Everybody Likes Penguins (+ 4 reviews) | Sortlist
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Everybody Likes Penguins

Utrecht, Netherlands
Creative Agency
Je wilt je doelgroep bereiken, maar aandacht is niet te koop. Samen ontwikkelen we voor jou de campagne die alles in beweging zet.
22 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English
75 projects in their portfolio
Sortlist member since 2024
Founded in 2007
Open website


25 services offered by Everybody Likes Penguins

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  • Description
    Bouw diepgaande digitale relaties op. Onze verrassende social media campagnes zijn erop gericht om authentieke gesprekken op gang te brengen, merkbetrokkenheid te vergroten en een sterke online gemeenschap rond jouw merk te creëren. Meer likes, meer volgers, meer engagement en op naar een community van duizenden fans.

    Build deep digital relationships. Our surprising social media campaigns are aimed at starting authentic conversations, increasing brand engagement and creating a strong online community around your brand. More likes, more followers, more engagement and on to a community of thousands of fans.
    Skills in Social Media (7)
    Social Media Video ProductionSocial Media PlanningSocial Media TrainingSocial Media GrowthSocial Media ContentSocial Media ManagementSocial Media Marketing
    Works in Social Media (47)
    Energieke Campagne Tackles Voorjaarsmoeheid - Social Media
    Online activatie voor Valentine - Social Media
    NK Podracing Campaign at Hoog Catharijne - Social Media
    Oogfitness (Eye Fitness) - Social Media
    Reviews in Social Media (3)
    Jermain Dorder
    Jules van den Hurk
    Taco de Muinck Keizer
    Clients in Social Media (47)
    Era ContourReal Estate | local
    BayerPharmaceuticals & Biotech | international
    Riksja TravelTravel & Leisure | national
    Stichting ALS NederlandNon-profit | national

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description
    NL: Je wilt je doelgroep bereiken, maar aandacht is niet te koop. Samen ontwikkelen we voor jou de campagne die alles in beweging zet. Vertel jouw verhaal op het juiste moment, op de juiste plek. Onze creatieve en strategische advertenties zetten jouw merk in de spotlight en raken de kern van wat jouw doelgroep beweegt.

    EN: Tell your story at the right time, in the right place. Our creative and strategic advertisements put your brand in the spotlight and tap into what truly moves your audience.
    Skills in Advertising (25)
    Direct AdvertisingMulti Channel AdvertisingTraditional AdvertisingSports AdvertisingDigital Media AdvertisingB2B AdvertisingSmall Business AdvertisingSocial AdvertisingCorporate AdvertisingAdvertising Campaign+15
    Works in Advertising (22)
    Zo heet je de concurrent welkom – op z'n BAUHAUS - Advertising
    Energieke Campagne Tackles Voorjaarsmoeheid - Advertising
    Succesvolle leadgeneratie - Advertising
    NK Podracing Campaign at Hoog Catharijne - Advertising
    Clients in Advertising (22)
    Alliantie Nederland Rookvrij (ANR)Hospitals & Healthcare | national
    IndexWoningSoftware & Computer Services | national
    Schneider ElectricEnergy & Oil | international
    Wilde GanzenNon-profit | national

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description
    NL: Van strategie tot uitvoering: wij helpen jouw merk groeien. Onze marketingdiensten combineren creativiteit met data om duurzame impact te creëren en jouw doelen te behalen.

    EN: From strategy to execution: we help your brand grow. Our marketing services combine creativity with data to create sustainable impact and achieve your goals.
    Skills in Marketing (10)
    Affiliate MarketingROI MarketingB2C MarketingBuzz MarketingRecruitment MarketingMarketing ConsultingB2B MarketingOutbound MarketingInteractive MarketingMarketing Strategy
    Works in Marketing (11)
    Beursplein Utrecht: werk slim, speel hard - Marketing
    Succesvolle leadgeneratie - Marketing
    Als Honing - Marketing
    Strategische repositionering van AGMI - Marketing
    Review in Marketing (1)
    Pepijn Louisse
    Clients in Marketing (11)
    YilkinsIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    BAUHAUSRetail | international
    Het Utrechts Archief (The Utrecht Archives)Publishing | local
    ManutanIndustrial Goods & Services | international

    Learn more about Marketing

  • Description
    NL: Haal het maximale uit jouw online advertenties. Van social media tot zoekmachines: wij zorgen voor de perfecte mix van creativiteit en data-gedreven strategieën om je doelgroep te bereiken. Meer zichtbaarheid, meer clicks en meer conversie.

