The 10 Best Media Agencies in Ireland (2024)

Best Media Agencies in Ireland

Best Media Agencies in Ireland

  • Robler


    (159 reviews)

    "Construyendo marcas para un mundo digital"

    Uno de los objetivos principales de una agencia de marketing y publicidad es ofrecer servicios de asesoramiento, pero sobre todo funcionar como un apoyo a empresas, emprendedores e incluso organizaciones que necesiten una gestión correcta de su marca. Por este motivo, en Robler Agency, profesionales en Marketing y publicidad, nos enfocamos en cumplir con cada uno de los objetivos de este tipo de agencias con un enfoque totalmente diferente, brindando a su vez nuestra alta experiencia realizando eventos corporativos y multinacionales. Nuestro equipo de trabajo está integrado por profesionales de diferentes países que harán que tus deseos se ajusten a las diferentes culturas existentes en el mundo. Es esta diversidad lo que nos caracteriza como empresa porque nos adaptamos a cualquier requerimiento de nuestros clientes. Pensamos, creamos, diseñamos y hacemos realidad cada una de tus ideas para maximizar el posicionamiento de tu empresa, emprendimiento u organización. El asesoramiento consiste en un estudio que se le hace a cada proyecto en particular, no generalizamos nuestros métodos porque nos adaptamos al estilo de cada empresa. Profesionales en el mundo digital que te ayudan a conectar con verdaderos clientes potenciales en el entorno online. No solo ofrecemos asesoramiento, sino que nos convertimos en parte de tu equipo. Un buen equipo obtiene resultados increíbles.
    12 works in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €400 for Media Planning
  • Square1


    (0 review)
    2 works in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
    1 work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Mango Media

    Mango Mediaverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Dublin-based Video Production Company.

    Mango Media is a Dublin-based video agency specialising in visual storytelling for ambitious brands. Our production services help mediate a memorable and professional impact on your customer - and potential customers - by capturing your ethos, product or service, or any other brand message you’re seeking to articulate. Our aim is to deliver a high-end and cost-effective video solution to elevate your brand and company image.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Adforce


    (0 review)
    Adforce Brussels is setting up a network of continental mobile publishers (like premium news groups Persgroep and RTL-INFO in Belgium) and work with them as partners,  alongside  their internal sales capabilities. Adforce is used to work with all leading and local agencies. Adforce offers also  creative services  for innovative mobile campaigns , even if they are generated by the publisher’s sales team. On-line campaigns are often not ideally declined on smaller screens and that is often a starting point between Adforce & the prime publishers. Some of our campaigns can also be supported on e-streaming radio with Audio and Display support via our partnership with TuneIn (0.3 MM Belgian users). (HQ in Dublin) understands how to maximize your content's online revenue potential and our direct sales team are the best in the industry with years of experience in the digital advertising space. We are the exclusive seller of ad space on some of Ireland’s and European most visited websites and mobile apps and our premium advertising network delivers hundreds of millions of ad impressions each month. Our award winning creative team will work with you to understand your business' individual requirements and objectives to deliver innovative, engaging creative across mobile, tablet & web.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Goosebump Ltd

    Goosebump Ltdcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Insightful Behaviour Changers

    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • We love a challenge. You couldn’t stay in this business for as long as we have if we didn’t. There are some companies that believe there is a formula to delivering marketing solutions for their customers. If we’ve learnt anything over the past 30 years it’s that every client, every campaign, every marketing problem is unique. By recognising this we bring a clear perspective to every new challenge – we assume nothing. We listen and we learn. Of course it helps that we bring a wealth of experience to the equation, but ultimately we know that your situation is unique to you. Which is why we are not an Advertising Agency, a Digital Marketing company, a Graphic Design consultancy or a Web business. We are all and none. We have no vested interest and that means that we can deliver the right solution for you. Whether that is strategy formulation, branding solutions, advertising campaigns, graphic design or web marketing, we have the experience and resources to deliver results for your business. From small beginnings, we’ve come a long way. Through booms and busts, good times and bad we have consistently delivered for our customers. If you need results then you’ve come to the right place. Get in touch – you won’t be disappointed.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • eightytwenty


