The 100 Best Big Data Analytics Companies - 2024 Reviews

Top Big Data Analytics Companies

Big Data Analytics is essential for businesses to gain insights and make informed decisions. By leveraging advanced analytics techniques, companies can analyze vast amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations. Whether in finance, healthcare, retail, or any other industry, Big Data Analytics helps optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation. Explore top Big Data Analytics companies to find the right partner for your data needs.

Top Featured Big Data Analytics Companies

  • LaMagnética


    (28 reviews)

    Digital Strategies based on Data Analysis

    As a leading digital marketing agency, we specialize in leading businesses to success through an analytical and mathematical approach . We use data analytics to maximize the value of each project and serve a wide range of clients, from SMEs and startups to large corporations in the B2B and B2C sectors. We are based in Barcelona with a global perspective and vision, and a multidisciplinary team of economists, mathematicians, data consultants, SEO, SEM and marketing strategy experts. Our goal is to thoroughly understand your project in order to develop the precise strategy that your business requires. If you are looking for an agency dedicated to achieving your goals with a data-driven approach, contact us. (ES) Estrategia Digital impulsada por el Análisis de Datos Como agencia líder en marketing digital, nos especializamos en orientar a las empresas hacia el éxito a través de un enfoque analítico y matemático . Utilizamos el análisis de datos para maximizar el valor de cada proyecto, atendiendo a una amplia gama de clientes, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes corporaciones en sectores B2B y B2C. Estamos en Barcelona con perspectiva y visión global, y con un equipo multidisciplinario de economistas, matemáticos, consultores de datos, expertos en SEO, SEM y estrategias de marketing. Nuestro objetivo es entender a fondo tu proyecto para desarrollar la estrategia precisa que tu negocio requiere. Si buscas una agencia dedicada a lograr tus metas con un enfoque data-driven, contáctanos. (CAT) Estratègia Digital impulsada per l'Anàlisi de Dades Com a agència líder en màrqueting digital, ens especialitzem a orientar a les empreses cap a l'èxit a través d'un enfocament analític i matemàtic . Utilitzem l'anàlisi de dades per a maximitzar el valor de cada projecte, atesa una àmplia gamma de clients, des de pimes i empreses emergents fins a grans corporacions en sectors B2B i B2C. Estem a Barcelona amb perspectiva i visió global, i som un equip multidisciplinari d'economistes, matemàtics, consultors de dades, experts en SEU, SEM i estratègies de màrqueting. El nostre objectiu és entendre a fons el teu projecte per a desenvolupar l'estratègia precisa que el teu negoci requereix. Si busques una agència dedicada a aconseguir les teves metes amb un enfocament data-driven, contacta amb nosaltres .
    1 work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Dot Com Development

    Dot Com Developmentcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (9 reviews)

    On Time ... On Budget ... Solutions Exceeding Expectation

    Dot Com Development is a proven and awarded full service technology development company providing custom solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. We provide end to end application planning, design, development, testing and support services with expertise in the latest cutting edge, high performing, and future proof technologies . We’ll get your digital product to market 30% faster than our competitors, improve development costs by up to 40% and create user experiences that get 3x-5x more user engagement. Our services include Strategic Planning and Consulting UX/UI Design Prototyping and POC's Web Application Development Website Design and Development Mobile Application Development eCommerce / mCommerce Development API Development and Integration Data and Analytics Cloud Development CRM / ERP Development Artificial Intelligence Development DevOps / Cloud Services
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Scottsdale, United States
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • VALKUREN - Unlock The Power Of data

    VALKUREN - Unlock The Power Of datacertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Unlock The Power Of Data

    VALKUREN - Unlock the Power of Data is a Brussels-based company delivering innovative, tailor-made Big Data Solutions using Data Analytics, Data Governance and Artificial Intelligence services. Our mission is to leverage business performance, automate decision-making and optimize internal processes. Whether you would like to: identify the risk of client indebtedness to take the right actions beforehand identify which type of customer is prone to churning optimize your maintenance process and minimize its costs identify the risk of a quality problem during manufacturing, to act in advance VALKUREN provides the Big Data way to succeed in your challenge . In particular, we provide: dashboards and alert tools to follow the process with the right KPIs & notify you when there is a deviation in the process. simulation tools to measure the impact of a change in the process. predictive tools to take action at the right time based on historical data. prescriptive tools to draw the right recommendations when needed. As a result, we make sure that: your costs decrease. your processes are continuously optimized. your time is saved. your turnover improves. We base our work on three principal pillars: quality, ethics , and transparency . Through these values, we strongly commit to diversity and inclusivity . We take pride in providing high value-added products and services.
    1 work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Brussels, Belgium
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics

All Big Data Analytics Consultants

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  • LaMagnética


    (28 reviews)

