The 10 Best Software Development companies in Vienna - 2024 Reviews

Top Software Development companies in Vienna

Featured providers

  • Orangesoft


    (12 reviews)

    We build mobile & web apps that people love

    Orangesoft is a mobile and web app development company headquartered in Poland. For over 13 years, our team helped startups launch hundreds of digital products in various domains. What sets us apart is our can-do attitude about every project we take up. We are a bright team of 100+ developers, designers, analysts, and QA engineers who don’t just build apps but also innovate the way business people think. Services we provide: Mobile application development Web development UI/UX design MVP app development Product discovery workshops Quality assurance and testing Product management consulting Technology consulting Team extension
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development


    (7 reviews)

    🏆 Exceeding Your Expectations

    SEVEN is an IT partner with time-tested expertise in solving complex software challenges requiring narrow specialization . One of our biggest strengths is finding unique approaches and solutions for startups and businesses from a wide variety of industries, including crucial ones like healthcare & education. We take pride in our ability to find the technical solution and ensure that it leaves our clients room for growth and protects them from undesirable financial and technological consequences. We apply our extensive expertise to anticipate the needs of our clients and suggest improvements from a new, fresh angle. With SEVEN, our clients team up not just with tech-savvy people but with a group of experts who know how technology influences the business and how to make it align with sustained growth in the future.
    39 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • GoPassion GmbH  / CodingPassion GmbH

    GoPassion GmbH / CodingPassion GmbHcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Skalierbare App-Lösungen für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen

    Wir sind Premium-Hersteller und langfristige Begleiter für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen bei der Erstellung skalierbarer App-Lösungen. Wir sind kein Dienstleister, sondern dein Companion, auf der Reise zu deiner erfolgreichen App. Wir sind besessen, Apps zu realisieren die deine KPIs übertreffen und gleichzeitig einer besseren gemeinsamen Zukunft dienen. Wir übernehme maximale Verantwortung bei der Realisierung Deiner Idee. Wir versprechen einen MVP lauch in 3 Monaten, bauen Systeme auf um kontinuierlich Kundenfeedback einzuhohlen, nehmen dich bei der Hand und teilen offen unsere best Practices. Es geht immer nur um eines: Wie kommen wir mit möglichst wenig Ressourceneinsatz, zum nächsten sinnvollen Schritt in der Produktentwicklung. Wir sind ein internationales Team, kleiner 30 Personen. So halten wir unsere organisation schlank und können uns maximal auf dein Produkt fokussieren. Leistungsangebot Wir bauen dein digitales Produkt von START bis MARKT und darüber hinaus Vorteile: - Smart, not hard - 3 Monate Launch Fokus - Feedback, Feedback, Feedback - MVP Free Bug Fixing - Zeitsparende und bewährte Frameworks - Quality Contrl on Point Typische Probleme bei Software-Projekten - Kostenüberschreitungen - Endlose Verschiebung von Meilensteinen - Mangel an proaktiver Zusammenarbeit - Funktionen ohne Business Case - Design, das nicht anspricht - Benutzererfahrung, die die Benutzer nicht bindet Kontaktiere uns, und wir zeigen dir, wie wir diese Probleme vermeiden. PS: Wir haben auch Spaß mit dir bei der Arbeit :)
    1 work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €10000 for Software Development
  • Andersen


    (114 reviews)

    Take the software path to your digital future

    Andersen is a leading software development company with a strong focus on technology-intensive industries. Since its founding in 2007, the company has opened 16+ development centers in the USA and Western Europe. For over 16 years we have been helping enterprises around the world to transform business by creating effective digital solutions with the use of innovative technologies. Andersen has completed over 1000 projects in each industry and received hundreds of positive reviews from customers. Today, the company is working on over 250 global projects. Andersen has a rich front-end, back-end, and mobile stack. 90% of recurring customers mention that Andersen's advantages are fast delivery, ongoing support, and accessible prices. Most of our developers have 10+ years of experience and have successfully delivered many projects. 3500+ qualified experts are ready to implement your idea into the real world. 2024 is going to be a year of digital transformation for all industries. Stay on top of your performance with our IT talent!
    15 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €10000 for Software Development

List of the top Vienna Software Development services

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  • Adverity


    (0 review)

    Centralized Data Management for the Modern Marketer.

    Adverity is an integrated data platform enabling marketing, sales and eCommerce teams to make better decisions and improve performance.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • High-End-IT-Beratung, agile Entwicklung, Betrieb & Support: Unsere Spezialisten, Umsetzer und Innovationstreiber finden passgenaue IT-Lösungen für Kunden.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Advanced Analytics for Data Management,COMPLETE SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS LIFECYCLES
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Peschkedesign


    (0 review)

    PESCHKE develops physical and digital products for international, forward-thinking companies.

    State-of-the-Art Design in Wien, das nicht nur visuell beeindruckt: Wir liefern optimale Prozesse dank effizienter und zielgruppengerechter Designs.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • OTS


    (0 review)
    Österreichs größtes Portal für multimediale Presseinformationen
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • MOWEEX -  digital software Agency

    MOWEEX - digital software Agencycertified-flag

    (0 review)

    We are an international digital software agency and develop individual software solutions.

    A digital software development agency based in Austria (Linz) providing reliable solutions to many multinational companies of all sizes. Our main focus is on software development, we aim to achieve total customer satisfaction by ensuring high-quality products and non-stop support.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • BulldogDesign


    (0 review)

    Conviction through design!

