Unsere 100 Besten Daten-Consulting Agenturen - 2025 Bewertungen

Top Daten-Consulting Agenturen

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Top empfohlene Daten-Consulting Agenturen

Alle Daten-Consulting Unternehmen

  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Objekterkennung und -analyse Objekterkennung, Verfolgung und Erkennung seiner Attribute durch Analyse der Videoeingabe von einer Kamera.     Gesichts- und Bewegungsanalyse Erkennung von Körperhaltung und Körperbewegung aus Video und Extraktion von Daten wie aktuelle Aktivität, Bewegungsrichtung und Position verschiedener Körperteile.   Machine Vision Computer Vision Systeme für autonome Fahrzeuge und Industrie 4.0.   Bild- und Videoerzeugung Erzeugung und Einfügung visueller Daten in Originalbilder oder -videos.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 100.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Hamburg, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Deutsch
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Markethic is a marketing agency with clear goals in mind: accelerate and increase your sales by supporting you with business development activities, at the pre-sales level, better target your audience & reduce the sales cycle and partner recruitment ..., by using proven new & traditional marketing techniques. Markethic is specialised in the ICT-sector. Stay updated about our latest database enrichments and our new activities!
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Halle (Saale), Belgien
    Ab 10.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+3)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    My goal is simple: Using data analysis and business intelligence consulting, I want to help you get the best possible insights in order to maximise the success of your business.   Nowadays a lot of businesses, especially smaller ones, neglect the importance making the most of data. They either lack complete awareness on how to utilise their data, or are overwhelmed and intimated by it. However, not properly using ones data can and will eventually result in ineffective and inefficient processes, which can cost time, money and nerves. This is where A1Insights comes in. My job is to make sure businesses excel, by taking over the data part, while you focus on what you do and like best, your business A few examples of the services I currently offer: - Process optimisation, creation and management - KPI creation and reports - Dashboard creation - Data management If I have piqued your interest, feel free to contact me here or via mail @ ola.akinmade@a1insights.de
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    @Home in der Welt der Daten. Wir brennen 🔥 für UX, Data & Disruption. Warum? Because Data without context is useless.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Nürnberg, Deutschland
    Ab 5.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    When Data becomes Intelligence

    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Maastricht, Niederlande
    Ab 450 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+2)
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Datatellers progetta e sviluppa soluzioni sartoriali e innovative per creare valore sfruttando le tecnologie dell’industria 4.0
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Bozen, Italien
    Ab 50.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+2)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    We have our own way of doing things and being efficient. Some would call it a method or process, but we prefer to speak of symbiosis. Tenemos una manera de hacer las cosas, de lograr la eficiencia. Algunos lo llaman un método o proceso. Pero preferimos hablar de simbiosis.   1.Adaptation/ Adaptación  Analysis/ Análisis We define the environment in which a brand operates. We describe its various forms and branches. We determine its target public and set its current and future goals.   Definimos el entorno en el que opera una marca. Describimos sus diversas formas y ramas. Determinamos su público objetivo y fijamos sus metas actuales y futuras.   Strategy/ Estrategia Our strategic methodology specifies a preferential positioning for the brand. It establishes its territory and defines its product and service portfolio. Nuestra metodología estratégica especifica un posicionamiento preferencial para la marca. Establece su territorio y define su cartera de productos y servicios. 2. Creation/Creación   Verbal Identity /Identidad Verbal An essential part of the Baud process. We define a name and an unique, individual voice. Una parte esencial del proceso Baud. Ponemos nombre a las marcas y definimos su voz única e individual.  Visual Identity/ Identidad Visual We create a clear, memorable, distinctive image that embodies it. We design unique brand experiences. Creamos una imagen clara, memorable, distintiva. Diseñamos experiencias de marca únicas.  3.Movement/ Movimiento  Digital  We offer original, efficient, global solutions to satisfy the needs of brands in an oversaturated environment, with a range of strategic and analytical services focused on the creation and comprehensive integration of a solid brand identity.  Contribuimos al diseño de servicios que proyecten el valor de la marca de manera orgánica, creando soluciones globales para sus usuarios.   Packaging and Product/ Packaging y Producto We convert product experiences into something that is valuable and profitable for the brand, making those points of contact where the brand comes to life unique and memorable. Convierte experiencias de productos en algo que es valioso y rentable para la marca, haciendo que los puntos de contacto donde la marca viene a la vida única y memorable.   Experiencia y Entornos Retail   We design spaces of contact between brands and consumers, we create a spatial experience as a channel to transmit the values ​​of the brands we work for. Diseñamos espacios de contacto entre las marcas y los consumidores, creamos una experiencia espacial como canal para transmitir los valores de las marcas para las que trabajamos.
    2 Referenzen in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Madrid, Spanien
    Ab 8.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitete in Logistik & Supply Chain (+4)
    Spricht Spanisch, Deutsch(+2)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • 5
    (1 Bewertung*en)

