Bennett Jones, Toronto | Sortlist
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Bennett Jones

Toronto, Canada
Bennett Jones LLP is an internationally recognized Canadian law firm. The firm, and the affiliated and associated entities that comprise Bennett Jones, has 400 lawyers and business advisors across Canada and internationally—Calgary, Toronto, Edmonton, Ottawa, Vancouver, Washington, D.C., and Beijing. We continue to broaden and deepen our representation of clients in key global business centres, and build our profile and relationships around the world. With exceptional experience in complex cross-border and international transactions, the firm is ideally suited to advise foreign businesses and investors with Canadian ventures, and connect Canadian businesses and investors with opportunities in the United States, Asia, the Middle East, and around the world.
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    Cyber Security
    Skills in Cyber Security (1)
    Cybersecurity Incident Response

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Contact details of Bennett Jones


  • HeadquarterToronto, ON, Canada