    Webdesign, Webentwicklung, Android und IOS Apps, Softwareentwicklung Impressum:
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • bitsfabrik


    (0 review)

    Entwicklung von Apps, Web Apps, smart TV Apps & Websites

    Hallo! Wir sind bitsfabrik. Wir sind eine eigentümergeführte Digitalagentur mit Sitz in Wien Margareten, gegründet 2014 von Patrick Kastner und Andreas Mutsch-Regner. Seither sind wir stark gewachsen und entwicklen heute für eine Vielzahl an Plattformen und Technologien, unter anderem mobile, smart TV und Web Apps, CMS Systeme und Streaming Lösungen. Dabei suchen wir die Herausforderung und haben eine Vorliebe für komplexe Projekte, die unsere spezialisierten in-house Teams mit Knowhow und Kreativität realisieren. Sei es experimentell als MVP (minimal viable product) oder 360° Projekt, wir begleiten unsere Kund:innen von der ersten Idee bis zur Wartung des fertigen Produkts. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihr digitales Projekt mit Herzblut und Know-How in die Tat umzusetzen!
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • Lean Coders

    Lean Coderscertified-flag

    (0 review)

    Custom Application Implementation Experts | LEAN Software Development | We create value without waste

    High-End-Software mit der bestmöglichen UX für die Webplattform.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • We design and build outstanding websites and apps that users love.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • Die mayStorm GmbH ist der richtige Partner für die Konzeption und Umsetzung Ihrer Webapplikationen und Websites.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • SoftwareQ


    (0 review)

    We build world-class Software Architectures and Solutions

    At SoftwareQ we provide scalable and sustainable software services and solutions. We guide you throughout the entire software development life cycle and offer relevant training and consultation.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Spherical Elephant GmbH

    Spherical Elephant GmbH

    (0 review)

    Full-stack Development, Mobile Design & Development, Graphic Design, Embedded Systems.

    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • Vertex Media Technologies

    Vertex Media Technologies

    (0 review)

    We at Vertex Media are passionate and web performance obsessed people based in Vienna

    We craft fast, secure, innovative and intuitive web solutions focused on customer satisfaction by utilizing Best-of-Breed technologies and tools.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • Planung/Entwicklung/Programmierung von Online-Shops, Firmenwebsites, E-Commerce Plattformen, Single-Page Web-Applikationen, API-Integrationen u.v.m. - in Wien, Österreich
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • Sicher und professionell in die Cloud migrieren - Cloud Advisory und Migration mit ORBIT
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • Imagen Web Pro

    Imagen Web Procertified-flagverified-flag

    (37 reviews)

    A Development and Design agency that does it different🧠🧑‍🎨

    We're not just a web development agency. We're your design partner. Crafting identities and websites customized for you Experience all-in-one solution: Brand identity creation (logo, brand kit, website). AI-enhanced website visuals. Code optimized for performance. SEO optimization. Effortless website maintenance. |
    10 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1045 for Software Development


    (22 reviews)

    Entwicklung von Plattformen, Apps & KI-Lösungen für große & mittlere Unternehmen

    SPRYLAB ist ein führender IT-Partner für individuelle Plattform-, App- und KI-Lösungen. Unser Inhouse-Team aus über 70 Entwickler:innen, Designer:innen und Strateg:innen treibt mutige Ideen und wegweisende Softwarelösungen voran, um große und mittelständische Unternehmen in die digitale Gegenwart zu begleiten. Seit 2007 haben uns 120+ Unternehmen aus 5 Ländern Ihre kniffligsten Softwareprojekte anvertraut. Mit besonderer Expertise in den Branchen Gesundheit, Medien, Automotive und Sport. SPRYLAB betreut Kunden wie die Deutsche Bahn, Sodexo, Evonik, Daimler, Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Johanniter, Axel Springer, Bertelsmann und die Basketball-Bundesliga. Wir sind zuverlässig und 100% transparent Warum unsere Kunden uns ihre wichtigsten Projekte anvertrauen? Weil wir in über 16 Jahren nie versäumt haben, die Ergebnisse zu liefern, die wir versprochen haben. 83% unserer Aufträge entstehen aus Empfehlungen. Wir beraten Sie mit ganzheitlicher Weitsicht Wir haben fast 100 Unternehmen von innen gesehen und wissen, woran Softwareprojekte scheitern. Deswegen analysieren wir Ihre IT-Infrastruktur und Arbeitsabläufe und helfen Ihnen, alle Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen. Wir sind der Sparrings-Partner, den Sie suchen Großartige Produkte, die Jahrzehnte lang Bestand haben, werden im Team entwickelt. Als Partner auf Augenhöhe fechten wir mittelmäßige Ideen an und sprechen auch unbequeme Wahrheiten mutig aus. Wir lösen Probleme und erfinden die Zukunft Wir glauben, dass mit Software (fast) nichts unmöglich ist. Unsere Softwareingenieur:innen lieben es, die kniffligsten und kühnsten Aufgaben zu übernehmen und komplexe Herausforderungen zu lösen. Wir arbeiten schnell, agil und kosteneffizient Unsere Projektteams wissen: Schnelligkeit und Qualität sind Trumpf bei der Softwareentwicklung. Mit Prototyping, Wireframing und kurzen Iterationszyklen können Sie schnell ein reifes Produkt an den Markt bringen und ausbauen. Sie möchten Ihre digitale Idee umsetzen? Sprechen Sie uns an. Spannende und herausfordernde Software-Projekte treiben uns an. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem IT-Dienstleister sind, mit dem Sie gemeinsam wachsen wollen, sind wir der richtige Partner.
    21 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €5000 for Software Development
  • Haggla Software Solutions GmbH

    Haggla Software Solutions GmbHcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Transforming Ideas into innovative Software Solutions.

    Transformieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit modernster Technologie. Egal ob Webanwendung, mobile App oder eine komplexe Unternehmenssoftware - wir haben die Expertise und das Fachwissen, um Ihre Vision in die Realität umzusetzen. Wir sind ein aufstrebendes Technologieunternehmen mit Leidenschaft für Informatik und Software Engineering, Automatisierung und DevOps. Wir stehen für Entwicklung individualisierter Lösungen für Sie und die Bereitstellung eines optimalen Services zur Lösung von Problemen jeglicher Art. Wir entwickeln Software aus Leidenschaft und haben unser Hobby zum Beruf gemacht - rufen Sie uns einfach an oder schreiben Sie uns und wir helfen Ihnen weiter!
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • The Digital Bunch

    The Digital Bunchcertified-flagverified-flag

    (14 reviews)

    We create digital experiences

    We’re a bunch of experienced creatives who bring CGI, interactive and software under one digital roof. We wake up every day to deliver meaningful experiences that define your brand and help your business grow.
    15 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Profinit


    (5 reviews)

    Custom SW Development 💻 IT Outsourcing ✅ Data Science & AI 🔎 BI & DWH ⚙️ Application Development

    Profinit is one of the leading companies in Custom Software Development, AI & Data Science, Consulting and IT Outsourcing. IDC Research ranked Profinit as the 3rd largest custom application developer in the Czech Republic . Key clients: Erste Group, O2, BNP Paribas, KBC Group, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, Raiffeisenbank, Allianz, Société Générale, Prague Airport, CEZ Group, VIG (Vienna Insurance Group), Edenred, ING, NN, Darag, M.M. Warburg, Amplifi Capital, Confirmo, Bottomline, Nord/LB Profinit's services: - Custom software development - IT Outsourcing & Nearshore services - Application management outsourcing - BI/DWH design & development - Big data & data science - Enterprise integration Profinit's primary clients include banking, insurance, pharmaceutical and telecommunications companies in Central and Western Europe . The company also services a number of other private and public-sector organizations. Clients use Profinit's services and products in Germany, Austria, Benelux, the UK, and other countries , where Profinit operate in the nearshore mode . The company develops and maintains vital Internet banking systems and other bank applications, insurance policy management systems, B2B and B2C portals, EPM systems, fraud prevention solutions and even a mission-critical software system for an international airport. For more information visit the following websites : - - -
    12 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €5000 for Software Development
  • Leaware


    (8 reviews)

    We build the right software. We build the software right.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IT leader awards winner specializing in bespoke software development, business process automation and AI. For almost 14 years, we've stood at the forefront of the software development industry. Our legacy is marked by adaptability, unwavering commitment to excellence, and a distinct expertise in ushering startups to success with their digital endeavors. Why Choose Leaware?: 🟢 Startup Advocates: Beyond established brands, Leaware has a profound commitment to aiding startups, understanding their distinct challenges and providing digital strategies to ensure their success. 🟢 Seasoned Innovators: Leaware's longstanding presence in software development showcases its consistency, adaptability, and innovative spirit. 🟢 Robust Client Portfolio: Leaware's collaborations span from global giants like Microsoft, SAP, and AXA to innovative startups and regional businesses, granting them a comprehensive perspective on diverse industry needs. 🟢 Upholding Excellence: Trusted by renowned brands, Leaware's dedication to quality, data security, and professional standards stands out in the industry. 🟢 Adaptable Expertise: Whether it's cutting-edge financial applications or user-friendly platforms, Leaware's expertise remains versatile and updated. 🟢 Global Insight with Local Sensibility: Leaware's vast global experiences are complemented by an intrinsic understanding of local cultures and regulations, making their solutions universally relevant. Services ⚫️ Mobile App Development 📱: Leaware crafts intuitive and efficient mobile apps tailored to user needs, ensuring seamless functionality across various devices and platforms. ⚫️ Web App Development 🌐: From interactive websites to intricate web applications, Leaware designs and develops digital solutions that engage users and drive results. ⚫️ Business Process Automation (BPA) 🤖: Streamline operations and boost productivity with Leaware's BPA solutions, turning repetitive tasks into automated processes. ⚫️ Team Extension/Developers Outsourcing 👩‍💻👨‍💻: Expand your team's capabilities on-demand with Leaware's expert developers, ensuring project goals are met efficiently and effectively. How does Leaware compares to the average software house? 🔵 1. Years of Experience: Leaware: With almost 14 years in the software development industry, Leaware has had the time to mature, refine processes, and build a robust portfolio. This kind of experience means a better understanding of both legacy systems and the latest technological trends. Average Software House: Many software houses may not have been in the market for as long. They might still be in the growth phase, learning from industry dynamics and establishing their brand. 🔵 2. Client Portfolio: Leaware: The diversity of clients, ranging from global giants like Microsoft, AXA, SAP to startups and regional enterprises, indicates versatility, adaptability, and a proven track record. Average Software House: While many software houses do boast a diverse clientele, few can claim experience working with such globally recognized names, especially in tandem with supporting startups. 🔵 3. Specialization in Startup Support: Leaware: Demonstrated expertise in assisting startups with their digital products gives Leaware an edge, showcasing not just technical prowess but also an understanding of startup dynamics, market entry strategies, and agile development suitable for budding enterprises. Average Software House: Not all software houses emphasize or have the experience in supporting startups. While many might offer software development services, the nuanced approach needed for startups might not be a core competency. 🔵 4. Range of Services: Leaware: With experience spanning across more than 20 industries, Leaware offers a comprehensive blend of services. The portfolio includes mobile and web app development, business process automation, and team extension. This broad spectrum of services not only showcases adaptability but also underscores readiness to cater to diverse client needs with a holistic approach. Average Software House: Many software houses offer a range of services, but they may lack the extensive industry experience that Leaware brings. Furthermore, not all provide specialized services like BPA or maintain a dedicated model for team extension. 🔵 5. Quality and Professional Standards: Leaware: Leaware's collaboration with globally recognized brands, coupled with their proven track record in aiding startups like Trooper in Belgium to significant success, speaks volumes about their stringent quality assurance and commitment to top-tier professional standards. Average Software House: While many maintain commendable quality standards, the depth of their processes might not always match. Few can claim the distinction of having both collaborated with major global brands and significantly influenced the success trajectories of startups.
    7 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €5000 for Software Development
  • Cubisten


    (3 reviews)

