Talent Place
3 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Talent Place
Beschreibung E-commerceSkills in E-Commerce (3) Electronic commerceLogistics Services3D Printing
Erfahren Sie mehr über E-CommerceBeschreibung AdvertisingSkills in Werbung (4) Recruitment MarketingCommunication and AdvertisingStaffingRecruiting
Erfahren Sie mehr über WerbungBeschreibung Data ConsultingSkills in Datenberatung (2) HR Outsourcing ServicesFinancial Consulting
Erfahren Sie mehr über Datenberatung
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1 Bewertungen für Talent Place
Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?I needed the services of Talent Place agency because I wanted a fast and effective recruitment process that would simultaneously ensure that candidates were matched to the specifics of our organization. Their social recruiting model, based on a network of professional recruiters, allows us to reach a wide range of talented professionals who are difficult to find on traditional job boards.
Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Thanks to their support, we were able not only to save time, but also to increase the efficiency of our recruitment efforts by attracting employees who fit perfectly into our organizational culture.
Piotr Pawłowski empfiehlt diese Agentur
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