The 10 Best Cyber Security Companies in Brussels - 2024 Reviews

Top Cyber Security Companies in Brussels

Top Featured Cyber Security Agencies

  • Sigli


    (4 reviews)

    Data Science with Purpose, Innovation with Impact.

    Sigli is a forward-thinking software development firm specializing in Digital Product Development and Digital Transformation. Our mission, "Data Science with Purpose, Innovation with Impact," drives us to turn innovative ideas into practical solutions. We offer comprehensive services that cover the entire development lifecycle, from initial concept to final deployment, ensuring every product we develop is high-quality, scalable, and future-ready. With a strong emphasis on navigating the complexities of digital transformation, Sigli helps businesses modernize their operations, enhance customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Our team's deep expertise, combined with a commitment to leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, ensures we deliver impactful results for our clients. Sigli's dedication to excellence is further demonstrated by our ISO/IEC 27001 certification, the leading standard for information security management systems (ISMS). This certification underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security, making us a reliable and trustworthy partner for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age
    5 works in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €5000 for Cyber Security

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  • Symantra


    (1 review)

    CRM | Partner Portal & Extranet | AI Solutions | Automations & Integrations | Web & Mobile Apps

    Symantra is a Tech & Digital Growth Agency, based in Brussels and London, since 2010. Strategy + Data + Design + Technology.  PRODUCTS CRM & Integrations Artificial Intelligence Solutions Tailor-made Partner Portal & Extranet Mobile Apps & Web apps Online Academy Platform ... SERVICES Digital Transformation Business Process Automations Growth Marketing Automations Operational Efficiency Custom Web apps Custom Mobile Apps ​ AI consulting ... Technology - Full-Stack Capabilities: ​
    1 work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security

    DLVX STUDIOverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Développement d'applications mobiles et web - Mobile and web apps development

    DLVX Studio est une agence de développement d’applications mobiles, web et de sites internet, située dans le brabant-wallon. Notre expérience nous permet de vous accompagner au mieux dans la transformation de votre idée en application mobile et/ou web . Un projet de développement peut vite virer au cauchemar si celui-ci n'est pas bien encadré au départ et sur le long terme, nous sommes capables de vous offrir un service irréprochable pour mener votre projet à bien. Nous nous efforçons de livrer un projet de qualité , suivant les hauts-standards actuels pour vous garantir un développement continu et 'future-proof' de votre projet, tout en optimisant les couts de développement. Vous n'aurez rien à envier par rapport aux grosses entreprises et leurs standards de développement, du prototype au résultat final. Nous avons participé au développement d'applications mobiles requérant un haut standard de qualité , dans divers domaines tels que pour Spentys, Edenred Benelux, NMBS/SNCB (Ypto) et KBC. Notre expertise - Développement d' applications mobiles (iOS / android) et web - Développement backend - Accompagnement total, de votre idée jusqu'à la publication dans les stores - Hébergement web - Architecture design, UI/UX Design, marketing N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour demander discuter de votre idée et/ou demander un devis. Notre objectif est de livrer des projets dont nous sommes fiers et de créer un relation long-terme avec nos clients! --------------------------------------------------------- DLVX Studio is a mobile, web and website development agency located in Brabant-Walloon. Our experience allows us to best support you in transforming your idea into a mobile and/or web application. A development project can quickly turn into a nightmare if it is not well managed at the outset and in the long term, we are able to offer you an impeccable service to carry out your project. We strive to deliver a quality project, following the current high standards to guarantee you a continuous and 'future-proof' development of your project, while optimizing the development costs. You will have nothing to envy compared to large companies and their development standards, from the prototype to the final result. We have participated in the development of mobile applications requiring a high standard of quality , in various fields such as for Spentys, Edenred Benelux, NMBS/SNCB (Ypto) and KBC. Our expertise - Development of mobile (iOS/android) and web applications - Backend development - Total support , from your idea to publication in stores - Web hosting - Architecture design, UI/UX Design, marketing Do not hesitate to contact us to ask to discuss your idea and/or ask for a quote. Our goal is to deliver projects of which we are proud and to create a long-term relationship with our customers!  
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Award-winner
    “We help clients pivot from thinking digital to being digital” Accenture Digital is one of the world’s largest end-to-end providers of digital transformation with world class capabilities in digital marketing, mobility and analytics . We are dedicated to helping clients apply digital technologies to create new business value through interactive experiences that captivate customers, analytics that transform big data into even bigger actions and new mobile technologies that harness the power of IOT and Living Services. With more than 36, 000 deeply skilled people around the globe, Accenture Digital drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Accenture Digital provides services within three specific domains : Accenture Interactive ( Accenture Interactive offers complete, end-to-end solutions within marketing, customer experience, campaign and content management, service design and omni-channel commerce which support our clients in the development of these topics. Accenture Analytics ( With the Accenture Insights Platform and a suite of custom industry apps, Accenture Analytics delivers insight-driven outcomes at scale to help organizations improve performance using big data, advanced mathematical modelling, forecasting and sophisticated statistical analytics. Accenture Mobility ( Accenture Mobility specializes in connected products, mobile apps and custom Internet of Things innovations that provide transformative capabilities through horizontal and industry-specific mobile and IoT solutions.   Client references Unilever – BMW – Tesco – National Geographic – Ducati – Coop Italia – American Express – Visa – Lacoste – Vodafone – Warner Bros – Marriott – Velux …
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • double-id