    (0 review)
    eightytwenty is a data led digital marketing agency based in Dublin Ireland. We exist to help brands and companies take advantage of the opportunity technology affords us to Market At The Speed Of Now At our core, we deliver brilliant digital marketing for our clients in Ireland, Europe and the US from our base in Dublin. Our services include digital strategy, creative, production, digital media planning, management, reporting and analytics. We are part of WPP and we are WPP's lead digital agency on the ground in Ireland. Agile and Dynamic, we are uniquely positioned to supplement our core services with specialist services from our brilliant partners within WPP across disciplines such as Communications, Experience, Commerce and Technology.    
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • KOBBA is an award winning Digital Marketing Agency based in Dublin, Ireland. We are also accredited with the coveted All-Ireland All-Star SME Digital Agency Company 2020. Most of our clients are without a dedicated marketing department. KOBBA eliminates the frustrations of dealing with multiple agencies and provides a one stop shop for your marketing needs. We help you improve your marketing communication, increase your sales and help grow your business; doing this by using effective strategies, the latest technologies, content generation and creative design. We are the Creative Leaders in outsourced marketing. With our team of expert consultants and multi-disciplinary creatives, we innovate your business with intelligent marketing solutions. As your trusted digital marketing partner, we save you time and add value to your business! We make brands more relevant, and increase reach to specific audiences and decision makers. Let's do it together! It starts with a chat...
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Panoplia Productions

    Panoplia Productionscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Crafting content with a caring touch.

    Panoplia Productions is Dublin’s freshest full-service video production company. From branded content that leaves a lasting impact to the powerful ideals of non-profit organizations, we believe that every story deserves to be told with authenticity and care. Whether you are a brand looking to connect with your audience through a poignant ad, a non-profit organization looking to raise awareness for a vital cause, or an individual with a compelling story to share, Panoplia Productions has the expertise and the care to craft video production content that is sure to check all the boxes. With over a decade of experience in video creation and production, Panoplia will stand by your side from the inception of an idea to the polished final product.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • 3AW


    (18 reviews)

    We take brands beyond borders. "Global communication strategies for your business."

    3AW es una agencia de  comunicación 360º  que ofrece servicios plenos de comunicación, publicidad y marketing para  satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes . 3AW ofrece más de 15 servicios en comunicación, marketing y publicidad, planificados de forma global pero ejecutados localmente según las necesidades de cada mercado y cada público objetivo. PUBLICIDAD Y MEDIA PLANING Cada uno de nuestros clientes tiene un objetivo diferente porque su marca es única. En 3AW elaboramos planes de comunicación 360º, incluyendo creatividad y producción, con estrategias adaptadas a las necesidades de cada cliente. Desde el departamento de Media Planning, desarrollamos planes que cubren todos aquellos medios de comunicación seleccionados como los más idóneos en la consecución de ese objetivo. Se analiza el mercado y se propone la opción más acertada. CAMPAÑAS MULTIMEDIA (360 GRADOS) PUBLICIDAD ONLINE PUBLICIDAD EXTERIOR PRENSA, SUPLEMENTOS Y REVISTAS RADIO TV HÁBITOS DE CONSUMO ANÁLISIS E INVESTIGACIÓN DE LOS MEDIOS MARKETING Y EVENTOS Nos adaptamos al entorno cambiante y competitivo actual que exige a las empresas la necesidad de innovar en sus estrategias a corto, medio y largo plazo. La especialización junto con la colaboración directa con nuestros clientes, hace que logremos consolidar los resultados mediante acciones que identifican al consumidor con la empresa. Conseguir el éxito en un mercado no depende solo de construir relaciones duraderas con los clientes. Las empresas tenemos que convertir al público objetivo no sólo en fieles compradores sino en entusiastas de la marca, prescriptores y vendedores de la misma. EVENTOS ENCUESTAS ESPONSORIZACIÓN BRANDING MARKETING DE GUERRILLA FERIAS Y EXHIBICIONES PRODUCT PLACEMENT CELEBRITY PLACEMENT STREET MARKETING B2B Y B2C RELACIONES PÚBLICAS Todas las empresas tienen algo que contar. Para comunicarlo es necesario un gabinete de prensa capaz de crear noticias. En 3AW elaboramos información real con el objetivo final de posicionar tu marca e imagen en los principales medios de comunicación. Somos un departamento con una filosofía de trabajo constante que, a través de comunicados, convocatorias, notas y ruedas de prensa, consigue una presencia destacable de tu empresa en los medios. Trabajamos para obtener la máxima cobertura y dar un valor añadido a tu marca o servicio en todo el territorio nacional e internacional. FORMACIÓN EN MEDIOS Y LIDERAZGO GESTIÓN DE LAS REPUTACIÓN ASUNTOS PÚBLICOS Y GUBERNAMENTALES EVENTOS RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL CORPORATIVA GESTIÓN DE CRISIS VIAJES DE PRENSA GESTIÓN DE ENTREVISTAS RUEDAS DE PRENSA B2B Y B2C DIGITAL En 3AW controlamos, analizamos, ejecutamos y difundimos todas y cada una de las acciones llevadas a cabo por la empresa, transmitiendo una imagen positiva de la organización que contribuya a mejorar su notoriedad online. El compromiso es nuestra seña de identidad. Queremos dar lo mejor a nuestros clientes, siempre enfocados a la consecución de los objetivos. Somos un equipo creativo, apasionado, con gran experiencia, y nuestro principal objetivo es conseguir generar un alto volumen de visitas a los sites de nuestros clientes para lograr un alto número de conversiones. Para ello, escuchamos y entendemos a nuestros clientes, creamos, desarrollamos e implementamos una estrategia digital y medimos los resultados. No olvidamos que internet es mucho más que una tecnología, es un medio de comunicación, de interacción y de organización social que nos acerca, nos informa y nos abre nuevos caminos y nuevas posibilidades hasta ahora imposibles de imaginar. NEWSLETTER UX DESARROLLO WEB Y APLICACIONES REPUTACIÓN ONLINE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT SEO Y SEM MARKETING DE CONTENIDOS REAL TIME BIDDING (RTB) DEFINICIÓN Y PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA ESTRATEGIA DE SOCIAL MEDIA DISEÑO Desde el departamento creativo de 3AW gestionamos la comunicación gráfica y audiovisual desarrollando un estudio cuidadoso y detallado de cada cliente para conseguir el mejor resultado final. La imagen es un aspecto fundamental de una marca. Implementada de forma correcta, facilita la actuación de la empresa consiguiendo una mayor aceptación de sus productos y servicios. MERCHANDISING PACKAGING PRODUCCIÓN AUDIOVISUAL IDENTIDAD DE MARCA DISEÑO WEB IMAGEN CORPORATIVA DESARROLLO DE CAMPAÑAS PUBLICITARIAS CONCEPTO CREATIVO.
    8 works in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1500 for Media Planning
  • Starcom Ireland

