The 100 Best Data Science Companies - 2024 Reviews

Top Data Science Companies

Data science companies are essential for businesses across various industries. Leveraging advanced analytics, machine learning, and big data technologies, these firms help organizations make informed decisions, optimize operations, and drive innovation. Whether you aim to enhance customer experiences, improve operational efficiency, or gain a competitive edge, partnering with a top data science company provides the expertise and tools needed to achieve your goals.

Top Featured Data Science Companies

  • LaMagnética


    (28 reviews)

    Digital Strategies based on Data Analysis

    As a leading digital marketing agency, we specialize in leading businesses to success through an analytical and mathematical approach . We use data analytics to maximize the value of each project and serve a wide range of clients, from SMEs and startups to large corporations in the B2B and B2C sectors. We are based in Barcelona with a global perspective and vision, and a multidisciplinary team of economists, mathematicians, data consultants, SEO, SEM and marketing strategy experts. Our goal is to thoroughly understand your project in order to develop the precise strategy that your business requires. If you are looking for an agency dedicated to achieving your goals with a data-driven approach, contact us. (ES) Estrategia Digital impulsada por el Análisis de Datos Como agencia líder en marketing digital, nos especializamos en orientar a las empresas hacia el éxito a través de un enfoque analítico y matemático . Utilizamos el análisis de datos para maximizar el valor de cada proyecto, atendiendo a una amplia gama de clientes, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes corporaciones en sectores B2B y B2C. Estamos en Barcelona con perspectiva y visión global, y con un equipo multidisciplinario de economistas, matemáticos, consultores de datos, expertos en SEO, SEM y estrategias de marketing. Nuestro objetivo es entender a fondo tu proyecto para desarrollar la estrategia precisa que tu negocio requiere. Si buscas una agencia dedicada a lograr tus metas con un enfoque data-driven, contáctanos. (CAT) Estratègia Digital impulsada per l'Anàlisi de Dades Com a agència líder en màrqueting digital, ens especialitzem a orientar a les empreses cap a l'èxit a través d'un enfocament analític i matemàtic . Utilitzem l'anàlisi de dades per a maximitzar el valor de cada projecte, atesa una àmplia gamma de clients, des de pimes i empreses emergents fins a grans corporacions en sectors B2B i B2C. Estem a Barcelona amb perspectiva i visió global, i som un equip multidisciplinari d'economistes, matemàtics, consultors de dades, experts en SEU, SEM i estratègies de màrqueting. El nostre objectiu és entendre a fons el teu projecte per a desenvolupar l'estratègia precisa que el teu negoci requereix. Si busques una agència dedicada a aconseguir les teves metes amb un enfocament data-driven, contacta amb nosaltres .
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Dot Com Development

    Dot Com Developmentcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (9 reviews)

    On Time ... On Budget ... Solutions Exceeding Expectation

    Dot Com Development is a proven and awarded full service technology development company providing custom solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. We provide end to end application planning, design, development, testing and support services with expertise in the latest cutting edge, high performing, and future proof technologies . We’ll get your digital product to market 30% faster than our competitors, improve development costs by up to 40% and create user experiences that get 3x-5x more user engagement. Our services include Strategic Planning and Consulting UX/UI Design Prototyping and POC's Web Application Development Website Design and Development Mobile Application Development eCommerce / mCommerce Development API Development and Integration Data and Analytics Cloud Development CRM / ERP Development Artificial Intelligence Development DevOps / Cloud Services
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Scottsdale, United States
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • VALKUREN - Unlock The Power Of data

    VALKUREN - Unlock The Power Of datacertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Unlock The Power Of Data

    VALKUREN - Unlock the Power of Data is a Brussels-based company delivering innovative, tailor-made Big Data Solutions using Data Analytics, Data Governance and Artificial Intelligence services. Our mission is to leverage business performance, automate decision-making and optimize internal processes. Whether you would like to: identify the risk of client indebtedness to take the right actions beforehand identify which type of customer is prone to churning optimize your maintenance process and minimize its costs identify the risk of a quality problem during manufacturing, to act in advance VALKUREN provides the Big Data way to succeed in your challenge . In particular, we provide: dashboards and alert tools to follow the process with the right KPIs & notify you when there is a deviation in the process. simulation tools to measure the impact of a change in the process. predictive tools to take action at the right time based on historical data. prescriptive tools to draw the right recommendations when needed. As a result, we make sure that: your costs decrease. your processes are continuously optimized. your time is saved. your turnover improves. We base our work on three principal pillars: quality, ethics , and transparency . Through these values, we strongly commit to diversity and inclusivity . We take pride in providing high value-added products and services.
    2 works in Data Science
    Active in the Brussels, Belgium
    From €1000 for Data Science

All Data Science Consultants

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  • LaMagnética


    (28 reviews)

