Swartwerk Media Design, Inc., Chicago | Sortlist
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Swartwerk Media Design, Inc.

Chicago, United States
Custom Website Development + Website Consulting
Custom Database Development For nearly two decades, we have specialized in PHP and MySQL development, which we’ve used to build custom database-driven solutions for hundreds of clients. We help businesses that don’t have the budget for large-scale enterprise software, yet find that third-party software is not adaptable enough for their specific industry objectives. We have a history of successfully launching handcrafted database solutions that meet targeted business needs. Custom WordPress Themes Since WordPress made its debut in 2003, Swartwerk Media Design has worked with this publishing platform on a variety of levels. Early on, we produced personalized blogs for clients. As WordPress expanded into a broader content platform, we began to use it to build custom themes and content management systems (CMS) for clients. Today, we continue to provide all of these services, plus we use WordPress to engineer full-blown applications. Customized Shopping Carts Swartwerk Media Design has hand-built a number of custom online shopping carts for clients from the ground up using PHP & MySQL. Swartwerk Media Design choose to start working with X-Cart when it entered the market because of its feature rich foundation and flexibility. We deliver customized implementations of this e-commerce platform with design that matches your brand with enhanced custom features tailored to your business needs. Swartwerk Media Design specializes in custom WordPress themes, custom database solutions and customized shopping carts. We collaborate with every client, listening closely to create flexible and usable online solutions for each client's needs. We care deeply about the quality of our work. We code everything by hand. As a result, our websites load quicker, are more stable, cross-browser compatible, and offer better backward compatibility. We look at every project from a strategic point of view, from design and coding, to search engine optimization, to the marketing and promotion of a site after it launches.
3 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2003
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1 service offered by Swartwerk Media Design, Inc.

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    Web Application
    Skills in Web Application (1)
    CMS Development

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3 members in Swartwerk Media Design, Inc.'s team

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Contact details of Swartwerk Media Design, Inc.



  • Headquarter4535 North Magnolia, Chicago, IL, 60640, US