C2B (+ 5 reviews) | Sortlist
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Content worth sharing!
C2B is een digital contentbureau, gespecialiseerd in het maken en verspreiden van creatieve content. Content worth sharing. Content waar je meer van wilt. Content die je blijft verrassen. Maar vooral: content die zorgt voor resultaten (en high-fives!). We leveren (online) strategieën, campagnes met een digitale boventoon, social media management en de ontwikkeling en uitvoering van video formats. C2B is a digital content agency specialised in creating and distributing creative content. Content worth sharing. That is thumb-stopping, spot-on, mind-blowing or jaw-dropping content. But especially content that facilitates results and high-fives!
170 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English
21 projects in their portfolio
9 collaborations started on Sortlist
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2017
Founded in 2010
15 awards conferred


9 services offered by C2B

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  • Description
    C2B ontwikkelt social media strategieën voor merken om hun verhaal zo sterk en compleet mogelijk aan de man te brengen. Dit doen wij voor allerlei doelgroepen op o.a. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LikedIn, Twitch en Pinterest. Ook het volledig managen, monitoren en optimaliseren van deze social-mediakanalen wordt in-house verzorgd.

    Onze werkzaamheden bestaan uit:
    - Creëren Social Media strategie.
    - Content creatie (design, fotografie, video)
    - Community management
    - Social media activaties and campagnes
    - YouTube content/ series / online video formats
    - Monitoren en optimaliseren

    C2B develops social media strategies for brands, to ensure that a strong story is brought over. The complete management, monitoring and optimisation of the social media channels are also taken care of in-house. We are specialised in a diversity of target audiences for social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitch and Pinterest.

    Our activities exist of:
    - Social media strategy
    - Content creation (design, fotography, video, new technologies)
    - Newsjacking (Inhakers)
    - Community management
    - Social media activations and campaigns
    - YouTube content/ series / online video formats
    - Social media advertising and campaigning
    - Monitoring & optimization
    Skills in Social Media (94)
    social media campagnesocial media strategieb2b social mediafotoshootsociale mediacontent creatiefotoshootingsociaalsociaal netwerksociale media reclame+84
    Works in Social Media (10)
    Rijksmuseum: Social Media Management - Social Media
    Zuivelhoeve: Social Media Management - Social Media
    Beemster: 1 april, graskaas met échte stukjes gras - Social Media
    Casillero del Diablo: Social Media Management - Social Media
    Review in Social Media (1)
    Karla van 't Hag
    Clients in Social Media (10)
    ZuivelhoeveFood | national
    Vitaflo, (Nestlé Heath Science)Pharmaceuticals & Biotech | international
    D-reizenTravel & Leisure | international
    D-reizenTravel & Leisure | national

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description
    C2B staat bekend om de award-winnende campagnes. Ons doel: Content worth sharing!

    We creëren onder andere de volgende soort campagnes:
    - Startegie
    - 360 graden campagnes
    - Branded content
    - Online activaties
    - Video marketing / online video formats
    - Influencer marketing
    - Content marketing en storytelling
    - Employer branding

    C2B delivers award-winning campaigns. Our aim: Content worth sharing!

    Among others, we create the following campaigns.
    - Strategy
    - 360degrees campaigns
    - Branded content
    - Online activations
    - Video marketing / online video formats
    - Influencer marketing
    - Content marketing and storytelling
    - Employer branding
    Skills in Advertising (65)
    social media campagnefilm reclameSocial mediamarketing campagneimpact brandingb2b brandingemployer brandingbrandingadvertisingOnline Reclame+55
    Works in Advertising (9)
    New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia - Advertising
    Beemster: 1 april, graskaas met échte stukjes gras - Advertising
    New York Pizza: Ruimtereis - Advertising
    Campaign: Bijenkorf Bee&Bee - Advertising
    Clients in Advertising (9)
    BeemsterFood | national
    New York PizzaFood | national
    New York PizzaFood | national
    SparHome Services | national

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description
    C2B denkt aan het hele plaatje, zodat het concept, de ontwikkeling en de verspreiding van
    content samenkomen tot één strategie. Onze high five-aanpak zorgt voor content worth sharing. Deze aanpak bestaat uit 5 principes:

    - Concepting, ontwikkeling en verspreiding in-house
    - Extreme service
    - We creëren waar we energie van krijgen
    - Engagement is KPI #1
    - Altijd 'Content Worth Sharing'

    C2B focusses on the big picture, enabling the concept, development and distribution of the content to merge into one strategy. Our high five approach leads to content worth sharing. This approach consists of 5 principles:

    - Extreme service
    - Ambitious and determining targets realistically
    - Engagement is KPI #1
    - We deliver only that what we get energy from.
    - Onze content is altijd 'Content Worth Sharing'
    Skills in Digital Strategy (44)
    designsocial media marketingsocial media campagnesociale mediagrafische vormgevingsociale marketingsociale reclamemarketing en reclamedigitale reclamesocial media promotie+34
    Works in Digital Strategy (4)
    Kanzi: Twistappels podcast - Digital Strategy
    D-reizen; #1 travel agent boosts her social media - Digital Strategy
    Spar: het grootste winkelmandje van Nederland - Digital Strategy
    PFZW: How a pension funds engaged youngsters - Digital Strategy
    Review in Digital Strategy (1)
    Richard van den Heuvel
    Clients in Digital Strategy (4)
    KanziFood | national
    PFZWBanking & Financials | national
    D-reizenTravel & Leisure | national
    SparHome Services | national

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description
    C2B zorgt voor optimale resultaten voor bedrijven en merken door effectieve (social media) advertenties, onder andere met als doel naamsbekendheid, engagement, leads, website verkeer, sales etc.

    C2B creates effective (social media) advertisements to ensure optimal results as brand awareness, engagement, leads, traffic, sales etc.
    Skills in Online Advertising (39)
    Social AdvertisingSocial Media ListeningGestion des Réseaux SociauxBrand AwarenessRedes Sociales MarketingSEASocial Media Growthadvertentiedigitale advertentieonline advertentie+29
    Works in Online Advertising (4)
    New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia - Online Advertising
    Multicopy, Komt goed! - Online Advertising
    D-reizen; #1 travel agent boosts her social media - Online Advertising
    Launching PKU Sphere, een proteine substituut - Online Advertising
    Clients in Online Advertising (4)
    Multicopy The Communication CompanyMarketing & Advertising | national
    New York PizzaFood | national
    D-reizenTravel & Leisure | national
    Vitaflo, (Nestlé Heath Science)Pharmaceuticals & Biotech | international

    Learn more about Online Advertising

  • Description
    C2B is een digital contentbureau, gespecialiseerd in het maken en verspreiden van creatieve content. Content waar je meer van wilt. Content worth sharing.

    C2B creates content that connects, that builds business and builds brands.
    Skills in Content Strategy (43)
    Social Media CopywritingSocial Media AdsSocial Media MarketingContent StrategyContent CreationContent MarketingSocial MediaSocial & Viral VideosContent WritingSocial Media Management+33
    Works in Content Strategy (7)
    New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia - Content Strategy
    D-reizen; #1 travel agent boosts her social media - Content Strategy
    Zuivelhoeve: ONMEUIG LEKKERE CONTENT - Content Strategy
    Spar: het grootste winkelmandje van Nederland - Content Strategy
    Review in Content Strategy (1)
    Nienke Holwerda
    Clients in Content Strategy (7)
    Vitaflo, (Nestlé Heath Science)Pharmaceuticals & Biotech | international
    D-reizenTravel & Leisure | international
    PFZWBanking & Financials | national
    D-reizenTravel & Leisure | national

    Learn more about Content Strategy

  • Description
    C2B launches new brands, products and services.
    Link to case: https://www.sortlist.com/nl/work/bis-smart-pen--bic--speelgoed
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (9)
    Merk CreatieMerkactivatieMerk IdentiteitBrand PositioneringBrand DesignBranded ContentRebrandingOnline BrandingEmployer Branding
    Works in Branding & Positioning (14)
    New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia - Branding & Positioning
    Multicopy, Komt goed! - Branding & Positioning
    Kanzi: Twistappels podcast - Branding & Positioning
    PFZW: ZorgisZó - Branding & Positioning
    Review in Branding & Positioning (1)
    Nick Alvares
    Clients in Branding & Positioning (14)
    New York PizzaFood | national
    New York PizzaFood | national
    KanziFood | national
    Pensioenfonds Zorg en WelzijnHospitals & Healthcare | national

