The 10 Best Graphic Chart Design Agencies in Quebec City - 2025 Reviews

Top Graphic Chart Design Agencies in Quebec City

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All Graphic Chart Design Companies in Quebec City

  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)

    Agence de communication et publicité : Conseil en communication, branding et création Packaging.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Il y a 15 ans, L'Alchimiste est née d'une ambition claire : repousser les limites du branding et de la communication. Petite par sa taille, mais gigantesque par ses idées, notre agence 360° out of the box transforme chaque projet en une véritable quête d'excellence. Chez nous, il ne s'agit pas seulement de répondre à vos besoins, mais d'anticiper vos attentes et d'élever vos ambitions. Vous voulez des résultats ? Nous sommes là pour les livrer. Pas de discours inutile, pas de demi-mesures. Notre équipe agile et intuitive capte rapidement l'essence de vos projets, et grâce à notre mantra du *« Zéro bullshit »*, nous vous apportons des solutions efficaces, adaptées et orientées ROI. À L'Alchimiste, chaque jour est un défi que nous relevons avec passion. Réactivité, innovation et adaptabilité ne sont pas que des mots : ce sont nos moteurs. Que ce soit pour une urgence marketing ou une refonte globale de votre marque, nous agissons vite et bien, tout en plaçant l'audace et la créativité au cœur de chaque action. Nos domaines d'expertise : - BRANDING & DESIGN GRAPHIQUE Création d’identités visuelles uniques et mémorables, reflet de votre vision. - PACKAGING STRATÉGIQUE De l'étude à la réalisation, nous faisons du packaging un atout clé de votre marque. - STRATÉGIE DIGITALE Social media, web et mobile : nous alignons innovation et performance. - COMMUNICATION GLOBALE Conseil marketing et plans de communication pour impacter tous vos publics.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+3)
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Worked in Beauty (+5)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+1)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Une agence à échelle humaine qui met tout en œuvre pour faire rayonner ses clients!

    tök communications est une agence de communications 360° née il y a maintenant 7 ans d’une passion pour les communications et d’un désir d’offrir des services personnalisés à travers une philosophie humaine. Ainsi, tök communications s’efforce d’agir comme une extension de ses clients afin de les représenter fidèlement auprès de leur cible. Plus que de simples exécutants, les membres de l’équipe se positionnent comme de réels consultants en matière de communication. La mission de tök communications est simple : offrir des services sur mesure et adaptés à chacun. Notre équipe met en oeuvre son expérience dans le milieu des communications pour identifier les besoins de nos clients et ainsi créer une stratégie personnalisée et créative fondée sur leurs objectifs et leurs besoins. RIGUEUR Chez tök communications, nous croyons que tout ce qui se doit d’être fait, se doit d’être bien fait! C’est pourquoi nous portons attention et rigueur aux moindres petits détails. PROXIMITÉ Notre proximité avec nos clients nous tient à coeur et nous nous faisons un point d’honneur de personnaliser chacune de nos relations clients et de leur donner LA priorité. RÉSULTATS Nous sommes passionnés de nos mandats et nous croyons aux retombées positives de nos actions chez nos clients. DÉPASSEMENT Nous cherchons constamment à nous dépasser et saisissons toutes les opportunités d’offrir le petit plus à chacun de nos clients.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Nous sommes des partenaires de marque

    supramega est une agence de croissance digitale. Nous nous spécialisons en marketing numérique, SEO, CRM, développement web et UX/UI. Nous accompagnons les entreprises dans leur croissance numérique en proposant des stratégies web spécifiques d'acquisition et de conversion. Nous travaillons pour des clients tels que L’Oréal, Uber, Ralph Lauren, Jouviance, BMW, ou encore Valtech, mais aussi pour de nombreuses PME.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Worked in Music (+11)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Digital development studio

