Enyosolutions, Paris | Sortlist
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Paris, France
Web & mobile development agency
Enyosolutions is a web agency specialized in web and mobile technologies. We help start-ups, SME's, but also big groups implementing new technologies and design. We pride ourselves in working with modern technologies and delivering cost efficient and time saving technologies choices, and beautiful designs. We love Javascript (node, angular, react), php (symfony, silex, laravel) , design and hybrid mobile apps (Ionic, reactnative). We believe in digital nomadism so we have offices in Paris, France and Lisbon, Portugal, with our team members spanning in 6 different locations. We worked for many companies: - Mitsubishi Electric - EDF (French Electricity Provider) - Fédération Française de Tennis - Air Liquide - Kenweego - Blizzard - Fnac Darty - O-labs (Meyo): Development of an interface in electron + reactjs to serve as open source to a connected mirror.
4 people in their team
Speaks French
Founded in 2012
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1 service offered by Enyosolutions

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  • Description
    Web Application
    Skills in Web Application (1)
    Web Prototyping

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4 members in Enyosolutions's team

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Contact details of Enyosolutions



  • Headquarter128, rue de la boétie, PARIS, undefined, 75008, FR