    (1 review)
    double-id is a global communication agency located in Brussels. We help organisations in all areas of Marketing & Communication, online and offline . We embrace every project, providing a full service:  * marketing analysis * communication plan * branding guideline * logo design * brochure: design, copywriting, translations, production * website design & development * social media strategy * inbound marketing * video: film & 3D Our strength is our international expertise and intercultural sensitiveness . Above all, we are passionate about what we do: we love to actively propose new ideas to our clients, working in partnership with them. English is our working language. With our team you can also speak French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish.  Some of our customers: - Non-profit Organisations: PostEurop, World Steel Association, Office de Tourisme de Font-Romeu, European Forum on Renewable Energy Sources, confédération européenne des propriétaires forestiers - Companies: ArcelorMittal, British School of Brussels, Capelec, Dell, First Stop, Intel, Microsoft, Renault, Sennheiser, Solvay, Synox Let’s meet up and discuss to see how we can help you!   Tags: Communication plan, branding, website, corporate video, templates, corporate guidelines, content strategy, seo, social media strategy
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Air Brussels

    Air Brusselscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    FOR OVER 20 YEARS, AIR HAS INSPIRED BRANDS TO BECOME BETTER.   Better from a business standpoint Air aims to help its clients grow and succeed. Share your business objectives with us, get us involved from the word go & opt for close collaboration: that way you’ll maximise our input. We’re c ommitted to expanding horizons and defending those areas of the market where brands like Voo, Delhaize, Leffe, Ricard and Bongrain won’t settle for half-baked positioning. Better from a communication standpoint Air’s number one talent is storytelling. Powerful, unique & in line with brand values; no matter the touch points. Air’s second talent (in collaboration with Air Digital of course), is ensuring that these stories are sufficiently engaging, compelling and have your customers wishing they could share them around. We aim to a permanent dialogue with consumers and citizens –  two groups that are often one and the same. Air stands up for forceful and relevant ideas. No matter the media, Air moves the dot. Better from a human standpoint These days, an agency’s responsibility is no longer limited to coming up with a good ad campaign. As the expectations of today’s consumers have evolved. The only ideas they do support, the ones that truly work, are those that have a positive impact on their lives. One way or another, it’s our job to improve the lives of our contemporaries.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Slide-Up