    Easy, faster E-Commerce Alles aus einer Hand

    Wir sind Cubisten! Ein dynamisches und international agierendes Team, das sich darauf spezialisiert hat, dir im Bereich des Online-Handels zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Mit unserer Expertise im E-Commerce bieten wir eine vielfältige Palette von Dienstleistungen, um deine digitale Reise zu unterstützen. Unser Team setzt sich aus erfahrenen Profis zusammen, die auf unterschiedliche Bereiche des E-Commerce spezialisiert sind. Vom Webdesign und -entwicklung über digitales Marketing bis hin zur Logistik sind wir in jedem Schritt für dich da. Unsere Leidenschaft liegt darin, herausragende Ergebnisse zu erzielen und deine Erwartungen zu übertreffen. Als dein E-Commerce-Partner bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die genau auf deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Von der Einrichtung deines Online-Shops über die Verwaltung des Lagerbestands, die Bearbeitung von Bestellungen bis hin zur Optimierung der Kundenerfahrung kümmern wir uns um alles. Unser Team bleibt stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Branchentrends und -technologien, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Online-Präsenz wettbewerbsfähig und ansprechend bleibt. Egal, ob du ein kleines Startup oder eine etablierte Marke bist, wir verfügen über das Fachwissen und die Ressourcen, um dir dabei zu helfen, deine Reichweite zu erweitern und deinen Umsatz zu steigern. Schließ dich uns an und erlebe die Kraft des E-Commerce-Erfolgs!
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €65 for Software Development
  • The Weather

    The Weathercertified-flagverified-flag

    (12 reviews)

    We're a studio for digital transformation and no-nonsense web development

    Websites that build momentum. Design that resonates. Digital advisory that pays for itself. Video, film and storytelling. Special Offer: Website Starter Packs This Summer, The Weather is building a limited number of high-quality websites for small and medium-sized businesses — 5-page, designed from scratch, built with WordPress + Elementor Pro, launch within four weeks — for a fixed price, heavily discounted of 3.500€ . 1 — Web development Web Development We create inspired, high-impact websites and apps made to spark actions and build momentum — in a straightforward manner, using pragmatic solutions. We are experts in Figma , WordPress & Elementor , Webflow and Jamstack . 2 — Design & branding We design identities and experiences that stand out, with deep roots in storytelling and a strong background in writing, illustration, photography and film. 3 — Digital advisory We help companies and organizations transform their digital future through fearless analysis and consulting — relentlessly focused on results. 4 — Film, Video, Photography Video production and photography specialized in corporate and image film but with extensive experience in art, music videos and movies (see We consistently deliver high-quality work for world-class clients — but don't take our word for it. The Weather is ranked the #1 Web Design Company in Germany on Clutch. We are also one of the top-ranked web design companies in the Czech Republic. We have 23 client reviews with a rating of 4.9.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Booklified


    (21 reviews)

    Transform Your Dream into a SaaS – Let's build a web application as unique as your vision.

    In the dynamic world of SaaS, where strategic solutions are key to success, we stand as your ally. Our mission is simple yet ambitious: to transform your vision into reality with unmatched precision and innovation. We believe in the power of partnership. By working closely with you, we delve into your business objectives, turning challenges into opportunities. Our commitment goes beyond meeting your needs — we aim to surpass them, delivering robust, scalable, and visually stunning web applications that elevate your SaaS venture. We are more than software developers; we are your strategic partners, dedicated to keeping you at the forefront in an ever-evolving digital world. Our promise is embedded in every line of code and every interface we create: not just to achieve, but to excel. Do you want to learn more? Contact us today and we will start shaping the future of your business.
    13 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • finecortex


    (1 review)

    Your digital product development agency.

    [ENG] Conceptual UX/UI design and software development are our strengths, specializing in cutting-edge technology projects. We are a team based in the tech-hub of Barcelona bringing expertise and passion for solving real-world problems . Our team dedication has earned us partnerships with major companies and organizations, enabling us to leave a lasting impact on the industries we work in. Proven market results validate us as a trusted partner in both the Americas & Europe, with recurring clients showing our value. We are experts in: --> Software design --> UX/UI Design --> Software development: front-end and back-end --> App development --> Website development --> Branding --> Consulting [ESP] Tu agencia desarrollo de productos digitales. El diseño conceptual y eldesarrollo de software son nuestras fortalezas, especializándonos en proyectos de desarrollo con la última tecnología. Somos un equipo establecido en el centro tecnológico de Barcelona , aportando nuestra experiencia y pasión por proporcionar soluciones a problemas reales. Con la dedicación de nuestro equipo hemos conseguido partnerships con grandes compañías y organizaciones, dejando un duradero impacto en las industrias en las que trabajamos. Los resultados de nuestros trabajos nos validan como un partner en el que confiar, tanto en las Américas como en Europa, con clientes recurrentes que demuestran nuestro valor . Somos expertos en: --> Diseño de software --> Diseño UX/UI --> Desarrollo de software: front-end y back-end --> Desarrollo de aplicaciones --> Desarrollo web --> Branding --> Consultoría
    5 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    No budget for Software Development
  • LEANATIC - Online Plattformen, Webanwendungen, Portale und Corporate Websites

    LEANATIC - Online Plattformen, Webanwendungen, Portale und Corporate Websitescertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Gehen wir gemeinsam die Digitalisierung an – mit Web-Lösungen & Apps

    Gehen wir gemeinsam die Digitalisierung an. Ihr strategischer Partner für Online Plattformen, Web-Apps, Service Portale und Corporate Websites. Dabei gelten für uns folgende Prinzipien: Unsere Kunden sind Teil des Teams Damit ein Projekt Erfolg hat arbeiten wir eng als Team zusammen und tauschen unsere Expertise aus. Dabei gehören unsere Kunden genauso in ein Projektteam wie unsere Kollegen. Wir verkaufen Lösungen - zum Festpreis Bei uns erhaltet Ihr genau definierte Lösungen zum Festpreis. Denn ohne die Stechuhr können wir uns voll darauf konzentrieren den für euch besten Mehrwert zu schaffen. Mit folgendem Prozess wollen wir euch unterstützen: 1. Zuhören & Verstehen Wir wollen Dein Unternehmen verstehen, Engpässe mit Euch erkennen und gemeinsam daran arbeiten Dein Unternehmen noch besser zu machen. Lass uns gemeinsam eine Strategie ausarbeiten, die Sinn macht. Die ersten Workshops und UX-Audits sind für uns selbstverständlich: kostenfrei. 2. UX Prototyping & UI Design Um die Strategie auf Herz & Nieren zu testen setzen wir auf frühes Prototyping und User-Tests. Lass uns schon vor der Umsetzung sicher sein, dass Euer Produkt eure Kunden überzeugt. Dabei unterstützen wir Euch bei der strategischen Ausrichtung bis zur finalen Umsetzung. 3. Technische Umsetzung Bei der Umsetzung beurteilen wir mit Ihnen gemeinsam welche Technologie bestenfalls zum Einsatz kommt. Wir kennen uns mit vielen Programmiersprachen, Systemen und Frameworks wie z.B. Pimcore aus. Lassen Sie uns Ihren Engpass lösen.
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Innovura Technologies Private Limited☑️

