The 10 Best UX Design Agencies in Montreal - 2025 Reviews

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All UX Design Firms in Montreal

  • 4.8
    (24 reviews)

    Digital Culture Agency | Agence de la Culture Numérique

    Top awarded
    Nous sommes une agence de communication digitale basée à Paris & Montréal. Chez biggerband, nous pensons que les marques n'ont pas vocation à devenir plus grandes mais à devenir meilleures. D'ailleurs, vos consommateurs ne souhaitent pas vraiment que votre marque devienne plus grande ou plus grosse. Ils souhaitent qu'elle devienne plus proche, plus rapide, plus efficace, plus responsable… Meilleure quoi. Notre mission ? Mettre la communication digitale au service de la performance des marques. La vraie. Celle qui fait avancer. biggerband = better brand
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+14)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Agence des nouvelles cultures !

    Top awarded
    AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE STRATÉGIE DE MARQUE Hula Hoop est une agence internationale de stratégie de marque multi-primée. Un véritable laboratoire stratégique et créatif référent où se croisent tous les métiers de conseil, marketing, design, publicité, digital, influence et social media. 70+ talents organisés ensemble pour répondre aux enjeux de transformation de l’époque, ouverts à toutes les entreprises et collectivités en recherche d’idées et d’innovation. AGENCE DES NOUVELLES CULTURES Hula Hoop est une agence connectée à son environnement, actrice de la culture, des cultures. Nos équipes partout dans nos agences créent et déploient avec plaisir des marques qui résonnent avec leur époque. Des marques qui portent de l’attention à leurs interlocuteurs, qui ne se moquent pas des gens, qui s’engagent avec une vision haute de la création et de la responsabilité qu’implique la prise de parole publique. Ce sont par ailleurs les conditions naturelles de la performance dans nos métiers. NOS SECTEURS PRIVILÉGIÉS : > Retail > Food & Drinks > Lifestyle > Tourisme RÉSEAU D'AGENCES : > Lyon > Paris > Nantes > Montréal > Genève > Bruxelles NOS CLIENTS : Bricomarché, Loxam, Promocash, Vorwerk, Euromaster, Tommee Tippee, TomTom, Felco, Bacardi, Cointreau, Palladium, Athena, Made in Design, Mobalpa, Socoo'c, Sanijura, Animalis, Canson, Orchestra, Tamboor, Tefal, Elior, Costa, Champion Petfoods, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, GL events, Occitanie, Paris tourisme, Finistère 360, Val d'Isère, Tignes, 3 Vallées, Figaro Emploi, Ministère de l'intérieur, Métropole de Lyon, Ratpdev, TPG de Genève, Transdev, Cooltra, Zity, Worldskills, Première Vision ... NOS EXPERTISES > Stratégie de marque > Design > Publicité > Digital > Social Média > Influence > Performance CHIFFRES CLÉS : 70+ talents 8,5 M€ de CA 300+ marques accompagnées 5x Champions de la croissance (Les Echos) 15+ Prix ces deux dernières années.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+3)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in E-commerce (+16)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Brand identity design, UI/UX design, Digital product design, UX research and Web development

    Webgamma is a digital product design agency based in Montreal. We specialize in creating captivating user experiences for startups and established companies by aligning user requirements with our clients' business strategies.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Publishing (+11)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)

    Innovations technologiques pour un avenir intelligent

    Highly recommended
    Axis Intelligence est une société spécialisée dans le développement de solutions technologiques avancées. Nous accompagnons les entreprises et les gouvernements en développement de solutions d'intelligence artificielle, de cybersécurité, développement web/mobile, l'intégration de solutions IoT intelligentes et de gestion des données pour répondre aux défis de l'ère numérique.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+11)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Others (+14)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    201-500 members
  • 4.6
    (17 reviews)

