The 100 Best Google Analytics Consulting Agencies - 2025 Reviews

Top Google Analytics Consulting Agencies

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  • 4.8
    (4 reviews)

    Growth is our adventure, join us! 🚀

    Top awarded
    Social Brothers is opgericht in 2011 en is een Digital Agency dat zich richt op het data-gedreven en digitaal laten groeien van klanten. Zo werken we voor klanten door het hele land in diverse branches, vanuit onze kantoren in Utrecht, Amsterdam. Ons team van meer dan 70 specialisten staat klaar om te helpen! Onze opdrachtgevers zijn actief in verschillende segmenten en markten. Social Brothers is onderdeel van de Social Brothers Group, die bestaat uit drie labels: Social Brothers, WP Brothers en 2DIGITS. ENG Social Brothers was founded in 2011 and is a Digital Agency focusing on data-driven and digital growth for clients. We serve clients nationwide and across various industries from our offices in Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam. Our team of over 70 specialists is ready to assist! Our clients operate in diverse segments and markets. Social Brothers operates as part of the Social Brothers Group, which comprises three labels: Social Brothers, WP Brothers, and 2DIGITS .
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Utrecht, Netherlands (+1)
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Non-profit (+15)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    51-200 members
  • 4.7
    (6 reviews)

    Smoothie Communicate: creatività che cattura, strategie che connettono.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Smoothie Communicate – Dove ogni idea diventa un’opportunità straordinaria Immagina di poter raccontare la tua storia in un modo che emozioni, coinvolga e lasci il segno. In Smoothie Communicate, non ci limitiamo a fare comunicazione: trasformiamo il tuo brand in un’esperienza unica, capace di conquistare il cuore del tuo pubblico. Creiamo soluzioni su misura che fanno la differenza Ogni brand è speciale, e ogni messaggio merita di essere unico. Noi partiamo dal tuo mondo, dalle tue esigenze, e creiamo strategie che parlano di te in modo autentico. Analizziamo, ascoltiamo e poi agiamo, fondendo creatività e innovazione per dar vita a soluzioni che non solo rispondono alle tue necessità, ma anticipano le tue ambizioni. Creatività che emoziona, strategie che conquistano La nostra passione per la comunicazione si traduce in progetti che lasciano il segno. Non parliamo solo di contenuti, ma di esperienze che catturano l'attenzione e restano impresse. Con un team di esperti creativi e strateghi, pensiamo fuori dagli schemi per creare campagne che parlano davvero alle persone, spingendo il tuo brand a un livello superiore. Un partner che crede nel tuo successo Siamo al tuo fianco in ogni passo del percorso. Non siamo semplicemente un’agenzia: siamo il team che trasforma la tua visione in realtà. Dalla costruzione di un’immagine forte alla creazione di esperienze memorabili, siamo qui per aiutarti a raggiungere obiettivi audaci e a far crescere il tuo business in modi sorprendenti. Perché scegliere Smoothie Communicate: Creatività senza limiti: ogni idea è una nuova opportunità per stupire e coinvolgere. Strategie personalizzate: non esistono soluzioni preconfezionate, solo progetti costruiti per te. Passione e dedizione: siamo entusiasti di ogni progetto, perché ogni brand merita il nostro massimo impegno. Risultati che parlano: lavoriamo per darti non solo visibilità, ma anche impatti reali e duraturi. In Smoothie Communicate, non siamo qui solo per farti vedere. Siamo qui per farti sentire. Ogni nostra strategia è pensata per far emergere la tua unicità e portare il tuo brand dove merita. Smoothie Communicate – dove ogni tua idea prende vita e diventa qualcosa di straordinario. Visita il nostro sito e scopri come possiamo rendere unico il tuo brand:
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Padua, Italy
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+17)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    BOOST IT is a performance marketing agency that empowers ambitious brands to accelerate growth.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Organic growth is the primary objective of all digital marketing efforts and only achieved by those who really understand their audience – and set realistic, measurable goals. By seamlessly integrating hands-on actions—such as SEO, paid search, and data-driven strategies—into existing workflows, it deliver immediate impact without disrupting operations, paving the way for long-term success.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Unknown location
    From €3,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in E-commerce (+9)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (29 reviews)

