The 10 Best Copywriting Agencies in Milan (2024)

Best Copywriting Agencies in Milan

Featured providers

  • Qreativa


    (11 reviews)

    Posizionamento SEO | Comunicazione Creativa | Pubblicità Multicanale

    Creiamo progetti digitale per scalare il tuo Business. Siamo un team di consulenti Senior, altamente specializzati nel marketing digitale a performance, crediamo che design e creatività siano la chiave di un "sistema di acquisizione cliente ben rodato" e non solo meri esercizi di grafica. Da noi troverai una grande passione e un approccio alla comunicazione e al marketing estremamente concreto. Contattaci e parliamo un po' dei tuoi numeri. ➡️
    2 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting

Best Copywriting Agencies in Milan

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  • Bake Agency

    Bake Agencycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (0 review)

    Trasformiamo le tue idee in soluzioni

    “ Qualità significa lavorare bene mentre nessuno sta guardando ”, amava dire Henry Ford . La qualità del lavoro della nostra agenzia risiede nell’equilibrio, invisibile, che riusciamo a creare ogni volta con i nostri interlocutori. Bake è un’agenzia di comunicazione a Roma che interpreta la visione dei clienti e che si impegna, con passione, nel rendere concreto un progetto senza perdere la capacità di sognare. Sfidando ogni legge di gravità, ricalcoliamo con cura pesi e misure della comunicazione . Un’identità forte è la chiave per rafforzare il tuo business. Creatività e tecnologia a supporto del tuo brand per trasformare le tue idee in soluzioni . Lavoriamo insieme al tuo progetto, contattaci!
    1 work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • 39Marketing


    (0 review)
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • La Web Agency a Milano Pero Made In Magic si occupa di realizzazione siti Web, ottimizzazione SEO, posizionamento su Google e motori di ricerca, social media marketing, digital strategy.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • RSW Studio

    RSW Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)
    ITA Realizzazione siti web ed ecommerce efficaci che convertono visite in clienti. Affidati alla professionalità ed esperienza della nostra web agency. Realizza oggi il tuo sito web di successo.   ENG Creation of effective websites and e-commerce that convert visits to customers. Trust the professionalism and experience of our web agency. Make your successful website today.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Pixell


    (0 review)

    Creative Solutions

     Pixell è un’agenzia di comunicazione nata nel 2000, in pieno millennium bug, il primo e irrilevante ostacolo in 20 anni di attività, ma fortunatamente allora non potevamo immaginarlo. La nostra corsa ad ostacoli è passata per la grande recessione del 2006 e la crisi del 2013 e noi, come siamo sopravvissuti a questi anni catastrofici? Con le uniche armi che avevamo all’epoca e che custodiamo gelosamente ancora oggi: la creatività e la passione, con l’unico obiettivo di creare valore. Armi che si sono dimostrate nel tempo estremamente potenti e che ci hanno sempre accompagnato in questo lungo viaggio. Oggi, dopo 20 anni di lavoro, seguiamo la comunicazione offline e online di importanti brand nazionali ed internazionali. Il nostro nome è Pixell. A quell’unità minima, il pixel, abbiamo aggiunto solo una lettera. Una lettera che oggi ci permette di raccontarvi una storia lunga 20 anni. La nostra.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €3000 for Copywriting
  • Web Marketing Aziendale

    Web Marketing Aziendaleverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Connettiti Solo Con I Tuoi Clienti Ideali Grazie Al Sistema Intelligente Di Web Marketing Aziendale

    Web Marketing Aziendale è una web agency che, attraverso vari servizi di web marketing e in particolare grazie alle tecniche di Lead Generation, supporta aziende e professionisti nello sviluppo del proprio business, con lo scopo principale di aumentarne la visibilità convertendo i propri utenti in potenziali clienti, relativamente al contesto in cui si opera.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • BonTon Agency

    BonTon Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Make it better, make it now!

    Siamo un'agenzia di Growth Marketing su misura, giovane e creativa. Siamo esperti dell'industria dei siti web, del mercato pubblicitario, dell'informatica e della comunicazione omni-channel. Creiamo Siti Web, E-commerce e Marketplace sicuri e mirati alla crescita. Abbiamo web developer, esperti in SEO-SEM e specialisti UI/UX che daranno al tuo business la forma che si merita. BonTon combina creatività e tecnologia per dare vita ad esperienze digitali capaci di connettere il tuo brand al cuore delle persone. Parliamo al giusto target in maniera efficace, facendoti arrivare al pubblico desiderato. Severamente vietato procedere sui social senza strategia. Conseguenze? Danno d’immagine elevato. Si potrebbe dire che è come avventurarsi in una foresta sconosciuta, senza mappa, di notte…e con un temporale da record! Le campagne pubblicitarie consente di raggiungere il tuo pubblico in maniera molto mirata. Indirizzeremo il traffico verso la tua attività e creeremo contenuti coinvolgenti che lasceranno nei tuoi spettatori il desiderio di saperne di più.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Stefano Lombardini - copywriter freelance e consulente di comunicazione

    Stefano Lombardini - copywriter freelance e consulente di comunicazioneverified-flag

    (0 review)

    copywriter freelance - content writer - consulente di comunicazione

    Copywriter e consulente di comunicazione freelance con P.IVA.  Creativo per advertising ATL e BTL, progetti multimediali, contenuti web.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €500 for Copywriting
  • Diversamente Digitali

    Diversamente Digitaliverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Sii diverso, diventa unico!