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Marketing (5)
    Multicopy, Komt goed! - Marketing
    Rijksmuseum: Social Media Management - Marketing
    Kanzi: Twistappels podcast - Marketing
    Beemster: 1 april, graskaas met échte stukjes gras - Marketing
    Clients in Marketing (5)
    Multicopy The Communication CompanyMarketing & Advertising | national
    KanziFood | national
    PGGM & CoHospitals & Healthcare | national
    BeemsterFood | national

    Learn more about Marketing

  • Description
    De belangrijkste content vorm van dit moment? Video content. Bij C2B creëren we korte en lange video formats om een specifieke doelgroep aan te spreken. We hebben jarenlange ervaring met het creëren van brandend YouTube-series en video formats en zijn gespecialiseerd in het maken van TikTok content.

    The most important content? Video content! C2B creates short en long format videos to attract a specific target audience. We have a lot of experience in creating branded YouTube series and video formats and are specialised in the creation of TikTok content.
    Works in Video Production (11)
    New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia - Video Production
    Beemster: 1 april, graskaas met échte stukjes gras - Video Production
    PFZW: ZorgisZó - Video Production
    New York Pizza: Ruimtereis - Video Production
    Review in Video Production (1)
    Rik van der Kleij
    Clients in Video Production (11)
    BeemsterFood | national
    Pensioenfonds Zorg en WelzijnHospitals & Healthcare | national
    HEKS'NKAASFood | national
    Vitaflo, (Nestlé Heath Science)Pharmaceuticals & Biotech | international

    Learn more about Video Production

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Influencer Marketing (1)
    New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia - Influencer Marketing
    Client in Influencer Marketing (1)
    New York PizzaFood | national

    Learn more about Influencer Marketing

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170 members in C2B's team

C2B cover
StoryC2B is het creatieve label van de LevelUp Group in Amsterdam. Dit is het thuis van een gepassioneerd team van 160+ (waarvan 18 bij het label C2B) designers, strategen, projectmanagers en content-specialisten.
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C2B was awarded 15 times

Grand Prix Content Award2022-8-1Beste Bureau algemeen, Beste B2C Campagne (PFZW), Beste Employer Branding campagne (New York PIzza), Beste Merk (New York Pizza)

Beste ContentBureau Emerce Top1002023-4-1
Onderdeel van LUG2022-6-1Fusie met Level Up Group
Emerce Top 100: #2 Social- en contentbureau2022-4-30#2 Social- en contentbureau van Nederland
The Best Social Awards2022-5-1Beste video

The Best Social Awards2022-5-1Beste Campagne

SAN Accent2022-5-31Corporate

Emerce Top100: #1 Agency Online Campagne2020-3-31
Fonk50, Red Alert: #1 Best Digital Agency2018-10-31Mid-sized
LinkedIn Talents Award2018-9-30Best Employer Brand
Emerce Top100: #1 Agency of the Netherlands2018-3-30Online Campaigns
Platform Innovatie and Marketing2015-12-31Winner Best Marketing Book of the Year
Adveo2016-5-31Winner Best Fair
DIA2014-4-30Winner Best Campaign
DIA2015-4-30Nomination Best campaign


5 reviews for C2B

(5 reviews)
Karla van 't HagMarketing director at Zuivelhoeve
ServiceSocial Media
Team501 - 1000

Creatief, eager en enthousiast. De Makers van HEKS'NKAAS® werken graag samen met bureaus die daarnaast ook het 'tikje magie' weten toe te voegen. Laat dat maar aan C2B over!

ServiceSocial Media
Team501 - 1000

Rik van der Kleij
Rik van der KleijCo-founder at Four Creating
ServiceVideo Production
Team1 - 10

Bazenbedrijf en bovendien een hele fijne partij om mee samen te werken.

ServiceVideo Production
Team1 - 10

Nick AlvaresOwner at Muze
ServiceBranding & Positioning

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Opzetten en uitvoeren van een strategie voor het op de markt zetten van een Electrische scooter.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Contact loopt heel soepel en wordt goed meegedacht.

Are there any areas for improvements?Op dit moment niet

Nick Alvares recommends this agency

ServiceBranding & Positioning

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Contact details of C2B



  • HeadquarterWillem Fenengastraat 9, 1096 BL Amsterdam, Netherlands
