The 10 Best Software Development companies in Hamburg - 2024 Reviews

Top Software Development companies in Hamburg

Featured providers

  • Berlin Bytes

    Berlin Bytescertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Full stack development | Mobile Apps | E-commerce | Web Development | UX/ UI Design

    xx ENGLISH VERSION BELOW xx Wir sind Berlin Bytes 🐻. Wir sind für dich da, um deine Ideen und Ambitionen in ein herausragendes Produkt zu verwandeln.  Berlin Bytes ist keine gewöhnliche Webentwicklungs- und Designagentur. Wir verfolgen einen bewussten Ansatz der Integration von Software und Business Development, der sicherstellt, dass wir deinem Unternehmen einen Mehrwert bieten.  Unser Serviceangebot umfasst: 🎨 CREATIVE 🎨 ✅ Design (UX / UI, Prototyping, Wireframes) ✅ Branding (CI Guides, Branding Asset Design, Workshops) ✅ Consulting (Brand Audit, User Journey Analysis, Information Architecture) 💻 TECHNICAL 💻 ✅ Development (Full Stack Web Development, CMS, Data & Cloud) ✅ E-Commerce (Shopify, Woocommerce, BigCommerce) ✅ Testing / QA (AB Testing, End to End Tests) ✅ Consulting (Solution Architecture, Business Analytics) 🎮 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 🎮 ✅ SCRUM ✅ Product Ownership ✅ Agile & Lean PM Wir haben die Visionen vieler namhafter Kunden umgesetzt, darunter führender Online-Einzelhändler in allen Segmenten, sowie Branchenführer von Beratungsunternehmen über Fintech bis hin zur Automibilbranche.  Uns ist es wichtig, dass sowohl Kollaborationspartner, als auch unsere Kunden, schätzen was wir tun und dass es für alle Beteiligten eine Möglichkeit gibt, daran zu wachsen.  Wir freuen uns darauf, mit dir zusammenzuarbeiten! xxx We are Berlin Bytes 🐻. We're here to turn your ideas and ambitions into an outstanding product. Berlin Bytes is not your run-of-the-mill web development and design agency. We embrace a conscious approach of integrating Software and Business Development that ensures we deliver value to your business. Our range of services includes: 🎨 CREATIVE 🎨 ✅ Design (UX / UI, Prototyping, Wireframes) ✅ Branding (CI Guides, Branding Asset Design, Workshops) ✅ Consulting (Brand Audit, User Journey Analysis, Information Architecture) 💻 TECHNICAL 💻 ✅ Development (Full Stack Web Development, Mobile Apps, CMS, Data & Cloud) ✅ E-Commerce (Shopify, Woocommerce, BigCommerce) ✅ Testing / QA (AB Testing, End to End Tests) ✅ Consulting (Solution Architecture, Business Analytics) 🎮 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 🎮 ✅ SCRUM ✅ Product Ownership ✅ Agile & Lean PM We have fulfilled the visions of many reputable clients, such as major Online Retailers in all segments, and Industry Leaders ranging from Consulting Firms over Fintechs to the Automotive Industry. Thus, we are not grasping at any project we can get our hands on – I like to know that both the people we work with and the people we work for appreciate what we do, and that there’s an opportunity to grow in it for all parties involved. We look forward to working with you!
    7 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €5000 for Software Development
  • iseo Digitalagentur

    iseo Digitalagenturcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Innovation einfach umsetzen.

    Deine Ziele sind unsere Leidenschaft. Wir sind ein interdisziplinarisches Team von Digital Experten die in der Welt der Softwareentwicklung und des Online Marketing zu Hause sind. Seit 2008 verfolgen wir unsere Leidenschaft für die Entwicklung individueller und cloudbasierten Software-, App- und Weblösungen in einer breiten Vielfalt von Branchen und Sektoren. Unsere Mission: Die Grenzen der digitalen Möglichkeiten zu expandieren, damit die Ziele unserer Kunden Realität werden. Ob Projektideen, die Übernahme von laufenden Digitalprojekten oder die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Vision, wir sind dein Ansprechpartner. iseo – Wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Leistungen: Beratung und Konzeption für Digitalale Projekte Individuelle Entwicklung für App- und Softwarelösungen Individuelle Portallösungen für Web-, App- und Softwarelösungen UX und UI Design für Digitale Projekte Software Service & Wartung Online Marketing E-Mail: Tel: +49(0) 451 479 865 – 0
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • GmbH GmbHcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Moin! Wir sind - eine Full-Stack-Softwareagentur aus Hamburgs pulsierender HafenCity.