    Siamo un’agenzia di marketing composta da un ecosistema di persone con valori, talento e passione per il digitale. Negli anni la nostra metodologia è stata definita “diversa”, per noi è un vanto. La diversità è unicità.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €100 for Copywriting
  • Strawberry Brand Studio

    Strawberry Brand Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    We craft world-class brands

    We’re Strawberry Brand Studio, a full-service branding agency obsessed in transforming ideas into powerful brand identities. Our clients are ambitious, passionate business owners and division heads who value our inquisitive, international mindset. With a focus in building brands from concept to execution, our multi-cultural team of brand strategists, designers, creatives, problem solvers and idea generators elevate brands to the next level. Our promise is sweet & simple: create brands anchored on purpose, brought to life in a cohesive and compelling way. We begin always with the "why?", digging deep to find a brand's true essence. From that point on, creativity takes the lead and the result of our work is the crafting of a compelling brand for its desired audience. We are based in Lisbon, Portugal with offices in Miami and Singapore, but like our team, our clients hail from all corners of the world.
    25 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €5000 for Copywriting
  • V Media

    V Mediacertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Facciamo interagire il tuo pubblico con il tuo brand per renderti indimenticabile.

    Siamo una digital interactive agency che crede in un modo rivoluzionario di fare marketing e comunicazione attraverso soluzioni interattive e innovative. Offriamo la comunicazione digitale più coinvolgente del mercato grazie a strategie mirate, contenuti di qualità e tecnologie innovative che migliorano processi di comunicazione aziendale, aumentando l'engagement e generando risultati misurabili per il tuo business.
    9 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • BBrothers Adv

    BBrothers Advverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Agenzia Pubblicitaria e Marketing specializzata in food marketing, social media, content strategy

    Siamo un' agenzia Pubblicitaria e Marketing specializzata in food marketing, social media, produzione video e digital marketing. Siamo Coraggiosi Lavoriamo da Palermo, lontani dalle città ritenute culla naturale del marketing e della pubblicità. Questo ci spinge a osare di più, a osservare di più, a viaggiare, a prepararci al meglio.  Coltiviamo l’attitudine a dar valore alle idee e a prendere decisioni chiare, per sperimentare linguaggi sempre comprensibili anche quando non convenzionali. Il fallimento è un semplice passaggio, che non preclude la riuscita di un progetto. Per questo non ci spaventa.  Siamo Eclettici Nello stesso ambiente di lavoro convivono programmatori, graphic designers, videomakers e fotografi, coordinati da account e project manager. È un melting pot di competenze, una squadra di talenti plug-in che si configura come partner strategico per il cliente. Amiamo raccontarci ogni giorno in modo genuino e ironico perchè è ciò che oggi più che mai, il consumatore si aspetta dai brand a cui accorda la sua preferenza. Siamo Giovani Siamo nativi digitali e non abbiamo bisogno di capire come il mondo stia cambiando. Lo cambiamo ogni giorno con le nostre scelte e abitudini. Lo viviamo come punto di forza, determinante per assorbire velocemente i nuovi trend. Ci permette di osservare senza pregiudizi, poi di rielaborare in modo creativo. Così produciamo contenuti che parlino direttamente alle generazioni più giovani nei luoghi più opportuni. Produciamo Contenuti È solo questo che facciamo ed è abbastanza semplice. La parte complessa è comprendere come renderli calzanti per il brand e per il luogo digitale identificato. Lavoriamo per offrire scenari dove narrazione e informazioni convivano, in un contenuto che abbia la capacità di essere fresco e divertente nel momento in cui viene distribuito e per le persone a cui è destinato. Disegniamo Strategie Un contenuto creativo è solo un tassello di un grande puzzle. Indispensabile per completare il quadro, del tutto inutile se separato dagli altri. Per questo ogni produzione deve essere concepita in un più vasto ecosistema di contenuti, pianificati strategicamente. Per raggiungere un ottimo risultato serve un piano.
    3 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • AQuest