    We are Digia Technology - a full-cycle software development company that provides efficient and unique solutions to make your business grow and succeed. The company offices are based in Canada and Eastern Europe. Established in 2016, Digia has rich experience developing software and works effectively, with precision, which helps to cut down the cost of software development. We use the latest technologies and methodology to bring your ideas to life at a high level of excellence. Our company does more than just software design and development – we build long-term relationships with clients and help brands and businesses grow. We also think ahead, provide unique and progressive solutions, and take responsibility for the quality of our work. When you choose to work with Digia, we make sure you truly feel that we are a partner to rely on.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Toronto, Canada
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+11)
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Your Friendly Local Graphic Design Agency in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada: Logos, Brand Kits, Social Media, Vehicle Wraps, Product Packaging, Signage
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Quebec City, Canada
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    ITDM Group est une société experte dans l’innovation numérique

    Tout ce que nous faisons, nous le faisons avec professionnalisme et conviction. Nos produits sont qualitatifs et réalisés sur mesure. 💡 Nous offrons bien plus qu’un simple produit. ITDM analyse vos besoins et accompagne votre entreprise .  🚀 Nous développons des applications, logiciels et sites internet afin de transformer vos projets en succès. 🚀 De la start-up à la PME en passant par les Grands comptes, nous œuvrons tous les jours pour satisfaire nos clients et les faire gagner en productivité et efficacité. De nombreux projets sont réalisés sur mesure : nous étudions les objectifs de nos clients afin de leurs proposer un produit unique, qui correspond à 100% à leurs besoins. Nous accompagnons aussi régulièrement des entreprises dans la construction de leurs ADN de marque avec la création d'une charte graphique qui permet de véhiculer leurs valeurs.  N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour nous présenter votre projet, nous serions ravie d'échanger avec vous autour d'un café. ☕ Nous saurons allier réponse technique à votre projet et respect de vos valeurs. ____ The all we do, we make it with professionalism and conviction. Our products are qualified and "sur mesure".  💡 We offer you more than a simple product, ITDM analyses your needs and follow your company to the success..   🚀 We can develop apps, softwares, and websites . 🚀   From start-up to SME, going through big companies as well, we are working every day to satisfy our customers and help them to get more productivity and efficiency.  We will be able to lead you to get you own ADN with the creation of your design system which will transmit your values..    Please, do not hesitate to contact us. It would be a great pleasure to share with you your project, your ideas.  Let's have a coffee together !☕   We will be able to mix technical solutions  and values of your company. 
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Mouscron, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+1)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Canada's Largest Association for Graphic Designers.

    The Association of Registered Graphic Designers represents over 4,000 design practitioners, including firm owners, freelancers, managers, educators and students. RGD was created by an Act of the Ontario Legislature (Bill Pr 56) to grant designers with the designation "Registered Graphic Designer"​ or "RGD," and is the only graphic design association in North America to have this type of legislation. The RGD designation is a signal of quality and competence. Successful candidates have met a rigorous set of standards and completed a test and portfolio interview, administered by the Examination Board for Registered Graphic Designers. Through RGD, Canadian designers exchange ideas, educate and inspire, set professional standards and build a strong, supportive community dedicated to advocating for the value of design. Our vision is for a graphic design profession that is valued for its contribution to life, commerce and society. Other initiatives include: Programming: - Annual DesignThinkers Conference (spring in Vancouver/autumn in Toronto) - Local events, eg. film screenings, Design Socials and Portfolio Reviews - Mentorship Program Professional development: - Weekly professional development webinars - The Business of Graphic Design: A Professional’s Handbook Communications: - RGD Newsletter - Updates on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn Awards: - International Social Good Design Awards - National Student Awards - In-House Design Awards - DesignThinker of the Year Award - Design Educator of the Year Award Advocacy: - Creative Earners Survey of Salaries & Billing Practices in the Canadian Design Industry - No SPEC - Free, Fee or Flee Accessibility: - AccessAbility Handbook and resources
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Canada, Canada
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Burnkit is a design agency.

    Burnkit is a design agency. New ground is our territory. We provide services for brand development, graphic identity, interactive, packaging and print design. Born in Vancouver's Railtown district, Burnkit partners with organizations doing exciting things in their industries. Our long-standing relationships with best-in-class clients is a testament to our commitment to excellence, innovation and collaboration.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Canada, Canada
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Worked in Art & Handcraft
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Helping small-to-medium sized businesses reach new customers since 2008.

