The 10 Best Product Management consultants in Frankfurt - 2024 Reviews

Top Product Management consultants in Frankfurt

List of the top Frankfurt Product Management companies



    (0 review)

    Your agency for innovative product design, industrial design and interior design solutions.

    Welcome to Alexander Rehn Designstudio, your agency for industrial design and interior design solutions. We blend creativity and functionality to deliver innovative product designs and captivating interior spaces. Our designs embody the core values of functionality and beauty, ensuring each project is harmonious and impactful. Through our expertise in innovation, market research, and trend analysis, we help you stand out from competitors and attract valuable clients. Whether you need to revamp your product line or transform your living or working spaces, we have the vision and skills to bring your ideas to life. Our experienced team of designers collaborates closely with you, utilizing the latest tools and technologies to craft every detail to perfection. We understand your unique needs and tailor our services accordingly. Join us for a seamless and inspiring design journey that exceeds your expectations. Let's turn your project into reality and leave a lasting impression on your target audience. Contact Alexander Rehn Design today for an extraordinary design adventure. Our range of service: DESIGN CONSULTING Design research, Trend research, Design strategy, Design thinking, Design consulting, Brief development INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Ideation, Concept sketching, Concept development, Renderings, Design sprints, Prototyping, 3D Printing, 3D Cad modelling, 2D Drawings, Color and material INTERIOR DESIGN Ideation, Concept Sketching, Moodbaords, Color and material, Floorplan layout, 2D Drawings, 360 degree renderings, Virtual tours, Renderings DEVELOPMENT Product development, Project coordination, Manufacturer sourcing, Project support, Guidelines, Documentation We believe in the power of partnerships to create a positive impact and innovative design. By fostering and cultivating strong relationships, we actively identify opportunities for transformation. Are you interested in joining forces with us? Let's talk.
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management

    VISIONAERE GmbHverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Eine komplexe Welt braucht klare Marken

    Seit 1999 helfen wir Unternehmen dabei Ihre Marke konsistent über alle Touchpoints zu inszenieren und ihre Zielgruppen zu erreichen . Dies realisieren wir mit einem eng verzahnten Zusammenspiel von Beratung, Design und Technologie . Unser Antrieb: Gemeinsam eine starke Marke aufbauen und Unternehmen langfristig erfolgreicher machen .
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Dinghy


    (0 review)

    We design great usability for apps, websites and digital experiences.

    Agency for human-hearted & business driven design – Dinghy’s diverse team combines usability research, user experience design and digital product strategy to make apps and websites happen that users love.
    2 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • finalart design

    finalart designverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Wir machen Ihre Marke und Ihre Marke groß!

    Kompliziert ist uns zu einfach. finalart design ist spezialisiert auf Markendesign, Markenpositionierungen und Markenführung. Wir entwickeln und gestalten mit großer Leidenschaft klare, starke und eindeutige Marken-Botschaften. Ob einzelnes Firmenlogo, komplette Geschäftsausstattung, Responsive Webdesign oder hochkomplexe Markenwelt – schon seit Jahren betreut und berät finalart design sehr erfolgreich große und kleine Marken. Für unsere Projekte wurden wir bereits mehrfach mit Design Awards ausgezeichnet, wie beispielsweise dem red dot design award oder dem German Brand Award.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • White Lime

    White Limeverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Studio für kooperatives Produktdesign und Industriedesign

    Studio für kooperatives Produktdesign. Wir untersuchen, hinterfragen, entwickeln und gestalten Produkte und begleiten sie durch Fertigungsprozesse, bis sie auf den Markt kommen und Menschen begeistern. Dies machen wir nicht für, sondern mit unseren Kunden. Sie sind für uns Kooperationspartner auf Augenhöhe. In einem dynamischen und gemeinschaftlichen Designprozess entstehen so Produkte, die Maßstäbe setzen. White Lime ist ein diverses, interdisziplinäres Team. Gegründet wurde das Studio von den Industriedesignern Paul van Laar und Gerrit Wahle. Unser Schaffen folgt dem Bestreben klar, ehrlich und nah zu sein. Dies bezieht sich auf alle Fassetten – den Entwurf, den Umgang mit unseren Kooperationspartnern, unsere Kommunikation und unser Handeln. Wir sind zu Hause in Göttingen, Köln, Wiesbaden und manchmal auch in Ho-Chi-Minh-City oder Shenzhen. Am liebsten sind wir bei unseren Kooperationspartnern, tauschen uns aus, lernen voneinander und erschaffen gemeinsam zukunftweisende Produkte. Es ist unser Anspruch nachhaltige Werte in einer schnelllebigen Welt zu kreieren. Wir suchen nach neuen Ansätzen, hinterfragen Standards, diskutieren, überprüfen und analysieren.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Alpha Pool

    Alpha Poolverified-flag

    (1 review)


    Full Service Marketing Agentur - Wir listen keine Stunden, sondern liefern Ergebnisse - Abrechnung zu 100% erfolgsabhängig und zum Festpreis!
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • HAPPY Marketing Solutions ist ein inhabergeführtes und unabhängiges Unternehmen – spezialisiert auf die Konzeption und Organisation von Gewinnspiel-Lösungen. Wir verfügen über mehr als 40 Jahre Erfahrung mit über 1.000 Gewinnspielen und mehreren 100 zufriedenen Kunden. Dabei haben wir uns insbesondere mit einer Lösung im Full Service für Firmengewinnspiele einen Namen gemacht. Das Leben und die Technik werden immer schnelllebiger. So wandeln sich auch die Anforderungen an ein gutes Gewinnspiel, denn Spiele müssen immer schneller werden und Teilnehmer fordern mehr Interaktionen. Zusätzlich ist die seriöse und transparente Abwicklung für das Unternehmen und den Teilnehmer immens von Bedeutung, um nachhaltig Mehrwerte für alle Beteiligten zu schaffen. All diese Faktoren und viele mehr vereint HAPPY in seiner Solution. Veranstalten Sie mit unserem Ansatz moderne Gewinnspiele für Ihren maximalen Erfolg!
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Coco Solution

    Coco Solutioncertified-flagverified-flag

    (14 reviews)

    Top Online-Marketing

    ᴇꜱ Somos una Agencia de Marketing Digital 360º que colabora con marcas que buscan dejar huella. Creemos que con la mezcla adecuada de estrategia y creatividad, no hay imposibles. Estamos especializados en el desarrollo de páginas web y aplicaciones, el diseño gráfico, el posicionamiento SEO , el SEM y las redes sociales, entre otros muchos servicios. Queremos ser parte de tu proyecto y trabajar de la mano contigo para acompañarte hasta donde quieras llegar... ¡y mucho más allá! ¿Preparado para el cambio? ᴇɴ We're a 360º Digital Marketing Agency that works with brands who want to make an impact. We believe that, with the right mix of strategy and creativity, nothing is impossible . We specialise in website and app development , graphic design , SEO positioning , SEM and social media , among many other services. We want to be part of your project and work hand in hand with you to take you as far as you want to go... and beyond! Are you ready for a change? ᴅᴇ Wir sind eine 360°-Digitalmarketing-Agentur , die mit Marken zusammenarbeitet, die etwas bewirken wollen. Wir glauben, dass mit der richtigen Mischung aus Strategie und Kreativität nichts unmöglich ist . Wir sind spezialisiert auf App- und Webentwicklung , Grafikdesign , SEO-Positionierung , SEM und soziale Netzwerke , neben vielen anderen Dienstleistungen. Wir wollen Teil deines Projekts sein und Hand in Hand mit dir arbeiten, um dich so weit zu bringen, wie du es willst - und darüber hinaus! Bist du bereit für eine Veränderung?
    3 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €200 for Product Management
  • Significa


    (5 reviews)

    Think. Design. Develop. Launch. Repeat.

    We are a Design-led agency focused on Product Development. We think, design, develop and launch Digital Products.
    6 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €15000 for Product Management


    (3 reviews)