    100% Technologie, 200% Intelligence Artificielle, 300% Créativité

    Top awarded
    🇫🇷 🏆 NOTRE MISSION : nous voulons que la technologie aide l'humanité à ne faire que des choses qu'elle aime ! 🏆 ITDM Group est une marque experte en innovation technologique ! 🚀 💻 Créée en 2013 en Belgique, elle a su se développer à l'international et acquérir une forte expérience. Notre choix a été de segmentariser nos forces en 4 entités plus que complémentaires : Adopt un Soft : Le développement de logiciels et d'applications mobiles sur mesure 👉🏼 Mme&Mr : Agence digitale de growth hacking qui vous accompagne dans votre stratégie digitale 👉🏼 Vision IA : Développement de solutions en Intelligence Artificielle 👉🏼 Future Industry : Accompagnement de la digitalisation 4.0 dans les entreprises Nous avons fait le choix de segmenter ces différents secteurs d'activités afin de proposer un accompagnement totalement personnalisé et ainsi offrir à nos clients une digitalisation complète de leur activité. De la création d'un logiciel jusqu'à la mise en place d'une IA sur leur chaîne de production, nous offrons bien plus qu'un simple produit. Nos équipes accompagnent votre entreprise jusqu'au succès de vos projets. De la start-up à la PME en passant par les grands comptes, nous œuvrons tous les jours pour aider nos clients et les faire gagner en productivité et efficacité 💪🏻 Vous pouvez télécharger notre plaquette d'entreprise juste ici : ➡️ Nos valeurs: Respect et intégrité de nos engagements et envers collaborateurs Excellence de la première rencontre jusqu'à l'achèvement de votre projet Bienveillance envers nos collaborateurs, leur bien-être étant essentiel Innovation nassant de la rencontre entre passion et audace. ➡️ Nos valeurs ajoutées: ROI rapide et garanti assurant la rentabilité des projets Multi-expertise dans différents secteurs d'activités, nous avons la capacité de vous accompagner dans vos projets de A à Z Notre présence à l'international, nous permet d'accompagner et de guider les entreprises dans leur développement. Équipe de collaborateur jeune, dynamique et créatif. Stratégie sur-mesure s'adaptant à vos besoins d'acquisition de leads qualifiés ➡️ Nos expertises: Growth hacking Inbound Marketing E-commerce Stratégie social média, Community management Stratégie digitale Référencement web SEO,SEA et SEM Création de site haut de gamme Design web App mobile Logiciel sur-mesure Assistance par IA Innovation technologique Transformation digitale Industrie 4.0 / 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🇬🇧 🏆 OUR MISSION: We want technology to help humanity do only the things they love! 🏆 ITDM Group is an expert brand in technological innovation! 🚀 💻 Created in 2013 in Belgium, it has been able to develop internationally and acquire a strong experience. Our choice was to segment our strengths into 4 more than complementary entities: Adopt a Soft: Development of custom software and mobile applications 👉🏼 Mme & Mr: Growth hacking agency that supports you in your digital strategy Vision IA: Development of Artificial Intelligence solutions Futur Industry: Support for digitization 4.0 in companies We have chosen to segment these different business sectors in order to offer fully personalized support and thus offer our customers a complete digitalization of their activity. From the creation of software to the implementation of an AI on their production chain. We offer much more than a simple product, our teams support your business until the success of your projects. From start-ups to SMEs via large accounts, we work every day to help our customers and make them gain in productivity and efficiency 💪 You can download our company brochure right here : ➡️ Our values: Respect and integrity on our commitments and our employees Excellence from the first meeting until the completion of your project Focus on our employees because their well-being is essential Innovation is born from the meeting between passion and daring ➡️ Our added values: Quick and guaranteed ROI in order to save the profitability of projects Multi-expertise in different business sectors, we have the capacity to support us in your projects from A to Z Our international presence allows us to support and lead companies in their development Young, dynamic and creative team of collaborators Tailor-made strategy adapted to your needs for acquiring qualified leads ➡️ Our expertise: Growth hacking Inbound Marketing E-commerce Social media strategy, Community management Digital strategy SEO, SEA and SEM web referencing High-end site creation Design web Mobile app Custom software AI assistance Technological innovation Digital transformation Industry 4.0
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+3)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+23)
    Speaks French, English
    201-500 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Making Connections | Créer des connexions