    Starcom Irelandcertified-flag

    (1 review)
    Starcom Ireland is the media planning and buying agency that helps some of Ireland's smartest marketers put their brand communication in the right place, at the right time, to interact with the right people
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Spark Foundry is a data led media communications agency offering expertise in strategic media planning, digital advertising, research and attribution.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • In the Company of Huskies is a creative agency that helps bring brands closer to people in a connected world.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Ogilvy Dublin is a global advertising & marketing agency based in Ireland. We offer integrated marketing solutions with a focus on measurable results.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • The Friday Agency

    The Friday Agency

    (0 review)

    Our expert digital team integrates UX design and marketing to build better experiences for brands

    Friday is a Customer-Obsessed Growth Agency. We unite Digital Marketing with the power of User Experience design to accelerate growth through conversion. Delivering Positive Outcomes for our clients, our team and our future. Our services span research, strategy, creative, content, and technology for a diverse range of clients and industries. We’ve straddled a tectonic shift in how people and brands communicate. While we understand the web and the matrix of devices delivering information and services – we also know that human motivations have changed very little. Our Friday Method approach means we’re able to collaborate with our clients right across the entire lifecycle of your audiences’ journey. This potent combination of hard and soft skills inform how we articulate your brand online.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Dragon Ltd

    Dragon Ltdcertified-flag

    (0 review)

    Imagine more...

    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Elevate PR

    Elevate PRcertified-flag

    (0 review)

    Creative Brand Connectors

    Elevate is a full service PR agency that works for a range of consumer and corporate clients. We aim to provide excellent customer service and achieve strong coverage in traditional and new media through quality strategy, execution and evaluation.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • Drury


    (0 review)

    Ireland's leading communications agency.

    Every organisation is at a point on a journey - a point where sound counsel, creative stimulus, strategic clarity or market insight can see you beyond to a better place. Each of these competencies is an integral part of what has positioned Drury as the advisor of choice to many of Ireland’s leading businesses.. . We are proud of our heritage – more than 20 years of considered counsel delivered with integrity – a foundation that enables Drury to be the company that we are today: ambitious, creative, credible, innovative... Our clients have a diverse range of requirements – for some it’s our ability to counsel based on an intimate knowledge of their industry or maybe it’s the access we can provide to intelligence, decision makers or influencers. Our communications expertise, whether it is media relations, strategic planning or issues management, is the basis for our relationship with many others
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning
  • A customer centric creative and digital marketing agency based in Ireland who want to make marketing...remarkable. Our diverse range of skills come together to design, develop and grow brands for choice clients across all platforms.
    No work in Media Planning
    Active in Ireland
    From €1000 for Media Planning

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