumers. A well-chosen brand name can be an important asset for a company and can play a significant role in building customer loyalty and market share.

Product branding is a strategic marketing approach that defines unique characteristics and elements that are able to communicate the idea behind a product to consumers. These policies are intended to promote the idea behind a brand by using various marketing resources. In addition to products, brands can apply to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government-related organizations. However, it is important to understand the nuances of product branding before deciding on the best way to market your company's products.

Product marketing vs brand management: what's the difference

Product marketing is the process of bringing a product to market. It includes market research, product development, packaging, pricing, and distribution. Brand management is the process of creating and maintaining a brand. It includes new brand identity, brand strategy, and brand communications.

Product marketing is focused on getting the product into the hands of the customer. Brand management is focused on creating and maintaining an emotional connection with the customer.

Product marketing includes activities such as market research, product development, packaging, pricing, and distribution. Brand management includes activities such as brand identity, brand strategy, and brand communications.

Product marketing is about getting the product into the hands of the customer. Brand management is about creating and maintaining an emotional connection with the customer.

7 things that a product brand agency does:

  • Conduct market research to identify your target audience and what they want
  • Increase brand awareness for your product
  • Increase the value of your brand and company
  • Develop a strong and consistent brand message
  • They can help you create a favourable impression with potential customers.
  • Provide ongoing brand consistency
  • Help you select the right packaging and labelling for your product

5 Questions to ask product branding agencies:

  • How do you ensure that the product's brand is consistently communicated across all touchpoints?
  • What is your view on digital marketing and social media marketing?
  • How do you ensure the brand guidelines?
  • What are your branding services?
  • What's your branding process?

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