    Marketing strategy, content creation, SEO, design, web development, analytics and more: our team creates and leverages the optimal set of digital assets to reach your communication and marketing targets. Powered by our expertise in digital marketing, ZERDA DIGITAL brings together the agility level and the multidisciplinary skills required to optimize your marketing resources and effectively seize opportunities. ............. The ZERDA difference Fully integrated approach bolstered by marketing expertise and an in-depth understanding of your challenges and objectives. The ZERDA promise Tailored solutions that make the most of available technologies and elevate your digital presence. The ZERDA attitude Genuine collaboration mindset, no matter your location. The ZERDA offering Expertise in consulting, execution and performance management. ............. > Our head office is in Montreal (Canada). ________________________________________________________ Stratégie marketing, design, contenu, SEO, développement Web, technologies analytiques et plus encore : notre équipe conçoit et déploie l’arsenal marketing optimal pour atteindre vos objectifs. Propulsée par une expertise en marketing numérique, ZERDA DIGITAL réunit les compétences multidisciplinaires et le niveau d’agilité exigés pour vous permettre d’optimiser vos ressources marketing et saisir les opportunités. ............. La différence ZERDA Une approche réellement intégrée, fondée sur une expertise marketing et une compréhension approfondie de vos défis et objectifs. La promesse ZERDA Des solutions dynamiques qui tirent avantage des technologies offertes et consolident votre présence numérique. L’attitude ZERDA Une réelle culture de collaboration, quelle que soit votre localisation. L’offre ZERDA Une expertise en matière de rôle-conseil, d’exécution et de gestion des performances. ............. > Notre siège social est à Montréal (Canada).
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Construction (+6)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    Notre métier: mettre en valeur le vôtre

    Top awarded
    Wink Stratégies est une jeune agence née à Montréal en 2013 et implantée en France depuis 2016. Passant de trois à près de trente employés en cinq ans, l’agence connaît une croissance soutenue qui a poussé des clients de domaines d’activité très différents à lui faire confiance, en Amérique du Nord comme en Europe. Agence de communication 360°, Wink Stratégies est composée d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire , avec notamment des chargés de projets, spécialistes de la communication et du webmarketing, graphistes, webdesigners, développeurs web, spécialistes du référencement, des réseaux sociaux, ou encore des relations publiques. La diversité des talents en interne permet d’envisager chaque projet avec une vision globale et concertée. Ce qui différencie l’agence, c’est son équipe de passionnés , conjuguant créativité et rigueur afin de développer des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour ses clients. Personnellement attaché à la réussite des projets, chaque membre de l’équipe veille à ce que le client soit pleinement satisfait des résultats autant que du contact avec l’agence tout au long du projet. Depuis 2015, l’agence a reçu plusieurs distinctions en design Web et créativité média et nominée à la catégorie Agency of the Year aux prestigieux AWWWARDS.
    1 work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+13)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    Apps mobiles & solutions digitales

    Nous sommes une équipe de développement mobile hyper spécialisée et passionnée, qui fait tout son possible pour délivrer des expériences digitales remarquables . Nos clients sont toujours satisfaits de nos services et les applications que l'on développe sont régulièrement acclamées par les utilisateurs.  Nous ne travaillons que sur un projet à fois et défendons la qualité plus que la quantité. Nous avons réalisé des mandats dans des secteurs variés: foodtech, médical, sport et bien-être, mise en relation personnelles, et autres. Nous avons également conçu des applications distribuées en interne (B2B) pour améliorer l'efficacité des équipes au sein de grosse structures complexes. Nous sommes ouverts à tout type de projets et ça nous fera plaisir de discuter de vos objectifs. Nous offrons des services de design UI/UX, graphisme, développement mobile et conseil en expérience utilisateur. Nous travaillons principalement sur des technologies mobiles natives, mais nous sommes ouverts à toute sorte de projets technologiques. Nous sommes fiers des applications que nous développons, et nous apprécions le temps passé à les construire. Nous sommes un petit studio très spécialisé, les gens avec qui vous discutez sont les gens qui développent votre application. Si vous êtes intéressé par cette approche, contactez-nous.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Food (+6)
    Speaks French, English(+2)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Imagine. Create. Achieve