    (0 review)
    AQuest è una Creative Production & Technology Company, tra i principali attori del panorama italiano, e Gold Partner Microsoft. Da luglio 2019 fa parte del gruppo WPP.  AQuest segue l'intero processo creativo di progetti digitali, a livello nazionale e internazionale, attraverso una struttura verticalizzata su cinque business unit: Experience, Engagement, Lab, Production, Technology. Il team - composto da oltre 70 persone - comprende art director, fotografi, videomaker, graphic designer, sound designer, sviluppatori frontend e backend, social media specialist, data scientist, digital marketing specialist e project manager. AQuest ha vinto oltre 220 premi internazionali votati da giurie indipendenti; in particolare negli ultimi 3 anni ha ottenuto 4 Lovie Awards , 1 Webby Award e il premio Best Agency of the Year 2018 da CSS Design Awards.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • soolid


    (0 review)

    Brand experiences for smart humas

    Soolid is a full-service creative agency focused on building strong and long lasting relationship between people, brand and products. We design simple and effective solutions for complex scenarios combining strategy, data analisys, creativity and technology. Since 2001 we design successful brands, tell great stories, engage core niches, explore urban subcultures and produce successful advertising campaign for both small startups and international brands.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • TOAST - Branding Agency

    TOAST - Branding Agencyverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    "We make the brands that make the future"

    TOAST is a strategic branding and design agency in Sydney, Australia. Delving into the business truth of our clients, we create and elevate brands which become assets for companies for years to come. We achieve successful outcomes by aligning key stakeholders around one single vision and empowering the Unique Value Proposition to ensure we increase quality leads and sales. View the successful brands we’ve designed and let’s get in touch. _____ We are Brand Makers Makers of engaging brand footprints, of languages, of impactful brand narratives and strong visual identities, of unique design solutions making sure we increase quality leads and sales. Each day, we challenge ourselves by delving into new categories, industries, businesses; engaging with new key stakeholders and understanding their challenges, their expectations, their fears. Irrespective of its specificity, we thrive on learning and exploring new trends, tastes, markets; anticipating what our culture will demand next… _____ We are Change Makers Helping your team evolve its way of thinking, pointing in new directions through unique business solutions to navigate increasingly competitive marketplaces. Big or small, global or local, industry-specific or broad, political or impartial… we delve into the core, attacking brand challenges with passion and dedication. _____ We are Place Makers Designing places to work, to live, to come and to come back… compelling stories built on human experiences, culture, activation, landscape, public art and way-finding… our passion is creating brands for properties and developments which become destinations for years to come. _____ We are Future Makers We transform your brand to stand out and have an impact today, and long into the future. Each day we raise the bar, always fighting for a better world. We embrace changing the status quo across the political and commercial landscape, to champion sustainability and best-practice for a reduced carbon impact, contributing to a better Australia and… a healthier planet. _______________ Our core areas include: Strategy - Branding - Property Branding - Property Marketing - Design - Website Design - Marketing - Digital Marketing - Display Suite Design - Environment & Retail Experience Design - Logotypes - Brand Identity - Brand Guidelines - IM & Tendering Documentation - (UI) User Interface Design - (UX) User Experience Design - (CX) Customer Experience Design - App Design - Mobile Design
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Stratagemma Studio

    Stratagemma Studioverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Facciamo la differenza in un mercato volubile e pieno di squali

    Siamo uno Studio di Strategie Digitali Aiutiamo le Aziende a costruire la propria identità digitale, fidelizzare gli attuali clienti e ad acquisirne di nuovi attraverso le più avanzate soluzioni digitali, realizzate su misura per il cliente. Viviamo di problem solving quotidiano a tutti i livelli. Abbiamo skill che non si acquisiscono nelle Università o nei Master di vario livello ma sul campo, dove giochiamo da 12 anni senza mai una sconfitta.  Per noi Cliente significa Visione, un Credo a cui prender parte nel diffondere il messaggio.
    12 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €500 for Copywriting
  • BAE Groupe

    BAE Groupeverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Digital future of business