    Businesses that need integrated marketing strategies trust Bush Marketing to bring solid results. Our team of digital marketers, web developers, and content creators work together to put you ahead of your competition. If you’re looking to improve your marketing ROI, or need a fresh perspective on what you’re doing now, Bush Marketing can help. Bush Marketing is a full-service Toronto web design company creating compelling websites for companies like yours, helping them achieve internet marketing success. Our web design team creates cutting-edge, high-impact websites geared to capture the attention of your visitors and give you the advantage over your competitors. Book your Complimentary Discovery Session today.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Located in Toronto, Canada
    From €1,000 for Graphic Chart Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We live to design bold + inspiring spaces for people.

    Contact Us Visit our contact page to find the studio location nearest you. Contact Us Grow With Us Explore our global career opportunities in architecture, design, planning, and more. View Careers at B+H Projects
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    501-1000 members
  • (0 review)
    At Desmos, we imagine a world of universal math literacy, where no student thinks that math is too hard or too dull to pursue. We believe the key is learning by doing. When learning becomes a journey of exploration and discovery, anyone can understand – and enjoy! – math. To achieve this vision, we’ve started by building the next generation of the graphing calculator. Using our powerful and blazingly-fast math engine, the calculator can instantly plot any equation, from lines and parabolas up through derivatives and Fourier series. Data tables open up a world of curve-fitting and modeling. Sliders make it a breeze to demonstrate function transformations. As browser-based html5 technology, the graphing calculator works on any computer or tablet without requiring any downloads. It's intuitive, beautiful math. And best of all: it's completely free. Desmos is used by students, teachers, researchers, and general math enthusiasts from every state, and 169 countries.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Toronto Product Photography, Videos, Business Portraits, Fashion Photography, Food Photos, 360 Product Shots In-studio & Onlocation!
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    VistaPrint online printing services help you create and order the best custom products: marketing materials, business cards, signage, promotional products, custom gifts, packaging and more.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    A digital design agency in Vancouver | specializing in strategic design of websites and graphics for business, food packaging and infographics
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • DCC is a Crown corporation that delivers infrastructure and environmental projects for the defence of Canada.
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Graphic Chart Design
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

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Création plateforme de Covoiturage

Création plateforme de Covoiturage

Création site, Branding et charte graphique

Création site, Branding et charte graphique

Branding identité visuel

Branding identité visuel

Frequently Asked Questions.

Ensuring consistency in visual communications across various platforms and media is crucial for businesses in Quebec City to maintain a strong brand identity. Here are some effective strategies to achieve this:

  1. Develop a comprehensive brand style guide: Create a detailed document that outlines all aspects of your visual identity, including logo usage, color palette, typography, imagery style, and design elements. This guide should be accessible to all team members and external partners.
  2. Utilize a digital asset management (DAM) system: Implement a centralized platform to store and organize all brand assets, ensuring easy access to the most up-to-date materials for all team members and partners.
  3. Implement responsive design principles: Ensure that your visual elements adapt seamlessly across different screen sizes and devices, maintaining consistency whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  4. Conduct regular brand audits: Periodically review all touchpoints where your brand appears to identify any inconsistencies and make necessary adjustments.
  5. Provide thorough training: Educate all employees and partners on the importance of brand consistency and how to properly use brand assets.
  6. Use templates and pre-approved assets: Create templates for common materials like social media posts, presentations, and email signatures to ensure consistent application of brand elements.
  7. Leverage automation tools: Utilize software that can automatically apply brand guidelines to various digital assets, reducing the risk of human error.
  8. Collaborate with local design experts: Partner with Quebec City-based graphic design agencies who understand the local market and can help maintain consistency while adapting to regional nuances.

According to a study by Lucidpress, consistent brand presentation across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%. For businesses in Quebec City, where bilingualism is common, it's particularly important to ensure visual consistency across both French and English communications.

Additionally, consider the unique cultural aspects of Quebec City when developing your visual communications strategy. The city's rich history and distinct cultural identity can influence design choices. For example, incorporating elements that resonate with the local heritage, such as colors inspired by the old town's architecture or graphics that subtly reference local landmarks, can help create a strong connection with the Quebec City audience while maintaining overall brand consistency.