    Design follows strategy

    Design folgt Strategie | ND-DESIGN.WORKS ist eine international agierende Agentur mit Creative Associates rund um den Globus. Unser Ansatz ist strategischer Natur. Marken und Produkte haben Geschichten zu erzählen und Botschaften zu übertragen. Unsere Arbeit umfasst alle gestalterischen und kommunikativen Bausteine einer Marke oder eines Produktes – analog und digital – sowie Diagnosen bestehender Gestaltung. Unser Auftrag ist es, diese dem richtigen Publikum verständlich und zugänglich zu machen. Wo und wie müssen sie erzählt werden? Wann und in welchem Umfang? Wie entsteht mehr, als nur eine Projektionsfläche für ein unbelebtes Produkt? Denn nur eine emotionale Verbindung bewirkt tiefgehendes Bewusstsein bei der Zielgruppe. Marken und Produkte werden Identitäten. In unserem Team arbeiten leidenschaftliche Designer verschiedener Disziplinen, die alle einen Blick auf die zwei Kernthemen der Aufgabe gerichtet halten: Verständlichkeit und Begehrlichkeit für die Zielgruppe. Unsere Leistungen: Strategisches Design Corporate Design Markenentwicklung Styleguide Entwicklung Redesign von Marken Markendesign bei Fusionen Personal Branding Designmanagement Designgutachten Produktdesign Arbeitsbereiche: Konzeption Visualisierungen Branding Interdisziplinäres Design (Print, Web, mobil, Produkt) 3D Design und Animation Shopkonzepte (Interior) Text Redaktion Lektorat
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • KreApp


    (4 reviews)

    Votre Architecte d'Innovations en Applications d'Entreprise

    L'Expertise Forgée par l'Expérience : Avec une équipe de plus de 20 ans d'expérience, KreApp se positionne dans la création d'applications d'entreprise sur-mesure. Nous avons évolué, passant de la conception d'applications pour de grands groupes à la création de solutions sur mesure pour les PME. Notre parcours est marqué par un succès continu, illustré par notre expertise dans le développement d'applications de A à Z, depuis l'ébauche de l'idée jusqu'à sa mise en œuvre concrète. Une Méthodologie Unique : Chez KreApp, nous avons fusionné les meilleures pratiques de plusieurs méthodologies de développement pour créer une approche unique. Cette méthode nous permet d'optimiser chaque étape du processus, garantissant la livraison de solutions non seulement dans les meilleurs délais mais aussi parfaitement alignées avec les besoins opérationnels et stratégiques de nos clients. Une Équipe d'Experts à Votre Service : Notre équipe est le cœur de notre force. Composée d'un Product Owner, d'un designer, d'un spécialiste UX, de développeurs Fullstack, et d'un manager, tous experts et seniors dans leur domaine, nous sommes équipés pour transformer vos idées en réalités tangibles. Nous accompagnons les décideurs et entrepreneurs dans chaque étape, de l'idéation à la résolution de problématiques métier spécifiques. Adaptabilité et Personnalisation : Nous comprenons que chaque projet est unique. Notre démarche consiste à nous adapter sur mesure à vos besoins spécifiques. Que ce soit pour la digitalisation de vos processus, l'élaboration de plans d'affaires, la définition de besoins, l'étude de marché, ou la mise en œuvre de solutions logicielles, KreApp est à vos côtés. Un Partenariat Innovant : En tant que votre partenaire d'innovation, KreApp va au-delà du simple développement d'applications. Nous offrons un support stratégique en marketing, recherche et développement, expertise en architectures logicielles, et bien plus. Qu'il s'agisse de développer une application sur mesure ou de personnaliser des logiciels existants, notre objectif est de propulser votre entreprise vers l'avant-garde technologique. Agilité et Rapidité : Notre structure à taille humaine, combinée à l'expertise de nos professionnels, nous confère une agilité remarquable. Nous sommes capables de réagir rapidement et efficacement, assurant la mise en place de solutions logicielles sur-mesure qui répondent parfaitement à vos attentes. Engageons le Dialogue : KreApp est prêt à transformer vos visions en succès numériques. Contactez-nous pour débuter un partenariat qui redéfinira le potentiel de votre entreprise.
    2 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • Atta Systems

    Atta Systemsverified-flag

    (33 reviews)

    We help funded startups and big org (UNICEF, World Bank, EY, UN) to develop meaningful software

    We work with innovative VC-backed startups as well as established companies in: 🏥 healthcare: Medicai (Plug&Play company), Bold Health (Plug&Play company), Eupnoos, and many more to deliver secure and compliant software solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical flows 🏛government & administration: UNICEF, The World Bank, USAID, and others to increase their impact in global projects using innovation powered by modern technologies.  🏫 education: EdXP, I-FIKR, Alux, and others to improve accessibility to an excellent education and modern, digital, teaching methods and methodologies 🏦 finance: Ernst&Young, Bankata, Nicola Wealth to deliver secure, scalable solutions and improve financial literacy through technology.  We have a product-centric approach to development, we specialize in: Product Strategy & Design (market, vision, positioning, user research, user experience design, user interface design) Data (AI/ML, data science, data manipulation, data visualization, databases) Software Engineering (mobile and web apps, backend, frontend, infrastructure) Product Marketing (user acquisition, user retention, analytics, data-driven decisions) We know how to build products at scale, used by millions globally. What our clients say about our work:  "Considering the experience we have in working with Atta Systems, we strongly recommend them for the development of quality software, ensuring all stages of the software development process including definition, design, coding, code control and reviews, testing, release management, and product integration." Voica Tomus, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF "Atta Systems integrates well into our company; they feel like part of our team. Atta Systems follows the project timelines and responds quickly to the messages via Slack and Google Meet. They work in two-week sprints, have biweekly meetings, and use Jira to report on progress." Jossy Onwude, CTO @ Bold Health, UK, a Plug&Play company
    1 work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Hotwire Global

    Hotwire Global

    (1 review)

    Ignite Possibility

    Hotwire is a global technology communications, branding, and marketing consultancy. For over twenty years, we have created positive results for ambitious companies by igniting curiosity. Working across 15 offices in 11 countries, we help clients grow their reputation, relationships, and revenue using our 400+ team’s range of experience and expertise with all aspects of communications, branding, and digital marketing. At the heart of Hotwire is our belief that by working with us, you can achieve limitless success. 2023 PRNews Agency Elite Top 100 2023/2022 Ragan’s Top Place to Work 2022 The Drum for PR Awards 2022: DEI&I Company of the Year 2021 SABRE EMEA Technology Consultancy of the Year 2020 PRovoke Global Technology Agency of the Year
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • GFA Group

    GFA Group

    (0 review)


    The GFA Consulting Group, based in Hamburg, has a sound track record of implementing complex studies and projects in over 130 countries since 1982.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • deqom


    (0 review)
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Product Management
  • Sharobella


    (6 reviews)

    Werbe und eCommerce-Agentur in Wien.

    We plan, design, develop & grow E-Commerce projects. 
    2 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Appcent


    (0 review)

    Transform businesses digitally with the help of the latest technology and our expertise

    Appcent is a company bringing together developers, designers, trainers, curious minds, and team players who aim to transform businesses digitally with the help of the latest technology and our expertise. Our company was founded in 2013, partnering with pioneering companies and helping them build top-notch digital products. The final work is a digital transformation project, which boosts sales and business like never before.
    4 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €3000 for Product Management
  • Cocodrilo del Nilo

    Cocodrilo del Niloverified-flag

    (4 reviews)


    Award-winner FR/ Cocodrilo del Nilo est la meilleure Agence Web Digitale de Creation de Site Web, Logo et E-commerce sur mesure en Afrique, notamment au Cameroun (douala, yaoundé, buea, bamenda, bafoussam), au Canada (Montréal, Laval), France (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Monaco, Nice), Espagne (Madrid) et Allemagne (Berlin). Nos services vont de la Creation Graphique ( Creation de Logo et identité visuelle ), Creation de Sites Internet, Web Design UI/UX, Développement sur mesure ( Creation d'Applications Web et Mobiles ), au Marketing digital ( Conseil d’affaire, Gestion de projets, Audit web et Referencement SEO ).  EN/ Cocodrilo del Nilo is the best Web Digital Agency for Custom Web Design UX/UI, Logo and Ecommerce in Africa, notably in Cameroon (Douala, yaounde, Buea, Bamenda, Bafoussam, Limbe), in Canada (Toronto, Vancouver, Alberta, Ontario etc.), France, Spain and Germany. Our services range from Graphic Design (Visual Identity and Logo Design), Websites Design, Custom Development (Web and Mobile Apps Design), to Digital Marketing (Business Advice, Project Management, Web Audit). DE/ Cocodrilo Del Nilo ist ein Unternehmen / eine Webagentur für Erstellung, Konzeption, Design, Entwicklung, Referenzierung (SEO) von Websites (Internet) UX / UI, die hauptsächlich in Afrika / Kamerun (douala - yaoundé - buea - bamenda - bafoussam), Kanada, tätig ist. Frankreich, Spanien und Deutschland. Hier sind im Wesentlichen unsere Web-Services: Showcase-Site, Katalog-Site, Portfolio-Site, Non-Profit-Site, persönliche Site, professioneller Blog, Logo-Design, Grafikdesign / Webdesign, Fotobearbeitung und -retusche (visuelle Identität), Audit, Unternehmensberatung, Projekt Management, Webergonomie und adaptives Design, digitales oder digitales Marketing (Webmarketing), natürliche Referenzierung, Webwriting. Unsere UX/UI-Designs sind von höchster Qualität für alle Ihre Bedürfnisse und Zwecke. Sie können uns über WhatsApp von unserer Telefonnummer oder über unsere Website kontaktieren. ES/ Cocodrilo Del Nilo es una empresa / agencia web de creación, concepción, diseño, desarrollo, referenciación (SEO) de sitios web (internet) UX / UI que opera principalmente en África / Camerún (douala - yaoundé - buea - bamenda - bafoussam), Canadá, Francia, España y Alemania. Estos son básicamente nuestros servicios web: sitio de exhibición, sitio de catálogo, sitio de cartera, sitio sin fines de lucro, sitio personal, blog profesional, diseño de logotipos, diseño gráfico / diseño web, edición y retoque fotográfico (identidad visual), auditoría, consultoría comercial, proyecto gestión, ergonomía web y diseño adaptativo, marketing digital o digital (webmarketing), referenciación natural, redacción web. Nuestros diseños UX/UI son de la más alta calidad para todas sus necesidades y propósitos. Puede contactar con nosotros a través de WhatsApp desde nuestro número de teléfono o a través de nuestra página web.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    2 works in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Just Creative Agency

    Just Creative Agencyverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Bridging the gap between business, design, creativity and technology

    Crafting Extraordinary Experiences with Innovative Design Solutions that Transcend Borders. We are a multidisciplinary creative & digital agency & brand consultancy that collaborates with companies, agencies, and individuals worldwide. With a focus on brand transformation, innovation & product design we are providing 360 degrees of creative and digital services to our clients from various industries. We are passionate about the art of bringing together business acumen, cutting-edge design, boundless creativity, and the latest technology. Our mission is to bridge the gap between these essential elements, elevating brands and products to new heights. Unlocking the Power of Design & Tech Design is at the heart of everything we do. It has the incredible ability to shape the future and leave a lasting impact on the world. From the initial spark of an idea to the final execution, we meticulously blend aesthetics and functionality to create products that resonate with audience on a global scale. Empowering Visions We believe that every business and brand has a unique story to tell, and our team of creative minds & technologists is here to empower these visions. By collaborating closely with our clients, we ensure that ideas and goals are not only met but exceeded, resulting in exceptional and transformative experiences. A World of Possibilities With a global mindset, we understand that creativity knows no boundaries. Our agency’s presence across the world allows us to tap into diverse cultures and perspectives, giving us the advantage of designing products that connect with audiences from different walks of life. Innovation, Collaboration, and Excellence Innovation fuels our creativity, and collaboration is the heart of our process. As a team, we strive for excellence, and our portfolio is a testament to the success we have achieved. Partnering with us means embracing a design & tech revolution and positioning yourself at the forefront of your industry. Quick facts: + Independent – in ownership and spirit + Senior management is not just in for the pitch – we’re involved in every project, no matter how big or small it is + We got everything under one roof – truly full-service + Operating globally, always available – remotely on your computer or smartphone + Scalable – for smallest or largest projects + As we grow, we evolve
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Orange Systems

    Orange Systemscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Software, Development, RPA, Mobile, BPO

    Orange Systems, is the {kITchen} , where we create different success recipes, based on our partners needs combined with our rich history and experience, being a business that needs to maintain profitability, an operator that meets every client expectations, and secure our place as the top employer in EU and Moldova for 8 years in raw with over 1,500 Local employees and around 160,000 globally Since 2008, we managed to gather over 550 qualified specialist in different domains, get certified in IT Security, Quality, Environment, Organizational Health and Safety. And we partnered with 20+ different size companies from Startup Level to world class corporate be it in Finance, Banking , E-Commerce, Telecommunication and IT Covered by Over 500 amazing team member that are driven by creating positive impact.
    1 work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Elogic Commerce

    Elogic Commercecertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Ecommerce Development Experts

    Elogic Commerce is an end-to-end ecommerce development agency that builds, designs, and optimizes online stores since 2009. With a well-coordinated team of 150+ certified developers, Elogic serves its customers worldwide no matter the type of ecommerce business (B2B, B2C, DTC, marketplaces, and wholesale) or their operational domain (fashion, luxury goods, industrial automation, and other ecommerce niches). We help our clients implement disruptive ecommerce solutions that address their unique business needs and simplify operational complexity. Our main areas of expertise include Adobe Commerce (aka Magento), Shopify, BigCommerce, Salesforce, and commercetools. Our clients are well known mid-size to enterprize brands: Accenture, HP, Vertu, Hanes Brands, Philips. Join the company of leaders. We are passionate about the success of your project and secure engagement on a wide range of services: - End-to-end development: Develop custom design, extensions, or an entire ecommerce website from scratch. - Team extension: Hire ecommerce developers. - Consulting : Evaluate your choice of technologies and the areas of improvement, especially for B2B and enterprise companies. - Optimization: Speed up your website, conduct code audit, and get help with support & maintenance of your store. - Integration : Connect any third-party service to your website and automate your work processes. - Replatforming : Migrate your ecommerce store from the obsolete legacy platform to a more future-proof solution. The professionalism of Elogic Commerce and our commitment to brand success have won us a number of awards: - Top Ecommerce Development Company by Clutch (2023). - Top BigCommerce Developers by Clutch (2023). - Top Magento Developers by Clutch (2023). 🤝 Combine your business vision with our tech expertise. Start your ecommerce project with us by emailing
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • Ludwig


    (0 review)
    Ludwig is a brand agency defined around a community of elite creative entities hosted on a private matchmaking and communication platform. We believe in harnessing expertise and collaborative spirit. Our goal is to offer crafted services & resources to deliver brand values converting targeted audiences. Today, our three main offices located in Europe - Luxembourg, North America - Montreal, and Asia - Shanghai, ensure Ludwig core teams are able to develop, manage and adapt global campaigns to local perspectives. We activate independent local strategic and creative experts based on your defined brief, and provide clients with a seamless project management experience from start to finish. Honor local, create global. Ludwig CCC // Creative & Collaborative Club. Digital platform matchmaking elite creative entities and leading brands around creative project opportunities. MISSION To be the global collaborative & creative brand agency by organizing and matching teams with our client’s objectives. To deliver crafted creative strategies and content converting audiences while maximizing cost efficiency. VISION We will be the global leader in delivering custom creative services to brands, and our collaborative processes and methods will stand as reference when global and local orchestrations are mandatory. VALUES The foundation of our culture is based on collaboration, authenticity, excellence, trust and support to our fellow teams, collaborators, partners and clients. OUR SERVICES: 3D Animation - 3D Modeling - Art Direction - Brand Design - CRM & Analytics - Copywriting - Creative Direction - Digital - Event - Film / 3D content - Graphic Design - Illustration - Interior Design -Marketing - Motion Design - Naming - Planning - Photography - Product Design - Production - Public Relation - Retail - Social Media - Sound Design - Trademark & IP - VR / AI / New Tech OUR ADDED VALUES: WE DEFINE AROUND YOUR OBJECTIVES Ludwig’s on demand services cover your global and local brand strategy. WE BUILD TAILORED TEAMS OF EXPERTS Ludwig identifies, activates and organizes local talents with the right creative and strategic expertise to fit with your brand’s objectives and values. WE GENERATE FLEXIBILITY AND CREATIVITY Whether it is a local project or a global brand campaign, Ludwig teams orchestrate at a very high level of management and operations the group of activated experts through collaborative and creative approaches. LUDWIG CCC: Why would you subscribe to Ludwig CCC? A private access You get unique direct access to a worldwide community of creative entities. A pitch accelerator You get multiple creative recommandations and action plans to your briefs. A recruitment platform You hire your dream teams instantly and simply via Ludwig management. A project enabler You buy on-demand management support to complete your projects. A budget saver You invest in one membership, you collaborate globally.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    From €1000 for Product Management
  • IPMA World

    IPMA Worldcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Product Management
  • Nr21


    (0 review)
    A Berlin-based design studio. For our international clients and partners we are designing products and experiences with passion for the excellence.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Product Management
  • GPMI


    (0 review)
    German Project Management India
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Product Management
  • Jaeger ID GmbH

    Jaeger ID GmbHcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    We are an industrial design studio located in Germany operating worldwide. See website to learn more about the service and see samples of finished projects.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Product Management
  • Unyt


    (0 review)
    Als Full-Service Agentur für Industriedesign und Interfacedesign gestalten wir Ihre Produkte – exzellent, nutzungszentriert & nachhaltig.
    No work in Product Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Product Management

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.