    🇫🇷 Business Accelerator Enterprise est le premier groupe indépendant de solutions digitales innovantes et clé en main pour les entreprises.  Le groupe BAE, cinq pôles stratégiques complémentaires : 🔵   ADQUALITY  : le pôle pilotage marketing digital couvre l’ensemble des leviers d’acquisition de trafic.  SEO (Référencement Naturel)🔝 : Améliorez votre positionnement naturel sur les moteurs de recherche pour booster votre visibilité.   SEA (Référencement Payant) 🥇 : Définissez la meilleure stratégie d'acquisition pour accroître vos ventes en ligne. SMA (Social Media Ads)  📱 : Utilisez la puissance des réseaux sociaux pour développer votre notoriété et l'engagement autour de votre marque. PROGRAMMATIQUE 🚀: Maîtrisez votre exposition grâce au programmatique en diffusant le bon message, à la bonne audience et au bon moment.  🔵 KOOBIAK : 100% Marketplace. MARKETPLACES    🛍  : Intégrez les plus grandes marketplaces pour tirer profit de ce canal de vente en pleine croissance. Nous vous aidons à déployer votre marque sur des Marketplaces telles que Amazon, C-discount, El Corte Inglés, Rakuten, Fnac, Bol, Ebay etc. 🔵   MAITRICKS  : la plateforme technologique du groupe propose une suite d'outils SaaS permettant aux entreprises d'affiner leur stratégie globale et d'apporter de l'intelligence à leur data. Outils 🚀 : regrouper dans un seul et même dashboard les résultats de vos campagnes, accès à la concurrence , etc. 🔵 MARKSTRAT  : l'agence de conseil basée à Vancouver spécialisée en stratégie et positionnement de marque. Création 🖌 : création de bannière , de visuels pour vos sites et vos réseaux sociaux, création de landing page , et création de site web. 🔵  ACADEMISTE : notre organisme de formation, certifié Qualiopi. FORMATION 🎓: Nous vous offrons différentes formations exclusivement dédiées aux thématiques du marketing digital. Contactez-nous pour nous présenter votre projet : ou +33 (01) 89 19 95 00
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Bagstudios Business Design

    Bagstudios Business Designverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    We build brands and visual experiences that captivate audiences, inspire culture, and buzz media

    Bagstudios is a company that uses design and knowledge to create new and exciting things for businesses. We focus on helping corporate clients in areas like biotech, pharmaceuticals, IT innovation, science, technology, fashion luxury, and business design. DESIGN We believe that design just like the law of attraction works only when it comes to good intentions, nuanced thinking, and positive human experience. With 10+ years of experience in branding, advertising, and visual communications for a wide variety of international brands. Our work succeeds in the achievement of award-winning products. BUSINESS In the rise of the digital era, communication design can be improved through deep experience in arts and science to be a razor-sharp, whole-brain approach to a new era of human factor design.
    5 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Qream


    (6 reviews)

    Crafting creme de la creme websites for nieche leaders.

    We design tomorrow’s aesthetics for emerging tech. You came to change the game with your product - we leverage your brand.  💜 Digital branding. Brand identity defines your business in the minds and hearts of customers. Let’s increase your product value through aligned positioning, logo, colors, name, slogan, and tagline across all digital channels. Because marketing brings the lead, branding retains the customer.  💜 Storytelling website. The website is a story about your product that should get your users hooked. We work directly with the meaning: spicing up the messages, structuring the narrative, and complimenting it with emotional visuals. In return, you get an x3 higher conversion rate, 153% more signups, MQLs instead of fluffy registrations, and stand out from faceless competitors. Or even more.  We are here to inspire game-changers through bold ideas and design+emotions to expedite the movement of progress in tech to enable more opportunities in education, health, and wellness, sustainable energy and sustainability, healthy food and beverages, future of finance. 🏆 2022 Clutch TOP B2B in Ukraine 🏆 2022 Website of the Year by Orpetron - 🏆 2022 FWA of the day -
 🏆 2022 Awwwards, Mobile excellence - 🏆 TBA  🤝 Let’s collab to drive progress with inspiration!
    2 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Preview Public Relations

    Preview Public Relationsverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Idee. Parole. Risultati.

    Agenzia di Relazioni Pubbliche che coniuga le tradizionali attività di media relations con le digital PR, anche in ottica SEO.
    4 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting


    (3 reviews)

    A digital marketing partner, not just a provider.

    PAN People And Numbers PAN staat voor People And Numbers, en benadrukt onze visie dat mensen het verschil maken wanneer we spreken over cijfers. De toewijding van ons team is de belangrijkste drijvende kracht achter concrete en meetbare resultaten voor onze klanten. Waar wij in geloven Bij PAN geloven we in het behandelen van onze klanten alsof ze deel uitmaken van ons team. We geloven dat de beste oplossingen voortkomen uit samenwerking, volledige transparantie en het delen van onze deskundige kennis. Zoals Seneca zei: "Terwijl we les geven, leren we", en wij geloven dat dit waar is. We zorgen ervoor dat we blijven leren en elkaar en onze klanten onderweg bijleren. Wat wij doen Wij creëren en voeren marketingstrategieën uit voor internationale merken. We zorgen ervoor dat dingen gebeuren, van merkstrategie tot het creëren van content, beheer van sociale media en advertenties. We combineren deze verschillende expertisegebieden om de online aanwezigheid van onze klanten te versterken. Wat ons anders maakt Onze oprichters zijn PAN gestart na vele jaren te hebben gewerkt in interne marketingteams, en die ervaring heeft de speciale manier gevormd waarop we samenwerken met klanten: als teamleden. We werken nauw samen met SEO-experts, content schrijvers en andere digitale marketingprofessionals in meer dan 40 landen. Als one-stop-shop voor echt lokale SEO wereldwijd helpen we merken om internationale markten net zo succesvol te benaderen als hun eigen thuismarkt. Dat is behoorlijk bijzonder. ------------------ PAN People And Numbers PAN stands for People And Numbers, and underscores our vision that people make the difference when it comes to numbers. That the dedication of our team is the main force that drives concrete, measurable results for our clients. Things we believe in At PAN, we believe in treating our clients like they’re on our team. We believe the best solutions come from working together, being fully transparent, sharing our expert knowledge. Seneca said: ‘While we teach, we learn’ and we believe that to be true. We make sure we continue to learn and teach each other and our clients along the way. Things we do We create and execute marketing strategies for international brands. We make things happen, from brand strategy to content creation, social media management and advertising. We combine these different areas of expertise to boost the online presence of our clients. Things that make us different Our founders started PAN after many years of working on in-house marketing teams, and that experience has shaped the special way we partner with clients: as team members. We work closely together with SEO experts, content writers and other digital marketing professionals in over 40 countries. As a one-stop shop for truly local SEO worldwide, we help brands target international markets as successfully as their home market. Which is also rather special.
    3 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Bloom Studios