    (1 review)
    En tant qu'  agence digitale créative  , nous réalisons pour vous tous les supports de communication les plus adaptés à votre stratégie d'entreprise, depuis la conception de votre  logo , jusqu'à la conception de tous votre  site internet , en passant par  les applications mobiles, les sites e-commerces, le référencement, la cybersécurité, la vidéo, la gestion de vos réseaux sociaux, le graphisme, l'illustration, les supports d'impression... Nous avons chacun nos spécialités avant de vous garantir la meilleure expertise Nous vous garantissons Lisibilité, cohérence, efficacité et originalité. Slide Up est une agence de communication créative basée à  Bruxelles. Depuis 2002, nous réalisons tous vos projets et supports de communication (print & digital), en vous apportant des solutions créatives combinées à nos compétences et expertises en :  LOGO, IDENTITÉ & DESIGN GRAPHIQUE Pilier de votre processus de communication, la définition précise de votre identité, de votre nom et de votre logo est primordiale. Elle incarne votre image, vos valeurs et surtout votre professionnalisme auprès de vos clients, fournisseurs et partenaires. Il s’agit de faire valoir votre différence et votre unicité, tout en alliant esthétisme et ergonomie. Cette identité est votre signature ! Et parce qu’elle aura l’occasion de s’exprimer sur multiples supports , nous élaborons avec soin votre charte graphique pour structurer vos communications dans tous les domaines de diffusion : graphique et digital Rien n’est laissé au hasard pour se démarquer, se développer ou même fidéliser sa clientèle.Lisibilité, cohérence, efficacité et originalité sont un tout pour une identité visuelle forte, originale et aboutie.  CRÉATION DE SITES INTERNET Nous naviguons dans l’ère de la digitalisation, internet fait partie de notre quotidien. Être présent sur le web représente aujourd’hui une nécessité absolue pour une entreprise, quelle ce soit sa taille. De la page vitrine à la conception d’un site E-commerce, nous vous accompagnons dans toutes les étapes du processus de création. L’oeil avisé de nos directeurs artistiques et l’expertise chaque jour grandissante de nos développeurs les plus spécialisés vous permettront de rayonner sur le web. Nous ne nous limitons pas à la recherche d’un simple habillage esthétique mais devons répondre avant tout à des critères précis en matière de lecture, d’ergonomie visuelle et de compréhension pour créer du lien avec vos clients. Nous avons le pouvoir de coder le site de vos rêves : sites e-commerce, réservation en ligne, accès sécurisé, questionnaires en ligne, newsletters, … Experts en stratégie digitale, Nous vous conseillons sur les supports à privilégier, selon les cibles que vous devez atteindre et vos besoins stratégiques. Nous vous accompagnons également dans la création de votre site internet, son référencement (SEO) et la production de tous vos supports digitaux. VIDÉO & DESIGN D'ANIMATION Aujourd’hui, le trafic vidéo sur Internet représente 3/4 des données qui y circulent. il devient essentiel, dès lors, que les entreprises concentrent une partie de leurs efforts en marketing numérique sur la vidéo, pour leur visibilité. Les années 2019 & 2020 verront un trafic massif sur Internet où le mobile domine et le contenu vidéo règne en maître. L’internaute, tel que le décrit Cisco est hyper-connecté, mobile et plébiscite le contenu vidéo, qui va représenter 80% du trafic Internet mondial en 2019, et 84% en 2020 : l’équivalent de 95 fois ce qu’il était en 2005 !    APPLICATIONS MOBILES Nous assurons la conception et le développement d’applications mobiles innovantes, performantes et sur mesure. Que vous soyez une grande entreprise ou une startup innovante, Le marché des projets d’applications mobiles est devenu un incontournable du digital. L’évolution constante des technologies pousse les entreprises à utiliser des outils d’actualité. C’est pour cette même raison que notre agence s’adapte aux tendances en imaginant et concevant des projets toujours plus innovants. Nous réunissons tous les intervenants nécessaires à la production d’une application, de la conception fonctionnelle au développement natif ou hybride. Application iOS Application Android Application tablette Application hybride cross-plateforme RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX Votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux s’accompagne d’une stratégie dédiée à votre communauté. Élaborer des fils rouges et des concepts créatifs, écrire des histoires, les narrer et de les faire vivre sur les supports adaptés sont un savant mélange dont nous détenons la recette. Nous analysons vos datas et mesurons l’engagement de votre communauté avec le plus grand soin, afin de garantir l’efficacité selon les objectifs de performance. Promouvoir votre image sur les réseaux c’est faire valoir votre différence et donner du sens à vos projets. Le travail créatif ne doit pas se limiter à la recherche d’un simple habillage esthétique mais doit répondre avant tout à des critères précis en matière de lecture, d’ergonomie visuelle et de compréhension pour créer du lien avec vos clients. SERVICES D'IMPRESSION TOUS SUPPORTS Parce que nous souhaitons vous accompagner tout au long de vos démarches de communication, nous avons mis en place nombreuses collaborations avec des imprimeurs. Quel que soit votre support : flyers, dépliants, posters, cartes de visite, papier entête, enveloppes, brochures, catalogues, cartes postales, enseignes, bâches, calicots, logo en relief, etc, nos partenaires s’assurent de la qualité et du suivi de production, jusqu’à la livraison en temps et en heure! As   creative digital marketing agency , we develop  all communication media adapted to your corporate strategy , from logo to website design, including mobile applications, Ecommerce websites, referencing, cyber security, video, social networks management, graphics, illustration, print media,… Our  various specializations  guarantee the  best expertise, comprehensibility, consistency, efficiency and originality. We’re a creative agency located in  Bruxelles, Belgium. Slide Up  is a  creative communication agency  based in Brussels. Since 2002, we have been carrying out  communication projects on any medium  (print & digital), bringing  creative solutions  through  our skill and expertise  in:   LOGO, IDENTITY AND GRAPHIC DESIGN The precise establishment of your identity, name and logo is an essential pillar of communication. It embodies your image, values and professional dedication to your clients, suppliers and partners. We aim at assessing your difference and uniqueness, combining aesthetics and ergonomics. This identity projection is your signature! As your graphic charter will be applied to various media, we will carefully develop it to structure you communication in both graphic and digital fields. Nothing will be left to chance to enable you to stand out, expand and develop customer loyalty. A strong, original and successful visual identity depends on readable, coherent, efficient and creative graphics. WEBSITES Internet is part of the daily life in the digital age of to-day. Presence on the web is an indispensable necessity for any corporation, whatever its size. We accompany you in all steps of the creation process from a showcase to an Ecommerce site. Your company will be shining on the web thanks to the trained eye of our artistic directors and everyday growing expertise of our highly specialised developer team. Our intervention does not limit itself to an eye-catching presentation. First and foremost we must meet precise criteria in terms of readability, visual ergonomics and comprehension to establish links with your clients. We are in position to program the site of your dreams whether for Ecommerce, online reservations, secure access, online questionnaires, newsletters, etc. Thanks our expertise in digital strategy, we advise you which medium to focus on to meet your targets and strategic requirements and assist in creating your internet site, referencing (SEO) and all digital media. VIDEO, MOTION DESIGN & ANIMATION The present video traffic on internet accounts for 3/4 of total data flow which makes it essential to concentrate on video as part of the company’s digital marketing strategy. 2019 and 2020 will witness an intensive use of internet with predominance of the mobile and video contents which will represent 80% of word wide internet traffic in 2019 and 84% in 2020 , which is 95 times the amount of 2005.   MOBILE APPLICATIONS We create and implement performing custom-made, innovative mobile applications. This digital market has become inescapable both for large companies and innovative start-ups. Constant technological progress compels companies to use relevant current tools, which explains why our agency meets present demands by devising and conceiving increasingly innovative projects. We have drawn together the required talents to carry out an application from its functional design to its native or hybrid development. IOS Application Android applications Tablet applications Hybrid cross-platform applications SOCIAL NETWORKS Your presence on the social networks requires a strategy especially dedicated to your community. To produce guiding lines and creative concepts, write and narrate stories, bring them to life on an appropriate medium, requires a skilful mix of which we have the recipe. We analyse your data and measure your community’s commitment with utmost care to ensure the highest efficiency in reaching your performance targets. To promote your image on the web asserts you difference and makes your projects meaningful. ALL MEDIA PRINTING SERVICES As we wish to accompany you throughout your approach to communication, we have developed collaboration with various printers whatever the selected medium: flyers, envelopes, brochures, catalogues, postcards, signboards, advertising canvases, banners, embossed logos, etc.… Our partners ensure quality and production monitoring up to timely delivery.      
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Feed by Design