    Digital Strategies based on Data Analysis

    As a leading digital marketing agency, we specialize in leading businesses to success through an analytical and mathematical approach . We use data analytics to maximize the value of each project and serve a wide range of clients, from SMEs and startups to large corporations in the B2B and B2C sectors. We are based in Barcelona with a global perspective and vision, and a multidisciplinary team of economists, mathematicians, data consultants, SEO, SEM and marketing strategy experts. Our goal is to thoroughly understand your project in order to develop the precise strategy that your business requires. If you are looking for an agency dedicated to achieving your goals with a data-driven approach, contact us. (ES) Estrategia Digital impulsada por el Análisis de Datos Como agencia líder en marketing digital, nos especializamos en orientar a las empresas hacia el éxito a través de un enfoque analítico y matemático . Utilizamos el análisis de datos para maximizar el valor de cada proyecto, atendiendo a una amplia gama de clientes, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes corporaciones en sectores B2B y B2C. Estamos en Barcelona con perspectiva y visión global, y con un equipo multidisciplinario de economistas, matemáticos, consultores de datos, expertos en SEO, SEM y estrategias de marketing. Nuestro objetivo es entender a fondo tu proyecto para desarrollar la estrategia precisa que tu negocio requiere. Si buscas una agencia dedicada a lograr tus metas con un enfoque data-driven, contáctanos. (CAT) Estratègia Digital impulsada per l'Anàlisi de Dades Com a agència líder en màrqueting digital, ens especialitzem a orientar a les empreses cap a l'èxit a través d'un enfocament analític i matemàtic . Utilitzem l'anàlisi de dades per a maximitzar el valor de cada projecte, atesa una àmplia gamma de clients, des de pimes i empreses emergents fins a grans corporacions en sectors B2B i B2C. Estem a Barcelona amb perspectiva i visió global, i som un equip multidisciplinari d'economistes, matemàtics, consultors de dades, experts en SEU, SEM i estratègies de màrqueting. El nostre objectiu és entendre a fons el teu projecte per a desenvolupar l'estratègia precisa que el teu negoci requereix. Si busques una agència dedicada a aconseguir les teves metes amb un enfocament data-driven, contacta amb nosaltres .
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Dot Com Development

    Dot Com Developmentcertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    On Time ... On Budget ... Solutions Exceeding Expectation

    Dot Com Development is a proven and awarded full service technology development company providing custom solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. We provide end to end application planning, design, development, testing and support services with expertise in the latest cutting edge, high performing, and future proof technologies . We’ll get your digital product to market 30% faster than our competitors, improve development costs by up to 40% and create user experiences that get 3x-5x more user engagement. Our services include Strategic Planning and Consulting UX/UI Design Prototyping and POC's Web Application Development Website Design and Development Mobile Application Development eCommerce / mCommerce Development API Development and Integration Data and Analytics Cloud Development CRM / ERP Development Artificial Intelligence Development DevOps / Cloud Services
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Scottsdale, United States
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Robler


    (159 reviews)

    "Construyendo marcas para un mundo digital"

    Uno de los objetivos principales de una agencia de marketing y publicidad es ofrecer servicios de asesoramiento, pero sobre todo funcionar como un apoyo a empresas, emprendedores e incluso organizaciones que necesiten una gestión correcta de su marca. Por este motivo, en Robler Agency, profesionales en Marketing y publicidad, nos enfocamos en cumplir con cada uno de los objetivos de este tipo de agencias con un enfoque totalmente diferente, brindando a su vez nuestra alta experiencia realizando eventos corporativos y multinacionales. Nuestro equipo de trabajo está integrado por profesionales de diferentes países que harán que tus deseos se ajusten a las diferentes culturas existentes en el mundo. Es esta diversidad lo que nos caracteriza como empresa porque nos adaptamos a cualquier requerimiento de nuestros clientes. Pensamos, creamos, diseñamos y hacemos realidad cada una de tus ideas para maximizar el posicionamiento de tu empresa, emprendimiento u organización. El asesoramiento consiste en un estudio que se le hace a cada proyecto en particular, no generalizamos nuestros métodos porque nos adaptamos al estilo de cada empresa. Profesionales en el mundo digital que te ayudan a conectar con verdaderos clientes potenciales en el entorno online. No solo ofrecemos asesoramiento, sino que nos convertimos en parte de tu equipo. Un buen equipo obtiene resultados increíbles.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Valencia, Spain
    From €400 for Data Science
  • Loop Crew

    Loop Crewcertified-flagverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Développement web, data, IA 🇫🇷

    Votre équipe technique externalisée Nous réalisons vos projets web, data et IA de manière agile pour apporter le plus de plus-value à vos utilisateurs. Compréhension des besoins, tenue de budget, gestion de projet, développement et mise en production sur les serveurs, nous vous accompagnons sur tous les fronts. Concrètement, à quoi devez-vous vous attendre ? Nous faisons du sur-mesure et nous nous adaptons à vos besoins, quels qu’ils soient. A titre d'exemple, voici un plan : 1. Mettre en place une stratégie Nous réfléchissons ensemble à la viabilité économique de votre projet. A quelle problématique vous apportez une solution ? Quelle est votre cible ? Où la trouver et comment la séduire ? 2. Créer le prototype L’objectif est de déterminer la fonctionnalité qui apporte la plus-value principale, puis nous la développons pour vous. A ce stade, les coûts sont contraints pour se concentrer sur l’essentiel, au plus vite. 3. Confronter la cible au prototype Cette étape est cruciale afin de s’assurer que nous apportons le plus de plus-value à l’utilisateur final. 4. Designer et construire une version scalable de la solution Une fois le prototype validé, nous développons la solution numérique selon les meilleures pratiques de l’industrie à l’aide de technologies performantes et pouvant passer à l’échelle. 5. Assurer l’évolution et la maintenance du projet Le projet est destiné à être internalisé ? Nous pouvons vous aider à recruter les bonnes personnes et à transmettre le savoir de façon fluide. Vous préférez qu’on s’en occupe ? Nous optimisons le projet pour pouvoir le gérer au mieux et nous vous donnons de la visibilité sur les coûts associés à la maintenance. Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes passionnés de code depuis 10 ans. Nous avons travaillé dans différentes startups afin de comprendre comment construire un produit trouvant sa cible. En tant qu’ingénieurs en informatique, nous mettons la méthodologie, la rigueur et la technique au service de projets complexes. Contactez-nous pour vous accompagner dans votre projet.
    6 works in Data Science
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €20000 for Data Science
  • PumpUp