    Bloom Studiosverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Start with a plan and finish with results.

    Bloom Studios offers multi-dimensional services. Each of our costumer is treated individually, offering custom made services that are more suited to achieve efficiency and success.
    3 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €300 for Copywriting
  • LeanFactor


    (4 reviews)
    Somos una Agencia Internacional de Estrategia de Comunicación Digital que cree en un modelo más sostenible para ambas partes: marcas y consultores. Somos un grupo de profesionales provenientes de diversas industrias, y áreas de especialización: marketing digital, comunicación, relaciones públicas, social media, publicidad, diseño, branding, entre otros. Diseñamos campañas integrales y transversales que generen resultados directos más rápido en tu negocio y a menor coste. Nuestros servicios van desde Comunicación, Relaciones con los medios, Marketing de contenidos, Social Media, Diseño, Campañas de pago, Marketing digital, PR; etc. Llámalo como quieras. No se trata de nosotros, sino de las necesidades de tu negocio y cómo te ayudaremos a tener éxito, convirtiéndonos en tus socios estratégicos. Nuestra filosofía está basada en los principios del Lean Manufacturing, por lo que nuestro modelo de negocio está basado en la mejora continua y la optimización de recursos durante el flujo de trabajo. LeanFactor responde a las necesidades digitales del mundo de la comunicación y el marketing, donde la fragmentación de los medios y omnipresencia de los ecosistemas digitales, hacen que las estrategias de comunicación de las marcas se vuelvan cada vez más complejas, y costosas, tanto en la fase de planificación, como en la ejecución. Nosotros simplificamos todo el proceso. Invertimos tiempo en entender profundamente las particularidades de tu sector e industria, mejorando el flujo de trabajo en función de las necesidades de tu marca, y adaptando nuestros servicios a los requerimientos del negocio y/o ‘momentum’ de la industria. Nos centramos en lo que realmente importa –tu negocio- a través de servicios integrales digitales y de comunicación. Nuestros objetivos como consultores están totalmente ligados a tus objetivos de negocio. Vivimos en un mundo hiper-conectado, multicanal e increíblemente fragmentado. Diseñamos una estrategia transversal e integral para alcanzar tus objetivos comerciales sin importar el cómo o dónde. “¿Por qué hacer solo PR todo el año, si se pueden diseñar campañas complementarias con otras disciplinas que generen resultados directos más rápido y a menor coste?” Ofrecemos un modelo completamente transparente e integral. Optimizamos tu inversión sin sacrificar la calidad en los resultados. Nuestro claim es: Un cliente, una estrategia, un presupuesto, diferentes herramientas.
    1 work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Anecdote Agency

    Anecdote Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The cure for the common

    A fully fledge Digital Marketing and Branding Agency that prides itself on identifying where brands belong in a culture and expresses their “unsaid” through social media, content, tech and data to provide results and experiences. Anecdote specializing in providing all services within the digital realm including, Social media management and content creation, Media Buying & Planning, Brand Strategy Planning, Branding Services, Photography, Videography & Influencer management.
    5 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • ByWMW


    (1 review)

    A full service creative agency.

