Squarefish est un studio de motion design et d’animation avec déjà plus de 10 années d’expérience dans l’audiovisuel, et des bureaux à Bruxelles et Paris. Il y a deux sections en activité, motion et production. En motion, nous développons des films de communication avec des clients internationaux, dont des agences de communication, des ONG, des startups ou des instances Européennes comme le Parlement ou la Commission. En production, nous avons deux facettes : prestataire et producteur. En tant que prestataires, nous sommes actifs autant en 2d qu’en 3d, sur du long métrage ou de la série d’animation. Nous sommes aussi spécialisés en documentaires, pour de la post-production, de l’habillage, des génériques ou encore des séquences animées. En tant que producteurs, nous développons plusieurs projets de courts métrages ou séries avec comme focus plutôt une cible ado/adulte, bien que plusieurs projets « kids » (8-10 ans) soient actuellement en développement . Nous montons aussi des co-productions, et nous sommes évidemment éligible Tax Shelter (incitant fiscal belge), mais nous pouvons tout aussi bien lever des budgets grâce à cet outil exclusif en Belgique.
10 people in their team
Speaks English, French
23 projects in their portfolio2 collaborations started on Sortlist
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2018
Founded in 2011
2 awards conferredNo review yetBe the first to write one
10 services offered by Squarefish
Description Squarefish can swim in any environment, and he swims pretty fast ! Our team responds quickly to the client's needs and can adapt to his new ideas during the process thanks to our flexible solutions. our clients say we are available people and good listeners.
Our talented people create from the concept art to the sound design, so that you have nothing to worry about. You ask for a film and you get it, it's as simple as that. For you, we will focus on storytelling: the key for a message to be received is to convey it through a story. Lucky you are, because all the videos we create are crafted like movies. We design characters who bring empathy and carry your message through the world of animated images.Skills in Motion Design (19) Animations 2D3D AnimationMotion DesignSocial Video ProductionStorytellingCorporate VideoAnimated VideoMotion GraphicsPromotional VideoVideo Marketing+9Works in Motion Design (22) Clients in Motion Design (22) HumundiNon-profitBiovisionNon-profitAgoriaSoftware & Computer ServicesPartenamutInsurance | national
Learn more about Motion DesignDescription Have a look at what we did so far, and keep in mind that some projects are still confidential ;) https://squarefish.eu/productions/Skills in Video Production (8) Voice OverAnimated Video2D AnimationVideo animationCharacter AnimationPost ProductionGraphic Design and 3D AnimationAudiovisual ProductionWorks in Video Production (10) Clients in Video Production (10) POLIS networkGovernment & AdministrationSwitch asblNon-profitFederation Wallonie BruxellesGovernment & Administrationgreenovate!Non-profit
Learn more about Video ProductionDescription 3D animation, CGI and packshots for your movies, clips and advertisment.Skills in 3D (7) Video animationSocial Media ContentVideo Advertising3D AnimationPackshotCorporate VideoAnimated VideoWorks in 3D (3) Clients in 3D (3) International Alliance of Dietary / Food Supplement AssociationsHospitals & HealthcareSouriez.beHospitals & HealthcarePatrenamutInsurance
Learn more about 3DDescription Film creations ranging from text over footage to more complex character animations, in 16:9, 9:16 or 1:1 formats.Skills in Social Media (1) Video MarketingWorks in Social Media (4) Clients in Social Media (4) BiodiversaNon-profit | internationalPOLIS networkGovernment & AdministrationFederation Wallonie BruxellesGovernment & AdministrationSwitch asbl/Entraides et fraternitéNon-profit
Learn more about Social MediaDescription Creation of vector illustrations, infographics. Possibility of using the same illustrations for the creation of a film and still images (print, web) in order to maintain visual consistency.Skills in Graphic Design (6) 2D DesignConceptual DesignCorporate DesignCreative Design2D AnimationIllustrationWorks in Graphic Design (11) Clients in Graphic Design (11) AgoriaSoftware & Computer ServicesFederation Wallonie BruxellesGovernment & Administrationgreenovate!Non-profitSwitch asbl/Entraides et fraternitéNon-profit
Learn more about Graphic DesignDescription Adaptation of the film's graphic style based on your existing graphic charter, or creation of a graphic charter specific to the film that can also be applied to other related media.Skills in Graphic Identity (4) Video EditingSpecial Effects (SFX)Logo Motion DesignMotion GraphicWorks in Graphic Identity (10) Clients in Graphic Identity (10) SMART/Le Grow studioHuman ResourcesPatrenamutInsuranceFederation Wallonie BruxellesGovernment & Administrationgreenovate!Non-profit
Learn more about Graphic IdentityDescription Creation of an impactful visual concept and its animation, or on the basis of a brief provided by the client.Skills in Advertising (4) Creative ConceptGraphic AdvertisingGraphic Design AdvertisingSocial AdvertisingWorks in Advertising (3) Clients in Advertising (3) International Alliance of Dietary / Food Supplement AssociationsHospitals & HealthcareDroits des Enfants InternationalNon-profitPatrenamutInsurance
Learn more about AdvertisingDescription With the help of a copywriter, we can help you write or finalise your motion design video script, while respecting certain guidelines such as the tone and length of the film.Skills in Copywriting (2) Script WritingStoryboard WritingWorks in Copywriting (3) Clients in Copywriting (3) Federation Wallonie BruxellesGovernment & AdministrationBiovisionNon-profitAgoriaSoftware & Computer Services
Learn more about CopywritingDescription We adapt to your requirements when creating a film -> the tone of a corporate film, both in terms of the voice and the graphic aspect, will be taken into account after discussion with you in order to clearly define what suits you and represents you.Skills in Corporate Communication (5) Clip Motion DesignMotion Graphic DesignMotion GraphicsIllustrationStoryboard WritingWorks in Corporate Communication (3) Clients in Corporate Communication (3) POLIS networkGovernment & AdministrationSMART/Le Grow studioHuman ResourcesAgoriaSoftware & Computer Services
Learn more about Corporate CommunicationDescription No description provided for this service.
Works in Innovation (3) Clients in Innovation (3) BiovisionNon-profitgreenovate!Non-profitPOLIS networkGovernment & Administration
Learn more about Innovation
10 members in Squarefish's team
StoryWe are an animation studio based in Brussels, with a roster of exciting clients including
communication agencies, institutions and production companies both in Belgium and abroad. For more than 12 years, we are specialists in 2D/3D audiovisual production and motion design for cinema, television, and social media.
Squarefish was awarded 2 times
Deauville Green Award2018-5-31
Corporate Image Non-Profit2016-4-30
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Contact details of Squarefish
- HeadquarterRue du Choeur 47, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Belgium
- 31 Rue des Cailloux, 92110 Clichy, France
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