    We craft digital experiences

    Top ausgezeichnet
    SQLI Digital Experience is a digital agency founded in 1999 with 50 people located in Ghent & Brussels and part of the international SQLI Group. We are specialized in social media content marketing, traffic, marketing automation, web & e-commerce. We work for brands such as Colruyt, Bent, Dreambaby, Nestlé, AG Insurance, Tissot, Vandemoortele, Cointreau & more...
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgien (+17)
    Budget auf Anfrage
    Arbeitete in Luxusgüter & Schmuck (+5)
    Spricht Französisch, Deutsch(+3)
    51-200 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Bonn, Deutschland
    Ab 5.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    At CodeRunners, we aim to build scalable and robust applications with the highest quality requirements in mind. We believe in lean and agile methodologies to reach cost-to-quality optimums. Project delivery is a byproduct of industry-leading process, fine-tuned to meet an ever-changing digital world, tailored to fit the needs of our customers. We take pride in the quality of our work, and are willing to over perform in order to achieve our common goals. Services Product management - We can build various web applications based on your needs. See what we offer and how we can help you! More information: https://www.code-runners.com/services/startup-product-development Data Visualization - We are experts at data visualization – in the browser, on mobile, even offline. With noteworthy data analytics background and track record, we cross-enrich data from a variety of sources to create a single source of truth. More: https://www.code-runners.com/technology/big-data-technologies Work Methodology Our development process is based on the agile methodology & we rely on SCRUM for the software delivery & project management area. We are in continuous contact with our clients & split the project functionality in small increments which are then tracked & delivered on time and with the expected quality. Why us? Cross-Plattform know-how and expertise in web development. Deep understanding of your industry, business model and requirements. Years of experience with international customers. Flexible way of working – Flat rate per Project/Feature or Time & Material. Multi-language project management and projects in 40+ countries.
    3 Referenzen in Daten-Consulting
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitete in Bau (+2)
    Spricht Englisch, Bulgarisch(+1)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Wir haben seit 2005 weltweit Tausende von Projekten erstellt und kreative Lösungen für Startups, Unternehmen, Institutionen, Freiberufler, Selbstständige und Geschäftsleute entwickelt. Unsere Philosophie ist es, immer ergebnisorientierte, professionelle Arbeit zu liefern, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und den Bedürfnissen Ihrer Kunden gerecht wird. Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, alles anzubieten, was mit Kreativität zusammenhängt. Unsere hochqualifizierten Fachleute bringen unvergleichlichen Wert in alle Projekte ein, die wir für unsere vielfältige Klientel bearbeiten. Expertise: Unser interdisziplinäres Designstudio betrachtet sich als visuelles und konzeptionelles Genie für Kunden, die sich ständigem Wandel stellen und sich weiterentwickeln möchten. Datensicherheit: Vertrauliche und sensible Informationen, die Sie mit uns teilen, werden optimal geschützt und niemals an Mitbewerber weitergegeben. Zuverlässig: Als kundenorientiertes Unternehmen stellen wir sicher, auch ihren anspruchsvollsten und einzigartigen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. --- We creating thousands of projects Since 2005 Worldwide, and producing creative solutions for startups business, companies, institutions, freelancers, self-employed and Businessmen. Our philosophy is to always deliver results-oriented, professional work that meets your needs and the needs of your customers. We specialize in offering everything related to creativity. Our highly skilled professionals bring unequaled values to all the projects we handle for our diverse clientele. Expertise: Our interdisciplinary design studio sees itself as a visual and conceptual mastermind for clients who want to face constant change and develop themselves further. Data Security: Confidential and sensitive information shared by you with us are optimally safeguarded and never disclosed to competitors. Reliable: As a client-centric company, we ensure to meet even their most strenuous and unique requirements.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Hamburg, Deutschland