    We are a creative agency/digital magazine. We offer a variety of social media marketing services, including social media management, content creation, brand strategy, photo & video production, design services and more. We also provide articles that includes useful tips, trending topics, interviews, successful stories and fun content.
    4 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €300 for Copywriting


    (4 reviews)
    Agence digitale indépendante créée en 2008, Subskill se positionne comme un acteur de la transformation digitale des entreprises. Nous sommes des créateurs d ' expérience numérique ! Configurés dans un modèle hybride , nous accompagnons celles et ceux qui imaginent le monde de demain en mode Agence et On_Demand. Nous construisons des stratégies digitales, repensons l'expérience client, concevons des performants numériques performants et assurons leurs mises en œuvre technologique. Notre promesse est simple et efficace: DREAM. BUILD . LAUNCH. > Accompagnement & Conseil: Nous apportons à nos clients conseil et expertise tout au long du cycle de vie des projets, depuis la définition du besoin jusqu'au déploiement opérationnel des solutions. > Stratégie digitale: Nous accompagnons nos clients dans la définition, l'enrichissement et l'optimisation de leur écosystème digital. > Conception & expérience client: Nous concevons la meilleure expérience utilisateur pour que nos clients rencontrent leurs objectifs business et renforcent l'expérience de leur marque. > Création & design d'interfaces Nous imaginons des interfaces innovantes et dans le respect des enjeux d'image, business et techniques de nos clients. > Développement & intégration  Nous proposons les CMS et les technologies les mieux adaptés au projet et les plus cohérents avec les systèmes technologiques existants. > Maintenance corrective & évolutive Nous assurons la maintenance corrective et évolutive des dispositifs digitaux de nos clients. Nous nous engageons sur des KPI de qualité et de réactivité.   NOS CLIENTS : Luxe :   Pierre Hermé, Chanel, Kenzo Parfums, Kronos 360, Fauré Le Page, HRH Joaillerie Prêt-à-Porter: Mode Enfants du Monde, Peclers, Maison du savoir-faire & de la création Cosmétique: Phytomer, Fleur's Banque / Assurances: BPCE, AXA, Orange Bank, BNPP - Biwak, Natixis, Groupama, GMPA, Assur Connect Mutuelles: VYV, Identités Mutuelle, Avenir Mutuelle Restauration et boissons: Pierre Hermé, Isla Délice, Laurent Perrier, V Taittinger, 1664, Traou Mad, KFC / FFF Distribution: France Pare-Brise, KparK, Saint-Gobain, Love & Green,, la Centrale, Rothelec Service Public: APEC, Fongecif Ile de France, Fédération Française des Artisans de France, Ademe, Eco-mobilier Services: UP, La Maison Bleue, The Galion Project, Augustin mon Avocat Santé: Biokaizen, CoreMedica, Mybiopassport Sport: Stade Français, Soccer urbain, Les loups blancs Divertissement: Universel Monde artistique et culturel: We need Art , Fine Arts/ salon virtuel, Salon du dessin, Drouot Digital Online
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • HATAGO Consulting is Tokyo-based digital marketing agency. We provide digital marketing plans including social media, SEO/SEM, website localization to extend your business opportunities in Japan. We also support global promotions outside of Japan using our global network.  We work on B2B and B2C projects in multiple sectors one focus in mind: deliver the best inbound marketing results. Enhance your marketing efforts, grow your customer base and increase revenues through our customized strategic plans. There are several ways to approach a marketing campaign – we test ideas to see what works best for your company and make the appropriate adjustments to continually improve results. Contact us to learn more about how we can take your marketing or sales strategy to the next level.
    3 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Zero Contenuti

    Zero Contenutiverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Siamo persone che scrivono per altre persone, siamo la tua Quality Content Agency!

    Zero Contenuti è un'agenzia di Content Marketing che tra Milano e Parigi si occupa di scrittura digitale. Siamo la prima Quality Content Agency in Italia ad operare nel mondo storico artistico e questo perché tutto il nostro team ha una matrice umanistica. Zero Contenuti ha però una doppia anima: se da un lato aiutiamo società e liberi professionisti di qualunque settore a produrre contenuti di valore per il web; dall'altro supportiamo verticalmente gallerie d’arte, case d'asta e giovani artisti. Ma cosa vuole dire nel dettaglio essere una Content Agency? Vuol dire produrre testi per il web che piacciano agli utenti ma anche ai motori di ricerca (... in nostro è un SEO Copywriting). In lingua italiana e straniera scriviamo testi per le pagine interne dei siti, per i blog, le Landin page, le schede prodotto per gli E-commerce, le Newsletter, gli Ebook fino ad arrivare ai contenuti per i Social Media. Quello che facciamo è produrre contenuti coinvolgenti, testi capaci di descrivere al meglio il prodotto, servizio o semplicemente l'idea dei nostri clienti. D'altra parte, scrivere in maniera statica non è ciò che facciamo: ascoltiamo la storia di chi ci sceglie, capiamo i loro valori e li trasmettiamo ai lettori attraverso i testi. Siamo persone che scrivono per altre persone. Una Content Agency che ha fatto del semplice Content Marketing un Human-Content Marketing!!
    3 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €600 for Copywriting
  • Vevol Media

    Vevol Mediaverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Unlocking eCommerce Success, Together.

