The 10 Best Advertising Agencies in Prague - 2024 Reviews

Top Advertising Agencies in Prague

All Advertising Companies in Prague

  • Fovi prod.

    Fovi prod.certified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Small full service video production house based in Prague, Czechia with 13 years of experience.

    Video production based in Prague, Czech Republic. We focus mainly on production and post-production of audiovisual material of all kinds but especially on brand videos, commercials and testimonial videos, and does it for over 13 years now. During this period of time, our young team managed to acquire plenty of valued experience, especially with working on both domestic and international projects. For demanding projects, we often provide complex production services containing casting, location scouting, arranging most advanced cinematic equipment and other external services. We are also highly experienced in working with RED and ARRI cameras, the highest standard in cinematic world. The dynamics of our shots is most frequently provided by our stabilisers DJI Ronin and Easyrig, or large JIBs and camera dollies. Throughout the years of our operation we managed to break through the borders of the Czech Republic. We appreciate our international experiences dearly, for we believe that every single one of them pushes us forward to other remarkable projects and interesting opportunities. Our clients: UFC, Hyundai, Leo Burnett, STRV, Charles University, MEDDI, Tekno Miles singer, Radisson Blu hotels, Fresenius Medical Care, Ministry of regional development in Czech Republic, Chapter & Verse agency, Beko, Smart Agri Hubs and more.
    4 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • LF&T


    (0 review)
    LF&T is a creative agency – for those who want advertisement done right. ​ We are an international team with years of experience in marketing & communication, video & CG production and creative & design industry. ​ Our goal is to bring something completely new and exciting to market – from simple ideas to complex projects. We do not simply sell your product through our commercials, but also tell a story and deliver a powerful message to your audience to make sure the impact is long-term. ​ With technologies and worldwide web taking over our everyday lives, it’s getting harder and harder to filter the good from bad when it comes to information flow and some choose to ignore it all together. It’s crucial to stand out in the sea of commercials and that’s exactly where LF&T steps in. We can make your target audience avoid the skip button by creating professional and strategic, yet relatable and catchy ads. ​ Tell us what you want to say and we’ll find the best way to say it – from rough idea to solid concepts. Whether you already got an exact idea for your commercial or a blank paper, we can make your vision come to life. Do you need a memorable commercial that tells your story powerfully? – Time for the the lights to turn on and the cameras roll…   LF&T - where the action happens!
    7 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Hammer Agency - Prague
    Our story began back in 1997: As a group of restless creatives with big dreams, we always knew we wanted to do things a little differently. It all starts with an honest conversation. We listen, brainstorm, set achievable goals to deliver truly inspiring results. We love a creative challenge almost as much as we love watching our campaigns grow. For over twenty years now, our full-service agency has collaborated with brands from all walks of life, and the results speak for themselves. That’s why, year on year, most of our clients keep returning to us. When you’ve been in the industry as long as we have, you understand that honest, original content is your best asset. That’s why, with all the brands we represent, we’ve made it our mission to take the Hammer Approach, a honest circle of trust from brand to consumer, client to agency. With bright sparks in our offices in Prague, Budapest, Krakow, Bratislava, and Vienna, we’re proud to offer the nuance of local knowledge and the adaptability of an international agency. This unique approach is what makes our client’s message fully integrated to native culture. ------------------------------------------------------- Náš příběh začal již v roce 1997 Jako skupina neklidných kreativců s velkými sny jsme vždy věděli, že chceme dělat věci trochu jinak. Všechno u nás začíná upřímným rozhovorem. Nasloucháme, sejdeme se k brainstormingu, stanovujeme si reálné cíle, abychom dosáhli opravdu inspirativních výsledků. Je skvělé vidět, jak značka roste díky prvotní úspěšné kreativní myšlence. Naše full-service agentura již více než dvacet let spolupracuje se značkami z různých oblastí a výsledky hovoří samy za sebe. Proto se k nám většina našich klientů neustále vrací. Když je někdo dlouho v tomto oboru, ví, že jeho nejlepší zbraní je pravdivý a autentický obsah. Naší Hammer metodou je proto vytváření čestného vztahu založeného na důvěře od značky směrem ke spotřebiteli a od klienta k agentuře. Jsme hrdí na to, že díky našim želízkám v ohni v kancelářích v Praze, Budapešti, Krakově, Bratislavě a Vídni můžeme nabídnout spojení místních nuancí s přizpůsobivostí mezinárodní agentury. Díky tomuto unikátnímu přístupu dokážeme integrovat poselství našich klientů do jejich unikátní kultury.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • MARCO BBN Czech Republic
    MARCO is an integrated marketing communication agency. Agency was established in 1994 with offices in the heart of Europe, Prague and Brno. Our business branding professionals give you marketing communications efficiency in CEE markets. MARCO works for such brands as FedEx, Jotun, E.ON, LeasePlan, Inoutic, Brother, Actavis, Trenkwalder and many others. MARCO has been a member of The Business to Business Network (BBN) since 2001. The goal of BBN is to create the best-of-the-best network of independent B2B marketing, advertising, digital and PR specialists. BBN has developed truly integrated strategic B2B toolset. These processes are aligned to provide a perfectly structured approach to B2B marketing communications across each of the main disciplines of the industry. This way, we can ensure you get the right approach, tailored specifically for you - no matter where you’re based. As a partner agency in the Stein IAS Global Network, we are trained and approved to implement the agency’s Mi 3 model as an accredited partner. Mi 3 is a fully integrated, technology-enabled B2B marketing process, purpose built to activate B2B brand opportunity by leveraging the most important insights, interactions and creative inventions. We implement the B2B Marketing Cloud through our lead partner agency, Stein IAS, and their proprietary model Mi 3. The model uses Oracle Eloqua and the Oracle Marketing Cloud to implement fully-integrated, multi-channel campaigns that nurture prospects through the buyer timeline. Specialties strategic planning, branding, advertising, public relations, B2B marketing, creative ideas, content management, leads and automation
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €10000 for Advertising
  • Krutart