    (5 reviews)

    Des data et du sens

    PumpUp est le 1er réseau national d'agences de performance digitale qui se déploie à l'échelle régionale. Plus qu'une agence digitale classique, PumpUp c'est un collectif d'experts répartis sur 5 sites (Paris, Lille et Grenoble, Bordeaux et Rouen) opérant sur toute la chaîne de création de valeur digitale. Avec une mission commune: libérer la performance des entreprises grâce à notre expertise digitale 360 : Data, Acquisition SEA, SEO, Conversion, UX, CRM, Inbound Marketing, Emailing... En rendant accessible aux entreprises implantées en région le meilleur du digital, nous sommes une alternative pensée sur mesure pour les directions de PME et ETI régionales soucieuses de dynamiser leur activité.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €5000 for Data Science

    DEV@WORK BVcertified-flagverified-flag

    (22 reviews)

    Digital bridging by exceptional humans

    Safeguarding our world ! Our exquisite tailored-made team develops the digital fundamentals for your business as if it was ours. As the vision speaks, we can only excel our performances when we compose our ambitions with the right combined talents, time, passion, human interest & values for your designed assignments. For this we need a solid compound foundation, as of symbol of the fertile bio-diversity of the Earth. A symbol we need for constructing the right sustainable eco-systems in which we explore, Create, Construct, Assist and Reinforce our digital e-CAR principle of the now . The now of the future is up and running! Your overall identity will outreach your expectations when we conduct your digital world together. Walking hand in hand, step by step, enhancing your lives is the true mission, since no world until now, exists in its own. We have created a consolidated Pan European international master team with a broad network of the finest human digital experts. We bring to your inside the most innovative technologies and solution alive, providing the best of capabilities to serve you with the most advanced, innovative and integrated marketing- & technological solutions ever existing. Our team assimilates, breathes, understands, comprehends at all time your challenges through analysing, defining, thinking forward, processing, pragmatism, tracking, testing & keeping our overview of any situation, known or unknown. We only strive for long-lasting conceptual well-thought mechanisms we can only achieve by mastering a global approach with a high-level, high-end level of expertise. We adhere in this the premises of a lifelong learning cycle. Our mission is to provide our best of digital services at the fairest price possible in the market. We never ever give in on our high-level standards and quality endeavour. For this we merely customize before the process of standardizing . Our incredibly unmatched talented team of developers, engineers and support services’ team constructs only highly functioning and secure UI/UX strategized digital platforms. Coding comes first, UX next and UI makes it all to a glance. We keep ourselves to the best of High-end standards, the best combined unequivocal talents, the most advanced systemic processes with an ever value for time and money. Our multidisciplinary team provides for the best of quality at the fairest price existing. reliability at all time, a true Pan European team, team & team bringing in social impact and attitude! Our customers always come first, provided by the best of digital there is to offer, at a high-end level he still feels comfortable with and in control of his own situational leadership. Read much more on our mission and follow us on our webplatforms, and hope to meet you soon, Our DEV@WORK team, Copyright © 2024 by P.M.M.-G Bellemans All rights reserved. This text or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Data Science
  • WonderBits


    (16 reviews)

    We make your digital ideas come true

    Somos una empresa de diseño y desarrollo de software avanzado. Creamos desde aplicaciones móvile s y webapps a paneles de control y digitalización + automatización empresarial. Ayudamos en la Digitalización a empresas desde España con foco internacional. Hacemos las ideas de nuestros clientes realidad. Gracias a nuestro equipo multidisciplinar cubrimos un amplio rango de capacidades in-house: desarrollo multiplaforma , diseño y foco en UX/UI, diseño corporativo, así como analítica de datos y automatización con Machine Learning. Creamos prototipos de alta calidad como base para nuestros proyectos, siendo una herramienta estupenda para demostrar el valor del producto antes de su escalado comercial e inicio del desarrollo. Desarrollamos con las últimas tecnologías multiplataforma para crear aplicaciones que funcionan de forma nativa tanto en Android, iOS, como navegador y escritorio, principalmente IONIC, Angular y Nest.js con Node.js, aunque también trabajamos .NET Core/Famework. Nuestros diseños son mobile-first y creamos sitios web de alto impacto con herramientas open-source como Wordpress y tiendas OSCommerce. ----- ENGLISH ------- We are a design and advanced software development services company. We create from mobile & web apps to control panels and companies digitization + automation services. We help company's Digitization from Spain with a worldwide focus. We make our customer's business ideas a reality. Thanks to our multidisciplinary team, we cover a wide range of skills in-house: multiplatform software development , design and focus in UX/UI, corporate design, as well as data analysis and automation with Machine Learning. We create high quality prototypes, which are great tools to demonstrate the products value prior to scaling up for commercial use and prior to software development. We develop with bleeding edge multiplatform technologies in order to create applications that work as native apps in Android, iOS, as well as browsers and desktops, mainly using IONIC, Angular and Nest.js with Node.js, although we also work with .NET Core/Framework. Our designs are mobile-first and our web-sites are high-impact, created with open-source tools such as Wordpress and OSCommerce shops.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Valencia, Spain
    From €1000 for Data Science


    (6 reviews)