    Willkommen bei  – Ihrem Partner für maßgeschneiderte Softwarelösungen aus dem Herzen der HafenCity in Hamburg. Wir sind ein dynamisches Team von Softwareentwicklern und Innovatoren, das sich durch Neugierde, Entdeckungsgeist und technologische Exzellenz auszeichnet. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihre Visionen in digitale Realität umzusetzen und dabei Lösungen zu schaffen, die sowohl funktional als auch benutzerfreundlich sind. Unsere Expertise ist breit gefächert und reicht von tiefgehenden Kenntnissen in einer Vielzahl von Programmiersprachen wie JavaScript, Python, C#, Dart (Flutter), Java und Golang, über NoCode Technologien für die schnelle Entwicklung von MVPs bis zu reinem UI/UX-Design.
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • NINE brackets GmbH

    NINE brackets GmbHcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Creative Solutions for your Digital Architecture

    Wir bringen Ihr Unternehmen in die digitale Welt!  Seit über 10 Jahren unterstützen und beraten wir Marketeers & Unternehmensberater, klein- & mittelständische Betriebe, sowie auch im Enterprise Level, digitale Herausforderungen zu meistern. Als Digitalagentur mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Webtechnologien, Entwicklung, KI und Consulting, arbeiten wir mit dem Fokus auf einfache und verständliche Benutzerführung und eine überzeugende und funktionierende Usability. Als erstes stehen bei uns immer die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden und Ihres Unternehmens, danach richten wir auch die Lösungen und Technologien aus - nicht umgekehrt! Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir Ideen und schaffen digitale Erlebniswelten. Ob Sie mit einem Neuanstrich Ihrer Website mehr Leads als Kunden gewinnen wollen, mehr Conversion in Ihrem Webshop möchten oder ein vollumfängliches Internetportal schaffen wollen - Sie sind bei uns richtig! Wir unterstützen Sie zuverlässig, schnell und effizient mit modernster Webtechnologie und agiler Arbeitsweise bei Ihrem digitalen Vorhaben.  Unsere Services umfassen: 🛍 Websites & Shops Mehr Leads, mehr Traffic, mehr Verkäufe - wir helfen bei der Auswahl und Umsetzung der richtigen Tools und Strategien. Von UX und Design über das richtige CMS oder Shop-System. Corporate Websites, Online Shops, Re-Launch, Migration, Intranet 📲 Web & Mobile App-Entwicklung Mehr Kundenbindung, mehr Reichweite, mehr Konkurrenzfähigkeit - wir unterstützen Sie bei der Konzeption und setzen Ihr App-Projekt nach Ihren Vorstellungen und Wünschen um.        Web & Mobile App-Entwicklung: Digitalisierungsprojekte, animierte Apps, individuelle B2B & B2C Apps, Marketing Tools, Mobile Apps, Gamification Tools, Internetportale 💬 Marketing Automation Effektivere Kundengewinnung, Conversion Rate Optimierung, mehr Customer Experience, automatisierte Kommunikationsprozesse - wir begleiten Sie von der Konzeption, über Onboarding hin zur Unterstützung am laufenden Betrieb bei den entsprechenden Systemen. CRM, Marketing Automation: HubSpot, MS Dynamics, Salesforce & more 📊Support Mehr Performance, mehr Sicherheit, mehr Datenschutz, mehr SEO - wir kümmern uns um Ihren Online-Auftritt und helfen Ihnen bei täglichen Fragen.       Performance Optimierung, Audits, Management von Software, Cybersecurity, DSGVO, SEO Optimierung 👩🏼‍💼 Technologie Beratung          Sie wissen noch nicht, wohin die Reise gehen soll? Auch in dem Fall sind wir für Sie da und beraten Sie gerne zur optimalen Lösung, die zu Ihren digitalen Anforderungen passt. Marketing Lösungen, Prozessberatung, Projektmanagement Tools, Softwarekonzeption Wie auch immer Ihr Projekt aussieht - wir folgen dabei stets unserem Credo: Usability first & technology follows design (nicht nur im optischen Sinne) 😊 Sie haben eine Vision? Wir helfen Ihnen, diese in die Realität umzusetzen! Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten!
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • GoPassion GmbH  / CodingPassion GmbH

    GoPassion GmbH / CodingPassion GmbHcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Skalierbare App-Lösungen für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen

    Wir sind Premium-Hersteller und langfristige Begleiter für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen bei der Erstellung skalierbarer App-Lösungen. Wir sind kein Dienstleister, sondern dein Companion, auf der Reise zu deiner erfolgreichen App. Wir sind besessen, Apps zu realisieren die deine KPIs übertreffen und gleichzeitig einer besseren gemeinsamen Zukunft dienen. Wir übernehme maximale Verantwortung bei der Realisierung Deiner Idee. Wir versprechen einen MVP lauch in 3 Monaten, bauen Systeme auf um kontinuierlich Kundenfeedback einzuhohlen, nehmen dich bei der Hand und teilen offen unsere best Practices. Es geht immer nur um eines: Wie kommen wir mit möglichst wenig Ressourceneinsatz, zum nächsten sinnvollen Schritt in der Produktentwicklung. Wir sind ein internationales Team, kleiner 30 Personen. So halten wir unsere organisation schlank und können uns maximal auf dein Produkt fokussieren. Leistungsangebot Wir bauen dein digitales Produkt von START bis MARKT und darüber hinaus Vorteile: - Smart, not hard - 3 Monate Launch Fokus - Feedback, Feedback, Feedback - MVP Free Bug Fixing - Zeitsparende und bewährte Frameworks - Quality Contrl on Point Typische Probleme bei Software-Projekten - Kostenüberschreitungen - Endlose Verschiebung von Meilensteinen - Mangel an proaktiver Zusammenarbeit - Funktionen ohne Business Case - Design, das nicht anspricht - Benutzererfahrung, die die Benutzer nicht bindet Kontaktiere uns, und wir zeigen dir, wie wir diese Probleme vermeiden. PS: Wir haben auch Spaß mit dir bei der Arbeit :)
    1 work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €10000 for Software Development
  • keeen GmbH - Marketing Technology

    keeen GmbH - Marketing Technologycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Raising Potentials

    Wir können die Zukunft nicht vorhersagen - aber wir machen sie möglich. Future viability - Zukunftsfähigkeit - ist die wichtigste Eigenschaft, die ein Unternehmen heute haben kann. In einer sich immer schneller verändernden Welt, überleben die Anpassungsfähigen. Die, die wendig und flexibel auf neue Einflüsse reagieren. Die, die Trends erkennen und antizipieren. Survival of the fittest. Der Darwinismus der Unternehmen. Der "hot shit" von heute ist morgen schon wieder von gestern. Deshalb orchestriert keeen die Disziplinen Marketing, Technologie und Experience Design zu übergeordneten Mehrwerten. Klar, dass dabei nicht alle das gleiche spielen, aber das Ergebnis mehr ist als die Summe seiner Teile. So heben wir die Potenziale unserer Kunden für die Zukunft und bereichern mit unserer Arbeit das Leben von Millionen von Menschen. Wir glauben, dass wirklich gute digitale Produkte nur entstehen können, wenn der User ganzheitlich adressiert wird. Dabei spielen drei wesentliche Faktoren eine Rolle: Der Kopf entscheidet rational über die Performance. Technologie muss funktionieren, Fakten müssen passen. Wir bauen die technologischen Plattformen, die Marken tragen. Als TYPO3 Gold Member und Shopware Business Partner sind wir verlässlicher, kompetenter Ansprechpartner in Sachen digitale Ökosysteme, Websites und eCommerce-Development. Das Marketing inszeniert den integren Auftritt von Marke oder Produkt. Wir entwickeln die emotionale Ansprache, Botschaft und Tonalität und sichern die folgerichtige Positionierung im Markt. Eine Nutzererfahrung, die Lust auf mehr macht ist intuitiv in der Nutzung und visuell ansprechend. Wir gestalten die User Experience, die Menschen begeistert.  
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €3000 for Software Development

List of the top Hamburg Software Development services

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  • Face44


    (11 reviews)

    Expand your Business, without Constraints.

    Face44 specialise in working with leading agencies, and studios whether they are in design, development, tech or marketing, we execute high-end design and development solutions for the customers of our partner agencies/studios that have an impact. Face44 believes in collaboration over competition - to make our partners stronger by bridging capacity, skillset and diversity gaps. Trusted by dozens of agencies and studios globally who are sometimes constrained in their growth because they: Do not have enough capacity at a certain time, Miss a specific skill to deliver a project, Have to cater to additional clients’ needs that are outside their core expertise. Our approach is marked by unmatched flexibility. We offer engagement models tailored to your unique needs, with no strings attached. Our confidence in our ability to meet and exceed your expectations is reflected in the long-standing relationships we've built. Once you work with Face44, there's simply no need to look elsewhere. We provide an extension of expertise/team to its partners in the following domains: Strategy: Research Competitor Analysis User Journeys/Flows Mind Mapping Personas Design: User Experience (UX) User Interface (UI) Web Design Immersive Experiences Brand Design Motion Design Visual Communication 3D, AR, VR Prototypes Code: Full Stack Development Low/No Code Development (WebFlow & Framer) Web Application Development Creative Development Front-end Implementation Content Management Systems (CMSs) eCommerce Development Dev Support Regardless of your location, market segment, or size, if you aspire to be a top player in your industry or if you are already on that path - we are all ears:
    12 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €500 for Software Development
  • diva-e