    Digital Strategies based on Data Analysis

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    As a leading digital marketing agency, we specialize in leading businesses to success through an analytical and mathematical approach . We use data analytics to maximize the value of each project and serve a wide range of clients, from SMEs and startups to large corporations in the B2B and B2C sectors. We are based in Barcelona with a global perspective and vision, and a multidisciplinary team of economists, mathematicians, data consultants, SEO, SEM and marketing strategy experts. Our goal is to thoroughly understand your project in order to develop the precise strategy that your business requires. If you are looking for an agency dedicated to achieving your goals with a data-driven approach, contact us. (ES) Estrategia Digital impulsada por el Análisis de Datos Como agencia líder en marketing digital, nos especializamos en orientar a las empresas hacia el éxito a través de un enfoque analítico y matemático . Utilizamos el análisis de datos para maximizar el valor de cada proyecto, atendiendo a una amplia gama de clientes, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes corporaciones en sectores B2B y B2C. Estamos en Barcelona con perspectiva y visión global, y con un equipo multidisciplinario de economistas, matemáticos, consultores de datos, expertos en SEO, SEM y estrategias de marketing. Nuestro objetivo es entender a fondo tu proyecto para desarrollar la estrategia precisa que tu negocio requiere. Si buscas una agencia dedicada a lograr tus metas con un enfoque data-driven, contáctanos. (CAT) Estratègia Digital impulsada per l'Anàlisi de Dades Com a agència líder en màrqueting digital, ens especialitzem a orientar a les empreses cap a l'èxit a través d'un enfocament analític i matemàtic . Utilitzem l'anàlisi de dades per a maximitzar el valor de cada projecte, atesa una àmplia gamma de clients, des de pimes i empreses emergents fins a grans corporacions en sectors B2B i B2C. Estem a Barcelona amb perspectiva i visió global, i som un equip multidisciplinari d'economistes, matemàtics, consultors de dades, experts en SEU, SEM i estratègies de màrqueting. El nostre objectiu és entendre a fons el teu projecte per a desenvolupar l'estratègia precisa que el teu negoci requereix. Si busques una agència dedicada a aconseguir les teves metes amb un enfocament data-driven, contacta amb nosaltres .
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Barcelona, Spain
    From €3,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Real Estate (+16)
    Speaks Spanish, Catalan(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    Shaping Your Digital Future, Together.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    2Stallions, founded in 2012, is a digital marketing agency that shares the characteristics of a stallion, renowned for its nobility and a symbol of trust to help elevate your business to the next level. From crafting customized websites and applications to devising digital marketing strategies, 2Stallions is focused on driving results for clients. They assist in helping clients convert leads by implementing multi-channel marketing campaigns to create brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. Their uniqueness is in supporting clients with full-funnel marketing strategies that are data-driven and help convert their audience to paying customers. Their diverse client base ranges from government agencies, startups, and even globally recognized brands. They have a team that comprises about 25+ talents across Asia. They offer a wide range of services to meet your marketing needs. Their core services include Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Social Media Advertising. They excel in Marketing Automation to streamline your marketing processes. At the same time, Their Creative Services team brings your brand to life with innovative design. Additionally, They provide Website Development to ensure a seamless online experience for your customers. Services Provided App Development, Content Marketing, Content Writing, Conversion Rate Optimisation, Digital Advertising, Display Advertising, Digital Analytics, Email Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Graphic Design, Instagram Marketing, Landing Page Creation, Landing Page Optimisation, LinkedIn Advertising, Link Building, Marketing Automation, Mobile Marketing, Online PR, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Analytics, Social Media Management, Social Media Marketing, User Experience (UX) Design, Video Marketing, Web Analytics, Web Development, YouTube Marketing, Others 2Stallions combines digital marketing and design expertise to help businesses optimize their online presence, attract targeted audiences, and enhance brand recognition. They are committed to achieving client goals and ensuring long-term success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. At 2Stallions, they help businesses thrive in the digital age.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Singapore, Singapore
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+8)
    Speaks English, Chinese(+3)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (2 reviews)

