The 10 Best Ruby on Rails Development Firms in Spain - 2025 Reviews

Top Ruby on Rails Development Firms in Spain

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Discover top-notch Ruby on Rails Development firms in Spain, ready to elevate your web applications. Our curated list showcases vetted experts in Ruby on Rails, offering innovative solutions for businesses of all sizes. Explore each company's portfolio and client testimonials to find the perfect match for your project needs. Whether you're looking for e-commerce platforms, custom web applications, or API integrations, these Spanish development companies have the expertise to bring your vision to life. With Sortlist, you can easily post your project requirements, allowing Spain's finest Ruby on Rails specialists to reach out with tailored proposals that align with your specific goals and budget. Harness the power of Ruby on Rails with these skilled development partners across Spain.

All Ruby on Rails Development Companies in Spain

  • 5
    (2 reviews)
    Welcome to Witrey , your Digital Agency based in Madrid. Since we started in 2005 we have expanded to offer a full range of web, mobile, technical, software, and digital marketing services for startups and brands looking to expand their business and innovate in the digital and mobile world. We are a great team made up of more than 20 specialists: developers, technicians, designers, PMs, and supporters who share a common love for the work we deliver. We focus on each project as if it were our own, we believe a true Digital Agency must be more than a group of professionals for hire, they must be the stepping stone from which our clients can reach their goals. That's why here in Witrey we channel each project through a set of high-quality standards; keeping our team of professionals in a constant technological update with cutting-edge tools and knowledge, being truthful with the client with an open dialogue and consulting, keeping deadlines for investors, and making the experience of creating a product for the internet one you'll wish to repeat. Our areas of expertise : Consulting Global communication strategy, campaign development, Ergonomics and user interfaces consulting, information architecture, transmedia recommendations, Technical specifications support. Design Creation and redesign of brand identity, artistic direction, all media graphic, graphical assets for developers, illustration. Mobile apps UI/UX, design and MVP prototypes, Mobile and tablet applications for iOS/Android, touchscreen experiences, custom native development, hybrid applications, wearable. Web Code optimization, Customized website creation (one page, eCommerce, blogs, admin panels ...), data migration, website rebuild (Php MySql, Wordpress, RubyOnRails, PrestaShop ...). Specific developments, Business tools implementation, analytics, statistics, KPI, hosting, maintenance, backup, security. Digital Marketing SEO strategy, ASO strategy, social media strategy, and SMO, community management, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Viadeo, blog, viral marketing, analytics, KPI, goal tracking.   - - -   Bienvenido a Witrey, su agencia digital con sede en Madrid. Desde nuestros inicios en 2005, nos hemos expandido para ofrecer una gama completa de servicios web, móviles, técnicos, software y marketing digital para startups y marcas que buscan expandir sus negocios e innovar en el mundo digital y móvil. Somos un gran equipo compuesto por más de 20 especialistas: desarrolladores, técnicos, diseñadores, gerentes de proyectos y colaboradores que comparten un amor común por el trabajo que ofrecemos. Nos enfocamos en cada proyecto como si fuera nuestro, creemos que una verdadera Agencia Digital debe ser más que un grupo de profesionales contratados, deben ser el trampolín desde el cual nuestros clientes puedan alcanzar sus metas. Es por eso que aquí en Witrey canalizamos cada proyecto a través de un conjunto de estándares de alta calidad; mantener a nuestro equipo de profesionales en una constante actualización tecnológica con herramientas y conocimientos de vanguardia, ser sinceros con el cliente con un diálogo y consultoría abiertos, mantener los plazos de entrega para los inversores y hacer que la experiencia de crear un producto digital algo que quiera repetir. Nuestras áreas de especialización: Consultoría Estrategia de comunicación global, desarrollo de campañas, ergonomía e interfaces de usuario, arquitectura de la información, recomendaciones transmedia, soporte de especificaciones técnicas. Diseño Creación y rediseño de identidad de marca, dirección artística, todos los medios gráficos, activos gráficos para desarrolladores, ilustración. Aplicaciones móviles UI / UX, prototipos de diseño y MVP, aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles y tabletas para iOS / Android, experiencias con pantalla táctil, desarrollo nativo personalizado, aplicaciones híbridas, smartwatches. Web Optimización de código, creación de sitios web personalizados (landing, tiendas online, blogs, paneles de administración ...), migración de datos, reconstrucción de sitios web (Php MySql, Wordpress, RubyOnRails, PrestaShop ...). Desarrollos a la medida, implementación de herramientas comerciales, análisis, estadísticas, KPI, hosting, mantenimiento, respaldo, seguridad. Márketing Online Estrategia SEO, estrategia ASO, estrategia de medios sociales y SMO, community management, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Viadeo, blog, marketing viral, análisis, KPI, seguimiento de objetivos.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Madrid, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Automotive (+7)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)
    Founded in 2014, Secret Source is a software development company with offices in the UK and Canary Islands. As an approved British government provider - listed on the UK’s Crown Commercial Service register - we specialise in web and mobile development, with clients including Barclays, EventApp and the Maximus Maximise. We make a reliable partner for clients in the UK, US and across the world, providing cost-effective development solutions, coupled with a supremely flexible approach and a commitment to delivering outstanding results. Our goal is always to match exactly the right skill-set for your business needs, building dedicated teams to perfectly suit your requirements across a wide range of disciplines. Many of our clients maintain permanent development squads, while others prefer to use us on a project-by-project basis. Either way, we always provide native English speaking project managers and exceptionally high standards of service. We’re experts in rapid development and lean practices - capable of fast turnaround times and delivering prototypes or ‘’smoke tests’’ in a matter of hours rather than days.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (+1)
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+3)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Desarrollo de Páginas Webs y Aplicaciones Mobiles
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Non-profit
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • 4
    (1 review)

    Build goal-driven working software with us

    Apiumhub is a software development company in Barcelona, Spain with a main focus on software architecture, web development & mobile development (iOS & Android)
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Barcelona, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Others
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • Agence spécialisée en Création de site internet, Référencement naturel, Réseaux sociaux, Stratégie digitale, Ergonomie (UX/UI), Publicité en ligne. Un projet en tête ?  Transformez vos idées en succès avec MENA Digital Agency ! Créée en 2006 avait le nom de Multimedia Studios comme agence web, et en 2016 changement de nom et vision vers MENA Digital Agency - agence digitale full 360° par des professionnels passionnés, l'agence intervient pour des petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises  dans  divers secteurs  (innovation, culture, e-commerce, santé, juridique, banque, énergie, informatique, tourisme, alimentaire...). Notre agence  digitale native et internationale  vous accompagne dans la réalisation de vos ambitions de communication digitale. De votre  stratégie digitale  à la  création de votre site , nos expertises passent aussi par la  gestion de vos réseaux sociaux  et plus globalement de toute votre  communication en ligne et campagnes 360° . Afin de vous apporter les solutions les plus adaptées, nos spécialistes du marketing et de la communication digitale voient chaque jour comme une nouvelle opportunité de comprendre et exploiter le potentiel des nouveaux médias. MENA Digital Agency apporte des solutions innovantes à ses clients dans les domaines suivants :  CONSEIL :  Stratégie de marque, plan de communication, élaboration de campagne, conseil en ergonomie et interfaces, architecture de l'information, présence en ligne... Les consultants de MENA Digital Agency vous accompagnent dans la mise en place de votre projet sur plusieurs domaines d’expertises : création, web, app et activation digitale. CRÉATION :  Création et refonte d'identité de marque, direction artistique, graphisme tous supports, webdesign, illustration et rough, shooting photo video et post-production… Les équipes du studio de création vous orienteront et réaliseront vos créations graphiques en s’attachant à concevoir une cohérence cross média de vos messages. WEB :  Accompagnement à la spécification des besoins, audit, optimisation, création de site internet sur mesure, migration, refonte (Php MySql, Wordpress, RubyOnRails, PrestaShop…). Développements spécifiques, mise en place d’outils métiers, analytiques, statistiques, KPI… Hébergement, maintenance, sauvegarde, sécurité. Nos équipes développent des solutions web pour répondre à vos besoins et assurer une performance durable de votre projet. Ainsi, ils apportent leur expertise de la conception à la réalisation et du suivi à la maintenance. APP :  Application mobile et tablette, écran tactile, vidéo interactive, animation, audio, QR code, réalité augmentée, jeu... Toujours à l’affût des nouvelles tendances technologiques, nos équipes développent des applications sur mesure, natives ou hybrides, sur tablette, mobile et wearable. ACTIVATION DIGITALE :  Stratégie de référencement, stratégie de présence en ligne, prise de parole, storytelling, réseaux sociaux, community management, SEA... Comment être vu, être entendu ? Le meilleur concept de communication ou le meilleur outil n’a pas d’impact s’il n’est pas connu par votre cible. Pour votre lancement, le temps d'une campagne ou pour un accompagnement long terme, MENA Digital Agency réalisera la stratégie et vous apportera son suivi sur toute la mise en oeuvre de vos actions ! - Nos clients  :  Banco Santander, Meliá Hotels International, SGTM, Cooper Pharma, ENSI, Transglory … Mais aussi des PME, TPE, start-ups et agences de communication globale (sous-traitance en marque blanche).
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Málaga, Spain (+1)
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Transportation (+7)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+2)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    WE ARE A STARTUP STUDIO Nos interesa mejorar la vida de las personas mediante la tecnología, el diseño y los nuevos modelos de negocio digital. Creamos productos y servicios digitales en modo startup. Nuestra metodología de Product Management integra Tecnología, Diseño y Negocio.  Trabajamos por medio de equipos multidisciplinares en función de las necesidades del proyecto. Arrancamos con un Product Manager, un Technical Manager y un UX/UI Designer para después incorporar developers (front y back), devops, etc.      
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Madrid, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks Spanish, English(+3)
    11-50 members
  • En Softwhisper desarrollamos aplicaciones para iOS (iPhone y iPad), Android y Windows Phone. También desarrollamos webs con Ruby on Rails.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in A Coruña, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Designing our path to the future, coding along the way