    (1 review)

    Professionelle Suchmaschinenoptimierung mit Leidenschaft

    diva-e ist Deutschlands führender Transactional Experience Partner (TXP), der digitale Erlebnisse schafft, die Kunden begeistern.
    1 work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Digia Technology

    Digia Technologyverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Digital development studio

    We are Digia Technology - a full-cycle software development company that provides efficient and unique solutions to make your business grow and succeed. The company offices are based in Canada and Eastern Europe. Established in 2016, Digia has rich experience developing software and works effectively, with precision, which helps to cut down the cost of software development. We use the latest technologies and methodology to bring your ideas to life at a high level of excellence. Our company does more than just software design and development – we build long-term relationships with clients and help brands and businesses grow. We also think ahead, provide unique and progressive solutions, and take responsibility for the quality of our work. When you choose to work with Digia, we make sure you truly feel that we are a partner to rely on.
    15 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • BeeWeb


    (2 reviews)

    BeeWeb is a software development company with 10 years of experience.

    BeeWeb is a software development company with almost a decade of experience in building digital products for businesses worldwide. We have extensive experience in the market starting from MVPs to large enterprises. Our primary goal is to help you transform your innovative idea into a successful digital product. We don’t hesitate to go the extra mile to build effective solutions to the problems your product is intended to solve. We want you to succeed and not waste your money and time to no avail. We work with a result-oriented approach, transparency and commitment. We focus on advanced technologies and high-quality , and this is proven by our long-lasting client relationships and recurrent collaborations. We suggest full-cycle services that cover every aspect of software engineering: Custom software development Enterprise web app development Mobile app development / Hybrid E-commerce website development Cloud Solutions UI/UX design Backend development Migration and upgrade QA & testing DevOps services Third-party integration & customization Main industries we cover: Startups FinTech Healthcare Entertainment SaaS products Data/analytics Real Estate No matter how complex your needs are, our team ensures a fully operational and seamless product. In case of questions or a request for quotation , feel free to contact us at
    15 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Lavorg Technologies.

    Lavorg Technologies.featured-flag

    (0 review)

    Your Createch Partner - The architects of tomorrow's digital landscape.

    At Lavrog Technologies, we are not just a tech agency; we are the architects of tomorrow's digital landscape. Based in Germany, we fuse creativity and technology to forge new dimensions of innovation.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Polywork


    (0 review)
    Launch an AI-powered personal website to showcase your work, grow your personal brand, or start your side hustle.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    No budget for Software Development
  • Savana Solutions

    Savana Solutionsverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (3 reviews)

    An innovative IT solution company and pioneering in platforms like 'MyCleanCity'

    In de snel veranderende wereld van technologie staat Savana Solutions bekend als een innovatieve kracht van excellentie. Hun bekroonde team, met ervaring in zowel de overheid als het bedrijfsleven, brengt frisse perspectieven en innovatieve kracht. Gedreven door een passie voor open-source technologie verleggen ze voortdurend grenzen en creëren ze baanbrekende software. Hun aanpak is gebaseerd op flexibiliteit, toegankelijkheid en transparantie, met de overtuiging dat technologie voor iedereen toegankelijk moet zijn. Savana Solutions werkt samen met de overheid aan duurzame ICT-verbeteringen en overbrugt de digitale kloof. Hun toewijding aan excellentie en gegevensbeveiliging zorgt voor prestaties boven verwachting. Diversiteit en samenwerking zijn kernwaarden die hun succes definiëren. Savana leidt met transformerende oplossingen en biedt innovatie, vertrouwen en impact. Ontgrendel vandaag nog de mogelijkheden van technologie. _________________________________________________________________________________________ In the rapidly changing world of technology, Savana Solutions is known as an innovative force of excellence. Their award-winning team, with experience in both government and business, brings fresh perspectives and innovative power. Driven by a passion for open-source technology, they continually push boundaries and create groundbreaking software. Their approach is based on flexibility, accessibility, and transparency, with the belief that technology should be accessible to everyone. Savana Solutions collaborates with the government on sustainable ICT improvements and bridges the digital divide. Their commitment to excellence and data security ensures performance beyond expectations. Diversity and collaboration are core values that define their success. Savana leads with transformative solutions, offering innovation, trust, and impact. Unlock the possibilities of technology today.
    6 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Digital Marts - Digital Marketing Company

    Digital Marts - Digital Marketing Companyverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (1 review)

    Digital Marketing Company in India | Digital Marts Agency

    Digital Marts is a leading digital marketing company based in India. The company was established with a mission to provide cutting-edge digital marketing services to businesses of all sizes, helping them to establish a strong online presence and drive growth in the digital age. At Digital Marts, we specialize in a wide range of digital marketing services, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and more. Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals is dedicated to helping our clients achieve their marketing goals by leveraging the latest digital marketing tools and techniques. One of the key factors that sets us apart from other digital marketing companies is our focus on delivering measurable results. We believe that every marketing campaign should be tracked and analyzed to ensure that it is delivering the desired outcomes. That's why we use advanced analytics tools and data-driven methodologies to measure the success of our clients' marketing campaigns and optimize them for maximum ROI. We also place a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and building long-term relationships with our clients. We understand that every business is unique, and we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and tailor our services accordingly. Our team is always available to answer questions, provide guidance, and address any concerns that our clients may have. Over the years, we have had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of clients from various industries, including healthcare, education, e-commerce, real estate, and more. Our clients have come to rely on us for our expertise, professionalism, and commitment to delivering results. At Digital Marts, we believe that the key to success in digital marketing is staying ahead of the curve. That's why we invest heavily in research and development to ensure that we are always up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the industry. Our team is constantly learning and evolving, and we are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to help our clients achieve their marketing goals. In summary, Digital Marts is a leading digital marketing company in India that specializes in a wide range of digital marketing services. With a focus on delivering measurable results, customer satisfaction, and staying ahead of the curve, we have become a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes looking to establish a strong online presence and drive growth in the digital age.
    3 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Sharobella


    (6 reviews)

    Werbe und eCommerce-Agentur in Wien.

    We plan, design, develop & grow E-Commerce projects. 
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Genau Media

    Genau Mediaverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    Genau Media is “Exactly!” what you need for the peace of mind of working with a full service Agency.

    Genau is a digital media agency striving to tailor the best digital media strategies that align with the unique needs of each and every client. Genau melts creativity, innovation, technology and art in the same pot while keeping up with the trends of interconnected and fast-changing world. With its hallmark polished minimalism, Genau creates glamorous yet sophisticated works that stand out from the crowds. Genau concentrates on reflecting the clients’ true self rather than hiding them behind unnecessary decorations and sentences that do not belong to them as well as appealing to the minds and eyes of the audience. Being a one-stop-shop, Genau adopts a holistic approach and offers all possible digital media solutions that its clients need: Social Media Management Digital Marketing Google Ads META Ads Youtube Ads LikedIn Ads Branding Logo Design Presentation Design Stationary and Packaging Design Graphic Design Corporate Identity Design Web Design Software Development UI/UX Design Mobile App Development Content Creation Photography Video Production 2D and 3D Animation In short, the name Genau says it all itself. We create works that will make you say “That’s it!”  
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Twaer GmbH

    Twaer GmbHverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Werbeagentur Wien – Nextgen agency – Branding, Development, E-Commerce, Marketing, UX/UI design

    Partner für Kleinunternehmen, Großunternehmen, NGO´s & Start-Up´s – Die Twaer GmbH ist eine Wiener Werbeagentur für Branding, Development, E-Commerce, Marketing, UX/UI design
    1 work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Digital Beaver

    Digital Beaververified-flag

    (4 reviews)


    Digital Beaver wurde 2015 in Zusammenarbeit von Kollegen gegründet, die seit 2008 gemeinsam an der Einführung und Entwicklung digitaler Produkte arbeiten. In dieser Zeit haben wir hauptsächlich an IT-Projekten von mittleren und großen Unternehmen mitgewirkt und zudem unsere eigenen Projekte auf dem Inlandsmarkt gestartet. Der Erfolg unserer Softwaredesign- und Softwareentwicklungsprojekte basiert auf der fast 20-jährigen Erfahrung unserer Ingenieure sowie dem agilen, kundenorientierten Projektmanagement des Unternehmens. Neben unserem IT-Geschäftsbereich führen wir umfassende digitale Marketingaktivitäten durch und unterstützen unsere Partner als Unternehmensberater dabei, im digitalen Raum die bestmöglichen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €3000 for Software Development
  • Default Value

    Default Valueverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    ✅ We heal any e-Commerce headaches.

    Default Value is a web development company that specializes in providing custom solutions for businesses across various industries. With a focus on e-commerce development , our team of experienced and passionate developers has gained extensive expertise in Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, and Shopware. Since 2009, we've been building web and PWA solutions of any complexity, using our technology stack to achieve our primary goal of delivering high-quality products and services that bring value to our clients. Reviews: These technologies include: Ecommerce platforms: Magento 1&2, WooCommerce, Shopify, Shopware PHP: Symfony, Laravel JavaScript: Angular, React We apply them to cover: PWA/headless eCommerce approach high load projects complex integrations PIM highly customized systems development projects that include several stores or languages, excessive product catalogs, or a huge amount of customers online stores operating in different countries scaling, both horizontal and vertical scalability working with various hosting services M1 to M2 migration extensions development Our clients come from such industries as Ecommerce, Insurance, E-Learning, and GameDev. But we are ready to discover new industries! In addition, in eCommerce, we work with projects in areas such as Fashion, Food, Beauty, Furniture, Education, Healthcare, Automotive, Telecommunication, Sport, Energy, and Advertising. And that's only the beginning! Give us an idea, and we'll provide everything you need: development, design, QA services, product support, and even more. Let's expand your business opportunities together!
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Appcent


    (0 review)

    Transform businesses digitally with the help of the latest technology and our expertise

    Appcent is a company bringing together developers, designers, trainers, curious minds, and team players who aim to transform businesses digitally with the help of the latest technology and our expertise. Our company was founded in 2013, partnering with pioneering companies and helping them build top-notch digital products. The final work is a digital transformation project, which boosts sales and business like never before.
    5 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €3000 for Software Development
  • Devedanos


    (1 review)

    Develop your satisfactory application within a given budget without compromising software quality

    We develop your app within a given budget and without compromising software quality Devedanos is part of 3 different groups of French freelancers: La Collab (web development, marketing), Ash & Co (Custom full-stack development), GroupBees (Custom full-stack development, cloud computing, DevOps, AI, ML), and has its partners in copywriting in SEO and Copywriting, and UX/UI + No/Low Code development. As for Devedanos, we specialize in full-stack development with React, Node, Typescript, and AWS. We also provide DevOps and Agile Software development management services as we also specialize in Continuous Delivery. With all of our skills, we can help you start your SaaS, from the strategy, through the marketing, to its application development, maintain or create simple and more complex websites, create cloud computing services... Do you have an idea to develop? LET'S BOOK A FREE 30-MIN CALL to see if we can help you and define a strategy: What makes us different? While most of the industry manages software development the wrong way (like investing millions of € over 3 years of development to realize only then that the market is not interested in their product), we strive to build the least complex yet satisfactory and stable solution to deliver something fast on the market. Our real strength is our project management skills: we know how to discern the real value for the users of an application thanks to our understanding of Lean Manufacturing and Agile Principles. This helps us to organize the development of the features by priority for the end users. This way, we build a solution 100% ready to be used to fulfill the promise made to the users within the defined budget and without compromising the software quality. We reject bureaucratic processes adding no value to the work (SAFe, Scrum...) for the end users and prefer direct interactions with them. Our proper network of trustworthy professional freelancers makes also a difference! How do we work? It is simple: we define a reasonable budget together, and our team works on developing the fastest solution yet stable, that delivers the expected essential service. Only then and if the budget is not burnt down would we build a more advanced solution or add non-essential features. This is the only way to respect your budget. We always leave the solution we develop in a usable/releasable state even if a more advanced solution is still in development. We want quick results and fast feedback on which to build a product that makes a real impact. All of this is thanks to our technical practices (such as continuous delivery, TDD, automated testing, and trunk-based development...). EVERY DAY WE RELEASE NEW FEATURES FOR THE END USERS AND OUR CUSTOMERS. AND YOUR APPLICATION IS ALWAYS IN A USABLE STATE! What do we technically do? We support you in the development and maintenance of single-page applications for the frontend, and backend services (REST, RPC, MQTT, Web-socket, Kafka...), setting up a continuous deployment and integration pipeline passing the code through batteries of tests. We also manage product development integrally. See you soon!
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €82 for Software Development
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • CodeLabs Inc.

    CodeLabs Inc.verified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Confluence Your Concepts

    CodeLabs is a premier software development company, offering a wide range of web and mobile solutions across the globe. We have substantial experience building custom software solutions and a deep understanding of how businesses work, making us the perfect development partner.  CodeLabs is a US based software development company with its major technical workforce located in Karachi, Pakistan. This organization is a home of professional designers and developers where coding and designing are subjected as an artwork. We began our journey with the aim to digitize and to bring technical solutions with best user experience. At CodeLabs, we understand that the Internet and software solutions are gauged by the value they deliver to the customers’ business. Our value delivery happens across several verticals. From custom software development to ‘Software as a Service’ products and from micro digital products to Tier 1 cloud computing resources resold locally, CodeLabs is the differentiating power punch your business deserves. Our Vision: To produce world class digital products as we believe that business software deserves the user friendliness and aesthetics of best in class consumer apps. Our Mission: To transform legacy enterprise platforms into delightful, consumer grade experiences and design new B2B products that people will love using. Our Values: Our organization values integrity, teamwork, professionalism, quality and customer satisfaction. We work with maximum emphasis to enhance customer satisfaction. Our Focus: Our organization focuses on triumph. Our team of experts make sure to lead the project in the right direction that headed for development of the best in design application solution.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • uberneu UG

    uberneu UGverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Full-Service Innovation aus Berlin & Lübeck

    Deine 360° Berater & Macher für das digitale Zeitalter: Gemeinsam erstellen wir dein wettbewerbsfähiges Unternehmen 4.0, und unterstützen dich und deine Mitarbeiter bei der digitalen Transformation. Als Schnittstelle zwischen Berliner StartUp-Kultur und ländlichen Raum verbinden wir moderne Produktentwicklung mit den Hidden Champions Deutschlands. Weil wir an die Digitalisierung glauben. Und Unternehmen bei ihren Herausforderungen in eine uberneue digitale Welt unterstützen wollen. Zusammen bringen wir 40+ Jahre professionelle Erfahrung mit. In Produktentwicklung, Design, Tech und Marketing. Lust auf ein gemeinsames Projekt?
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €5000 for Software Development
  • Exponent Labs

    Exponent Labsverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Build successfully, grow exponentially

    We offer a seamless journey from product planning and product development to team augmentation ensuring your vision aligns with market demands. Our precise development processes bring your ideas to life, followed by proactive maintenance, ensuring longevity and relevance. Experience a professional, full-cycle end-to-end approach that guarantees your project's success at every step. Our technology stack is designed to elevate your projects to new heights. By leveraging advanced toolkits, we create tailored solutions that align perfectly with your goals. Experience seamless integration, unparalleled performance, and unmatched reliability as we transform your ideas into reality. Service offering: Wireframing UI/UX design iOS app development Android app development Back-end web development Front-end web development Testing Maintanance Project management Technologies used Mobile development: Unity, React Native, Nativescript Web development: Java, Javascript, Typescript, Vue.js, PHP, Laravel, Symphony, Python, Django, Rest, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Nest.js, React, Salesforce Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Cloud: AWS, Azue, Google cloud platform, Openstack Web builders: Wordpress, Webflow, Drupal
    3 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Software Factory Nnodes

    Software Factory Nnodesverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Software factory. Solutions focused on the digital experience to achieve the best results.

    We help companies create digital solutions and experiences that surprise and deliver a competitive advantage in the market. We develop Custom Software, Web Platforms and highly scalable Mobile Applications. In addition, the generation of algorithms, process automation and integrations with APIs are part of our services. We have a team of professionals 100% trained to solve any technological challenge that arises during Software Development and who will collaborate in the digital transformation you need.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Producteers


    (0 review)

    We help companies succeed and propel their business, product and team to new (galactic) heights.

    At The Producteers, we enable teams and companies to innovate and reach their goals! From understanding their needs and goals, into a comprehensive mission plan, to success. We pioneer product design, development, strategy, innovation, technology, process thinking and team enablement. Re-imagine your Product. We bring your idea to life, re-imagine your existing product or create new from scratch. Refine your Strategy. We provide you a holistic overview on your product positioning and we refine your strategy. Integrate new Technology. We build and integrate the latest and greatest (AI) technology and innovations. Increase your Efficiency. We streamline processes and workflows, boosting your efficiency and productivity. Empower your Team. We provide facilitation, training, sessions and workshops of all kinds. Feel free to check us out on:
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €3000 for Software Development


    (0 review)
    Argesoft team fulfills your business demands in the most efficient and up-to-date technologies. We always aim for long-term communication with our customers and as an investor, we know the importance of getting back your investments.    We are an experienced software development team offering our professional web and mobile development services. Our knowledge, experience and skills allow us to add value to our customers' business ideas and offer the right products. Every unique demand is an opportunity for us to do our best. In this way, many of our customers continue to work with us for their new ideas and projects.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • VEI Technology Pvt. Ltd.

    VEI Technology Pvt. Ltd.verified-flag

    (0 review)

    A Blockchain & Software Development Company. Way to Technological Solutions through Blockchain.