    EN: Maximize your online advertising potential. From social media to search engines: we create the perfect blend of creativity and data-driven strategies to reach your target audience. More visibility, more clicks, and more conversions.
    Skills in Online Advertising (17)
    Online VideoSEO AdvertisingROI OptimizationPaid MediaProgrammatic AdvertisingGoogle AdsMobile AdvertisingVideo AdvertisingDisplay AdvertisingSearch Engine Advertising+7
    Works in Online Advertising (9)
    Introductiecampagne: 'Het leukste reisje van NL' - Online Advertising
    Succesvolle leadgeneratie - Online Advertising
    Dwaalspoor Utrecht - Online Advertising
    Huisdierpersoon Bewustwordingscampagne - Online Advertising
    Clients in Online Advertising (9)
    BauhausRetail | national
    CNV VakmensenNon-profit
    MaakJeStapEducation | regional
    ALD AutomotiveAutomotive | national

    Learn more about Online Advertising

  • Description
    Laat een onuitwisbare impact achter in de harten en geesten van je doelgroep. Onze branding campagnes zijn erop gericht om een krachtige merkidentiteit te bouwen die jouw unieke verhaal en waarden weerspiegelt. Een nog sterkere identiteit, een nog krachtiger imago.

    Leave an indelible impact on the hearts and minds of your target audience. Our branding campaigns are designed to build a powerful brand identity that reflects your unique story and values. An even stronger identity, an even more powerful image.
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (17)
    Brand StorytellingBrandingCorporate IdentityVisual IdentityBrand IdentityEmployer BrandingOnline BrandingDigital BrandingSocial Media BrandingB2B Branding+7
    Works in Branding & Positioning (39)
    Rebranding EBU Annual Congress to Festival - Branding & Positioning
    Steck Branding en Lancering Campagne - Branding & Positioning
    Online activatie voor Valentine - Branding & Positioning
    Beursplein Utrecht: werk slim, speel hard - Branding & Positioning
    Clients in Branding & Positioning (39)
    Stichting ALS NederlandNon-profit | national
    BauhausRetail | national
    IndexWoningSoftware & Computer Services | national
    BijenkorfE-commerce | national

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description
    Laat je merkverhaal horen en zien. Want ja, wie leest er nog? Onze video- en audiocontent is zorgvuldig geproduceerd om jouw (merk- of campagneboodschap op een meeslepende en memorabele manier over te brengen. Duurt het te lang of raak je verward? Dan ben je oud nieuws…

    Let your brand story be heard and seen. Because who reads anymore? Our video and audio content is carefully produced to convey your (brand or campaign message) in a compelling and memorable way. If it takes too long or you get confused, you’re old news…
    Skills in Video Production (13)
    Audiovisual ProductionFilm ProductionEducational Video ProductionStory TellingShow ReelFilmingStoryboard WritingSpecial Effects (SFX)Video ShootingVideo Editing+3
    Works in Video Production (26)
    Als Honing - Video Production
    Oogfitness (Eye Fitness) - Video Production
    Trombose bewustzijn (Thrombosis awareness) - Video Production
    Social video in 3 talen voor Unito's slimme kraan - Video Production
    Clients in Video Production (26)
    Like HoneyMarketing & Advertising
    PearleRetail | national
    BAUHAUSRetail | international
    Utrecht Science ParkEducation | regional

    Learn more about Video Production

  • Description
    NL: Laat je merk tot leven komen. Onze motion design-experts brengen je verhaal in beweging met opvallende animaties die boeien en blijven hangen.

    EN: Bring your brand to life. Our motion design experts animate your story with captivating visuals that engage and leave a lasting impression.
    Skills in Motion Design (6)
    2D AnimationMotion GraphicsDigital AnimationComputer AnimationClip Motion DesignLogo Motion Design
    Works in Motion Design (7)
    Online activatie voor Valentine - Motion Design
    Geanimeerd online festival voor KMN Kind & Co - Motion Design
    AI-generated inclusive image for Stadgenoot - Motion Design
    Norton Helden Branding Campagne - Motion Design
    Clients in Motion Design (7)
    de BijenkorfRetail | national
    KMN Kind & CoHospitals & Healthcare | regional
    StadgenootReal Estate | local
    SymantecSoftware & Computer Services | international

    Learn more about Motion Design

  • Description
    Vertel verhalen die raken. En dan vooral de verhalen die de doelgroep maar wát graag doorvertelt of doorstuurt. Onze contentmarketing focust op het creëren van waardevolle, relevante content die jouw doelgroep informeert, inspireert én in beweging zet.