    Web Development and Data Science Agency

    Founded in 2012 as an outsourcing company, steps worked primarily with international clients. We provided offshore web,   development and data Treatment services to governments, general public and businesses.While we were working with our clients, we started developing a database and building our team’s expertise in Data Mining and Analysis . Within one year, we decided to make data science an essential part of what we do. In addition to our competencies in Data Analytics , our IT engineers develop web applications. We provide a comprehensive set of services for our customers. We believe that our quality work is what makes us stand out in regard to our competitors on the market. We want to be there for our clients during every step of the way from the pre-launch and even after they have their final product.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the La Goulette, Tunisia
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • DigiTransform


    (12 reviews)

    IT Digitalization, SAAS Development, Digital Marketing, Open ERP Odoo, Cloud Computing...

    | Site : | M : 00 212 6 63 13 95 95 | F : 00 212 5 37 79 99 26 | En pleine dynamique de croissance, nous sommes soucieux d'accompagner nos clients tout au long de leurs projets informatiques. L’agence DigiTransform met à votre disposition une équipe de professionnels qualifiés et expérimentés qui sont en mesure de vous proposer une panoplie de prestations, en ce qui concerne : La création de sites sur-mesure, La création d’applications web sur-mesure (Saas), La création d’applications mobile IOS ou Android, Le design graphique, La gestion de ressources cloud (serveurs, services, data,…), L’hébergement et le stockage (web, documentaire,…), La gestion de la donnée (visualisation, modélisation, conceptualisation, cloud computing,...). Notre richesse se compose avant tout de nos collaborateurs, mais aussi de notre capital d'expérience. Essentiellement issus de grandes écoles d'ingénieurs ou d'universités, de formation Bac+5, chez DigiTransform nous avons le goût de l'effort, le sens du service et le perpétuel souci du travail bien fait. Nous excellons dans des domaines d'activités variés où la compréhension du métier est un élément clé de leur réussite. Nous ne sommes donc pas de « simples » informaticiens mais des interlocuteurs crédibles qui comprennent très vite le besoin du client. Pourquoi faire appel à notre agence DigiTransform ? Spécialisée dans la création d'applications web/mobile et de référencement SEO, l’agence DigiTransform met au service des entreprises de toutes tailles sa polyvalence, son savoir-faire, son expertise et s’engage à vous assurer : Un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivi sur-mesure, Un conseil avisé et une assistance complète, Des prestations clés en main, Un devis gratuit et détaillé, Une équipe dynamique, disponible et à l’écoute, Une maîtrise des dernières technologies web… Notre mission ? Vous apporter entière satisfaction à travers des services de qualité à la hauteur de vos attentes. ...DigiTransform est votre partenaire digital idéal.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Rabat, Morocco
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Tingis Web : Software Development & Digital Marketing

    Tingis Web : Software Development & Digital Marketingverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Your Partner in Improving Customer Experience (CX) and Commercial Success using AI 🤝

    Tingis Web is your dedicated partner for elevating customer experiences (CX) and driving business success with the power of AI. With headquarters in the vibrant city of Tangier, Morocco, and additional offices in dynamic hubs like Amsterdam and Dubai, we specialize in crafting digital solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our exceptional team comprises seasoned experts with over 15 years of international experience in web development, online marketing, and AI. We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals by delivering top-tier services. Our diverse clientele spans various industries, from e-commerce, retail, real estate, and hospitality to tourism, government, industry, automotive, education, fashion, beauty, and more. We excel in enhancing your customer journey with a comprehensive suite of services, including cutting-edge application development, website creation, mobile app development, and dynamic digital marketing solutions designed to optimize CX and harness the power of AI. Our expertise extends to creative content generation, SEO optimization, social media management, and branding that resonate with your audience and enhance their CX. For clients beyond Morocco's borders, we offer outsourcing and nearshore services to meet your global needs, leveraging AI to create intelligent solutions. At Tingis Web, we prioritize cultivating enduring client relationships. We are committed to delivering exceptional customer service and unwavering support, ensuring that every interaction with your brand enhances CX with the integration of AI. Let us empower your business to thrive. Contact us today, and let's embark on a journey to redefine your customer experience (CX) with the cutting-edge capabilities of AI and achieve unparalleled success together.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €3000 for Data Science
  • Ecoteers 🌳

    Ecoteers 🌳certified-flagverified-flag

    (15 reviews)