    Digital Facelift

    NewFlow helps individual entrepreneurs and companies to present themselves in the online space, be it a website, a social media platform or a google search engine. By building web stores you can open up a new dimension in your business."
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Veszprém, Hungary
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Food (+2)
    Speaks English, Hungarian
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    🇪🇦 Convertimos datos en Conocimiento enTurning data into knowledge 🇩🇪 Daten in Wissen verwandeln

    📊 Somos Databay Solutions , tu partner tecnológico de confianza especializado en ayudar a las organizaciones a aprovechar al máximo sus datos ofreciendo soluciones personalizadas y servicios de análisis , inteligencia artificial y visualización de datos . 🎯 Nuestro objetivo es impulsar la toma de decisiones informadas y el crecimiento empresarial a través de la utilización estratégica de la información. 👉 Transformamos consistentemente datos brutos en conocimiento perspicaz, construyendo desde aplicaciones o herramientas de datos hasta sistemas de Big Data, BI e IA. Nuestra sede se encuentra en España, sirviendo a empresas europeas con una perspectiva global . Hacemos realidad las visiones de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario ofrece una amplia gama de capacidades internas : ✅Gestión de datos ✅ Servicios AWS y GCP ✅ Servicios de ciberseguridad ✅ Ingeniería de red ✅ Desarrollo de software y aplicaciones. Todo con un firme enfoque en la experiencia del usuario y el diseño corporativo. 📲 Construimos prototipos de alta calidad como la base de nuestros proyectos, demostrándose como una excelente herramienta para demostrar el valor del producto antes del escalado comercial y el inicio del desarrollo. ✔️ Empleamos las últimas tecnologías, aprovechando al máximo nuestra experiencia en Big Data e IA. Nuestro equipo es competente en la creación de soluciones que funcionan sin problemas en varias plataformas y para todos los stack de datos disponibles, centrándose principalmente en AWS, GCP, aunque hemos desarrollado soluciones relacionadas con Azure también. 📈 Nuestras herramientas ayudan a día de hoy a múltiples empresas a crear ventajas competitivas aprovechando el potencial de la toma de decisiones basadas en datos. Confía en Databay Solutions, tu socio para navegar el complejo panorama de datos y llevar tu negocio a nuevas alturas. 🎯 ¿ Estás preparado para impactar en tu negocio y convertir en realidad tu visión de futuro? Contáctanos y nuestro equipo estudiará la mejor manera con la que podemos ayudar a tu negocio . 🖥️ ✉️ 📞 +34 606 21 91 11 _____________________________________________ 📊 At Databay Solutions , we focus on helping organisations make the most of their data by providing customised solutions and services in analytics , artificial intelligence and data visualisation . 🎯 Our goal is to drive informed decision-making and business growth through the strategic use of information . 👉 We consistently transform raw data into insightful knowledge, building from data applications or tools to Big Data, BI and AI systems. We are based in Spain, serving companies across Europe with a global perspective . We make our clients' visions a reality. Our multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of in-house capabilities : ✅ From data management ✅ AWS and GCP services ✅ Cybersecurity services ✅ Network engineering to software and application development. All with a firm focus on user experience and corporate design. 📲 We build high-quality prototypes as the foundation of our projects, proving an excellent tool for demonstrating product value prior to commercial scale-up and early development. ✔️ We employ the latest technologies, making the most of our expertise in Big Data and AI. Our team is proficient in creating solutions that work seamlessly across multiple platforms and for all available data stacks, focusing primarily on AWS, and GCP, although we have developed solutions related to Azure as well. 📈 Today, our tools help many companies to create competitive advantages by harnessing the potential of data-driven decision-making. Trust Databay Solutions, your partner to navigate the complex data landscape and take your business to new heights. 📩 Contact us and our team will study the best way we can help your business . 🖥️ ✉️ 📞 +34 606 21 91 11
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Benalmádena, Spain (+1)
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+17)
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    We are SOCIALLYWITHIT. Are you?

    Highly recommended
    Founded in 2023 in the heart of London - We are a data driven, result led creative agency. Talk to us about creative production, paid media marketing and SEO.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+6)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Wir machen Online Marketing besser.

    Top awarded
    Projecter ist eine Online-Marketing-Agentur aus Leipzig: Als Full-Service-Anbieter decken wir von Affiliate Marketing über SEO, SEA, Social Ads und Social Media bis hin zu Web Analytics die komplette Bandbreite des Online Marketings ab. Ob Content-Marketing-Strategie, Videoproduktionen, Design-Konzept oder Feedmanagement – unsere rund 90 Expert*innen an den Standorten Leipzig und Garmisch-Partenkirchen haben das spezialisierte Know-how. Unsere langjährige Expertise in der Branche macht uns zum zuverlässigen Partner für E-Commerce-Unternehmen seit unserer Gründung in 2008. Dabei bieten wir unseren Kunden sowohl die Umsetzung als auch eine umfassende Beratung und Schulung an. Zu den bekanntesten Kunden auf dem deutschen Markt gehören Carhartt WIP, SportScheck und RB Leipzig. Projecter ist Teil der Obsidian Group , welche fünf europäische Digitalagenturen mit über 330 Mitarbeiter*innen umfasst. Mit mehr als 125 Mio. Euro verwaltetem Performance-Budget pro Jahr, über 15 gemeinsamen Cases mit Social-Media-Netzwerken und acht Standorten, u. a. in Deutschland, Dänemark und Finnland, bietet Projecter besonders im DACH-Raum und im skandinavischen Markt eine umfassende Betreuung für mittelständische wie multinationale Unternehmen auf höchstem Expertenniveau.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Leipzig, Germany
    From €800 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (21 reviews)

    L'agence qui met votre entreprise sur orbite !

    Nous accompagnons les sociétés (BtoB et BtoC), les associations et les personnalités publiques (Sportifs, Artistes...) dans leur développement (Image de marque et Chiffre d'Affaires) grâce à notre expertise en matière de communication digitale mais aussi traditionnelle ! Nous offrons la possibilité à nos partenaires d'avoir un seul interlocuteur réactif pour la communication.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Avignon, France
    From €500 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+8)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (11 reviews)

    Kreative Magie, Messbare Ergebnisse!

    Highly recommended
    In der malerischen Kulisse des Allgäus kreieren wir bei Weblabs digitale Meisterwerke. Unsere Leidenschaft liegt im Schaffen beeindruckender Webseiten, fesselnder E-Commerce-Plattformen und strategischer Online-Marketing-Kampagnen. Dabei steht bei uns eines immer im Fokus: Unseren Kunden Ergebnisse zu liefern die Sie vom Hocker hauen. Mit einem Team von kreativen Köpfen, Brand Strategen, Designern und technischen Genies verbinden wir Ästhetik und Funktion, um digitale Erfolge zu schaffen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Visionen in die digitale Realität verwandeln – Willkommen bei Weblabs, Ihrer Agentur für digitale Spitzenleistungen. Bei unserer Agentur ist die Kundenzufriedenheit nicht nur ein Mantra, sondern der pulsierende Motor, der unser Schaffen antreibt. Transparent und zielorientiert arbeiten wir mit Hingabe daran, messbaren Erfolg zu schaffen – nicht für uns, sondern für Sie. Unsere Kreativität ist das Schweizer Taschenmesser in unserer Werkzeugkiste, und unser Fachwissen bildet das Fundament, auf dem wir Ihre Visionen aufbauen. Wir sind nicht nur Dienstleister, sondern Ihre Partner auf Augenhöhe. Wir stehen dafür ein, Ihnen nicht bloß das zu bieten, was Sie wünschen, sondern das, was Sie wirklich voranbringt. Wir schrecken nicht vor Herausforderungen zurück; wir laden sie ein, mit uns auf den Ring zu steigen. Unser Rat ist nicht das bequeme Echo Ihrer Gedanken, sondern der inspirierte Funke, der Sie zu neuen Horizonten treibt. Unsere Versprechen sind nicht aufgebläht, sondern solide wie Fels, und unser Handeln ist immer von einem klaren Fokus geleitet: Ihrem Erfolg.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Sonthofen, Germany
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Restaurants (+4)
    Speaks English, Danish(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Boutique Consultancy for Data & Analytics

    Die 9 friendly white rabbits sind eine Data & Analytics Beratung in Berlin. Wir sind ein Team von Spezialisten in den Bereichen Tracking, Data Engineering und Data Analytics. Wir bieten Datenstrategieberatung, Data Stack Design & Implementierung, Data Mesh, Aufbau von Data Warehouses, KPI-Konzeption, Web Analytics, App Analytics, Reporting, Funnel und Customer Journey Analyse, Business Intelligence Dashboards, Ad-hoc/Deep Dive Analysen, Datenvisualisierung, Conversion Optimierung und A/B Testing. Zu unseren Kunden zählen Startups mit digitalen Geschäftsmodellen und etablierte Unternehmen in der digitalen Transformation. Zu unseren Technologien gehören Strategy - Data Thinking & Data Strategy - Data Government & Access Rights - Data Quality, Data Lineage, Data Catalogue - KPI definitions, Stakeholder Reporting - DSGVO DWH & Data integration - GCP, AWS - BigQuery, Snowflake, Hadoop, Data Bricks - Data Modeling, dbt, SQL, Data Catalogue - ETL, Fivetran, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, Dataflow, Airflow - Docker, Kubernets - Python, Spark/PySpark, Analytics - Tableau, Data Studio, Looker, PowerBI - Jupyter Notebooks, Python, R, SQL Tracking - Google Tag Manager, GTM, Segment, Serverside Tracking, Tealium, Adobe Launch - Google Analytics, GA4, Adobe Analytics, Matomo - A/B Testing, Optimizely, Adobe Target - Javascript, HTML, mobile Tracking - Consent & DSGVO
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Retail (+4)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (102 reviews)

    Alliance parfaite entre l'expertise humaine et Intelligence Artificielle.

    Top awarded
    GrowthYouNeed, pionnier du Growth Marketing en France, allie Intelligence Artificielle et expertise humaine avec sa gamme d'applications SaaS, dont l'outil N°1 pour les marketers Révolutionnez vos stratégies marketing avec notre savoir-faire unique.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Paris, France
    From €3,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+22)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (10 reviews)

    digital. done.

    Top awarded
    Bereit, den Online-Marketing-Turbo zu zünden? SaphirSolution ist der Dreh- und Angelpunkt für den ultimativen 360° Marketing-Rausch! Unsere Crew vereint Fachwissen und Teamgeist, um dein Wachstum auf ein neues Level zu katapultieren. Deine Ziele sind nicht nur unser Fokus, sondern unsere DNA. Lass uns quatschen und herausfinden, wie wir zusammen das Digital-Marketing-Spektakel revolutionieren!
    1 work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Niederkassel, Germany
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Beverage (+12)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (8 reviews)

    Shaping tomorrow. One brand at the time.

    Highly recommended
    Digitale Marketing, simpel en toegankelijk. Resultaatgerichte oplossingen die impact maken. Met onze brede digitale expertise tillen we jouw online aanwezigheid naar een hoger niveau. Onze op maat gemaakte aanpak zorgt voor tastbare groei en blijvende impact. Klaar voor jouw digitale transformatie?
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Maasmechelen, Belgium
    From €200 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Human Resources (+11)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Data-Driven Digital Marketing.

    Top awarded
    comtogether is a data-driven digital marketing agency with offices in Switzerland and Hong Kong. With a history spanning 17 years, we have successfully delivered value and actionable insights to clients, enabling them to reach global audiences effectively and at scale. Our multilingual and cross-functional team of digital marketing experts operates globally through strategic partnerships with leading and local media platforms. We have extensive experience across various industries, specializing in B2B, complex B2C, and Travel Retail. To learn more about how comtogether can assist your business in achieving its goals, please visit our website at :
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Saint-Sulpice, Switzerland
    From €3,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Education (+7)
    Speaks English, Chinese(+4)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)
    Fast Progression verkörpert unsere Leidenschaft für Performance Marketing und den Aufbau digitaler Geschäftsmodelle. Wir treten mit dem Anspruch an, der exzellenteste Wachstumspartner für ambitionierte Unternehmen zu sein. Tiefe Datensouveränität, spezifische Expertise und kreative Wachstumsstrategien zeichnen uns aus.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €2,500 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Education (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Erfolgreiche Online Marketing Agentur mit Fokus auf Performance Marketing Aktivitäten

    Wir sind Experten, wenn es darum geht, Ihre Produkte erfolgreich online zu vermarkten. Mit einem engagierten Team und einem starken Performance Fokus begleiten wir Sie als erfahrene Online Marketing Agentur bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung zeitgemäßer, digitaler Marketingkampagnen. Hierbei beschränken wir uns nicht nur auf die Durchführung Ihrer Online–Marketingkampagnen, sondern sehen unsere Stärke ebenso in der Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter und auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene digitale Gesamtstrategien. Dabei berücksichtigen wir neben Ihren Unternehmenszielen ebenso wichtige Faktoren, wie Marktumfeld, Wettbewerbssituation und Nutzerverhalten, um so die Grundlage für einen auf Sie passenden, ganzheitlichen Marketingansatz zu schaffen. Zusammengefasst verstehen wir uns nicht nur als Online Marketing Agentur, sondern vielmehr als Ihr Partner für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung Ihrer digitalen Strategien und Maßnahmen.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Lauf an der Pegnitz, Germany
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German(+3)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (13 reviews)


    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Benvenuti nella Web Agency LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 Se siete alla ricerca di una agenzia professionale per lo sviluppo e crescita del marketing per la vostra Azienda, siete nel posto giusto! LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 è una web agency all'avanguardia, specializzata nell'applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale al web marketing e all'e-commerce. I nostri servizi: Offriamo una vasta gamma di servizi che coprono ogni aspetto del web e dello sviluppo di ecommerce, dalla creazione di siti web responsivi e intuitivi alla progettazione di piani di social media. Inoltre, siamo pionieri nell'utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale per ottimizzare le strategie di marketing online e migliorare le performance delle vendite online. Il nostro team esperto di creativi, sviluppatori e esperti di intelligenza artificiale lavora in sinergia per realizzare soluzioni innovative che soddisfino le esigenze specifiche dei nostri clienti. Approccio orientato al SEO: Sappiamo quanto sia importante per voi essere trovati online. Per questo motivo, adottiamo un approccio orientato al SEO (Search Engine Optimization) potenziato dall'intelligenza artificiale per garantire che il vostro sito web raggiunga una posizione prominente sui motori di ricerca. Utilizziamo algoritmi avanzati e tecniche di machine learning per ottimizzare i contenuti, le parole chiave e la struttura del sito, migliorando così la visibilità e l'accessibilità del vostro sito web. Collaborazione strategica: La nostra filosofia si basa sulla collaborazione strategica con i nostri clienti. Prima di iniziare qualsiasi progetto, ci prendiamo il tempo necessario per comprendere appieno le vostre esigenze, gli obiettivi aziendali e il vostro pubblico di riferimento. Questo ci consente di creare soluzioni personalizzate che riflettano la vostra identità aziendale e raggiungano risultati tangibili grazie all'integrazione intelligente dell'intelligenza artificiale. Scegli LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 come partner per la vostra presenza online e scoprite come l'intelligenza artificiale può fare la differenza nel vostro successo nel web marketing e nell'e-commerce.
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Located in Naples, Italy
    From €1,000 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Food (+8)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.6
    (3 reviews)

    We make digital marketing magic happen

    We are a growth marketing agency dedicated to connecting you with your ideal customers through a mix of expert strategies and digital intuition. Here's what we do best: ▪️Building from scratch: We craft tailored digital marketing strategies that incorporate SEO, paid advertising, and analytics. ▪️Growing with you: Our marketing solutions scale with your business, ensuring efficiency and growth. ▪️Optimizing for success: We focus on maximizing your return on investment and refining your marketing spend for the best outcomes. ▪️Fixing what's broken: When your digital campaign metrics fluctuate, we diagnose and rectify the issues with precision audits and optimizations. At Digital Hunch Agency, we're not just about marketing, we're about creating a path to the people who need you. Let's take this journey together and achieve remarkable results!
    Looking for work in Google Analytics Consulting
    Unknown location
    From €500 for Google Analytics Consulting
    Worked in Education (+6)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

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How to choose the right Google analytics consultant for your business?

Are you looking for Google Analytics experts to help you make the most of your data? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the best Google Analytics consultants to help you get started. Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you understand your website visitors and their behaviour. However, it can be challenging to set up and interpret the data if you're not familiar with it. That's where a Google Analytics consultant comes in. A good Google Analytics consultant will be able to help you set up your account, interpret your data, and give you recommendations on how to improve your website based on your data. If you're ready to take your website to the next level with the help of a Google Analytics consultant, check out our list of the best ones to get started.

What does Google analytics mean?

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin.

Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet. The basic service is free of charge, and there is a paid premium version for larger websites, with more features.

Google Analytics can track visitors from all referrers, including search engines, display advertising, pay-per-click networks, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization, email marketing and other digital marketing channels. It also tracks social interactions on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

The Google Analytics code snippet is added to a site's source code to collect this data. The data collected by the Google Analytics tracking code is transmitted to Google Analytics servers where it is processed and stored. The Google analytics data can then be used by site owners to analyze website traffic and trends.

Google Analytics provides APIs so that data analysis from Google Analytics can be integrated with other data sources, such as data from a CRM system. This allows for a more comprehensive analysis of website traffic data.

If you're wondering what Google Analytics refers to, it's the number of visitors to your website. It tracks the number of page views and interactions a user has with your site over a set time period. It also tracks the origin of web traffic, which could be a search engine or referral site. Unique pageviews are the number of page views generated by the same visitor during one session. Here are a few of the most important metrics to monitor and understand:

Plausible vs Google analytics: which one to choose

There are a few key differences between Plausible and Google Analytics. For one, Plausible is designed to be a privacy-first analytics solution which means that it does not collect or store any personally identifiable information (PII). Google Analytics, on the other hand, does collect and store PII which can be used to identify individual users.

Another key difference is that Plausible uses a simplified data model which makes it easier to understand your website's analytics. Google Analytics, on the other hand, uses a more complex data model which can be difficult to understand.

Finally, Plausible offers a number of features that are not available in Google Analytics. For example, Plausible allows you to see your website's most popular content, track your conversion rates, and see your website's traffic by country.

What is a Google analytics consultant?

A Google Analytics consultant is a professional who helps businesses to track and interpret their online data using Google Analytics. This data can provide insights into website traffic patterns, customer behaviour, and conversions. A Google Analytics consultant can help businesses to set up and configure their Google Analytics account, as well as interpret and report on the data. They can also help businesses to troubleshoot issues with their Google Analytics tracking code or data interpretation.

7 things that Google analytics consulting services do:

  • Find out where your visitors are coming from
  • Analyze conversion rates and identify areas for improvement
  • Create and configure custom reports
  • Google analytics can help you track your website's bounce rate and see which pages are causing visitors to leave.
  • Provide recommendations for improving your website traffic and engagement
  • Monitor your website for any potential issues
  • Identify any technical issues that may be impacting your website traffic

5 Questions to ask when you hire Google analytics consultants:

  • What is your search engine optimization?
  • What methods do you use to collect data?
  • What experience do you have with consulting?
  • What is your Google data studio and Google AdWords?
  • What is your experience with custom reports and dashboards?

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