Overtake Digital, Chicago | Sortlist
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Overtake Digital

Chicago, United States
Fully Human Driven Digital Marketing
At Overtake, we strive for and provide transparently shared gains, successes, and wins via our approach, philosophy, & digital marketing solutions. Don’t get us wrong, we play just as hard as we work! Culture is everything & we love our culture! Our name, Overtake Digital says it all. Whether you & your organization are new to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media, & Reputation Management, or if you and your organization have been practicing these solutions for lengths of time. Overtake provides solutions for all sizes of organizations, with all different goals & challenges. We view our relationships with our clients as partners. And together we “catch up with and pass / exceed while traveling in the same direction” (together). Overtake Digital was established by three automotive & marketing veterans with midwest roots who have witnessed & vowed to dismantle​ the theory of successful programmatic solutions & standards of opaque or vague reporting that have created more gaps & questions than successes within a number of different industries especially automotive. With a start-up / dot-com like culture, hands-on approach, a partnership philosophy, & industry cutting edge solutions backed with up-to-date data, tech & insights, it's easy to see why Overtake Digital is the newest & most sought after digital marketing partner available. See what working together can do for you!
4 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2017
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1 service offered by Overtake Digital

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  • Description
    Online Advertising
    Skills in Online Advertising (1)
    Youtube Advertising

    Learn more about Online Advertising

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4 members in Overtake Digital's team

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Contact details of Overtake Digital



  • Headquarter30 S Shumway Ave, Batavia, Illinois, 60510, US