    Innovura Technologies Private Limited☑️verified-flag

    (28 reviews) ← Mobile App and Website Development Firm

    In the realm of mobile app and website development, Innovuratech has made a significant impact, extending its expertise to clients across 5+ countries. Innovuratech has successfully navigated the landscape of various industries including Healthcare & wellness, Financial, E-commerce, Travel, Business, Education, Real Estate We proudly position ourselves as a mobile app and website development company, boasting offices in the USA and India. With a dedicated team of over 25 full-time employees, we are committed to serving clients globally in the realms of performance mobile app, website development, UI/UX, and e-commerce. Mobile app development Services: iOS app development Android app development UI/UX design Progressive web app development Cross-platform app development Consulting Prototyping Automated QA services Website Development Services: Website development and website design Digital marketing services Search engine optimization eCommerce store UI/UX Design
    3 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • ECShops


    (2 reviews)

    🇬🇧 Efficiency And Solutions 🇪🇸 Eficiencia y Soluciones #eCommerce #Web #App #Oracle #APEX

    🇬🇧 At ECShops, we are the ideal partner to take your business to the next level. With years of experience in developing and designing digital solutions, we are ready to turn your ideas into reality. Our team of passionate experts is dedicated to understanding your business's unique needs and providing you with customized solutions that will fuel your growth. Whether you need an interactive online store, a corporate website or an innovative mobile application, we are here to help. We are set apart by our attention to detail and our focus on delivering exceptional results. Using cutting-edge technologies (such as Magento 2, Oracle DB, Oracle APEX, Oracle Cloud, among others...) and the best practices in the sector, we create products that captivate your customers and generate tangible results for your business. Furthermore, our service does not end with the delivery of the final product. We are committed to continuous excellence and offer comprehensive technical support to ensure your solution runs smoothly every time. At ECShops, we believe in building lasting relationships with our customers. Our goal is to be your trusted partner in the digital world, working side by side with you to achieve your business goals. Are you ready to take the next step? Contact us today and together we will make your company's digital success a reality. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 En ECShops, somos el socio ideal para llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel. Con años de experiencia en el desarrollo y diseño de soluciones digitales, estamos dispuestos a convertir tus ideas en realidad. Nuestro equipo de expertos apasionados se dedica a comprender las necesidades únicas de tu empresa y te ofrece soluciones personalizadas que impulsarán tu crecimiento. Ya sea que necesites una tienda online interactiva, un sitio web corporativo o una aplicación móvil innovadora, estamos aquí para ayudarte. Nos distingue nuestra atención al detalle y nuestro enfoque en brindar resultados excepcionales. Utilizando tecnologías punteras (como Magento 2, Oracle DB, Oracle APEX, Oracle Cloud, entre otros...) y las mejores prácticas del sector, creamos productos que cautivan a tus clientes y generan resultados tangibles para tu negocio. Además, nuestro servicio no termina con la entrega del producto final. Estamos comprometidos con la excelencia continua y ofrecemos soporte técnico integral para garantizar que tu solución funcione sin problemas en todo momento. En ECShops, creemos en construir relaciones duraderas con nuestros clientes. Nuestro objetivo es ser tu socio confiable en el mundo digital, trabajando codo a codo contigo para alcanzar tus objetivos comerciales. ¿Estás listo para dar el siguiente paso? Ponte en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo y juntos haremos realidad el éxito digital de tu empresa.
    1 work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Henotics


    (1 review)

    Building the future together

    A software consulting and development company based in Albania, with a team of highly skilled and experienced web developers, programmers, web designers, data analysts and business consultants. At Henotics, we provide a full range of services, including software development, programming, strategic planning, innovation, business consulting, and data analytics. In addition to our services we also offer ICT staff outsourcing, providing with the support and expertise you need to achieve your business objectives.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €5000 for Software Development
  • Qlaunch Gmbh

    Qlaunch Gmbhcertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Mobile & Web development | Taking you from concept to launch

    Qlaunch Gmbh are the experts in enterprise applications. We dream up innovative digital solutions and optimise their delivery for better user experience and faster time-to-market. As well known for our inclusive, friendly culture as we are for our deep expertise, our team comprises some of the brightest and most passionate people in IT; together, we strive for excellence and relish opportunities to collaborate and apply our passion for technology. Our expert teams in mobile development and partner with our enterprise clients to transform the way society interacts with technology.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Mifort Solutions

    Mifort Solutionsverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Elevate your Software Development with our dedicated outsourcing services

    We are a software development outsourcing company with 8+ years in business and 200+ successful projects . We at Mifort are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best cost- and time-effective software solutions tailored to their needs. Being a remote-first company allows us to have engineers all over Europe and Asia. We understand the challenges from balancing software quality and cost to cutting the communication gap between software companies and clients. - 90% of our senior specialists were raised through our internal Technical Excellence Centers so your project will be held by close-knit expert teams - We use our Machine Learning engine to match developers with project needs, enabling us to put together a development team within 24 hours of your request submission - Our internal guild of architects collaborates to find the best architecture for the project before the start of work, which guarantees exceptional results in the end Partner with Mifort today to get software solutions tailored to meet your business needs. Services: Web, Mobile, SaaS development, Business process automation Engagement models: Outsourcing, Outstaffing, White-label, Dedicated development teams Technologies: AI, ML, Blockchain, Big Data Headquarters: Tallinn, Estonia Offices : UK, Netherlands, Georgia, Kazakhstan
    10 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • 7code