    Digital Strategies based on Data Analysis

    As a leading digital marketing agency, we specialize in leading businesses to success through an analytical and mathematical approach . We use data analytics to maximize the value of each project and serve a wide range of clients, from SMEs and startups to large corporations in the B2B and B2C sectors. We are based in Barcelona with a global perspective and vision, and a multidisciplinary team of economists, mathematicians, data consultants, SEO, SEM and marketing strategy experts. Our goal is to thoroughly understand your project in order to develop the precise strategy that your business requires. If you are looking for an agency dedicated to achieving your goals with a data-driven approach, contact us. (ES) Estrategia Digital impulsada por el Análisis de Datos Como agencia líder en marketing digital, nos especializamos en orientar a las empresas hacia el éxito a través de un enfoque analítico y matemático . Utilizamos el análisis de datos para maximizar el valor de cada proyecto, atendiendo a una amplia gama de clientes, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes corporaciones en sectores B2B y B2C. Estamos en Barcelona con perspectiva y visión global, y con un equipo multidisciplinario de economistas, matemáticos, consultores de datos, expertos en SEO, SEM y estrategias de marketing. Nuestro objetivo es entender a fondo tu proyecto para desarrollar la estrategia precisa que tu negocio requiere. Si buscas una agencia dedicada a lograr tus metas con un enfoque data-driven, contáctanos. (CAT) Estratègia Digital impulsada per l'Anàlisi de Dades Com a agència líder en màrqueting digital, ens especialitzem a orientar a les empreses cap a l'èxit a través d'un enfocament analític i matemàtic . Utilitzem l'anàlisi de dades per a maximitzar el valor de cada projecte, atesa una àmplia gamma de clients, des de pimes i empreses emergents fins a grans corporacions en sectors B2B i B2C. Estem a Barcelona amb perspectiva i visió global, i som un equip multidisciplinari d'economistes, matemàtics, consultors de dades, experts en SEU, SEM i estratègies de màrqueting. El nostre objectiu és entendre a fons el teu projecte per a desenvolupar l'estratègia precisa que el teu negoci requereix. Si busques una agència dedicada a aconseguir les teves metes amb un enfocament data-driven, contacta amb nosaltres .
    1 work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics


    (30 reviews)

    Born to Create - We are Digital Masterminds

    Digital Marketing has grown immensely in the past few years, but fear not! We're here to guide you through it. Promoguy is more than a marketing company: We are a collective of marketing professionals who excel in our areas of expertise. From the dry, analytical number-crunching most companies are afraid of to the creative ad copy and content design that has people clamouring to learn more about you, we provide everything a company needs. We take pride in crafting that perfect message that resonates with your audience. Our services encompass a wide range of marketing fields and we tailor our scope of work to your precise needs. We are adept in building and optimising websites, running social media campaigns, content strategy, analytics, and so much more. We promise one thing above all: No Bullshit! This value is important because, whether it's the client or their customers, being upfront and getting the job done trumps everything else. These days, customers can be discerning and hard to attract, which creates a need to craft your communication properly, share the right content and convert a passive audience into an avid fanbase. Promoguy is not just about promotion, but also about creating a cohesive digital marketing story that emphasizes your brand's identity. We work closely with brands  AND PEOPLE  to understand their needs, convert them into effective strategies, and bring out the full potential of your business with measurable results that speak for themselves. Our Solution: We... ...not only consult our clients on what is the best marketing strategy for their market and audience, but we also educate them on the importance of tracking everything that is being done by their company online. Our work centres around the idea of creating a self-sustaining marketing ecosystem that runs itself once we establish the basics. ...become part of their team and we take full responsibility for thinking one step ahead in terms of strategy and marketing approach and all the twists and turns that come with our line of work. all this affordably. We give you the best bang for your buck because burning budgets into thin air is totally against our company culture. What do we do? We grow businesses by creating an all-in-one ecosystem approach! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Digital Marketing Consulting Instagram Growth Management (Being active) Linkedin Activity &  Linkedin Marketing / Advertising Social Media Management Content Strategy (Website & Social) Data Analytics (Website, Social, App, Email etc) Facebook/Instagram Marketing / Advertising Twitter Marketing / Advertising TikTok Advertising Linkedin Marketing / Advertising Email Marketing  CRM implementation Platform Development
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Dot Com Development

    Dot Com Developmentcertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    On Time ... On Budget ... Solutions Exceeding Expectation

    Dot Com Development is a proven and awarded full service technology development company providing custom solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. We provide end to end application planning, design, development, testing and support services with expertise in the latest cutting edge, high performing, and future proof technologies . We’ll get your digital product to market 30% faster than our competitors, improve development costs by up to 40% and create user experiences that get 3x-5x more user engagement. Our services include Strategic Planning and Consulting UX/UI Design Prototyping and POC's Web Application Development Website Design and Development Mobile Application Development eCommerce / mCommerce Development API Development and Integration Data and Analytics Cloud Development CRM / ERP Development Artificial Intelligence Development DevOps / Cloud Services
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Scottsdale, United States
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Hello Pomelo

    Hello Pomelocertified-flagverified-flag

    (55 reviews)