    Budget auf Anfrage
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Arabisch(+1)
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Mindy Support is a trusted outsourcing partner for several Fortune 500 and GAFAM companies, and busy start-ups worldwide. It is one of the largest BPO service providers in Europe, with 2,000 employees in 6 offices throughout Ukraine. We build effective teams that specialize in: Data annotation & data collection Customer support services  Back-office support  Sales and marketing assistance We empower companies all over the world by providing cost-efficient outsourcing with no compromise on quality. Our agents are proficient in 15+ languages.   Why Choose Mindy Support? Expertise and High Quality We get it done with the highest quality benchmarks while rapidly scaling up. During our 8 years of experience, we successfully realized over 600 projects. Robust Security Mindy Support is compliant with the highest levels of data security (we are GDPR, CCPA & HIPAA compliant; obtain ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certificates; are currently in the process of getting SOC 2 Attestation). The safety and security of your data are given the utmost importance which is why our employees work in monitored and secured offices in addition to NDA and Data Protection Agreements. Liability We’ve been a trusted partner to companies including GAFAM, world-known brands, international education institutions, and government organizations. From 2013 till today, we've been able to grow from 30 to 2000 employees, increasing our revenue by 97 times, and sustaining our 80% customer retention rate. Some of our partnerships have lasted for 6 years already. Professional Management Our approach is based on effective management, rapid & efficient recruitment, organized KPI, and motivational systems. Each project is managed by a dedicated Project Manager, the main contact person who provides oversight functions.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Zypern, Zypern
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+4)
    1001-5000 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Social media ads and email marketing for Ecommerce website ☑️Facebook, Google, YouTube ads | Request free audit ☑️TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat ads agency
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+2)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    fabricated life - 3d / digital image creation   you imagine it we bring it to life   Together with a big community of 3d artists, we develop digital 3d imagery for advertising, media, architecture & product visualisation. We live in a connected world, and that’s an awesome thing. We believe in the power of a network, to gather professional creators & builders in an online community. To help you create outstanding work, we connect you with the perfect artist for your project. Our teams are gathered on demand and dissolve after completion. We developed an international crew that works totally online, scattered over the world to develop digital imagery together. It does not matter who you are, just that you love one thing: to create. We look forward to making new worlds with you.   Our Process inquiry When we receive your project inquiry, we’ll set up a meeting to align goals and understand your vision. Based on this, we’ll develop an estimate which includes the artist selection and timeline.     artist selection After the first meeting, we’ll suggest artists who match your needs. We always try to find three artists to present to you, with different experience and pricing levels. You are the one picking the artists, our team will guide you to find your perfect match.   concept development Here we’ll hash out the rough idea, the need to create something, for a certain purpose. It can be conceptual, it can be for advertising, or simply for beauty. If need be, your artist will help you develop the concept further.   concept sketch The creation of a rough sketch, to match up ideas. What’s the perspective? What elements are inside the image, where are they placed?   visual artist Your artist creates an image based on the concept sketch, this time with details, lights, colours & detail. There are two revision rounds to improve the work to your taste.     export & delivery Based on your needs, the amount of imagery, sizes and versions will be delivered.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Berlin, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitete in Medien (+1)
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    Step up your cloud game!

