En Vie D-O (+ reviews) | Sortlist
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En Vie D-O

Geneva, Switzerland
I produce global video strategies to optimize your meaningful communication actions.
I make videos to reconnect humans to themselves, to others and to the planet. A traveler at heart, I transport your audience into videos that address their senses and emotions using storytelling. What drives me above all in this job is being able to have experiences and share them so that we can grow together; your audience, you and me. After spending 4 years in business school, traveling 2 years in more than 10 countries thanks to the creation of videos and supporting my clients for 4 years, I have developed a strong ability to adapt. Understanding your issues, your objectives, your audience, your personas allows me to offer you tailor-made global video strategies. My goal is to improve your ROI by optimizing your communication efforts through the effectiveness of video and storytelling. www.enviedo.com
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1 service offered by En Vie D-O

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1 review for En Vie D-O

(1 reviews)
Jérome PannetierDirector at Annecy Airport
ServiceVideo Production

An excellent collaboration for a result that meets our expectations. Bastien was able to bring his ideas, his flexibility and his unique sense of production to produce several videos which have had and still have great success.

ServiceVideo Production
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Contact details of En Vie D-O



  • Headquarterundefined, ANNECY, Haute-Savoie, 74000, FR

  • geneva, CH, geneva, CH