Manaweb, Varennes | Sortlist
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Varennes, Canada
Solutions Simples, Créatives & Flexibles.
Depuis 2012, ManaWeb tient ses promesses et répond aux besoins spécifiques de chaque client. Notre équipe dévouée est toujours disponible pour offrir des solutions web sur mesure, garantissant ainsi votre satisfaction. Manaweb propose une gamme de services complémentaires destinés aux entreprises et à leurs projets. ▶️ Développement web ▶️ Création de boutique en ligne ▶️ Création de site corporatif ▶️ Conception d'image de marque ▶️ Création de contenu ▶️ Publicité digitale Nous transformons votre vision en réalités web captivantes. Nos designers excellent dans la création d'impressions mémorables, essentielles pour attirer et retenir vos clients. Nous sommes reconnus pour dépasser les attentes et ajouter ce petit plus qui fait la différence. Passionnés d'innovation et d'excellence, notre équipe utilise les dernières technologies pour offrir une expérience utilisateur (UI/UX) exceptionnelle, rendant chaque interaction fluide et agréable.
10 people in their team
Speaks English, French
1 project in their portfolio
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2024
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5 services offered by Manaweb

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  • Description
    ManaWeb offers comprehensive e-commerce development services tailored to businesses of all sizes, focusing on creating attractive, functional, and user-friendly online stores.


    Consultation: Understanding client goals and business specifications.
    Design & Development: Customizing e-commerce platforms (Magento, Statamic Ecommerce) to meet specific needs.
    Optimization: Implementing SEO, marketing automation, and integrated marketing tools.
    Management: Providing a user-friendly dashboard for inventory, orders, and sales management.

    Your Expectations:

    -Tailored, scalable e-commerce solutions.
    -Advanced features for inventory and marketing management.
    -Ongoing support and consultation to achieve e-commerce goals.
    Skills in E-commerce (8)
    EcommerceDropshippingEcommerce Web DevelopmentMagento EcommercePaypal IntegrationeCommerce ConsultingeCommerce DevelopmentEcommerce Solutions

    Learn more about E-commerce

  • Description
    Manaweb offers self-manageable websites and web applications designed for businesses to easily control their online presence. These solutions provide autonomy, allowing clients to update content without relying on third parties.

    Manaweb combines bespoke design with optimal user experience, creating visually appealing and easy-to-navigate websites. They use a user-friendly dashboard for efficient site management, incorporating SEO-friendly infrastructure to boost visibility.

    Your Expectations
    Clients can expect tailored solutions that reflect their brand identity, seamless user experiences, and autonomy in content management. Additionally, Manaweb provides ongoing support and utilizes advanced technologies for scalable and customizable web solutions.
    Skills in Website Creation (20)
    Web DesignWebsite DevelopmentShowcase WebsiteResponsive Web DesignLanding Page DesignMagento Web DevelopmentEcommerce Website DesignSmall Business Web DesignCustom WebsiteWebsite Optimization+10
    Work in Website Creation (1)
    Création du site complet - Website Creation
    Client in Website Creation (1)
    CONSTRUCTION BROCCOLINI INC.Construction | national

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Graphic Design (1)
    Création du site complet - Graphic Design
    Client in Graphic Design (1)
    CONSTRUCTION BROCCOLINI INC.Construction | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (1)
    Création du site complet - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Client in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (1)
    CONSTRUCTION BROCCOLINI INC.Construction | national

    Learn more about Ergonomy (UX/UI)

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Web Application (1)
    Création du site complet - Web Application
    Client in Web Application (1)
    CONSTRUCTION BROCCOLINI INC.Construction | national

    Learn more about Web Application

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10 members in Manaweb's team

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Manaweb was awarded 0 times


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Contact details of Manaweb


  • Headquarter2099 Rue Charbonneau, Varennes, QC, Canada