    Développement Web & Mobile et Design UX/UI

    Hello Pomelo accompagne les entreprises dans la création et la mise en place d'outils digitaux. Nous sommes spécialisés dans le développement d'applications web et mobile sur mesure. Nous développons des outils de productivité, des applications métiers, des outils de communication, des logiciels d'analyse de data, etc. Notre objectif est de transformer avec nos clients une idée innovante en une activité économique rentable pour revaloriser le potentiel et le savoir-faire des collaborateurs. Notre méthodologie en trois étapes permet un accompagnement complet pour nos clients. 1. La maquette est l'élément central du processus. Clé de voûte dans l'élaboration de l'outil elle permet une prise en compte optimale du besoin du client tout en évitant les écueils des cahiers des charges traditionnels. 2. Le développement . Chaque solution est créée par une équipe de 3 ou 4 développeurs minimum pour permettre la solidité du code et l’efficacité de la production. 3. La maintenance . Nous proposons un accompagnement sur le long terme via une offre de maintenance. Aujourd'hui ce sont des entreprises comme Leboncoin, BNP Paribas, Homair, Enovos, Sanofi, Groupe Bertrand, LVMH, Groupe Fruidor, EY, Réseau AMA, Predictis, Nolan, Shark, Alliance Logistics, Air&Cosmos et bien d'autres qui nous font confiance pour leurs outils numériques. Alors vous aussi, comme eux, faites-nous confiance !
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €5000 for Big Data Analytics
  • PumpUp


    (5 reviews)

    Des data et du sens

    PumpUp est le 1er réseau national d'agences de performance digitale qui se déploie à l'échelle régionale. Plus qu'une agence digitale classique, PumpUp c'est un collectif d'experts répartis sur 5 sites (Paris, Lille et Grenoble, Bordeaux et Rouen) opérant sur toute la chaîne de création de valeur digitale. Avec une mission commune: libérer la performance des entreprises grâce à notre expertise digitale 360 : Data, Acquisition SEA, SEO, Conversion, UX, CRM, Inbound Marketing, Emailing... En rendant accessible aux entreprises implantées en région le meilleur du digital, nous sommes une alternative pensée sur mesure pour les directions de PME et ETI régionales soucieuses de dynamiser leur activité.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €5000 for Big Data Analytics
  • datasocial


    (75 reviews)

    Conectando personas, impulsando marcas

    Ayudamos a las empresas a crecer optimizando sus procesos de marketing, ventas y atención al cliente. Somos expertos en RevOps e Inbound Marketing Y también tu aliado para... Optimizar plataformas tecnológicas. Centralizar y unificar tus procesos. Acelerar motores de ingresos. Generar modelos de eficiencia. Implementar automatizaciones. Rentabilizar costes. Aumentar el ratio de conversión. Tomar el control. Partner Diamond de Hubspot Estrategia de contenidos Redes sociales Post para blog Marketing Automation Email Marketing Envío de Newsletter
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Andersen


    (116 reviews)

    Take the software path to your digital future

    Andersen is a leading software development company with a strong focus on technology-intensive industries. Since its founding in 2007, the company has opened 16+ development centers in the USA and Western Europe. For over 16 years we have been helping enterprises around the world to transform business by creating effective digital solutions with the use of innovative technologies. Andersen has completed over 1000 projects in each industry and received hundreds of positive reviews from customers. Today, the company is working on over 250 global projects. Andersen has a rich front-end, back-end, and mobile stack. 90% of recurring customers mention that Andersen's advantages are fast delivery, ongoing support, and accessible prices. Most of our developers have 10+ years of experience and have successfully delivered many projects. 3500+ qualified experts are ready to implement your idea into the real world. 2024 is going to be a year of digital transformation for all industries. Stay on top of your performance with our IT talent!
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €10000 for Big Data Analytics
  • LAAIEND online marketing

    LAAIEND online marketingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (14 reviews)

    Wij zijn LAAIEND. Enthousiast dan. Over online marketing.

    Alles om samen te groeien Met een flinke dosis ervaring binnen online marketing werken wij op vele klanten. Voor elk denkbaar online marketing kanaal hebben wij onze specialist in huis. Onze specialisten op het gebied van SEA en SEO, E-mail marketing, Social marketing, Marketplaces marketing etc. weten precies aan welke knoppen zij moeten draaien om het gewenste resultaat te behalen. Daarom is het bij ons ook mogelijk om af te rekenen op basis van resultaat! Wil je dat niet? Dan rekenen wij gewoon één vast uurtarief. Hoe dan ook het resultaat van onze klanten is ook ons resultaat.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Utrecht, Netherlands
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Góbalo. Impulsando estrategias digitales desde 2004

    Góbalo. Impulsando estrategias digitales desde 2004certified-flagverified-flag

    (15 reviews)