    Feed by Designcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Stratégie Pour nous, l’identité visuelle est la face émotionnelle de votre stratégie business. Nous avons besoin de comprendre ce qui te porte pour transformer cette essence en émotions. Graphisme Un branding professionnel permet de communiquer ta personnalité ou celle de ton entreprise d’une manière cohérente à travers tous tes canaux de communication. Nous choisissons avec toi les couleurs et les formes adéquates afin que chaque partenaire et chaque client voie ton business tel que tu veux le montrer. Une fois le logo réalisé, nous créons le “look and feel” complet et nous te montrons chaque utilisation que tu peux faire de ta nouvelle identité professionnelle: Logo, Carte de visite, Dépliant, Flyer, Affiche, Carte postale, visuels pour réseau sociaux, …   Sites web Pas de Wordpress, bootstrap ou autre template. Tout ce que nous fabriquons est fait sur mesure pour porter ton identité. Il y a beaucoup de choses à considérer lors de la construction d’un site web. Il y a l’aspect visuel d’un côté et la technique de l’autre. Pour nous, les deux sont capitals, donc chaque design est fait sur mesure et les technologies et les techniques que nous utilisons répondent aux meilleures pratiques actuelles du web pour la performance, la sécurité, le référencement, … Great Websites by design.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • ThinkSoft


