Spinakr Solutions, LLC, Dallas | Sortlist
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Spinakr Solutions, LLC

Dallas, USA
Helping companies navigate the turbulent waters of Marketing, Branding and Technology.
Spinakr Solutions is a solutions-oriented management consulting firm. With a mission to make a positive difference in the lives of many, our crew works hard to produce results that can be seen by our customers, our partners, and our employees. We specialize in bridging the gap between marketing and technology teams to create the most innovative solutions that keep business sailing forward. Our proven methodologies, products, and business consulting services bring marketing, sales, and technology teams together. Our core business is to create business solutions using the latest in modern applications, development, and integrated delivery strategies. What makes us different is that with every engagement we bring marketing strategy, design, creative, branding, technology development, and user adoption strategies to every engagement. We believe that by bringing marketing, branding, and technology together, strategic initiatives have a much better chance of success.
4 Personen im Team
Spricht Englisch
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2024
Gegründet 2009
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2 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Spinakr Solutions, LLC



  • Beschreibung
    Digital Strategy
    Skills in Digitale Strategie (1)
    Digital Consulting

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale Strategie

  • Beschreibung
    Branding & Positioning
    Skills in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1)
    Brand Strategy

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Markenbildung & Positionierung

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4 Mitglieder in Spinakr Solutions, LLC's Team

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  • Headquarter603 Munger Ave, Dallas, Texas, 75202, US