    At Growth Hacker, we're passionate about empowering brands with the tools they need to succeed online. We go beyond just web design; we offer a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge solutions, including SEO and digital marketing solutions.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+8)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • Swoo Digital Agency has been devoted for nearly 15 years to be partners with dozens of Canadian and Quebec SMEs to help grow their business using through acquisition and customer conversion strategies on the web, mobile apps, and social media.   We continually strive to evolve with our customers! Together, we find the perfect combination of our creativity and the digital strategies required to meet our objectives. It is through this method, based on efficiency, that our agency develops platforms combining the creativity and the technology you really need.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+2)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Ludwig is a brand agency defined around a community of elite creative entities hosted on a private matchmaking and communication platform. We believe in harnessing expertise and collaborative spirit. Our goal is to offer crafted services & resources to deliver brand values converting targeted audiences. Today, our three main offices located in Europe - Luxembourg, North America - Montreal, and Asia - Shanghai, ensure Ludwig core teams are able to develop, manage and adapt global campaigns to local perspectives. We activate independent local strategic and creative experts based on your defined brief, and provide clients with a seamless project management experience from start to finish. Honor local, create global. Ludwig CCC // Creative & Collaborative Club. Digital platform matchmaking elite creative entities and leading brands around creative project opportunities. MISSION To be the global collaborative & creative brand agency by organizing and matching teams with our client’s objectives. To deliver crafted creative strategies and content converting audiences while maximizing cost efficiency. VISION We will be the global leader in delivering custom creative services to brands, and our collaborative processes and methods will stand as reference when global and local orchestrations are mandatory. VALUES The foundation of our culture is based on collaboration, authenticity, excellence, trust and support to our fellow teams, collaborators, partners and clients. OUR SERVICES: 3D Animation - 3D Modeling - Art Direction - Brand Design - CRM & Analytics - Copywriting - Creative Direction - Digital - Event - Film / 3D content - Graphic Design - Illustration - Interior Design -Marketing - Motion Design - Naming - Planning - Photography - Product Design - Production - Public Relation - Retail - Social Media - Sound Design - Trademark & IP - VR / AI / New Tech OUR ADDED VALUES: WE DEFINE AROUND YOUR OBJECTIVES Ludwig’s on demand services cover your global and local brand strategy. WE BUILD TAILORED TEAMS OF EXPERTS Ludwig identifies, activates and organizes local talents with the right creative and strategic expertise to fit with your brand’s objectives and values. WE GENERATE FLEXIBILITY AND CREATIVITY Whether it is a local project or a global brand campaign, Ludwig teams orchestrate at a very high level of management and operations the group of activated experts through collaborative and creative approaches. LUDWIG CCC: Why would you subscribe to Ludwig CCC? A private access You get unique direct access to a worldwide community of creative entities. A pitch accelerator You get multiple creative recommandations and action plans to your briefs. A recruitment platform You hire your dream teams instantly and simply via Ludwig management. A project enabler You buy on-demand management support to complete your projects. A budget saver You invest in one membership, you collaborate globally.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Sports
    Speaks English, Chinese(+3)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Le est une agence spécialisé dans les domaines de l'ergonomie, la création de gestion de site WordPress et la photographie. Le is a web agency dedicated to help you with better products. UX design, Wordpress web site and photography are our key services.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Shape the future with cognitive engineering

    Cognitive Group was founded in 1995 by the Computer Research Institute of Montreal. Our experts have advanced degrees in human factors, human computer interaction and interaction design. Our specialists are located in Montreal, Toronto, Hong Kong and San Francisco. In addition to our expertise in business process optimization using human information and AI, we have developed BusinessBANKER, an intuitive and effective commercial loan origination and risk management solution designed to complement and enhance existing banking, CRM and ERP systems.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €10,000 for UX Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    We are designers, developers & marketers driven by a common purpose to inspire, create and launch ground-breaking ideas.

    Appanoo is a digital agency in Montreal offering web design, mobile and web app development and marketing services that develop online businesses.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €10,000 for UX Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    We believe changing the way we do business has the power to change the world. It’s why we started R&G. R&G exists to eradicate environmental exploitation by helping sustainable businesses tip the scales. How do we do it? By helping efficient businesses inspire attitude and behaviour change to win in the market. We’re a small, expert consultancy team with a background in startup culture, and a strong marketing and branding portfolio in clean energy, technology and applied innovation. Our work is creatively driven, but uncommonly built on a strong strategic foundation of market research and effective positioning. We’re female-founded and led; critical thinkers, efficient creators, and business people who bring our multi-award-winning branding expertise and design to bear on your growth strategy. Together we can drive eco-business growth for a better world.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Pets
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Apcurium is a Mobile Apps Development Company that helps businesses, brands and funded start-ups innovate to differentiate themselves with engaging apps for their customers, partners and workforce. Our brilliant and talented cross-functional team is driven by passion and their desire to create amazing apps that will increase our clients’ competitiveness in the marketplace. We provide our clients with comprehensive analysis of their needs, tailored game plans, strategic design, impeccable development, and post-launch support. Our services can be tailored to your specific business needs — from defining an agile mobile strategy, to user experience or visual design, to engineering and testing, and even ongoing maintenance.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Digital product design agency that makes a difference | Complex SaaS Products | Product Management