    (0 review)
    ThinkSoft Belgium is IT consulting and IT Outsourcing Company. An IT company specializing in web and mobile application development based in Brussels, Belgium.   We have highly skilled engineers with excellent technical knowledge and experience in using latest software standards, tools, platforms, frameworks and technologies and we invest continuously in training and education, to be able to respond to any new technology challenges and demands from our clients.   We have a proven track of great success stories, we work with clients ranging from Fortune 500 to Forbes 50 and we can offer excellent software development opportunities for your business.   We have over 12 years of experience and have successfully completed and delivered over 500+ projects.   Our Services: Website Development Website Design Mobile Application Development   Willing to know more about us? Please visit our website
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • DigiTransform


    (12 reviews)

    IT Digitalization, SAAS Development, Digital Marketing, Open ERP Odoo, Cloud Computing...

    | Site : | M : 00 212 6 63 13 95 95 | F : 00 212 5 37 79 99 26 | En pleine dynamique de croissance, nous sommes soucieux d'accompagner nos clients tout au long de leurs projets informatiques. L’agence DigiTransform met à votre disposition une équipe de professionnels qualifiés et expérimentés qui sont en mesure de vous proposer une panoplie de prestations, en ce qui concerne : La création de sites sur-mesure, La création d’applications web sur-mesure (Saas), La création d’applications mobile IOS ou Android, Le design graphique, La gestion de ressources cloud (serveurs, services, data,…), L’hébergement et le stockage (web, documentaire,…), La gestion de la donnée (visualisation, modélisation, conceptualisation, cloud computing,...). Notre richesse se compose avant tout de nos collaborateurs, mais aussi de notre capital d'expérience. Essentiellement issus de grandes écoles d'ingénieurs ou d'universités, de formation Bac+5, chez DigiTransform nous avons le goût de l'effort, le sens du service et le perpétuel souci du travail bien fait. Nous excellons dans des domaines d'activités variés où la compréhension du métier est un élément clé de leur réussite. Nous ne sommes donc pas de « simples » informaticiens mais des interlocuteurs crédibles qui comprennent très vite le besoin du client. Pourquoi faire appel à notre agence DigiTransform ? Spécialisée dans la création d'applications web/mobile et de référencement SEO, l’agence DigiTransform met au service des entreprises de toutes tailles sa polyvalence, son savoir-faire, son expertise et s’engage à vous assurer : Un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivi sur-mesure, Un conseil avisé et une assistance complète, Des prestations clés en main, Un devis gratuit et détaillé, Une équipe dynamique, disponible et à l’écoute, Une maîtrise des dernières technologies web… Notre mission ? Vous apporter entière satisfaction à travers des services de qualité à la hauteur de vos attentes. ...DigiTransform est votre partenaire digital idéal.
    7 works in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Leaware


