MobileCoderz Technologies (+ 6 Bewertungen) | Sortlist
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MobileCoderz Technologies

MobileCoderz has established itself as the first choice of small and medium size Business in the mobility space within a short span of time. We have a young & talented team of mobile strategists, UX/UI designers, and App Developers. We have a client base that spreads across emerging startups to small & medium size Business across the globe. MobileCoderz has helped in the development of World Class mobile apps for 50+ clients, collaborating with its team of 30+ nerds. Our Services => Android App Development => iOS App Development => IoT App Development => Wearable App Development => Progressive Web App Development => Mean Stack Development => LAMP Development => iBeacon App Development
50 Personen im Team
Spricht Englisch
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2018
Gegründet 2017


3 Dienstleistungen angeboten von MobileCoderz Technologies



  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Mobile App (2)
    iOS App DevelopmentWearable App Development
    Bewertungen in Mobile App (5)
    Kenneth Mize
    Akhil Grover
    Josephine Baker

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Mobile App

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webanwendung

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Webseitengestaltung (1)
    Progressive Web App

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webseitengestaltung

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50 Mitglieder in MobileCoderz Technologies's Team

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6 Bewertungen für MobileCoderz Technologies

(6 Bewertungen)
Kenneth MizeBusiness Development Manager bei Trips n tales
DienstleistungMobile App
SektorReise & Freizeit
Team51 - 200

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?MobileCoderz assisted in making our Application, and now they're creating a special mobile app for our business. We're happy with how professional they are and the quality of their work. The Application they made is fantastic, and the progress on the mobile app is looking good too.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?They're quick to respond, and they're always willing to do more to bring our ideas to life.

Kenneth Mize empfiehlt diese Agentur

DienstleistungMobile App
SektorReise & Freizeit
Team51 - 200

HimeshBusiness Development Manager bei IHH Healthcare
DienstleistungMobile App
SektorKrankenhäuser & Gesundheitswesen
Team51 - 200

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?As we were hoping for an expansion on the web with a custom-built website, we looked for a tech partner. MobileCoderz offered their services and designed and developed an excellent website for us. They met all of our expectations with a unique design and features. Their team developed our website with WordPress which turned out to be a great choice. The website is easy to manage because of the user-centric WordPress interface.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Their project handling was smooth and friendly that made us feel at home. We could express our ideas and provide inputs for betterment. It was a delightful collaboration with their team.

Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?There is nothing specific to indicate a major improvement, so it’s nothing from our end.

Himesh empfiehlt diese Agentur

DienstleistungMobile App
SektorKrankenhäuser & Gesundheitswesen
Team51 - 200

Yash AhujaSenior Global Manager bei Global Tree
Team51 - 200

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?MobileCoderz helped us design and develop our website and now they are working on a custom mobile app for our business. We are pleased with their professionalism and quality of work. The website they have built is amazing. The work on the mobile app is also going well.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Their team is responsive and always ready to go the extra mile to implement our dreams.

Yash Ahuja empfiehlt diese Agentur

Team51 - 200

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