    Sinceros contigo desde el primer día

    Góbalo nace con un objetivo: transformar los desafíos digitales de los proyectos que llegan a nuestras manos en nuevas oportunidades estratégicas. Desde 2004 hasta hoy hemos ido adaptándonos a lo que ha requerido cada situación convirtiéndonos en parte de los equipos con los que nos relacionamos, porque creemos en las inmersiones totales antes de empezar a darlo todo en cada proyecto. La comunicación, la empatía, la honestidad, y el talento que desprende nuestro equipo es clave para convertirnos en guías digitales y construir relaciones seguras y duraderas con nuestros clientes. Para conseguirlo, abordamos todas las disciplinas digitales . En Marketing Digital: Social Media Marketing Marketing de contenidos Social Ads Paid Media Posicionamiento Web - SEO Analítica Web CRO En Creatividad: Identidad Corporativa Diseño Web Diseño Gráfico Video Marketing En Tecnología: Desarrollo de Software Desarrollo Web Trabajamos con todo tipo de cliente y sector , y contamos con experiencia gestionando proyectos en distintas fases, desde la idea inicial y el desarrollo de toda la estrategia digital, hasta la optimización de los canales existentes, pasando por propuestas de mejora allí donde consideramos que sea necesario. Y si aún no te hemos convencido, confiamos en que nuestros clientes lo consigan, esto es lo que opinan de nosotros: “Gran equipo, profesionales, responsables y entregados al 100% con cada proyecto que cae en sus manos!” “Agencia cercana y profesional. Llevamos trabajando con ellos un par de años y sin duda quien nos siga desde entonces, ha podido percibir el cambio” ¿Hablamos, de verdad, sobre tu proyecto? ⊚ ✆ 691 638 146 ✉
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics

    DEV@WORK BVcertified-flagverified-flag

    (22 reviews)

    Digital bridging by exceptional humans

    Safeguarding our world ! Our exquisite tailored-made team develops the digital fundamentals for your business as if it was ours. As the vision speaks, we can only excel our performances when we compose our ambitions with the right combined talents, time, passion, human interest & values for your designed assignments. For this we need a solid compound foundation, as of symbol of the fertile bio-diversity of the Earth. A symbol we need for constructing the right sustainable eco-systems in which we explore, Create, Construct, Assist and Reinforce our digital e-CAR principle of the now . The now of the future is up and running! Your overall identity will outreach your expectations when we conduct your digital world together. Walking hand in hand, step by step, enhancing your lives is the true mission, since no world until now, exists in its own. We have created a consolidated Pan European international master team with a broad network of the finest human digital experts. We bring to your inside the most innovative technologies and solution alive, providing the best of capabilities to serve you with the most advanced, innovative and integrated marketing- & technological solutions ever existing. Our team assimilates, breathes, understands, comprehends at all time your challenges through analysing, defining, thinking forward, processing, pragmatism, tracking, testing & keeping our overview of any situation, known or unknown. We only strive for long-lasting conceptual well-thought mechanisms we can only achieve by mastering a global approach with a high-level, high-end level of expertise. We adhere in this the premises of a lifelong learning cycle. Our mission is to provide our best of digital services at the fairest price possible in the market. We never ever give in on our high-level standards and quality endeavour. For this we merely customize before the process of standardizing . Our incredibly unmatched talented team of developers, engineers and support services’ team constructs only highly functioning and secure UI/UX strategized digital platforms. Coding comes first, UX next and UI makes it all to a glance. We keep ourselves to the best of High-end standards, the best combined unequivocal talents, the most advanced systemic processes with an ever value for time and money. Our multidisciplinary team provides for the best of quality at the fairest price existing. reliability at all time, a true Pan European team, team & team bringing in social impact and attitude! Our customers always come first, provided by the best of digital there is to offer, at a high-end level he still feels comfortable with and in control of his own situational leadership. Read much more on our mission and follow us on our webplatforms, and hope to meet you soon, Our DEV@WORK team, Copyright © 2024 by P.M.M.-G Bellemans All rights reserved. This text or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Big Data Analytics
  • DreamOnTech


    (43 reviews)

    Chez DreamOnTech (DOT), Nous créons votre DreamTeam pour satisfaire l'ensemble de vos projets.