    Top awarded
    Enterprise-level clients choose Cieden to create highly competitive B2B/B2C products because of our proven capacity to put sophisticated requirements of business software into the intuitive, learnable, and predictable UX/UI. Our team is experts at making rules- and data-heavy integrated systems such as ERP, CRM, or CMS elegant and usable, with a sustainable level of complexity, perfect customization, and immunity to feature creep. 🏆 Best Agency 2020 for Design & Creative on Upwork 🏆 Top-rated agency on 🏆 Top-rated UX/UI agency by the Manifest 🏆 9 years on the market 🏆 200+ projects delivered 🏆 40+ team members 🌎 Our designers work from the United States, Canada, Austria, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and Ukraine. This outreach is converted into the exuberance of ideas, cultural sensitivity, and multiple perspectives on any problem. We provide an integrated set of services going far beyond a standard must-have design package. This includes high-end UX research, business analysis, SEO optimization, design-driven development, and other activities aimed to put our client’s idea into effect safely and lastingly. Our clients are always confident they receive not just aesthetically beautiful layouts, but a genuinely sustainable digital product meeting the real needs of the end-user and standing firmly on the market. Moreover, our business partners get their projects implemented in the most reliable and cost-effective way, as Cieden applies a design thinking framework with design/brand sprints and all-around usability testing. We developed an exceptionally supportive and cost-effective format of partnership with our clients. By hiring even one UI/UX designer at Cieden, you have all the technological and intellectual resources of a digital product design agency at your disposal. Importantly, their employment conditions are similar to standard terms for an expert-level in-house specialist. Despite the universally scientific methodology, our team celebrates a tailored approach to every project. We know that each business operates differently and has a unique set of needs. Our expertise in UX research and business analysis allows for its accurate and sensitive adjustment to the market demand and the industry requirements. Iterative usability testing with real users provides an avenue for a product to become a commercial success because your end-user receives a customized experience that both delights and delivers. Business objectives and product requirements defined by our client is the primary issue that we take into account before proceeding with the design process. We look forward to working with you! Contact us:
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Unknown location
    From €1,500 for UX Design
    Worked in Transportation (+18)
    Speaks English, Polish(+1)
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)
    The web is constantly changing every second! At Publissoft, our team of search engine optimization and social networking experts make sure that through all these continuous changes in the internet, your business; your website is always in optimal health at all levels, whether it be security software, updates to all the software that makes up your website, adjusting to the constant changes that Google makes to its algorithm, content, monitoring your competition, etc. When you see your website on your cell phone or your computer you only see the tip of the iceberg of your company's presence on the internet. Publissoft takes care of building and maintaining solid roots for you. The deep links of your website where artificial intelligence is at work. Our various teams of experts are your digital ambassadors. We have for example experts in web technology at the level of the most used programming languages nowadays such as: PHP, Mysql, JavaScript, CSS, etc. High level experts in Linux and other technologies for our web servers. Professionals in web UX design. Expert teams in keyword analysis. Expert teams in Netlinking. Dedicated research and development teams, etc. Trust the real experts in digital marketing! While you work hard to build your business in the minds of your customers, we'll be busy building your company's online presence.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Laval, Canada
    From €200 for UX Design
    Worked in Others
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Nous sommes des partenaires de marque

    supramega est une agence de croissance digitale. Nous nous spécialisons en marketing numérique, SEO, CRM, développement web et UX/UI. Nous accompagnons les entreprises dans leur croissance numérique en proposant des stratégies web spécifiques d'acquisition et de conversion. Nous travaillons pour des clients tels que L’Oréal, Uber, Ralph Lauren, Jouviance, BMW, ou encore Valtech, mais aussi pour de nombreuses PME.
    Looking for work in UX Design
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for UX Design
    Worked in Music (+11)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members

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