    We are a Blockchain & Software Development company. A top-notch service provider. “Our mission is to provide the best-in-class, and high-quality services in Blockchain, Web3.0 and other emerging technologies that are scalable, transparent and robust” We aspire to empower start-ups and help enterprises of all sizes to leverage the power of blockchain through our skills, values, professional and problem-solving attitude. Our aim is and will always be to strive to be the best and become your first choice. >> Services: Enterprise Blockchain Solutions (using cosmos SDK & Tendermint) Blockchain & Web3.0 Development: - DeFi Development, DApp Development, DAO Platform Development, - Smart Contracts, - NFT (Art Collection & Generation, Marketplace, etc), - GameFi Development (NFT games, P2E & more), - Crypto Development (Token, Single/multi coin Wallet, Bridge, Trading platforms, Coin forking, CEX/DEX), - Metaverse Development (games, spaces and much more), UI/UX Design (WireFrames, MockUps, Prototyping, Full design services), App Development (Android/iOS/Cross Platform), Web Development (Front-End, Back-End, & more) Mobile Game Development (2D/3D), Custom Software Development/ Desktop Applications, DevOps, Quality Assurance & Testing, Project Management, & Digital Marketing. >> Why Choose Us? First tier designers and developers, Tested & Proven Process, High Reliability/Dependability, Long Support and Service, Moderate Prices, On-time Project Implementation, User-Oriented, Integrity & Trust, Excellence & Innovation, Up-to-date with the latest Trends & Technologies, We aim to build long-term relationships by serving our clients with customized & cutting-edge solutions resulting in creating values and success stories for the world to see. Get to Know us and what we offer:
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €19 for Software Development
  • Brainstream Technolabs Pvt Ltd

    Brainstream Technolabs Pvt Ltdcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Turning ideas into a successful business

    Brainstream Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. is a leading software, web, and mobile app development services provider company in India, having a trained squad of technology experts. We deliver the most profitable enterprise solutions. Our digital and technology specialists build innovative, scalable, and feature-rich solutions for small businesses, start-ups, and big enterprises. We are experts in: PHP Web Development (Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP, Codeigniter) CMS Development (Drupal, Shopware, WordPress, Magento). CRM Development (vTigerCRM, oroCRM, SuiteCRM). Custom Software Development (CRM, PHP, Python, Odoo). Mobile App Development (Android, iOS, Hybrid, React Native, Flutter). Quality Assurance Services (Automation & Manual Testing). Cloud Consulting Services (AWS, Azure). JavaScript Development Services (ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, Nodejs). Digital Marketing Services - (SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing).
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Thrymr Software

    Thrymr Softwarecertified-flag

    (0 review)

    Software Development Services for Web and Mobile Applications with an emphasis on UI/UX.

    Thrymr is a software development company, based in India, Singapore and Germany. We provide end to end software development services
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Supyrb


    (0 review)

    The design driven development studio based in Hamburg / Germany

    Supyrb is an independent studio for games and synthetic images. We are designers and engineers, united by the power of polishing, who strive for striking audio-visuals, technical excellence and captivating content. Based in Hamburg/Germany, Supyrb creates original games as well as provides omni-dimensional products for all industries. We build with clever code and stunning style.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • tolingo


    (0 review)
    Professional translation agency ✓ personal service ✓ fast delivery ✓ ISO certified ✓ from 0.06 €/word ✓ all world languages ✓
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • tapro labs GmbH

    tapro labs GmbHcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    At tapro labs, we support our clients with their digital transformation and software projects. We combine experience with proven methods in our development approach. We make sure software development always follows user and product needs, by combining a great engineering culture with a digital product mindset.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Skillmill.


    (0 review)
    Skillmill is a social network and business platform for creatives.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Deutsche Digital Assets (DDA) is the trusted one-stop-shop for investors seeking exposure to crypto assets. We offer a menu of crypto investment products and solutions including Crypto ETP’s, Diversified Index Funds, Quantitative and White Label Solutions and more.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    No budget for Software Development
  • Northern Trust

    Northern Trustcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Browse all local Northern Trust locations to learn how we can help with wealth management, asset management, and asset servicing.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    No budget for Software Development
  • Neveling Reply

    Neveling Replycertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Digital agency in Hamburg. Services: Sitecore, technology. Clients: Nivea, Faber Castell, Beiersdorf, Eucerin, DHL, Dedon,...
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    No budget for Software Development
  • Orquidea


    (0 review)
    orquidea IT Services GmbH (Germany, Switzerland) and maracana SDC PLC (India) - Software Development, AI, Machine Learning, IT Services, Project Management
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    No budget for Software Development
  • CubeMatch-Claritaz, a CubeMatch Company based in Chennai, India with 12+ years of Successful journey and with 100+ Customers across the Globe, offers Enterprise Level Product Engineering, Digital Transformation, Integrated Testing & DevOps, Artificial Intelligence, Business Incubation and Extended Team Solutions.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    No budget for Software Development
  • Future


    (0 review)
    iPaaS provider for Integromat, Zapier, n8n and Workato. Redesign business models with automation tools and digitalize with the EU's leading Cloud BPM service.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Software Development

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