    Somos Sirokko, una empresa canaria especializada en la implementación de soluciones web adaptadas a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, haciendo de cada proyecto algo propio, acompañándolos a lo largo del camino: desde su concepción hasta su implantación. Diseñamos y desarrollamos soluciones web como: Webs corporativas Software a medida para cualquier tipo de negocio Aplicaciones móviles a medida: Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS… Sistemas de señalización digital multimedia basada en Raspberry Pi y soluciones de diseño gráfico Somos consultores en soluciones basadas en código abierto: si nuestros clientes tienen dudas sobre implementación o adopción de tecnología para sus negocios, nosotros los ayudamos a encontrar la solución de código abierto que mejor se adapte a él.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Unknown location
    From €3,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Food (+1)
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Somos una empresa de Diseño Web, Desarrollo de Aplicaciones, Marketing Digital y Mantenimiento Informático. Estamos ubicados en Valencia, pero trabajamos con clientes de toda España, aunque contamos con clientes de Francia, Italia y México, entre otros. Hacemos diseños a medida pensando en las necesidades del cliente y tenemos un trato cercano y sincero recomendando lo mejor para cada proyecto. 
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Quart de Poblet, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Architecture & Planning
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    MarsBased is a development consultancy based in Barcelona, specialised in web and mobile development using Ruby on Rails, Angular, React, Node.js and other JavaScript frameworks.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Barcelona, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Game-changing apps start here!

    Anadea is a custom software development company with development centers located in Spain. The company specializes in building unique web and mobile applications that perfectly match the requirements of a specific business. We provide development services for startups & established companies and have a comprehensive portfolio of live applications for real estate, healthcare, e-commerce, education and other industries. Anadea has proven expertise in the following areas: • business management apps (ERP, CRM systems, project management and time tracking software, HRMS, business analytics, paper flow automation tools, etc.),  • e-commerce - web marketplaces, e-commerce portals, classified ads, auctions and group buying sites,  • LMS systems and other learning administration tools,  • EMR/EHR systems, medical practice management software,  • mobile apps - native mobile clients with sophisticated back-end systems,  • information management systems - search engines, directories and CMS. Our designers and engineers can create software projects from scratch or catch up and continue the development of existing apps. We offer the complete range of UX/UI design and software development services, including: • web development, • web and UI design, • mobile development, • mobile app design, • QA • server administration and maintenance • consulting and audit. We also offer a source code audit service that helps to determine weak points of the existing codebase and find ways to fix issues. We use agile software development methods. Our platform of choice is Ruby on Rails as it perfectly aligns with our values and allows our engineers to quickly write high-quality code that is easy to extend and maintain. We are also proficient in Java and Scala languages that work well for the optimization of website performance according to reactive programming principles. In the mobile market, we focus on the development of native world-class apps for iOS and Android.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Alicante, Spain
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Real Estate (+1)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Patch Marketing turns your website visitors into conversions through digital marketing

    We're a digital marketing and web development agency based in the UK. We specialise in developing custom and template WordPress websites, SEO, digital advertising and social media. We could've filled this description with some subjective claims about how great we are or the awards we won (which deep down we know are popularity contests) but we won't do that. We'll stick to the facts. Now it's time for the subjective bit other agencies love so much. We've been told as a collective we're the most handsome bunch of guys and girls in marketing, we're kind, honest, noble, generous, strong, and funny. We're agile, dedicated, and passionate about marketing, web development and business growth and we were proudly voted number one agency in the world by the MD's mum. If you want an agency without the bullshit, get in touch.
    Looking for work in Ruby On Rails Development
    Located in Royal Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom
    From €1,000 for Ruby On Rails Development
    Worked in Entertainment & Events
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members

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