    (8 reviews)

    The modern way to build digital products

    7code is the software company you turn to for practical and innovative solutions in IoT with a particular focus on Smart Buildings. Over the years, we have created successful web and mobile applications in Smart Buildings, Insurance, Fintech, Social Networking, E-Learning, MarketplacePlatforms, and more. Our Services are recommended by previous and current partners alike. G42 - United Arab Emirates Lidl - Germany Synergo - Canada Arobs - Romania Numerize - France Rumage - UK
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €10000 for Software Development
  • Taikomedia


    (3 reviews)

    Ihre Full-Stack Agentur mit Kompetenz und Leidenschaft: Spezialisiert auf Web- und Mobile-Apps

    Über uns Wir sind Taikomedia - eine im Herzen des Ruhrgebiets ansässige Software-Agentur, die sich darauf spezialisiert hat, komplexe digitale Produkte wie SaaS-Lösungen, Plattformen und Mobile-Apps für Startups und KMU zu verwirklichen. Unser 3-köpfiges Team hat bereits mehr als 40 Softwareprojekte für Kunden aus der gesamten DACH-Region erfolgreich umgesetzt und 5 Startups beim Product-Launch begleitet. Wir verstehen uns nicht nur als Dienstleister, sondern sind für viele unserer Kunden ein Sparringspartner, der von Anfang an mit viel Leidenschaft und eigenen Ideen zum Erfolg eines Softwareprojekts beiträgt. Unsere Leistungen Wir bieten Ihnen ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum, das von der Konzepterstellung bis zum Launch alles beinhaltet, was Sie für den Erfolg Ihres Softwareprojekts benötigen. Unsere Kernkompetenzen umfassen: Full-Stack Webentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt auf Laravel und React Mobile-App Entwicklung für iOS/Android (auch Hybrid-Apps mit React Native) Entwicklung von RESTful-APIs und anderen Schnittstellen Kreatives UI-Design für Web- und Mobile-Apps Managed Hosting mit Uptime-Garantie Wartung und DevOps Beratung und Erstellung von Softwarekonzepten Interessiert? Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen! Klicken Sie jetzt auf "Taikomedia kontaktieren" und ein Experte unseres Teams wird sich innerhalb von 24 Std. bei Ihnen melden. Oder buchen Sie direkt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch unter
    6 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • functional aesthetics

    functional aestheticsverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    We are experts in the development of outstanding digital products and services.

    We accompany and enable organizations to develop meaningful digital products and services. We are experienced UX designers and software developers, we are innovation & development partners. We believe that we can make a difference through our knowledge of digital products and services, contributing to a regenerative economy and adaptive organizations. Three of the most important reasons why companies work with us are: too little digital expertise, lack of user-centricity, and lack of an agile corporate culture. Our proven fa model is designed to adapt to our project partners' challenges while delivering outstanding digital applications.
    3 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €10000 for Software Development
  • Digital Beaver

    Digital Beaververified-flag

    (4 reviews)


    Digital Beaver wurde 2015 in Zusammenarbeit von Kollegen gegründet, die seit 2008 gemeinsam an der Einführung und Entwicklung digitaler Produkte arbeiten. In dieser Zeit haben wir hauptsächlich an IT-Projekten von mittleren und großen Unternehmen mitgewirkt und zudem unsere eigenen Projekte auf dem Inlandsmarkt gestartet. Der Erfolg unserer Softwaredesign- und Softwareentwicklungsprojekte basiert auf der fast 20-jährigen Erfahrung unserer Ingenieure sowie dem agilen, kundenorientierten Projektmanagement des Unternehmens. Neben unserem IT-Geschäftsbereich führen wir umfassende digitale Marketingaktivitäten durch und unterstützen unsere Partner als Unternehmensberater dabei, im digitalen Raum die bestmöglichen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €3000 for Software Development
  • Anecdote Agency

    Anecdote Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The cure for the common

    A fully fledge Digital Marketing and Branding Agency that prides itself on identifying where brands belong in a culture and expresses their “unsaid” through social media, content, tech and data to provide results and experiences. Anecdote specializing in providing all services within the digital realm including, Social media management and content creation, Media Buying & Planning, Brand Strategy Planning, Branding Services, Photography, Videography & Influencer management.
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Postjer Agency

    Postjer Agencyverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Postjer transform your data, people and organization.

    Postjer Agency is a software development subsidiary. Our expertise lies in web design, web development, eCommerce, CRM system development, logistics, IT support and any custom solutions to align with client's needs and requirements. We managed to offer our services to customers from Albania, Austria, Germany, and UK. However, it is only the beginning of our journey as we strive to expand the markets we serve, helping more and more companies from diversified industry verticals. Thanks to our deep expertise in eCommerce, CRM, ERP, and B2B automation projects, our team possesses the exclusive skills and experience to create solutions of any type and complexity. That is why we know the nuances and master the tools of eCommerce. It sets us apart from the competition, and in turn, gives you the following advantages: obtaining an effective resource with an attractive interface and decent functionality; convenient and affordable site management; easy-to-use navigation of the commercial platform; the best implementation of your ideas thanks to our huge experience in trade and analytics; competent placement of important information on the main page that encourages consumers to take active action; Our broader set of expertise: UI/UX Research and Design Smart MVP planning, Vision understanding, Concepting, Competitor analyses, Hypothesis validation Open Source eCommerce (Magento 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce) Hosted Ecommerce (Shopify, BigCommerce) SAAS platform development Marketplace development (Open Source, Custom, and Hosted solutions) Laravel based custom platform developments Vue.js, Nuxt-based custom projects AWS, System Administration, DevOps Hosted CMS platforms: Wix, Squarespace Projects management; We are proud of the following: the creation of functional tools that brings a high conversion of online stores; development of projects with corporate identity, attractive design, and convenient usability; deep analysis and accuracy of determining the target audience and its needs; establishing productive communication between businesses and end-users through proven techniques in the field of web design.
    3 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Selebrands


    (0 review)

    The No.1 Digital Agency in the UAE!