    (0 review)

    Infusing Emotion into Animation: Elevating Brands, Illuminating Products, and Amplifying Sales

    At Krutart, we specialize in crafting captivating animations that serve our clients by promoting brands, providing product explanations, and driving increased sales. Our fusion of classical and digital animation techniques, along with our commitment to staying updated on global motion design trends, ensures that your message resonates powerfully with your target audience.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Touch Branding

    Touch Brandingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Touch Branding create compelling idea-driven visual identities and communication for brands on a corporate and product level. From the initial strategy through to world-class standard execution through all appropriate touchpoints, we work on both a long-term brand stewardship basis and individual projects . If you want to realise the full potential of your brand – get in Touch. ––– V Touch Branding vytváříme presvědčivé, strategií podložené vizuální identity a komunikační styly značek na korporátní i produktové úrovni. Pracujeme jak na bázi dlouhodobé péče o značku (strážce značky), tak na individuálních projektech, od výchozí strategie až po až po implementaci všech touchpointů na úrovni světového standardu. Pokud chcete Vaši značku vytěžit na maximum, jste na správné adrese. 
    3 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €3000 for Advertising
  • Prahapp Web Design
    Prague web design company  Prahapp  creates full responsive designs for all devices, e-commerce and mobile applications. Within 4 weeks, money back guarantee.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Massimo Filippi

    Massimo Filippicertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Toaster Pictures
    Toaster Pictures is a fresh full-service, creative commercial film & digital content production company from Prague, Czech Republic - servicing local and international market. We are a truly hybrid digital production possessing roster of 10 directors from Czech republic and Iceland as well as our in-house creative team. Toaster Pictures was awarded Bronze Lion at Cannes Lions in 2015 and Silver Clio in 2015. In past 2 years we successfully finished more than 50 digital movie and content projects. LOCAL MARKET Our Directors: Vladimír Jedlička, Cheval de Praag, Filip Racek and Arni Asgeirsson. Content Directors: Urša Žgank, Prokop Motl, Luboš Rezler, Kilián Vrátník, FOK and Henning Soppe. Photographers: Lukáš Havlena, Miloš Nesic, Luce, Tomas & Patrik. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE We cover the full service array of production services across the board. We are specialized in digital content and online movie projects.
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Wunderman Prague
    29 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Hammer Agency - Budapest
    Our story began back in 1997: As a group of restless creatives with big dreams, we always knew we wanted to do things a little differently. It all starts with an honest conversation. We listen, brainstorm, set achievable goals to deliver truly inspiring results. We love a creative challenge almost as much as we love watching our campaigns grow. For over twenty years now, our full-service agency has collaborated with brands from all walks of life, and the results speak for themselves. That’s why, year on year, most of our clients keep returning to us. When you’ve been in the industry as long as we have, you understand that honest, original content is your best asset. That’s why, with all the brands we represent, we’ve made it our mission to take the Hammer Approach, a honest circle of trust from brand to consumer, client to agency. With bright sparks in our offices in Prague, Budapest, Krakow, Bratislava, and Vienna, we’re proud to offer the nuance of local knowledge and the adaptability of an international agency. This unique approach is what makes our client’s message fully integrated to native culture. ------------------------------------------------------- Nemzetközi reklámügynökségünk története 1997-ben vette kezdetét. Nyughatatlan, viszont hatalmas álmokkal megáldott kreatív csapatként mindig is tudtuk, hogy a járatlan úton akarunk elindulni. Az egész egy őszinte beszélgetéssel kezdődött. Figyeltünk, ötleteltünk, célokat tűztünk ki, hogy valóban inspiráló eredmények születhessenek. Legalább annyira imádjuk a kreatív kihívásokat, mint amennyire szeretjük figyelni, ahogyan a kampányaink naggyá lesznek. Több mint 20 év tapasztalatával a hátunk mögött, teljes körű marketing megoldásokat nyújtó kreatív reklámügynökségünk már nagyon sok márkával működött együtt – az élet minden területéről. Ügyfeleink ezért térnek vissza hozzánk évről évre. Ha valaki annyi időt tölt el a reklámszakmában, mint mi, akkor rá kell ébrednie, hogy az őszinte, eredeti tartalom az egyetlen valódi érték. Ez az oka annak, hogy az általunk kezelt márkák mindegyikénél a Hammer Módszert alkalmazzuk, mely mára már a küldetésünkké vált: kiépítjük az őszinteség és a bizalom körét a márka és vásárlók, valamint az ügyfél és az ügynökség között. Irodáink Prágában, Krakkóban, Bécsben, Pozsonyban és Budapesten örömmel állítják csatarendbe a legkülönbözőbb márka-kampányok érdekében az adott ország ismeretének finomságait egy nemzetközi reklámügynökség rugalmasságával. Ebben vagyunk igazán jók: ügyfeleink üzenetét valóban integrált módon juttatjuk célba a kulturális sajátosságok megőrzése mellett.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Weber Shandwick | GJW
    19 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Pixelmate


    (0 review)
    We are Pixelmate, a full-service software agency with the tradition of being remarkably consumer oriented and delivering the best products possible. We help our clients in the online world by providing premium class websites and mobile app development. Our team has six years of experience with clients from all over the world, and we enjoy the beauty of a longterm cooperation with a neverending innovation.  Our top-class designers and architects work together to create an elegant result for every business from startups to big international corporations. “As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being” fits the best to our developers’ team because of their knowledge of all languages needed for the modern development on all platforms imaginable.   Web applications tech stack: PHP/Python/Node.js Laravel/Symfony/Django JavaScript React.js Vue.js HTML+CSS Mobile apps tech stack: Swift Kotlin & Java React Native Working with Pixelmate: 6+ years of software development experience Time and materials contract Accurate time logs for the work done Constant contact with the team over video and Slack Agile software development NDA on request Collaboration in different time zones English speaking team
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Havas Worldwide Prague
    8 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • disrupt22


    (1 review)

    disrupt22 is a Performance Marketing Agency in Prague. We work on pay-for-perfromance pricing model

    We have expertise in working with small to large multi national E-commerce stores and delivering stable and high ROAS. Month over month. We don not charge a made up monthly fee. With disrupt22 You pay depending on the result we deliver. See the data real time. Nothing is hidden or out of sight, just like it should be.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Blueberry