    (9 reviews)

    We build the right software. We build the software right.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IT leader awards winner specializing in bespoke software development, business process automation and AI. For almost 14 years, we've stood at the forefront of the software development industry. Our legacy is marked by adaptability, unwavering commitment to excellence, and a distinct expertise in ushering startups to success with their digital endeavors. Why Choose Leaware?: 🟢 Startup Advocates: Beyond established brands, Leaware has a profound commitment to aiding startups, understanding their distinct challenges and providing digital strategies to ensure their success. 🟢 Seasoned Innovators: Leaware's longstanding presence in software development showcases its consistency, adaptability, and innovative spirit. 🟢 Robust Client Portfolio: Leaware's collaborations span from global giants like Microsoft, SAP, and AXA to innovative startups and regional businesses, granting them a comprehensive perspective on diverse industry needs. 🟢 Upholding Excellence: Trusted by renowned brands, Leaware's dedication to quality, data security, and professional standards stands out in the industry. 🟢 Adaptable Expertise: Whether it's cutting-edge financial applications or user-friendly platforms, Leaware's expertise remains versatile and updated. 🟢 Global Insight with Local Sensibility: Leaware's vast global experiences are complemented by an intrinsic understanding of local cultures and regulations, making their solutions universally relevant. Services ⚫️ Mobile App Development 📱: Leaware crafts intuitive and efficient mobile apps tailored to user needs, ensuring seamless functionality across various devices and platforms. ⚫️ Web App Development 🌐: From interactive websites to intricate web applications, Leaware designs and develops digital solutions that engage users and drive results. ⚫️ Business Process Automation (BPA) 🤖: Streamline operations and boost productivity with Leaware's BPA solutions, turning repetitive tasks into automated processes. ⚫️ Team Extension/Developers Outsourcing 👩‍💻👨‍💻: Expand your team's capabilities on-demand with Leaware's expert developers, ensuring project goals are met efficiently and effectively. How does Leaware compares to the average software house? 🔵 1. Years of Experience: Leaware: With almost 14 years in the software development industry, Leaware has had the time to mature, refine processes, and build a robust portfolio. This kind of experience means a better understanding of both legacy systems and the latest technological trends. Average Software House: Many software houses may not have been in the market for as long. They might still be in the growth phase, learning from industry dynamics and establishing their brand. 🔵 2. Client Portfolio: Leaware: The diversity of clients, ranging from global giants like Microsoft, AXA, SAP to startups and regional enterprises, indicates versatility, adaptability, and a proven track record. Average Software House: While many software houses do boast a diverse clientele, few can claim experience working with such globally recognized names, especially in tandem with supporting startups. 🔵 3. Specialization in Startup Support: Leaware: Demonstrated expertise in assisting startups with their digital products gives Leaware an edge, showcasing not just technical prowess but also an understanding of startup dynamics, market entry strategies, and agile development suitable for budding enterprises. Average Software House: Not all software houses emphasize or have the experience in supporting startups. While many might offer software development services, the nuanced approach needed for startups might not be a core competency. 🔵 4. Range of Services: Leaware: With experience spanning across more than 20 industries, Leaware offers a comprehensive blend of services. The portfolio includes mobile and web app development, business process automation, and team extension. This broad spectrum of services not only showcases adaptability but also underscores readiness to cater to diverse client needs with a holistic approach. Average Software House: Many software houses offer a range of services, but they may lack the extensive industry experience that Leaware brings. Furthermore, not all provide specialized services like BPA or maintain a dedicated model for team extension. 🔵 5. Quality and Professional Standards: Leaware: Leaware's collaboration with globally recognized brands, coupled with their proven track record in aiding startups like Trooper in Belgium to significant success, speaks volumes about their stringent quality assurance and commitment to top-tier professional standards. Average Software House: While many maintain commendable quality standards, the depth of their processes might not always match. Few can claim the distinction of having both collaborated with major global brands and significantly influenced the success trajectories of startups.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €5000 for Cyber Security
  • Kapsloc


    (0 review)

    Kapsloc is an expert in high-complexity, customized IT engineering services.