    Selebrands is not just a business development agency, but a crafter of triumphant journeys in the world of business. As the UAE’s top-ranked Business Creation and Marketing Agency, we are dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and organizations to expand, excel, and adapt in the fiercely competitive contemporary marketplace. We offer a wide array of services that cover every aspect of your business progression, from its birth to achieving unparalleled market supremacy and even beyond. At Selebrands, we don’t simply shape businesses, we mold success narratives.
    5 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Twistag


    (0 review)

    We Transform Ideas into Exceptional Digital Solutions.

    Twistag is fueled by a passion for driving positive change and fostering growth by partnering with forward-thinking brands. Our mission is to empower our clients and partners to unlock their full potential by providing exceptional, cutting-edge digital products and services that nurture meaningful human connections. Over the past seven years, we have continually refined our expertise in: Product Design Web Applications Mobile Applications E-Commerce AI Solutions Custom Integrations We’ve streamlined our work processes through strategic collaborations with diverse brands, leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks to deliver innovative digital solutions. This journey has culminated in a proven track record of crafting outstanding digital product experiences while steadfastly dedicated to efficiency and excellence. At Twistag, we’re not just about building digital products; we’re about creating digital experiences that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Join us on this journey of digital transformation and let’s create something amazing together. 🚀
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Digitalya


    (0 review)

    We deliver custom social solutions for global impact.

    We are a top-quality web app development company focused on launching pilot projects for pharma and healthcare companies. With more than 52 worldwide successful projects and extensive experience in working with top 5 worldwide pharma enterprises, our purpose is to support innovators with custom digital solutions for a global impact. Our proven expertise is around delivering omnichannel web applications, HCP and patient-facing portals, healthcare telemedicine apps, and much more. Our huge passion for the digital world and exceptional devotion to turning ideas into top-notch software solutions makes us stand out. We live by the “less is more” methodology that brings simplicity and clarity to scalable development. As a result, our custom-built solutions are creative and intuitive. We are innovative and reliable, and we like to deliver high-quality results. What makes Digitalya unique? - We have a customer-centric culture. - We have a proven healthcare expertise. - We are enterprise-ready. We like to combine various technologies to get the job done. Our focus is always on delivering the best future-proof solution that delivers results. We also like to work a lot with: - React.js - Node.js - Vue.js - Laravel Does Digitalya sound like the perfect partner for you? Don't hesitate to contact us!
    4 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • VisionSeed


    (2 reviews)

    Helping brands to define and build business valued products

    We are the partner to businesses big and small, providing the unmatched professional knowledge and know-how your business needs to be successful. We take your idea and make it great by designing it around our main pillars of focus: quality of product design and delivery along with feedback adoption and implementation. Our main focus is addressing your key business needs and optimizing your business processes so that in the end, your business is transformed on a global scale.  We have a well-defined vision: to offer you the best options on the market, with knowledgeable advisors and flexible, tailored approaches — all centered on the right outcomes for your business. We want to unlock your business’s potential and make change happen by delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge management, technology, and design.
    2 works in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €500 for Software Development
  • Soy Social

    Soy Socialverified-flag

    (1 review)

    ¡Lo que necesitas!

    Nacimos para ayudar a las empresas a mantener el paso con las nuevas tecnologías sin tener enormes gastos y sin sacrificar la calidad. Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes alcancen o sobrepasen los objetivos aunque se trata de aumentar las ventas, la cartera de clientes o los productos y/o servicios que presten. Nuestros diseñadores trabajaran para que su producto, servicio o página web sean atractivas para el cliente. Analizamos su estado actual, implementamos procesos para aumentar la visibilidad y seguiremos los cambios. Implementamos normas para aumentar la seguridad en las redes sociales, páginas web y otros medios de publicidad.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €50 for Software Development
  • Orange Systems

    Orange Systemscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Software, Development, RPA, Mobile, BPO

    Orange Systems, is the {kITchen} , where we create different success recipes, based on our partners needs combined with our rich history and experience, being a business that needs to maintain profitability, an operator that meets every client expectations, and secure our place as the top employer in EU and Moldova for 8 years in raw with over 1,500 Local employees and around 160,000 globally Since 2008, we managed to gather over 550 qualified specialist in different domains, get certified in IT Security, Quality, Environment, Organizational Health and Safety. And we partnered with 20+ different size companies from Startup Level to world class corporate be it in Finance, Banking , E-Commerce, Telecommunication and IT Covered by Over 500 amazing team member that are driven by creating positive impact.
    1 work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • Pixelmate


    (0 review)
    We are Pixelmate, a full-service software agency with the tradition of being remarkably consumer oriented and delivering the best products possible. We help our clients in the online world by providing premium class websites and mobile app development. Our team has six years of experience with clients from all over the world, and we enjoy the beauty of a longterm cooperation with a neverending innovation.  Our top-class designers and architects work together to create an elegant result for every business from startups to big international corporations. “As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being” fits the best to our developers’ team because of their knowledge of all languages needed for the modern development on all platforms imaginable.   Web applications tech stack: PHP/Python/Node.js Laravel/Symfony/Django JavaScript React.js Vue.js HTML+CSS Mobile apps tech stack: Swift Kotlin & Java React Native Working with Pixelmate: 6+ years of software development experience Time and materials contract Accurate time logs for the work done Constant contact with the team over video and Slack Agile software development NDA on request Collaboration in different time zones English speaking team
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • no bullshit since 1995   We help brands transforming business challenges into digital opportunities. We act as lead agency and pragmatic solution partner. All digital since 1995.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • TheVentury


    (0 review)

    Executing Innovation.