    Vevol Media is an eCommerce agency specializing in Shopify web development and design. Our mission is to help businesses expose their work to the right audience through customized design and web solutions. At Vevol Media, we have a dedicated team capable of handling web creation projects of any difficulty, from inception to completion. Our services encompass a wide range of areas, including architecture and solutions, project management, web development, testing and quality assurance, project integration, as well as ongoing maintenance and support. We take pride in delivering top-notch services and ensuring the optimization of our clients' online presence, as well as the seamless execution of their projects. When it comes to web development, we provide comprehensive solutions that cover all stages of the project. From initial design and development to thorough testing and quality assurance, we leave no stone unturned. We also offer project integration services, ensuring that all components work harmoniously together. And even after the project is completed, we provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure our clients' online ventures continue to thrive. What sets us apart is our expertise and commitment to excellence. We strive to be a trusted partner for businesses in need of professional eCommerce services. By leveraging our skills and experience, we assist our clients in achieving their online goals and effectively reaching their target audience. Choose Vevol Media for your eCommerce needs, and let us help you succeed in the digital world.
    2 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Triangles Marketing Solutions

    Triangles Marketing Solutionsverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Founded by a team of passionate, and creative marketers. Specialized in the Pharmaceutical industry.

    Triangles is a full-service digital marketing agency founded by a team of smart, passionate, and creative marketers, offering smart, integral digital marketing solutions. Through implementing creative digital solutions & services, we help your products reach a broader community. We provide a creative branding plan and a user-centered design to engage customers further and increase the growth of your brand by laying the foundation for more comprehensive brand awareness. Specialized in the Pharmaceutical industry, our remarkable clients believe in our ability to provide creative, interactive experiences for their customers through a wide range of digital applications. The creativity and experience we bring to the table provide our clients with digital marketing services and solutions, at a minimal budget and maximum investment returns.
    3 works in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €100 for Copywriting
  • Bikain Studio

    Bikain Studioverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Diseñamos Estrategias Digitales para empresas que necesitan Marketing.

    Somos una agencia de Marketing y Publicidad . Diseñamos estrategias de Marketing Online y Offline para empresas. Branding, Posicionamiento SEO, Diseño y Desarrollo Web. Tiendas online. Redes sociales. Analítica digital. Realizamos presupuestos sin compromiso. ¿Cómo trabajamos con nuestros clientes?: Preparamos un análisis de estrategia online. Realizamos una analítica digital. Diseñamos y desarrollamos los soportes digitales necesarios. Trabajamos el posicionamiento web y de marca. Utilizamos nuestros medios para el desarrollo del marketing online. Creamos campañas de publicidad acorde a los objetivos. Trabajamos con clientes de todo el mundo.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • L+R


    (0 review)
    L+R is a strategic consultancy and design and technology studio with offices in Brooklyn, Barcelona, Los Angeles and Milan. Founded in 2012, we work with clients to create real value and impact with the balance of strategy and aesthetics. Our multidisciplinary design and technology team works with individuals, organizations, and businesses on seamless digital experience projects within technology strategy, next generation mobile applications, management consulting, design, and brand systems. – Manifesto We are motivated by our desire to build products with economic, social, environmental, emotional or physical benefits. Technology has a critical role in shaping society and we are guided by a commitment to responsible innovation. – Our Pillars Integrity Empowerment Harmony – Our expertise at L+R are our specialized capabilities in: Strategic Consulting | Collaborating with business leaders to define, create, and launch inspiring initiatives. Branding | Building trust by communicating an authentic character to capture hearts and minds. Research & Usability Tests | Exploring the user journey, identifying usage issues, and creating the optimal user experience. Design | Visualizing the most powerful representation of your brand through compelling creative. Mobile Development | Redefining modern mobile applications with industry-leading design and engineering. Innovation | Let’s push things forward! – Client highlights : Louis Vuitton, Esteé Lauder, Global Citizen Festival, Schumacher, GE, Amazon, Hilton, Bond (purchased by Newell Brands), Google, Footlocker, Newell Brands (First Alert, Yankee Candle, EXPO Markers, Contigo).
    1 work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting

    SKYEND DIGITALverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Growing Your Brand with the power of Digital Marketing & Development.

    Digital Marketing Specialists providing you with a host of various internet marketing services. Proven track record of multiple clients across South Asia, North America & the Arabian Gulf region.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Syntezia Sàrl

    Syntezia Sàrlverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Changeons de dimension, soyons audicieux et mettons du peps dans votre communication externe

    Syntezia Sàrl est une entreprise enregistrée au registre du commerce de Genève. Nous fournissons des services aux entreprises et des conseils, notamment dans le domaine du leadership, de relations presse, de rédaction d'articles, de conseils en RSE et en durabilité, de négociation, du management, de la gestion du changement, de l'atteinte des objectifs de développement durable et de la décarbonation.
    1 work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • 77Agency