    Nebula Cloud Solutions provides software development expertise and cloud consulting to companies looking to ensure security, increase scalability and reduce costs. Opting for Nebula Cloud Consulting allows us to analyze your current systems and requirements, and based on the results, we will help you find the most efficient cloud-based solutions. We're here to help you succeed with scalable, innovative, and competitive tech solutions. Whether you need a fully managed delivery team or individual software engineers, we specialize in delivering tailor-made solutions from start to finish. Here's what we offer: End-to-end software development, POC/MVP development, a dedicated development team, and Legacy software modernization. Our developers are available in European and American time zones and are fluent in all Slavic Balkan Languages, as well as in English and German.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Skopje, Mazedonien (EJRM)
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    Damit was sinnvolles draus wird.

    yes!devs ist ein international tätiges Softwareunternehmen mit Sitz in Hamburg. Unser Angebot umfasst sämtliche Bereiche moderner Softwareentwicklung: von Beratung und Konzeption über die technische Realisierung bis hin zum sicheren und skalierbaren Betrieb. Mit digitaler Expertise, agilen Prozessen und maßgeschneiderten Produkten lösen wir komplexe technische Herausforderungen.Wir machen dein Unternehmen bereit für die digitale Zukunft. Damit du nicht nur Schritt hältst, sondern vorausgehst.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Hamburg, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    Custom software development, Project staffing, Javascript development, Vue, React, Nodejs

    We develop bespoke software solutions for IT startups, printing service providers, software product companies and data-sensitive businesses worldwide.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Gloucestershire, Vereinigtes Königreich
    Ab 10.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+4)
    51-200 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    Change Marketing: Online campagnes die aanzetten tot verandering

    Hi! Wij zijn Sipr, een Utrechts team van specialisten op het gebied van digital marketing. We staan sterk op het gebied van online campagnes, contentproductie, social media, advertising en strategie. Met ons werk ondersteunen we zowel grote als kleine bedrijven en organisaties, vooral in de maatschappelijke of duurzame hoek. Als het klikt, helpen we jou groeien met de beste online marketing die we in huis hebben! Onze diensten Van het grote concept op papier tot de kleine puntjes van de uitvoering. We ontwerpen en runnen online campagnes die niet alleen jou verder helpen, maar ook waardevol zijn voor je doelgroep. Zo zorgen we dat jouw verhaal klikt met de mensen die belangrijk voor je zijn. We verzorgen onder andere: Strategieën Contentcreatie Contentmarketing Digitale campagnes Advertising Analyses Of we serieus zijn? Zeker. Maar ook met een vleugje humor. Altijd fris, eigenzinnig en vol kleur staan we voor onze klanten klaar. Kan je onze expertise goed gebruiken? Laat het ons dan weten.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Utrecht, Niederlande
    Budget auf Anfrage
    Arbeitete in Reise & Freizeit (+3)
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    We build digital products and services that help drive your business ahead of the competition.

    Not just software or product development, we deliver strategic solutions for your business objectives. From Enterprise Solutions, Product Development, to Project Rescue. We partner with you to design, develop, and deliver product and services that help you meet your business needs.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Sydney, Australien
    Ab 10.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    Custom Software & IT Services with Vision / Transforming Ideas into Digital Solutions

    Semantic Applications GmbH & Co. KG is a dynamic IT services and software development company specializing in the semantic web. Founded in Germany in 2011 and expanding to Croatia in 2017, we focus on delivering high-quality, visionary solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Our expertise spans multiple industries, including financial-industrial engineering, transportation, medical, and pharmaceutical sectors. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction, consistently meeting the challenges and demands of our diverse clientele. Our Mission: To provide innovative and high-quality IT solutions that meet and exceed the expectations of our clients, leveraging our expertise in the semantic web and software development. Our Vision: To be a leading provider of cutting-edge IT services and software products, recognized for our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction
    4 Referenzen in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Fulda, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitete in Software & Computerservice (+5)
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    securing the future.

    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Nürnberg, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Your Bespoke Development Company SoftwareHut offers tailor-made solutions for start-ups, agencies and enterprises. We combine the practical know-how of software development with IT project management skills.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Białystok, Polen
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+5)
    201-500 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    As a Kubernetes Partner and certified service provider, Altoros helps Global 2000 and Fortune 500 companies to deliver easily scalable and upgradable apps. We offer consulting, training, and end-to-end solution development to support Kubernetes adoption across industries. What we do Our services range from assistance with selecting the most optimal technology stack, to developing complex solutions, and integration and migration of legacy systems. Main areas of expertise Cloud-native development (microservices, containers, PaaS) Custom Software and Product Development Technology Consulting Maintenance and Support Kubernetes Services
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Pleasanton, USA
    Ab 10.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    201-500 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    Your Trusted Software Provider

