gp generate
A family of media specialists
“Smart advertising campaigns begin with smart media choices. No matter how creative the message, if the right consumer doesn’t see it, the message will be lost.” GP GENERATE is a boutique advertising agency that was created on the foundation of big agency experience. We are a “media first” advertising agency. We provide our clients with comprehensive communication solutions that are not only efficient, but also effectively tailored to a their specific needs and advertising goals. We understand that media is where clients invest the bulk of their marketing communication dollars – In order to generate the greatest ROI, it is critical that they make their investment decisions wisely. Therefore, we take a fresh approach to every media plan. We do what’s best for our clients and their business. No two situations are the same and no two media plans should be either. We partner with our clients to generate communications plans that meet your goals, from plan development to execution to post-analysis. Our team can provide a Total Market experience working with clients strategizing, planning and buying across GM and Asian, Hispanic and African American segments. Our past experience in planning and buying has brought us to thoroughly understand how to make the most effective use of all traditional and non-traditional media. Our combined Senior media experience spans across total market targets in a variety of categories: Automotive, Quick Service Restaurants, Technology, Travel, Utilities, Consumer Package Goods, Entertainment, Beauty & Fashion, Government, and many others. We have in-house specialists in: -Media Planning & Buying -Digital & Social Marketing -SEM -Out of Home -Print -Broadcast (TV and Radio) -Alternative Media (eg. Street Teams, Installations, Blimps) -Brand Strategy -Creative & Content Development -Competitor & Category Spend Research No review yetBe the first to write one
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2 services offered by gp generate
Description Online AdvertisingSkills in Online Advertising (2) Amazon MarketingAmazon Advertising
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- HeadquarterSanta Monica, CA, USA
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