    Chez DreamOnTech (DOT), Nous créons votre DreamTeam pour satisfaire l'ensemble de vos projets. Vous pouvez collaborer avec DOT dans la plupart de vos missions / projets car nous avons un système d'offres vraiment 360° réparti sur 3 volets : - Nous disposons de nos propres solutions DOT en OpenSource - Nous faisons de la prestation de service sur-mesure ou via nos services clés en main - Nous sommes intégrateur de solutions déjà existantes sur le marché (+600 partenaires dans le monde) reposant sur 4 piliers suivants : - Tech / Numérique / Innovation - Stratégie / Marketing / Accompagnement / Formation - Création / Communication - Sciences / R&D Après avoir fait un audit de la situation actuelle dans le monde digital, de ses performances accrues et de ses perspectives d'évolution, il me semblait important de créer cette structure afin de proposer des services personnalisés dans divers secteurs d'activité pour toutes formes d'entreprises afin de répondre à tous leurs besoins (entame ou accélération de leur aventure dans la visibilité / transformation digitale). Aujourd'hui, DOT propose 25 services sur-mesure afin de satisfaire globalement tous les besoins au sein d'une entreprise : – UI / UX / Responsive design, – Création de sites web et design (page vitrine, site landing page, site one single page application, site E-commerce, etc.), – Branding pour développer votre marque, – Création applications mobiles, – Création logiciels sur-mesure, – Création de jeux vidéo (PC, consoles, périphériques mobiles) – Référencements web (SEO / SEA / SEM), – Social Media (Community Management), – Production audiovisuelle, – Serious gaming / visualisation & animation 3D pour apporter de l'innovation avec la réalité virtuelle / réalité augmentée dans votre activité, – Communication, – Création de contenus multimédia, (vidéos, rédaction d’articles, de blog, documents, animations visuelles, etc.) – Streaming, Visioconférences, – Digital Marketing, – Support technique & fonctionnel (élaboration de cahiers des charges, rédactions des spécifications techniques & fonctionnelles). – GED, – ERP / CRM, – Networks Ads Campaigns, – Cloud computing (Google Cloud, Azure et AWS), – Cybersécurité, – Edition de chatbots, IA, BI, – Conformité RGPD, Protection des données (DPO), – Coaching & Consulting spécifiques (Il s'agit de notre service LIVESENSEI) – Goodies personnalisés – Sourcing & Prospection sur-mesure Puis, nous avons notamment des services à proposer concernant nos produits HARDWARE : Bureaux et mobilier connectés Casques audio 360° Casque AR-VR Claviers Ecouteurs 360° Ecrans ordinateurs plat et incurvés (jusqu'à 110") Ecrans pour sièges arrière des véhicules HDD ou Disque Dur Externe HomeStudio Nouvelles gammes Ordinateurs Sièges Comfort et Gaming Stations d'accueil Stations / bornes de recharge Tableaux de réunion interactif 360° (jusqu'à 110") Tablettes (de 9" à 15") Télévision plate et incurvée (jusqu'à 110") VR games avec station de jeux vidéo Voilà ce qui existe DÉJA comme produits de mon agence, ACTUELLEMENT COMMERCIALISABLES sur le marché. Si un de nos services vous intéresse particulièrement, je pourrai alors vous envoyer par la suite une brochure de présentation de l'entreprise ainsi qu'un portfolio global de nos prestations avec des clients. Voilà ! N'hésitez pas à me faire un retour sur vos besoins par mail ou par téléphone afin de découvrir davantage vos projets actuels globalement ! Ce sera avec grand plaisir ! Merci, Bonne journée,
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Orée-d'Anjou, France
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics


    (6 reviews)

    Web Development and Data Science Agency

    Founded in 2012 as an outsourcing company, steps worked primarily with international clients. We provided offshore web,   development and data Treatment services to governments, general public and businesses.While we were working with our clients, we started developing a database and building our team’s expertise in Data Mining and Analysis . Within one year, we decided to make data science an essential part of what we do. In addition to our competencies in Data Analytics , our IT engineers develop web applications. We provide a comprehensive set of services for our customers. We believe that our quality work is what makes us stand out in regard to our competitors on the market. We want to be there for our clients during every step of the way from the pre-launch and even after they have their final product.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the La Goulette, Tunisia
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • DigiTransform


    (12 reviews)

    IT Digitalization, SAAS Development, Digital Marketing, Open ERP Odoo, Cloud Computing...

    | Site : | M : 00 212 6 63 13 95 95 | F : 00 212 5 37 79 99 26 | En pleine dynamique de croissance, nous sommes soucieux d'accompagner nos clients tout au long de leurs projets informatiques. L’agence DigiTransform met à votre disposition une équipe de professionnels qualifiés et expérimentés qui sont en mesure de vous proposer une panoplie de prestations, en ce qui concerne : La création de sites sur-mesure, La création d’applications web sur-mesure (Saas), La création d’applications mobile IOS ou Android, Le design graphique, La gestion de ressources cloud (serveurs, services, data,…), L’hébergement et le stockage (web, documentaire,…), La gestion de la donnée (visualisation, modélisation, conceptualisation, cloud computing,...). Notre richesse se compose avant tout de nos collaborateurs, mais aussi de notre capital d'expérience. Essentiellement issus de grandes écoles d'ingénieurs ou d'universités, de formation Bac+5, chez DigiTransform nous avons le goût de l'effort, le sens du service et le perpétuel souci du travail bien fait. Nous excellons dans des domaines d'activités variés où la compréhension du métier est un élément clé de leur réussite. Nous ne sommes donc pas de « simples » informaticiens mais des interlocuteurs crédibles qui comprennent très vite le besoin du client. Pourquoi faire appel à notre agence DigiTransform ? Spécialisée dans la création d'applications web/mobile et de référencement SEO, l’agence DigiTransform met au service des entreprises de toutes tailles sa polyvalence, son savoir-faire, son expertise et s’engage à vous assurer : Un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivi sur-mesure, Un conseil avisé et une assistance complète, Des prestations clés en main, Un devis gratuit et détaillé, Une équipe dynamique, disponible et à l’écoute, Une maîtrise des dernières technologies web… Notre mission ? Vous apporter entière satisfaction à travers des services de qualité à la hauteur de vos attentes. ...DigiTransform est votre partenaire digital idéal.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Rabat, Morocco
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • KOM  | The  Agency ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

    KOM | The Agency ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐certified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    ⚡ Chiedi Prima a noi! Tutto quello di cui hai bisogno è qui! ...Mettiti comodo 😉

    Ci anima la passione nel creare strategie di Marketing su misura per Aziende ambiziose! Dai un'occhiata al nostro sito: 🫵 troverai testimonianze reali dell'impatto che abbiamo generato per Aziende come la tua! Siamo curiosi di ascoltare la tua storia e raccontarti Il nostro metodo ADAM, il cuore pulsante delle nostre strategie, concepito sulle più moderne conoscenze di Marketing Scientifico. Troveremo insieme l'approccio più adatto alle tue esigenze attraverso le nostre 3 Business unit: - AGENZIA CREATIVA: Se cerchi lo sviluppo di strategie di marketing su misura, approfondendo l'analisi del tuo brand con innovazione innovazione e creatività. - CONSULENZA STRATEGICA: Se sei alla ricerca di una consulenza strategica in ambito marketing, e sviluppo del tuo business, sei nel posto giusto. - WEB DESIGN: Se il tuo focus è creare o migliorare la tua piattaforma web o e-commerce con un design accattivante e una user experience ottimale. KOM è un ecosistema di soluzioni digitali, diviso in tre rami principali: KOMLab, KOMsulting e Kompetitive. Ogni ramo ha un focus specifico e insieme offrono un pacchetto completo per la presenza digitale e il marketing. Che tipo di servizi sviluppa KOMLab? KOMLab è la fucina dove la creatività si fonde con la strategia per creare soluzioni digitali di punta. Sviluppiamo strategie avanzate all'avanguardia, sempre con un occhio attento alle esigenze specifiche del mercato e dei nostri clienti. In che modo KOMsulting si differenzia dalle altre agenzie di consulenza? KOMsulting va oltre la semplice consulenza. Funzioniamo come un vero e proprio partner strategico, proponendo e attuando servizi innovativi che molti considerano troppo audaci o complicati. Come assicura Kompetitive una presenza online efficace e reattiva? Kompetitive garantisce una presenza online solida attraverso un approccio bilanciato tra tecnica e design. Siamo specializzati in e-commerce e web design, creando piattaforme che non solo attirano l'attenzione, ma sono anche funzionali e ottimizzate per massimizzare le conversioni. Come si integrano questi i servizi per fornire una soluzione completa ai clienti? I nostri servizi sono pensati per lavorare in sinergia attraverso il Metodo ADAM. KOMLab sviluppa il marketing innovativo KOMsulting fornisce la strategia e la visione per applicare queste innovazioni, e Kompetitive si occupa di rifinire l'esperienza utente con un design intuitivo e performante, garantendo una presenza online impeccabile. Tutto è coordinato da ADAM il nostro metodo di approccio scientifico, frutto dei nostri 20 anni di esperienza. Perchè un Metodo? … p erché troppo spesso abbiamo visto sprecare opportunità aziendali , a volte per la mancanza di una visione chiara e di un relativa coerenza nei processi di implementazione di marketing e/o di design. Abbiamo quindi, cercato di “mettere ordine” e descrivere bene come gestire le complesse dinamiche, dando loro un percorso per renderle coerenti e misurabili. Com'è nato ADAM? Risponde Dario Scarabello fondatore di KOM : Ricordo ancora un corso di marketing che frequentavo verso metà anni '90. Di questo mi è rimasto in mente l'acronimo “AIDA” - Attenzione, Interesse, Desiderio, Azione, che il relatore ci aveva menzionato per darci un'idea schematica dei processi di vendita. Sono sempre rimasto sorpreso di come questo nomignolo sia rimasto dentro la mia testa, e di come mi ci sia "arrampicato" per farmi chiarezza in occasioni in cui facevo fatica a dare un ordine alle strategie che avevo in mente. Ancora oggi è attuale anche - ad esempio - nei complicatissimi funnel dell' Ads digitale dei Social. Ho voluto, quindi creare ADA M, come guida strategica duratura nel tempo per le implementazioni di marketing, design e di tutti gli strumenti oggi disponibili. Ho provato quindi messo ordine ai miei concetti di Marketing & Design. Due parole che mi hanno sempre accompagnato nel percorso lavorativo, e che con il tempo stanno assumendo significati sempre più ampi e diversi Crediamo fermamente che ogni azienda abbia una storia speciale e obiettivi unici. Ecco perché siamo curiosi di ascoltare la tua storia e siamo convinti che una chiacchierata potrebbe essere lo spunto per grandi idee e collaborazioni: Consulta il nostro sito e chiedi a noi! grazie Dario Scarabello General Manager
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Padua, Italy
    From €3000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Grouber Marketing

    Grouber Marketingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Elige potenciar tu negocio, elige Grouber Marketing. Especialistas en Marketing Estratégico.

    Si buscas un plan de Marketing Digital personalizado o un proceso de digitalización adaptado a tus necesidades, somos la agencia ideal. En Grouber, diseñamos estrategias PERSONALIZADAS basadas en tus objetivos y presupuesto. En Grouber Marketing, nuestra misión es aumentar la visibilidad de tu negocio, mejorar su posicionamiento en búsquedas y facilitar el contacto con nuevos clientes para incrementar tus ventas.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €100 for Big Data Analytics
  • Atta Systems

    Atta Systemsverified-flag

    (33 reviews)

    We help funded startups and big org (UNICEF, World Bank, EY, UN) to develop meaningful software

    We work with innovative VC-backed startups as well as established companies in: 🏥 healthcare: Medicai (Plug&Play company), Bold Health (Plug&Play company), Eupnoos, and many more to deliver secure and compliant software solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical flows 🏛government & administration: UNICEF, The World Bank, USAID, and others to increase their impact in global projects using innovation powered by modern technologies.  🏫 education: EdXP, I-FIKR, Alux, and others to improve accessibility to an excellent education and modern, digital, teaching methods and methodologies 🏦 finance: Ernst&Young, Bankata, Nicola Wealth to deliver secure, scalable solutions and improve financial literacy through technology.  We have a product-centric approach to development, we specialize in: Product Strategy & Design (market, vision, positioning, user research, user experience design, user interface design) Data (AI/ML, data science, data manipulation, data visualization, databases) Software Engineering (mobile and web apps, backend, frontend, infrastructure) Product Marketing (user acquisition, user retention, analytics, data-driven decisions) We know how to build products at scale, used by millions globally. What our clients say about our work:  "Considering the experience we have in working with Atta Systems, we strongly recommend them for the development of quality software, ensuring all stages of the software development process including definition, design, coding, code control and reviews, testing, release management, and product integration." Voica Tomus, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF "Atta Systems integrates well into our company; they feel like part of our team. Atta Systems follows the project timelines and responds quickly to the messages via Slack and Google Meet. They work in two-week sprints, have biweekly meetings, and use Jira to report on progress." Jossy Onwude, CTO @ Bold Health, UK, a Plug&Play company
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Singapore, Singapore
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • RICA


    (10 reviews)

    Where creativity meets technology

    Somos una empresa de tecnología especializada en el desarrollo de productos digitales innovadores y soluciones personalizadas. Diseñamos, desarrollamos y validamos soluciones tecnológicas, enfocándonos en la automatización y en ofrecer adaptaciones específicas para cada cliente. Nos posicionamos como el partner tecnológico ideal para PYMES y STARTUPS que buscan soluciones escalables.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Aji


    (64 reviews)

    Une seule limite, votre imagination. 🚀

    Aji, l'équipe qui va vous bluffer ! Vous avez une idée exceptionnelle mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer ? Pas de panique, les experts d'Aji sont là pour vous ! 🧠 On allie créativité débordante et compétences de choc pour transformer vos concepts les plus fous en projets concrets. De l'intelligence artificielle aux applis mobiles, en passant par le web, le design ou la réalité augmentée, on maîtrise tous les domaines ! 🔥 Notre secret ? Une équipe survitaminée, prête à relever n'importe quel défi ! On s'adapte à tous les secteurs comme de vrais caméléons du numérique. 🪡 Mais le must, c'est qu'on vous conçoit des projets sur-mesure, comme un costume taillé par le plus prestigieux des tailleurs. Aji, c'est la haute-couture du digital ! Mais concrètement, on fait quoi ? ✅ Intelligence Artificielle ✅ Application Mobile ✅ Développement Web ✅ UI/UX Design ✅ Réalité Augmentée et Virtuelle (AR/VR) ✅ SEO / SEA / SMO / CRO Notre mission ? Faire vivre votre passion ! ♠️ On est les AS pour capter l'essence de votre projet et la retranscrire à la perfection. Parce qu'on est pas que des technophiles, on est avant tout à l'écoute de vos besoins et de ceux de vos futurs utilisateurs. 🤘 Alors foncez et partagez-nous vos folles idées ! On se chargera de les concrétiser à 3000% pour vous bluffer ! Nos valeurs ? On vous les transmets ! ✨ Réactivité de folie ✨ Créativité à revendre ✨ Confiance à toute épreuve ✨ Écoute proactive ✨ Transparence absolue Aji c'est une famille : AjiCreative, AjiInteractive et AjiContent ! Une équipe rayonnante qui ne lâche rien et qui garde toujours un pied dans l'humain. Alors go, on se lance ? 💥
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €350 for Big Data Analytics
  • W&S Digitalagentur GmbH

    W&S Digitalagentur GmbHcertified-flagverified-flag

    (20 reviews)

    Wir designen, entwickeln, optimieren und vermarkten – seit 1984.

    W&S ist eine Digitalagentur für Effizienz- und Umsatzsteigerung . Unsere Kund:innen sind mittelständische Unternehmen und kommen aus dem Hochpreissegment. Als Hersteller:innen hochwertiger Produkte legen sie besonderen Wert auf Qualität. Für sie erstellen wir ganzheitliche Konzepte mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen – natürlich immer auf Basis einer fundierten Strategie und mit dem Ziel einer langfristigen, vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit. Entwicklung, Design und Marketing – auf diese Bereiche sind wir spezialisiert, in diesen Bereichen sind wir Experte. Dies liegt vor allem an zwei Punkten: Fachwissen und Erfahrung. Unser Team besteht aus kompetenten Mitarbeiter:innen, die ihre Fähigkeiten stetig erweitern. Geführt werden sie von einem Chef, der mit dem Business aufwuchs und die Agentur bereits in zweiter Generation führt. Wir unterstützen Sie gern bei jedem Aspekt der Digitalisierung . Denn wir glauben an die Selbstverständlichkeit des digitalen Wandels und seinen nachhaltigen Effekt auf unternehmerische Herausforderungen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Großes schaffen.
    No work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Esslingen, Germany
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics
  • Criterion Global

    Criterion Globalverified-flag

    (1 review)

    "Growth for the New Global Economy."

    The leading independent, international media buying agency + in-house media consultancy. Technology + Tenacity for a global media marketplace.
    1 work in Big Data Analytics
    Active in the Miami Beach, United States
    From €1000 for Big Data Analytics

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Tips for choosing the best big data analytics company

The big data analytics landscape is constantly evolving, with new vendors and solutions entering the market on a regular basis. This can make it difficult for companies to keep up with the latest developments and choose the right solution for their needs. To help you navigate the big data analytics landscape, we've put together a list of the top vendors in the space. This list includes companies that offer a range of big data analytics solutions, from data management and warehousing to data visualization and machine learning. Whether you're looking for a comprehensive solution or a specific tool, our list of the top big data analytics companies will help you find the right vendor for your needs.

What does big data analytics mean ?

Big data analytics is the process of analyzing large volumes of data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights. It can be used to support a wide variety of business decisions, from marketing campaigns to product development.

Big data analytics is typically performed using a combination of technologies, including big data platform, data mining, predictive analytics, and machine learning. These tools and techniques are used to help organizations make sense of their data and find hidden patterns and insights.

Big data analytics can be used to support a wide variety of business decisions. For example, it can be used to:

- Improve marketing campaigns: Big data analytics can be used to identify patterns in customer behavior. This information can be used to target marketing campaigns more effectively and improve customer engagement.

- Develop new products: Big data analytics can be used to identify customer needs and develop products that meet those needs.

- Improve operational efficiency: Big data analytics can be used to identify inefficiencies in business processes. This information can be used to streamline operations and improve productivity.

- Reduce risks: Big data analytics can be used to identify risks associated with different business decisions. This information can help organizations make better decisions and avoid potential problems.

In business, big data analytics refers to the analysis of large quantities of data from diverse sources and forms. According to a recent study, big data is defined by volume, velocity, and variety. Knowledge is further divided into tacit and explicit forms. Explicit forms are expressed through words, codes, and formulas. Regardless of the source, big information provides a wealth of opportunities to businesses and other organizations. In addition to the data generated by humans, there is a growing amount of data produced by countless devices.

Big data vs data analytics: what's the difference

There is a big difference between big data and data analytics. Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Data analytics is a field of study that refers to the process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making.

Big data usually refers to data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, curate, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. Big data size varies but can be measured in zettabytes. The challenge with big data is not only its size, but also its diversity, complexity, and velocity.

Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information. Data analytics is used in a variety of industries to allow companies and organizations to make better business decisions and in some cases predict future trends. The process of data analytics includes data cleaning, data mining, data visualization, predictive modeling, and statistical analysis.

The key difference between big data and data analytics is that big data is a term used to describe data sets that are too large or complex for traditional data processing applications while data analytics is a field of study that refers to the process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information.

What is a big data analytics company ?

A big data analytics company is a business that specializes in the collection, analysis and interpretation of large data sets. This can include data from social media, financial markets, retail sales, web traffic and more. Big data analytics companies use a variety of techniques to make sense of this information, including machine learning, artificial intelligence and statistical analysis.

The goal of big data analytics is to help businesses make better decisions by providing them with insights that would otherwise be hidden in the vast amount of data they collect. For example, a retailer might use big data analytics to identify patterns in customer behavior, such as when they are most likely to buy certain products. This information can then be used to make decisions about pricing, product placement and marketing campaigns.

Big data analytics can also be used to predict future trends. For example, a bank might use big data analytics to identify which customers are most likely to default on their loans. This information can then be used to make decisions about who to lend money to and what terms to offer them.

There are a number of big data analytics companies out there, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the more well-known big data analytics companies include Palantir, IBM, Microsoft and Google.

7 things that big data analytics services do:

  • Help you improve your operations
  • Improve your marketing efforts
  • Help you identify patterns and trends
  • Help you understand customer behavior
  • Spot errors and inefficiencies
  • Develop predictive models to forecast future events
  • Analyze your data to help you make better decisions

5 Questions to ask to big data analytics companies:

  • What is your company's policy on rescheduling?
  • What is your company's big data analytics support?
  • Are you properly licensed and insured?
  • What is your company's approach to big data analytics?
  • What is your company's history?