    Kapsloc is a company of software engineers (ESN) who carry out all types of custom digital projects, such as : Web development (custom and three.js), APIs and software ; 3D visualization software , with expertise in AR and VR ; Cybersecurity audits and consulting ; Business intelligence tools. We work with the Defense (ProTech Sécurité), Energy (EDF - NPP Blaye), Premium Events (Disney US, Bassin des Lumières de Paris) and many others . Our aim is to provide complex, innovative IT development services. We also offer a 3D conception and animation services with our partner Scissors In The Plug , specialized in the production of video games and animated films . This collaboration enables us to set ourselves apart by providing highly interactive and customizable VR visualization applications with high graphics standards . If you have any questions about the realization of your project, we're here to help you design and realize it.
    6 works in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €500 for Cyber Security

    WEBEHA LABScertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    We Build Rockets

    Nous sommes bien plus qu'une simple agence digitale. Nous sommes votre partenaire dévoué, prêt à collaborer main dans la main pour concrétiser vos rêves et ambitions. Notre équipe d'experts, que nous aimons appeler nos "astronautes", est là pour propulser votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets. Nous croyons en la puissance de la créativité, de la technologie et de l'innovation pour façonner un avenir prospère pour votre entreprise. Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure vers l'excellence numérique. Webeha Labs se compose de trois laboratoires dédiés à l'excellence : • Le Laboratoire Créatif : Ici, nous donnons vie à des idées en les transformant en visuels percutants, tout en aidant les entreprises à définir leur identité pour attirer et fidéliser leurs utilisateurs et clients. • Le Laboratoire Technologie & Innovation : C'est ici que nous développons des projets révolutionnaires, que ce soit des applications mobiles innovantes ou des jeux vidéo captivants. • Le Laboratoire Expertise : Dans ce laboratoire, nous partageons la précieuse expérience de nos astronautes sous forme d'audits, de Cadrage et de consultations pour vous aider à atteindre de nouveaux sommets.
    1 work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €3000 for Cyber Security

    MPRO EXPERTcertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Elevate Your Digital World with Design Excellence

    At MPRO EXPERT, we turn your ideas into amazing digital creations. We love coming up with new and great things, and we're really good at making custom websites and modern designs that not only impress your viewers but also make your online presence better. Our creative and tech-savvy team works together to create solutions that show off your brand's special style and get good results. Try out our design and website skills to make your online presence even better.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Savana Solutions

    Savana Solutionscertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    An innovative IT solution company and pioneering in platforms like 'MyCleanCity'

    In de snel veranderende wereld van technologie staat Savana Solutions bekend als een innovatieve kracht van excellentie. Hun bekroonde team, met ervaring in zowel de overheid als het bedrijfsleven, brengt frisse perspectieven en innovatieve kracht. Gedreven door een passie voor open-source technologie verleggen ze voortdurend grenzen en creëren ze baanbrekende software. Hun aanpak is gebaseerd op flexibiliteit, toegankelijkheid en transparantie, met de overtuiging dat technologie voor iedereen toegankelijk moet zijn. Savana Solutions werkt samen met de overheid aan duurzame ICT-verbeteringen en overbrugt de digitale kloof. Hun toewijding aan excellentie en gegevensbeveiliging zorgt voor prestaties boven verwachting. Diversiteit en samenwerking zijn kernwaarden die hun succes definiëren. Savana leidt met transformerende oplossingen en biedt innovatie, vertrouwen en impact. Ontgrendel vandaag nog de mogelijkheden van technologie. _________________________________________________________________________________________ In the rapidly changing world of technology, Savana Solutions is known as an innovative force of excellence. Their award-winning team, with experience in both government and business, brings fresh perspectives and innovative power. Driven by a passion for open-source technology, they continually push boundaries and create groundbreaking software. Their approach is based on flexibility, accessibility, and transparency, with the belief that technology should be accessible to everyone. Savana Solutions collaborates with the government on sustainable ICT improvements and bridges the digital divide. Their commitment to excellence and data security ensures performance beyond expectations. Diversity and collaboration are core values that define their success. Savana leads with transformative solutions, offering innovation, trust, and impact. Unlock the possibilities of technology today.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Selebrands


    (0 review)

    The No.1 Digital Agency in the UAE!