    (0 review)
    We're a Prague based dev-shop with more than 110 people in-house, specialized in designing and developing top-notch tailor-made web and mobile apps.   Startups and corporates all around the globe typically turn to us when they: decide to use React/React Native or node.js as a tech stack and are seeking highly skilled developers onboard. are struggling to hire a sufficient amount of developers all at once, need to kick-off the project right away, and plan to onboard their own developers when they have been hired. are frustrated with maintaining their own full-time development team and need both flexibility and scalability that reflects their current project requirements. have a great business idea and need a single partner with a full-service approach to design, develop, test and release the final product, so they can focus on business are fed up with the inefficiency of their current development process and need an experienced partner to share technology and agile development know-how or directly lead current teams of developers, even when they're located elsewhere in the world. are under significant pressure to deliver a project with an aggressive deadline and need a large team to have an immediate impact and get the job done. are committed to being a front-runner in their industry and seeking out the best possible expertise on the market, with no compromise in quality.   We provide a truly integrated digital full-service, starting with a performance driven UX/UI design, and full-stack web and mobile development mainly in React/React Native and node.js tech stack. On top of this, we conduct cutting-edge end-to-end testing including writing automated tests, as well as Devops services, training and a complete portfolio of digital marketing services. We can build the project from scratch or lease effective teams to help you out. For all of this, we have years of experience in SCRUM methodology and delivering the working product in 14-day sprints.   Blueberry continues to grow because we are very different from what you will find in the marketplace: We are a single partner that can handle every aspect of your digital product ensuring total responsibility for delivery. You don't have to go through difficulties with having multiple contractors that will save time and money. With 116 people in-house, we're more than capable to onboard large projects at the drop of a hat, with the flexibility and scalability required, ensuring massive progress very quickly. Because we have worked with React/React Native from the very beginning and even helped build it with our own contributions to the code, we're are one of the few real specialists on the marketplace. You are always welcome to join our regular meetups, and even a conference we run. We're proud to say that no one handles quality assurance like we do. Our own QA engineers are all capable of conducting end-to-end testing, but also write automated tests, giving you total peace of mind. We have done it since the very beginning, and it's our real specialty. With over 10 years of experience delivering apps worldwide, rolling them out in dozens of countries, and leading teams scattered around the globe, we are a truly international company Being highly communicative, we'll share all our know-how with your internal team, so that you grow alongside us. Feedback from our clients is that they feel as comfortable with our people as they do their own key employees; this is one of the reasons they don't leave us.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Progress Promotion
    6 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Impact


    (0 review)
    5 works in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Agentura Allice

    Agentura Alliceverified-flag

    (1 review)
    We change visions in real experiences. Use our expertise with organising corporate events. We carefully listen to all your requirements. One of our key strengths is dynamic communication and response to your ideas. We recommend suitable solutions for every part of the project and we are able to flexibly address new requirements in the course of the event. Our services can be used throughout the Czech Republic.
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Prague, Czechia
    From €1000 for Advertising

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

Improve swiftly your brand image in Prague with a advertising task!

For what reasons would you perform with an advertising agency.

What we also rapidly can declare is that someone who invests in a task in advertising with no tools to measure the harvest is unwise. Thus contacting an advertising agency is the ideal move to quickly measure those outcomes.

Bring in an advertising agency to help your firm with your campaign in billboard designing.

The solutions offered by advertising agencies can be, for instance, billboard designing or ad concept creation. But also if you're looking for a company that will manage to help you with a more effortful task we will have the means to be of help. The reason for this is that we are able to contact a mass of agencies which collaborate with organisations that operate in the accounting- or even the household products industry, which makes them highly adaptable to all kinds of tasks.

Is your firm operationning an activity in ad concept creation, or is your firm looking for a company technical in advertising for a project in billboard designing? Then you will undoubtedly find your forthcoming partner near Prague on Sortlist. And considering we choose our agencies based on explicit standards, your company can count on the fact that the agencies you will meet through our database will be adequate and able to answer your demands.

Sortlist helps you find the best agency in Prague

Searching for a partner in the area of Prague for your unborn marketing activity? Do not squander any time and call us. Because advertising agencies will be an immense help for your billboard designing or your ad concept creation activities.

Identify the ideal advertising agency for your forthcoming communication project.

We, at Sortlist, believe in love at one look between a firm and an advertising agency. So we will, taking into account your campaign, prepare a database of all advertising agencies that will be apt to meet all your solicitations.

Clearly, digging up the perfect advertising agency is ambitious. Our algorithm is for your company hence a true fortuity to identify the optimal agency in Prague. Call Sortlist and we will do each thing in our power to meet the best firm expert in advertising for your company.