    TheVentury is an innovation agency supporting innovators from first idea to global impact throughout their entire innovation journey.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €1000 for Software Development
  • CIIT


    (0 review)

    Wir sind erfolgreich, wenn Sie mit Ihrer Software erfolgreich sind!

    Individuelle Software Entwicklung. Wir sind agil. Wir sind transparent. Wir sind flexibel. Wir entwickeln testgetrieben. Wir haben einen hohen Qualitätsanspruch. Wir bieten Ihnen individuelle Software Entwicklung auf Sie zugeschnitten. In unseren Projekten arbeiten wir auf Basis der agilen Software-Entwicklungsmethode Scrum. Jeder unserer Mitarbeiter ist in Java und Scrum zertifiziert. Und unsere Kunden haben stets Einsicht in unsere Entwicklungstools. Dadurch ist der aktuelle Projektfortschritt jederzeit transparent. Die Kommunikation mit unseren Kunden erfolgt über modernste Tracking Tools und elektronische Scrum Boards. Sowohl die erbrachten Aufwände, der Bearbeitungsstatus, der aktuelle Source Code als auch der aktuelle Build der Software ist für unsere Kunden jederzeit ersichtlich. Unsere Projektplanung basiert auf einem iterativen Zyklus von meist 14 Tagen (auch Sprint genannt), nach welchem die Ergebnisse unserem Kunden präsentiert werden. Dadurch haben wir gelernt, dass der regelmäßige Austausch mit unseren Kunden essentiell für den Erfolg jedes Software Entwicklungsprojektes ist. Wir bieten Ihnen ein komplettes und individuelles Paket an Dienstleistungen: Konzeptionierung, Beratung und Projektunterstützung Implementierung und Projektmanagement Tests (kontinuierliche Systemtest, Performance- Tests und Analysen) langfristige Pflege Ihrer Anwendungen Schulungen für Ihre Entwicklungsteams Technologie Für uns war immer wichtig auf die neuesten aber auch etablierten Technologien zu setzen. Unser Unternehmen bietet deshalb unter dem Namen Javatraining seit über 10 Jahren auch Schulungen in den neusten Technologien für Profis. Die Programmiersprachen, die bei den meisten unserer Projekte verwendet wurden, sind Java und JavaScript. Unser Team arbeitet unter Einsatz agiler Software Entwicklungsmethoden. APPs Egal ob Android oder IPhone, das CIIT Team unterstützt Sie von der Konzeption über Realisierung bis zum Einsatz Ihrer Apps. Erobern Sie damit die mobile Welt! Wir greifen auf jahrelange Projekterfahrung zurück und machen diese für Ihr Vorhaben nutzbar. Web Anwendungen Sie brauchen eine Anwendung, die ohne Installation in jedem Browser, auf jedem Computer, Smartphone oder Tablet läuft und trotzdem den vollen Komfort einer Desktopanwendung in der Bedienung bietet? Unser erfahrenes Team hat auf diesem Gebiet jahrelange Erfahrung und kann Ihnen daher eine passende Lösung anbieten. Natürlich bieten wir Ihnen auch eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten, um Ihre vorhandenen Systeme anzubinden. Individuelle Lösungen Individuelle Anforderungen sind jene durch die sich Ihr Unternehmen von der Konkurrenz unterscheidet. So trägt Individualsoftware wesentlich zur Differenzierung eines Unternehmens vom Mitbewerb bei. Individuell entwickelte Software bedeutet immer auch Innovation und führt häufig zu sehr guter Resonanz bei Ihren Kunden. Wir unterstützen Sie, Ihre Ideen umzusetzen!
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €10000 for Software Development
  • VEI Technology Pvt. Ltd.

    VEI Technology Pvt. Ltd.verified-flag

    (0 review)

    A Blockchain & Software Development Company. Way to Technological Solutions through Blockchain.

    We are a Blockchain & Software Development company. A top-notch service provider. “Our mission is to provide the best-in-class, and high-quality services in Blockchain, Web3.0 and other emerging technologies that are scalable, transparent and robust” We aspire to empower start-ups and help enterprises of all sizes to leverage the power of blockchain through our skills, values, professional and problem-solving attitude. Our aim is and will always be to strive to be the best and become your first choice. >> Services: Enterprise Blockchain Solutions (using cosmos SDK & Tendermint) Blockchain & Web3.0 Development: - DeFi Development, DApp Development, DAO Platform Development, - Smart Contracts, - NFT (Art Collection & Generation, Marketplace, etc), - GameFi Development (NFT games, P2E & more), - Crypto Development (Token, Single/multi coin Wallet, Bridge, Trading platforms, Coin forking, CEX/DEX), - Metaverse Development (games, spaces and much more), UI/UX Design (WireFrames, MockUps, Prototyping, Full design services), App Development (Android/iOS/Cross Platform), Web Development (Front-End, Back-End, & more) Mobile Game Development (2D/3D), Custom Software Development/ Desktop Applications, DevOps, Quality Assurance & Testing, Project Management, & Digital Marketing. >> Why Choose Us? First tier designers and developers, Tested & Proven Process, High Reliability/Dependability, Long Support and Service, Moderate Prices, On-time Project Implementation, User-Oriented, Integrity & Trust, Excellence & Innovation, Up-to-date with the latest Trends & Technologies, We aim to build long-term relationships by serving our clients with customized & cutting-edge solutions resulting in creating values and success stories for the world to see. Get to Know us and what we offer:
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €19 for Software Development
  • Volcanic Minds

    Volcanic Mindsverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Smart. Fast. Efficient.

    Volcanic Minds is a digital experience company. We build amazing tailor-made IT products. Our mission is to support our partners in the development of a strong digital strategy and in the creation of innovative products. We stand by our clients to evolve the initial vision into a real strategy. Through passion and determination, our Digital Factory crafts, with precision and efficiency, the technological ecosystems that let the most ambitious ideas come true.
    No work in Software Development
    Active in Vienna, Austria
    From €10000 for Software Development

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