Yellow Bike Media, LLC, San Diego | Sortlist
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Yellow Bike Media, LLC

San Diego, USA
Yellow Bike Media is the number one source in convention outdoor advertising services in San Diego, CA. We work closely with marketing agencies, meeting planners, convention organizers, and exhibitors by offering creative and Eco-friendly advertising campaigns through the use of our pedicab, segway, promo bike display, and walking billboard media. We are specializing exclusively in promoting and advertising products or services of San Diego Convention Center Exhibitors in a unique, fresh and innovation approach. Our client portfolio and successful campaign management skills make us leader in our industry. We handle everything from print production and installation to executing the campaigns. Our outdoor media travels on the streets and some sidewalks, and can gain access to areas where larger vehicles would be prohibited. This allows brands to bring their message closer to crowds at sporting events, conventions, trade shows, concerts and entertainment festivals. PEDICAB MEDIA: Great ‘green’ advertising solution! These exciting and fresh human-powered pedicab billboards carry advertisements that offer a large impact at street level. You could think of our pedicab fleet as slow moving, eye-level billboards, which provide sustainable green transportation in high traffic areas in San Diego Downtown. Along with 45-80 square feet of brandable space per unit, each one of Yellow Bike Media pedicabs come with a friendly, experienced, and safe driver that can be hired to deliver your branding message directly to the consumer. In addition to the displays themselves, the drivers can act as brand ambassadors, wearing branded attire and distributing promotional materials. We offer the opportunity for you to sponsor rides for your target audience, offering transportation to and from the Convention Center free of charge to attendees on your behalf.
Spricht Englisch
Gegründet 2006
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    Outdoor Advertising

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  • Headquarter205 16th Street, San Diego, CA, 92101, US