    Tell stories that touch. And especially the stories that the target group is more than happy to pass on or forward. Our content marketing focuses on creating valuable, relevant content that informs, inspires and moves your target group.
    Skills in Content Strategy (7)
    Content AdvertisingSocial Content StrategyShareable ContentStorytellingSpecification WritingMultilingual ContentTarget Audience Definition
    Works in Content Strategy (14)
    Energieke Campagne Tackles Voorjaarsmoeheid - Content Strategy
    Oogfitness (Eye Fitness) - Content Strategy
    Riksja Luchtballonnenrace - Content Strategy
    Geanimeerd online festival voor KMN Kind & Co - Content Strategy
    Clients in Content Strategy (14)
    CNV VakmensenNon-profit
    Schneider ElectricEnergy & Oil | international
    PearleE-commerce | national

    Learn more about Content Strategy

  • Description
    NL: Plan je digitale toekomst met een strategie die werkt. Wij ontwerpen digitale strategieën die jouw doelen versterken en je merk naar een hoger niveau tillen.

    EN: Plan your digital future with a strategy that works. We craft digital strategies that empower your goals and elevate your brand.
    Skills in Digital Strategy (5)
    Online MarketingSearch Engine MarketingDigital Marketing StrategyInbound MarketingDigital Media Marketing
    Works in Digital Strategy (16)
    Energieke Campagne Tackles Voorjaarsmoeheid - Digital Strategy
    Online activatie voor Valentine - Digital Strategy
    NK Podracing Campaign at Hoog Catharijne - Digital Strategy
    Geanimeerd online festival voor KMN Kind & Co - Digital Strategy
    Clients in Digital Strategy (16)
    Riksja TravelTravel & Leisure
    Allianz Global Assistance NLInsurance | national
    KMN Kind & CoHospitals & Healthcare | regional
    PearleRetail | national

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Graphic Design (9)
    Graphic Design ServicesPromotional PosterCorporate DesignConcept DevelopmentCreative DesignVisual DesignPhotoshopShowreel DesignCreative Concept
    Works in Graphic Design (29)
    Rebranding EBU Annual Congress to Festival - Graphic Design
    Steck Branding en Lancering Campagne - Graphic Design
    Introductiecampagne: 'Het leukste reisje van NL' - Graphic Design
    Nieuwe identiteit voor Detron - Graphic Design
    Clients in Graphic Design (29)
    IndexWoningSoftware & Computer Services | national
    YilkinsIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    BauhausRetail | national
    Allianz Global Assistance BelgiumInsurance | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

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22 members in Everybody Likes Penguins's team

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StoryPlease visit the 'About Us' page on our website. https://everybodylikespenguins.nl
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Everybody Likes Penguins was awarded 0 times


4 reviews for Everybody Likes Penguins

(4 reviews)
Jules van den HurkMarketing director at Jungle Drum
ServiceSocial Media
Team1 - 10

What was the objective behind your collaboration?We asked them to create a social media campaign that would truly resonate with our target audience.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?I was both surprised and impressed by their creativity. Their creative approach amplified the impact of the campaign, keeping media spending remarkably low.

Are there any areas for improvements?No improvements needed. I’m already looking forward to the next campaign – I can’t wait!

Jules van den Hurk recommends this agency

ServiceSocial Media
Team1 - 10

Taco de Muinck KeizerEnterprise Sales Executive at Arista Networks
ServiceSocial Media
SectorTechnology Hardware & Equipment
Team1001 - 5000

Everybody Likes Penguins zijn sterk in strategie te combineren met creatieve campagnes. Ze duiken in je doelgroep en komen met social campagnes die spot on zijn. De deliverables voor de campagne, zoals video's en animaties, worden allemaal in house ontwikkeld waardoor alles goed op elkaar aansluit. Leuke club om mee te werken.

ServiceSocial Media
SectorTechnology Hardware & Equipment
Team1001 - 5000

Pepijn LouisseDirector at Aanpakkers
SectorHuman Resources
Team11 - 50

De Pinguins zijn sterk in social media campagnes. De concepten die ze bedenken zijn effectief. Ze pakken de aandacht van de doelgroep en weten die in beweging te zetten.

SectorHuman Resources
Team11 - 50

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Contact details of Everybody Likes Penguins


  • HeadquarterSchaverijstraat 11, Utrecht, Netherlands

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