    Sustainable Marketing Agency 🌳

    Ecoteers is een full-service internetbureau dat helpt bij het in de markt brengen van bedrijven die geïnteresseerd zijn in duurzaamheid. We zetten marketing in om een positief verschil te maken. Samen met ons team helpen wij bedrijven met copywriting, zoekmachine optimalisatie en publishing. Je kunt bij Ecoteers ook terecht voor het maken van een website in de gewenste huisstijl.    Copywriting Ben jij op zoek naar kwalitatief goede teksten voor een aantrekkelijke prijs?  Ecoteers kan jou helpen bij het schrijven van SEO-artikelen, blogs, nieuws artikelen, advertenties, persberichten en productomschrijvingen. Ook bestaande teksten kunnen wij redigeren en voorzien van feedback op het gebied van SEO. Wij beschikken over een netwerk van schrijvers uit verschillende vakgebieden. Daarnaast hebben wij een quality control afdeling waar echte 'taal nerds' een blik werpen op onze teksten. Hierdoor zorgen wij ervoor dat er altijd minimaal twee mensen hebben gekeken naar de teksten die we opleveren. Om de vindbaarheid van onze artikelen te vergroten maken we gebruik van een keyword analysis. Deze analyse kunnen we, indien dat wenselijk is, toevoegen aan de opdracht. Hierdoor kan jij of jouw bedrijf beter inzicht krijgen in het gebruik van content om hoger te komen in zoekmachines.   Zoekmachine optimalisatie (SEO) Wil jij de vindbaarheid van je bedrijf in Google verbeteren? Met behulp van technische optimalisatie, de juiste content, linkbuilding, lokale SEO, social media en conversie-optimalisatie verbeteren wij de positie van jouw website of webshop in Google. Ecoteers is dagelijks bezig met de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van SEO. Onze online marketing specialisten zijn in staat om snel te schakelen en zorgen ervoor dat de zoekmachine optimalisatie werkzaamheden continu gemonitord en verbeterd worden. Hierdoor zorgen we samen met jou dat je bedrijf een hoge positie behaalt in de zoekresultaten.    Webdesign Wil jij graag een professionele website laten bouwen die al binnen een week online staat? Wij bieden een alles-in-één pakket aan waarbij je website al binnen 1 week in de lucht is. De website maken we geheel op maat en in de stijl van het bedrijf. De inrichting van de website gaat volledig volgens jouw wensen. We maken gebruik van het content-management systeem WordPress. Hiermee kun je eenvoudig zelf artikelen en content op de website plaatsen. Wij onderscheiden ons door de nazorg die we aanbieden. Na de oplevering van de website blijven we betrokken zodat de website altijd doet wat jij wilt. In het alles-in-één pakket zitten zowel de nazorg als hosting en een domeinnaam. Zo kun je eenvoudig alles op één plek regelen.   Samen voor een duurzame toekomst Marketing draait vaak om eeuwige groei en het aan de man brengen van producten. Vaak zijn dit producten die de consument niet eens nodig heeft. Bij Ecoteers willen we dit anders doen. Wij zetten marketing in om verantwoorde producten aan de man te brengen. Hierbij helpen we start-ups die hulp nodig hebben en proberen we daarnaast als organisatie het verschil te maken. Ook start Ecoteers zelf duurzame initiatieven waardoor we samen met onze klanten werken aan een betere wereld. We hebben deze filosofie direct bij onze oprichting vastgelegd, waardoor duurzaamheid altijd leidend is geweest in al onze keuzes. Wij geloven dat diversiteit en ervaring in verschillende vakgebieden de kwaliteit van ons werk ten goede komen. We werken het liefst samen met ambitieuze jonge mensen die graag een steentje willen bijdragen aan een duurzame toekomst.  Wij zetten onze filosofie kracht bij door middel van verschillende projecten. Dit doen we onder andere door een vaste impact te koppelen aan onze diensten (wij planten een vast aantal bomen per service). Daarnaast hebben we een duurzaamheidsplatform (EcoToday) waar we dagelijks posten over duurzaamheid en technologie. We willen uiteindelijk een netwerk opzetten dat het mogelijk maakt om onze services gratis aan te bieden aan duurzame start-ups. Wil jij ons helpen bij deze missie? Neem contact op en de koffie staat altijd klaar.      Ecoteers in English  Ecoteers is a full-service marketing agency that works with companies interested in sustainability. We use marketing to make a positive impact. With our dedicated team, we help companies with copywriting, search engine optimisation, and publishing. Ecoteers can also help you build a website fully designed according to your needs. Ecoteers is committed, with all its services, to making a positive contribution to the world.    Copywriting Are you looking for quality content for a reasonable price? Ecoteers can help you write SEO-articles, blog posts, news articles, advertisements, press releases, and product descriptions. We also provide feedback on existing content and can rewrite this when necessary. Our team of writers has an extensive knowledge of SEO and is trained in a wide range of disciplines. Besides that, we have a quality control department that performs an additional check to ensure optimal quality.   Search Engine Optimalization Do you want to increase your organic search traffic? Would you like your website or web shop to reach a higher position in search engines such as Google? Let our search engine optimization specialists do the work for you. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is focused on advancing your website for Google. With the use of search engine optimization there lies a focus on the organic side of Google. With the help of technical optimization, the right content, link building, local SEO, social media, and conversion optimization, the position of your website or web shop is improved in search engines like Google.   Website creation Do you need a professionally designed website that's online within a week? Are you looking to have a website made? Then you’ve come to the right place. At Ecoteers we provide an all-inclusive service which ensures your website is up and running within a week! We design the website according to your needs. The design will follow your wishes, and our specialists will guide you throughout the decision making process.   Together for a sustainable future Marketing is often about eternal growth in product sales. However, these are often products the consumer doesn’t even need. At Ecoteers we want to change this. We want to use marketing for a positive impact. That’s why we have always chosen sustainable options and partners. We build on our philosophy with several projects. All our services have a direct impact; by planting a certain number of trees per service. We also have a sustainability platform (EcoToday) on which we post about sustainability and technology. We are trying to create a network that makes it possible to provide our services for free to sustainable start-ups. Do you want to join us on our mission? We are looking forward to discussing the possibilities with you!    
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Hengelo, Netherlands
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Grouber Marketing

    Grouber Marketingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Elige potenciar tu negocio, elige Grouber Marketing. Especialistas en Marketing Estratégico.

    Si buscas un plan de Marketing Digital personalizado o un proceso de digitalización adaptado a tus necesidades, somos la agencia ideal. En Grouber, diseñamos estrategias PERSONALIZADAS basadas en tus objetivos y presupuesto. En Grouber Marketing, nuestra misión es aumentar la visibilidad de tu negocio, mejorar su posicionamiento en búsquedas y facilitar el contacto con nuevos clientes para incrementar tus ventas.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €100 for Data Science
  • RICA


    (10 reviews)

    Where creativity meets technology

    Somos una empresa de tecnología especializada en el desarrollo de productos digitales innovadores y soluciones personalizadas. Diseñamos, desarrollamos y validamos soluciones tecnológicas, enfocándonos en la automatización y en ofrecer adaptaciones específicas para cada cliente. Nos posicionamos como el partner tecnológico ideal para PYMES y STARTUPS que buscan soluciones escalables.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Aji


    (64 reviews)

    Une seule limite, votre imagination. 🚀

    Aji, l'équipe qui va vous bluffer ! Vous avez une idée exceptionnelle mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer ? Pas de panique, les experts d'Aji sont là pour vous ! 🧠 On allie créativité débordante et compétences de choc pour transformer vos concepts les plus fous en projets concrets. De l'intelligence artificielle aux applis mobiles, en passant par le web, le design ou la réalité augmentée, on maîtrise tous les domaines ! 🔥 Notre secret ? Une équipe survitaminée, prête à relever n'importe quel défi ! On s'adapte à tous les secteurs comme de vrais caméléons du numérique. 🪡 Mais le must, c'est qu'on vous conçoit des projets sur-mesure, comme un costume taillé par le plus prestigieux des tailleurs. Aji, c'est la haute-couture du digital ! Mais concrètement, on fait quoi ? ✅ Intelligence Artificielle ✅ Application Mobile ✅ Développement Web ✅ UI/UX Design ✅ Réalité Augmentée et Virtuelle (AR/VR) ✅ SEO / SEA / SMO / CRO Notre mission ? Faire vivre votre passion ! ♠️ On est les AS pour capter l'essence de votre projet et la retranscrire à la perfection. Parce qu'on est pas que des technophiles, on est avant tout à l'écoute de vos besoins et de ceux de vos futurs utilisateurs. 🤘 Alors foncez et partagez-nous vos folles idées ! On se chargera de les concrétiser à 3000% pour vous bluffer ! Nos valeurs ? On vous les transmets ! ✨ Réactivité de folie ✨ Créativité à revendre ✨ Confiance à toute épreuve ✨ Écoute proactive ✨ Transparence absolue Aji c'est une famille : AjiCreative, AjiInteractive et AjiContent ! Une équipe rayonnante qui ne lâche rien et qui garde toujours un pied dans l'humain. Alors go, on se lance ? 💥
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €350 for Data Science
  • Atta Systems

    Atta Systemsverified-flag

    (33 reviews)

    We help funded startups and big org (UNICEF, World Bank, EY, UN) to develop meaningful software

    We work with innovative VC-backed startups as well as established companies in: 🏥 healthcare: Medicai (Plug&Play company), Bold Health (Plug&Play company), Eupnoos, and many more to deliver secure and compliant software solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical flows 🏛government & administration: UNICEF, The World Bank, USAID, and others to increase their impact in global projects using innovation powered by modern technologies.  🏫 education: EdXP, I-FIKR, Alux, and others to improve accessibility to an excellent education and modern, digital, teaching methods and methodologies 🏦 finance: Ernst&Young, Bankata, Nicola Wealth to deliver secure, scalable solutions and improve financial literacy through technology.  We have a product-centric approach to development, we specialize in: Product Strategy & Design (market, vision, positioning, user research, user experience design, user interface design) Data (AI/ML, data science, data manipulation, data visualization, databases) Software Engineering (mobile and web apps, backend, frontend, infrastructure) Product Marketing (user acquisition, user retention, analytics, data-driven decisions) We know how to build products at scale, used by millions globally. What our clients say about our work:  "Considering the experience we have in working with Atta Systems, we strongly recommend them for the development of quality software, ensuring all stages of the software development process including definition, design, coding, code control and reviews, testing, release management, and product integration." Voica Tomus, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF "Atta Systems integrates well into our company; they feel like part of our team. Atta Systems follows the project timelines and responds quickly to the messages via Slack and Google Meet. They work in two-week sprints, have biweekly meetings, and use Jira to report on progress." Jossy Onwude, CTO @ Bold Health, UK, a Plug&Play company
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Singapore, Singapore
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • W&S Digitalagentur GmbH

    W&S Digitalagentur GmbHcertified-flagverified-flag

    (20 reviews)

    Wir designen, entwickeln, optimieren und vermarkten – seit 1984.

    W&S ist eine Digitalagentur für Effizienz- und Umsatzsteigerung . Unsere Kund:innen sind mittelständische Unternehmen und kommen aus dem Hochpreissegment. Als Hersteller:innen hochwertiger Produkte legen sie besonderen Wert auf Qualität. Für sie erstellen wir ganzheitliche Konzepte mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen – natürlich immer auf Basis einer fundierten Strategie und mit dem Ziel einer langfristigen, vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit. Entwicklung, Design und Marketing – auf diese Bereiche sind wir spezialisiert, in diesen Bereichen sind wir Experte. Dies liegt vor allem an zwei Punkten: Fachwissen und Erfahrung. Unser Team besteht aus kompetenten Mitarbeiter:innen, die ihre Fähigkeiten stetig erweitern. Geführt werden sie von einem Chef, der mit dem Business aufwuchs und die Agentur bereits in zweiter Generation führt. Wir unterstützen Sie gern bei jedem Aspekt der Digitalisierung . Denn wir glauben an die Selbstverständlichkeit des digitalen Wandels und seinen nachhaltigen Effekt auf unternehmerische Herausforderungen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Großes schaffen.
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Esslingen, Germany
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Góbalo. Impulsando estrategias digitales desde 2004