Platform Consistency Checklist
Website Logo placement, color scheme, typography, image style
Social Media Profile pictures, cover images, post templates, branded hashtags
Print Materials Business cards, brochures, posters, packaging
Digital Ads Banner designs, ad copy style, call-to-action buttons
Email Marketing Header design, footer layout, email signatures

By implementing these strategies and working with experienced graphic design professionals in Quebec City, businesses can ensure their visual communications remain consistent, professional, and engaging across all platforms and media, strengthening their brand identity and market presence.

Investing in professional graphic chart design services in Quebec City offers numerous advantages over creating designs in-house. Here's a breakdown of the key benefits:

Benefit Professional Agency In-House Design
Expertise Access to a team of specialized designers with diverse skills and experience in Quebec's market Limited to the skills of existing staff, who may not be design experts
Time Efficiency Faster turnaround times due to dedicated focus and streamlined processes Can be time-consuming, taking staff away from core business activities
Cost-Effectiveness No need for full-time salaries, software licenses, or ongoing training costs Requires investment in software, training, and potentially new hires
Fresh Perspective Brings new ideas and current trends to your brand identity Risk of stagnation or 'design tunnel vision'
Local Market Insight Deep understanding of Quebec City's cultural nuances and design preferences May lack specific local market knowledge

Consider these additional points:

  • Consistency and Brand Management: Professional agencies in Quebec City excel at maintaining brand consistency across all materials, crucial for building a strong brand identity in the competitive local market.
  • Scalability: Agencies can easily scale up or down based on project needs, which is particularly beneficial for businesses with fluctuating design requirements.
  • Technology and Tools: Professional agencies invest in the latest design software and tools, ensuring high-quality outputs without the need for your company to bear these costs.
  • Multilingual Expertise: Given Quebec City's bilingual nature, professional agencies are adept at creating designs that work effectively in both French and English.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Agencies are up-to-date with local advertising standards and language laws, ensuring your designs meet all legal requirements.

According to a 2023 survey by the Graphic Designers of Canada, businesses that outsourced their graphic design work to professional agencies reported a 35% increase in brand recognition and a 28% improvement in marketing effectiveness compared to those relying solely on in-house design.

While creating designs in-house may seem cost-effective initially, the long-term benefits of hiring a professional graphic chart design agency in Quebec City often outweigh the upfront savings. These agencies bring a wealth of expertise, efficiency, and local market insight that can significantly enhance your brand's visual communication and overall market presence.

Creating a flexible graphic chart design that can accommodate future brand growth and expansion is crucial for businesses in Quebec City. Here are some key strategies to ensure your graphic chart remains adaptable:

  1. Establish a strong core identity: Begin with a solid foundation that captures the essence of your brand. This core should remain consistent even as your brand evolves.
  2. Use a modular design system: Develop a set of design elements that can be easily combined and reconfigured. This allows for versatility across different applications and future needs.
  3. Choose a versatile color palette: Select a primary color scheme that can be expanded with complementary colors. This allows for the introduction of new product lines or sub-brands without compromising the overall brand identity.
  4. Opt for scalable typography: Choose typefaces that work well in various sizes and formats. This ensures readability across different mediums, from small mobile screens to large billboards in downtown Quebec City.
  5. Create flexible logo variations: Design logo variations that can adapt to different contexts and sizes. This might include a full logo, a simplified version, and an icon-only option.
  6. Develop clear usage guidelines: Establish comprehensive guidelines that explain how to use and adapt the graphic chart elements. This ensures consistency while allowing for creative applications.
  7. Plan for digital adaptability: Ensure your graphic chart translates well to digital platforms, considering the growing importance of online presence for businesses in Quebec City.
  8. Incorporate local elements subtly: Include design elements that reflect Quebec City's cultural heritage in a way that can be easily adapted or minimized for potential expansion beyond the local market.

According to a 2023 survey by the Association of Graphic Designers of Quebec, 78% of businesses that implemented flexible graphic chart designs reported smoother brand expansions and updates over a 5-year period.

Remember, the key is to create a graphic chart that maintains brand recognition while allowing for growth and adaptation. By following these strategies, businesses in Quebec City can ensure their visual identity remains relevant and effective as they expand and evolve in the dynamic Canadian market.