    Selebrands is not just a business development agency, but a crafter of triumphant journeys in the world of business. As the UAE’s top-ranked Business Creation and Marketing Agency, we are dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and organizations to expand, excel, and adapt in the fiercely competitive contemporary marketplace. We offer a wide array of services that cover every aspect of your business progression, from its birth to achieving unparalleled market supremacy and even beyond. At Selebrands, we don’t simply shape businesses, we mold success narratives.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Soy Social

    Soy Socialverified-flag

    (1 review)

    ¡Lo que necesitas!

    Nacimos para ayudar a las empresas a mantener el paso con las nuevas tecnologías sin tener enormes gastos y sin sacrificar la calidad. Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes alcancen o sobrepasen los objetivos aunque se trata de aumentar las ventas, la cartera de clientes o los productos y/o servicios que presten. Nuestros diseñadores trabajaran para que su producto, servicio o página web sean atractivas para el cliente. Analizamos su estado actual, implementamos procesos para aumentar la visibilidad y seguiremos los cambios. Implementamos normas para aumentar la seguridad en las redes sociales, páginas web y otros medios de publicidad.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €50 for Cyber Security
  • EIS


    (1 review)
    Expert en technologie digitale, EIS réalise vos applications mobiles et vous garantit la meilleure expérience utilisateur possible. Afin d’améliorer votre rendement et ainsi être le plus efficace possible, nous mettons à votre disposition des conseils sur le choix d’outils technologiques ainsi que notre savoir-faire dans le développement de vos applications mobiles. Nous apportons notre expertise en sécurité pour vous garantir la solution finale la plus sécurisée.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Volcanic Minds

    Volcanic Mindsverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Smart. Fast. Efficient.

    Volcanic Minds is a digital experience company. We build amazing tailor-made IT products. Our mission is to support our partners in the development of a strong digital strategy and in the creation of innovative products. We stand by our clients to evolve the initial vision into a real strategy. Through passion and determination, our Digital Factory crafts, with precision and efficiency, the technological ecosystems that let the most ambitious ideas come true.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €10000 for Cyber Security
  • European Dynamics Brussels

    European Dynamics Brusselscertified-flag

    (0 review)

    "​{ engineer; innovate; excite; }"​

    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Anviam Solutions Private Limited is one of leading software development companies in India, USA provides custom solutions to its clients around the world. Call us for more Details.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security


    (0 review)
    Meet Your Trusted Team Of Cyber Security Experts | Protecting Society from Cyber Attacks | Security Design, Monitoring, Incident Response | Ethical Hacking & Cloud Security
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Creating better remote leadership. Helping leaders of remote high-growth companies by changing how they view performance and empower their remote team.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    From €1000 for Cyber Security
  • Academic privacy research centre producing innovative research on important questions of #AI, #DataProtection & #PrivacyLawAndPolicy based in VUB.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • EDPO


    (0 review)
    EDPO acts as your GDPR EU & UK Data Protection Representative. We help your business grow while protecting your customers in the EU & UK.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • Vallée Duhamel

    Vallée Duhamelcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Van Bael & Bellis is a leading independent law firm based in Brussels and London, with an office in Geneva exclusively dedicated to WTO matters.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • Cinstitute


    (0 review)
    INsig2 LawTech Europe Congress' mission is to create a cutting edge forum that addresses four core areas; digital evidence, forensic investigations, data analytics, and cyber security.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • Gremwell


    (0 review)
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • Cresco


    (0 review)
    Cresco provides cybersecurityservices to protect businesses from cyberattacks. Request a free security assessment now.
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • CyberAudit


    (0 review)
    CyberAudit provides low cost penetration testing in Spain and worldwide. Our Clients are largely located in Europe region, such as United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia and Malta. All our performed penetration testing is undertaken by a Certified Penetration Tester (Managing Director) having more than 14 years Cyber Security …
    No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security
  • No work in Cyber Security
    Active in Brussels
    No budget for Cyber Security

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