    Góbalo. Impulsando estrategias digitales desde 2004certified-flagverified-flag

    (15 reviews)

    Sinceros contigo desde el primer día

    Góbalo nace con un objetivo: transformar los desafíos digitales de los proyectos que llegan a nuestras manos en nuevas oportunidades estratégicas. Desde 2004 hasta hoy hemos ido adaptándonos a lo que ha requerido cada situación convirtiéndonos en parte de los equipos con los que nos relacionamos, porque creemos en las inmersiones totales antes de empezar a darlo todo en cada proyecto. La comunicación, la empatía, la honestidad, y el talento que desprende nuestro equipo es clave para convertirnos en guías digitales y construir relaciones seguras y duraderas con nuestros clientes. Para conseguirlo, abordamos todas las disciplinas digitales . En Marketing Digital: Social Media Marketing Marketing de contenidos Social Ads Paid Media Posicionamiento Web - SEO Analítica Web CRO En Creatividad: Identidad Corporativa Diseño Web Diseño Gráfico Video Marketing En Tecnología: Desarrollo de Software Desarrollo Web Trabajamos con todo tipo de cliente y sector , y contamos con experiencia gestionando proyectos en distintas fases, desde la idea inicial y el desarrollo de toda la estrategia digital, hasta la optimización de los canales existentes, pasando por propuestas de mejora allí donde consideramos que sea necesario. Y si aún no te hemos convencido, confiamos en que nuestros clientes lo consigan, esto es lo que opinan de nosotros: “Gran equipo, profesionales, responsables y entregados al 100% con cada proyecto que cae en sus manos!” “Agencia cercana y profesional. Llevamos trabajando con ellos un par de años y sin duda quien nos siga desde entonces, ha podido percibir el cambio” ¿Hablamos, de verdad, sobre tu proyecto? ⊚ ✆ 691 638 146 ✉
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for Data Science
  • Pearl Lemon

    Pearl Lemonverified-flag

    (20 reviews)


    Pearl Lemon are a multi-award-winning SEO, Lead Generation, Content and Sales Agency based in London but serving clients Worldwide. We'd love to help you grow your company Tired of underperforming agencies? Want to close B2B and B2C deals? Looking for a company that is transparent? Someone who can guide you through the process from start to finish? Want to rank page 1/rank 1 of Google with white-hat links? Want to a team you can talk to daily, have weekly calls and understand EXACTLY what's going on? If any of this sounds like you - then we ABSOLUTELY need to talk. We'd love to help you with your online growth journey and see if we can achieve massive success together Book a call with Ion (pronounded E-on) to get started today: OR add him on Whatsapp directly: +44 7746 279127
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the London, United Kingdom
    From €3000 for Data Science
  • DigitalMakers


    (12 reviews)

    Creiamo ecosistemi digitali, con passione analogica.

    Siamo una Growth Agency con un approccio sartoriale al Digital Marketing: creiamo ecosistemi “a misura” dei nostri clienti per accrescerne i risultati in modo agile e misurabile lungo l'intero Customer Journey. Lo facciamo con passione analogica ed un’attitudine data-driven che ci aiuta a puntare in alto, ma rimanendo con i piedi ben saldi per terra. Le nostre competenze sono funzionali alla Customer Acquisition, Activation e Retention per incrementare le revenue online dei nostri clienti e raggiungere i loro KPIs obiettivo. Siamo anche un ecosistema di business e soluzioni tecnologiche : con le nostre divisioni verticali (Renmote e Makers Proudaction) e il tech-stack proprietario abbiamo al nostro interno tutto quello che può supportare i nostri clienti in una crescita tangibile all’interno del mondo digitale. Ma prima di tutto siamo persone: un team di 40 professioniste e professionisti con passioni comuni e job description da vetrina ;) Tra i brand che ci hanno dato fiducia: Chanteclair, Averna, Quasar, Fondazione Eos di Edison e Doppio Malto
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Palermo, Italy
    From €3000 for Data Science
  • Skoleom


    (5 reviews)

    We are 4.0 Marketing Agency.

    We are the biggest eContent store ever created. Click here : We are a Telephony Operator (Internet, Fiber and TV), specialized in eContent. Inside our internet box, we offer a wide range of communication and production services. While creating your skoleomized video, with us, we can broadcast it all over the world and take care of all its communication, via our viewers, on our TV network or digital. The viewers will be able to interact within your content, and buy your products/services by the simple touch of their screen. Our strength is Brand Content. We implement a real marketplace inside your videos. It doesn't matter what kind of company you are. 1 - We have created a new patented technology that allows the act of purchase within all audiovisual content by the simple touch of the screen. This is the skoleomization of a video. Through this, we generate additional revenue for our clients (+60%). Each time a person buys inside a video, the creator of this video gets money between 10% and 30% commission on each purchase made in his marketing content. We can buy anything we want inside a video (clothes, car, furniture, plane ticket...), as long as the item is recognized by our artificial intelligence. 2 - We multiply the visibility of the video on the internet (+70%), the skoleomized video can be shared on all social networks (Facebook, YouTube, TikTok etc... ) and increase traffic thanks to the convergence of our 300 000 partners who are leading brands. For SEO, the video of our client is always number 1 in search engines. 3- We optimize the click rate on its video (+80%). Capsules appear in the videos, which allows identifying big brands, integrated in the video, and allow the viewer,- future consumers-, to buy what they like just by touching their screen. What we can do for you: 1 - We will create your own OTT platform (Skoleom OTT - Application any support) with the effigy of your company/brand in order that you can host interactive videos, and propose to your customers to touch your video to buy products and services inside your videos. Or simply your skoleom page, a video landing page, for fans to interact and purchase within your content. 2 - We will create for you a Saas software (Skoleom Monetizer Studio) with the effigy of your company/brand in order to manage very easily the Capsules of the products/services of more than 500 million products inside your videos, to ask for the payment of your commissions on the purchases which were made inside your videos... 3 - We will create contents with your image (Skoleom Ads), do community management, implement SEO strategy, marketing strategies in order to increase even more the sales inside your contents ... Skoleom : 30+ marketing services are offered to companies - integrated into the skoleomized brand content video - ranging from the creation of websites to the creation of OTT applications, 140+ activated industries, 300,000+ partners, 500,000,000+ products embedded in our algorithm. Contact us without further delay so that we can give you a quote on your needs:
    No work in Data Science
    Active in the Palaiseau, France
    From €1000 for Data Science