    (0 review)
    77Agency is an award-winning independent full-service digital agency with offices in London, Milan, Riga, Rome and Los Angeles. 77 delivers its clients connected digital solutions; combining its services of Digital Strategy, Paid Media Acquisition, Digital PR and Social Media, SEO, Creative Production, Digital Consultancy, Website Design and Development, as well as its own proprietary Advertising Technologies. 77 works with prestigious international brands such as Armani, Lavazza, Silversea Cruises, Rocco Forte Hotels, Fineco, Huawei, Disney, Forte Village Resort, BNP Paribas, Davidoff, Diptyque and many others. 77 has been awarded multiple amount of times for its creative work internationally. It is also recognized as a Facebook Marketing Partner, Google Premier Partner and Bing Select Partner in terms of it is Paid Media activities, putting it into a unique position within the market. 
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Rubik Technologies is the first Network of Digital Services, based in Tirana, Albania. We mainly focus on providing support for outsourcing Web services such as: Graphic Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing,  E- Commerce Solutions, Mobile Applications and Copywriting.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Award-winner
    Global Image Management (GLIMMA) are brand management specialists, who provide global brand and creative services. We advise companies in all areas of brand management on a national, international or global level.  1. STRATEGY & DESIGN brand positioning, brand identity, retail concepts, brand environments, brand guidelines, materials specification, digital and interactive experiences, architectural services, brand guardianship   2. BRAND GOVERNANCE TCO optimization, re-brand ROI calculator, brand valuation, digital asset management, online brand book, internal brand engagement, change management   3. AUDITS & SURVEYS brand asset audit, brand exposure measurement, technical asset survey, brand compliance reporting and analysis, data management, intellectual property management, visual asset management   4. BRAND IMPLEMENTATION physiscal roll-out, project management, procurement management, production, sourcing and logistics, installation and maintenance, built asset services, retail services, brand services outsourcing, planning applications, turn-key solutions   We are delivering all services on either national, international or global level.  Since 2000 we have been delivering brand programs for more than 30 blue-chip organizations, spanning almost every industry from finance, food and pharmaceuticals to education, energy and environmental. Our international multi-disciplinary team brings together experts in their field – be it strategic brand approach, design development, materials choice or production and installation. With direct presence in 12 countries and 400 Partners worldwide, we are proud to boast the largest network in the world.   A full turnkey solution that embraces every brand touch point worldwide, or a request for a single brand audit in China, our team is ready to help.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting
  • Havanzer


    (0 review)

    The Growth Agency That Guarantees Results OR You Pay No Fees!

    At Havanzer, you don't pay us a dime until you see the result! We're a digital growth agency that guarantees more sales, more revenue, and higher profit or don't pay us a fee if we don't, and... Infact, we'll give you $5K for wasting your time if we don't. We're so sure we can help because of our proprietary growth systems that are directly responsible for more than $600M in sales for our clients.
    No work in Copywriting
    Active in Milan, Italy
    From €1000 for Copywriting

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

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Tips for choosing the best Copywriting in Milan

What can Copywriting agencies do for you?

When it comes to Copywriting, customers may expect various kinds of services from our agencies. In Sortlist, we have seen a trending need in Milan for services that included:

  • Write the content for websites
  • Write the content for blogs
  • Write the content for ebooks, whitepapers and other sales literature
  • Writing copy that converts to sales online (SEO) and offline (offline marketing)
  • Write email copy that gets read and gets responses from your target market online (email marketing) or offline (direct mail)
  • Create a unique and extraordinary offer
  • Improve Brand Visibility
  • Convert visitors into customers
  • Increase Revenue


Copywriting is the art and practice of writing text that is designed to sell a product or service. It is a way of communicating the features, benefits, and use of a product or service to a specific audience.The best copywriters are able to take an idea or concept and turn it into something that is compelling and actionable. They are able to communicate the value of a product without being overbearing or overly promotional.To help you find the best copywriting agencies in Milan, we’ve compiled this list of the top copywriting agencies in 2021. Browse descriptions, feedback, and awards to find which can best suit your company’s needs.

What is Copywriting?

Before starting to specify your requirements to your next Copywriting project, it is important to understand what it's all about. The digital era hasn't been diversified regardless of of the specific set of skills that our Copywriting providers will be able to assist you with. Hiring the perfect service for your project begins with the right definition of your needs.

Copywriting agency is used to create content that sells. It is a MUST for every business to have an effective copywriter in order to increase sales, make more profits and gain market share.

Copywriting vs Script Writing

Output:is the act of planning and writing textual or graphical text-based advertisements. While Script writing means creating a sequence of how those visuals will play out in time for your video, film or pictures.

Copywriting identifies the writing of words which prompt a web site visitor to choose an action. It's written for the web, as its conventional writing, and entails writing advertising, ad copyand product descriptions, press releases, sales letters and a lot more. Over time, it's come to be the most crucial material or substance that drives online users to take particular action. To guarantee that it works, you need to locate a fantastic copywriter. Let us find out how the Copywriting Definition covers these areas: