The 10 Best Game Development Companies in Italy - 2024 Reviews

Top Game Development Companies in Italy

Top Featured Game Development Companies

  • Suruche


    (11 reviews)

    Leading Custom Software Development, Web Development, Mobile App Development & IT Solution Provider

    Suruche is a pioneering force in the realm of technology solutions, catering to the dynamic needs of businesses across diverse sectors. As a frontrunner in the industry, Suruche specializes in custom software development, web development, mobile app development, and comprehensive IT solutions. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and excellence, Suruche harnesses cutting-edge technologies and best practices to deliver tailor-made solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital landscape. Whether it's crafting intuitive software applications, designing engaging websites, or developing seamless mobile experiences, Suruche adept team of professionals ensures unparalleled quality and precision in every project. At Suruche, client satisfaction reigns supreme. By prioritizing a client-centric approach, the company collaborates closely with each client to understand their unique requirements, challenges, and aspirations. This collaborative ethos enables Suruche to conceptualize, develop, and deploy solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations, fostering long-term partnerships built on trust and mutual success. Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Suruche remains at the forefront of technological innovation, continuously evolving to meet the evolving needs of its clients and the industry at large. With a proven track record of delivering transformative solutions, Suruche is the go-to partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of technology to drive growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage.
    3 works in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €5000 for Game Development

All Game Development Studios in Italy

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    (15 reviews)

    Siamo produttori di soluzioni digitali.

    LANGA supporta la comunicazione d'impresa tramite il brand LANGA Studios , agenzia specializzata nella costruzione, mantenimento e diffusione dell'immagine digitale del tuo business. LANGA Studios è un'agenzia pubblicitaria facente parte del gruppo LANGA che realizza progetti digitali professionali per migliorare il business delle imprese più ambiziose. Per ogni progetto sviluppiamo idee e strategie di comunicazione fuori dagli schemi al fine di formulare successo. Per un'analisi tecnica dedicata contattaci dal bottone blu oppure per informazioni scrivi direttamente a ➜ Per maggiori informazioni sui servizi per le imprese visita ➜ Trova altri brand su
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Game Development
  • Whitesock


    (9 reviews)

    We transform Contents into Games

    We're an awarded serious games studio based in Florence specializing in designing and developing applied games and highly interactive multimedia experiences for educational projects, CSR activities, dissemination, training, and communication. We published games about citizenship, intercultural dialogue, sustainability, biology, mental health, and economics and we've engaged thousands of students, kids, and adults across Italy and Europe. We can do: 1. Serious games for ESG Do you want to ensure your CSR activities have a concrete and measurable impact ? Do you want to avoid your project being perceived as green/social washing ? Do you want to avoid the backfire related to the perception of manipulation following nudging activities? Use serious games to pique curiosity, generate interest, explain, and convince . Leverage the accessible and engaging language of interaction and the potential of procedural rhetoric to create empowerment and promote contributory activation to your project. Measure the impact and obtain meaningful metrics for your sustainability report . 2. Serious Games for Employee Training and Corporate Culture Transmission Are your employees lacking motivation when it comes to training and upskilling processes? Do you want to improve the effectiveness of these processes and obtain meaningful metrics and new insights from them? We develop serious games to simulate scenarios , experiment with relational dynamics , transmit values , and validate knowledge and hard/soft skills . We apply andragogical training principles that value the role and experience of learners through active and intentional learning . 3. Serious games for k12 training and educational projects Are you looking for a format that adapts to the changing needs of engagement and different learning styles and needs ? Do you need support to update your lesson materials with a focus on inclusivity and personalized learning ? Let's transform your content into games to leverage the advantages of an accessible and engaging language , tune in difficulty and depth degree to the student's zone of proximal development , convey knowledge while avoiding rote learning , develop skills while avoiding frustration , and stimulate critical thinking through discussion , debate, and peer cooperation . Some results: With its first release, Chef Adventure, Whitesock won the Best Applied Game 2021 award at the IVGA (Italian VideoGame Award) and received numerous articles and interviews in specialized and non-specialized magazines (e.g., ilSole24 Ore). Simboasi was nominated for the 2022 version. The game Oxistress has been the subject of two scientific publications in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity . MedCase, Whitesock's most technologically ambitious project designed and developed, has been used in 125 events for healthcare training in 20 different countries, involving over 3000 doctors in person and 500 participants in online courses, and won the Innovation prize at the Italian FCE Award 2024 . Prosperia, a board game about cooperation versus individualism has been selected to be showcased at the 18th European Conference on Games Based Learning in Aarhus Denmark. In 2023, Whitesock was selected in Erasmus+ KA2 program with the project AYDRESS , related to raising awareness about the preparation and management of disasters related to the climate emergency.
    8 works in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Game Development
  • Iakta srl

    Iakta srlcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    We craft custom software for every need and every company

    Established in 2003 in Turin, Iakta S.r.l. is a dynamic software house specializing in fullstack web-based (and mobile) fully customizable software development. Initially focusing on IT consulting for public and private sectors, the company quickly transitioned to delivering bespoke software solutions for web applications. Iakta expanded to collaborate with SMEs and gained recognition in 2008/2009 as an early player in iPhone app development. Today, the company excels in three + 1 core areas: Advanced Web Applications and Management Systems: Crafting customized, technologically innovative solutions for businesses and public administration. Development of Native and Hybrid Apps: Designing smartphone apps, including web management systems. Go-to one-stop shop for startup: technology needs, specializing in comprehensive consultancy and development services spanning web, mobile, and backend. We transform visionary ideas into robust digital solutions, providing tailored, expert support for comprehensive consultancy and development services spanning web, mobile, and backend. Multimedia Installations with IoT Solutions: Creating multimedia installations integrated with IoT solutions for fairs, museums, and organizations. Iakta stands out for its expertise in architectural design, full-stack development, and a commitment to open-source technologies. The company's compact size is an advantage, allowing for personalized attention and a people-centric approach. Regular follow-ups, transparent communication, and investment in employee training reflect Iakta's dedication to individual growth within the company. Iakta is a forward-thinking software house that combines precision with a human touch, offering tailored solutions and fostering a culture of continuous development.s.
    2 works in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €12000 for Game Development
  • dpsonline*


    (0 review)

    Corporate. Digital. Marketing.

    Innovazione, creatività e tecnologia alimentano le nostre idee. Siamo esperti nel coinvolgere il pubblico e nel convertire i clic in clienti, offrendo un valore reale e risultati misurabili. Sappiamo come raccontare le storie, quelle belle. La nostra raffinata combinazione di messaggio conciso, chiarezza e semplicità contraddistingue il nostro Cliente. Parliamo italiano, inglese e altre lingue, a volte armonicamente tutte insieme. Creiamo esperienze positive che spiegano il senso, la motivazione e il contesto di ogni progetto, di ogni prodotto, di ogni azienda. Creiamo valore! Lavoriamo per la relazione tra le persone, lavoriamo per la condivisione, lavoriamo per arricchire di significato. Siamo partner delle aziende nel loro percorso di crescita con un’affiancamento strategico e operativo. Siamo un’azienda sostenibile, socialmente consapevole, che fornisce soluzioni di marketing, web e software all’avanguardia nel competitivo mercato globale.
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Game Development
  • AttoLabs AG

    AttoLabs AGverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Engineers for New Era

    AttoLabs, founded in 2020 by a team of seasoned professionals with nearly two decades of experience, is a global leader in full-cycle software development. We specialize in bringing advanced digital solutions to clients throughout Europe. With a growing multinational presence, we boast key delivery centers across Europe, global offices, and a team of IT experts committed to enhancing our clients' business success through innovative software engineering. Our expertise in cutting-edge technologies, including JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin, GoLang, Rust, C#, .Net, Python and Blockchain, enables us to create customized software solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Our approach combines deep technical proficiency with extensive business insight, allowing us to address complex and large-scale challenges while adhering to the highest coding standards and a commitment to delivering sophisticated engineering innovations. Driven by passion and humility, we are eager to collaborate with you on your next software project, ensuring excellence and innovation every step of the way.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €10000 for Game Development
  • Crocoapps.It


    (3 reviews)
    CrocoApps è specializzato in giochi e gamification. Abbiamo più di cinquanta progetti di successo su piattaforme Android e iOS. Unity e Unreal Engine sono i nostri motori di gioco. Creiamo interessanti progetti di realtà aumentata e giochi virtuali a un prezzo accessibile, seguendo pratiche consolidate nel settore IT. Azienda leader nella realizzazione di prodotti digitali. Non abbiamo paura della complessità, abbiamo passione per la tecnologia e coraggio per le nuove soluzioni. Abbiamo bisogno di più di un semplice lavoro. Sei entusiasta di creare grandi risorse. L’82% del successo del progetto dipende dal team.
    3 works in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €10 for Game Development


    (0 review)

    BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen.

    BREITETIEFE ist ein Kollektiv aus Agenturen, die kollaborativ für Kunden arbeiten und das für unkonventionelle, holistisch gedachte Kommunikationslösungen steht. BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen. Strategy - Brand Building - Technology
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €3000 for Game Development
  • Methodvisuals


    (0 review)

    █▀█ Methodvisuals Creative Production House Video | Photography | 3D motion design

    Methodvisuals Creative Production House Film | Photography | 3D motion design Founded by the director and cinematographer Julien Vannucchi, the company aims to provide high quality content telling unique stories for the media challenges of the new century . As a creative agency , Methodvisuals works in partnership with different artists providing a complete solution to different kinds of production such as music videos , films , documentaries , commercials , product and fashion photography , 2D and 3D motion graphics adv
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Sviluppiamo siti internet su misura per la tua attività studiando soluzioni personalizzate per: aziende ,  negozi online, studi professionali, ristoranti e palestre anche integrando servizi di prenotazione online. Siamo specializzati nella creazione di siti web dinamici con WordPress ed ecommerce di vendita online con WooCommerce per espandere il tuo business online. Creiamo  grafica vettoriale, branding aziendale e stampa per : brochure, loghi, etichette, biglietti da visita, carta intestata, striscioni, roll up, packaging . Eseguiamo Render ,  Modellazione e Cinematic in Grafica 3d . -- Our web agency develops  websites tailored to your business by studying customized solutions for companies, online shops, professional offices, restaurants, gyms, brands. We build websites for small and mid-size companies, that tell a unique brand story using WordPress and WooCommerce to expand your online business . Our agency develops  your corporate branding by creating: brochures, logos, business cards, banners, roll ups, packaging. We use  3D Graphic to create Prototypes, Photorealistic 3Ds, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Codzilla Srl

    Codzilla Srlverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Software House, specialized in App Development, 3d, Marketing, Custom Software
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Serotonina


    (0 review)

    Felici di essere creativi

    L’agenzia creativa più felice d’Italia. Diamo vita a soluzioni creative che incuriosiscono, coinvolgono e attivano i recettori della serotonina: l’ormone del buonumore. LE 3 FASI DELLA FELICITÀ Il team di Serotonina è affiatato e versatile, capace di trovare la soluzione più adatta a ogni esigenza comunicativa in tre semplici passaggi: ASCOLTO Comprendiamo le reali esigenze e i desideri alla base di ogni progetto, con un atteggiamento di ascolto attivo. RISONANZA Diamo un riscontro sincero e competente, procedendo dalla sensibilità, l’esperienza e le professionalità coinvolte nel progetto. RISULTATO Realizziamo il progetto con rapidità e precisione, sfruttando le sinergie del nostro team multi potenziale.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Synesthesia


    (0 review)

    The Digital Experience Company

    Synesthesia è una digital experience company, nata a Torino nel 2011, che supporta i propri partner in ogni fase di crescita digitale. Trasforma idee in soluzioni innovative. Synesthesia è una digital experience company orientata al risultato. Crea valore attraverso un mix unico e innovativo di creatività ed esperienza sul campo. Il loro business è guidato dalla passione per le sfide e dall’amore per le tecnologie di oggi e di domani. Promuove il progresso tecnologico attraverso l’etica, l’innovazione e la ricerca. Sostiene l’inclusione, l’uguaglianza e il benessere nella ricerca della sostenibilità e della stabilità economica. Costruisce il futuro per creare un impatto positivo sulla società. La sua crescita si fonda sulla ricerca di nuove opportunità di sviluppo sostenibile, sull’attenzione costante al benessere dei suoi dipendenti e sulla qualità dei servizi offerti. Organizza droidcon Italy, Swift Heroes e Flutter Heroes, eventi internazionali legati allo sviluppo Android e iOS. Si impegna per l’inclusione di genere in ambito tecnologico organizzando ogni anno Girls Tech e traccia percorsi di avvicinamento al mondo digitale per bambini e ragazzi con FuturMakers. Aiuta le aziende ad accrescere le proprie competenze in ambito tecnologico e risorse umane offrendo corsi di formazione avanzata per i loro professionisti tramite la propria Academy. Da gennaio 2022, Synesthesia, cambiando statuto e ragione sociale, è diventata una Società Benefit. Un passaggio obbligato che attesta l’impegno pluriennale dell’azienda nell’ambito del no-profit, del terzo settore e del sostegno alle politiche locali e internazionali legate all’ambiente e allo sviluppo sostenibile.
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Armonia


    (0 review)
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Figmenta


    (0 review)

    “Imaginary Things”

    Figmenta è un’agenzia di comunicazione con una forte vocazione sulla strategia e sulla content creation digitale, con un particolare focus sui Social. Al nostro interno raccogliamo diversi profili di professionisti in grado di soddisfare le sue richieste. Il nostro è un team moderno e distribuito e lavoriamo in modo smart da Milano, Lecce, Londra e Buenos Aires.
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Jyamma Games is an Italian independent game studio born with the aim to create "Hi-Fun Powered Video Games.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    No budget for Game Development
  • EY Netherlands

    EY Netherlands

    (0 review)

    #BetterWorkingWorld by providing trust through assurance and helping organizations grow & transform

    EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • AppQuality


    (0 review)
    AppQuality became bigger, better, smarter and is now UNGUESS, the tech-platform to bring collective wisdom in your decision making processes, fast and at any time needed.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Innowise


    (29 reviews)

    Let's develop software together!

    Custom Software Development Company Innowise is a prominent software development company in the St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay area, Florida. With headquarters in Warsaw, Poland, and offices in several countries including Germany, Italy and etc. we serve clients locally and globally. With 16+ years of experience and a team of 1500+ skilled specialists, we create innovative software solutions using cutting-edge technologies. We specialize in tailored tech solutions that streamline processes and enhance customer satisfaction. Our custom software is designed to meet your unique requirements, timeline, and budget. At Innowise, we offer end-to-end software development services. From conceptualization to testing, deployment, and support, we handle the entire process. Our expertise extends to UX/UI design, IT strategy consulting, and staff augmentation, providing comprehensive solutions for your technology needs. Partnering with Innowise means gaining access to dedicated professionals who are committed to your success. With extensive industry knowledge, we deliver solutions that drive growth and innovation. Contact us today to explore how our custom software development services can propel your business in the St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay area, and beyond.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €10000 for Game Development
  • Forge Reply

    Forge Replycertified-flag

    (0 review)
    We are a team of dedicated professionals and we work hard to present our players with exciting AA games that feature high production values, deep gameplay experiences and engaging stories, on PC and next-gen consoles.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Criticalcase


    (0 review)
    Criticalcase is an international group that, since 1999, has been operating as High Availability service provider, specialized in the supply of customized full managed solutions
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Italy
    From €1000 for Game Development

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