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Tips for choosing the best data science company

Data ScienceData Science

Data science is a process of extracting valuable insights from data. It's a relatively new field that has emerged from the intersection of statistics, computer science, and business. Data science companies use a variety of techniques to analyze data and find trends or patterns. If you're looking for a data science company to help you with your next project, here's a list of the top firms in the industry. These companies have a proven track record of delivering results and can help you take your business to the next level.

What does data science mean ?

Data science is a branch of computer science that deals with the extraction of knowledge from data. It is a interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data in various forms, both structured and unstructured.

Data science is the process of extracting knowledge from data. It is a interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data in various forms, both structured and unstructured.

Data science is a relatively new field that has emerged from the intersection of computer science, statistics and machine learning. It is sometimes referred to as data-driven science or predictive analytics.

At its core, data science is about using data to solve problems. It involves understanding the problem, collecting data, cleaning and preparing the data, applying statistical and machine learning techniques to the data, and interpreting the results.

Data science is used in a wide variety of fields, such as healthcare, finance, marketing, manufacturing, retail, and many others. In each of these fields, data scientists use their skills to help organizations make better decisions, improve operations, and understand their customers better.

Some of the tasks that data scientists typically perform include exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, statistical analysis, machine learning, and deep learning.

In a nutshell, data science refers to the field of computers that analyze large sets of data. These data can be obtained from any source. The process involves analyzing the collected information and determining its use. With the help of computers, it is possible to analyze big datasets and make decisions based on the analysis. However, this field of research requires extensive business acumen and domain knowledge. The application of data science in business is a growing trend, and businesses of all sizes are benefiting from its versatility.

Data science vs data analytics vs data engineering: which one to choose

There are a few key ways in which data science, data analytics, and data engineering differ:

The types of tasks they perform: Data scientists typically focus on tasks like model building and testing, data visualization, and feature engineering. Data analytics focuses more on querying data and performing statistical analysis. Data engineers focus on tasks like data architecture, data governance, and ETL (extract, transform, load) processes.The tools they use: Data scientists often use tools like R, Python, and SAS for their work. Data analytics professionals may use tools like Excel, Tableau, and Qlik. Data engineers use tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Pig.The skills they need: Data scientists need strong analytical and mathematical skills. They should be able to code and be familiar with machine learning algorithms. Data analytics professionals need strong statistical skills. They should be able to use data visualization tools and understand database concepts. Data engineers need strong programming skills. They should be able to work with big data platforms and understand data modeling concepts.The size of the data sets they work with: Data scientists typically work with large data sets. Data analytics professionals may work with smaller data sets. Data engineers typically work with very large data sets.The scope of their work: Data scientists typically work on projects that are specific to a certain business or industry. Data analytics professionals may work on projects that are more general in nature. Data engineers typically work on projects that involve the entire enterprise.

What is a data science company ?

A data science company is a company that uses data to help their clients make better decisions. Data science is a relatively new field that combines statistics, computer science, and business to help organizations make better use of their data. Data science companies use a variety of techniques to help their clients, including predictive analytics, machine learning, and natural language processing.

Data science companies have become increasingly popular in recent years as the world has become more data-driven. Organizations of all sizes are starting to realize the power of data and are looking for ways to use it to their advantage. Data science can be used to improve customer service, target marketing campaigns, and even predict future trends.

There are a few things that set data science companies apart from other data-related businesses. First, data science companies tend to be very data-driven themselves. They use data to help them make decisions about their own business, such as where to open new offices or how to allocate resources.

Second, data science companies are usually very technology-focused. They often use cutting-edge technologies, such as predictive analytics and machine learning, to help their clients.

Third, data science companies tend to be very consultative. They work closely with their clients to understand their needs and goals. Then, they use their data expertise to help their clients achieve those goals.

Data science companies are a relatively new type of business, but they are quickly gaining popularity. Organizations of all sizes are starting to realize the power of data and are looking for ways to use it to their advantage. If you are interested in working with data, then a data science company may be the right fit for you.

7 things that data science consultants do:

  • Optimize pricing and product strategies using data
  • Inform business decisions
  • Data analytics
  • They can help you choose the right algorithms for your data
  • Help you visualize your data
  • Help you improve your operations
  • Data science consultants can help you create custom dashboards and reports.

5 Questions to ask to data science companies:

  • What are the company's data science success stories?
  • What is the company's insurance coverage?
  • What is the company's pricing for data science services?
  • Are there any hidden fees or charges associated with your company?
  • What is the company's competitive advantage?