    Dreamix is a Europe-based IT services provider. Founded in 2006, we have a long history of developing and accelerating strategic software solutions for leading companies in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. We provide custom software development and IT consultancy services that cover the full software development lifecycle- from design to delivery and continued support.
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Sofia, Bulgarien
    Budget auf Anfrage
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Bulgarisch(+1)
    201-500 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Vertriebsagentur, Online-Marketing in Düsseldorf & München. Wir liefern Unternehmenserfolg ✅ Rufen Sie uns jetzt an 0211 960 828 0 ☎️
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Düsseldorf, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • 5
    (1 Bewertung*en)
    Beat COVID-19 setbacks with clever automation. Tur.ai   is an Enterprise  Automation as a Service (AaaS)  platform enabling business users to  automate complex company processes  at scale in one common user interface with highly advanced  Machine Learning  and  Computer Vision  capabilities.
    5 Referenzen in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Amsterdam, Niederlande
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitete in Wein & Spirituosen (+4)
    Spricht Englisch, Afrikaans(+7)
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    We are an IT brokerage operating in Dubai providing Website, Mobile App, Cloud Development and Digital Marketing to digitally transform ideas
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Chinesisch(+4)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • 5
    (6 Bewertungen)

    Shopify Experts certified by Shopify 🎖

    We are certified Shopify Experts who help brands build and optimize their Shopify and Shopify Plus websites. We offer our expertise in eCommerce development, UX/UI design, and conversion rate optimization. Book Meeting 📅 https://thails.com/book-free-call/
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Amsterdam, Niederlande
    Budget auf Anfrage
    Arbeitete in E-Commerce (+6)
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+5)
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    201-500 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Where agencies provide a wide range of services, DMI pride itself on offering dedicated marketing automation, and only marketing automation. Our single focus allows us to commit our specialized expertise in achieving your success. Not bound by a specific software tool provider, DMI is the party with the know-how to independently advise you on the technology best suited for your needs. Using your tool, we make automation work for you. Believing marketing automation is more than lead generation, newsletters and birthday mails, we assist you in optimizing your investment. Connect to many but engage individuals. PROJECTS Your first step is to define your strategy based on data analytics. Based on this strategy we can give you independent advice to find the right tool for your company. Once your license is open we can start the implementation of the software with focus on quick wins. TRAINING & EDUCATION New people in your team? Want to bring your team to a higher level? Want them to master an advanced feature of your marketing automation tool, need to organise a basic training or just a brush up of their skills? DMI provides personalised training programs fitting your specific needs on your own software instance, ensuring the best results. TECHNOLOGY PARTNER More than 5000 software vendors claim to be in the ‘Marketing Automation’ business. Marketing automation tools are as diverse as means of transportation, from bikes to cars, from airplanes to star destroyers. Likewise, distinct types of marketing automation tools can be differentiated: e-mail automation, lead automation and engagement automation. DMI is your guide! Some of the tools we support include Seligent MC, Adobe ES, Marketo, Watson MC, Salesforce MC, Salesforce Pardot, Hubspot, Eloqua, ... and Mailchimp, Flexmail. Largest marketing automation developers team in the Benelux.  INTEGRATIONS DMI connects your Marketing Automation tool with your CRM, back-office, data warehouse, DMP, website, ERP, webshop, Customer service software, PIM, DAM, social media, custom systems & apps. Make all your relevant data available at a glance for marketing use and share marketing results and insights with your sales and every other department. OUTSORCING It is not easy to right-source your marketing department. Our flexible, fully-trained developers and consultants can easily fill the gaps due to vacancies, holidays, absences or seasonal peaks.  Prefer to outsource instead? We take care of all your campaigns, from building to execution and reporting. Learn more at https://www.dmibelgium.be
    2 Referenzen in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Gent, Belgien
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitete in Einzelhandel (+1)
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+3)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • 5
    (1 Bewertung*en)

    Avec Back to business rencontrer vos futurs clients n'a jamais été aussi simple !

    Back to Business est une agence accélératrice de croissance en vous aidant à rencontrer vos futurs clients ! Découvrez des formations et des accompagnements qualifiés qui vous permettrons de développer vos compétences. Back to Business détient aussi sa propre plateforme d'acquisition multicanale qui a su faire ses preuves auprès de nos partenaires ! Ce n'est pas tout Back to Business vous accompagne aussi dans vos souhaite de vous développer à l'international avec un plan d'attaque personnalisé et encadré par notre équipe multilingue N'attendez plus contactez nous pour en savoir plus et faire parti d'une aventure humaine et performante !
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Hirtzbach, Frankreich
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+2)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Hamburg, Deutschland
    Ab 1.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch(+1)
    11-50 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)
    Offen für Projekte in in Daten-Consulting
    Standort Berlin, Deutschland
    Ab 10.000 € für Daten-Consulting
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch