The 10 Best Artificial Intelligence companies in Italy - 2024 Reviews

Top Artificial Intelligence companies in Italy

Featured providers

  • StdOut S.r.l.

    StdOut S.r.l.certified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (0 review)

    Be better

    StdOut, fondata a Palermo nel 2018, è una Tech Company italiana specializzata nel design e nello sviluppo di software gestionali e di app personalizzate. A partire dalla progettazione grafica fino alla loro completa realizzazione, l’azienda crea prodotti completi per i clienti, utilizzando le ultime tecnologie per lo sviluppo software, grazie al continuo aggiornamento del personale per garantire applicativi sempre al passo con i tempi. Mettendo a disposizione l’esperienza maturata nel settore IT, StdOut gestisce le problematiche evidenziate dai clienti step by step fino alla loro risoluzione definitiva.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €5000 for Artificial Intelligence

List of the top Italy Artificial Intelligence services

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  • Datatellers


    (0 review)
    Datatellers progetta e sviluppa soluzioni sartoriali e innovative per creare valore sfruttando le tecnologie dell’industria 4.0
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Extendi


    (0 review)

    Enabling Digital Innovation

    Extendi provides its customers complex tech solutions, web applications and big data analysis tools with a top-notch user centered design via dedicated operation teams and the use of AI. Extendi, founded in 2005, is today a prominent tech company serving some of the fastest growing and leading businesses across Europe. Our mission is to guide our customers with the best insights for digital transformation, anticipating their needs and offering them the most advanced tech solutions. We craft beautiful and functional web applications. We use AI and machine learning to analyze big data. We develop superfast websites and e-commerce for top tier companies. We are familiar with: Jamstack, React, TypeScript, Next.js, Node.js, Rails, Python, Go, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Cassandra, Solr, Spark, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, GraphDB.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Skillbill


    (0 review)

    Skill matters

    Skillbill can make the difference when a robust software development partner is needed. No matter what your preferred language or target O.S. is, we operate when the level of complexity is high. If you have a technical challenge, you are definitely in the right place. Our customer is generally a large company (also a multinational company) or a medium-large company. Microservices, Docker, Kubernets, Web3, Blockchain, Devops, Infrastructure as code, CI/CD Pipelines, Embedded, Mobile, SmartTV, Set Top Boxes, SCADA, Machine Learning (Tesseract), BigData (Ms Azure Data Lake, Hadoop)
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Chiron


    (0 review)


    Chiron develops custom data solutions and predictive models to ensure your business is in front of the wave. We combine the best Big Data and machine learning technologies to help your organization become truly Data-Driven.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €5000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Codzilla Srl

    Codzilla Srlverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Software House, specialized in App Development, 3d, Marketing, Custom Software
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Agile Lab

    Agile Labcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Harvest the power of your data

    Agile Lab is a pioneering data and AI solutions provider transforming how businesses leverage their data. Our flagship product, Witboost, is a cutting-edge platform that offers data practitioners an interoperable ecosystem of data tools, providing unified, self-service experiences across the entire lifecycle of a data project. Operating at the process plane, Witboost extends control capabilities that govern data operations and deployment, empowering businesses to efficiently improve their data management. Agile Lab is your bridge to harnessing your data's full potential and converting it into marketable products.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Artificial Intelligence


    (0 review)

    BOLD Attitude

    Siamo un'agenzia creativa digitale nell'animo, ma tradizionale nel cuore, sul campo da più di 15 anni con passione e #boldattitude. Sviluppiamo progetti online e offline con la stessa dedizione e lo stesso impegno dei nostri clienti. Un team di 60 persone, sempre in crescita, suddiviso in 4 aree. -- 🇬🇧 We are a creative agency with a digital mindset, a traditional heart and more than 15 years of experience. A team of 60 people, always growing, working with passion and driven by #boldattitude. We develop online and offline projects with the same dedication and commitment of our customers. -- ➡️ Marketing e Digital Strategy (Analisi e benchmark, web analytics, media & brand monitoring, sentiment e reputation analysis, e-mail marketing, Social e Google Paid Advertising, monitoraggio performance, SEO) ➡️ Content strategy e Art Direction (Social Media Management, Benchmarking e Social Audit, Content, Photo & Video Creation, Brand image, Logo design, Art Direction, Photo & Video shooting, Visual design, Content Strategy, Communication plan, Advertising strategy, Copywriting) ➡️ Digital Experience (UX/UI DESIGN, Development, Creative coding, Custom platforms & open source, Digital infrastructure management) ➡️ E-commerce (Custom b2b projects, Multi platform development, Integrated eCommerce solution, System Integration & Migration, Data-entry flow optimization, Frameworks implementations, Online Store Management / E-shop acceleration)
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • G Tech Group

    G Tech Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    La G Tech Group è una società pionieristica nel dominio dell'innovazione tecnologica. Ci avvaliamo di un team di professionisti altamente competenti, uniti dalla passione di ideare soluzioni tecnologiche avant-garde per propellere le aziende verso il raggiungimento dei loro obiettivi. La nostra missione si concretizza nell'equipaggiare i nostri clienti con tecnologie d'ultima generazione, fungendo da catalizzatori nel potenziamento della loro efficienza operativa e nella minimizzazione dei costi. Siamo devoti a progettare soluzioni su misura che rispecchino le esigenze peculiari dei nostri clienti, supportandoli nel percorso verso il raggiungimento dei loro ambiziosi obiettivi a lungo termine. La G Tech Group dispone di un ampio spettro di servizi, includendo sviluppo software, consulenza tecnologica, soluzioni cloud e servizi di supporto dedicati. Il nostro contingente di esperti, oltre ad essere altamente qualificato, vanta una consolidata esperienza nella progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni tecnologiche evolute. Siamo capaci di erogare soluzioni di calibro enterprise che possono catalizzare le aziende verso il raggiungimento dei loro traguardi di business. La nostra dedizione si estende anche nell'offrire un servizio clienti di eccellenza e nell'assistere i nostri clienti attraverso ogni tappa del loro percorso tecnologico. La nostra disponibilità si manifesta nel rispondere prontamente alle interrogazioni dei clienti e nel fornire supporto tecnico in ogni momento, assicurando che le soluzioni tecnologiche implementate operino con efficienza ottimale.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • VentureLab


    (0 review)

    Web Application, Mobile Application, Software Custom, Cloud Computing , AI, Digital Transformation

    Italiano: VentureLab è una dinamica azienda specializzata in soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate. Siamo il partner ideale per chi cerca innovazione, affidabilità e personalizzazione. La nostra forza risiede nella nostra squadra di esperti, che combina esperienza, creatività e una profonda conoscenza tecnologica per trasformare le tue idee in realtà tangibili. Scegliere VentureLab significa affidarsi a un team che valorizza le tue esigenze e le traduce in soluzioni su misura, sia nel campo dello sviluppo web, software, applicazioni mobile, che nelle ultime tendenze come realtà aumentata e virtuale. Impegnati nella sicurezza, nell'innovazione continua e nel supporto al cliente, siamo qui per guidarti verso il futuro del successo digitale. English: VentureLab is a dynamic company specializing in cutting-edge technological solutions. We are the ideal partner for those seeking innovation, reliability, and customization. Our strength lies in our team of experts who blend experience, creativity, and deep technological knowledge to turn your ideas into tangible realities. Choosing VentureLab means entrusting your needs to a team that values them and translates them into bespoke solutions, whether in web development, software, mobile applications, or the latest trends like augmented and virtual reality. Committed to security, continuous innovation, and customer support, we are here to guide you toward a future of digital success. Español: VentureLab es una empresa dinámica especializada en soluciones tecnológicas de vanguardia. Somos el socio ideal para aquellos que buscan innovación, fiabilidad y personalización. Nuestra fortaleza reside en nuestro equipo de expertos, que combina experiencia, creatividad y un profundo conocimiento tecnológico para convertir tus ideas en realidades tangibles. Elegir VentureLab significa confiar tus necesidades a un equipo que las valora y las traduce en soluciones a medida, ya sea en desarrollo web, software, aplicaciones móviles o en las últimas tendencias como realidad aumentada y virtual. Comprometidos con la seguridad, la innovación continua y el apoyo al cliente, estamos aquí para guiarte hacia un futuro de éxito digital.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Made in Evolve

    Made in Evolveverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Progettiamo eCommerce Intelligenti e Sostenibili. Creando partnership a Commissione sul Venduto.

    Siamo un’agenzia innovativa con sede a Modena, specializzata dal 2008 nella creazione di E-commerce altamente performanti. Il nostro team, composto da 22 professionisti, si dedica allo sviluppo e all’integrazione di applicazioni di automazione e intelligenza artificiale. Queste tecnologie avanzate permettono ai nostri shop online di apprendere autonomamente, agire in modo efficiente e autoalimentarsi. Il nostro approccio unico si basa sulla fusione di tre elementi chiave che riteniamo essenziali per il successo di un brand nel mondo digitale: un design accattivante e personalizzato, un e-commerce tecnologicamente avanzato e un tech-marketing efficace. La nostra forza distintiva risiede nell’abilità di coniugare queste tre componenti in modo armonioso, creando soluzioni su misura che rispecchiano l’identità e le esigenze specifiche di ogni cliente. Gestiamo l’intero progetto da A a Z, lavorando a provvigione sul venduto. Questo modello di business garantisce non solo la massima qualità e dedizione in ogni fase del progetto, ma anche una sostenibilità economica per i nostri partner. La nostra filosofia è quella di crescere insieme ai nostri clienti, stabilendo relazioni a lungo termine basate sulla fiducia e sui risultati concreti.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • RM


    (0 review)
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €250 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Lab S.a.s.

    Web Lab S.a.s.certified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Con oltre 18 anni di storia alle spalle, siamo una tra le web agency più longeve d’Italia. L’ esperienza maturata in questi anni ci ha permesso di affermarci nel mondo della comunicazione digitale specializzandoci prevalentemente ma non esclusivamente nella creazione di campagne pubblicitarie on-line attraverso Google Ads e Facebook Ads, nella realizzazione di siti web e portali e-commerce, e nella progettazione di software per le imprese in grado di dialogare anche con le soluzioni standard già in uso.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €250 for Artificial Intelligence


    (0 review)
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Anoki Srl

    Anoki Srlcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • From HPE’s new high-end storage platform to driving the next wave of the Intelligent Edge and cloud choices, HPE delivers, and now HPE plans to deliver everything-as-a-service by 2022. Catch the excitement at HPE.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • EY Netherlands

    EY Netherlands

    (0 review)

    #BetterWorkingWorld by providing trust through assurance and helping organizations grow & transform

    EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Databay Solutions

    Databay Solutionscertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    🇪🇸 Convertimos datos en Conocimiento enTurning data into knowledge 🇩🇪 Daten in Wissen verwandeln

    🇪🇸 Español 🇪🇸 Somos Databay Solutions , nos especializamos en ayudar a las organizaciones a aprovechar al máximo sus datos, brindando soluciones personalizadas y servicios de análisis, inteligencia artificial y visualización de datos. Nuestro objetivo es impulsar la toma de decisiones informadas y el crecimiento empresarial a través de la utilización estratégica de la información. Transformamos consistentemente datos brutos en conocimiento perspicaz, construyendo desde aplicaciones o herramientas de datos hasta sistemas de Big Data, BI e IA. Nuestra sede se encuentra en España, sirviendo a empresas europeas con una perspectiva global . Hacemos realidad las visiones de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario ofrece una amplia gama de capacidades internas : desde la gestión de datos, servicios AWS y GCP, servicios de ciberseguridad, ingeniería de red hasta desarrollo de software y aplicaciones. Todo con un firme enfoque en la experiencia del usuario y el diseño corporativo. Construimos prototipos de alta calidad como la base de nuestros proyectos, demostrándose como una excelente herramienta para demostrar el valor del producto antes del escalado comercial y el inicio del desarrollo. Empleamos las últimas tecnologías, aprovechando al máximo nuestra experiencia en Big Data e IA. Nuestro equipo es competente en la creación de soluciones que funcionan sin problemas en varias plataformas y para todos los stack de datos disponibles, centrándose principalmente en AWS, GCP, aunque hemos desarrollado soluciones relacionadas con Azure también. Nuestras herramientas ayudan a día de hoy a múltiples empresas a crear ventajas competitivas aprovechando el potencial de la toma de decisiones basadas en datos. Confía en Databay Solutions, tu socio para navegar el complejo panorama de datos y llevar tu negocio a nuevas alturas. 🇬🇧 English 🇬🇧 At Databay Solutions , we focus on helping organisations make the most of their data by providing customised solutions and services in analytics, artificial intelligence and data visualisation. Our goal is to drive informed decision-making and business growth through the strategic use of information . We consistently transform raw data into insightful knowledge, building from data applications or tools to Big Data, BI and AI systems. We are based in Spain, serving companies across Europe with a global perspective . We make our clients' visions a reality. Our multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of in-house capabilities : from data management, AWS and GCP services, cybersecurity services, and network engineering to software and application development. All with a firm focus on user experience and corporate design. We build high-quality prototypes as the foundation of our projects, proving an excellent tool for demonstrating product value prior to commercial scale-up and early development. We employ the latest technologies, making the most of our expertise in Big Data and AI. Our team is proficient in creating solutions that work seamlessly across multiple platforms and for all available data stacks, focusing primarily on AWS, and GCP, although we have developed solutions related to Azure as well. Today, our tools help many companies to create competitive advantages by harnessing the potential of data-driven decision-making. Trust Databay Solutions, your partner to navigate the complex data landscape and take your business to new heights. 🇩🇪 Deutch 🇩🇪 Bei Databay Solutions konzentrieren wir uns darauf, Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, das Beste aus ihren Daten zu machen, indem wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Analytik, künstliche Intelligenz und Datenvisualisierung anbieten. Unser Ziel ist es, durch die strategische Nutzung von Informationen fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und das Unternehmenswachstum zu fördern . Wir wandeln Rohdaten konsequent in aufschlussreiches Wissen um, indem wir Datenanwendungen oder -tools zu Big-Data-, BI- und KI-Systemen weiterentwickeln. Wir sind in Spanien ansässig und betreuen Unternehmen in ganz Europa mit einer globalen Perspektive . Wir setzen die Visionen unserer Kunden in die Realität um. Unser multidisziplinäres Team bietet ein breites Spektrum an Inhouse-Fähigkeiten: von Datenmanagement, AWS- und GCP-Diensten, Cybersicherheitsdiensten und Netzwerktechnik bis hin zur Software- und Anwendungsentwicklung. Und das alles mit einem klaren Fokus auf User Experience und Corporate Design. Wir erstellen hochwertige Prototypen als Grundlage für unsere Projekte, die sich als hervorragendes Instrument zur Demonstration des Produktwerts vor der kommerziellen Skalierung und frühen Entwicklung erweisen. Wir setzen die neuesten Technologien ein und nutzen dabei unser Fachwissen in den Bereichen Big Data und KI. Unser Team ist in der Lage, Lösungen zu entwickeln, die nahtlos über mehrere Plattformen und für alle verfügbaren Datenstapel funktionieren. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns in erster Linie auf AWS und GCP, obwohl wir auch Lösungen für Azure entwickelt haben. Heute helfen unsere Tools vielen Unternehmen, Wettbewerbsvorteile zu schaffen, indem sie das Potenzial datengestützter Entscheidungsfindung nutzen. Vertrauen Sie Databay Solutions, Ihrem Partner, um die komplexe Datenlandschaft zu navigieren und Ihr Unternehmen zu neuen Höhen zu führen .
    6 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Leaware


    (8 reviews)

    We build the right software. We build the software right.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IT leader awards winner specializing in bespoke software development, business process automation and AI. For almost 14 years, we've stood at the forefront of the software development industry. Our legacy is marked by adaptability, unwavering commitment to excellence, and a distinct expertise in ushering startups to success with their digital endeavors. Why Choose Leaware?: 🟢 Startup Advocates: Beyond established brands, Leaware has a profound commitment to aiding startups, understanding their distinct challenges and providing digital strategies to ensure their success. 🟢 Seasoned Innovators: Leaware's longstanding presence in software development showcases its consistency, adaptability, and innovative spirit. 🟢 Robust Client Portfolio: Leaware's collaborations span from global giants like Microsoft, SAP, and AXA to innovative startups and regional businesses, granting them a comprehensive perspective on diverse industry needs. 🟢 Upholding Excellence: Trusted by renowned brands, Leaware's dedication to quality, data security, and professional standards stands out in the industry. 🟢 Adaptable Expertise: Whether it's cutting-edge financial applications or user-friendly platforms, Leaware's expertise remains versatile and updated. 🟢 Global Insight with Local Sensibility: Leaware's vast global experiences are complemented by an intrinsic understanding of local cultures and regulations, making their solutions universally relevant. Services ⚫️ Mobile App Development 📱: Leaware crafts intuitive and efficient mobile apps tailored to user needs, ensuring seamless functionality across various devices and platforms. ⚫️ Web App Development 🌐: From interactive websites to intricate web applications, Leaware designs and develops digital solutions that engage users and drive results. ⚫️ Business Process Automation (BPA) 🤖: Streamline operations and boost productivity with Leaware's BPA solutions, turning repetitive tasks into automated processes. ⚫️ Team Extension/Developers Outsourcing 👩‍💻👨‍💻: Expand your team's capabilities on-demand with Leaware's expert developers, ensuring project goals are met efficiently and effectively. How does Leaware compares to the average software house? 🔵 1. Years of Experience: Leaware: With almost 14 years in the software development industry, Leaware has had the time to mature, refine processes, and build a robust portfolio. This kind of experience means a better understanding of both legacy systems and the latest technological trends. Average Software House: Many software houses may not have been in the market for as long. They might still be in the growth phase, learning from industry dynamics and establishing their brand. 🔵 2. Client Portfolio: Leaware: The diversity of clients, ranging from global giants like Microsoft, AXA, SAP to startups and regional enterprises, indicates versatility, adaptability, and a proven track record. Average Software House: While many software houses do boast a diverse clientele, few can claim experience working with such globally recognized names, especially in tandem with supporting startups. 🔵 3. Specialization in Startup Support: Leaware: Demonstrated expertise in assisting startups with their digital products gives Leaware an edge, showcasing not just technical prowess but also an understanding of startup dynamics, market entry strategies, and agile development suitable for budding enterprises. Average Software House: Not all software houses emphasize or have the experience in supporting startups. While many might offer software development services, the nuanced approach needed for startups might not be a core competency. 🔵 4. Range of Services: Leaware: With experience spanning across more than 20 industries, Leaware offers a comprehensive blend of services. The portfolio includes mobile and web app development, business process automation, and team extension. This broad spectrum of services not only showcases adaptability but also underscores readiness to cater to diverse client needs with a holistic approach. Average Software House: Many software houses offer a range of services, but they may lack the extensive industry experience that Leaware brings. Furthermore, not all provide specialized services like BPA or maintain a dedicated model for team extension. 🔵 5. Quality and Professional Standards: Leaware: Leaware's collaboration with globally recognized brands, coupled with their proven track record in aiding startups like Trooper in Belgium to significant success, speaks volumes about their stringent quality assurance and commitment to top-tier professional standards. Average Software House: While many maintain commendable quality standards, the depth of their processes might not always match. Few can claim the distinction of having both collaborated with major global brands and significantly influenced the success trajectories of startups.
    1 work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €5000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • AnvilEight


    (6 reviews)

    AnvilEight provides web & mobile development for end-to-end product development with Python & Django

    AnvilEight is a leading IT outsourcing Python & Django development company that specializes in using Python programming language and Django framework for web development. With a team of highly skilled developers and designers, AnvilEight provides comprehensive IT solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. The company has a proven track record of delivering top-notch web applications that are scalable, reliable, and secure.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence


    (0 review)

    BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen.

    BREITETIEFE ist ein Kollektiv aus Agenturen, die kollaborativ für Kunden arbeiten und das für unkonventionelle, holistisch gedachte Kommunikationslösungen steht. BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen. Strategy - Brand Building - Technology
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    4 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • VisionSeed


    (2 reviews)

    Helping brands to define and build business valued products

    We are the partner to businesses big and small, providing the unmatched professional knowledge and know-how your business needs to be successful. We take your idea and make it great by designing it around our main pillars of focus: quality of product design and delivery along with feedback adoption and implementation. Our main focus is addressing your key business needs and optimizing your business processes so that in the end, your business is transformed on a global scale.  We have a well-defined vision: to offer you the best options on the market, with knowledgeable advisors and flexible, tailored approaches — all centered on the right outcomes for your business. We want to unlock your business’s potential and make change happen by delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge management, technology, and design.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €500 for Artificial Intelligence


    (0 review)

    UFOMAMMOOT is a cutting-edge, independent digital creative studio based in Berlin.

    UFOMAMMOOT is a cutting-edge studio based in Berlin on a mission to merge classic creative concepts with technological expertise, delivering unseen and interactive digital experiences that captivate and inspire. Specialising in augmented reality, virtual reality, digital installations, and more, we tailor each project for our clients, ensuring the best solution. As pioneers who witnessed the Internet's evolution, we constantly exploring new frontiers, delving into technologies like Chatbots, WebGL, WebVR/AR and AI. Our unwavering commitment to revolutionising digital experiences drives us to fill the digital medium with excitement and magic. We are a creative powerhouse on a journey of transforming the digital landscape into an immersive and enjoyable universe for everyone.
    1 work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Vevol Media

    Vevol Mediaverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Unlocking eCommerce Success, Together.

    Vevol Media is an eCommerce agency specializing in Shopify web development and design. Our mission is to help businesses expose their work to the right audience through customized design and web solutions. At Vevol Media, we have a dedicated team capable of handling web creation projects of any difficulty, from inception to completion. Our services encompass a wide range of areas, including architecture and solutions, project management, web development, testing and quality assurance, project integration, as well as ongoing maintenance and support. We take pride in delivering top-notch services and ensuring the optimization of our clients' online presence, as well as the seamless execution of their projects. When it comes to web development, we provide comprehensive solutions that cover all stages of the project. From initial design and development to thorough testing and quality assurance, we leave no stone unturned. We also offer project integration services, ensuring that all components work harmoniously together. And even after the project is completed, we provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure our clients' online ventures continue to thrive. What sets us apart is our expertise and commitment to excellence. We strive to be a trusted partner for businesses in need of professional eCommerce services. By leveraging our skills and experience, we assist our clients in achieving their online goals and effectively reaching their target audience. Choose Vevol Media for your eCommerce needs, and let us help you succeed in the digital world.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Award-winner
    Mondriaan Digital Consulting is an award-winning European digital research and production company. The Nordic engine of digital change to many industries. - Representation in Amsterdam, Helsinki and Budapest - 360+ applications developed - 7.000.000+ users reached by our push notification system Mondriaan DC works toward connecting digital, creative and commerce to transform and grow business. Pioneering innovation for 12 years, advancing capabilities in auditing and optimizing digital solutions, creating mobile applications, integrating systems and developing software platforms. Technological hub of Sanoma Media Group for their earlier digital transformation. What does Mondriaan DC offer for its partners? Digital Strategy : consultation for understanding what needs to be done and which technology shall be used, resulting in an actionable roadmap. Prototype development : for quick concept validation and cutting time to market, hypothesis testing before investing significant resources into solutions. Complete technological solutions : developed and tested by experts. Maintenance services : analytics and app store management provided for product continuity. User engagement solutions : integrated for improved conversations and reduced churn. Which industries belong to the focus areas of Mondriaan DC? Media & Advertisement : the company was originally an internal unit of Sanoma Media Group, tackled digital transformational challenges of the industry and now offers services in other fields as well. Internet of Things : with special focus on smart buildings (lighting, sensoring, automation), construction activities, fleet management, industrial applications Fintech & Insurtech : from digital banking advisors until damage visual recognition research projects E-health : patient consulting app, medical interfaces, experience with various interfaces (mobile, tablet, voice) Should you have an already specified development project, or need help in creating the technical architecture solving the business need, please use the given contact details. Mondriaan is proud to provide ready solutions, including: - Push notification system : real-time engagement tool for app & web engagement. A plug-and-play system that offers push notifications, in-app messages for delivering highly personalized content with extreme speed, powered by actionable analytics. - Game Wall : gamified brand engagement platform for interactive display experience. Applicable especially to retail (smart shop), festivals (interactive brand awareness), airports (reduced perceived waiting time) or other outdoor advertisements. - Estate360° : immediate 360° content publishing from location for news publishers, real estate agencies, emergency services. Experimentation with new technologies is in the DNS of the team, current pilot projects are running using artificial intelligence, augmented & virtual reality, visual and speech recognition. Mondriaan DC is looking for partners to drive innovation and establish long-term partnerships throughout the European markets.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Sutter Mills

    Sutter Millscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Sutter Mills is an independent Data Consulting Platform created in 2016. Our 90 consultants and experts enable global organisations to think and implement the digital age, with a specific focus on unleashing the potential of technology to improve customer knowledge, user experience and marketing RoI. Our expertise: Data-driven Strategy Consulting Value chain & markets disruption analysis Integration of digital levers in strategy definition Business & operating model rethinking Marketing & media (off/online) strategy Adtech / Martech Selection, Implementation & Operations RfP management & techno selection Implementation of AdTech / MarTech technologies: DMP / CRM / WebAnalytics / CRO / AdServing / Programmatic Use cases & activation strategy Change management & training Performance / KPIs definition & monitoring Consumer Insights Insight detection, emotional triggers, pre / post tests Qualitative & quantitative methodologies Focus groups / social listening /on line forum / survey & research Big data & Analytics Business intelligence and advanced analytics at scale Strategies for private clouds architecture and migrations Building data lakes and data warehouses Algorithms and machine learning Predictive & prescriptive analysis Data visualization & reporting Data Engineering services Software Development & Marketing Automation High-load web systems development Progressive and mobile apps development eCommerce integrations and solutions development Marketing and business process automation software development CRM and Web Analytics tools integration Data Risk Management Compliance audits, fraud detection, maturity assessment, training Digital fraud, risk analysis, fraud management, predictive fraud analysis  
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Adkomo


    (0 review)

    Digital Advertising Solutions to help you acquire new users and maximize your profit.

    Adkomo: Pioneering Digital Advertising Solutions across 3 Core Business Units, Powered by In-House Technology 🌐 We are a cutting-edge digital advertising company that's transforming the way businesses and marketers connect with their audiences. We pride ourselves on providing innovative solutions through our 3 core business units: Adkomo Mobile 📱, Adkomo Convert @, Adkomo Marketplace 🧲 each designed to cater to different aspects of the digital advertising ecosystem. 🎯 All of this is made possible by our own in-house technology, developed by our talented team of developers and specialists. 🔹 Business Unit 1: Adkomo mobile, our solutions for App marketers 📱 Our Mobile team specializes in driving customer acquisition, engagement, and retention through targeted App campaigns. Leveraging advanced analytics, data-driven strategies, and innovative ad formats, we help businesses achieve their KPIs and maximize their ROI. 💼📈 🔹 Business Unit 2: Adkomo Convert, our solutions for Online brands @ Our Convert team is dedicated to helping online brands generate leads and effortlessly conduct e-commerce campaigns through a tailored pay-for-performance approach. Our expert team utilizes CPL, CPC, and CPA metrics, combined with powerful data insights, for a maximized ROI and minimized risk.🌏 🔹 Business Unit 3: Adkomo Marketplace, our solutions for Lead Generation 🧲 Adkomo Marketplace is a lead exchange platform designed to simplify the lead generation process by collecting leads from a variety of channels and with advanced filters in place, delivering only the highest-quality leads that match our Advertiser's specific needs, directly into their CRM.🌟 At Adkomo, our mission is to empower businesses and marketers to navigate the ever-evolving world of digital advertising with ease and confidence. We're proud of the work we do and the relationships we've built along the way. Feel free to reach out to us if you're interested in learning more or collaborating on your next campaign. 🔗📩➡️
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Conflux


    (0 review)

    Designing Experiences, Driving Growth

    Conflux is a specialized consulting boutique in UX Research and design. We empower our clients to analyze, envision, and create innovative, digitally-driven services and products that drive business growth. Utilizing a Human-Centered Design approach, we assist companies in crafting touchpoints that resonate with users across diverse industries, such as banking, insurance, retail, gaming, and more.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €5000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Domus

    Web Domuscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Innova con Noi: L'AI per un Futuro più Intelligente

    Da oltre 20 anni pionieri dell'innovazione digitale. Fondata nel 1999, la nostra agenzia ha sempre avuto un solo obiettivo: spingere i confini della creatività e della tecnologia per offrire soluzioni all'avanguardia. Oggi, abbracciamo con entusiasmo la nuova frontiera dell'Intelligenza Artificiale per "Innovare con Noi: L'AI per un Futuro più Intelligente" dei nostri clienti. Unendo competenze di branding, web marketing e sviluppo software alla potenza trasformativa dell'AI, creiamo esperienze digitali rivoluzionarie. Dalle strategie di promozione AI-driven allo sviluppo di app e applicazioni predittive, siamo il partner ideale per le aziende che vogliono stare un passo avanti.
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence
  • Wink SRL

    Wink SRLcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Artificial Intelligence
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Artificial Intelligence

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